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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1957, p. 14

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PAGE POURI PEZ? T~ CKADAIfM'AI'MAN flW.RA'IYX.! f~G"A ?flTMMJSDAY,_APRIL 4th, 1957 Births In Memoriamn Articles for Sale ALLIN-Glenn and Jean AflinIBROOKS-In lovinàg memamy of STRAW for sale. Phone MA (nee Rainey) are happy ta an- Samuel Wesley Brooks wbo pass- 3-2510. 14-1* nounce the arrivai of their e d away April th, 1955.- da1, er 1957. ea o March W who loved you sadly miss RANGETTE, price $5. Phone 31 97 41 you MA 3-2675. 14-1* As it dawns another yeam. 1 HOOPER-Mr. and Mms. Arthur In aur loncly hours of thinking1 HAY and mcd claver seed. Phone D. Hooper are happy ta an- Thougbts of you are ever near, 74 r 3 Blackstock. 13-i nounde the birth af their -Dearly remembcred by youri daughter Kathy Ann an Thurs- wife and family. 14-1,DRILL, Massey-Harris, 15-bac, day, Mamch 28th at Memoriai seil cbeap. Phone MA 3-5496. Hospital, Bowmanvillc. A sisteri FARROW-In laving memory af 14-1 for Ronnie, Danny and Nancy' a dear father and grandfatbcr, FE ha o ae ebr 14-1 Arthur Farrow wbo passed away FE ha o ae ebr VIVIAN - Dan and Diann Viv- ian are happy ta announce the arrivai ai their son on March 25th, 1957, at Memoial Hospital, Bowmanvillc. A brother for Doug and Kenny. 14-1* WILLIAMS-Bob and Ruth are happy ta announce the birth of a daughter Lynn Isobel or March 26, 1957, at Memnomial Hospital, Bowmanville. A sister for Cheryl. 14-1* Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Alan Snowden wish ta announce the engage- ment of their daughter Mary Madeline to John Pollick Aitch- ison, the son of Archie Aitchison and the late Mrs. Aitchison of Lucknow, Ont. Marriage to take place April 27, 1957. 14-1* Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Malley, Orono, annaunce the engage- ment of their daughter Wanda Marie ta Archie Hugh, son of Mrs. McNeil of Haydon and the late Mr. E. A. McNeii. The mar- riage will take place on April 26 in Newcastle United Church. 14-1* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phiilips ~vish to announce the engage- ¶nent of their daughtem Carole Marion ta, Grenville George, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byarn of Tyrone. Marriage ta take place, Saturday, April 27, 1957, at 3:00 p.m. at Tyrone United Church. 14-1* Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hodgki.n- son of Aurora announce the en- gagement of their daughter Jane Claire to James Arthur Wood- ley, son of Mr. C. W. Woodley and the late Mrs. C. W. Wood- ley. The wedding to take place ciuietly at Trinity Church, Aurora, on Saturday, April 20, 1957. 14-1 Mm. and Mrs. Peter Murdochi- wish to announce the engage- ment of their youngest daughter, Priscilla Corleen to John Cowiel Gray, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cowie Gray, Scotland. The inarriage ta take place Satur- -day, May 11, 1957 at 3:30 p.m. In St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Bowmanville. 14-1* Mms. Mary L. Cann, Bowman- ville, Ontario, wishes ta an- nounce the engagement of her daughter Retta Elinor to Mr. Wîllard Royston Hartley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lister Hartley of Oshawa, Ontario. The marriage is to take place in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville on Sat- lurday, May 4th, 1957. 14-1 This warld may change irom year ta year And friends irom day ta day But neyer shall the anc we lovcd' From memory pass away.. 1 -Ever remcmbcred by Harry, Harvey and families. 14-1*ý 14-1* GOOD potatoes. A. W. Prescott, Hampton. Phone MA 3-2151. 14-1 * HEINTZMAN piano in good con- dition. Phone MA 3-3986. Articles for Sale 460 BALES of hay. Telephone Clarke 31 r 03. 14-1 CLOVER seed. Robert Allin, Newcastle. Phone 3027. 14-1 LARGE kitchen chrome set, new IRISH Cobblem potatoes for sale. Telephone MA 3-2596. 14-1 OLD lumber, for building or firewood. Phone MA 3-2943. 14:-l ONE used Universal milker unit. H. Yellowlees. Phone MA 3-2268. 14-1 flWO-piece chesterfield, 5 dining chairs, all in good condition. Phone MA 3-2985. 