.- TfRMflAV. "m- th qeo TM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMA&NV!lLE, ONTARIO. PAGE MTMEE "iTTrLE N.H.L. In the Little N.H.L. game played last Satucday aiternoan the Bowmanville N.H.L. (Ban- taras) teamn defeated Port Hope a 20 sor. AexWiseman (~~~gnel) opnedthe scor- Boinvil at the 910ikrthfist period. Rosa Turner (Don Bagneil) scored eanly in the second per- lod to account for the final score. The game was marred by penalties with a total ai 32 minutes in penalties. Port Hope picked up 26 minutes af the penalties. The N.H.L. (Bantam) teami has two exhibition games ache- duled for this week. The first game will be played in Orona on Tuesday evening at 6:45 p.m. A return game will be played with Port Hope to-night (Thurs- day) starting at 8:30 p.m. The American League (Pea Wee) teamn has an exhibition game scheduled foc this coming Saturday aiternoon at 5:00 p.m. st Memocial Acena, against the Port Hope Amecican League. The Amnerican League teamn will play a retucn game in Port Hop on Tuesday, Februacy 19, at the Annual Little Canada Night held in Port Hope. The American League teamn will be defending their East Central Ontario Zone Champ. ionshp in Lindsay on Satun- day, Fýebruacy 23. As saon as funther information becomes available it will be pcinted in this column. The date foc the Eastern Ontaria Little N.H.L. Champ- lonships bas been set for Macch 2nd and will be held in Port Hope. ____________ Junior PEE WEE LEAGUE In the fiist game ai the Pee Wee League the Red Wings scored four times in the final period ta defeat the Canadians by an 8-6 score. The win moved the Red Wings into a fourth place tie with the Rangers. Jahn Bruce (3), Jon Hancock (3) and David Wenny (2) ac- counted for the Red Wings goals. Wayne Devitt, Johni Bruce (3), Gond Rundie, Jon Hancock and Allan Brock as- sisted on the Red Wings goals. John Techune led the Canad- ians attack by sconing ail six ai their goals. Bryce Adams and Blaine Pickacd assisted on the Canadian goals. Gond Run- dle ai the Red Winga picked up the only penalty oi the game foc chacging. In the second Pee Wee game the Hawks stretcl4ed their un- beaten string to 12 games as they defeated the fourth place Rangers 4-0. Alex Wiseman 2), Doug Lane and George* Kennedy were the goal scorers for the Hawks. John Oke, Alex Wýiseman and Leigh Som- merscales picked up assists on the Hawks goals. Four penal- ties were handed out during' the game with the Hawks pick-r ing up- ail four ai them. Johu Oke (tripping), Leigh Som- merscales (interference). King- sley Van Nest (tripping) and Leigh Sommenscales (broken stick> accounting ion the pen- alties. The win by the Hawks Pssured thern ai at ieast a tie for iicst place in the final standing. In the third and final Pee Wee Game of the morning the Bruins sconed twice in the iist period ta defeat the third place %%Ci, HOCKEY ai 8:30 p.m. SATURDAYI FEBRUARY 91h Newma rket Robson Pontiaics Admission-----------Aduits 50e Students - 35c Children - 25c ro celebrate Minor Hockey League Week ail Minor Hockey players comning in a group with their coach or manager wiIl be adrnitted free to this game. Junior "C" HOCKEY 8:30 p.m. MORDAY, FEDRUARY lh Au rora VS. Robson Pontiacs Admission------------Aduits 50e ~tudents- 35e Children - 25c rSPECIAL!-CHILDREN'S SKATING 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, FEBILUARY l3th 12 vears and under only 25e A ~ .ccompanying children 25e Wednesday Night FgBRUAEY 131h Reservod for Juvenile Pîayoffs ATOM LEAGUE jIn the. firat game ai the Atoin League played last Mon- day the Rama defeated the In- dians 1-0 ta mave inta second place two points behind theý league leaders. Eric Fennlundi (George Baîl) scoced the Ramaý goal at 3:15 ai the ficat periad. No penalties were handed out ducing the game. In the second Atom game ai the day the Hornets deieated the Barans 3-b ta move