-. t. ., - - -t-. - -'- - PAGE SEKTEEN TIM CAN"A" WSTATESMAN, EOWMANVIlle. ONTARIO ?T~1 LTRSDAY, FEB. 7th, 1957 s-, <s Births BROUGH-To Jack and Betty Brougb. at Memarial Hospital, Bawmanville. on Wednasday. lonuary 23, a son. Robert1 William. a brother for judy and Doug.! RtAHM-Mî. and Mis. Ronald Rohm are happy ta annaunce the bîrth of Ronald Ravin, a brother for Kthy and Judy, on Feb. 2, 1957. cf Meniaial Hospital, Bow- xanville. 6-if WOOD-Mr. and Mrs. Muray Wood ara happy ta onnounce the bîrth of their so,0n John Murray Wood an januaiy 28F157 rit Mamoriol Hospital, Bowmanville. A brother for Maureen and Michael. 6-1 Engagements -Mi. ond Mi%. C. R. Dean, Burketan, wsh to announç.e t he engagement of thei2 daughýtar. Gwendolyn May, ta Ehl- wood Lloyd. son cf Mi. and Mrs. Lloyd McKee. Oshawa. Wedding ta take place cuietly in Enniskîllen Prsonage on Èehruaiy 23rd aI 2 oclock. 61 Deaths DAVY--b Dallas. Taxas. Feb. 2. Edith L. Allen. beloved wite ai Maîzar L. Davy. 6-1* MITCHELL--At Faîrvîew Lodge. Whîtby, on Saturday, Fab. 2. 1957. Harold Gardon Mitchell, in bis 68th year, helaved bus- bond of Lena Penningtan. Service was held af the Moris Fanerai Chopai, Bowmonville on Monday. Feb, 4 af 2 p.m. Inlerment Bowmanville Cemetery. 6-1 POOLTON-At 120 Elgin St.. Bowman- villa, on Wednesday. February 6, 1957, John L. Poolton. in bis 81sf year: beloved husbond af Isaballa Tait and deor fbih- ei ai Lily (Mis. Ban. King) ond dear brother ci Elizabeth (Mis. Gea. Grahami Sr.) Resting aI the Morris Funeral Cha- pel, Bowmanville. Service in the Chape] rn Friday. February 8fh cf 3 p.m. Inter- rnpent Bowmanville Cemelery. 6-1 ROBBINS, Lamne Stanlay--On February ,1 1957, at New Mount 5mnai Hospital, Toronto, Lamae S. Robbins, 132 Coîborna St., Oshawa, lofe oi Leskard, Ont.. in bis' 7th yaar. Husband of the late Pearl1 Iantan and fathar ai Pouline ( Mis. Wmn. Boyd). Laskord. Rested af the Barlow1 Funeral Home. Service wos fromn thei Long Memorial Chapel, Tuesday, Feb. 5.1 1957. af 2 o'clock. Interment Orono Cemetery. 6-1 TrAPSON-At Bowmonville on Tuesday. Fpb. 5, Nora Tapson. beloved wife ai L.ouis Topson, deorly laved mother oi florofhy (Mis. Howard Broaking) and qrandmother oi Linda and Grag. Rast- in t Welch runeral ChopaI. Minden. Fueral on Thursday. Fabruary 7th at 2 p.m. Interment Minden Cemafery. 6-1 VEALE,-At Memorial Haspital, Bowmaen- ville on Saturdary, Feb. 2, 1957, Sarah Annie Ticksan. in bar 88th yeaî. b.lov- ad wife oi Thomas Veala and dear mther ai Dr. W. T., Harrow, Ont.; Elva <Mis. George Kaaugh); Vera (Mis. R. A. Nugent). bath af Toranta; George at borne; Madeline (Mrs. H. Comaran). PortI 3-ope. Service wos beld ai the Morris Funaral Chapel, Bowmanville on Tuas. day. Feb. 5fb at 2 p.m. Intersasat Bow- 2nanville Cametery. 6-1 In Memoriam CLAPP-In laving mamary of a dear busband and father. Charles Clapp wba passad away.Fab. 7. 1953. "Basting in jasas" -Wife taura. daughter Vera and Lorne. 6-1' RIRKPATRICK-In lovi ng memary ai lames Kirkptick. grandson ni Mi. and Mis. Alax Adair, Newcastle, who passed away. Fabruory th, 1953. His memnory ls OS deor today As in the hour ha passed away. --Saidly missed by grandmother. grand- father and family. 6-1' MITCHELL-in laving mbnory ci oui fother William Mitchell wha passad away February 2. 1956. H-t ta gone but not frgtten And os dawns another year Inoaur Ianely hoars ai thinkinri Thoaghts oi hlm are alwoys near. Days ai sadnass will came o ai us. Many think the wound is hea lad Bat f ha yittle know the sorrow That ies in oui heart concaaled. .-Sadlv missed bv the family. 6-1 Coming Events Bawmtanville Skating Club Carnival. Feb. 22 .23. Mambars sellin; tickets. 5-4 Valentine Dance in Solîna Hall thisl Friday night. Feb. 8th. Everyone wel- came. 6-1 Dance ta Doug Dasti and the Northerri Ramblers every Saturdoy night at Pontypoal. Gents 75c, ladies 50c. 6-1i Plan ta attend the Guildettes' Valen- tine ýTea and sale ai hame.baking at St. Iahns3 Parish Hall. Feb. 9. frant 2:30 ta 5 p.m. Tea. 35c. 61' Newcastle Lians Club Valentine dance, featuring Mart Kenny and Narma Lacke, Friday. Feb. 15. $500 per cauple. Other particulars ta fllaw. 4-tf Club 15 invites yau ta their Seniar' Citîzens' Party, Tuesday. February l2th at 8 pan. at the Lians Centra. Everyane welcame. If transpartation is needed, please catI Mrs. G. Vjnjsh, MA 3-3129. 6-1 Regular weekly binga held Thursdays except third week in the xnanth which will be held an Tuesdcys. in the Unian Hall . 