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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1957, p. 7

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~WUESDAYI MARCH ?th, 1057 THE CANADIAM STATESMM~. EOWMA!qvILL~* OTQTAmt, PAGE SEVEN ffr. andMrs. Ross Stevens lefl Friday foi a vacation in Florida Mr. anA Mrs. Ken Morris lefl Wednescby by motor for a vaca- tion in Pirginia. Misý,dell Burk, Orillia, speni Ahe Mt«end with her mother ,,OMrs:'7fS. Holgate. Mr. ~. J. Elliott was recently electecian honorai-y vice-presi- dent ci the Ontario Municipal Electrit Association. Misa Grace Etcher and Mr, George Wardle, Bellevile, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Roberts, Queen St. Repo-rt of the Northumber. land-Durham Health Unit for week ending gvarch 2 shows two cases of whoping cough in Bow- rnanvile. Mrs. Sewatd Dowson, Mr. anc Mrs. Alvin Jowson and Arnold, Bowmanvilli, visited Miss Mabel and Mr. Fied Lytie, Victoria Road, on Sinday and called or the Neals. With thdr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrt Carruthers, for the weekend 'tere Mr. and Mrs, Keith Smiti, Gait, and Mr. Robt. Carruther$ Kemptville Agricult* ural Collee. The regular meeting of the Guide aid Brownie Mothers' Auxiliar.ý will be held Wednes- day, Mýrch 13, at the Lions Centre ;t 8 o'clock. Ail Guide and Brok'nie Mothers welcome. A vacition in Mexico was the attractiýe prize won by Mr. Elmer renting in a contest spon- sored t)r the H. C. Downhani Nurserý Co. Ltd.- Mr. and Mrs. Banting left by 'plane on Sun- day. A happy sign of Spring's com- Ing art the snowdrops in bloom on the south side of Dr. V. H. Storeys residence on Wellington St. clher signs of the season are sýpping ropes and alleys at the pwlic schoo]s. Woxdl has been received by friendi in Tyrone of the passing of Mr, Otto Friend on March 2 while on a vacation in Mexico. ]His son, Mr. Gregory Friend of Ottawaq, flew to join bis mother In Mexico on Sunday. Herinan 'Lichtenberg, clerk in the Jury & Loveil Drug Store, Bowrnanville, for the past two years. has accepted the position of assistant nanager at the new Tamblyn Drug Store in the Oshawa Shoppng Centre. He took over hs duties Monday. The Boymnanville Volunteer Fire Depatment was set into action eaýW Wednesday after- noon in inswer to an alarm from Dule Street. A grass fire was out d control and the alarm ]had been turned in as a precau- 4 on. Tie fire was out before ~iremen arrived. Mr. Rscoe Dowson, Saskatch- e wan, vhbo is renewing acquaint- ances ii Ontario, spent a few days ùx Bowmanville and sur- iroundilg district. Older residents -Tf Caneron will remember his *nothe.-, Mrs. Ralph Dowson, the fori«,Margaret Campbell, a mlu ler * On fi? 2nd Miss Dorothy Ilutchi4on, Mrs. M. Hutchinson, Miss De.ira Capatosta, Niagara Falls, NY., were guests at the home oli Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carpenter Io see Paul Marvin Hutchinson, son of Rev. and Mrs. Richard R Hutchinson (nee Marilyn Crpenter) of North- brook, Ont An old triend of Mr. Albert Norton inBuffalo, N.Y., tells us that Mr. IiMrton will be 91 years old on 1arch 9. Mr. Norton who was oorn in Bowmanville is well renembered here as Cap- tain Ab Norton who sailed the Great Làkes for many years. Iriends àere join in wishing him a happy birthday. A special air mail customs- cleared, letter arrived for Mrs. $TU JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Fir si Sunday in Lent BOLY COMMUNION 10 and 11 a.m. - CEIURCH SCHOOL il am. - IIORNING PRAYER 7 pin. - EVENING PRAYER t Lloyd Quinton, 29 Temperanc a. Street, last week from her nativ ft Ireland containing