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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1957, p. 6

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T~ CAKADIAII STATESMAN, EOWMANV!UZ. ONTAMO T1~r!RSDAY, TEE. 7t2~. 105? ad tinny sounds of ordinary tS Dr. K ith Semon ew record players. wsîtoue Celeb rates ovin Birtnoay "P Dr et t m n N w Mr. Wilson wsi1oue ni Ja] by Ab Darch and thanked by ln Rotary Club President owa rha elban tcrt the meeting was that of Don. were Morris. to On behalf of the club Jim hi Takes ffice in Ju Stutt presented a gift to Ted I Dr. Keith Siemen was elect- interesting address given by tohis family. . an i. Viaitors a temeeting i-res ed pre8ident of the Bowman- George Wilson, head of the Ra- eluded Ed Paige, Bowmanvile .5, ville Rotary Club for 1957-58 at dio Division of Wilson and Lee ndJon eke Ohaa the regular club meeting ini the Ltd., Oshawa.Wand on ers ,O s hwafiehoc Bamra n rda f at Fidelity is actually the ability ke rwwr e er ndeal. wee. Ti. resden-elct iUof an unit to reproduce what Pete Newel.. succeed the out-going president, is ini it, the speaker explained Dr. William "'Bil" Rudel at and accordingly even the first thec end of tie Rotary year. phonograph machines -could be . .ÂMPON.I.Fr After nine years o associa- classed asfidelity units. The HA P ONF i tion with the Bowmanville word "hi" is merely tagged on club, Rotarian Keith stated that to denote that the unit is of The Ladies' Bible Class of the'Y h. realized the president was Sunday School, held a socialIY the main force behind the evenig in the Sunday Schoool Tyx club's success and he hoped to room on Tuesday evening. A carry on this tradition. He add- short program was given Haller cd that it wlll be a distinct hon- ineluded a piano solo by Doug-Hal cur anid pleasure to serve as las Deweil; readings by Mrs.lag preaident of an outstanding Ro- S. Kersey and Mrs. Cecil Sie- Ms tary club as existsi Bowman- mon and music 1,y Marlene and Ms ville. Eunice Randie. recen nasng-lipsl 4lrdeifty" Explained Mrs. K. Caverly led in ig Tlhe advances In phonogra- song accornpanied by MsN. JAh phic reproduction and hi-fidel- Horn, after which contests were Jh ity was the subjeet of a highly enjoyed, followed by refresl- panie t nients. Mrs. T. M. Chant presid- I so t ~ed for the program. Tal STARK VILLE Following are t.he newly api- I Ye, tpointed olficers. - President, piBane Mr.andMr. C HatTornto .'Lrs. T. M. Chant; ist Vice, Mrs. f pi Mr.ited er teMs. F. StTootoe IG. Adcock; 2nd Vice, Mrs. S. Mrs. George Nesbitt, a former resident of Cart- ctt rs. Bd er mthTrm M. t-e iCornish; Teacher, Mrs .A. E. wihrcnl elbae 0hbitdywt -piano well werthiTrono las.t-wek IBiilett; Assistants, Mrs. B. Kil- wihrcnl eertdhr8t ltdywt e-ing, Melr nTMrontoAlrt Roers. lens, Mrs. H. Ruttan: Secretary, bers of her f amily at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert piano and amiy, Ohaw, a Mr.M. ..Mrs. Bert Hoskin; Asst. sec., Doak (Mabel) and daughter Dorothy, Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. Bk Sban 'sl saa atM.M Mrs. D. Hali; Devotional, Mrs. Charles H. Nesbitt, Bowmanville, were present as well as Mn Mr LewHalwel astee S. Kersey, Miss N. Iforni; Cards, other members of the f amily.' A member of the family addre Mr.sion haloelha ee Mrs. T. Payne; Social Commint- of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Proutt, Mrs. Nesbitt was born prese virionandMs.ome Fli adtee, Mrs. J. Williams, Mrs. Per- ok M.a ndweegea Mr . Rus- Fllaan cy Dewell, Mrs. M. Mountjoy; on a farm east of Caesarea. She received many callers on after fael Saery' eetîya . Ru- 1Treasurer, Mrs. Raymond Éar- this happ.y