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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1957, p. 16

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- - . - - $ -- ~ *~-.4~-.--~-.-.~------ - - PAGE SIXTEEN THfE CANAD!AN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLE ONTARTO IIHURSDAY, MAIRC!! 4th, lut Births PERRIN-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perrin (née Eleanor Hancock) are happy to announce the birth of their baby girl, Kim Joeanne. on March lth at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, 7 lbs. 121/ oz. A sister for Larry. 11-11 Deaths FOSS-At 34 Duke St., Bow- mnanville, on Sunday, March 10, 1957, Dennis Scott Foss, aged 18 rnonths, beloved son of Scott and Iva Foss. Service was held in the Morris XFuneral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Monday, March Il at 2 o'clock. Interment Bow- rnanville Cemetery. 11-11 MýASON-At Herington, Kansas, U.S.A., on Wednesday, February 27, 1957, Rupert Laurence Mason <Wichitia, Kansas), aged 86 years, dear father of Mrs. J. A. Rogers (Violet) and Harley. Service was held in Cochran Mortuary on Saturday, March 2, at 2 p.m. Interment Wichitia Park Cemetery. 11-1* THRASHER-In Oshawa Hos-1 pital on Tuesday, March 12, 1957,. Annie M. Caverly, beloved wife of the late Albert A. Thrasher and loving mother of Mms. R. G. Joyce (Helen D.), Oshawa, and Ludwig A. Thrasher, R.R. 2, Whitby. The late Mms. Thrash- er is resting at Mclntosh Funeral Home, Oshawa. Service in the chapel Thursday, Mamch 14 at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. Grandmother o f George W. Thrasher, Bowman- ville. 1- Coming Events The annual meeting of the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, will be held at the Library, Port Perry, Thursday evening, March 2lst, at 8 p.m. 10-2 Citizens are invited to reserve Wednesday, April 10 for the Liberal Nomination meeting at Orono when Hon. Lester B. Pearson will be the guest speak- er. 11-1 St. Patrick's Dance in Solina Hall, March lSth, $1.25 per per- son. Dress optional. Lunch provided. Ted Koss's orchestra. 1 Sponsomed by Solina Football Club. 10-2 Dance in Recreational Centre, ]Blackstock, Saturday. March 23, sponsomed by O.N.O. Club. Mont- gomery Orchestra. Dancing 9 to 12. Lunch and prizes. Ad- mission $1.00 per person. 11-1 Grand St. Patrîck's Dance and Draw in aid of the enovation of Tyrone Community Hall: the date, Saturday, March l16th: place, Tyrone Hall: admission b0c. Music by a local orchestra. 10-2 Goodyear Recreation Club dance, Fiday, March 29th at Varcoe's Pavilion. Dancing 9 V.m. to 1 a.m. Admission $1.00 per couple, Recreation members; $2.00 per couple non-members. 11-3 Regular weekly bingo held Tbursdays except third week in the month which will be held on Tuesdays, in the Union Hall. 20 regular games and a jackpot game. No game under $3.00.1 Admission 50c. 2-tf The Annuel Birtbday Party of the Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville, will be held in the Com- munity Centre, Becch Ave., Tfhumsday, Marcb 2lst, from 3 to 5:30 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. 10-2 Intemested in stamps? Ever attend a stemp auction? If you are interested or just curious to see whet happens. plan to attend the Bowmanville Stamp Club Auction, Wednesday, March 2tb in the Green Room, Lions Com- rnunity Center, at 8 p.m. 1l-1*1 Bowmanville Business and Professional Women's Club pre- sent their Annual Spring Fashion Show in the Town Hall, Bow- manville, Wednesday, March 20, at 8 p.m. Attendence pnizes donated by Huyck's Main Styl;ng Studio. Admission 50 cents. St. Patrick's Concert et Hamp- ton an Mamcb l8tb et 8 p.m., in the S. S. roam. under auspices of the Women's Institute. Good progrem of eadings, vocal and instrumentail music, 1-act plav "After the Chumch Supper" will be pesented. Adults 35c, cbild- ren 15c. 10-2 Bowmanville Lions Club Bingo in Town Hall on Setumday, Marcb 23rd et 8 p.m. $100 jackpot, $100 door prize, 20 games for $10 and anc game for $25, tbree special games. Admission $1. Tickets from members of Lions Club or et the door.85 Parlty Prices, Hlgh Cost of Liv- ing and Taxation is everybody's business. Coming on Panel in Bowmanville Town Hall d- - " - - A - m. . C -1 - --1----- -- E r% N - . - 1 - . --- - - - - - - Coming Lvents The Kinettes are holding a home baking sale at the Hydro Shop. Friday, March lSth, at 2 p.m. 10-2 Durham County Shorthorn Club Annual Banquet, Wednes- day. March 2th at Solina, 7 p.m. Speaker and entertainment. Ad- mission $1 .75. 