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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1957, p. 16

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T!~ CAKADXAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILIZ. ONTAMO THURS~DAY. AP!ITJ 4th. 115V O ver 300 Years of Service to Odd Fellowship Six 50-vear veteran members o'the Independent Yeo, Boxvmanville; Alhert Cox, Oshawa; George Aw Order of O'dd Fellows who have received their je\wels from Drayton; Harry Allun, E. H. Brown and Wesley Cawl. Florence Nigbtin 'gale Lodge No. 66, were present at the Bowmanville. Bro. Brown is xvearing his jewel for Wildey Night banquet at Balmoral Hlotel on Saturda-, f irst time, having just rcceived it from Grand Mars M\arch 301 h. and represent more than 300 years of service Ed. Youngman, Pontypool. -Photo by Reh lu their lodge and community. From left ta right: Wm. H.j I.O.O.F. Grand Marshal Presents Jewel An interesting item on the program at the WildE Balmoral Hotel, March 3th, by Florence Nightingale Order of Odd Fellows, was the presentation of a 50-year Bowmanville, by the Grand Marshal of Ontario, Ed. pictured congratulating Bro, Brown. Many from Durham Receive Citizen ship T.he first ceremony ta teke plane in the new Counties' cd- miinistration -building on Wil- liem Street, Cobourg, wes held Ibis afternoou 'when approx- imeteizv 57 new Cenadiaîîs were sworn in. Judge M. A. Miller', judge of hIe Couîîty Court presided. Dr. Clarc 'Fritz, ebairman of BROUGHI and HEAI'ING BOIVMA N VILE Street South the International Commnitteeo the Cobourg Business and Pro fessional Womenis Club pre sided over the coffee part! given bY the B. & P. Club t( tlle nje\ Canadians foIlowiný t he cerernouy'. 'l'le club pre sented each wornaLl memnber o the new Canadians mwith a p;r lin the shape of a Maple Leai which Was set in brilIliants. Included amnong the digi tlaries were: Dr. F. G. Roberf- soli, M.- P., NOrth LI 111 ber-lanICI John M. Jamles, M.P., Durburr; iVavIor J. D. Btirnet, of Ca- bourg, Warden Llovd Hooton, of the tJn-ited Couinties, anl lAgrictultuire Minister, the 1-1er. W. A. Goodfelto\w,. Amnong tlbe menibers c f Ilb' B. & P. Club vwere: M\/iss Made- liue Roone .Ontario ie-r_-ý ident, and Mrs. Margaret Pe',\- t ress. international (bhai rnan of finauce. Man ' Vot bers of tiia B. & P. Club also attencled tr2 funct ion. MEN WANTED ,Steady empl',onient- full t ime. "ome part time help wthwij a few' , meeks. Apply iniperson Brookdale - Kingsway Nurseries Spring is Here (Cet yotr decorating supplies frel, In u. Best Iines of Wallpaper, Keni-Glu, Super Kem Toile, Sprcd Satin, Luxor Enamel and the fanons "Thix" fne whicb does net drip or splash. Ask for a denionstration of the pepular 'Pre-Pasted Wallpapers" Suindries of ail kinds. A BERNETHY'S PAINT AND WALLPAPER 1.1 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5431 Brampton, et Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, Trewin's. Mr. and Mrs. Eerl Trewi'i. Doreen and Donald, Enniskil- len; Mr. Silas Trewîn and Ju- dith, Bowmenville, visited Mrs. Wm. Trewin end Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge. Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacDer- mid, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. .. Haines, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rehm. Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts, Tom- my, Debbie and Mary spent the weekend with Mr. Potts' par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Potts, Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray at Mr. andi Mrs. R. Ormiston's, Enniski.,- len. Miss Lynda Potts spent flhc weekend witli Anne Whitc, Hampton. Glen Ashton et Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp's, Enniskillen. Mrs. W. Thompson. vîsited Mr. and Mrs. F. Osmond andi Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompsun,, Bowme nvill e. Brien Layng -while with sev- eral other children eround al bon lire in e ncighbour's gar- den got bis coat sleeve on fire which burnt through to bis arm giving him e bed bure. Brian wes teken to Memorfiail Hospital, Bowmenville, and wil beteefor severel days. bMhreterSinger, Mimico, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameron. SympathY is extended ta the ley Nigrht banquet held in the relatives and famil* vo f Mr Herb Siemon who passed awkiy badge Na. 66, Independent at bis home in Toronto on Sa'- veteran's jewe1 ta E. H. Brown, uirdey. He wes raised in this Youngmnan, Pontypool, who is village, the son of the lcte Mc. -Photo by Rehder and Mrs. John Sieman. