.ci , - - -.... . . r - ,~ ?HtTRSDAY, MARI!4th, 1957 T~ CANADIAN STATESMAN. ~OWMANVTT.T.U AM9~AUTf~ PAG! PJIV!~N Mr. Donald Leask, McMaster Ulniversity, Hamilton, spent the weekend at home. Mr. Arthur Richards of Sask- atcheW-j is visiting his sister. s.JoiiWestlake. fIi.&d Mrs. Ralph Ames anrd Jili spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wilkin- son, Toronto. Miss Thelma Willis, Toronto, was weekend guest of Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, 73 Tem- perance Street. Mr. -and Mrs. Reg McNichol and Mrs. Wilfred Mactavish, Toronto, were weekend guests of Mrs. M. Gerry. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lynch, Rexdale, were guests off Mrs. Lynch's mother, M~rs. J. A. Gunn, last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wieri- ma, Hamilton, spent the week- end with her parents, Rev. R. R.and Mrs. Nicholson. Mr. L. B. Nichols spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Dou- las Nichols in Kingston and also took in the MacDonald Brier Bonspiel. Mrs. M. E. Leask flew to New York City on Monday where she was joined by friends. They spent four days sight- seeing and touring the city. Mrs. R. B. Clark, Liberty St. N., returned home on Saturday after spending three weeks with her daughter, Mrs. M. Ed- wards and family, North Bay. Impvoved Rocuds (C ontînued from page one) their station near the Provi- dence Schoo], Trans-Northern Pipelines have offered to con- tribute $1500 towards having a better surface on the two mile stretch off road loading to thoîr station. The road in question is directly oast off the Boys Training School and leads north one concession befare turning east. A company representative, Mn. Leadbeater, told council that trucking to the station was bot unduly heavy hopwever the condition off the road is poor. Last faîl the campany placed 250 tons of stone on the road but this failed to have a per- mnanent effect. Mr. Leadbeaten was asked if STrans-Northetrn Pipelnes would .~be interested in making this a r ipermanent road in time but ha was unable ta say. Although the cost o! repairing the road wiil came ta approxi- rnately $3,000, Council decided to accept the offor o! $1500 and r 'rred it to the oads com-' fl .tee. Road ýmpa&sabIe A thi: *_r.etuest came fram Mrs. Anfhe Staplefford, a rosi- dent on theo 8th Concession, wbo asked Council that' the road leading fnom ber home to the Enfield School be made passable Sor traffic. Sho lnformed caun- cil that her yaung daughten was starting schooi next fahl and it would be necessary to take ber daughter a considerably longer distance to the school if the road is not openod. Since this section off the road Js- maintained by both East Whitby and Darlington At will be necessary for the two town- ships to docido the amaunt off wonk ta be done. Mrs. Staplefard was alsa tald that this section off road was on last yea's noad pragram but both townships nan aut Off the allotted road money. ST. JOHN'S CHIIRCH (Anglican) Second Sunday in Lent a and i1 &.m. - HOL'y COMMUNION 10 and il a.m. - CHURCH SCHOOL 7p.m. - EVENING #RAYER Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. Il A.M. - m4~spects in the Life of Jesus Christ" (Series continued) 7 P.M - Sermon Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. JWinners af Lions hockey dnaw for March 16 are Ernie McCormick, Thomas Stewart; for Manch 20, Jim Murphy, Helen Perfect; for March 23, F. Cowling and Walter Goode. Mrs. Carnie Curtis who is 8.9 years off age, had the mîsfor- tune to faîl and break ber hip at the beginning off February. She is in Oshawa General Hos- pital and reported ta be mak- mng fair progress espocially in view off ber age. Friends here hope she will stoadily imprave. She has been missed at Senior Citizens' gathenings. The Peterborough County Hol- stein Breoders sponsored a bus tour in which tbey visited the following breeders and inspect- ed their fine herds off Holstein cattle: J. T. Brown, Newcastle, and A. Muir & Sons, Courtice, in Durham County; F. Roy Ormistan, Brooklin, Geo. R. McLaughlin, Oshawa, and Har- ald Werry &. on, Oshawa, ln Ontario County. Very fine reports off Ray Dud- ley's European concert tour have been received. On March 8 he was leaving for Germany after four concerts and one broadcast in Holland where his tour was undor the patronage off the Canadian Ambassador. He