a fresh spri -of the Emerald Isle's famot product, the shamrock. It hî been nine years since Mrs. Qui] ton left Ireland and a frien( Mrs. K. Bonass, Dublin, bas bee sending this pleasant littie gi ýy each St. Patrick's Day. l- The 1957-57 directors of th aiBowmanville Rotary Club, elecl ed at Friday's meeting, are: Ric rRickaby, Walter Reynolds, Ke *e Morris, Ai Strike and Morle sVanstone. This completes thn elections for the corning Rotai r. year with the new executiv )r consisting of Keith Slemoi ,president; Morley Vanstone-viCE r- president and the five director: George Vice, secretary, an d Keith Billett, treasurer, will cor jtinue with their respectiv ýlduties. ýa Mr. Jack W. Miller. 103 Kin nSt. East, celebrated his 82ni birthday on March lst by domn dbarbering in bis shop as usua ýeMr. Miller is Bowmanville's okd sest practising barber, and ha been following this professio: since 1893 except for a brie period in the Goodyear Tireé eRubber Co. here. He is in quitý good health and is a faithf. member of the Wood Senate. Mi ,Miller makes bis home with hi edaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Georg Tbrasher. Congratulations t, Mr. Miller. e Celebrating a birthday thi week was Mrs. Luke Hllderly o 141 King St. West, BowmanvillE On March 4th Mrs. Hilderly wa surprised at the home of he daughter, Mrs. Reg CoQmbes, b7 a number of friends. Mr Coombes presented ber with corsage of carnations, and sh4 received a number of gifts an( flowers from ber family an( friends. Mrs. Vi Martin an( tMrs. Russell Halîman had mad( a lovely birthday cake whic] yformed part of the delicîou gafternoon tea. Mrs. Hilderl) 2was 70. A letter from Editor Geo. W~ fJames who is holidaying ir rTampa, Florîda, reports that h( and Mrs. James are havingi -wonderful time. He has prom. ised to send an account of th( ipicnic for Canadian folks helc iat Tampa Park with a list oi ithose registered, 125 in number cWith Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Tai- cott, they are visiting a numbe. of interesting places, includini the spot where Christopher Col- umbus is said to have landed ir 1492. Here bananas from Ecua- dor were being unloaded and several onlookers receivedE heaping basket of ripe bananai free. The fruit has to be green for shipping. This seems to be a birthday week. Mrs. Herbert Layman, 70 Division St., Bowmanville, celebrated ber 84th birthday, which fell on Sunday, Marci 3rd, by inviting a few neigh- bours and friends in for after- noon tea on Saturday. Others hearing of the occasion also call- ed. Unknown to Mrs. Layman, Miss M. Masters had arranged for a beautifully iced and decor. ated birthday cake wbich she brought in, complete with lighted candles. On Sunday Mrs. Lay- man was entertained at thc home of bier niece, Mrs. Clarence Allin, Newcastle, when a num- ber of relatives were present. Mrs. Layman received cards and gifts from friends and relatives here and also from, friends ir Florida. This is the first winter Mrs. Layman has spent ir Canada in 22 years, and thougli she feels the cold, she has had no0 serious illness. ENFIELD Mrs. Ron Qake and children stayed a f ew days with the Qakes at Napanee. Miss Louise Hartman spent the weekend at ber home, Enter- prise, Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith, Hampton, were Sunday tea guests with their daughter, Mrs. Donald Prescott. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Samis have been visiting at Mr. Luther Barraball's and friends at Orono. Mr.andMrs W-Pacoean Trinity United Church Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. "The Lo",e of Jesus Chv.