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and family and Mrs. Wm. Mcý .udge Miller swore ihe new Laughlin *isited Mr. and Mrs. Canadiens in and ewarded each o cegliNsitn mith a certificete. RyMLuhiNsltn TheJude hld ornng it- Mr. and Mrs. Van Hawvelen Theg a bis ouret whoric eit-accompenied Mr. and Mrs. tnmoferiscfpoprte twe exeaGeorge Tebb and visited their numbr o peple wee eam-deughter, Lily Tabb, et Sick ined for future citiz.ensh;p Children's ;Haspitel. Toronto, on orpapers. Sundey. Lily is doing fine and 0- Those in ibis district Who expects te get home the lest of c-received their citizensbip papers this week. were: Henry and Annie Bons. W.A. April meeting wilI tae FEunt St., Bowmenville; Knuîd held on Thursdey, April llth and luger Elisabeth Jargensen, et 2:30 at the* home af Mis. Wael Road. Bowmanvill"ý; Co\&ling- and Mrs. W. Black- DfJacob and Hiskze ( Hett >v) Ra.p -btrn. Mrs. Cowling in cherg.Ž1 ie.vn, R.R. 4, Bowmenviiie: of progremme. Jacob and Aefke Lootsme, 22:3 N 7il 1wigi Arl Lîberiv St. N., Bowmanvi.ue; The next National Film Boardi Jan (John i end Roelofke LooLs- pictures will be an Wednesday, nia, R.R. 1, Kendal; Fridolitu May th, et 7:30 p.m. and Lill%- Rose Obrist, R.R. 4, Wonterusan gtaRga Mr and Mrs. George Re- I'ieterse, Courtice; Hendrk and nolds, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bev- 1Doutzen Rozemna, R.R. 1, Bo\\-- nolds. Gerry and Vickey. ieft mn tville; Melle Rozema, Anti.-' Saturday for New Mexico ltozena, ].~ R. 1, Bowan ,lie iee îîev wl visit the for-1 - .nunîgje Cornelia Versendaal. mer's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. . -,Bowmanville; Michil AI Winblad and femilv. and Auna Wereszczynski, 61 Congratulations ta Mr. and P ne St., Bowmanville: Helen i Mrý.. Cecil Simmons-e baby Bistolaribes, 8 King St. E., Bow- brother bas arrived for Veleri.2, -inan vi île. Gregg and Donald. Rinse Johannes and Dirkj-e Best wishes ta Mr. and Mis. Bosgraaf, Orono: Johent Anthi- 1Hiver on their recent mar- oiv De,,witt, RHR. 5, Bowniu - na g e. Mrs. Hil\er (Medeline)1 Vil:Binne (Ben) Jongsnma,istedube of Mr. and Mrs. 1i. , Burkelon: Georgce-Kic Victor Burridge. * ukoipotlos, 106 Wellington St.. I Gras:, fires on Der]ingtoni Bowmanville; Johcnnes (Joh.I) 1Boulevard South and north cfl \'andYvke. Balmoral Hotel, Bow- T ruIEs Groceterie, nearly prov- j Ili-illle. ed disestrorîs on Seturday lest. Joseph Buko, 31 Wallon -, Tbis sbould give the loaet ire- Po'-t Iope; Tjitze' (Joui a n(.I fighting cammittee e full speel O rîetjie <Marg-aret> Jilkenîa, -, cead signal. Cumnberland St,., Port Hopr. iStefa n a nd Auna Znidercic,2t Eidlott St., Port Hope; Emi)i~ Lake Shore, Clarke Ko\alcyk(Kowal), 18 Walto! S t..Port ope.Please note the change in the j - date af the April Home and Schooi meeting. The date ha,; j HAVDflMbeen chenged from April 16 toi HAYDONApril 25. Miss Joyce Martîn' will show colored pictures of \Ir. and Mrs. Gerald Slîack- e rpt England and Europe. ictoli. Erie and Ruth and Mt. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mitchell iM. Blaclkburîî, Salem, xvere tea and fcmily, Lotus, and Mrs. giests et Mr. and Mrs. W. Earl Giibank, Ani and Lois, Blackburn's and Mrs. R. Cowl- Pontypool, were Sunday after- îng's on Saturday evening. naon visitors with Mr. and Mrr. jMr. and Mrs. Elmore Walker Chas. Bedwin. and Barbara, Toronto; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Robent Wilson Mrs, Reîîneth Walker and boys, and Bnian, Oshawa, spent Sui-1 iBowî%nan\,ille. xvere Sunday vi. day w'vith Mn. and Mrs. C. i itors et Mr. J. Wlker*s. Avery. Mr. anid Mrs. Harold Gay, Mr. and Mr.s. A. Holdawi'y, ýOsliawa; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Part Britain, and Mrs. C. Wciký- Garrard, Bleckstock, visited, ey, Newtonville, spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gerrard with Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jeynes. Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jayres Mn. 