into a ficat place tie with the Barons. Doug, Nichais (2) and Ricky Gay" scoced for the Honneta aiter a scoreless first perîod. Brian Bradley and Doug Nich- ols each collected an assiat an the Hornets goals. Bihl Depew (Henry Kooy) kept the Barons from being scorelesa when they combined foc their goal at the b8:50 mark ai the final period. David McFeeters ai the Hon- nets received the only penalty ai the game for playing with a broken stick. Games scheduled for this week are as followa: Bantam League- 7:00--Pirates vs. Huskies 7:45-Tigers vs. Lions 8:40-Braves va. Cubs Pee Wee League- 9:25-Canadians vs. Hawks 10:20-Bruins va. Wings 11:05-Leais va. Rangers Atom League- Monday, Febcuary lbth. 5:00 p.m.-Bears vs. Honnets 5:40 p.m.-Barons vs. Bisons MINOR HOCKI S TAND] Bantam1 W Lions----- 9 Braves --6 Huskies ---- 6 Tigers 5 Cuba --3 Pirates --1 HawksW1O W Bruina -7 Leafs ----5 Red Wings -. 4 Rangera ---- 3 Canadians ---- 1 IEY LEAGUE DIINGS League L T F A Pta. 2 b 49 27 19 3 3 33 27 15 4 2 35 37 14 5 2 23 24 12 7 2 25 33 8 9 2 24 40. 4 League Ç L T F A Pts. 0- 264 23 22 b 4 32 17 18 6 1 34 33 11 8 0 42 50 8 7, 221 46 8 8 3 31 51 5 Atom Leu~gue W L T F A Pts. Hornets 5 1 0 28 il 10 Barons .~5 2 0 18 il 10 Rams 4 4 0 11 14 8 Bears ---3 3 0 12 17 6 Bisons---- 1 4 1 15 26 3 Indians 1 5 1 15 20 3 TRACK AND FIELD CLUB The Bowmanville Track and Field Club wîll hold its regu- lar scheduled practice sessions an Thursday nights for thel next twa, weeks. Anyone in-J terested in joining the club is asked ta get in tauch with Mr. AI Witherspoon or drap down ta the High School when the club is practising from 7:00 ta 9:00 p.m.; SNEWSPAPER Continue hi Streak in c ýague Hockey, Leais 2-1. Scott Essery (James Wilson) and Terry Black scored V (Rickey Peterson) accounted for the lone Leaf goal. Mickey A Dickens of the Leais received i flflf the only penalty af the game, g for kneeing. The win by the Bruina widened their lead over theLefsta seven points thusTow n Le assuring themnselves of at least second place in the final stand- Miiler's Taxi area ings. pace-setters in Town BANTAM LEAGUE hockey and they added, . in ta their credit onT In the first Bantam gameaiof wlatwe by ] the morning the Tigers de- Couctice by a score ai 7- feated the last place Pirates Street gained a 13-9 by a 4-2 score. -Irving Gill (3) aver Newcastle in their and Daug James were the goal Thé Taximen wene ba scarers for the Tigers. Alvinby a goalie making i Masterson, Nelson Yeo and. in the nets. Jack Bal Doug James ail picked up as- digasbbtfrt sists an the Tigers goals. Joe ciar ng a sbtoret, Jamhw esn (Lee khm and Heath, who the maiý Larny aisn(e Rackham, hiad moved up to defE Winnie Vanstane) were the the game. goal-getters for the Pirates. Five penalties were handed out Sub Goalie Pays1 during the game with the Baker'a performance Tigers collecting four out of standing as he stoppec the five. Garry McCulloughj one af the shots fired ( interfecence ) collected - the by the alert Countice only Pirate penalty of the men. Richards robbed game. Nelson Yeo (3) and a well deserved shutout Don Oke accaunted for the ficst period, when he se( Tigers four penalties. only goal ai the game fc In the second Bantam game tice. the Lions came from behind Guthrie opened the ta tie the fifth place Cubs 2-2. for the Taximen int Larry Piper (Grant Flintofi) Istanza and Dan Maste and Harold Mutton scored for1 them the lead. Danny the Cubs in the first period. fined the insurance mar Allan Cale (Rager Meadows) lin the middle farne ai and Bill Osborne (Dan Bagneli) Hamilton widened theg were the goal scorers for t h e Iess th an a minute rerr Lions. Harold Mutton of the i During the final pei iCubs collected the only penalty ,Miller's snipers succeE 'of the game for cross checking. hitting the target wit The tie for the Lions assured more well placed shots. them at' least