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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1957, p. 4

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2' - - - . qZ ANAflTA?1TATwM"AL UWLtNVI=L. ONTAPMO PAGE FOr _________________________________ Currente and Connfientialj By Elsie Carruthers Lunney A LOOK AT THE WEATHER Groundhog day and whenN -AND S0 TO BED everybody, yawning and groan-c ing, had been to get their mail5 Groundhog Day, February frorn those fancy new boxc.-5 2nd, has corne and gone and except Archibaid, Uncie Potts there isn't a doubt in the world was downright worried. that Archie and ail the other So, though it was none of' his groundhogs of the Valley saw business any more, he couldn't their shadows, for the sun stand flot knowing what wast shone brilliantly ail day. Hav- wrong - Archie and Milicentt ing done their duty by waking could both have overslept-so ( up from their long slecp, climb- he knocked on the door and ing out of their warm 4eds, down he went. The first thing testing the day for shadows, hie heard was a moaning and filling in the forms fromn the groaning. That was Archie. Next Meteorological Office (in quad- he heard his wife, Milicent, ruplicate) after fetching thérnayng from their new riaultiple rural sa mutyxngbg.:o ms nail boxes-the whole bunch of utb u.Yums themn have gone back to bed for have had it when we went to another six weeks, secure in bcd last November. I remem- the knowledge that there will ber thinking you looked a littie be another six wceks of winter. peaked, but you wouldn't take anything. Now it's February We have this interesting 2nd and something's got to be item on Groundhog Day, h0w- done. II have to send for Dr. ever, from the Acorn Bugle, Porcus?" chief news sheet of the Val- Anxious to help, Uncle Potts ley, Editors Gabriel (Gabby) se f ofthD.Pru ~quireh andWasingoIra-Porcupine for Millicent. Porcus, ing Crow. Wash cornes ofm course, couldn't be hurried, literary family and his mother s0 if the two of them- hadn't had great ambitions for him, as accepted a ride on that abhorred you can tell by the name. contraption of a motorcycle the Anyway, it seems that Un- new young harum scarumn mail- cie Dan Potts, the Valleys yen- man uses to get around, Porcus erable rabbit mail courier who probably wouldn't have made retired ast year, just couldn't it tiil February 3rd-too lae stay away from the old beat on to f111 in the Government re- ports. As it was, they pulled up in a cloud of nw nlPot Stafford Bros. lookingc a littie pale*rm h hair-raising rate of speed nt which he had travelled. Dr. Pr Monum ntal orks cus, who neyer travels faster Phono hitbythan a snail, was strange]y un- PhneWk 8-355perturbed. 318Duna E.,3552 by "Hm," Dr. Porcus said, peer- 318 unds S. E. Whtby ing at Archie through his spec- FINE QUALITY tacles. "It's a virus. 'II give1 MONUMENTS AND you a shot of penicillin and MARKERS you'll be right as rain." Precse wrkmashipand* "With that needie?" Archie careful attention to detail ad"Imutb menfoa are your assurance when bear. I'm only a groun-- you choose from the wide Ouch!" selection of importcd and ."Ail over," Dr. Porcus said domestlc Granites and with satisfaction. Marbies in stock. There werc a lot more details to the story, but the outcome ______________________ was that Archie said if he was So, b.! or 7, ouwi a latter, or parcel make sur@e h@ addreu includes tese 5 pointsis' OFull naine of the person you want to get your mail. *Correct street ddress, rural route nuinher, or Pott Office Box Number. OPost Office (city, town or village). Prvic, tte(o quvle/)ad onty C ÀAAD A POST 0OF FICE well enough ta struggle upstairs and view thc weather and f il out foi reports, he was well enoug, to go ta the Groundhog Bail jr. the CommujnitY Centre, and Mllilcent didn't protest too rnuch because