ýlt" "The Shield of Faith"l I'eatuire sound filni. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. .ig us5 as n- en he en s. ve e- .S. n e Il 1.1 as te ye ho s )y e. a Bisons Fighting in Atom League ~ ,* '-. i ~ ~ g mi I Tied for fifth place in the Atom Hockey League are Second row: John Gilbert, Pat Vinish, John Hughes, Bob the Bisons, with a record of one win, two ties and five Cuthbertson, AI Cuthbertson, Coach. Third row: Tommyl losses. This team is one of six sponsored by the Bowman- Carter, Dennis Secord, Walter Rickard, Doug McFeeters, ville Recreation Department. They are from lef t to right, Bruce Cuthbertson. Missing, Michael Etcher. front row: Bon Carter, Don Sweete, Dennis McFeeters. -Photo by Rehder MORRISH The deepest sympathy of thîs community is extended to Mrs. Charles Best, daughter Helen (Mrs. Norbert McHolm, Mor- rish) and sont Mr. Roy Best of Zion in the sudden passing of a beloved husband and father. The late Mr. C. Best was well known in this ncighbourhood Mrs. Charles Terry, Oshawa,! ard Miýr. John Mvaynard. Keith and Leslie Goble spent the wcckend with Mr. Fred Partner, Long Sault. Mr. and Mrs. M. Smiley and Kelly, Hlamilton, visited lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. MANVERS STATION. - anuci i i c v ,, hi s pas ýe came as a great shock to bis Mr. and Mrs. Orville Challice! d many friends. and family were Sunday visitors )f I a with Mr. and Mirs. Harvey Aik- twsony a few weeks ago. ens, Fallis Line. rJanuary l6th, that Mr. and Mrs Mran Ms.JhStran C. Best cclebrated the 5th an- M.amidy wrsJhtsarMk.and niversary of ther marriage. To Mrs. Douglas Logan on Sunday. 9commernorate the occasion a The last card party of the n reception was held on that day season at Fallis School was wel t- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. attended Monday night. Win- d Norbert McHolm to which a ners for high scores were, Mrs. a large number of friends and Palmer and Mr. H. Thompson, ,s relatives came to offer con- Mrs. Murray Logan getting the ngratulations. It is with sor- cup prize. Mrs. Fred Youngman row we report the passing of won a lovely prize for the high- your friend. est score of the season, 583 points. We would like to thank everyone who helped to make TVPflNPthese card parties a success. LJ.JLLJLIJ Mr. and Mrs. Ray MacCoubrey, Toronto, and Miss Ruth Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, Kinley, Fleetwood, were Sun- SColumbus, visited Mrs. F. day guests with Mr. and Mrs. S Cott. Alex Sinclair and Kenneth. Mrs. Gertrude Stephens, Mr- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MeGili and IB. J. Stephens, Toronto; Mr. fa'mily, Barrie, spent the week- and Mrs. A. Taylor, Bowman- end with Mrs. W. Bradley and cville, visited Mrs. R. Burgess Ross. 1 and Mr. and Mrs. L. Pbiilips. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thomp- Mr. son were Saturday evening din- ar. ai-d Mrs, James ParkI ner guests with Mr. and Mrs. the sons, Peterborough, spexît Jas. Boggs. teweekend with Mlr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Gamey, W. Park, Jr. Cobourg, visited with Mr. and Ï Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian and Mrs. George Goodson, Sunday. sfamily visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Miss Gale Patterson, Lindsay, 1Ormiston, Oshawa. and Mr. Allan Johnston, Wind- S Mr. and Mrs. Herb Cameron sor, were Saturday visitors with 1 accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mr- and Mrs. Alfred Johnston. iCameron and Raymond and Mrs. M. Baskerville and Miss: 1visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leatha Montroy, Toronto, spent