11-1* Today, Bowmanville Women's Institute Kopper Karnival at Lions Centre. Quilts. Numerous prizes. Home baking. Afternoon tea. Draw at 8 p.m. Five lucky draws. 11-1* DON'T FORGET THE Si. Pairick's Dance ai Pontypool Saiurday, March l6ih MUSIC BY THE NORTHERN RAMBLERS NOVELTY AND SPOT DANCES BEAUTIFUL PRIZES Gent 75cLadies 50e Cards of Thanks 1 wish to thank my friends for the lovely gifts'given to me prior to my trip home. Peggy Adams. Mn. and Mrs. Jim Hedge, Stuart and David, wish to thank their Nestieton friends and neighbours for their lovely gift of lamp and pocketbooks. 11-1"' We wish to extend our sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for cards and floral tributes sent during our recent bereavement. The Ogden Family. 11-1*1 Sincere thanks to my neigh- bors and friends for lovely flow- ens, gifts and cards and to al who assisted on my 8th birth- day. Mrs. Mary Hayman. Many thanks to my relatives, friends and neighbours for cards and flowers sent to me, those who visited me during my stay in hospital, and Dr. Ferguson- and nurses. Mrs. Edna McLaughlin. We wish to extend our heart- feit thanks and appreciation to our relatives, friends and neigh- bours for the many acts of kind- ness and expressions of sym- pathy shown us during the ill- ness and death of a beloved bus- band and dean father, Mr. Harmy F. Fraser. The Family. 11-1* I wish to express my apprecia- tion to Doctors Miklos and Gili, and the nurses and staff of Me- morial Hospital for their came; Rev. Mm. Dewdney, friends and relatives for kindnesses shown; Legion Bancb 178, Durham Wood Produets and Newcastle Veterans for treats received dur- ing my illness. Alf Gray._ 1I wish to express my sincere 1 appreciation to relatives, fiends and neigbbours for cards, letters, flowers, candy and gifts; all those wbo came to visit me, also for the many inquinies whiîe in Bowmanville and Toronto bos- pitals and since eturning home. Special tbanks to Drs. Rundle, Hyîand. and nurses. Tbank you aIl veny mucb. Mrs. Sîd Luxton. Personal SUFFERING from backaches, vrheumatic pain, sciatica, lum- bago is over if you let Rumacaps help you to relief. Ask your dmuggist. 11-1 HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed postpaîd in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six semples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Onder Dept. T-28,1 Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham-I ilton, Ont. 1-52 Chickens for Sale 'WHAT'S in a name?" Lots, when it comes to egg or poultmy meet production. Namne of batchery, namne of breeds. Pul- lets bred ta 1ev with low over- head cost. Broîlers too. Bray bas wide choice breeds, crosses (Ames In-Cross for extra eggs - Pilch White Rocks, broilens). Agent W. S. Staples. Box 325, Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-3938. Repairs RADIO and television repeins. Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lomne Doreen, 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf REPAIRS to all makes of refnig- erators, domestic and com- mercial; milking coolers. Hig- gon Electric Limited, 42 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf Waich Repairing March 19, 1957, 8 p.m. ~ M a r r'1 s gponsored by the Labour Union 1 JEWELLERY and Farm Union of Canada. 