played one concert la the Embassy at The Hague. After bis concert la Amsterdam Ray was 'given a standing ovation whicb continued following sev- oral encaros. He played three concerts, in Luxembourg, and this week was scheduled to play in Vienna. Libercil speaiker (Continued from page ane) in Russia. It bas coatrol off ahI industry, farming, business, education and pensons. Becauso off the system used by the state the countny's farm production is slack. Most farmers lack initiative because off the col- lective farming system. No Freedom Mn. Sinclair said, he was impressed by the countesy of the Russian people. These people are unaware that they have no personal freedom. Tbey have a stroag desire for peace and they are well aware off the horrors off war. Although they have a ha'nd hife under com- munist rule they hope thein children may enjay a botter life and this is the goal they are working for. The Minister said ho returned ta Canada with a neai affection for these peaple. Ho said ho wýas depnessed by the low living standard of the average family la Russia. Most off tbem hive la ane-room apant- monts regardless off the size nf the family. As a nesult off this standard they have littie home and family liffe. Both parents are required ta work ta support the famîhy and thon they stil! find diffficuhty, due ta the low wages. Poor Clothing Most of the clathes warn by the people are off paon quality, but high cast. Persans wishing ta change their jobs are unable ta. Ia arder for a worker ta receive a change ho must at- tend night scbooi classes until ho learns to do the work off tho persan above hlm. Thon ho may get promated ta a botter job. The warkers are constant- ly being educated. They have stato health chiils which render medical and den- tal cane ta the people. The dental clinics supply people with plates made off stainless steel. Wlde Streets - Few Cars While in Moscow the Minis- ton toured same off the city. Ho said that the boulevards ia the city are onormous and are capnble off taking many lanes off trafffic. They seemed out off place there because traffie is veny light, due ta the fact that thene are so few autos. Ho told off attonding an agni- cultural fair and soeing a model state fanm that had been set up by the state. This dispiay was for visiting dignitaries oniy. Although as a reward for higb production farmers ffrom van- ious areas wene bnaught ta Moscow and pormitted ta sec the exhibition. In Accident On his trip to Siberia, which was arranged for him by the Russian Minister off Fisheries, Mr. Ushkov, Mr. Sinclair said he travelled over hundreds off miles off uninhabited land.* The trip from Moscow to Petrapav- losh on the Arctic Ocean was sopie 7,100 miles. -The fishermen in Russia were i *1 Durhamites at Tampa Picnic The above photos show Durham County as they holi picture are Mr. and Mrs. T. 'V and below, lef t to right are and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hoi of Darlington Township. TI picnic attended by over 150 -ý one of the beautiful public pý More Senio Join Fourth On Tuesday, March 12, 64 Senior Citizons took advantage off the spring-like weather to join with members off Club 15 for the fourth social evening sponsored by the club. A num- ber off senior folk who have not attended before wore cordially wolcomed, along with the "reg- ulars" wbo bave lefft no doubt in the club's mmnd that this venture is a noal success. The majority have not missed a meeting since the initial evening last Docem- ber. Club 15 President Mrs. Ralpb Mclatyre welcomed aIl, and turned the program aver ta Mrs. L. Parker. A lively sing-song off Irish melodies witb Mrs. J. Duna at the plana, was entered into with enthusiasm. Mrs. Parker introduced Mn. Reg Harding who beld every- one's attention with bis film presentations. Beautiful coloun- ed movios off the Royal Tour off1 the West Indles and the Corona-1 tion along with cartoons andi quite interesting, ho said. It was while ila Siberia that Mr. Sinclair was lnjured in an accident and confined ta bas- pitai for six xveeks. Wbilo la- specting a ship that was beinig buiit the Minister ai-d his sec- retary, Allister Fraser, were both injured when the structure gave way and thoy fell about 20 foot ta the ground. Long Way Home Mr. Sinclair returned home following the accident. The trip took considerable