Cameron, Zion. Sunday with Mr-. and Mrs. W. N. Mr. and Mrs. W. Murphy and Porter. family visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Earl Argue spent Sat-1 Clarence English, Bo\vmanville. urday in Peterborough witb ber 1 Sympathy is extended to Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Fair-- Otto Frienci and family on the bairn. passing of Mr. Friend whie Mr. andc Mrs. R. Wright and ]KENDAL Marion were Saturday e guests of Mr. A. H. Brent and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Foster on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. G. and Jane, Mrs. I. Marlatte went Annis, Ebenezer: Mr. and Mrs. to Ottawa for the weekend and os Pooley, Oshawa, and Mr.vite Mran Ms. atî and Mrs. Lorne Phare were Lock. Mrs. Marlatte will re- aiso guests. main for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. R. Clapp visited The funeral of Mrs. William Mrs. W. N. Badgley, Toxonto. Wilson, who died on Wednes- Mr-. and l\rs. W. Lake and day of last week, was held on Peter, Newcastle-, Mr. and Mrs. Saturday from Kendal United A. Brown, Boxvmanvile, werc Church with Rev. J. Kitchen, guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Skin- Orono, taking the service. ner. The Women's Institute held Congratulations te Mr. and a euchre party in the school on Mrs. W. F. Park, Sr., on cele- Friday evening. Ladies' high brating theix- 3th wedding an- prize went to Mrs. Ned Foster, niversary on Sunday at the ladies' low to Mrs. Jack Neal, home of their daugliter, Mr. and men's high to George Mercex-, Mrs. Lloyd Skinner. Others men's low to Argus Curtis. present were Mr. 'and Mrs. There was a draw for a wooi Ewax-t Bragg and famiiy, Bow- 'blanket with Carl Langstaff the manville; Mr. and' Mrs. A. xinner. There wili he another Geisherger and Lynda, Zion. blanket draw and euchrc party Mrs. W. Rahi-n visited Mrs. in the sebool on Friday, Marcb James Adam at the home of 15. Everyone welcome. Mrs. F. Coulter, Bowmanvilie. Mrs. Ethel Foster and grand- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goble cbiidx-en, Reid, Ann and Peggy, and Bruce, Mrs. Fred Partner had Sunday dinner with Mr. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher Foster and and Mrs. Cecii Heal, Embro. family. World Day of Px-ayer service Mr. Allen Catbcart, who is liffl be held iii Tvrone Church stili in the best of health, cele- if'riday at «-'P-1m. Evex-yone brated bis 9lst birthday at bis welcome. home on Sunday, Marcb 3. His Mr. Fnd Mrs. J. C. Cook ac- callers were, bis sister, MrE. companied Mr. and Mrs. H. Moley and Mrs. Geo. Winn. McClure and visited Mr. and Mrs. Tborne celebrated ber Mrs. Ted MeýIBride, Brampton. 93rd birthday on Sunday, March Tuesday, March 12, the East 3. Mr. and Mrs. W. Roughie-y group cf the w.A. \Vill meet and David, Mrs. Edith Ferguson at the home cf MNrs. Frank Werx-y. Miss Somierville, a re- turned missionary from Trini- FAST RELIEF FOR dad will be guest speaker. This flMMON is an invitation for you to attend. Club 49 held a quilting last M week at the homne of Mes. K 0' H ardy,. Mrs. Alma Ycllowlces was hostcss last wcek \vhcn a quihi - îng ,vas hold at hier home. Mary Catno, Mis Retta Cann, H Bo%\manvilie, were aiso Vie- -pr.it. ""KING OF PN" 29th wedding annoîversarv, also Mrs. H-all anîd her .ister Gladys birthdlav, alZo present were Mr. qncl ~ JA.T c and fam- 9ý ist. Catharines,-iMr. and and son Fi-cd, Oshawa, and 'Miss Pose Laing of Toronîto, had clinner there on Sunday. Callers that day w-ere Mr~.-Robert Gay, Arthur Thompson, Mrs. Wni. Jackson, Mrs. H. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Garbut of Toronto and Mrs. M. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen, Orono, called on Sat- urday. The Kendal folk welcome Mr. and l\rs. Carl Langstaff wha movedi to the village last wcek into the house formerly owned b)v Mr. and Mrs. Pete Maptîn'- ell. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jancas of R.R. 3, Port Hope, have moved on to the "Margles" tobacco farm and are welcomeci l'y people of the community. Mr. and Mrs. Len Adegaest, R.R. 1," Newtonville, have mov- ed from Kendal neighbourhootd to Campbellcroft to grow tobacco on the Brown farm formerly owned by Bill Adams. Mr. Robert Gay had dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Foster and! his brother Martin and his wife, from Jarvis, have Pone south to Virginia and Tennessee, to visit with relatives there for about two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Zealon visited Mrs. Mary Luxon on Monday and wen t to Peterbor. ough for the dav. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Allen vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Eddi Couroux on Tuesday. ANNOUNCEMENT 'Opening Friday, March 151h MILADY SHOPPE 71 King St. E. Millinery Owned jy' Mr. and Mrs. Ross Clark B owmanville -Ladies' Wear Managed by Mrs. Rose McDonald -go I ~<WAJJAjg i COMNPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE I~~~T ESU]1tt1JD~ SPECTAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK * S O F T S N - *ABSORBENT STE )SO -S 0 STERILIZED RPEAUO E JOHNSON'S ~~ STERILE GAUZE PADS SEALED IN INDIVIDUAL ENVELOPES. READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE. 2" x 2" 12's 45c-3"x 3" 12's 60ci With Wondersoft * covering NOW IN THIS SOFT GREY PACKAGE 1 2's 43 c *REGD TRADE MR I.DA. BRONCHIDA COLD CAPSULES Quickly relieves sneezing, runny nose and other coid symptoms, often within 24 heurs. 12 30 capsules -----12 I.DA. BRONCHIDA COUGH SYRUP Gives you quick, effective relief from cougbs, chest colds, and throat tiekie. Pleasant-tasting, 8-oz. bottle ----- -75ci 'Son .DA a rn- s Cod Liver 011 Top Value FACE CLOTHS Net tee heavy Net tee light 10'2 x 101½ inch. 2 For 15C 12 For 89C 16-oz., reg. 89c Save 50e on I.D.A. "Utlllty" HOT WATER BOTTLE Strong, sturdy, Two year guarantee Regular 1.79 1.29 69C1 I.D.A. AROMATIC CASCARA A pleasant, gentie tonic and laxative 3-0,z reg. 35C 6-oz. reg. 65C MÂFCLBDENS ISTOOTH PASTEy 29c 49c Save 10e oniD.A.-----Ji Cocoanut 011 Shampoo ]Reg.49c 39c Save 20e on Evelyn Howard C old Cream Theatrical Style 9 Cold ream 1-1b.jarreg. 89c 9 NEEDS for MEN Aero Shave - --79c Mennen Afta Shave Lotion -- 1.25 Spray Deodorant 75c, 1.25 Talcum ------- 35e, 65e Thermos Botties. 1.89 uP Brylcreem SPECIAL OFFER! With the purchase of eachi 69c tube you get a HIGH QUALITY COMB absolutely FREE Gilleile BLUE BLADES - in handy dispenser wlth compartment for used blades. 10's - 5ce20's 1.00 Regular packages of 5 blades 25e Gillette Super-Speed Razor 1.29 Gillette Shaving Cream. 43e I.D.A. Shaving Cream ...49e Shulton's Old Spice After Shave Lotion ----- - 1.35, 2.00 Electrie Shave --- 1.25 Spray Deodorant - 1.25 Stick Deodorant- 1.25 Shaving Brushes- 4.00 Value - -___ 2.98 Triumph - --3.95 Rubberset 100% Badger- 5.00 up Others ___ 1.00 up L\~~ ainq em \\ .' rolis 25C NEW! JUMBO Man's Size KLEENEX* Tissues 201 71SSUES IN THE NEW RED BOXI 35c Ifor69c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, Drugs iWe Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 &ocia/ & £Perso nal lP hone MA 3-3303 ý 1 1 lié P)4 1 TEM CANADIAN STATEMM. BOWMANViLLLr. oiqTAmtp PAGE SEVEN ; ewumxrl ?Mm ?th, 1957

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