14-1 SEED oats, Garry and Rodney, cleaned and tmeated. J. A. Rose- rear, Tymone. MA 3-2868. 14-1 B0Y'S brown coat, size 3, girl's dlue shortie coat. size 6x, like iew. Phone MA 3-3066. 14-1* ONE heavy duty two-wheeled tractor trailer. 8.25x20 tires. Platform 6' x 10'. Phone New- astle 2346. 14-1 WHITE enamel cook stove, Vingham, in perfect condition,1 with pipes, $40. Phone Oshawa RA 3-4834. 14-1* "ULTIVATOR,- rugged, stiff toth IHC, tractor drawn, goodl wheels, $40.00. Glenn Larmer, restleton R.R. No. 2.. 14-1*1 DRCHARD sprayer, 2 00 gallon înk, 600 lbs. pressure, with 25- 1boom for spmaying tomatoes. loe Crawford, Hampton: MA 3-2552. 14-1 COTCH pine, transplants (1-1), ý20 per thousand. Limited juantity, first come, first served. ,pply Sam Manetta, Pontypool, )ntamio. 144>* W'SULATION, blowing method, vith rock wool. Workmanship yuaranteed. F r e e estimates. îarry L. Wade. Phone Clarke !20. 39-tf eHORN-In ioving memory of 14-1 F a ur dear wifc and mother, Effie1 APPROXIMATELY 3 or 4 tons S nMay Horn wbo passedi away, af pea ensilage. MA 3-2332. c lApril lst, 1956, Easter Sunda*Y 14-i *v Gone from us bt îcvingQUANTITY of Rodney aats and memories1 Rex barley. Phone MA 3-2157. b Deatb dan neyer take away, 12-3* n Memories that wili aiways linger NEW Scale Williams piano in Whiie upon this earth vie stay.godcnti.PoeNeasl I-Sadly missed by husband Will, 220 oniton1PhneNe 4-1l t son Wallace R. and brother Mill-'__________________-- FP on. 14-1 ORLEY deep freeze, large size,c perfect condition. Cail Orono- LUXTON-In loving memory af 1543. 14-i1 a dear mother, Emma Elizabeth jLuxton, wbo passedi away April TWO-wheeied trailer, aiso new w~ lst, 1952. vacuum cleaner, cbeap. MArket R Your presence is ever near us, 13-3069. 1- Your love remains witb us yet I________________ C You were the kind of a mather,1 FRESHLY killcd capons, weekly. tc Your loved anes will neyer Order now for Easter. MArketw forget. 3-2998. 3-2* N -Lovingly remembered by daugbtcr MircPn snm NORGE refrigerator, 6.6 cu. ft., law Clarence and family. 14-1* $65 or best offer. Telephone t _______MA 3-5957. 14-1 f LUXTON-In loving memory of CARROTS, $2.00 bushel, Solîna J( a beloved wife and mother, Road north anc mile, west side. 3- Emma Elizabeth Luxton wbo Wilfr-ed Aldworth. 14-2* passed away Aprii lst, 1952. -si Gone frorn us, but lcaving FLOOR polisher for ent at $,1 memories Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 qi Death can neyer take away,' King St. E., Bowmanvillc. 13-tf A Memories that wili always linger - O IWhile upon the cartb wc stay. WOODS clectric milk coaler, - -Sadiy missed and lovingly me- like new; quantity baled hay. jj member by husband Fred and Apply Eber Milison. Phone MA w daughter Ethel. 14-1* 3-2645. 13-2* gt LUXTONI loving mmr of CORDWOOD, dry, $8 per cord, HI - er rn m mter mry I deiivered in town. F. R. Cook, 24 Elizabeth, wbo passed away 3224.ig t.E.Phne 1*ke April ist, 1952. _3-2724. _______ 14-______ h Hem chamming ways and smiling SEED aats, a few Radney and dli face Garry, - barvcsted without rain.inJ Arc a pleasure ta recail; I Howard Brent. Phone MArket 36 She had a kindly word for each, 3-2835. 14-1* - And died belavcd by ail. - 20 -Sadiy missed by granddaughtem CORDWOOD, dry, beech and ed Onie, Morley and great grand- mapie, 8½/,. cords, $75 cash. st, son, Ronnie. 14'i'* Appiy Samn Manetta, Pontypool, ba Ontario. 14-1* fiE LUXTON-In lovîng memrnay af- aur dear mother, Emma Eliza- SAVE an lumber, direct frorn'G, beth Luxton, who passecd away Mill ta yau. Phiilips Lumber leý April lst, 1952. Ca., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone pi, You can anly bave anc mother, 17 r il. - l3tf ic Patient, kind and truc. KEYS cut autornatically, while sa Th me are fcw in aIl this world owata Msn&DlHrd - WiIl be as kind as you. ywa3ing t MStn &.DaleHard- E For al hem loving kindness vware 6KigS. . 4Bwa-Eo] She asked notbing in return. vil.o6tf : If ail the world deserts you, SINGER Scwing Centre, new 06c To your mother you can turn. and used sewing machines. YiE Sa you who have a mother, Rentais or repairs. Phone MA Sv Cberisb ber with came. 3-2155. 