20 reqular games and a jack pat gaine. Na gaine under $3.00. Admissian WOC. 2-tf. Bowmonville Lions Club Bingoain Town Hall on Saturday, Feb. 16th eit 8 p.m. $75 jackpot, $100 door pre, 20 gomes for $10 and one qame for $25. tbrea spacial games. Admission $1. Tickets f rom mambers ai Lions Club or af the door. 4-4 Cartwright Formais' Union meeting will ha held in the Community Hall. Blackstock, Fridoy, Feb. 8th af 8:30. The quast speaker - Chartes Borsck ai the Packing Housa Workers' Union. also Ken Tolmie, Conservation Officer fori Durham. Everyane welcome. Ladies please bring lunch. 6-1 A ieDyGospel Crasade will be hald of the local Salvotion Army Corps froni Wednasday, Feb. l3tb ta Sund.y Feb. l7th. The services will b. canducted by f wo yaung travelling evangelifs.s Lieutenants Pearl and Morion. Donnelly. The weak-nigbt services will ha held af 8 o'clock and on Sundoy at 11 a.m. and 7 arn. Two Children's Meetings will be held affer school on Thuîsday and Fil- day. Fabîuary l4th and ltb. Speciol musical items will ha heard. AlI are welcoma! 6-2 Farmers Attention ! YOIJ ARE INVITED TO ATTEND A Meeting CIL Farm Irrigation Pasture and Cash Crops Movies ,will ho shown OUEST SPEAKER Valuable, Door Prizes wiII b. gîven away ut 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 141h Cowan Equipment Co. 134 King Street East Tolephone MA 3-5689 B3owmanville Notices TREWIN la loving mamory of William Notice la rabbit hantais. $1,00 wili ha H-enry Trewin. wba passed ta rcst * Feb- Ipoid for each mbbit. Please ha caref ai î-uary 18. 1956. and A na Evalyn Trewin when huating on nursery propaty. Brook- tvho pasaad ta resi Jaauary 1, 1942. daie-Kiagsway Nuseries. 48-tf --Evei remembared by wiie. niother and trmily. 6-1 Anaounciag the opaning of Nevçcastle Beauty Shop, Monay. Fabraary 11, 1957. itha home ai Mr. and Mrs. Jack Craga. C ards of Thanks RonCiogo, exparianced barber ai eight yeaîs. now c qulifiid hairduesser, is a Mr.ad Mis. L. F. Hoaper would. co-worker. Phone Newcastle 3801. 6- R-nceraIyly huaot fank Iheir friands anda relaivesfoufbei ioviy litsaad oud was xassed ot the Nuises' Associa- ai good wishes on the occasion oi thairtinmenga MnayFbray4h Golden Wedding Aaniversary. 6-1' 1957. that the privote daty iotas wilI ha _______________________________roisad froni $8.50 ta $10,00 ioi eacb eight I wish fa express rny thonka ta ail my hoar shift. taking affect on Fahut'riry friands for the ioveiy carda. gifts and lSth. 1957. Bowmanvilie Nurses' As- flowers and ta Dr. Kith Slemaa and tha societion. 6-1 nursing safolfaiMamoriol Hospital for Teisrac fieofs vio their kindness duing my iiiness. Th nurneofieo-. vro Mua. R. Ellis. Coiborne. Ont. 6- White wil ha closed irom, Fehraary il _____________________________ta March 18. Dariag that finie business We wouid luke ta express oui thanke will ha carried on by Mr. and Mus. and appraciatian fa relatives and fiienda Allan Down, Bowmanvilia RIt. No, 2, for fiowaus, couds and giffe. and ta those MA 3-2498. Thank you for yaur co- v-ho ccliedadnd mode oui 0'amond Wed- aparation. 65' ding Anniversary c happy occasion.Sae Mn. and Mis. Ail. Ricard. 6-1' A cto 1 wouId like fa express my thcnks loi englumes and carda raceived ot the finie 1 h ave received instructions froni the cf my accident. Spacial thanka ta Mi. axacutors ai the asiate af the iota Mis. D. 1-IcKnighf. Mu. D. Hall, Dr. Austin and J. E. Flati ta sali by public auction on nciglîhaus, whîle in Meinorial Hospital, Satuuday. Falb. 9fh 0f I p.ni. cf heu late Tlowmanville. rasidenca, 60 Welington St.. Bowman- Rcnad Lke. 6_I1 villa: bedrooni. living-roomi and ktchen 1 wih t extnd y thnksfurniture: Admirai 20" telavision, Loco- I wsb a efen mythaketa oui motive aiaciric wasber, Frigidaire cieclric finonda oind neîgbbours for [heur carde, refrigarator, Filier Qaaan vacuumi dean- its and ada aif kîndness shown ofet amntai radia. The aboya aectricai home, during my ueccnt sfoy in tha bas- appliances are ail eacrîy aew. End pifai. I ao thank Dr. McKenzie and tables, sewing machine, raga. floor cov- Mamorial Hospital* Staff. orings, beddiag. dishas, giassware, etc. - - M e a t ie c - 6 - Plan t a attend thi a auction. C eighton In te mdstof or srro, wewis taDaviti. clark; Jack Rid. ouctianeer. 5-2 express oui hearîbeit thenks in cpprecîa-wa tc tien ta car many relatives, friande and rieighbhors toi the kîndnesa aind syni- W n ratby shown us in bs cf c baioved -_1 wile and isother, Victoria Kazîub. DEAD and cripplad faim stock, picked Kaîub and Lee Fomlies. 6-1 ap prompt y. Phone MAîkat 3-2679. I wish ta taka great pleasure in fbank- M C l u am yoe 6t ing Dr. McKeaîie. nurses and safollf Iteciariail Hospital, Bowmanviile; rata- a td oBu tîvea, friands. neîghhours, the Girtlv ned t u Guides ai Newfonvilie and the W.A. for CA n odaoe idu ie ther ard n iledrn m ty good irepaf, goad condition. Telephone hositl. , . --.MA 33522. 