she had bougbt a new dresa làst November for this date. Archie was a littie light-headed and thei'e were some present mean enough ta insinuate that h. had got into the dandelion wine ahead o! time-but, ho hum! It was al worth it. It isn't cveryone wbo can go to bcd for six wecks to sieep off a virus! "THE NIGHT I DANCED WITH THE PRINCE" A recent editorial in the Pc- terborough Examiner depiores1 the idea whicb some Cobourg officiais bave expresscd, o! tearing down their bandsome aid Town Hall. The editorial doubts that anytbing rcplacing it would be better, it would cnly be new. We beartiiy agrec. The rooms In the building may neeed cleaning, painting and reiurbisbing, but the build- ing itself is still bandsorne and wili probabiy stand sound and firm for another hundred years. Its construction, of Cleve- land free stone, was begun in 1856 an~d completed in 1860, when on Sept. 7tb it was offi- cially opened by Queen Vic- toria's son, the Prince o! Wales, later Edward VII. It was calied Victoria Hall, and cost about $110,000, a huge sum for the tirnes, but there werc 26 rooms to bouse the county court and offices, as ,veli as a concert hall. The ar- cbitect wvas a Toronto man, Ki- vas Tuliy, who won first prize for bis plans wbicb wcre at first much more modest, but with the completion o! the rail- way to Peterborough, many thougbt Cobourg was dcstincd to hecome a great city and 50 the plans were altered toaa more suitable scale. Sir Allan MacNab off iciated at the laying o! the corner atone. The grand opening must bave heen a night long remembered t y Cobourg citizens. The Prince and his entourage arrived by boat at 9.30 p.m. after being expccted most o! the day. The town, lighted and dccorated, made a fine spectacle. After the speeches on a platformn in front o! the hall, there was a bail in the auditorium wbicb had not yet been furnished with scats, and was resplendent in blue and scarlet draperiesi and flowers. The bail got under way at midnigbt and ended at dawn. Among the 15 ladies who are listed as baving danoed with the Prince is a Mrs. Cubltt o! Bowmariville. On investigation, we !ind that Frederick Cubitt was mayor of Bowmnanviiie in 1860, so it Is aitogether likeiy this would be the mayor's wife. He was a Lieutenant Colonel in the army and a prorninent man in civic affaira. He married in Engiand in the 1850's, according to J. B. Fairbairn. Wbat Mrs. Cubitt's malden narne was, wc arc not told. One can imagine bow these 15 lucky ladies told the taie ta their children and grandchildren of "the night I danced with the Prince o! Wales".1 A building lie Victoria Hall today would cost many times the $110,000. Wby tear down what is solid, good and decora- tive? As tbe Peterborough Ex- aminer says, there is more than one kind o! progress, and Icarn- ing to conserve wbat was good in the aid is one. ' M M w o i P'LOt~c4b~v ...at your-fingertips nie fireman's hoat s a symbol cf protection. Sa is your fire insurance policy. When fire strikes, a!ert firemen are soon on their wcy, accepting risks themse!ves ta protect yaur life and Property. Anid when fire strikes, lire insurance steps in ta offset disastrous financiai Ioss. Every week, some 1,400 fires breakc oM across Canode. Companies writing fire insurance pay out more than anc hundrcd million dollars annually in daims. And yet virtually ail the fires which take the lives cf more thoni 500 Canadians ecch year are preventoble. ire insurance safeguards your property. But onfy you con guarontee against Ioss cf life. Safety pays dividends. .. saves lives, heips ta lower your insurance costs. Be Carefula PUDERMION * ALL CANADA INSURANCE PEDERATION s, . e baba lif moto tharà 200compiniiicomp.nMs mwgitLi Pire. . Atomobiào and Ca. ualy lnatirane, Durham Club Tokes on Globe m Trotting Jaunt With Claire Wallace By Aleen Aked EveryOne seerned to