18-tf 89 For you'Il neyer know the beartache 1 HARD and soi t water delivered. T] Till you sec hem vacant chair. 1P rompt service. Robert H. Cale. 2-1 Lovingly remembcred by beri Phone MArket 3-5476 or MA dit daughter Dorcas and san-in-law 13-5805. 48-tf olc Cecil. 14.12*': ,. , - . . RACTOR, Ford-Ferguson with -furraw piough, vcry goad con- tian: also buckrake, two years Il; turmip pulper. A. Broersma, .R. 3, Bumkctan. Phone Biack- ADDING machines, typewriters, cash registers, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office fumniture, new and used. Repairs to al makes. Walter Frank, 177 Church St., Bowmanville. MA 3-3986. 14-tf TRACTOR pick-up plough, 3- point heads, 3-furrow, 12" bat- toms, ike new: 2 cernent 36" well tule with tops; 3 h.p. electrîc motor, good condition. H. Payne, R.R. 3, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 1422. 14-1f NEW machines-We carry a ful lime of new machines in Massey- Harris-Ferguson; New Holland and New Idea Farm Equipment and parts. S. S. Morton & Son, Farrn Equipment Sales and Serv- ice, Mapie Grave - Bowmanville. T VATERLOO garden tractor, 11/2 p. with plough, cultivator and sc; three-horse gas engmne; ail ngood condition. Phone Clarke i21. 14-11 >0 BALES mixed hay, well sav- d, 40c; 500 bales good dlean oat raw 30c. Ail large square ales. Moreland Farrn at En- ild. MA 3-2417. 14-1 'ARDEN tractor, David Brad- ýy, used one season, with lough, cultivator, drag-harmow, ickle bar, cordwood and brush aw. Phone MA 3-2094. 14-1* :NAR brand alfalfa and most them grass seeds. Registered *mmemcial Garry and Rodney Lts. Commercial Rex, the high ieidîng two-mow barley. Phone vain Seed Cleaners, Blackstock 9r Il. il-tf Deaths T HICKSON-In loving memory BEGLE, Vena Vila-A ~oa our aniy son Mark- Willia Jaseph's Hospital, Toronto, Co iiwn pssd1w95A6. 6 Monday, April 1, 1957, VraOne ya a asdda ak Vioa Bgle, ateof 00Quebec Since you wcre called away, Avenue, wiie ai the late Charles How well do we remember A. Beglcy and dear mather ai Trhat sad and weary day. Mrs. Dorothy Davad, Toronto; Whcn ail is stili and silent and met W (Bi) Bgle,1 And sleep forsakes aur eyes Bowmanvilie; sîster ai Mrs. F. *C u huhsar ntesln Davidson (Birdie), Oshawa. u tgt revetesun Resting at the Fumerai Chape og1F rveorltl al is Wm. Speers, 2926 Dundas St. W.1 Aiways remembered by Mum- (near Kecle). Service Tbursday my, ad n itr. 1- aiternoon at 3 o'ciock. Inter-i adyadsstr. 1- ment Park Lawn Cemctery. 'VANSTON-In loving memory 14-1 * ai a dear mother, Amelia Van- BRALEYAt th reidecestane wbo passed away, April BRADEY-t th reidenetb, 1950. R.R. 1, Enniskilien, an Wednes- Hem memamy is as dear to-day day, April 3, 1957, Margaret As in the boum she passeci away. Mabel Webbcr Bradley, if ber -Ever remembered by daugbter 68th year. Belovcd wie ai Gladys and san-in-iaw Georg Leonard G. Bradley and dear Forscy and family. 14 mother ai Carl, Hampton; Clar- ence, Bowrnanvillc; Velma (Mrs. Eari Luke), Hampton; Mildrcd __________________ (Mrs. Don Stainton), Bowman- H sufrteaoyfrh - ville; Howard, Bowmanviiie- H ufrteaay0 bu Gladys (Mrs. James Simpson), matic pain, sciatica, lumbago, Gcrmany: Aileen (Mrs. Ross wben Rumacaps wiil help you ta Page), Newcastle. Rcsting at the wlcmcreie.As yurdrg Morris Fumerai Chapel, Boma-;15-i ville. Service in the Chapel ofn HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber Satumday, April 6th at 2 o'ciock. goods) mailed postpaid if plain Interment Hampton Cemetery. I sealcd envelope witb price list. 14-1j Six samples 25c, 24 samples> $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Seed or S le I Nov-Rubbcm Ca.. Box 91. Ham- ACADIA sping whcat, clcamed and treated. Phone Clarke 2812. Lost_____________ 141*i BLACK Schaffcr White-Dot pen, COMMERCIAL Rodney aats and valued by owner. Smali reward. Brant barley, cleaned and treat- MA 3-3226. 14.1* cd. Phone Gray Brothers, New- - castle, 3556. 14-i ALL tan hound. Phone Black- stock 82 r 13 or contact John Garry aats, Registered No. 1. Archer, R.R. 3, Burketon. Re- and quantity ai Commercial Fonf ward. 14-1 baley. Glenn Larmer, Nestle- S l ton R.R. 2. 