time as they bad ta travel tbraugh Red China, which is the long way round. The exchangeo of valuable ffishery information ibetween Canada and Russia duning his visit and since bas been off great assistanceý the Minister said. Upan his neturn ta Canada ho was able ta more fuily enjoy the opportunities and pniviloges that aur country offers, he said. Canada bas less than 4 persons per square mile of territory, compared to more than 50 per-, sons per square mile in the Unit- ed States.i Happier people: Continuing the falling trend off the previousi two years, the number off divorc-1 es in Canada in 1955 xvas down. to 5,796 from 5,922 ln 1954. Turn ONd Furniture ita Cash with STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 pictures of local interest brought a hearty round of applause. Mrs. L. Goddard, in ber usual charming manner presented two readings, "Nora and the Twins" and "A Visit to a Sick Friend". While lunch was being served, Mr. Tom Heighton delighted1 everyone present with a solo, "I Can't Tell Why I Love You," and led while alljoîned him in sing- ing the chorus. Lucky door prize was won by Mrs. Fred Battie, having been the seventeenth to register at the door. A heartv vote of thanks was given Club 15 by Mr. J. H. Bateman on behaîf of the Senior Citizens. The next get-together is planned for April 9, and with the approach of better weather, Club 15 is looking forward to welcoming a record crowd. Preparing to go home after Tuesday's social time, Dr. Nor- man Allia missed bis car keys. If anyone has found a set of keys would they contact Dr. Allun or members off Club t5. Service Clubs (Continued from page one) blame these yaungsters fon leav- ing their home cammunities for the anus falîs an business and professienai men off the commun- ity who, hie pointed out, should try ta croate room for opportun- ity. Churches and Sunday Scbools also bave an important part ta play in a tawn's develapment since new industries are greatly interested ia the number off churches wbichi a town passes- ses before making any decisions Friendly Attitude The attitude of business mon! and govornmental. groups ishlike- Iwise a factor la persuading in- dustry ta came ta a town. "Do they want newcomers," Mr. Jolies questionod and lie went onj ta compliment the fniendly and 1 hospitable attitude hie finds in B1owmanville. Speaking an the acquisition a! large industries Mr. Jones stated that the usuai Procedure is ta procure an industry and trans- plant it ino the cammunity. This is a commendable aehieve- ment ho stated but hoe thought it wouid ho fan botter if a ane-man industrv that started out in the basement by a local rosident wvas deveioped into a going concero perhaps emploving 10, 15 or 20! People. '-All leading industries 1 started from nothing and why shouldn't it ho possible ta start: such an industny bore," ho ask- e. Handicr1f t Fund Along the sa r~ linos wbyt coulda't a yaun sterwit brigbt idea be sont through cal- loge and iovited back ta bis homo towo ta ofullv clevelop bis idea.1 Mr. Jones %vecnt on ta suggost, that a fund ho made available ta (ýOc & (Personial VI Phone MA 3-3303 We Deliver encourage residents ta build up any handicraft which they may rhave. Another suggestion was the setting up off a special commis- sion off retired men as advisors rto aid You.ng businessmen with their prebWems. "These brains," he explaindd, "when put ta work could make a business a suc- cess."l "If we are going to have un- limited oppprtunity for growth and if we are going to eliminate detrixnental feelings we must start at the city or town level and not leave it to the larger cities or the province." he said. In closing the speaker left this suggestion with the service club members, "adding just a little bit more ta the growth off a com- munitv rather than taking it away." Mr. Jones was introduced by Kin Ken Hockin and thanked by Lion George Vinish. New Members A number off new members1j 10010 reg. 39e PRESCRI PTIONS Cartwright to Purchase New Fire Equipment have joined service clubs since the last interclub meeting and each president was given the appartunity to introduce the new faces. President Don McGregor introduced the following new Kinsmen: Glen Fry, Roy McMul- len, Arnold Sleep and Gordon Sturrock. Two new Lions in- troduced by President Norm O'Rourke were Ralph Kelly and George