a tic for first Girardi sconed his seco place in the final standings. to end the scoring. Guil In the third Fand final Bantam Don Childs each pic] game of the mocning the Braves singes dway martacmir sco-ed twice in each period ta the midamrkt l defeat the Huskies 4-1 and win for their crew. move into sole possession af second place. Paul Gearing (2) VA ý'-q ýM. Ross Turner and Gerald Balson scored for the Braves. Jimmie McKnight and Gerald Balson (2)colecedassst onth (2 olete ssss nsh Braves goals. Ken Park (Bry- an Hughes) scored the lone ~ IHuskies goal early in the first ~ period. John James af the iHuskies collected the only pen- alty ai the game for high- BASKETBALL sticking. lIeuse Leaguae B& still the 1League * -anothen Thucsday [anketing -1. Front )victory ir tilt. )acked up hia debut Lker was àecr reg- George nagement fence for Off was out- dail but dat him emarks- cl hlm oi ut in the ;ored the for Cour- cscoring the firat tes gave yGirardi irker lale id Lloyd gap with naining. eriod the eeded in ith three i. Danny o=d goal [hrie and iked up Ânutes ai -lick the &ýreec/i Oi By Evelyn Brown isketball atartejd on Tuesd ay ad 1i continue thnough 1 ebruary. 1 Last Friday B.H.S. deicated Pont Hope in two out af three games. The Bantarns deieated Part Hope 52-16, with Gary McCullough scocing 19 pointa. Ormiston scored il points, John James 10, Greg Cooper 6, Har- aid Yellowlees 4, Ben Thomp- son 2. The Junior game waa close wîth Port Hope winning 27-26. Hartley Lewis and Don Welsh each scored eight points, Dan Cattran and Ed. Karvel each scored four, and Ray Twist scored twa. The Seniors defeated Port Hope 52-26, with Doug Cattran scoring 15 points, John Mason 12, James Fenguson 10, Hart- bey Lewis 9, Fred Carter 5, Dan Welsh 2. The next games are ta-marrow night, boys at Ajax - girls at Oshawa. DEBATES Last week Daug Cattran and Wayne Hooey ai 13, defeated c7een cI IBy Connie Osmond There is ta be a bacdtime dance on Feb. 8, at the Lions Centre beginning at 8:30. Two doan pnizes will be given, one for the boys and ane foc the gin]s. Word wiil be passed aro'-nd when the prizes are purc ased. They will also be on d aolay at the dance. ThE.e wîll be a dance on Feb. 22 with dress ordinacy. We bave already started pre- paning foc the Baster Pramn corning on April 26. As you know fcoa last year the cor- sages are supplied but as ta the pnice none has been set yet. Don't farget badminton on Wednesday night. Youn Teen Town creats bave been ardered and should be here sometime next month. They wil cost about 50c. MÂPLE GROVE Mc. and Mca. Win. Major, To- ronta, visited with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jeifery Sunday. Saturday evening guests ai Mc. and Mca. Steven Doyle were Mr. and Mca. Vic Smith, Mr. and Mca. Lau Clark, Mr. and Mca. Jim McGregoc and Mr. Sain Preston, ah aif Osh- awa. Mr. and Mca. Win. Davidson, Toronto, with hec parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ailan Snawden for the weekend. Mn. and Mcas. Radgers and daugtitec, Mc. and Mca., Wm. Davidson, Mr. and Mis. Allan Snowden, Sandra, David and Jimnmy, Miss Mary Snowden and Mr. John Aitheson, visited Mn. and Mrs. Sam Snawden on Sunday. Misses Shirley and Dianne Aven,, Bucketon, spent the weekend with their uncle, Mr. and Mca. Norman Avery. 1Mr. and Mca. I. Coak and Gary Lutes, Scarboro, visiteé Norman Avecy's hast Wcdnes- day. -Mr. and Mrs. C. Johns, Baw- Fred Vanstone and Hartley Lewis of 12A, in their debate on lhe situation in Egypt. Gloria Brent and Pat Hockin, 11C, defeated Shirley Lemon and Arnold Dowson of 12C. On Tuesday of' next week Howard Rundie and Dan Cat- tran, 10D, debate against Ann Pluis'er andPaul McCullough of 10B, on the following re-, solution: "Auto driving should be an extra-curricular course in hîgh school." Aiso Jessie Barr and Gary Bagneli, 9D, debate against Betty Locke and Mar- ilyn