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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1957, p. 17

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TWTJRSDAY. ~-. 't.41M U C &OUSITSMN OMAVLE.OTRO AESqET A. E. Ribey Is Speaker ut Pee Wee Rangers in Fourth Position Ganaraska Dim mi!Imm~4 a. .L .~~~~ mpm -~ ;~. ........_ A QWednesday evening, Jan., that this was accompiished ol 3Of~e Parent - Teaeher's As-î by hard work both on his part;I ' xh h utcae f 1 s'clo , met at Burketoni and the children's part anid acres theGanarath ora it o- Sehoo and celebrated their thanked parents and members '< o second year of P.T.A. work. The1 for having heiped in this su- "-hsgrn10778ae, Association piays a very im- eess. rp,. .d.-ilon Lnda portant part in the sehool life Getsekrfrteeeig~ srtoe r and has made the teacher's stay w~as Mr. A. E. Ribey who xvas li15,bsdsprhsn a sucessfu one.introduced by the chairn. h 4 ces h aaak Mr. YpC oy, teacher of the During tecus fM.Rbyste17ars h aaak schL .~in charge of the address,thne"core o!MrnRiysc.. o: - rAu.hority planted 165,000 trecs. n 1th abecofteRlton *hsle oe and Shol The annual pianting now ke,-ps mc~in~i te abenceof te Reatioship" heconvncedbis ace with the purciac !lad presideniý The minutes of the listeners that he had a very good p re hthv de !dogî prviusmetngwrere , knowledge of the subjeet. He ini the older a-reas are aiso re- roll was cailed and it was most later said that hie had married a pleasing ta see the number in lady wvho for severai years taugbt - - lcd attendance. An invitation of scbool in the City o! Torônto and'" ekxnesterubsedb membership vas giveri to nw nasoithcutr.U ".tedearîentero! lans nd b friends and parents. This invi- "More than this", be added, i thfoest, efrtestatofn dsion. tation was responded to by an "I. have been under lier tuition' Th maintenance of tiV3 addition of six. Mrs. Hubbard,1 for the past 36 3-ears". 'ag rc snxvacn7ieai secretary-Treasurer, read a very Mr.rRiby statedthat itas each .e: a . pleaslng and satisfying financial i Mr ibysttd ht tise taslk and since the foreLt is report. She bas been appointed parent's aîm to obtain an educa- . jtxwen -y imiles xixx xoth xxC havec for her third terni. tion for bis child. To that end, txvo headquarters. Th-, xvesterli Mrs. S. Van Dam was eiected w e endeavour to obtain the best 'hadquartcrs near Polvpool i President and Mrs. E. Ribey,, teacher or teachers we can for under the supervision o! Ed. Vice-President. In the Presi- the money our local sehool. Youngmnan. xvho also nianages~ dent's short, but to the point, budget xiii. alloxv and withoutDuhm Fes.T acr acceptance speech, she said that any flatter- at aIl - xve in Burke-, hamuareisst. lnoer ii she was willing to do what was ton bave done exceeding]y well: Elizabetlhxille and oui- nex; car, - in her abiiity to perform such in this respect. The speaker! I ttaker there, Oscear lxxviii, xili, duties. Mrs. Ribey in lier ad- Icarefuliy pointed out that the, 1 coxtrol that port o! ,hýLiiiUiar, dress, stressed lber xilingness to hoe n sehool shuldbe ab .Z aska Forest w ich in iiHope carry on the work wbich xvas, close]ykitptnsi, it and Cavan townships. entrusted to hier. She also said'the verx- best co-operation ex- that the function o! these nicct- istiiig, G«theïxvise reai success is n hold eni xxhat ma\, bc cailed the ixigs shouid bc the interest o! not possible. It is, o! course,, every parent. the teacher's job to teach the. etiquette of conîplaint. A solo was sung by Mr. Mc-Ichildren iin sehool, and in his j Whcn people coriuuh:xinabout Coy, "Flow Gently Sweet Afton". viexx' no parent sbouid ever i- sonîletixxi, they are likeiy : Mrs. Gordon Strong accompanied terfere with him in this* sphere. (e sýa boii . put onit H-e encouraged parents, to