14-1* Cars for S l SEED-Rodncy oats, mgistered, 55 CHEVROLET coach, V8, two-1 treated, in new sacks, $1.90 per tome, 210; spotless, radio, lowi bus. at the iarm, Orono High- mileage. MA 3-3410. 14-i way. Chares Glenney. Phomei1 Orono 34 ring 18. 14-tf '48 OLDSMOBILE sedan, hydra- matic, radio, beater, wbitcwa]is, REGISTERED Bambouf barley, tumn signais, sun vison. In vemy Garry and Rodncy oats, Corn- good condition. Phone MArket mnercial Bamboff barley, Rodney 3-3147. 14-1* and Lanark aats. Harold Swain, Nestleton. Phone Biackstock '53 FORD Zephyr 6 sedan, in 71 - 2. 13-2* excellent mechanical condition. One-car awncr since new. Low SEED grain-Claver seeds, etc.,imileage, $995. Phone MArket best vaities ai seed oats, bar- 335.1- ley, peas, also the ncwcr varieties of claver and permanent pasture 1954 FORD 2-door, low mileage, mixtures, as recommended by $400 down: 1953 Chevrolet 2- the Ontario Dept. af Agriculture. door, only $300 dawn: 1951 Olds- Quality seeds at regular prices. mobile, automatic transmission, Feed grains, fertilizers, certifiedi radia and whitewall tires, $200 ueed potatoes. A. W. Glenney, dowm, at Cowan Equipmemt Ca.. Newcastle. Phones: Mil 2771. 134 King St. E.. Bowmanville. &-eidence 3876. 18-2* Phone MA 3-5689. 14-1 MANGEL iran, in good con- dition. Room and board for twc elderiy gentlemen. 3 George St. Bawmanville.141 RED Claver seed with a ligbt ýsprinkling of aifalfa, $25 per i bushel, also Rodney oats. Tele- phone MA 3-5297. 14-2' ELECTRICAL Repairs'-Promp service ta electrical appliances, large and smali. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-ti DO your own floors-Rent a sander or a floor polisher frai- Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E.. Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf REGISTERED Rodney oats, $ 1.75 per bushel; Commercial, $1.65. 98% germination. Donald Green, R.R. 2, Nestieton. Phone 71 r Il Biackstock. 13-221 HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Eiectric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bawmanvilic. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf ADDING machines, typewritems, cash registers, cheque writers, filing cabinets,. office fumniture. new and used. Repairs ta al mak-es. Walter Frank, Bowman- ville. MA 3-24103. Newcastle 2114. 19-tf EQUIP y-our bouse with Nash aluminurn cambimation doors and windows, ail colours. Our representative will give you free estimates. Lander hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowr-nanville. Tele- phone MA 35774. 10-tf MORRIS Ca. have been appoint- cd Singer Sewing Machine me- Presentatives for the Bowman- ville district. Came in and sec a Singer-the finest in sewîng machines. Vamiaus attachments also if stock. Telephone MA 3-5480. 46-tf DRAPERIES and vemetian blimds custom made or drapieries sald b.y the yard. Our representative will cali at your borne amy time with a complete range ai sampies and suggestions without obliga- tion. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W. Telephone MArket 3-3609, Bawma.nviiie. 48-tf Decorating *For the Finest Paints *For the Latest Papers *For the Best Workmanship S. G. Prest on & son Phones M1A 3-5912 MA 3-37011 44-tf ste 14-i OATS-Registered No. 1 Rod- ney,, Garry, Beaver, Larain, Certified Simcoc, Abegwcit. Ibese oats won twcive prizes in- cluding two firsts at Central Ontario Spring Show. Also Commercial Bariey. J. W. Bayd, 3 r 18, Orono. 14-1* INTERNATIONAL refrîgerators, 8.2 cu. ft., regular $349 for $239: Chieima-ster deluxe 22-imcb dcec- tric range, pusb-butto n cantrol, autamatic aven contraI, electricl timer, regular $225 for oniy $195 at Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowmanviiie. Tele- phone MA 3-5689. 14-11 USED farrn cquipment-Farm.. aIl Super "A" tractor, Fammalli "'H" tractor; McCormick W-4 tractor, McCormick W-6 diesel tractar, Massey-Harris "22" tract- o ar, Massey-Harris 102 tractor. tMassey-Harris 13-marker secd and fertilizer drill with power lit, International 2 - furraw plougb, John Deere 7-foot disc at Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 Kînig St. E.. Bawmanville. Telephome MA 3-5689. 