6-1 i Cauoiyn Clysdaae. -i1 Mis. Clif i Anderson and family wish fa exfand thaîr grateful thanks ta ail thaîr relatives, friands and nighbours tor floralh fuîbules. mssages ai sympatby, and niany ails ai kindness daing thaîr bareavemant. Speciai fhanks fa Rev. Arthur Mrga, D. Alan Sylvester. nurs- es and staff ai Memorial Hospital and F. F. Morris Ca. 6-1* Wa wish fa thank aur many friands and neîghboaîs who came so uci and worked so bard fa help alaus the ire in our barn on lonuary 30. A special thaak you is due ta John and Charles Gisharger. who discovered the blaze, the Bawmonville and Oshawa Fîre Brigades and the ladies af Sauina 'who provided lunch. If was the cani- bined efforts ai everyoae that saved oui born. The Leasks. 6-1 W. would like ta express oui gratitude ta the Citizens' Cammitteeaond tb. Be- thay Girls' Satbail Team wbo crrang- ad the îacent Benafît Concert and Dance for oui daughtaî, Marie Cari; also ta al those wba took port in the pogami or beiped in ay way. Oui sincere thanks fa all those who sent giits and carda ta ber. and for yaam goodness ta us during ail the pasi monfhs. Yoar kîndnasa wil neyer ha forgoffen. Mi. and Mis, Boss Cari. Betbany. Ia the midst of their sorîow. thbm bm- ily aI lb. lots Allan R. Spencer wish to express their heaitieli thonks and op- preciotion ta thaîr meny relatives, friands and neighbors for the kindness and Syra- pathy shown tbemn in tlhos.sof a babyv- ad busband and lather. W. *spociaiIy wisls to thank the Rev. D. R. Dewdney foi bis consoling wad, ail the donors of the many heautifal floral offeriags, thm pallbeatrers and honorary paUbear- ors fromt the Canadian Legian as weli as the Marris FaneraI Home for their kind, ,fficint manaqemeat 9S1h. service. &VI HOUSE. four or five ooma, out-af -town. Urgent. Appîy ta Peter Keuning, Hn cock Rd. S.. Courtice. 61' HIGHEST puices paid for liva pouîtry. goase fethers, feathar ticks,. scap iran. rags. mtais and raw furs. Tlaphone RA 32043 Oshawa, coiiact. 48tfi ALL kinds cf liva paultry wanfed, Top Toronto puices paîd at youm doar for large or smoli quantifies. Wa have aur own market. M. Fiott, Befhany B.R. h. Phone coilecf ta Bafbony 7 r 13. 28-tf Wanted to Rent WANTED by quiet, aider couple for April Isi. smali bouse or apaitment. Bowmanville or Newcastle vicinity. Tale- Phone Newcastle 3586. 6-1 r Found ON Prince Street, plastic wallet. girls. Owneî may have sae by identifying and paying for ad. Apply 4Dl Prince Street. 61' Tura OId Furniture iuta Cash with STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 Articles f or Sale STRAW for sole. Phone Oshawa RA 5-4055. 6-1* ONE argon, in gaod conditian. Phn MA 3-3883. .1. BALED boy. S. R. Perkins. 501mb Rd Phone RA 3-9902. ý 6-1' KITCHEN cabinet. white witb red Iý Phone MA 3-3533. QUANTITY of mixed boy, also timc Phone MA 3-2157. MAN'S hockey skates, zize 10, used oi Phone MA 3-2393. PETERBOROUGH Canaa Ca. prices catalogues. Phone MA 3.5519. BED chesterfield and choir, in god ditian, $25. Phone Orono 17910. COFFIELD wringer washer, good w ing aider. $15. Phone Newcastle3 FLOOR polisher for rent at Mason & 1 Hardware, 36 Kiîng St. E., Bowmanv SAVE on lumber, direct from mili ta Phillips Lumber Ca., Kinmount, Onta Phone 17r 1. KEYS cut automafically, while yau wait, ot Masan & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E.. Bowmanvilla. 46-ff SINGER Sawing Centre, new and usad sewing machines. RentaIs or repairs. Phone MA 3-2155. 1 8-tf IGREENHOUSE, 17' x 51', Cypress ibs, h of water heating. Phone MA553-3847. 7 Concession St. E. 6-1 MALL chain saw, 36" blade. usad veîy liffla. Haward Payne, Newcastle R.R. 3. Phone Clarke 1422. 6-1 IRD and soit watar deliverad. Prompt service. Robait H. Cale. Phone MAîkef 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-ff BOOST your milk chaque by installinq water bowls. Phone Partner Plumbing & Heating, MA 3-2240. 4-3 ELECTRICAL Repaira-Prompt service ta alectrical appliances. large and small. Lander Hardware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf DOUBLE bad, springs and two mattress- as. China cuphoard with glassed-in top: very reosonable. Talaphone Newcastle 2816. 6-1 FASIER. faster and cheaper ta cuf your wood witb ai McCullacb chain saw. Ses the new models. J. B. Baulch, Port Hope. 6.1' DO your own floors-Rent a sonder or a floor polisher front Lander Hardware. 7 King St. E., Bowmainville. Telephane MA 3-5774. 3-tf INSLATONblowing methad, with rock wool. Workmansbip guaranteed. Fiee estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf MAN'S 3-place suit. navy serge, talai- made, only worn once. 38 waist. cost 70.. taka half; reason for selling, f00 amatI. Phbon. MA 3-2289. 6-1' GOOD sound apple wood. cut in stove- wood lengths. Draw your own and Bava. John Rickard. Newcastle. Tale- phone 3436, Newcastle. 