occasion. Henr: Last Wednesday afternoon 15' row. ker, ladies met at Mrs. Jini Stark's. Hampton friends were sorry P s~aBill a project for afternoon gather- DrIetiSeo Frank Coie of Toronto, who P ast ear li ne o ings. Dr et Seo as been a frelquent visitor with Mrs. Bill Reid is supplying at exceptionally high quality. ber niece, Mrs. Howard Cole Starkville School this week for The range of hearing for a and who was beloved and Thi4ç Miss Stewart who is in Oshawa. normal person varies between frindw s AnhRiere. a Jan.sfo T in tyme Ice Follies in Toronto, Friday son Dise flecording machine, Recent callers at A. W.IPres-thei 1 MveissGwe takatedB te40ad15s0cyls.TeEd-nnualReports Show The evening.the first pbonograph unit, re- cott's were Mrs. David Beath,3 li wTo Mrs. Morley Robinson visited produced sound in a range Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. H. girls her mother, Mrs. Prouse, Osaca, froni 300 to 3,500, and Mr. Wil- Prescott ancd Roger, Enfield; Th nulCnrgtoa rs n ae eepee ted se seety on had a recorder to demon- Mrs. John Vos and Mr. Elgie Meeting of Trinity United to the congregation and the i Miss Norma Hallowell, New- strate the flat sound of this VOS, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Church was held in the churcb, vestry was furnished. The W.A. gettir castle, visited at Mr. Llew Hal- machine. Have]ock Annis, Miss Doris Wednesday evening, January 30. bas a membership o! 348. Dur- Comr lowell's last week.. Annis, Oshaw a, and Mrs. Hart- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark and Following the dise recorder Mr. Forbes Heyland, Chairman ing 1956, 3,590 calîs were made. Mr Ted were recent guests with Mr. Mr. Wilson demonstrated tb' wîg, Hampton. the1 Committee of Stewards, pre- Banquets were gîven to the ed b. and Mrs. H. Bowen, Newcastle. old wind-up pbonograph and Miss Florence Werry spent a sented Mr. John Shackleton, the choirs, the Sunday School staff day Service at Shiloh was welI then made the jump to a mod- few days with Oshawa frîends. foi-mer church officer, with a and youth groups. M attended Sunday and Mr. Guy's ern hi-fidelity unit which e- Misses Ruth and Marie Pres- suitablv inscribed watch, on be- The Commi.ttee of Stewards and1 message was the Eighth Com- produces sounds within tbe 20 cott attended the Ice FoUlies Fri- half o! the congregation, and reported $15,957 raised in 1956 terri inandment. to 20,000 cycle range as coin- day evening. expressed the congregation's ap- for local purposes and $10,500 So' Mr. and Mrs. Russell Savery pared with the ordinary sets Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harrison, preciation of the years of service raised for the Building Fund. Re end Betty visited Mrs. A. Mul- now available with a 100 to Port Permy, visited ber parents, rendered the church by hlm and Mr. Ray Dilling presented the Bowi drew, Elizabethville, recentiy. 8,000 cycle ange. Mr. and Mrs. G. Adcock. the late Mrs. Shackleton. treasurer's report, and Mr. L. D. hOe Mr. and Mms. Bill Trinil, Osha- Although it is Impossible forTh Crita dcioDeGdadtesceay'rpr.hat wa, visited bis parents, Mr. and the buman ear to hear many of Mis are rsot bs The ChitacEuain euodr he sicer's rtaeport. Mrs. H. L. Trini. tehge n oe yl t comnîenced a course at Oshawa partinent reported another suc-Tbcurhfiersotaeaspe the ighr ad lwer ycl it'S usinss ollge.cessful year. The Sunday School, been renovated and repaired this Mr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Shemilt, Osha- essential to have tbese sinceBunesClg. under the leadership o! the Su- past fali. Mr. R. Schlingensiepen Hami %va, were Sunday guests at Mr. they give the overtones