enjoy ýToronto's Durhamn County Club meeting Jan. 24, at the I.O.D.E. Headquarters, conducted by Vice-President Jim Lovekin as President A: A. Martin was ab- sent through illncss. The speak- er, who broadcast for 18 ycars, is now travel editor o! May- fair Magazine and bas just opened the Claire Wallace Travel Agency after a globe- trotting jaunt needed no intro- duction as Claire Wallacebut as Mrs. James E. Stutt, with a son and two grandsons was lcss wcil known. Dcveloping ber wonderful in- tcrest in people and places eariy in life through the "Wide, Wide World" books, Miss Wallace soon cxtcnded it around the earth and ber audience with ber. "«See Canada First", the speaker said, and told o! the world's smaliest park, Stanley Park, Moncton, N.B., named to honor a policeman who wbiie standing on one spot hciped so many that the ground was, made a park in bis memory. At Moosonnee is the only church with rernovable corks in the floor built 'to drain off spring flood waters. Next came the Carribean Cruises, French, Dutcb, Span- ,sh and British culture brought close to home in Haiti, Curaco. Cuba and Trinidad. Then off on our "Travel" talk to Ireland, landing în Shannon airfield bright wi h green lights or fly- ing directly to London, the world's largest city where gas- oline trucks are called "purvey- ors o! motor spirits". Toucbing at Itaiy, the speak- er described Venice, Florence, Pisa, Genoa and the Vatican- a city in itself with its own radio station, power plants and police force. A visit to it is in- complete witbout an audien'ýe and the Pope's blessing. Miss Wallace knew ail the answeis including the telephone num- ber o! how to bc biersed by the Pope whom she greatiy admires. As the speaker receiyed His Excellency's blessing she thougbt she saw a gleam in bis eyc which seemed to say, "You look like a Protestant ta me but this won't do you any- harm!" The speaker told of the great, interest and benefit given by ber adoption o! three cbildrcn throuch the "Save the Cbiidren Fund>,'a boy in England, anc in Italy and a girl in Greece, and beartily recornmended *it to others. "Turkey 1 just adore. The taxis are divine with lovcly rugs on their floors; the people are friendly and anc custom of throwing a bucket o! water after you to ensure safe conduct and return to a fricnd's home is a littie startling at f irst." Every farmer keeps goats in Turkey, the nanny goats wear brassieres made o! coarse cot- ton-not for a girlish figure- but to prevent the littie goats from taking snacks and reduc- ing miik production. Grecce, too, bas friendiy peo- pic and the ibest boncy. In Athens is the Stoa, greatest feat o! archeologicai restoration wbence came the word '"stoic" (without emotion) as the audi- ences sat for bourg on bard, backiess benches. O! the white islands o! the Aegcean Sea, one bad 360 churches huilt by saîl- ors who were rescued from the sea in gratitude for their salva- t'on; anc was occupied by but- terflies; another bas an unusual graveyard, each tombstone be- ing draped with the turban ol the dead drapcd at a rakisb an- gle. The nervous fear on first go- ing to Cyprus where someone was shot every day, was soor lost, explained Miss Wallace. Britain needs Cyprus as a strat- egic point, the Greeks feel they shouid bave it and the Turks arc passive but would like it, It is one o! the choicest spots in the worid and the healthiest cli- mate, is 5,000 years old and 140 miles long. The shopping dis- ,rict o! Nicosia, similar to Bloor and Yongeý_, is alled "Muirdex- cn trip were: Jerusalemn - the hope that the Holy Land wauld be p]aced out o! war range; Burma - colorful; ail young men must put in time as pricsts; very feminine deiicatcly clac women spoi the picture tbey make by smoking fat cigars; a teaspoon o! uncut preciouq stones received as a parting gift. Siam - temples colored