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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1957, p. 11

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- wO AY Pi ,rw mis s oncary Speaks to Combined Auxiliaries Orono: The -March meeting ance convenor, who wa8 ln ef the - vening Auxiliary was charge of the meeting. hpJ ' e Sunday School au- A vocal trio of Mrs. Raymod efforium with an excellent at. Chapmnan, Mrs. Hartwell Low- tendance. Guests were present ery and Mrs. Jas. Lowery, ac- trom Newcastle, Kirby and companied on the piano by, ladies of the Afternoon Auxil- Mrs. Bryson favoured us with iary joined with us te hear Miss a delightful number. Adele then Venthiam, returned missionary1 introduced the guest speaker, fromn India. Miss Ventham. 'iPresident, Olive Milîson, Miss Ventham told of some op the meeting with qu-.rt of her experierices as a mis- "mecme tion and prayer. A fa- sionary in India. First of al vorir hymn of Miss Ventham's as a missionary their woriK was sung "O Master of! the is to strengthen the Christian Waking World". The presiderît Church in India. They are stniv- extended words of welcome to ing ta help them raise thicir all guests attending. standard of living. In the business minutes, -roll Dr. McClure trains laboratory caîl, and Treasurer's report technîcians sa they can assist were given. with routine check-ups Dr. Mc- Regarding the Cook Book, the Clure has advanced greatly in committee in charge decided te hospital work and now has a distribute forms amongst the portable X-ray machine. A high members requesting three or percentage of lives are lost withl four recipes from eac'h, which the dreaded disease T.B. Nnw will be available at the Aprl it can be diagnosed with this meeting. The Cook Book will be new X-ray. printed in July and ready finr Miss Ventham told of many J disposai to everyone who die- of her educated friends in In- sires- to purchase one. dia. She sang the hymin "Th, Eileen Billings xvas in charge Lord is my Shepherd" in the of the devotional. Seipture was language of India. In closing read by Alma Mitchell. Eileen Miss Ventham left with us some read comments on "The Chal- valuable statements. When Miss lenge of Lent" stating that Ventham was ]eaving on heri without Lent, Easter would be return Io Canada, in her farz- just another Sunday. It is ne'- well the on,- main desire was1 cessary that we should take that she would pray for her time out to think about t'he fiends in India and they would Passion and Death of Jesus1 pray for us. She stated e Christ. Devotional ecsd wt must pray for the Churchi prayer by Adele MeGi 1 hrs India for the church is ikie a ian Citizenship and Temper- chain linked around the worMd Bowmanville Merchants APPRECIATION DAY DRAW EVERY SATURDAY - 3 P.N. Jackpot Value - This Week- $225 This week's winner Mrs. G. F. McMurter, 73 Ontario St., Bowmanville 50% coupon - $187.50 DON'T FORGET - NEXT DRAW, SAT., APRIL 6., at 3 p.m. - Town Hall OPPORTUNITy THIS AREA MANAGER WANTED Part Time Only $10,000.00 to $20,000.00 annual income possible by spending only a few heurs rnonthly in just spare time. Weil estab- lished Canadian Comnpany wlll appoint local man or woman to supervise this sensationai business. No experlence necessary as we train you in ail phases of the business and no high pressure man is wanted as ne seliing on your -bart liM1WuirecI. Qualifications are as foiiows: 1. Good Characten and References 2. Spare 5 to 10 Heurs Monthiy 3. A Minimum of $1,600.00 Cash Requlred Wbich is Fuliy Secured If yon can meet these qualifications and desire an interview with Company Exceutive in your area, answer this adi immediately. Please do not answer tbis advertisenient uniess you are definitely intcrested in a business on a hlgh plane, have the necessary cash availabie, and are a person who eau make anda definite decision after you know the facta, as thos Çeeed will be appointed immediately. Th iSWu/once in a lifetime opportunity with a permanent unlimlted income. For a personal interview in your area, write fuliy about yourseif, include telephone number, to J. W. WEBB COMPANY, DEPT. K, 1449 St. Alexander, MONTREAL, Quebec. Peterborough MEMORIAL CENTRE presents (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) April 4, 5 and 6 Thursday and Frida y - 8:30 p.m. Saturday - 2:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Tickets now on sale at Memorial Centre Box Office 1 $1.50 - $2.00 - $2.50 Opening of a New Service Station CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION MR STANDARD 39 GAL. GA MO INE 3 Cineiudint a MI 9GAL UNEB TEST 4 cineludint tax Stove Oil available in any quantity. at the station OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAVS - ~ T UAWmAU A<AN.U~Ua~w P a W B.T.S. Boys Are Guests of Oshawa Group Oshawa Junior Chamber cf Commerce were hosts te 27 boys from the Ontario Tnainingi School for Boys, Bowmanville, at a dinnen at the Hotel Ger.- osha, Monday evening ini Osh- awa. The boys' visit is an annual affain and gives themn an oppor- tunity te sce how the Jayecees conduct their meetings. It pro- moles fellowship among the boys and is always a welcoine outing. 