Pascoe, 10C, on Tuesday. Last, Friday Hartley Lewis was one of the judges, while on Tuesday Doug Cattran judged. SCREECH OWL The deadline for material for the second edi#on, is to-morrow. Along with the usual features, there will be an "Advice ta the Lovelorn" cplujnn, for any wlÏo f eel they need advîce. Chris Lamb won the cover contest, and received a prize of $3.00. This is the second year that Chris has, won. manville, were Saturday sup- per guests ai Mr. and Mca, Wal- lace Munday. Mr. and Mca. Larry Dewell, Bowmanvilie, with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Munday, Sunday. Mr. and Mca. Clarence Avery, Burketon, Mn. and Mca. Steve Black, Couctice, spent Sunday, with Mr. and Mca. Norman Avery. A family gathecing at the home ai Mr. and Mca. Mel Ed- wacds for Linda's sixth birth- day. Happy birthday, Linda. Mca. J. E. White, Bowman- ville, is visiting with hdr son, Mn. and Mca. Laurence White. Mr. and Mca. D. Laverty spent Sunday with hec sister, Mc. and Mca. E. Bayles, Peter- Sborough. Mn. and Mca. W. H. Brown attended the banquet and en- tectainment ai the O.R.F.E.D.A. at the Seaway Hotel in Toron- ta last Fniday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcailie spent Sunday with their daugh- ter, Mr. and Mca. Bruce Ste- phenson, Oshawa. Saccy ta hear that Mrs. J. Forbes had ta be cushed ta To- ronto Genecal Hospital iast week but pleased ta report that the criais is passed and she la on the road ta recovecy. The Country Coupie's Club xviii be holding thein meetings for 1957 at Maple Grave church. Firat meeting on Thursday e-vening (tanmght). Films on travel wiil be shown by Reg. Harding ai Bowmanville. The Sigma C. boys ai Mapie Grave wece able ta win with a score ai 5-2 aven the Couctice Sigma C at hockey last Friday evening in Brooklin. Mca. Harold Mills, Chester and Bruce, with Mr. and Mca. C. Milîs Sunday. Mca. Harold Coaney found a yellow butterfly with white and black spots hast week. It aeems that spring cannot be fac away. Mr. and Mca. Ted Foley, Base Line, visited with Mn. and Mrs. Laurence Staples, Bethany On Feb. 13, the Home n Schoal are having a fun night. There will be carda and crakin- oie and lunch. Everyone wei- came, came out and iet's get acquainted. Mca. Ashton spent the week- end with hec son, Mr. and Mca. Orval Ashton, Enniskillen. Syrnpathy la extended ta Mr. George Coomba an the death ai bis brother in Lindsay. Mc. and Mca. T. McGuirk and John called an Mr. and Mca. E. Snelgnove, Willowdaie. Mc. Donald Wiiheim, Hamilton, and Mr. and Mca. M. Wismec, Pres- ton. Miss Kathy McGuirk re- tucned home with hec parents afer holidaying whth hec aunt znd uncle foc five weeks. Hfappy Birthday 1» Iceddy' Front St. Downa Newcastle New.castle aiiered the Main- streetens stifi campetition ini their bid for third place. A win would have moved themn one Point ahead ai Courtice who are presently in third siot. Bull Lyle and Ran Burgess paced the winnera with faur apiece, Don Bishap caunted for two and Clint Fergusan, Chuck Kilpatrick and Bob Sheridan tailied singletons. Newcastle Try Hard Newcastle's squad managed ta hold Front Street ta a 4-4 tie duning the firat peciod, but were losing 9-6 as the middle farne halted. During the final stanza their efforts produced thnee goals while the Mainstreet crew caunted four. Boyd led his Newcastle team by sconing thcee goals, while Phil Gilmer scored twice. Irv McCullough, Gibson, Embiey and Foster added singles for the graup. Ron Burgess spacked the Fronit St. squad with thcee goals in the second period tai give them the edge avec thel opposition. No Penalties Givern The game was highlighted by the fact that no penalties were issued during the sixty minute encouliter. Thursday (to-night) Miller's will meet the second place Front Streeters and Newcastle and Courtice will play for. the coveted third place spot. Hampton Farm Forum