43 King St. W. MA 3-5463 For the Labour Union the famous BOWMANVILLE ?Mfs. Mary Eady, also Mr. C. 0t Coburn and Mn. E. Park. For50t the Farm Union the dynamie Ls lady President Mrs. Evelyn Pros- Ls ser, Editor Sam Bowman, also President A. V. Cormack of the JET. black short-baired cocker Ontario Faim Union. sPaniel. stub-tail, no coller. Re- AdJdleto: Pofeso G.Goue.wa md for eturn. Telephone MA Discussion from the floor. 33861- l1* ONE blue tick botînd. maie, and Everybody Welcome, o nc black. white and tan male ladies especialIy. houind, vicinitv of Osaca or1 Dont miss this big een. Perrm-vtown. Phone -1A 3-.5401 or 11-1 MA 3-5715. 11-11 Check Theso NEW CLASSIFIED RATES Send Money wvith Your Order and Save. The Canadian Statesman * :~I CLASSIFIED b ARTICLES FOR SAL]r FRLIVESTOCK FOR SALE . FRRENT - HELP WANTED*: LOTCARS FOR SALE LOS -FOUND - ETC. : ,>Cash Rate - - - 4c per word . Mustha minimum o 0cOa< lutbe paid by date of insertion. ' I : f charged. an addjtional 25c . will ho added. Aechor e of 25e wiII be made for . 1: ti eplies directed to this affice. . -,. NOTICES - COMING EVENTS *. AND CARDS OF THANKS I..4c a word with a minimum of $1.00 for 25 words or less. *BIRTHS . ENGAGEMENTS .. MARRIAGES - DEATHS $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS *>$1.00 plus 10c a line for verse ..m. Display Clarsified at $1.50 pert' ,*inch with a minimum of one inch. * <.Additjunal insertions at the same rates. *.Ail Classified Ads mnust be ln : * this office not later thon * e.. 12 o'cloclc faon, Wednesday. *.Send cash, stamps or money order * and save mnney. M.- Clip this out for handy reference. OFFICE HOUES *> Mondoy through Fridoy i 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. SaturdàV 8:30 a.m. to 12 Nooi .. dé Diol MArket 3-3303 *> for Classified Ad Service, < Articles for Sale BALED hay. Phone MA 3-2964. hl-tf LLOYD baby carniage, $8. Apply 98 Scugog. 1- USED piano, best offer. Se Principal at Central Public School. 11-1 600 BALES of good hay, tîmothy with some alfalfa. Telephone MA 3-2579. 11-l* COOK stove, Claire Jewel, equipped with oil-burner. Phone MA 3-3337. 11-1* STACK of husking corn ensilage, 40-45 tons, also il-run Massey- Harris fertilizer drill. Phone MA3257. H. McGill. 11-1 FAMOUS make, big 21" TV, handsome hamdwood cabinet, sale price $179.95, full warranty. Kelly TV, 81 King W., Oshawa. 10-4 INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r e e estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf TV aerials erected, moved, re- paired, 30 ft., aIl channel, instal- led, $49.50; licensed. Kelly TV, Oshawa, collect, RA 5-5121, 24 hours a day. 10-4 MASSEY-MARRIS sub-soiler for sale, $90; also 1 M.-H. 2-furrow plow, $150; M.-H. Clipper com- bine, $1200; orchard sprayer, $75, and seed drill with fertilizer at- tachment. S$15.00. Jas. Baxter, R.R. 2, Newcastle. Phone 2160. TV AERIALS SOLD, INSTALLED, MOVED and REPAIRED ALL-WAVE AERIALS $35.00 installed CONVERT AERIAL TO ROTOR $49.50 up If yenu ean't get channel 6, Toronto we can correct it. Work guaranteed. Free estimates TOWNE TV MA 3-5522 SAVE ON BEEF There is no need for you to pay high summel, prices when de- mand causes the pnice of steaks te rise. NOIV IS THE TIME TO BUY GOOD, YOUNG GRAIN-FED BEEF TO FREEZE FOR THE IVARMER MONTHS. For yaur Locker or Home Freezîer we have Beef Hinds ". 44c Beef Fronts l.31c Beef Sides 361/2c New Zealand Lambs 1r45c rCOME IN AND SEE US ABOUT A LOCKER - IT COSTS LESS THAN 4c PER DAY BOWMANVILLE rFRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM 73 Klng St. W., Phone MA 3-5578 Bowmanvilllg Articles for Sale SEE our 1957 line of electnic ranges and freezers. Push-but- ton electmic ange, deluxe model, fully automatie, as low as $195; 1957 Firestone home freezer, 19 cubic feet, $395; 21" Westing- bouse console TV, in light wood onîy, egular $359 for $249; 1957 Westinghouse television. table model on legs, onîy $239; Thon electric washer witb pump. reg- ular $179 for only $129; Inter- national 8.2 cu. f t. refnigerator, negular $349 for $239 at Cowan Equipment Co.. 