Webster. President Bill Rudeli introducec% the one new Rotarian, Ross Gilbart. A special guest at the meet- ing was Rufus Lambert, Lions Zone Chairman, Oshawa. The usual rousing interclub sing song wvas led by Rotarians Bill Brown and Dave Morrison with assistance fnomn Lion Jack Ross and Kin Ken Hockin in the singîng o! the club songs. Responsible for the enj oyable evening were the three inter- club chairmen, Kin Clarke Wil- son, Lion Jack Ross and Rotar- ian Tom Palmer. by J. Green, Mn. Heaslip will be replaced by Art Hyland. Owen Stacey claimed $45 damages for three sheep killed as a result off the wanble fly menace. Present in regard to combating the menace were Percy and Menul Van Camp anid H. Skinner. It was moved by O. Wright, seconded by F. Trewin to pay $50 to Victor Malcolm for a dump located on his property. As a result off a move by A. Hyland, secondod by O. Wright, road inspection was scheduled for Tuesday, Mar. 12, in Black-- stock. i Monday, March 'Iith to Saturday, March l6th Mrarch Drug Sale NINERAL OIL Heavy Grade Medicinal Quality 16-oz. reg. 55C 43c I.DA. HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES An excellent source off Vitamin A & D 100'8 250's 50's ýg. 1.15 reg. 2.29 reg. 4.29 1.69 3.29 I.D.A. TOOTH PASTE *Cleans the teeth *Freshens the breath Regular 57e tube 2 for 79e 40-oz. reg. 1.10 87c I.DA. SHAVING CREAM A f ine-bubble, rich maist lather - holds plenty off waten in the beard ta give a smootb, quick shave. Regular 49c.39 h A - ., * * -4 Moth Preventives< Paradichlor- benzene Moth Crystals An I.D.A. early-bird special! I.D.A. March Drug Sale Price 2 Lbs. For 59C 1 pound boxes Moth Bails and Moth Flakes Top inquality 25c 2 For 49c SPRING TONIC !.D.A. Brand Beef, Iron and Wine With Vitamin Bi 16-oz.,79 reg. 1.00 79c___ Buy Matches by the carton and save I.DA. BOOK MATCHES Carton43 off 50 ------ 3 Vacmaster - Pint size VACUUM BOTTLES 79c v-. SACCHIARIN TABLETS Effervescent % Grain 100's 500'3 1000'g reg. 23e reg. 65o reg. 98e Quick-dissolving - 14 Grain 10' 500's 100018 reg. 20e reg. 55o reg. 79e «'SAFEHEqAT' HEATING PAD End of season clearance. 2-heat switch, 4 thermostats Regular 4.95______ 3.99 Spring Cleaning Specials! Make your annual ehore a *vhole lot easaer, and gave Money tool Washing COMPOUnd Tri-Sodium Phosphate Special 1 Sale Price -'____Lb. a19C I.DA. UEahi-Gloss# * Floor Wax A fine quality floar wax 1 pound tin Regular 53C 45c, 2 Fo>r 8C I.DA. Brand Spot Remover 4-oz. reg, 40e 33c 1O-oz. rel9. 75c TOOTH BRUSHES DENTURE BRUSHES Clearance of leading manu- facturer's brushes (first quality nylon bristies) with slight de- fects in stamping off handies. Each ln cello-wrap 2 For 39c -29c reg3¶8'9o -___59c Jeanette 3 pounds Bath Salis for only79 Orient Bubble Bath 10bts79c Regal Bathroom ScaRegu$6.95 Save over $1.00 on these reliable scales $5.98 YQur Local I.D.A Drug A SPECIALTY Drugs Phone MA 3-57921 - ~ Store Chances off fire damage in the Cartwright area were less- ened Monday, March 4, when the Township Council decided to purchase several pieces of fire-fighting equipment. Caesarea Fire Department will be bolstered with the ad- dition of twa adapters and a ladder. It will also receive ten pitch coats, ten pair of rubber boots, and a group insurance policy for protection off its members. During the meeting, a letter off resignation from the Port Perry Hospital Board was re- ceived from Bruce Heaslip. On a move by 0. Wright, seconded 14c 29c 55c 17c 39c 75c A.B.S. & C. Tablets reg. 23 19C Idol-Agar Reg. 98c $1-8 79c, $1.59 A palatable em'ulsion of Minerai 011 and Agar I.D.A. "Economy"' Wriiing Pads L:tte s or 12c,2/3 Good quallty stationcrv at an economy price Linen or Vellum I.DA. Brand Antacid Stomach Pdr. re.7c,19 59c, $1.49 MILK 0F MAGNESIA reg 35e _______29c reg. 60o _____49C Milk of Magnesia Tablets Trinity Uiiited Church A real buy! FamIIy Pack A CGcaraIlteed ]DA. Prodtuct ipleasafltY scented ,d contaiflu 6 COMBS 19c JDA 1 pocket an-d 1 eight-inch C OL CRAI< OAPdressing comb 70nbosted, beautifully Big bath size cakes-Rr o 5 NYLON BRISTLE BRUSH sîze 0 apk ns -Packed Roll wave shaped in a dispenser type o For 2C Clear patchnl --59e box. 7-row professional type 98c ee.1c o 3 2 ForW1.2E NYLON COMBS lc 2 For 29c Alex. McGregor, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOM4ANVff-.LZ. ONTARIO PAGE ErVEN Fi iý -I&