6-1 PAINT sprayer, compressai, matai and drum. 1 saw and mondial, 1 aiî.cooled gas angine, ta be sold at the Orona Sales Arana on Feb. 11. 6-1' ELECTRIC bot water tank, complet. with beating unit. automotia control. wiririg. insulating jacket, pipes and liftings. First 22.50. 52 King St. W. MA 3-2453. 6-1 HEAIIING aid «ervice. testing service and complet. stock of batteries and cordsatai -iggon Electric Limitad. 38 King St. E.. Bowmonville. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf WASHING machine. îapassessed. in spot- lais condition; also Beatty pressure systemz. sump pumps, water soffeners, etc. Talaphone Partnar Plumbing & Hieating. MA 3-2240. 4-3 MUST oeal immediately, two rairigaratois, chesterfield, rangatta, buffet, calice table. two end tablas, ail stove with fan. stove pipes, dram and coppar lina. Phone Newcastle 3946 or 2986. 6-1 ADDING manchines, typawriters. cash registers. chaque writeîs. filing cabinets. office farniture, new and used. Repairs ta ail makes. Walter Frank, Bowman- ville. MA 3-2403. Newcastle 2114. 19-fl NATURAL gos Janitral floor furnaca, used one seaisan, suitable for live-room resi- clance. $125 cash. Can be sean in aparation 0f 19 Hunt St.. Bowmanvilla For informat ion telaphone Oshawa R 5-9611. 6-1 MORRIS Ca. bava been appointed Singer Sewing Machine reprasentotives for the Bowmanviîll district. Coma in and sea o Singer-the finesi in sewing machinas. Varicus attachnients also in stock. Tale- phone MArket 3-5480. 46-Il DRAPERIES and venetien blinda cusfo mode or draperies soid by the yard. Ou representative wiii cou aIt youî home- any finie with a camplet@a range oi sampies and suggestions wifhout obliga- tion, Fabric Towyn, 59 ing Si. W. Tele- phone MA 3-3609, Bowmanviiba. 48-lbf NEW bull panel steel bad, ribboa springs and inaa-spring maitreas, compiate, $44,50;. chrome kitchen sets, $49.00; con- tinental beds. $49.00; chastemielda, two- piece, $129,00; rade-la accapbad.- Used spoce beater. rangafie. davaaa-bed. ond kitchea ballet like new. Murphy Ca., ing W. Phone MA 3-3781. 6-t' Decoraing *FOR THE FINEST PAINTS FOR THE LATEST PAPERS *FOR THE BEST WORKMANSHIP S. G. Preston & son iMA 3-3912- Phonos MA 3-37011 44-tf Graham's Garage Haydon Used Tires for Sale On., 7:50x17 tir. and tube, traction grip. $40, two 700x17 tires. rogular. $30 each; bwo 6.00f16 tires and tubes. egular grip, $15 .ach; twa 5.00x19. tires and tubes. roqular. $10 oach. W. have many athers af variaus asues. For Rent APARTMENT. suitable far younq cou~ Phone MA 3-5784. FOIJRroamed hause, bathroam, boti cald water. Phane MA 3-5884. 1 IN Newcastle, 6-roam bouse with3p bath. Immnediate possession. ih Newcastle 3261. -Real Estate for Sale Real Estate fc I. TEN-room brick bouse. ail heated. doubleSTOREgsbinsadh i5-1' garage, large lot. Lberty Nortb. Phane edin Bucne)an _ MA 3-3131 after 7 p.m. 6- d. n Bwmanville. Gaad and ing good business. For i andtion Write Box 617, c/o Ti 6-1' RESAL ESTATE FOR SALE Statesman. Bowmanvilla. iece I Propertiog Sold, ]Rented, hone WE NEED LISTINGS ON 61 Mancged and Appratsed TOWN AND COUNTRtY1 6-1~ * mediate possession. Phono MA 3-3935., Ral Nsa e wcstler nt îrmISXroe os.$0prmnh i 5except Febraary 9tb. 6-1' 1 Phonoe. Neca56,6nt thy. TWO brigbt moins and bath. heaited; Two blocks narth ai 6-3' clcbnic stove, sink. bot and cold water. trfi inl.Nwate Parfîy iaînished. Centrai. No children. tafcsga.Nwafe 5-tf >nce. 'Tlephone MA 3-5822. 6-1' 6-1' R apartrnent. available Marcb lat J mstio la i the Octagon Apax-tmat, corner Wel. Jm s u o 6-q lington and Division Ste. Hcabed, heayBA SAEEOE - wiîing. Utility rooni la the basaient. RA SAEBOE For information inquira af Mr. Stuart 4-rooni stucca bungalow. hardwood con- James, Bowmanviile, MA 3-5681. 6-tlf iare, 4-piece bafh, ciothas closets, 6-1 modemn kitchan with cuphoords. heavy VVok»Vaned j i'ing. venetion blinda, isltd ad v186. scapate irled, $8.200. Ternis. Possession or- 61 NEW plosterinq and repoirs. warkman- 1J rg m brick homo witb 4 bedrooma, Dole ship guaronteE;d. A. C. Woods. Phonef 2 bat broama. modern ktchan. $11.500. 'ille. Clark. 23 r 04. 4tfTernis. 13-ff - Beoufiful homes lnaond around this -CUTTING down trees with chain sow, district. you. experienced worker. Harold Raby. Tala- 47 Qumen st. Bowmanvilio aro phone MA 3-5255. 5-2' MA 3-5682 61 DUunCH gilrequîmes nousewoiîc sor ana day a waak. Cou aflter 7, MA 3-5105.' SAVE MONEY AT Dave's Shoe Repair Fast, Prompt Service 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 42-If MASONRY and CONCRETE Repaire or Structural Brick. Bock or Concret. Estimates Fiee P.O. BOX 177 L. TURNER Phone MA 3-3231 Evmnings MA 3-3338 2 7-tf Plastering Repairs QUICIC SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORX R. L. TAFT 89 ing St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf "L. Schapelhouman" Public Accountani SPECIALIZING 1IN Accounling and Bookkeeping Income Tax AND COMPLETE Financial Reports FOR FARMERS AND IMALL BUSINESS PEOPLE - REASONABLE BATES - 17 Jones Ave., Oshawa Phone RA 5-9953 Repairs RADIO repairs to a Il mokas; car radios a speciaity. Leave radios 0f Hubbard's Store in Baîkaton. 