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 11-1 TABLE EGGS Freshest on the market ail year round, one to three days old since laid, graded according to govern- ment regulations, produced by NOWAK'S CHICKEN FARM, winners oef two silver cup tro- phies and many first prizes for best eggs on C.N.E. Egg Show, are sold at: Davis Grocery, Fair- way Food Market, Matice Groc- ery, Stephens Grocery, and used in Balmoral Restaurant, Corona- tion Restaurant, Olympia Rest- aurant, Memorial Hospital, High Sehool Cafeteria. We deliver o-nly wvholesale in Bowman,ilIe. W. K. Nowak's Chicken Farm R. R. 1 BOWMANVILLE PHONE MArket 3-2720 For Rent THREE-moomed apatment in Tymone. Phone MA 3-2600. 11-.* THREE-moom furnisbed apart- ment. Apply Huyck's Hairdress- ing. 11-1'* FOUR-roomed downstairs apart- ment. Apply 71 Brown St. or Phone Oshawa RA 5-0394. 11-1'* SIX-room. bouse in Newcastle, hemdwood floors. Ail conven- iences. Phone Newcastle 3301. 11-1 * TWO ooms for ent. Separate entrance. Apply first bouse soutb of Smith's Factomy, New- castle. 11-1 HEATED apartment, t b r e e ooms, kitchenette and bath- room; central, $60.00 Per month. Phone MA 3-5996. 11-1 THREE-noom, beated apatment, bath, adults, pnivate entrance. Available April lst. 75 Scugog St. Phone MA 3-3787. 11-1 HOUSE, 5-moomed bungalow, ail heated, electric stove and me- fnigeratar in bouse. Apply Harold Hooey. Phone Omono FOUR-moomed brick bouse, gaad basement, and ganden. All con- veniences, $50.00 per month. Write Box 632, c/o The Canadian Statesman. 11-1 IN Bowmanville, 3-rooni modern heated apartments. Hardwaod and tile faonrs, April lst, $60 and $50. Adults. Apply Mms. L. N. Peacock, 341 Richmond St. E., 'Oshawa. Dial RA 3-3972. 10-tf APARTMENT, central location, large living-room, big bedroom, modemn kitchen, built-in cup- boards, electric stave. 4-piece tile batbroom. bot and cold watem supplied, $65 per month. Aveul- able Apnil lst. Phone MAnket 3-3618. 10-tf Business Opportunity: CARTAGE business. Truck and licenses. P.C.V. D-C-F and H. in 1 Bownianvillc. Write Box 636. c/o Canadlian Statesman.- 11-1 1aeal Estate for Sale, Real Estate for Sale1 FOR sale or trade--Summer cot- tage at West Beach, four rooms, insulated, screened-in porch, heavy wiring, running water and flush toilet. Dial MA 3-5362. 11-i1 LOTS, industrial sites, close to 115, school, business section. Mortgage money available. List- ings of farms and homes request- ed for waiting clients, W. C. Evan>s, Broker, Orono. Phone 33 - 17. 10-3 HOUSE for quick sale. New five-roomed bungalow, breeze- way and garage attached, forced air, oil heating, heavy wiring, modern tiled bathroom and kitchen, hardwood floors. Will seil reasonable. Phone Orono 150. 11-4 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties SoId, Rented Managed and Appraised L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf BALED straw. Phone MArket 3-2885. 11-1* USED walnut dining-room. suite, nine-pieces. May be seen at 49 Division St. or Phone MA 3-5726. 11ï-1 NINE-PIECE walnut veneer din- ing-room suite. 12' x l1½' gmey broadloomn rug. Phone MArket SAVE on lumber, direct from mill to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. 13tf KEYS cut automatically, wbile you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf ONE well-built building, 12' x il', complete with door and windows. Cheap. Phone MA 3-5516. 1l-1 SINGER Sewing Centre, new and used sewing machines. RentaIs or repairs. PhoneM 3-2155.18t HARD and soft water delivered. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MArket 3-5476 or MA CORN silage, top quality, about 45 tons; Bowmanville area, reas- onable. Write Box 634 c/o The Canadian Statesman. 11-1 1000 N.H. x B.R. PULLETS, five months old, $1.75. John Beed- ham, R.R. 6, Cobourg. Phone Coldsprings 25 R 11. 1- BEATTY washers, dryems, iron-l ers, ranges, polishers and vocuum cleaners, easy terms. Kelly TV, 81 King W., Oshawa. 10-41 1 350 BALES of good hay. Phone Orono 14 r 6. 11-1* CRUSHED gravel for driveways. Phone MA 3-5383. 