1.Jaycees visit the school semi- montbly and have founded a junior Jaycee Club among the members of Jury House. The boys organize committees and projects similar te their parent club. Leathercraft and wooci- work products made by the boys are sold at the regular meetings o! the Jaycee Club and funds turned over te the( junior club's treasury. James N. H. Greenshields, Kenting Aviation pilot was gueat speaker at the dinnen. Ife explained aerial surveying to the gnoup. COURTICE C.G.I.T. Meeting C.G.I.T. met on Wednesday evening at the church'with Jan- et Barber pnesiding and Babara La Chapelle neconding the bus- iness. Items cf business present- cd included Jingle Boxes, Sub- scriptions for Calling All Girls in Teens, the sale o! Chocolates for Oshawa and District C.G. I.T. Board. Next week will be a supper meeting with Janet. Barber and Barbara La Cha- pelle, the planning -committee. The Mother and Daughten Ban- quet la the next project on the agenda. Committees for the progam, table setting, menu and secving start te work next week. The Worship Theme 'Under the Leadership o! Je- sus" was guided by Mrs. Clar- ence Penfound. "Loyalty te Je- sus and the right choices pro- mnote gcowth in the Christian lif e" W. A. Meeting The Woman's Association met Thursday evening at the chunci after Bible Study. Mrs. War- burton, vice president, directe, our thoughts te a few words fnom Mrs. Tamblyn's worship that mocning when she said: "We witness for Christ whe- tber we know it ornont"l. Mrs. Alex Hoy, assistant secretary, recorded the minutes and busi- ness of the meeting. The Wonship Theme, "Faith' was forcibly pnesented by Mrs. Carl Adams who spoke of faith as the confidence people place in their doctor when they present themselves for an op- eration. How much more shoulc one use that faith in placing our lives at God's disposal for His guidance and service. The Scripture passage from Hebrews was read by Mca. Elli after wbich Mrs. Orme Robent- son led lu prayer. Correspondence read by Mrs. Robent Cook showed that tn'e I flower committee convened by Mrs. Carl Adams had been very busy. Roll caîl was answered by the number of visita made by each member. The quili committee la kept busy making and quilting. Mca. Geonge Bar- ber was appoiuted the officiai delegate to the Womau's Asso- ciation o! Oshawa Presbytery which will convene in Newcas- tle United Church on April 25. The convenons for the Spring Tea solicited help for their de- partments-Mrs. De Cee, Tea roem; Mrs. Herron, plants; Mrs. Balson, Home Cooking and Can- dy; Mrs. EarI McLean, White Elephant; Mrs. Robinson, Fan- cy Work and Aprons. The program lu charge cf Mca. Harry Herron, missîenary -convenor, outlined the work Sof the churcb in Seutbeast Asia. The acta aud the population presents a varied aud a huge problem if ail are te bc "One in Christ". Miss Madeline Tee- ley deligbted all with ber hu- merous reading. Lunch was served by Mrs. Eldon Essery and committee. Junior Fanmers' Musical jTalent Sbowcase was presen- ted by the Junior Farmers' choir et Ontario County te a very appreciative audience at tecburcb on Friday eveninc. The many and vacied selectionsi satisfied the music appreciatien level o! everyene present. This fine concert o! outstanding tal- eut was o! panticular iuterest to our community as Mr. Hugh Baird, tenor soleist, is the bro-j t ber of Mrs. Cecil Simmons,j presîdent o! the Woman s Asio- ciation wbo sponsored this mnu- sical evening. Mrs. Donald j Thompson was lunch convenor. ;Congratulations to Norman I I Thompson, son o! Mc. and Mrs.i 'Donald Thompsors and Tom Kirk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Da- j vid Kirk, Town Line, deliv-ry boys wvho mueritted a trip te Buffalo this weekcnd. Mactha and Sim Penfound were pieased te be introducedj 1 as guests of Roy and June Mc- Mullen, the occasion o! Kins- mans' Ladies Night nt the Lions Comnmunity Ce~nre on Saturday night. Mn. and MIrs. Karl AMcDougall, A lan Park. Michigan, spent Saturda',- night with Airs. Me- 'Dougals sister. Mca. CtecI Adams and her husband. tion here and make things more pleasant for the tavelling pub- lic. It would also help to stini- ulate business. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Penwarden and family, Pickering, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mn-. C. R. Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Horner and Kenneth, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Mrs. Laura Horner. and we are as strong as its weakest link. A vote of thanks was extend- ed te Miss Venthain by Barba- ra Carman for her informative and educational remarks. Olive Milîson expressed her personal appreciation to the speaker. Miss Ventham answered many questions regarding smre useful articles that can b. sent in a bale. She gave many valu- able hints. The Group in charge served refreshments and a social hour was enjoyed. system up-to-date in the sta- attract the paying customers. I Ont. Dept.