and un- Mr. Don White, Oakville, perintendent Mr. Denis Pickard, has been appointed church of- Mr, Bert Trim's. dertone which correct the flat spent the weekend at home. nwbsam behio!rfcr. tona UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...b Mr. and Mms. M. Mountjoy 500, counting the Cradle Roll. The Session Report was pre- Mr visited at Mm. Kenneth Samielsî, Mr. Jack Dunn, secretamy-trea- sented by Mr. Bob Mutton and sons, Endelt Deep I ogte pn "estleton. surer, presented this report. Mr. Bateman. Mr. W. A. Court- eron' Sa oe Magie Pasto Pasto onto on Sunday evening with Karen MeMurter, the Tyro, me-~ nominated to the eîdership. and 1 1.69 special, 99e Special, 66e speelal, 860 the Bowmanville Choral Society ported by Irwin Colwell, and Tbirty-eight new members weme ton's. who eresinging at St. Paul's the C.G.I.T., eported by Mar- received by Profession o! Faith Jin Avenue Road United Church. garet Vanstone, are serving the and 33 by transfer. Eleven were Impi. Bayer Aspiin wlth Free On Saturday evening Mr. and age group froin 9 - 14 in the mid- remnoved by certificate and 12 seuni Hazel ishopMri. S. Kersey weme'entertain- week. Mm. Bob Allun reported by ,death. The total member- Mn ultrasmatte Lipatick 1.15 Children's Aspirin - 79a ed at the home o! their daugh- tbe formation of a new group for ship is 1,196, representing .54 ess fc Liquid Make-up - 1.25 Bayer Nose Spray - 9e ter, Mis. Jack Lyon, it being the High Scbool teen-age graup, families. Mr. Make-up Compact 1.50 their 34th wedding annîversary. 15 and lover, called Hi-C. The report of the Officiai e. Nadi Poliah ____ 65e 1.00 Value Instantine- 75e Members of their family who Miss Eleanor Leighton pre- Board was pesented by the ceivei -were present were. Mmlf. and sented the report of the Amica chaimmen of its vamîous commit- fuig iMi-s. Harold Ashton, Clare and Club, a new club for working tees. The Missionary and Main- Mr Douglas, Mm. Alan Stainton, young aduits. tenance Fund Treasurer, Mm. S. and Fo ogt-ClsE*skle;M.adMs e James, eprted $7,220 had been Wes. MEnklen; Mm.y and tMr. M rM. A. A. Merkley, past presi- forwarded for the chumch's work Mr eruan9.115and Mrs. Ken Pooler, Oshawa. reto h ak n ilCu on a national and international Mr.1 Pertssin___ 90, .15Tbey were the recipients o! reported for this couples' organ- level. Mr. Gordon Elliott, chair- were Privine Nose Drops - 95o ifs Cards were enjqyed and ization. Among their projects of! an rrtd o the àtt. ton's. Vik oeDos - 5oadainty lunch was served. th as er they uidn Fudad o! the committee. Mr, Vieks Rub -____53c, 9810O hrda vnn last tThee Music BuloingFtt rndtatten, Duckley's Capture5c,e, 5 nTusdyeeig sent a gif t to bishop Theophilus TeMsc mitt e po tai BukeysCpe 3e,7eRev. Thea Jaeckel, missionary of South India to assîst in ed the contmacts bad been sign- San -Vlcks Cough Syrup - 59e fonJpn rsne an i"'us- digging a well in a dry amea. A ed for the installation of a new Go Nyal Creophas __-_ 1.50 WhCf trated address on "Industry and sand-table was presented ta the organ thîs coming summer by Mr fe ht O cmyet fermIoted. tbe Church" which was very Sunday School. Casavant Freres. Mm. A. Col- ville, __________ ga utb urnt@& much enjoyed. His informative TeWmnsMsinr o lison reported on the chairs. and1 IItàik, and film were very TeWmnsMsinr o r obsHyad eotn New Creamy Tlp New worth while, and warthy of a ciety of the congregation consista Mm.thePaForaHelatnsreoting Bobbl Prom ~T ont Toul larger attendance. The meeting o! two groups and the organiza- for ,exese the Pastoal Re atin o- 2.00 2.00 1.25 2.00 wsbl nteSna colt ions tbey sponsor. The Baby itteexrse the coge appn freca iooas