11-2* ELECTRIC brooder, À\1 con- dition. Phone MA 3-3709. 11-1* BURPEES new garden seeds n( i in stock. Stewart's Seeds. 9-tf LOCAL, good white blossom sweet clover. C. Palmer, Bethany, Ont. 9-5* 1000 BALES of good hay, on 401 Highway. Charles E. Os-, borne. Phone MA 3-2285. 11-l'* FLOOR polisher for rent ati Mason & Dale Hardware, 36* King St. E., Bowmanville. 13-tf MIXED hay for sale. John Hut- nyk, R.R. 1, Port Hope, Lot 22, Con. 3. Phone Welcome 2143. 11-31 BALED hay, quantity. Pasture for f ifty head of cattle. Phone Bethany 7 r 3, George Chapman.~ CORDWOOD, dry, $8 per cord, also 70 logs. F. R. Cook, 292 King St. E. Phone MA 3-2724.1 11-1*1 H. C. Pedwell REAL ESTATE BROKER 200 acre ferm north of Bow- manville, aIl equipped for dairy- îng, 20 cen milk quota, 150 acres womkable, balance pesture with cmeek. Sec us for price and temms. 200 acres, 40 acres good tim-1 bem, balance womkable. 7 roam brick bouse, hydro and water, bank barm 40' x 100', implement shed, ben bouse and pig pens, 30 acres Faîl wheat, 10 acres for tometoes. Will consider a bouse in excbenge, or sell on low down peyment. 120 acres on lake front, frame bouse with aIl conveniences, bank barm 40' x 100', all cquipped for deimying. The price bas been lowered ta $18.000 for a quick sale. Store and dwelling situated an the main corner of Newcastle, good location for any line of bus- iness. Consult us for price andi terms. 6 raamn claphoard bouse in Bowmanville. Good fumnace, 3 bedrooms, large greenhouse, 3/ acre of garden land, $9.000 wit-, temms. 6 room bhouse in Newcastle, 3 bedrooms, heavy wiring, central. $3,250 with easy temms. 6 moom bouse with 1 acre of land, close ta main street of Newcastle; 3 bedrooms. good cel- Ian witb fumnece. $6.800 with $1,500 down. New 6 room bouse in Omona with attacbed garage. This house is modern in every way and bas many extres, $9.510. Low down peyment, immediate possession. Money ta bnan. H. C. PEDWELL Newcastle Phone 3856 A. W. Glenney Newcastle Phone 3876 M. H. Pedwell Newcastle Phone 3851 Arnold Wade Ne*tonville Phone Clarke 2611 11-1 Articles for Sale SAFE, size 30" x 30" x 40" high, combination lock. practically new. WiIl seil for haîf price. Just right size for small business. Real bargain. Phone MA 3-2035. 11-1 * ELNAR brand alfalfa and most other grass seeds. Registered commercial Garry and Rodney oats. Commercial Rex, the hîgh yielding two-row barley. Phone Swain Seed Cleaners, Blackstock 89 r 11. il-tf PREMIER strawberry plants, free from disease, grown from stock that produced over 10,000 quarts per acre, $2 per hundred or $14 a thousand, F.O.B. Gaît. Booking orders for Spning de- livery. F. C. Bmunskill, R.R. No. Frame Building FOR SALE 60' x 16' (from 108 Scugog St.) Reasonable price for quick removal. BILL LEASK 36 Concesion St. E. MA 3-5522 11-1 TRADE-IN allowance on chester- fields, bedroom and kitchen suites. Floor coverings, beds, spnings and mattresses at lowest prices. Trade-ins: Refrigerator, 8 cu. ft., rangettes, space heaters, chesterfield with one chair, nine- piece dinette suite like new. Interest rate, $3.15 per $100 per year. Murphy Co., King W., MA 3-3781. 11-1<' USED tractors and farm ma- chinery-Farmall "H" tractor, new tires front and rear, over- hauled and painted; Farmal Super "A" tractor, hydraulic, completely overhauled, Massey "22" tractor in perfect condition: Massey-Harris seed drill, 13 marker with power lift; Inter- national 2-furrow plough; Fleury 2-furrow plough: John Deere 7- foot tandem disc at Cowan Equipmcnt Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. IN BOWMANVILLE $2500 down-Attractve 2-year- old 6 room ranch type bungalow, o il heated, hardwood and tile. floors, tiled 4-piece bathroom, 3 bedrooms. Lovely landscaped corner lot, has garage, fruits. Close to school. Ask for Mrs. Patrick. $7500 full price-Low down payment on this rebuilt 4-room bungalow, close to school, on sewers. Modemn tiled kitchen and bathroom. Garage and large lot, fruit. New roof and