Reviews Parity Topic Plans for Ladies' Night Bailey and Donny Whalen. On Monday, Mr. Rowan's room enjoyed a toboggan party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Watson. Ail the chiid- ren went ta Watson's after .chool and tobogganed tili six c'clock when a deliciaus supper was served. Games were play- ed till eight o'clock and then a very tired and happy bunch returned to their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burn- hamn and son, and Miss Janice Beech attended the Ice Capades last Thursday evening. They lwere very pieased to speak ta Lynne Bagneli on the bus be- foare they came home. Mr. and Mrs. B. Billet and daughter, Hagersville, with Mr. and Mrs. Mult Patterson. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Munday on the arrival of their chasen daugh- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Tennant with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pritchard of Purdy, and also with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Prit- chard of Rockingham. The Women's Institute meets this. Monday night with Mrs. Charles Kerr's group in charge. Mr. Jake Laird wili show pic- tures on Agriculture. The men are invited to this meeting. At last-the new yelaw sehool opened on Wednesday morning. Ail the pupils and parents are relieved and de- lighted. 1Just a thought-Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, af which ail m~en have some. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Greenhamn and Carol accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Les Collacutt to St. Paul's Ave. Road Church, Toronto, Sunday evening ta hear the Bowmanville Choral Society who assisted in the evening ser- vice. NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers, and Mrs. J. W. Irvine with her grandson, Norman Irvine, al af Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wright af Port Perry were Sunday guests of Mrs. George Farder. Mrs. Jas. Farder spent Sunday with *Mr. and Mrs. Harry Me- Laughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hooey were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris and ail attended Bally- duff Presbyterian Church serv- ice where Gerald Preston delîv- ered the sermon, with the stu- dent minister Mr. Campbell also in attendance. Mr. and Mca. Grant Thomp- son and Mrs. Jas. Thompson visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Frances, Beaverton. The Thomp- sans went on ta Pefferlaw ta visit with thcee carloads of Amn- enican fishermen from Buffalo who were staying with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Naylor. Recent visitors with Mrs. Jas. Samelîs and Norman were Messrs. Harvey Rogers, Toronto, and Walter Rogers and Larcy, Oshawa. F'riends are hoping to hear Mns. W. E. Beacock la much im- pnoved since her recent. indis- position. Miss Ruth Pcoutt entertained ladies at her home two after- noons this past week ta quilt the came. The Feb. 4 meeting will be at the home ai Mr. and Mca. Harvey Yellowlees. Feb. il will be Ladies' Night. Ladies ini the community are invited ta attend With their huabanda. This meeting will be at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. Rusasell Best. BURKETON The weekly meeting o1 Hampton Facmn Forum group met at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome on Jan. 28 with an attendance ai 17. This was the monthly review night. The summing up ai Par- ity Prices wvas the topic. The three topics, 1. What is Parity Incarne for' Agriculture? 2. How can Parity Incarne foc Agriculture be achieved? 