6-4 RADIO ond felevision reairs. Prompt service . Pick ap and deIivary. Laina Doeen. 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713 2-tf. REPAIRS toalal moas ai regrifaratoma, dornestic and commercial; mihking cool- ais. Hliggon Eiectîic Limited, 42 ing St.* E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-ti Clock Repairs PICK-UP AND DELIVERY G. A. Brown 192 ing St. E. MA 3-5136 BOWMANVILLE 49-tf Watch Repairing M ar r 's JEWELLERY 43 King st. W. Phone MA 3-5463 BOWMANVILLE Personal IF backachas ara sIawing yoa up, take Ruacaps and heip youreai tot relief froni poins and aches. Ask youî dmug- gist. 6-1 HYGIENIC su plie - (Rubber goods) maihed post poidin plain sealad envel.p. with puice ist. Six sampias 25c, 24 samples 51 .00. Mail 'Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Ftubber Ca.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 Help Wanted WANTED ai once. RawIeigh dealer in Bowmanv ill and Townships Wib Es and Dorlingfon. Write Rawieigh's'Depi. B-140-R, Mantreol, P.Q. 6-1l EXPERIENCED mon for yeau-raund cm- pioyment in orchord and pocking bouse. Gaad wages and warkîng conditions, Apply Harold Watson, No. 2 Highwoy.i Bowmcnviia. 6-I* MEN, waman, moka big commissions sali- ing nylon bcsieîy, slips, pantias, etc.. ta friands and relatives. Sand for fee sampie kif. Afbana Distibafing Ca.. 336 Adalaîde St. West, Toronto. 6-1 AMBITIOUS dea lais wanlad. ta sali aur 225 guoronfeed pîadacts in an exclusive Iteritory.Spacials with fra. puoducfs. High commission. Start witb $20.00 ia-'i vesfmanf. Write fa: Tita DepI. S - 51301I St. Hubert, Montreai. 6-1 CNyou say no ta al Ibis? We ali V A oafrae goada. more prepamations , lower Phnone MAJ-273JJU A prices and lorgar guantities. protected 6.1 erritory. big commission and the chance of establishing yoursaii in o business ai! * your awn. Inteuested? Write fa Fani-1 Live tock f orSale ilex Dept. 43 - Station C. Mantreal. 6-i SEVEN,,sevmn-w.ek aId pigs. Phone IL s MA 3-2661. 6-1* ______________________ 1ONE Holstein cow, due Feb. 21. John SHOPPING hag. bond wavan, wîne. Re- Jahnston, Tyrone. 6-1' tain fa Sloteaman off ice. 6-I TWO registemed, accredifed Holstein bail- BLACK and white Basset t baand. reword. ers, fîesh. Phono MA 3-2184. 6-1 Finder pheose Phono MA 3-3174. 6-I SIXTY six-moatha aid Light Sussex hans, BLACK and tan erai. bound, neor En. 50s% la ying. Phone MA 3-2571. 6-h field. Phone Oshawa RA P-5479, collect. 6-1 FItESII caws and sanie due ta freshen soon. Appiy Z. 1. Banscbop. Phone PesfrS l MA 3-2926. 6-1 P t rS l CANADIAN Appîoved, pullomurn tested. FOUR Calle pups, sevan weeksoId. Tele- Day Old and Started Chucks. Book aidais phone MA 3-2355. 6-1' now for future delivery. White Leg- bora, Barred Rock (fast Ieathaning) and BEAUTIFUL Calle puppies, 8 weeks. New Hamp. X Barred Rock. For p îice females. 2 anly leit. $9. One immoale liat Write or Phone H. 1. Brooks, Bow- Cahie. 3 yeors. good heelei. wonderful manville. MA 3-3861.. 60-t pet, $12. PhonoekNewcastle 3186. 6-11 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER $800 down for an eight roomed home, ail furnace, bathroorn. garage, suitable for twa families. Full price $6.500. J$2,000 down, new 3-bedroomnione tiled floors. perimeter heating by ail. 4- piece bath. laundry tubs, etc. Full price $9.300. $10.500 is lulI price for this 3-bedroom brick. Large living-room with hardwood floors. a raamv, well Planned kitchen ta moike your days wark lighter, divided basenient. A new home ai which yau can be justly proud. Termis. Hava several thausand dollars avail- able for goad first mortgages in tawn. 52 Ring Street W. Bowmanville MA 3-2453 or 3.2762 J. Van Nesi REAL ESTATE BROKER Orona. modern fiva room bungalow an large lot, low taxes, ail canveniances. including natural fireplace. $2.500 cash wilî hondie. King East, saven room aider home. ou] heated, splendid for young couple. Rent the upper flat. Asking $8.500 with $1.500 cash. Albert Street, four rooms, almnost naw. aIl conveniences, plus bosament apart- ment. We have some nice ricreaqes for de- velopment purposes, alsa a 100 ocre gravel property. Cal in and talk if aveu. 118 King St. E. Bowmaniville MA 5-3230 6-1 ILeask Real Estate cralow, 3 bedîooms, fîreplace with heat- ilotor. 3 section basemant. picture win- daw. ail lurnace, extras. garage. $5.000 cash. Tarms on balance. 