new furnace. Ask for Mary Boshko- 'vitch. Berneice H. Patrick REAL ESTATE BROKER 16 Bond St. E. Oshawa RA 5-3692 (collect) il-tf J. Van Nest REAL ESTATE BROKER Four rooms, plus two unfin- ished on one acre, oil heated, garage, fruit, east of Newcastle. $6,800 with $ 1,000 cash. ain E.Wellocated frame,1 with terms. Hampton Village - Six room insul brick, almost new, on nicel lot, garage, conveniences. Ask- ing $9,000, haîf down. Seven room frame on two nice acres, well located on Scugog Rd. Conveniences. $12,500 cash. 100 acre farm, buildings faim, hydro; on highway. $7,500 with low down payment. We have farms, various prices. We need listings. 118 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3230 11-1 Leask Real Estiei 1QUANTITY of Fall rye. Phone' MA 3-2194. 11-1* Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER Bereavement forces sale of this outstanding 100 acre farm,I 92 acres worked, 8 acres of bard- wood. Stream. Friable dlay loam, noted for its quality and quantity of grain. L-shaped bank barn, steel stanchions and waten bowls, bouse is well kept brick of 8 rooms, hydro tbmoiigh- out. Near schools, chunches and bighway. The pnice is only $11,000. Terms. 200 acre stock farm. Long recognized as a top farm in its district. 9-moom brick home in top condition, main baem 96 x 40, new steel roof, bydro tbrougb- out, 1/ mile from scbool. Ful pnice $13.000. About $4.000 cash. Mortgage ta vendor for balance., $50 montbly carnies intcrcst and principal. Don't fail ta sec this femm, as price, quality and terms will seli it quickly. 100 acres, tested for tobacco, bouse, bydmo, highway farm. Price $10.000. Terms. 75 acres level land, dlay, two barns, 7 roomed one-storey home, bydro, open for offer! 3 bedroom bungalow, new, all conveniences, large lot, utilîty room. $9.500 with $3.000 down. 3 bedmooam brick bungalow,! new, divided basement, bard- wood and tile, an excellent home. $10.500. Temms.1 i '2-storey home on Liberty st., s tucco, owner Ieaving town. Possession immedîateîy. 52 King St. W. Bowmanvllle MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 11-1. De Wih Real Esiate .DAIRY FARM, 200 acres witl. 140 acres womkeble, 50 acre.c bush, lange river, good fences 70' x 40' bank barn with wateî bawls, 70' x 18' drive sbed, ber bouse, pig pens, milk bouse witli tank cooler, cement silo; 10 room. cd solid brick bouse with mun- ning water. Close ta school Price $18,000.00. Half cash. GENERAL FARM, 100 acreE on No. 2 Mighway, 85 acres work- able, spming pond, 12 acres wood, well with electric pump, 92' y 130' bank baen with L-sbaped extension, drive shed, hen bouse, garage; 5 roamed stone bouse with water in kitchen, beavy wimed. Price $14.000. TemS. GENERAL FARM, 91 acres, facing 2 highways and claver- leaf in near future, 75 acres workable, creck, 77' x 36' bank hemn, implement shed. large bpn bouse, pig pens, garage; 9 rooni- cd solid brick bouse, beavy wim- cd. Price $18,000. Terms. GENERAL FARM, 100 acres dlay loam, 80 acres workable, 6 acres gravel, memainder in Pasture, large U-shaped bank hemn, hen bouse, pig pens, garage; 8 roomed solid brick bouse with running watem. Situated on paved rad. Asking $13,000.00. Terms erenged. ORCHARD FARM, 30 acres with 25 acres in orchard, ail workable good clay-loam, benk barn, ben bouse, 5 maomed frame bouse witb running watem, beavy duty wined. Price including ma- chinemy and some cattle, $9,500. Temms. 8 roomed frame bouse in vil- lage, on large lot with another extra lot, newly roofed, xvith hydro, and situated on hîgb- way. Pnice $5.500. 8 roomed, 2-storey frame bouse in Bowmanville on good size lot with 3-piece bath. hamdwood floors, running bot and cold wat- cm, kitchen cuphoards, stomms and semeens, garage. Price $8.000. Very easy terms. 