with natural flower' designs: priests swaying on draped coi. ored swings. Thaiiand - very kind to animais, naming eact, year after an animal, unlike the cruelty to animais seen ini many Eastern places. Pakistan and India-in parts very un- developed; a bath witbout pipes draining into a ditch around the bathroom wails. The Taj Mahal-fabulous but lke a more fabuious dream was ladrive when it was 116 in thE shade (ieft a' 4.30 a.m.), num- erous animais on the road stop- ping the car, monkcys, green parrots, dancing bears, yUl- r tures, two-headcd snakes, min- ah birds-then a sand storm blottlng out ail coming back. Hong Kong-has the most dan- gerous airport in the worid; spent a day talking to people in a leper colony there, where Irene Norton, R.N. from Thames- ville, Ont., was dolng a splen- did job. Japan-with its litteie people and low ceilings, bard on tail people. Hawaii-trouble with the customs over a wooden hand-carved camel, a similar anc had been used by a man smuggling diamonds khortiy before. "My recipe for travel is mon- eY: be friendly, get the feel o! the country, dor't laugh at their customs strange to you and use a travel bureau, preferably mine' Rernember most things may be iost but you neyer lose your travels," concluded Claire Wallace. Mr. 0. J. Henderson present- cd two charrning pupils of Oak- wood C.I. Miss Beverley Ham- nett accompanled by Miss Anne Baker greatly delighted the Club by slnging "Danny Boy", "If I Loved You", "Holy City" and "Walk Alonce'. The per- formers wetc ail thanked by Mr. D. L. Linden. Miss Aleen Aked read cx- tracts from old minutes of num- erous travel trips taken by members of the Durham -Club during the first 30 years, 1898- 1928. These minutes appear elsewherc in this issue. Dr. Norman Found spoke of the new park locatcd partly in Durham County along Highway 401, mostly for the use of Osh- awa people and motorists, in the district which, after Port Hope, was the eariiest settled area. The social hour was arrang- cd by Mr&. W. T. Willard as- sisted by Group 3 and conclud- cd with "Auld Lang Syne." YELVERTON (Intended for last week) On Monday afternoon Yel- verton United Church was par- ticularly weil reprcscnted at the annual meeting of the six char- ges of Manveru held in Bcthany United Church basernent. Ra- ther a fnustrating afternoon with the agenda faliing furtber ¶his is the year of complete change in Monarch. Look at the distinctive fluted rear fenders-the unique V-angle taillights. This is design for tomorrow, blazing a new trail for cher fine cars to foliow. Monarch's new 7-position Keyboard Control caris the engine, releases the brake, selects drive, low, neutral, park and reverse for the smoothest automatic driving yet. This is the longest, widest Monarch of all time-with a completely new body. And bumper to bumper, road to roof it'sfired with the spirit of the future! Come-see for yoursclf! ,Cilt C V f.. WIfv UIIusItrafed or enftI<ned fre -Sendared se Cern, modeL,. eptionali cialira cosion othe,'s.> Your Ford - Monarch dealer in vi tes you to qÀEÀE ITrf SZEITrF CARVETH MOTORS and further behind schcduie and no partieL lar attcrnpt was made to catch up. Our suggestion is that a max- imum of two minutes be ac- corded any speaker wishing ta air his or ber vicws on any particular picce o! business and then the vote taken prornptly. Thus more interested parties could offer their ideas and it should expedite the board meet- ings no end. Local rinks at the jitney bon- spiel in Lindsay on Saturday did particularly weil, claiming three o! the five prizes. Ken Mia- shall'i rink of Nestieton, took second place: the local Yelver- ton-Betbany rink with Page, Sisson. Stinspn and Howard Malcolm fourth position. Wilson Heaslip's rink of Janetvillc with H. Heaslip, H. Jackson and T. Staples, won out in a tic in skips shot on circle and claim- ed fi! th prize. Yclverton welcomes Mr. and Mrs. Huey McGill home after spcnding a joint holiday witb the Clif! Snyders of Toronto, the Ken Snyders o! Richmond Hill and the Rodney Joncs, Willowdale. Mr. Joshua Evans, Raglan, at the Jack Wilson's. Miss Lorraine McGill is boarding with grandparcnts ia Lindsay during wintcr months whiic attending Lindsay Coi- legiate. Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore and family with Mrs. Sam Scd- man, Whitby. Captain Edwards with the Ernie Lanes for weekend are leaving for Winnipeg. On Friday evening the Art Rowans with their customary ease and efficiency wcre hosts to the second cuchre party of the senson on behaif o! the Family Club. A fine turnout from this and .adjacent com- munîty witb eigbt tables. Mrs. Ralph Malcolm and Mr. Jack Wilson were declared high win- ners, Dale Stinson and Brian Gray the least lucky. Ten dol- lars was netted for the Club. We shouid like to correct an error in last weck's news bud- get, namely ail these gatbcrings are held in Cburch Hall with those aforementioiied acting as hosts-not in the homes. A nat- tirai error in translating aur 6'shorthand" into the more readable printcd version. Yelverton W.A. announce a gratifying $75 gross fromn the Bake Sale in Bowmanviile Hy- dro office and should like to express their thanks to aIl con- cerned for the acceptance o! their culinary experiments in that quarter. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson et the Gea. Clarkes; Miss Emn Hen- ders witb the Roy Hienders; Master Lloyd Wilson also a caîl- er at the Clarkefî. Mr'. and Mrs. George Ruther- ford and Allen, Mrs. Alma Fowler, ail o! Oshawa, were Sunday supper gucsts o! the David Wilson's. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill, Blackstock, at the W. H. Stin- son's on Saturday for supper. Harold attendca the funeral this weck o! Mr. Fisher o! Cavan. Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore and family were Saturday din- ner guests of the Norman Xil- sns. Mr. Leonard Downey proprie- tor o! service station and lunch counter east o! Yelverton bas sold the business to a Toronto couple who wifl be taking over shortly. - ----I THfURSDAY, FER 7th, l1O5?' where do they get the energy? Athletes know the secret of good health and energy. They keep in condition by drinking milk often. It's a real winner for food value and scores hlgh in good taste. Everyone needs, everyone enJoys our top-quality dalry 4 andu . milk, ra * and cottage cheese. Serve GLEN RAE ~ DAIRY Phone MA 3-5444 i Bowmanville KINO SIZ outelde end Ins/de! Big~ger a//il r SIZE Blgger a// through! NEW, LONGER 122- WHEELBASE FOR A A RULY BIG-CAR RIDE COMPLETELY NEW BODY-4- L.OWER, ROAO VTO ROOF, WITH 2- MORE HEADROOM 3- MORE LEG, HIP AND SHOULDER ROOM VFOR STRETCH-OUT LUXURY COMFORT DESIGNED FOR TOMORROW-OVER 24% MORE VGLASS AREA FOR WIDER, SAFER VISIBILITY AL.I. NEW 7-POSITION KEYBOARD CONTROI. VFOR AUTrOMATic TRANSMISSION ALL-NEW AIR-BORNE RIDE INTRODUCES VNEW COMFORT AND SAFETY KING-SIZE V-9 POWER WITH FULL-ACTION VRESPONSE AND IMPROVED ECONOMY TWO SERIES 0F FINE CARS- VLUXURIOUS RICHELIEU AND LUCERNE m O DI5LAOQY NO W Ford Dealer For Bowma"inville and District Showroom and Parts Depot at Newcastle Phone Newcastle 3251 1 - - -- - - -- - -- - - C. G.I.T. Holds Crokinole Party Courtice C.G.I.T. held a cra. kinole party at Courticc Uiem- ed Church on Friday, -% t S5. Prizes for highest poinY swer won by Mrs. Simmons, Rev. L. M. Somerville, Gillian- Lynch and Greg Couch. Lunch was servcd by C.G.I.T. members and everyone had an çnjoyable time. It is estimated that retailers in Canada wili do about $13 billion of business in the current year; independent stores will handie about 82 per cent o! the total, chain stores about 18 per cent. 1 1 0' Va à mm qm--

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