150 crefarin on 401, bank barn 8ýx30 Iwitb water bowls, pig pen and hien b ouse, driving shed; 10 room brick b ouse, modern kitchen, f urniace, 2 sun-J rooms. Suitable for two families. auild-1 ings in excellent condition. Immadiate possession. Ternis, 10 ocre farim neor Hampton, good barn with water inside; 7 raom brick hause., 2-piece bath. 4 bedroonis. lui] basement, $11.000. Terrns. List with Leask. M.E. LEASK - BROKER MA 3-5919 H. C. Pedwell REAL ESTATE BItOKER 80 acres 2 miles froin Newcastle, 6 room brick bouse, bank barn, aquipped for chickens, sandy loam, 70 acres work- able, 2 acres blush. witb river, $9,500. Ternis. Cal A. W. Glanney, Newcastle 2771 or 3876 6 rooni house, 3 bedrooms, doubleI garage and cbicken bouse on large lot with good garden. in Newlonville. CO rnold Wade, Clarke 26 r Il 100 acres on No. 2 Highwoy, gaod brick house, ail convaniences, 2 barns, good sou aIl workable. close la school. Will sali ahl equipped or farim alane, $16.000. Ternis. 100 acres. good dairy farmn close ta Newcastle, 1/2 mile off pavement, brick house, up-to-dote barn, good land, ail workable. $18.000. Termns. 120 ocres on lakte front, dairy fanm, best of soil, bank barn 40' x 100% pig pens. drive shed, remodelled bouse, 3- pieca bath, small orchard. $20.000. $8.000 down. Severol imoîl bouses in Newcastle. We have tobocco farms, apple or- cards and general stores. Dont fai ta sea aur list befare buying. Newcastle . C EDE Phone 3856, De With Real Estate GENERAL FARM. 100 aicres with 80 acres warkabla. 6 acres graeai large U-sbaped baak born. implement shed, haen bouse. pig pans, garage; 7 roomed solid brick bouse *with waber under pressureaond beavy duty wired. Asking $13.000. Terme. HIGHWAY FARM. 100 acres wif h 85 ocres workable. Hos spring pond. large Lshaped bank bain, silo, haen bouse. impiament shed, garage; 5 raomad atone bouse with wotar la kitchen. Nliceiy decouatadc. Puice $14.000. Ternis DAIRY FARM, close ta Osha witb 7 cana miîk quota. 175 aicres ai wouk- cible land, 20 acres la wood, creek. 120' x 38' honk bain witb manniag watar. water bowis, han housa. pig pan. garage; 8 momed frame bouse. beavy dut y wiradi. Price $25.000. Ternis. DAIRY FARM, 150 acres, close fa iBowmaville, with 100 acres workabIe j tond. 4 acres in yaung orchord>î .creak. large L-shap--d bank bain. drivenshd ban bouse, silo. pig pans, miik houa. with huIk cooler; 9 raomed slii brick h ouse wibb ail city canveniencas. Puice and faims arrongad. DAIRY FARM, 106 acres wif h 100 Iocts workable. good rnilk quota. 100' xr 36' bank bain with steel stanýchions,, jwoter bowls. etc. Silo. implement shed,1 han bouse. 12 raomed sliid brick bouse' with aIl city conveniances. Price andi ternis urronged. GENERAL STORE with vemy gaod tain- over, bouse consiste of store. sfackroom. garagie and 2 apartmnents upsaoima wibh 2 bathrooms. Has ail furnece. etc. Price $13.000. Tamis acrraaged. GENERAL STORE situated on highwoy near cif y ai Oshawa, in centra ai gmow- iag carnmuaity. Adjaiaiag store are double living quartera, stockroom, buitd- Iing lai storaga ai feeda, faîtilizers and ather faim needs. also Post Office. Puice arranged. EXCELLENT 8 roornad solidi brick home wifh ail fuinoce, 4-place bathroom. uuniag bat and cold wateu;wih 1 ocres ai land, 50' x 30' bank baa.tm alemant shed,.lben bouse, double gar;age. Price $9.000. Ternis araenged. 5 roomed ranch st yle bungalow wîfh itochad Oaae on Town Lina af Osha- wa, 1 acre lot, wifh haudwood and file boocrs. sept ic tank, ail furnace, 4-piace bathrooim, uniag hat and cold watar, kitchen cuphoards. Askung $9.500 wif h $3.000 cdown.j 7 raomed rama bouse on !2$ acre lot Asking puice $7.000. Ternis arronged. Besides aboya mentioned we bave ap- proximabely 100 moue fois and homes- to chaos. Ironi. Einricoularend tco qumesr arein and tc J. Van NE REAL ESTATE BRC f118 King St. E. MA 3-3230 1 10 Gallons of WIT14 USED CAI $ 10.00 off any U PURCHASED-Il This Ad 1957 License PLUS BEAUTIFUL WELLMAN LICENSE FRAME ON EVER! PURCHASED. EASY TERMS 30-Day Written Gui SALE ENDS FEB. 16tl Specials '49 Meleor- Mochanîcatly good. No nuit '49 Chevrolet New Slips. Two-fonm. Ver) '50 Pontiac - iDeluxe Torpedo Sodan,. 5k: Clock. Clean, Sound "50 Meteor - Custai Sedan, Outside Vi WeIi kept car. '50 Chevrolet - Doluxe Sedan. Custan Rat Outside Visor. GI.amninq White Walls. '54 Hilîman - SEDAN- This car la la showroam '52 Ford - Aubomaflo. Custom Radio One-awn.r Car. Sf ew's sp ec 1948 Chevrolet 1/-TON PICK-UP - Rmady AND MANY MOB YO,., i lO s'1RETTE Contact: Q'LV STM John F.De Wilh I W'e 11ma n REAITOR AND GENERAL INSURANCE HILLMAN ' RAMI: Newcaste Phone 3341, METROPOLITAN 1alem n Donald Mounblay. Bowanilv, MA 3-3150 Nonquon Rn'. O.-- Daniel Boehm, Port Hope, TU 3-5042 (Open lg 9 p.m.) - i trie power ta ight bis cottage. 