n theaSunduy ctd l Band, under the leadership o!fino h ogeaino m Mm. Reed Mrs. Elmer Banting bas 200 and Mrs. Morgan's miîiistmy. Mm. I - e Afer irs aidat he cbo layear brought a return o! over yaung people's aranizations I wa taen a Mmomal osp- 1$1,000. Duing the yeam $3,200 were in attendance, and Gary 'stake owmlewbre a nyosi was given to the Building Fund, Beckett, repmesenting the Bay's S an ti gostitches were rcquimed. H e was I$ lOto Unitcd Church Ealscouît Club, Reva McGill, reprcsent-. "S antiago "'able ta retumu borne tbe next 1Cbiidrcn's Home, $255 to the ing the C.G.I.T., and Mary Yeo, day support o! four Korean aiphans, repîesenting the Explarers, took ALAN LADD (Color) Sory. t eotteiieao and $200 to the M. and M. A part with the minister in the ftOSANNA PODES our minister, Rev. F. J. Reed, edrhp !wrhp ALA LDDROSNN PDETA who suffered a heurt attack an work out a schedufle for the coin- The choir, too, consisted o! (plus selected short subjects) Saudy 'nn and is a pa- ing ycar. young people- under the lead- Satrda monin ership o! Mis. Gordon Yeo, Last coniplete show 9 p.ni. tient in Memorial Hospital, Assistant officers and teachers with Nancy Wood as pianist. Bowmanville. We trust he may took charge of Sunday Sebool onThsJnoCoibabenn have a speedy recovemy. Latest Sunday with Truman Austin and fisneaiorCit h eas enuin NEI NO . O W D - ~ l .13 reports are favorable. Clarence Nicholls as Superin-fibe fr u i recnt ees, nd tendent and Secîetary; Carrolisobecorng ratult we o nde R IT NON. 70 WED FEB. Il 13 N~icholls, Mis. P. Snell, Mis. Har-ist ecnrtltdo hi WESL YVI l old Austin, George Tufford Mis. loyalty. Arnang them aira on WESL YVIL E ' A. Thomndyke and Muriel'Aus-. Sunday as a visiting soloist, was "T ar heAsoilevnngnposre y teachîng. Duing the church Miss MrD Rnie h 7 ow a d t e Asocal venng, ponore byi evic twoSunay chol bysmade a fine contribution ta the Sunday Scbool, wvas beld at Bill Barrowciough and Pat Arn- the worsbip by ber singing S the ever bospitable home o! the old, were ushers. "~The Stranger o! Gallilee". Snell's on Friday evening witb Friends froin this district con- Tbe speaker was Misa Mar- U nkno n ovr 30 present. Evemlone had -ratulate Mr. 'and Mrs. Carlton garet Pellowv o! Oshawa who Color U nhappyn ime andizeud oa,0 frane niversary wù th eddieloebrd Jraca, aned sindof in IShappy taime d the Sundayfo anerson thir 4theddebain showedcoouand aindso! life Colr -Cinemnascope their work. Prize winneis were ed at their home in PortHp ngv ayfn ugsin o starring i Miss Jean Elliott and Murray Satumday, Februaîv 2nd. Christian living ta the young BILL HOLDEN - VIRGINIA LEITH Payne and consolation xinnems Miss Annie Nesbitt, Newton- people present, It was a fine~ iiia op irFoce ranawere also quite thrilled ta bave ville, with Mr. and Mms. Harold Christian service, and refleet- in atop ir Frce ramatheir efforts recognized. Re- Barmowclough on Sunday. ed the gaod work being donc Last complete show 9:10 p.iu. freshmnenta wcre welcome as al- Miss Jean Elliott, Part Hope, for aur young people by their ways and grateful thanks ex-4 with Muriel Austin. leaders. pessed ta the hast and bostess Hnters and their dogs werc On Fiday, Feb. I st anather Now eb.Ctbuer 307 ort $35 ExiresFeb 10 Members o! the committeýe1a- plentiful last Satumday and at important event took place at Now .b.CU~dmr130 woth 35.ExpresFeb 10 ranging the voluntaîy cleaninglleast one dog was ]eft behind the chuîch. when Rev. Theodor of the church met at È. Barro%\-1 and 'vandered around here on Jaeckel told th1ose present abou, W; cloughS last Monday' evenirig ta Sunday in bearch of bis mnaster, Christian mi5ssonary work ia m. Mr. Jaecke4 ih a Germn irth, and bas been semving pan since 1940. Those pres- wre very much impressed he, ability and Christian sin- 'y o! the missionamy, and given interesting informa- about the carryiiig on o! stian missionary womk. ivas a striking Illustration 0oW our Christian religion break down national bar- ;About 40 'attended, and yo! these were !