co- hlm on the piano. Mr. McCoy e-asui' face, spcyý eak .0 then gave a synopsis o! tle oeîexvt h eche eas loudly, anid thic u 'orj;2 sehool program. He told parents Of a. kxoxvx fact. When chludren . whicil they afc: xxards i c-grc . thlan the chiideare igit es rOelze tu atir parentare&Fighting bard to hold fourth spot in the Pee Wee Scott Rudell, Alan Hooper. Second row: Walt Goode It is the saine xvhcn thcv write eI aith ea be is ofetiepicas-Icey co-er aeatigrexvith ae aethe aner, ho are oxh1y txo points ahead (coach), Ricky Riekard, John Goode, Don Kerr, Arnold!i the papers. or niake speech- sehool. He assured the members terest in thexr school wonk and'of thýe Red Wings. The club has wvon three, lost six and Maguire. Standing in rear arc: Bruce O'sden, copDixvitdu ovrdin do not go tattliîig 10 par ents' tied two, to gi\'c them their standing. They are frorn left O'Rourke, John Twist and Ted Gould. Missin-. Ronnie it, anîd spoilixug the c"eet. 0a bout every miluor ixîstaxîce o lt rs o:DugHriBo hjnAtFrnByn.- Photo by Hiner I t is cas." to coxî-ipla:nini a The Canadian Statesman knoschoo tdscpliarnt ildon.Teutr ill-fis o:Du uriBbWaeAr oa rat legitimate tashion, and is morl CLASIFI I kow hatparets iii iscur-effective' tlan if the comiplain- CLSIID age tbis sort o! thing. He said ~IrIrLer ]oses bis teniper. The ruies ADVER ISIN Iis is a very importante ree vvee Red W ings infl ignting irim are few, axîd we tlîink that thce, AD E TSN easure if boys and girls are 10 cover most of the grounids:(î RATES ~grow up to be useful and ne-1, .- ..,. eyrcnpax napri _____ spected citizens. The speaker persoxual levei: if you coinpiain 4t added, that the older bie grows, l. !apbi oiyo h evc AILESC FOR SALE ~ temr eraie h m'. ~ in a restaurant, do not do il as FOR lENT- HELP WANTED potnef discipline. Without thuh o pro.ly ae CSFOR SALE it a maxi or xvoman ainounts toi ~ luenembers o! the governiment, LOST- FOUND - ETC. nothixig, in bis opinioni. theg'ri wlth a minimum c O f par- sporkerc wairess; relatepaou Must be paid by date of insertion. ents should encourage ehildren coxup'aixit 10 a high prixîciple, If charged, an additioncil 25c . î xa-anîd leave pex.-onalities ouIt!i willb. aded 10 uil hig ams T+. .if you caxi. (2) Be fiî-m in wliail A charge of 25c wiil be mode fo pointing to sec fine and promis-, o ao vie u ee ail replies directed ta this office. ing men and xvomen unable to - u aîîxx ~oi-self uebuury o! NOTICES - COMING E VENTS ~accept positions because o! thel i xchcmexîce sy xhet yu xucaîxf AND CARDS 0F THANKS ~lack o! proper educatioxi. veaud îomoe-t h opl. o bias I 3e a Word with a minimum ail~ The speaker Iben turncd.to the adn mr-ri o ,ola 01.00 for 33 words or less. chairmani and said; "Mn. McCoy, S, given you a ticket niay bc nmis- I do not know wvheth enor tuot taken, but lie is xîot therefore OuATIlS ENGAGEMEN'M- te1 uate 3 Nyrdagi l MARIAGES - DEATIIS 1n1y remnarks have constituted tealntc 3 ee rgi l $1.00 per insertionsot!adrs uhainix,-i relevancies. (4) lNeyer stnip ~<MMRASbut at least I have goîten off mv y3our oppoxexît of lis digtîîty; $Î.00 pllus 10c a line for verso chest certain things which I iflela odgiy rn i - have pondered for a loxng tinue. I lbas, for this xiii fluînxuiox hinti COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS I do hope tbese tboughts wiii bemoetnaxyxuuît!co includes ail adverii foi moept <aNeyersaor xvriteo panorfirme selîinq services o! some value. As I stated at tempt. (5) b anyoii e ii a alor whuic id~goaof ony description the outset, I ai not a parent and oayninafso wii per word; minimum charge c cashwftl rer orgutar cannot speak as a parent. How xili xiake il inmpossible for you >tertisers - payable monthty. ever, as bias sometixnes been j to bc on good terms xithi them Dl splay Classified