8 moomed solid brick bouse in Bowmanville on double lot, suit- able for two families, witb 3- piece bethroom, funnace, partly hardwood and tule floors, run- ning bot and cold weter, kitchen cuphoards, full basement, smnaîl baem and nicely landscaped. Ask- ing price $11,900. Tcrms. INCOME HOME, d o u ble bouse, 10 raoms, white clap- board, in Newcastle, witb 2 bath- nooms, 2 kitchens with running bot and cold watem, cupboards, pamtly bamdwoad floors, heavy duty wired. Asking price $8,400. Terms. 6 roomcd insuleted frame bungalow witb full besement, running watem and beavy duty wired, on 2 acre lot. Price $6.500. Terms. Besides above mentioned we have epproximately 100 more farms and homes for sale. Contact John F. De With Realtor and General Insurance Newcastle Phone 3341 Salesmen: Donald Mountjoy, Bowmanvllle MA 3-3950 Daniel Boehm - Port Hope TU 5-504Z 11-1- ELECTRICAL Repaims-Prompti service to electrical appliances,' large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf DO youm own floors-Rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf '57 FRIGIDAIRE super dryer only $189, built and backed by G.M ., $18.95 down, G.M.A.C. plan. Kelly Frigidaire, 81 King W., Oshawa. 10-4 HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock of1 batteries and cords et Miggon Electnie Limitcd, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf' ADDING machines, typewmitems, cash egisters, cheque writers,1 filing cabinets, office fumniture,, new and used. Repains to.al makes. Walter Frank, Bowman- ville. MA 3-2403. Newcastle 2114. 19-tf EQUIP youm bouse with Nash aluminum combination doors and windows, all colouns. Our representative will give you free estimates. Lander hardware, 71 King St. E., Bowmanville. Tele- phone MA 3-5774. 10-tf MORRIS Co. have been appoint- cd Singer Sewing Machine re- presentatives for the Bowman- ville district. Come in and see: a Singer-the finest in sewingl machines. Variaus attachments also in stock. Telephone MA 3-5480. 46-tf DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made or draperies sold by the yamd. Our representative will caîl at youm home eny time, witb a complete range of samplesi and suggestions witbout oblige-' tion. Febric Town, 59 King St. W. Telephone MAnket 3-3609, Bowmanville. 48-tf Decoraiing a For the Finest Paints * For the Latest Papers * For the Best Workmanship S. G. Presion & son Phones 1MA 3-59IZ MA 3-37011 44-tf Humeniuk Heaiing FORCED AIR AIR CONDITIONING Installed - $475 OIL CONVERSIONS - $265 Terms Arranted R. R. 3 BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5121 Real Estate f or Sale Peler Fedî a,, REAL ESTATE'ý KL General farm, 275 acres, dlay' loam, 12 roomn frame house, bath, furnace, barn 200 x 36. Price $20.000. Terms. Genemal famm, 100 acres, 8 roomn frame house, harm 96 x 36. Price aranged. Down $2.000. General farm, 50 acres, 40 acres workable, 7 roomn stone bouse. Barn 63 x 30. Price $9,500. Down $3,500. Genemal farm, 65 acres, 5 moomn frame house, good barn, neyer failîng stream. Price $7.500. Terms. 28 acres of good garden land. Price $3,500. Down $1,500. Two beautiful homes in Orono, priced to seli. 6 roomn insul brick bouse, bath, double lot. Price $2,200. Why pay ent? Newcastle R.R. 2 Pho-ne 2204 11-1 James Nixon REAL ESTATE BROKER 6-room storey and a haîf mod- emn kitchen, 3-piece bath, oul fumnace, fireplace, large pomch, heavy wiming, venetian blinds, insulated, natural gas, hot and cold water, nice home, good loca- tion, $10,00(Y. Possession arrang- e$5.000 down, brick home, 8 large rooms, living-dining room, modern kitchen, dish wasber, tile and hardwood floors, 2 and 3-piece bath, heavy wiring, heat- ed with oil and radiators, garage, beautiful home in immaculate condition. Immediate possession. 200 acres, medium soil, barn, stable, implement shed, other buildings, creek, well, 8-room bouse in good epair, modemn kitchen, furnace, hydro, water in bouse and barn, tractor impie- ments, stock. This farm can be used for dairy or beef cattle. More properties to choose from. 47 Queen St. Bowmanville MA 3-5682 Peler Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 OPEN, FOR YOUR INSPECTION 1 to 4 p.m. SUNDAY, MARCH 7 AT 109 ONTARIO S Lovely 3 bedroom ranctsyl bungalow with attaced . rage. Living-room witb fimeplace, din- ing-moom, nice kitchen. Alum- inum windows, gas heating, laundmy tubs, etc. $14.500. Te,",. $3000 dow:n buys 3 bcd n~o brick bungalow. Mardwoodand tile floors. La go* . 