14-1 USED Farrn Machines-Massey- Harris 44 diesel tractor, 56 Model, live power and bydraulic; Massev-Harris Standard 22 tract- or. Masscy-Harris 22 row crop tractor with hydrauiic loader, John Deere tractor, 2 Ford- Fergusan tractors, Farrnali A tractor with row crop cuitivator, Massey-Harmis combination sced drill with tractor hitch, 2 Mas- sey-Harris cultîvators, Cockshutt tandem dise, 2 Dunham packers, good used orchard sprayem, 2 International manure spreaders, 1 Cockshutt speader, 1 Otaco speader. S. S. Morton & Son, Massey.Harris-Ferguson Dealer,1 Mapie Grave - Bowmanvifle.j 14-1 atiie i orbaie SPACE savers - frieze, regular $79.50 for $59.50; 2-piece chest- emfield, $129; chrome kitchen suites, $49.50; spring-filled mat- tresses, $22.95. Play pens, cribs, wardrobe, steel beds, sandwich cots, floor coverings, ail priced ta clear. Trade-ins-Kitchen tables and chairs, kitchen cab- inet, electric fireplace, rangettes $10; refrigerators, 7 cubic ft., $79.50, washers, $29.50. Murphy Co., King West, Bowmanville. MArket 3-3781. 14-1 1952 Ford Tractor equipped with LOADER and SHERMAN DIGGER Excellent condition Manchest er Garage MANCHESTER ONT. Junction Highways 7A-7 and 12 Phone Port Perry 512 Rodney and Garry Oats Nobarb Barley A quantity ocf Spring Rye ONE WEEK ONLY Western Barley $52 a ton Robert Glanville ORONO PHONE 15318 14-1 Channel 17 Buffalo ENJOY THE BEST IN TV ENTERTAINMENT Better Programs INTERFERENCE-FREE RECEPTION Guaranteed - Free Estimates TOWN TV MArket 3-5522 Bill Leask Lloyd Hamilton 14-1 LAWN SEED Stewart's Super Growth Mixture Consists cntirely ai only the finest dwarf, perennial and ever- green grasses for a beautiful dense lawn. Reg. $1.15 lb --------- lb1 . 95e Stewart's Terrace Brand Mixture A blend af quick growing grass- es that produce a smooth, com- pact, lasting turf of fine quality. Reg. 90e lb----------------1lb. 70e Stewart's Special Lawn Mixture An ecamomical blend, giving a fast green caver and rcquiring a minimumn af came. i1lb. 60e Stewart's Back Yard or A strang, quick growing mixture ta stand up under bard us- age.-----------------------1 lb. 45e Fresh Govt. tested Bulk GARDEN SEEDS CERTIFED SEED POTATOES LAWN and GARDEN FERTILIZERS STEWART'S SEEDS 33 Division St, Bowmanville 14-1 Livestock f or Sale PUREBRED Yorkshire p i g s ready ta wean. MA 3-2887. 14-1 * HOLSTEIN bull, well marked, 10 months aid. Phone MAmket 3-5214. 14-1 PERCHERON mare, 1,500 lbs., work single or double. Phone MA 3-2008. 14-1* PUREBRED Hereford bull, 101 months aid. Phone Gray Broth- ers, Newcastle, 3556. 14-1 * TWO Holstein, 1 Guemnscy caws, fresb in April. Ail with good records. Fred R. Stevens. 14-1 I BROWN Percheron mare, 5 years aid, sound, quiet and well broken. Sid Powers, Pontypool. 14-1 * PUREBRED Hereford bull, 10 months. Apply Kenneth Sameils, Nestîcton. Phone Blackstock 50 r 11. 14-1* THREE grass calves, about 350 lbs. apiece, $50.00 eacb. Allan Beacock, Blackstock. Telephone 14 r 23. 14-1 FRESH cows and some due ta freshen soon, also some veal calves. Apply Z. J. Benscbop. Phone MA 3-2926. 13-3* QUANTITY of baled alfalfa and tirnotby hay, also matcbed team of Clyde marcs, around 1,500 lbs. each. Trewin Scott, Tymone. 14-1 Chickens for Sale IN step witb markets witb Bray cbicks. Chicks for aIl markets. Prompt shipment. Started pul- lets. Ask for list showing wide and wise chaices for profitable markets. Ask agent. W. S. Staples, Box 325, Phone MArket 3-3938, Bowmanville. 14-1 CANADIAN Appraved, puilor- un tcsteci, Day Old and Started Chicks. Book orders now for future delivery. White Leghorn, Barred Rock (fast featherîng) and New Hamp. X Barcd Rock. For price list write or Phone1 H. J. Brooks. 13awmanvile. MA 3-3961. 50-tf Real Estate for Sale 1Real Estate f or Sale BUILDING lot. centrally locat- ed. Phone MArket 3-3554 after 5 p.m. 14-1 275 ACRE farm, Muskoka dist- rict, including partly furnisbed frame seven-roomed house, some implements and two horses. Tele- Phone Mrs. H. Ruttan, MArket 3-2362 after 6 p.m. 13-2 COTTAGE at Caesarea, winter- ized, hydro, inside toilet, furn- ished, 15 miles north Bowman- ville, accessible, move rîght in, four thousand, fifteen hundred down. Cali Keevil, Claremont 81. 