- of Highways Plans for This District at Newtonville, both te include grading. A structure at the C.P.R. crOssing on H'way 401 at Newv- castle. Construction o! an overhead bridge at the C.P.R. ut Pontypool. Paving o! Hlighway 35, north froni the junction of Highways 7A and 35. Grading, culverts and granulated base fromn the junction of Highways 7A and 35, north for 5.44 miles. Paving, gradlng, culverts and granulat- ed base froni the junction cf HlghWay 115, north to the junc- tien o! Highway 7A. Addltionai projects are also planned for the Durham Coun- tY' area. These will be in the Por't Hope, Lindsay and Belle- %rille districts. MANVERS STATION. Business Direclory Accouniancy RAT J. DILLINO Certified Publie Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowmanville i(Above Garton's Bus Station) 64 King Street E. MONTEITH -MONTEITU RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa RA 5-4662 Partners, J. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. P. Lightfoot, C.A. TALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accounitants and Auditors 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa B. L. Yale. C.A. P. Friediander, B'. Comm., CP.A J. Hunter, C.P.A. Chiroprac tie G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointrnent D entfal1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubliee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmaraville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed. Saturday -and Suaday. Office Phone MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office In his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanvile Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. dally 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 The Ontario Departrnent of Highways han announeed its proposed capital expenditure program for the 11957-58 fiscal yean will be $130,700,000. 0f this amount, $1,195,000, will be spent in the United Counties of Northumberland ai-d Durhami. Road mainten- ance will cost $711,000, while the remaining $484,000 ýWill be spent for construction purposes. Allotments in the Durham Ceunty area will be distrlbuted as follows; Darllngton Town- ship, $80,000. Hope Township, $50,000; Clarke Township; $45,- 000; Manvers Township, $32,- 000; Cavan Township, $30,000 and Cartwright Township, $22,- 000. Expenditureg in the Town of Bewmanville will be $33,001). Projects in Newcastle will ceit $3,000. Major projects in the Durham County area will be; grading and culverts on the 401 High- way between Newcastle and Port Hope. Construction o! un interchange at Highway 401 and 2; interchange on 401 Highway THE SECRET Pussy Willow had a secret That the dewdrop whispered her, And she purred it to the south wind While. it stroked her velvet fur, And the south wind hummed it soltly To the busy honey bees. As they buzzed it to the blos- so M On the scarlet maple trees; And they dropped it to the wood-brooks, Bnimming full of melted snow And the brooks told Robin Redi- breast As they babbled to and fro. Little Robin could net keep it, Se he sang it loud and clear, To the sleepy fields and mca- dows, He sang it loud and dlean; Awake! Awake! Rejoice! Sprlng la here! Awake! Rejoice! Be glad! Spring la here! Mrs. Alex Sinclair spent the weekend in Toronto with bier daughten and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray MacCoubrey. Congratulations to Mc. and Mns. John Rupert (nee Evelyn Horner) on the arrival of a baby boy «t Bowmanville Memr- erial hospital on Monday, Marcth 25. Peter, John Harvey. Mr. and Mca. Earl Argue at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Flo.i Hutchinson in Peterborough on Monday. Mn. Frank Derusha, retired section foremnan, had bis new bungalow wired and the hydro5 turned on during the week. Now with the hydre se close1 te the station and the C.*P.iR.-' modernizing their transporta-E tion system with day liners etc,, they should bring the lighting1 Ma ny Inquiries About Area at U.S. Show D. W. Kingdon, General Man- ager of the Lake Ont ario De- velopment Association, who is now attending the Clevelatid Sportsmen's Show, wvhich is being chaired by S. Shippam, has sent back word that to dlate >it has been a terrifie Showv. The three delegates who are~ helping to promote this Regioni tourist-wise are Reeve Leeso n of Havelock, representing Zone One, A. Sturrock of Bowman- ville, representing Zone Two; and Reeve Rose of Frankford representing Zone Three. It has been reported that tlhe auditorium will hold approxi- mately 15,000 and during the weekend it was filled to capa- City. Mr. Kingdon wvas pleased with the location of the booth, near the main entrance, mnas- much as one of the first im- pressions of the visitors to the Show would be "I wonder what the Six Famous Holiday Areas in Ontario, Canada can be", and as a result many peol),~e have ibeen encouraged to en- quire at the Canadian boo Li DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St-. E. - Bowinanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. te S