îom En- [and Burketon. Those wha ,t hear bim missed a' great iends Honor )ung Couples rrone: Two presentatians beld in the Community Fîiday, Feb. 1, witb a Lattendance, for Mr. and Bob Burgess and Mm. and Tom Pleasance who were nty mamîied. Lewis Phil- was chaimman. prograin was as foilows: iVaneyk sang and accoin- ed himscif on the guitar; ýby Janice and Roslyn mr, Marilyn and Donna owlees; recitation by Bruce er; sang by Ken Murphy; osolo, Lynne Stainton; me- on -J -' --n_Ëoop - of Zsolo, Jea Ba"ker; mead-' Sask., and Alan Hper a Joyce Davey; violin and Edgcley, Sask. oduet by John and Jean, A beautiful basket of yellow r. 'munis was presented ta Mis. Hooper and a box o! eboco- rs. Keith Davey mead an lates to Mm. Hooper froin Ty- ess and each couple was rane Community. They also ented xvith a plat!arm meceived two gold tea services, er. Lunch was served, two gold cupa and saucers and rwhich Mis. Don Davey, y Stainton and Gardon Ba- played for dancing with OBITUARY Johnsn ascaller. LORNE ROBBINS Z ION Sympathy is cxtendcd ta h family o! Laine Rabbins o! ie Explorer girls held their Oshawa, mccently o! Leskard. ting in the old school on Mr. Rabbins died in Mt. 5mnai 29. Jacqueline Wood took Hospital, Toronto, on Feb. 3rd Worship service and Mis. and burial service was beld in iSobil read a story. The the Laing Memorial Chapel, ;are making little jackets Orono, an Feb. 5th. end ta Miss Moore, nurse He was born in Lcskamd 75 aleper colony. They are years aga, an the faim now ing a glass top for the owncd by M. E. Green. He Lunion table at the churcb. was noted for bis sportsman- rs. Jin Stairiton entertain- ship, bis inteiest in Faims, es- r knitting club on Tues- pecîally boise shows and was evening. a great supporter of bahl games and ice hockey. rs. Alex McMaster, Joan Mr. Rabbins lived lin Leskamd Rass, visited Alex at Wes- until ten yeams ago. Ris !atb- Hospital, Toronto. cm was one o! the men who ny ta report the Rev. F. J. helped ta build Leskard chumch 1 is in Memorial Hospital, a! which Laine was a zealous nanville, baving suf!cred a supporter. 7t attack. We wish hlm a His many frienda paying their iy recavemy. last respects crawded the chapel rand Mis. Lorenizo Truil, ta the doors, with a good many ipton, at Russell Perkin's. standing. Rev. John Kitchen rand Mis. Russell Stain- conducted a beautiful service. at Albert Balson's, Sauina. Laine is survived by a daugh- rand Mrs. Fred Wamd and ter, Pauline (Mis. W. Boyd); ,Town Line, at Wes. Cam.- two brothers, Art o! Leskaîd, s. and Frank o! Oshawa; and two rand Mrs. Leonamd Shaw grandchildren, Larry and Deb- Pat, Osbawa, at Jimn Stain- bic. He will be sadly missed by friends in Leskard and dis- in Stainton attended. the tict. ment Show at the Coli- nToronto, Saturday. rs. Henry Dart was hast- and Mrs. John Killen atD Wm n II home. The newly-weds re ed many beautiful and use- r.ad Mis. Percy FliRECIA family, Maple Grove, at DRAW EVERY SA' Cameion's Chermy Wood and sons, I i Va e - Herbert Cameron, Tymone, JlackipotVau acalleis at Russell Stain- This week's winner, rand Mis. R. C. Stainton ded the funeral of Mis. Helen Bladis, itan's grancimother, Mis. rge Stephen at Uxbrîdge. DON'T FORGET - NEX r.Frank Sobil, Bowman- t3.. called at Patmick Roberts t3pn Russell Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Hooper