14-3 HOUSE for quick sale. New five-roomed bungalow, breeze- way and garage attached, forced air, ail heating, heavy wiring, modern tiled bathroorn and kitchen, hardwood floors. Wil seli reasonable. Phone Orono 150. 11-4~ TWO-storey building and landi 200' x 300' locatedc in Newcastle.1 Property formerly known asi Stewart Motor Sales. Offers now being accepted. For fumth- er information contact Donaldj H. Howe, Realtor, 26%/ King St. E., Oshawa.. Phone RA 5-7732. 14-4 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - NewcastleOnt Two blocks north of traffic signa] Newcastle 5-tf IN BOWMANVILLE $2500 down-Attractve 2-year- old 6 roorn ranch type bungalow, oil heated, hardwood and tile floors, tiled 4-piece bathroom, 3 bedrooms. Lovely landscaped corner lot, has garage, fruits. Close to school. Ask for Mrs. Patrick. Berneice H. Patrick REAL ESTATE BROKER 16 Bond St. E. Oshawa RA 5-3692 (colleet) 14-tf DAIRY FARM, 200 acres, 14C acres workabie, 40 acres wood, spming, wells, 100' x 40' bank barn witb 2 rows steel stan- chions, L-shaped extension of 75' x 30' with steel boxes, water bowls in bath barns, 2 imple- ment sheds, pig pens, 2 cernent silos, milk bouse; 13 roomed solid brick bouse with furnace, bard- wood floors. Has 9 dans milk quota. Price $25,000. Will seli as gaing concern witb 73 head R.O.P. Hoîsteins and full lime ai macbinemy. Price and termis ar- ranged. GENERAL FARM on a bigh- way, 200 acres with 140 acres workable, 30 acres wood, creek, 58' x 38' and 36' x 34' L-sbaped bank barn with runnimg water, large chickcn house; 8 roorncd frame bouse with furnace, 2- piece bath and running water. Miik quota can be arranged. Asking price $16,000. Terms. GENERAL FARM on No. 2 Higbway, 100 acres with 80 acres workable, 5 acres wood, spring, large L-shaped bank barn, silo, hen bouse, implement shed, garage: 5 roamed stone bouse with bard and soit water, beavy wîred. Price $14,000. Terms. DAIRY FARM, 100 acres, 93 acres womkable, spring pond, 5 acres wood, 80' x 40' and 50' x 30' L-shapcd bank barn with water bowls, milk bouse with tank cooler, hQt and coid water, lien bouse, garage, 8 roomed solid brick bouse with ail city conveniences. Extra 4 roomed new bungalow for bired man. i Asking price $24,000. Termsý arranged. DAIRY FARM, 200 acres wit 140 acres workable, 50 acres in bush, large river, 70' x 40' bank barn with water bowls, impie- ment shed, lien bouse, îjig pens,l cernent silo, milk bouse with tank cooler; 8 roomed solid brick house witb running water, heavy rluty wired. Price $18.000. Ternis. 5 roomcd solid brick bunga- low at Cavan witb furnace, rîardwood floors, 3-pîcce bath, running bot and coid water, kitcbcn cuphoards. Garage; im- mnediate possession. Asking price $8,000. Terms. 8 roomed storey and anc-balf house in Bawmanville on good size lot with 3-picce bath, bard- wvood floors, kitchen cupboamds, -unning bot and cold water. Storms and screens. Double garage. Asking price $8.300. Q'ery easy terms. 5 raomcd brick veneer ranch style bungalows in Bowman- ville witb ail city conveniences, o be built ta your specifications, vith smali down payment. Prices fmom $10.500 and up. 8 roamcd solid brick house In Bowmanville with extra lot, suit- abic for 2 families, with 3-piece bath, furnace, pamtly bardwood and tule floors, running hot and old water, kitchen cupboards. Nicely landscaped. Open for offer. INCOME HOME, double white iapboard bouse in Newcastle, with 2 kitchens,, 2 batbrooms running bot and cold water, 'amtly bardwood floar, bcavy1 uty wired, 66' x 350' lot. Crcek.i 'rice $8,400. Tcrms. Besides above mentianed we 1 ave appraximately 100 more 1 mrms and homes ta choose from. Contact John F. De With ealtor and General Insurance ;ewcastle Phone 3341 ;alesmen: 3onald Mountjoy, Bowmanville MA 3-3950 'anici Boehm - Port Hlope 4 'TU 5-ff043. TWO bedroomn bungalow, brick veneer, on paved street in Bow- manville. One-car garage, oul heating, hardwood floors, tiled four-piece bathroom. Immediate possession. Phone MA 3-3637. 