84f Somne months ago I wrote $85about the G.T.R, wreck on the )Signais.ç west bridge on July 1. 1901, when a fast east baund freight collided with the way freight. ial The late Annly McSorb.y 'vas t ho fireman on the hot shot. $1SAndy Ftarted and fin shcd his $15îailroad career on that'day. By rte wark. iumping just bcfore the crash. E. ne came ouf of it xith a broken le,". Tbern v.'ere 19 cars of rex- tAT r-art mneat wrecked and thev i -r..-':ght on fire. The Bowmîin- S A le Fre Prigar!o.,va; calied BLER n 'd after a long~ figbt managed r o subdufe 'ho flam-eF. The part RA 344311 r nmit'c-rd froi-n bv- previous 'Dr, \'ou Renember' was that the EVrailway to show their apprecia- Peter Kow REAL ESTATE BRC: GENERAL INSURAr 99 King St. E., Bowmanville 3-bedîoni, 2-storey brick maculai. condition, vary ce living-room, large dinîng-rao kitchen an fiîst floor, 3 be bath on second fîcor. Ii session. Iricane possibilities only $10.900. Trade or ter New 3-badrooni ranch styl fuhîy equiprd with moiq iances. Aftachad garage.1 tion. Asking $14,500. Tic $10.500 baye 12 acres home noar school, 2-coi ça etc. For more deloils contai $4.000 dlown buys a 3-bei: low wîth garage, in a nici $10.500 fullI puce for th.ý bedrooni bungalow, livinq kitchen. etc. $8,500 for ar 2-badicai, large living-room, large1 lots ai cuphoards. Ternis Cars for Sc '42 DODGE coupe, live passi white walad tiras, radia, h or ternis. Phone MA 3-2822. USED Cars and Tucks-19, ai 4-door wîfh overdrive, only $1.875; 1955 Ford Fal radio. fuliy equipped. 15,000 Ford 2-dloor, 22,000 miles, Chevrolet 2-door, only $1.llý C. V/2-ton, 29.000 miles, nas repainted, a reol bargoina Marcury I-f on wifh aouf mission,' $8§5. Al the ahc owaei vahichas. Lomv dom rît Cowan Equipmaat Ca.. 1 Bawmoanville. Phone MA3 Palmer Motor tiemonstrafi 1956 PLYMOUTH }IARDTO 6 cylinders 1956 PLYMOUTrH SAVOY. 8 clyladers Used Car. 1955 PLYMOUTH 4-door 1954 PLYMOUTH 4-door1 1 954 PONTIAC 4-door 1953 METEOR 4-door 1952 PONTIAC COACH 1951 DODGE 4-dloor 1 946 MONARCH 4-doar Palmer Motor PLYMOUTH - CI FARGO TRUCIfc 20 Ring St. F. Phone BOWMANVILLS W e11m a n 101h Anniversai 10% Off New 10%lo Off for on Used Ca r Sale houe. combla- D o Llocation, do- noie informa- b.e Canadian 6-* RemembE PROPERTIES. Harry Spencer o! 3 Meredith omin; in. Crescent, To ronto, bas again aik it oveS. Leen browsing around in his est memnory storehouse and corne ýOKER up with anothor list of inter- Bawrnanville esting events and porsonalities wýhen ho was a lad in Bowman- 6-t1 ville back around the turn of the century. val owmanviile had a top notc~ hacrosso team, when Tom- (Fa DKER gan) Hughes, Teddy Large and .NCE Freddy Neads were starring, the pMA 3-5868 latter as goal tender. Tom «veneer in im- Hughes famous shovel shot was ontraand large known al0v er the circuit. Se- edroonis and curing the hall in bis own end mediate pos Ilan d turninr hîs, back to the S. Full ppuce rnis. ! playing field and using bis 'le bungalow, stick like a shoveh he cou id dera convan- Centrai loca: pro pel the ball ith te-rifle ide or ternis. speeci the entire hength of the and îovaîy field, and seven times out of soge, bains, ten, he could iay it rght on the îct office. imoani bunga- target-his opponont's goal. ce location. Who remembers when the g-romoderni2, West Durham Fair was held in igýrom, Icthe Drill Shed grounds? (Now n bungalow, r kitchen witb -Carlishe Ave.). Aiso the huge eim tree wbieh stood on t112 61nortb side, which when eut down measured 128 feet in beight cile and was over 75 years old? The Drill Shed was later opêrated sanger. blackr, as a skating rink by the late 61 r.CshAex Taylor. It was burned 2. 6-1down at Easter In 1913. 5S Studabak- Speaking of rinks, how many 11.000 miles, iriane 4doaî, remember the open air rink on )0 miles- 1954 Church St. where the pump- Sradio; 19531 house now stands and which 15; 1953 G.M. wz rabbeî and was operatod iby the Hahl bro- ot $795; 1953 thers, Walter and Dick? :mafic trans- ove are ana- Do you remember when my ,w paymaat, grandiather, Wmn. Winter, OD - 34 King St. E.., r 3-5689. r,-1 rted a closed rink near the - present C.N.R. station? Electri- city was an infant thon and it Sales was lighted with oil iamps with was nfot ton profitable on ac- count of being too far from ors town, Vanstone's pond was ban. OP, 2-door dier. Do you remember when the 4-door C.N.R. moved their freîgbt sheds uptown in 1912 to meet the ex- pectod C.P.R. eut in their busi- 'S ness? The railway opened up a spur lino from the old station and a switch engine was in- Belvedleme stailed ta serve Bowmanville, Oshawa and Whitby, and tied up each night bore. Speaking of the spur lino, a certain young lady rosiding on Hunt St. was being married one evening and I *as one o! S ales th e