HoId Family Party on Golden Anniversary lirone: Mr. and Mis. Luther 1 Hcoper o! Tyrone, celebîated1 their Sth Annivcmsary witb a family party at Tyrone Coin- munity Hall on Jan. 30. The bride o! 50 yeams is the former Ada May Byam. Mr. Hooper bas always been a me- sident of bis Tyrone farin wbere he was raîsed as a boy. Thcy were mraried by Rev. S. F. Dickson on Jan, 30, 1907, with Mr. and Mis. Bert Fessant as attendants. The hall was tastefully de- coiated for the occasion with yellow streamers, candles and 'mums. The three-tieied wed- ding cake was made and decor- ated by their daughter Laina (Mis. Art Richards). A corsage a! yellow mums was prescnted ta Mma. Hooper and a carnation boutonniere ta the groom. After the tumkcy dinner an address was read by Mrs. Dar- cen Park, a nise, and presen- tation was made of a studio cauch from the famuly and re- latives. Tbey reccived a tele- gram fromn their gandcbildmen, Mms. Stan Kellogg, Regina, Television a hand crocheted lI~to daffodils. Their son Morley and his wife Jean, !lew from Edgeiey, Sask., for the occasion. Guests a.tending weme frora Toronto, Oshawa, Orôno, Bow- manvile and yron , TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. George Young, Bowrnanville; Miss Mary Young, R.N., Sunnybrook Haspitai, visited Mm. and Mrti. L. F. Hoop- er. Mr. and Mis. Ernest Spry, Leskard, visited Mr. and Mis. Roy Spmy. Mm. Lloyd Robinson, Gloria and Scott, Part Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. Mr. and Mrs. J. Holdstock have maved ta, Bowmanville where be bas accepted a posi- tion. Mra. Ace Aibbott Oshawa. spent the weekend witb ber sister, Mr. and Mis. Ken Hardy. Misses Phyllis Maynard, Jean Stainton and John Stainton, Jr., Bowmanville; Mis. Henry Wood and family and Mr. Ken Chamn- berlain, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maynard. Mr. and Mis. Ralph Davey, Enniskillen, visited Mr. and Mis. E. A. Virtue. Bîllie Phillips spent the weck- end with Joyce Davey. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear, Ken and Esther Anne visited Mr. E. A. Rosevear, Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy and family, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mms. W. Murphy. Mm. and Mis. Don Davcy and girls visitcd Mr. and Mis. Ham- old Woodcock, Oshawa, Sua- day.1 Mm. and Mrs. Morley Hoaper, Edgeley, Sask., visited bis par- ents, Mr. and Mis. L. F. Haop- cm and sistem, Mm. and Mis. A. Richards. Mis. M. Rusancîl, Whitby, in visiting Mr. and Mis. Ken Hardy. Congratulations ta Mis. G. Phare on hem 91st birthday Tuesday, Fcb. Sth. A celebia- tion was beld at ber brotbem'a, Mr. and Mis. N. Collacott, Bow- manville, when Mr. and Mms. Gamnet McCoy and Mr. and Mis. W. Wight, Bowmanville; Mr,. and Mms. Lamne Phare and Mr. Lance Phare were present. Many thanks ta those wh(> donated to the March o! Dimes collection. The amount sent in frorn this community was $18. Kathy and Judy Rabin with their gmandpaîents, Mr., 'and Mrs. W. Rahin.. Sunday visitors witb M. 4n Mis. W. Rahin weîe Mr'.,tnd Mis. A. Grace and Lynda, Bow- manville; Mm. and Mis. Cccil Rabm, Burketon, and Mr. Ron- ald Rabin. Merchls MION %Y ,TURDAT - 3 P.? This Week - $3 300/ coupon - $127.50 ýBowmanville IT DRAW, SAT., FEB. 9 -Town Hall K. Ith I Service Cc N"ow 0f fers .24 HOUR SERVIC and Be s! Qualif y..e TV and Radio a! Lower Price, New and Used From $50,00 EVERY SET FULLY GUARANTEED rRY -ý Be fore You -ý BU) s or Phone MA 3-3883 NO OBLIGATION See Our Stock ai 185 Church Street' - ------ ----------- 1, ý - , ý,« mlivcsocsm TIM CANAD" STATEgNL4N. 307n4AIVT=. ONTAPM Trfu SVAT, M. M. 1957

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