'and Mrs. Roland Thomp- visited on Saturdey with Mrs. son and family, Hampton, were M. Gartshore, Newcastle. dinner guests et Mn. and Mro. Mr. and Mrs. Les Alldred, C. Rankiîîe's Sunday. Mr. anid Orono, had dinner on Sunday jMrs. Norman Avery and famiîy, with Mr. and Mrs. Robin AIl- iMaple Grave, were Thursday dred. Ivisitors et M.adMs a, Severel from Lake Shore at- kiiie*s. MrcdMs.Rn tended the card party at Brown's Mr. eorg BerrimTatin- on Frîday evening. Mn. eorg BerrimMr. and Mrs. Everett Brown ton,. et Mr. and Mrs. M. Bert- and family, Orono, were Sun- rini s. day visitons with Mr. and Mrï,. Mr. Lloyýd Thompson, Toron- Bill Leke. Ia: Mr. and Mrs. Ecri Thomp- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, so n. Bovwmanville, visited Mrs. Tyrone, spent Saturday even-ý W. Tbompson on Seturdav. 1 ing with Mr. and Mrs. Bill11 M.and Mrs. John Sterrt., 1 Lake Christian Re, rCelebrates C Many a reader of this paper will be surprised when con- Christian Reformed Church is celebrating her centennial thîs year. How is this possible? the Netherlands since the sec- ond world wer cennot dlaimn tmuch more than a tenth of this period as members of ',le 1 Christian Reformed Church. This is true of course, how- ever the Canadien Christian Reformed Church forms an, unity with the Chiristien Rn.- formed of U.S.A., end there- fore participetes in the celebra- tion of her centennial next Sun- day. Exactly one century agco the Christian Reformed was > ounden on the North American Continent. It wes aelready be- fore 1857 thet several groups of "Hollenders" left their na- Stive land for several reesons iii order tc settie in Amierica. This .rether small church has thraiu- ghout the yeers, under God*s blessing. developed into a not Tde, large hut yet quite strong ker, chtirch formation with its owný1 the College and Seminary in Grand bhal Rapids. SOLINA The Three M'S group met on Tuesday evening. The conve'i- ors of the program- were Har- vey and Lois Yellowlees. An interestiug topie "Idees for Training Children", was pr,ý sented in discussion form by Clera Leask. With Ewart Lea., at the piano and Bruce Taylor leeding everyone enjoyed e sing-song. Barry Toomer gave a reading. The worship service with an Eester message was le-i 'by Pearl Leach. During a social hour lunch was served. TIrc next meeting will be on April 30 with Wes and Doris Hills as convenors. The C.G.I.T. met on Setur- day afternoon in the churcli basement. A letter wes read fram Mrs. Reid in Jameice, ex- pressing thanks for the gift from Saline C.G.I.T. Aune Wer- ry and Juenita Fraser led in the worship service. The roll cal] "Sing, say, do or pay" wis well enswered. The next meet- ing will be on April 13 with the rail ccli "Easter felbions", The group reed another chap- ter from the study book, "~The Day After Tomorrow". The Temperance program on Sunday afternoan arranged by Mrs. Herry Knox, inciuded a story of Peter Kelly by Hel,ýrî Knox, and Gail Baker favored with a solo. The lovely basket of flowers et the church elter was pleced there by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lengmcid in loving memory at their deughter, Linda Merterie Lengmaid who passed awa 'v one year ago. At the reqîîest -)f i Spring lune-up &- 10 poit- 149 S afety Check Parts extra Ail 6 cylinder niotors, 9 cylinders slightly extra 1. Clean and Adjust Carburetor 2. Minor Tune-up 3. Check or Replace Points and Condensor 4. Adjust Brakes and Check Linings 5. Adjust Steering 6. Lubricate Front Wheel Bearings 7. Lubricate Chassis 8. Check Exhaust System 9. Check Wipers and Accessorles 10. Check Ail Ligbts EXTRA MILES TO THE LIFE OF YOUR TIRES Tire mianufacturers recommend that tires should be rota ted every 3,000 to 5,000 miles Here is Double Savlng for you ROTATE TIRES WHEEL ALIGN **« ONLY Robson Motors Ltd. Robson Pontiac formed Ch. :entenn ica He who reads the history of the journey across the ocean and who watches the struggles of the first decades is amazed et what has grown out of this small 'eginnîng. We can un- derstand therefore how our brothers a nd sisters in the States with humnil- ity and thankfulness toward God celebrate this occasion. And why do the Canadi3n Christian Reforrned , churches joîn them in thcir celebration even if their own existence is short? They feel one with them, not only because of their identical origin but especially because of their mutuel confes- sion. With joy end gratitu'Je they remember et this centen- niai how the Christian Reform- ed Church has helped them Ù) establish the Christian Reform- ed Church in this country. As the advertisement in this edition indicetes, the Centennal Service (English) will be helki next Sundey mornîng April 7di in the Christian Reformcd Church on Scugog Road. Everyone is welcome. The sub- ject will be, '"Beneath The Cro5s of Jesus". lake's, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Franik West- lake Jr. and children, were Sunday evenîng guests et How- ard Millson's. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy and femlly visited at Lloyd Broome's. Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Flett at Columbus, Sun- day. Mr. end Mrs. Harry Knox, Dean and Boyd visited at Mr. Hilton Tink's, Ebenezer., Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryder- man, Ellen and Larry, were Sunday tee guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Leger, Oshawa. Mrs. Bruce Taylor, Walter and Lawrence, visited on Thursday with Mrs. Cecil Neals, Peterborough. Sgt. Charles and Mrs. John- son, Philip and Elizabeth, Lon- don; Mr. and Mrs. J. Smalcs, Jr., David and Laura Lee, Hampton; Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, visited et Messrs. J. and Tom Baker's. Mrs. I. Hardy and Stanley visited on Friday et Mr. Tom Turner's, Oekwood. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wilson, Peterborough, visited et Joe Snowden's and I. Hardy's. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smilh, Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mr. Harold Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Large,i the family Pat Davis sang "No Disappointment in Heaven" Any ladies wishing to send woollens away for blankets are asked to have them at the home of Mrs. Harry Knox by April 10. The Women's Institute will meet on Thursday afternoon, April Il. This is the annuel business meeting and election of officers. The play "Where's Grand- ma?" is being prepared for pre- sentation on April 18 in the Community Hall. We welcnme Mr. and Mrs. Will Lycett and family of Bowmanville to our commun- ity. They have purchased Mr. Jim Stainton's home. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and family were Sunday guests at Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ormiston's, et Columbus where they en- joyed a pleasant reunion with Mrs. Tink's mother, Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, who has just return- ed from a vacation of seve rai months in Florida. Miss Marg Hart of Harmony, Ross Prout, Newcastle: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden, were Sun- day tea guests at Charles Lang- maid's. Mrs. C. F. Schah, Charlottc, North Carolina; Miss Kate Fos- ter, Orono; Mr. L. Squqair, Sa- lem, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mal- colm, Brougham, were Friday visitors at Mr. John Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. Don Tay'-or visited et Mr. Milton Samis', Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake and sons, Millbrook, visited on Sunday at Mr. Frank West- ROBSON 'MOTORS Moto rs - Buick - Vauxhal Cars 166 King St. E. Bowma nvi île MA Robbie and Janet; Mr. and Mr.,. Elgin Bromeil and famiyN, Bowmanville, visited at NMr. Walter Parrinder's. The federal unemPloyrnent in- surarice fund is supported bY contributions from insue work. ers and their employerpls p Y. ments from thegoen~ general tax revenues.- Choose your footwear for Spring and Easter for the whole family from among these nationally famous brands stocked in our store. " SAVAGE CHILDREN'S SHOES " SISMAN SCAMPERS " LOGROLLERS " NATURALIZERS' " TEEN-AGE WHITE OR BEIGE BUCKS * WHITE OR BEIGE DESERT BOOTS * SCOTT-McHALE SHOES * DACK SHOES * SISMAN WORK BOOTS Feel free to corne in and look around Lloyd Ellis Shoçý 49 King St. W. Phone 31A 3-5941 LIMTEDJ Co-mplete BRAKE RE-LINE Chevrelet Passenger Cars and SmaIl Pontiac 1946 - 1956 Reg. Price $26.93 Limited Time Offer Replace AI Breke Shoes Adjust Brakes Inspect Brake Drums Inspect Ail Wbeel Cylinders Adjust Parking Brake Inspert Master Brake Cylinder Fi Master Brake (ylinder Inspect and Lubricaf. Front Wheel Bearings Robson Motors Ltd. Li m ted< - GMC Trucks 3-3321 & 3-3322 Spring Service JACK< MA t MBING 51A -5611 D)ivision SPECIAL OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 15, 1957 TR'URSDAY. APRIL 4th. IVU JUCI 1 TM CANADIAN STATEnL4N, BOWMANVffZ..Z ONTAPJO

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