1î.ron Beautiful kitche . tc. Ona" large beautifully t&ftdscaped lot. Here is a beauty! 2 bedrooni frame bungalow, living-room, 4- piece bath, large modemn kitchen, oil heating, attached garage. Extra lot, plus another 2-car garage. Full asking pnice only $9,500. Terms. 12 acre farm with large mod- ernized frame bouse, baen, 2-car garage, etc., near school. Asking only $10.500. Income home! 9 rooms, solid brick, large lot, 2-car garage, oul hcating, 2 kitchens with all cup- boards and sinks, etc., 2 living- mooms, 4 bedmooms and bath. BuY this home for yourself and let the ment belp to pay for it. Ask- ing $10,000. Terms arranged. Other 2 and 3 bedmoom homneS for your selection. Also a new 3 bedmoom brick bungalow in the bluepnint stage now, to be built soon. Come in and sec the specifications and pnice. 11-1 Notices Miller's Beauty Salon wiIl be open Saturdays. Colette Card- inal in charge. 11-1. Notice to abbit hunters. $1.00 will be paid for each abbit. Please be careful when buniting on nursery pmoperty. Bmookdale- Kingsway Nurseries. 48-tf Found BLACK and white hound. Phone MA 3-2095. 11-1* Seed for Sale RED cloyen and timothy seed. also some balcd hay and mixed grain. Doors. used, aIl sizes. Phone MA 3-2753. 11-10 RODNEY oats, cleaned, treeted. 9 9% germination, $1.55 per bushel. Phone Oshawa RAndolph 5-7227 or Brooklin 637r2. 11-2' SEED-Rodney oats, rcgistemed. treated. in new sacks, $1.90 per bus., et the farm, Orono Higb- way. Charles Glenney. Phone Orono 34 ring 18. 10-tf SWAIN Seed Cleaners now opemating six day week. Make arrangements now for spring is coming around the corner. Phone Blackstock 89 r 11. il-tf Seed Grain for Sale, Strong strawed. rust reslstl4d high yleldlng vanieties of OATS AND BARLEY Garry, Rodney, Larain and Clinton Oats or Brant and Barbof; e Ail seed guaranWto fojr purity and germination Treated for smut - Ready to 30W r HARDOME SOY BEANS FUNKS G-IIYBRID CORN Buy with confidence et CERESMORE FARMS Garnet B. Rickard Phono Bowmanville MA 3-2813 11-1 6 room frame and shingle bouse, central. New one-piece bath main floon, new 3-piece on .second floor, new oil furnace, 3 bedrooms, broadloomi on living and dining-mooms, large lot Extras. Terms. 7 moomn frame bouse in New- castle on 1 acre land. 4 bed- rooms, hardwood floons down- stairs, divided basement, new wiring tbroughout, new caves- tmoughs, fimeplace. Water in house. Flowing well and creek on lot. $6,500.00. Terms. One acre land in town, corner near new motel. Full pnice $1,300.00. We have bouses, bungalows, farms, etc. f List with Leask. 65 Ontario St. MA 3-5919 Bowmanville 11-1 L. S. Snelgrove Co. Lid. 43 Park Rd. S. Oshawa Tyrone Area 98 acre farm, 80 acres good womkable land, balance in pasture with trout stream, large freme bouse with bydmo, bank hern, good condition, with bydro; double garage. Asking $13,500 with terms. Call Keith Peters. RA 5-8761 or MA 3-3533.( 200 Acre Farm Only $11.000 with $5,000 down, about 75 acres womkable, balance in pesture and bush, some heavy; seven room brick bouse, extra dlean condition, with hydro. Comparatively new hip roof bank barn, extreme value hene. Caîl Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810 or MA 3-3533. $7,000 Full Prîce Bowmanville, 6 roorn IM1 storey tbree bedroom home, 3- piece bath, new fomced air ail fumnace, attacbed garage. Ask- ing $2.000 down. Caîl Keith Peters, RA 5-8761 or MA 3-3533. Bowmanville Duplex 7 rooms, two kitchens, two bathrooms, new forced air ail heating unit, garage, large lot; asking $2.500 down. Cail Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810 or MA 3-3533. Members of the Toronto and Local Real Estate Boards. 11-1

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