al $.5 pt aid, observers sometinues sec 0 ;il the future. inch wlth a minimum of one more o! the play Iban the actons aControversy axud comuplaixit inch. Additional insertions altIheiseives. These comments ar red corpuscles intuhte blond the samie rates, have been tbe producî o! mylodxucîc.Btcupaiii V_àl Classified Ads must b. in observations. I arn very xuutll ust be donecxith digîuity and io 'clock noon. dcecydan iemsî e ox S.x s h p rm ny co fd n h tb loe p rn- "1as fan 'as possible as tîui hl ,or bandir reference bc accomplished in the way of'e CE JHraUqridy and o! a desire for highier educa-Exmnr 813 «.M. ta 5 p.m. tion a!ter the ground work bias 8:30 at.m. ta 12 Noos been laid here". e The teacher gave a vote o!f DiatMA .330 41thaks, and expressed bis hope fer Clcssifi.d Ad Service tt Ibis year o! P.T.A. xvork IOSHAtWA WO( z: will be the highest on record. How This Newspaper He/ps Advertisers.. Hoping to gain a win xvhich will move them into a thorne, Allan Brock, Gord Fintiey. Second rxv David, O U <jtic for fourth spot iii the Pee Wee Hockey League are the Werry, Wayne Devîtt, Ed Ruîîdle (coachi), Lai-i-y.Wclshu,I ' Rcd Wings. The team bas won three and lost eight of David Williams. Back row: Johnt Bruce, Woodi-o Peîîy, their games during the sehedule. They are from left to Bob Smith, Andre Schaafsma. Mtssing, Bill Berili.P A right, frst îoxv: Jon 1-aiîcock, Gord Rundle, Barney Haw- -Plioto bv Re1di TO 7/ ___ ___ Leafs Are Heading for Playoffs i aKerfl Regularly torii âù dl, 2-; Every newspaper bas an editorial ther- mometer. It's ca]led "circulation." The paper's ups and downs in its efforts tc, -satisfy the greatest number of editorial interests is reflected in its circulation. Sa that there is no possibility t bat the ralibrations on our thermometer becoin(! blurred by self-satisfaction, we have our temperature taken regularly-by a trained A.B.C.* circulation auditor. W'hen he leaves, there's no queFtion of how we tee]. And, we're feeling quiLLte h-tottt hank you-an indication that we're doing our job of providing an interested nudience for your sales rmessage,. \Mre would welcome the opportunity of showing you the A.B.C. facts on our circulation, and to explan just how our editorial program is helping to build reader interest for your advertising messages. Call us this week. '*T13 sl epaper ita a membar of the Audit Bure-auof Circuittions, a ttonprof t, ccopuative associatton c! pUblishes.a4'vu«tIser and advertising agencies. -Our cireWiat1on in audited at reguar intervals by .zpoerncsd "f.C. circulation auditors and their re- port ne adeavaUlable to our adYetirs w vithçèut In possession of third spot in the Pee Wee League James Finn, David Higgon, Ricky Peterson, Robert Black-1 are the Leafs xith 11 points. The tleam lias won f ive. lost burn. Second rowý: Alvin Stacey (coach), Wayne Wrav, fixe and 'Lied one this season. If thcv continue at their 'MickeY Dickens, Rav Crombie, Jue 'Markle (coach>. Third, p)rcsent pacc. thic.% have a chance of doinrg well in the p]a.v- row.: Tom Staccy; Doui- Hooper, John Cal-ter and Jack offs. Te aiec. frorn Jft 1 l right, first o: Bill Ta.ylor,i Whalcni. Missing, Dobby IIellarn. WhI thr Sy oke in thi3 strain:11* seem-nz n a restaurant we ie rcadý; irlipo.:fdil, part 0o!file ný,t1r1na1 WhaiOth rs S y t, metha wein tis ountv t tae antring tiati3 iven I oul.* have lost the good oid Ameni- ta us, rather than inaie a com- If this is truc in the U.S.A.., TIIE ETIQUETTE 0F COM- can virue of complaining loud plaint about it. We're scared it is even more true in Canada. and long when we do flot like As a nation we hate lu corn- PLAINT something; rigiit f ro rn our 'ta fx' opinsmbd plaini about abuses or m - id. \, ueGk xx e were talkingconrs foreigi poiicv down n iiay not like u ', orý think xve re Iure;. g< cat or ýrnall. Perhi'.