iîîvited guests. I decided IYSLER CARS' they shouid start their rnarried R life with a BANG. I secured nMA 3-3487 ton "Guns" (Torpedos) and af- S fixed tbem ta a rail about 18 6-1 inches apart in front of ber - home. When the late Rev, H. B. Kenny was' intaning the mar- .1 s nage service, the switch on- gine bit the guns and croated a ry aleracket that the South Ward a xy Salenover hoard the ike sinco Con- federation. Haif the town was down ta see whose bouse bad r Cars been blown up. The guests r Cars were in a panic, not s0 the bride and groom, they were up in Cash the clouds and nover beard a Cash tbing.Wh were they? Look, up your subscribers' list and ars see who livos at 129 Jane St., Toron ta. Do you remembor when Bily 1 as Sampson bad a steam yacht of which ho was very proud? One Rs day accompaniod by Wmn. Win- se ater, GergeoRussel, BlyWos 1 Produced Smith tbey started out for ,To- ronto. The farther tbey wient lis the rougher old Lake Ontario ]plates got and finally off Port Union they ran out of coal. To mako tho matter more interesting old MOTORS Jupiter Pluvius left a tap run- Y USED CAR ning upstairs and that added i ta the goneral onjoymont of al presont. They finally beached the craft opposite Port Union unts station and went into the n, 1957 pumphouse there ta dry off. The next morning they borrow- ed enoiîgh coaa from the pump- MA 3.3303 " 1 for L ti tâ a TUE VANTADS You erWhen?~ 1 tion took the whole brigade te the Pan American Exposition at Buffalo with ail expenses naid. As an added thrill ta them, they were in the Exposi- tion grounds when President Wmn, McKinley was fatally shot b y Leon Czuldos. Do you remember when the motor cycle craze hit town? The first machine was driven by the late E. C. Southey, who lived, 1 believe in the home on Horsey St. built by the late Mayor W. M. Horsey and later Police Ma- gistrate. It was a one lung Harley Davidson. Inside of three wveeks, there were about thirty-five machines registered in town. l-arleys, Indians, Excel- siors and Eaglcs. I had an In- dian. No ma4ter if I were a 100 miles away, and any cyclist drove through Front St. around midnight it was "That's Spen- cer going home from seeing bis Girl". Nurnerous times when, 1 had to work late or went to bed early I would be told the next day, "I know what time you xvent home ]ast night". My shoulders were and stili are broad sa I could take it in my stride. Do you remernber when, if you had a girl, you had ta have a canoe? I have seen as many as 40 canoes in the harbor channel between the piers on a Sunday afternoon. Mine and 39 others. Do you remember Bill Sol- way, the one eyed baggage dri- ver for W. G. Glover? One da3r Bill got into a fight with a local character at the station and came out second best. Ask- ed how he came to lose the bout bill answered "The &lb@$ spit in my good eye and 1 couldn't see." A classical ans- wer to a routine question. Do you remember the battie for business that was waged at the station between Bill Glover and Casey Martyn, who operat-,. ed rival bus lines? Bath got their share until Ernie "Gyp the blaod" Osborne and Bill Bartrupt blossomed out with motor transportation and sound- ed the death knell of üus. rid- iniz. Bill Bartrupt met de J at 16 Mile Creek near Jordan,, Q- tario, under very peculiarihr- cumstances which were never fully explained. He was a man who had no relatives in Canada, yet he had the largest funeýiI that I ever attended. - How many of the aider Nýn- eration know where the "Rag' Castie Corner" is?".9gte of ils prominent residents Pi knovn. as "Minnie Ameliý1tIenrietta Josephina Castle PÀcher". A large naine for a small woman! Do you remember when the late Harry Hamley operated a brick yard on the Base Line, just east of town? His employ- ees who came back year after year to work for him included Fred Densem, Bob Hicks, Rich- ard Hamley, ,Sain Oke, Bill Hambley and Frank "Settier" Oke. When the plant folded up many years ago, these men found other employment. A not too distant reminder might bring ta your mind, George, something which hap- pened when your partner and nephew, Johnny James, was first elected as M.P. for Dur- ham. Some of your friends thought the occasion deserviod recognition and \vhen Johnny's election was conceded, so they hied themselves ta the local cemetery and purloined a dis- used tomb stone and a battered aid everlasting wreath and loaded themn into a car and brought At up town. A brief dis- cussion took place at the cor- ner of King and Silver Sts., as ta the advisibility of erecting this monument. It was first sug- gested that it be taken up ta your baronial home and instail- million, compared to a surplu.3 of $51 million in corresponding period of hast fiscal year. TM