14-1 SIX-roomed stucco bungalow, hamdwood and tule floors, mod- ern bathroom, hot water heating with gas furnace, venetian blinds, large landscaped lot and garage. Phone MA 3-5895. 14-4 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acres choice dlay loam, 90 acres tractor land, 8 acres bard- wood, 10 acres faîl wheat, 25 acres fail ploughed. Neyer fail- ing stream; 8 oomed brick home, immaculate; L-shaped bank barn has cernent stabling, steel stanchions, water bowls,I etc. A farm that will make you independent. Price only $11,000 with good temms. One new three bedroom bun- galow with small down payment. We have many choice prop- erties from which to choose. 52 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Salesman - Everett Hanna 14-1 Peter Feddema Dairy farm, 200 acres; 7 room frame bouse, bath, furnace, barn 100 x 34, 6 can milk quota. Price with stock and macbinery $23.000. Terms. Gencral farm, 100 acres, Il- raam frame bouse, barn 100 x 34,1 neyer failing stream. Price $11.500. Very low down pay- ment. 65 acre iarm, 5 roorn frame house, barn 100 x 36. Price $7,500. Tcrms. 30 acre farm, betwcen Bow- manville and Newcastle; 10 room bouse, barn 80 x 40. Price and down paymcnt arranged. Four Christmas tree farms in Pontypool district. Paultry farm, 51/ acres, 10- rorn frarne bouse, bath; 5,5001 square foot floor space. Pricel and down payment arranged. 8 rorn insul brick bouse an Orono main street, large sized lot. Price $6.000. Down $2.000. For quick sale-A snack bar with living quarters, contann a kitchen, dining-room, bath, 2 bedroams and full basement. Good location for service station. INewcastle R.R. 2 Phone 2204 14-1 H. C. Pedwell REAL ESTATE BROKER 120 acre dairy famrn on lake front, frame house with ail con- veniences, 2 miles from. New- castle; creek, extra good soul. $18,000, terms. 100 acres large solid brick bouse, new steel barn 40' x 100, other buildings, just off paved road, river running through bush and pasture. .This farm can be bought with ail equîp- ment including 40 head of cattle. Wiil give good terms. Close to Newcastle. 200 acres, 40 acres good timber balance workable, 7 room, brick house, hydro and water, bank barn 40' x 100', implement shed, hen bouse, pig bouse, 30 acres faîl wheat, 10 acres for tomatoes. Will consider bouse in exchange or scîl on iow down payment. Corner store and dwelling with extra building lot, situated on main corner in Newcastle, good location for any line of business. Consult us for price and terms. New 6-room bhouse in Orono, attached garage and breezeway, fomced air, oul heating, bathroomn and kitchen tiled, hardwood floors throughout, low down payment, immediate possession, Moncy ta boan H. C. PEDWELL Newcastle Phone 38561 James Nixon REAL ESTATE BROKER $5,000 down, brick borne, 8 large rooms, living-dinîng-room, modemn kitchen, disb washer, ti]e and hardwood floors, 2 and 3-piece bath, beavy wiming, beat- cd wibt ail and radiators, garage, beautiful home in iminaculate condition. Immediate posses- sion. 6-roarn storey and haîf insul brick, modemn kitchen, built-in cupboards, 4-piece bath partly finisbed, large heater with thermostat heats the whoie bouse, fuily insulated, floors are tule and inlaid, hot and coid water, beavy wiring, attachedj garage, good lot, niceiy decorat- ed, nice location, in Hampton, close ta chumch, school and j stores. Priced ta sell. 9-roorn storey and half, twol and thmee-piece bath, 5 bedrooms, ile and hardwood floors, cellar,' oùl furnace, $10,500. Terms. 4-roarn bungalow on No. 2 Eighway, hydmo, well, cbicken house, $4,500. Terms. Immed- iate possession. 5-room frame bungalow, 3- piece bath, basement, new gas fumnace, bot water beater, stove, baor covering, garage, nie' lot, 5,500. Terma. Possession ar- 'anged. 