3. la Parlty Incarne Enough? were discussed and how all the for- ums for Ontario reported on these. Some ai the most important anawers ta these questions wvere given as follows: Ocdenly marketing pcagram. Controlled production. Farmers 100% onganized. Forward Pnicing. Tarifi Production. Maintain subsidies. Marketing co-opecatives. More efficient operatian and iacm management. Raise suDport prices ta allow a fair !cofit. Establishing betten or langer tecmn credit systems. More answens were given but some overlapped on others. We also discussed the Con- vention oi the Canadian Feder- atian ai Agriculture and how the delegates should be chosen. They feel there should be mare than 27 delegates ion al ai Canada, but think some means ai caising funds foc this would be vecy important. The topic foc Febcu ary is: "The Gardon Commission- What does it mean?' Any ial-m- ens wbio are intecested and wish ta join with us are wel- Dcesden Plate Women's Insti-1 tute quilt. Mr. and Mcs. Clarke Williams, Port Hope, and Mr. and Mcs. Ronald Willianlis, Bryce and Patricia ai Oshawa visited Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Williams. Alvin Marlow and Jimmie Keanns, Toronto, cailed on Mrs. N. Marlow, Sunday. The Cemeteny Board ai the United Church met Monday ev- ening at the home ai Mr. and Mca. George Bowers. Sympathy is extended to Mca. Emecton, Miss May Noon and Mca. Gardon Collina and fam- illes in the bs ai thein fathen, Mr. Joseph Noan. The funeral was held irom the McDerrnott- Panabaken Chapel with inter- ment in Scovill's Cemetery, Scu- gag Island. This la the thîrd Cartwright citizen avec 90 years aif age who has passed on since the firat ai the year: Mca. Lu- cinda Hyland and Mca. John Proutt and now Mn. Noon. IENCE MAS FO4JND TUE SftOfllTÇ MEASUREABLE 5TArE OF TIME 15, WIEN 114E 56NAL IWRNSGREP PANE ECAR BEINO NOU SLOWS i 1 TS HORN. Gel Your Price 03L For Your Livestock NTiON through REPAIRS STATESMAN e CLASSIFIEDS3 Mi Phone MA 3-3303 1 THOUSANDS of FINE FOODS at PENNY-WISE PRICES MAKE THIS A . GoodBudgqet Plan: GoÀ A &P DEEP UT SPEaÂIÀls! Liquid Hard Glass Reg. PriceSie-SAVE 12. JOHNSON'S WAX 5intn 49C Liquid Detergent Reg. Prie@ 95e-BAVE 6s W'<ISK 32-oz tin 8 9C Amn Page Reg. Prie 35ec-SAVE 6le MARMALADE24-ozarI9C Lynn Valley Reg. Prie* tin 25e-lSAVE 3o PEACHES 2 oz tins 47C SUPER RIONT 0QUALffTY MEA TS -I làA. .--, E-:tra Special! SA VEop to4Séc RAISIN PIE A &p 1Jne0Panker Engfish, A&P FRUIT CAKE Jane Parker Instant Coffee GLAZED DONUTS LARG Jane ParkerF 6-oz jar $1.47 SUGAR COOKIES Prices Effective Untit Saturday, Fabruary Oth, 1957. G b49c Reg. Price 49e--SAVE Se each 43C Reg. Prie# 39c-BSAVE 4o *ach 35 C Reg. Prie 3go-SAVE 4o pkg of12S 3 5C Reg. Prie# pkg 29e--SAVE Se 2pkgs 53c m MEMORIAL ARENA A CTIVITIES PUBLIC SKATING FEIDAY, FEBRUARY 81h 8 Io 10 p.m. Admission - 4,.- Aduits 40c, Students 25e OM. HA.0Playoffs Z41'ATUIDAY AFTERNlOONî 3 p.m. FEDRUARY 91h Lions Midgets Admission - - - - Aduits 40e, Students 25e BEEF B LADE BLADE BONE EOD SHORT RIB SHOULDER FL U PRIME RIB ROAST ROASTS }1 b39C EXTRA SHORT CUT BA KER Y SPECIAL1S! ZZJM. TTM, INDE Mca. Helen Ward and son Gecald leit Thunsday foc their home in Moncton, N.B., aiten atayîng three montha here with hec daughtec, Mr. and Mca. Wm. Pederson. Mr. and Mca. E. W. Vigar, Mr. Arthur Vigac, Mr. afnd Mca. Charles Gibbons and baby, al ai Norwich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mca. Merle Hubbard. Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Roblin spent Satucday in Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Hender Trick, Lindsay, are spending a week with Mr. and Mca. Leslie Taylor and f riends. Mrs. English, Toronto, spent Sunday with ber daughtec, Mn. and Mca. D. Archibald. The Jolly Wockecs Club held thein meeting for Januacy at the home af Mca. Dan Pankea. Mra. Rilda Stevenson, Toronto, with hec mothen, Mca. A. Hughes. Mca. Wm. McLaughlin spent Sunday with Mrs. W. Bcyan. Mr. and Mca. E. Adams with Mn. and Mca. Ed. Cochrane, Rag- lan. Mr. and Mca. Albert Adams, Bowmanville, with Mc. and Mca. Adams. Rev. R. B. Green with Rev. Yackle, imissionary, ai Japan, showed filma on their wank at the school Friday afternoon for the children.