p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Insuyance J. A. BARTON Fire - Automobile - Casualty 43 Carlisle Ave. Phone MA 3-3098 Legal STRIKE andi STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 fLAWRENCE C. MA SON, BA. Barnister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bewmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 DISS APHA L. HODGINS BarnisterSolicitor Notary Publie Tempenance St. - Bowmanville LOVEKIN AN) THOMPS014 Bannîstens and Solicitors E. Richard Lovekin U.E., B.A., LL.B. and Andrew R. Thompson LL.B., LL.M. Box 9 Newcastle, Ont. Telephones: Newcastle - 2115 Toronto HI 4-4396 Consultation b appointment only Mortgages LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortoaize funds Residences - Farms Business Preperties O pto 0me1r y KEITH A. BILLET? Optometrist 141 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Heurs: By appointment Telephone MArket 3-3252 Mondav te Saturdav 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. WIednesdavo, 0 te 12 Thunsdav evenings Piano Tuning ARTRUIR COLLISON Protessional Piano Tuning Phone 34 Prince St. Bowmanville NEWINTERNATIONAtL B-250 Lowest Priceci Diesel in Canada You can't corne anywhere near the all-new B-250 for Get ail the facts on 1H Diesel fucl-and-maintenance downight dollar-value in a 2 - 3-plow Utilit,, tracter. economy. Compare the B-250 point-by-point with That's our dlaim. But any other Viityt tracter in or nean its power range. You Se The J U D G E Then compare the price which makes the B-250 Take the wheel and take to the field. Prove the B-256 Canada's lowest priced diesel. You'11 agree it's an for power - for performance - for farm-easv features. unheatable buy. HERE ARE SOME 0F THE MANY BIG FEATURES: UNIVERSAL 3-POINT MITCM end full ine of 3-point hitch imple. moents-or use ony 3-point mounted tools you olready own. INTERNATIONAL HAVSTE R DIFFERENTIAL LOCK Easy pedal operation locks differential when needed - gives you a -stroight through- axie which roduces wheel slip, gets you through soft-going. BUMT-IN WEIGHT TRANSFER Automoticaiiy opplies -wheI weight" ta botonce trac& tion with thse Ioad. You keep going when others slip or spin., 1Differentiol Lock =ahev duyia or Cowan Equipment Co. 134 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5689 MO VIE m FRIENDLY PERSUASION April 8-13 Royal Theatre Comedy-flrama Audience Slant: <Family) Ex- cellent. A firat-rate picture with an outstanding cast that will give an amusing, entertain- ing time to the majority cf au- diences. Producer-director Wil- liam Wyler has given it the best in ail departments Plot: Story of a Quaker fam- ily whose beliefs make thein hold aloof from the Civil War. Eldest son joins up when thte troops start invading the local countryside, wvith considerable changes being wrought in fami- ily's mode of living, before ail ends happily. Comment: William Wyler's production of "Friendly Per- suiasion" is a first-rate pîcture in which an outstanding cast go through their paces for ani amusing, entertaining time un- der Wyler's direction. He sels the mood for the fun and chucklesome incidents that de- velop, by opening the picture with a mirthful scene 'between Samantha, the ill-tempered goose and little Richard Eyer, and by his skillful handling, manages to maintain that light- hearted down-to-earth touch throughout. Gary Cooper delivers a solid performance, compounded of jesting humor and an o ffhand romantic manner that create an attractive and intriguirig characterization. Dorothy Me- Guire is a fine actresa and she plays ber part with just the right degree of restraint and understanding. Little Richard Eyer is a youngsten vho stands up we]l ln bis fexv screen appearances and delivers, a good perforni- ance. Marjorie Main and ber three man-hungry daughters, contribute some very funny scenes. Top Dot necording ar- tist, Fat Boone, sings the title song, and his new album jus. neleased, covens ail the four songs from the picture. This is a family-must-see pic- ture, for it la the type of enter- tainment that will amuse thein and justify their attention. Once seen, word-of-mouth will, need littIe "Friendly Persuasion" tu BALMORAL HOTEL of the Progressi ve- Conserva tive Committee To meet our candidate Dr,' R. P. Vivian EVERYBODY WELCOME 1 TM CL4XAZYZ" UTATUBIL«. IRYW79AWVmim- ism i,& @&&ma FI ELzgru before seeing the balance of the Show. He statcd they have had a treniendous respor.se with 900) enquiry cards being turned ini the first four days and expect ai, aPProximate 2,000 by the end of the Show. These enquiry cards are 'Also being received in the L.O.D.A. office in Peterber. ough, by direct mail. Get Cash To-day for Old Appliances through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 WANTED Dead, Old and Crippleti Farm Stock Picked Up Free of Charte 24 Hour Service Phone Collect Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough RI 2-2080 Nick Pecoii PETERBOROUGH - ONT. You Are 'Cordially Invited TO ATTEND A MEETINP ai 8 p.m. THURSDAY, APRIL 4th.

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