--. wu a pruoînînexit Ameiricanwno 10 lihe temperature of the soup a kcc.It*j Ile dcath ul iiii i bccaw, xV c ax c luýt uur: Fores t )78 Acres Christrnas Trees Sold "The chief revenue fromi the tOrest nO\Vconsists 'of Ch-ristiii.. trces,-3.30U wcre sold ini 193(Ii. An extensi\tu pruning prograin is conductcd in the sumniilr ICi incrc3se the Valuc 01 the-<e Christmas tlic. -1R9ads, fcncecs and fircguardsn wcre maintaincd or cxtecj durmng the ycar. A smnall locul infestation of White Piine we- vil was detecledi and sprayŽdl wvith D.D.T. ObServations shlow% that ',Ie control %vas successful. WVhite Pinc is One of Our prin- Cippl specýcs foi, for.csts an",i silice \ccvll dcstroys U's quali- ty as a tiniber trcc, it is as iii- porant to protcct the yOunjý, ix ces trom wcýcvul or aliy other i2cet as it is froin tire. N) fires occurrcd du ring the colUi, daxnp summler of 1956. "Silice the rapid expansion of this -'orest lhas ccaseà 've ha\,. now 'taken stock of the as-sc:s3. 1orcstry-studexits made an ini- "elnsive Survey this sumnenr and wc find that the -1,800 acres ,)t v. -oocflot conitaineci 2.500,OIJ' cubic Icet of trces over four in- vlics iI . , aimeter . losýt of ti~ es~al s a result ol ccsic cutting )and 0o11 .2r ube liflicted on the gro\Lý Letor?ý thc lots wcrc purchascu. lIo. eerthe soil is good for prodjucinsý trees and the groiix sýocI; IIt in io.st cases wi,11 ïss-u? Lius ol a hcalthy produc- tiv e 1orc.st inyears lu conie under propcr timibcr iranago.- ment." No Timber Yct 'Nonc of the plantations arc- 0l c u0 t cnanan in ber volum but the survc., s4iowe1 that most plantationg a re dcveloping satisfactorily. The entire forest hias been brok- c n down into compartments and each cornpartmnent, has becil numbered and mapped. Ail data is recorded and it is th-i intention of the Deparîrnent tu apply proper silvicultural treat- ment to each plantation or wvoodlo t. "As time goes on thiere wvill be increasing revenue frorn th(- forest as the trces mature and the investrnent by the people of the United Countics and tha Province o! Ontario wiIl showv good dividends. With high grade timber close to markets th,, forcst will provide wealth azîul 1cemployinent, for the people in. the area. Ini addition, the bene- 1lits of watershed controi wili be increasingly apparent as thip formerly bare fields show a dc- veloprncnt of forest cover. Soul erosion xviii be reduiced and the floods that have pla-1 cd the Gana-aska River in theý past xviii undoubtedly bc icss- ened." Just Itiglit "Isn'*t the change rgt"a-lk- cd a barmaid of &iiAlrndoni-du. "Aye." hie rcplied, "Jutist!" Answered At Last "Aberdeen anw txvai iieà. ayont and w'haur are ye?"11 The answer is. ~Weil out )f i t:" )D PRODUCTS FOLDING DOOR H EADQUARTERS Fescinatinq Serry Fioelawoy Doors foId et they glide .-.. b o you the wonderfÀt me Sqec-AN l Coet. This thrilliing new close~ door lets yoi Se Pver,.ig in your closets . .. ail at once. Eiminotex pawing, fumbiing, tugging to get thingsi n or out of cloxets. Doors cant corne off the track, they wan't worp, con be papered or painted and operate like they were floating in space. * Cali us now fnr full defoils end) prices.) Modernfold & Spacemaster Doors Also Available With MNodernifold Spaceiiiastcr foIdin- doors you inukc use of ALL YOUR WALL SI>ACE. No tlr crarnpcd roomis or stunibling over furniture %vhcen you use folding cloors. They are av'ailable in iiany decorative colors to match any rooni "and thcy are inexpensive. Priced from $24.95. For Slidimg Door Track and Hardware EASY - SEE US FIRST - rli Oshawa Wood Products Ld. MA 3-2130 COUMTME HA 3-4661 THMSDAY, M. 7th, 1957 TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVrLU. ONTAR10 rAGZ SEVENTEEN

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