200 acre farrn with stock and rnplements. Trucking business with P.C.V., oader, extra tractor. Lot on Brown St. witb build- ng, sewer and water in building, eavy wiring.f 17 Qucen St. Bowmanvihlej DIA,3-568Z2I LOTS - ACREAGES - FARMS 10 acres of apple orchard just forth of Bowmanvjlle on towit water. Room for 25 bouses. Builders - Don't miss this oppor- tunity ta secure good building -land close ta town. Lot on No. 2 Highway west af Bowmanviie, situated between two ranch style homes. Size of lot 80 x 250. Sebool tax is Pajd. Priced right at $1,400. Il# Lot in North Oshawa 100 x 166. Excavation completed. $1600. 70 acres of Christmas 1(jee land with 12,000 trees planW~. A real buy at $4,000. 241 acre tobacco farm ini Castleton area. Trout stream runs tbrough this farm. Good 8-moom insul brick bouse and. good buildings. Owner's,'health farces sale. $21,000 wit4 $7.000 down. 10 acres apple orchaj > Vvil. lage. Ail good varieties. ý4,750 with terms. 53 acres valuabie building land on No. 401 close ta new Johnson & Johnson site. 1,320 ft. front- age on No. 401, 1,600 ft. frontage on road leading ta No. 2 High- way, and 1,300 ft. frontage on a third moad. $35,000 with terms. 15 acres choice garden soil on corner of two roads near Bow. manville, $3,500. 200 acre farm in Clarke Township. Excellent 9-roomn stane bouse with ail city con- veniences. Barns 97 x 30 and 70 x 36. 2 drive sheds and double garage, aIl painted. 3 trout streams. $28,000 witll temms. Many more ta choase frorn. Walter Frank 177 Church Street, Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3986 cr MA 3-2403 Representing D. W. McQuay Real Estate Whitby 14-1 On and after this date, lst April, we will not be responsible for payment of any work done for us, unless duly notified be- forehand. Mm. and Mrs. E. Austin Jnr., RHR. 3, Oshawa, Ont. 14- t By-Law No. 1551 The Municipal Council ai the Corporation ai the Town ai Bowmanville pursuant ta the Municipal Act and being Revis- ced Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 243, section 386, paragrapb 83. bcereby enacts as follows: 1. AIl cuiverts required ta be installed at the entrance ofaia private raadway upon a public highway for drainage purposes sha be supied by the pmaperty. owner at bis cost and installa- tion shaî1 be donc by the Cor. poration at its cost. 2. The cu]vert shall be ai steel corrugatcd type and shalh hve a diameter ai a minimum &*ft teen inches and the use cq.,4y ather type ai cuivert is siriéily probibited. 3. Any persan convictcd ai a breach ai the provisions ai this by-law shahl forfeit and pay, at ýthe discretion ai the canvicting magistrate a penalty mot exceed- ing $25.00 for each affence, ex- clusive of costs. 4. This by-law shah came into force upon final passing thereaf. Read a iirst, second and third time and iinally passed this 3rd day el February A.D. 1953.- A -4; ýl ý- 1 TIM CANADIA.Ii STATESM«. ll§OWMAMLtt. ONTARTM Real Estate for Sale) Leask Real E 200 acre farm, li extra jood iarming area, bank barn, adcom- modate 80 hcad ai cattie, pig Pen, hen bouse, 20 acres hard- wood sugar bush and cquipmcnt; 9 room bhouse, modern kitchen, full basement. Trout strcam on this farm, $26.000. Terms. 5 room brick bungalow on Wellington St., sunroam, furn- ace, 3-piece bath, garage. Terms. Choice building lot on Duke St., $900.00, No service charge. Wc have lots, bouses, bunga- lows, famms for sale. List with Leask. 65 Ontario St. MA 3-5919 Bowmanville 14-1 Peter Kowal 1REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 $14,500-New 3 bedroomn ranch type bungalow xith garage. Wili accept trade. Terms. Immedi- ate possession. $8,500 - 2 bedroom frame bungalow, aiuminum storms and screcns. Oul heating. Only four ycars aid. Bargain. Tcrms ar- ranged. $10.000 - 3 bedroom frame bungalow, garag.e, living-room, dining-room, large rno dcr n kitchen, laundry room. $4.000 down. $10.500 -2 bedroom frame bungalow, living-room, n ic e kitchen, 3-piece bath, hardwood and tule floors. Quiet neighbour- hood. Terms. $9.500 buys 2 bedroom frame bungalow on Duke St. Oil beat- cd, attacbed garage, extra lot and garage. Only $4.250 down. $10.500 buys 12 acre farm. large 7-roorn home with con. veniences, barn, 2 car garage. Near school. 14-1

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