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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1957, p. 6

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PAGE SIX ?HZ CANAD!A!1 S'! ATESMAN. EOWMANV!LLE. O~~?AR!O ?NURSDAY, AP~!L 4th, tIS, Social and Personal Mrs. Pepper, Whitby, visited day In Tampa, Florida. in the village on Sunday with Mr. aud Mrs. Paul Shetler Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Parker, Mrs. and family, Oshawa, visitedl Wm. Hockin and Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Powell Ed. Powell. and Mr. aud Mrs. Cli!! Flintof! Mrs. Fred Gomme and M_» and family on Suudsy. and Mrs. Tom Andrews andý Mrs. H. R. Pearce returned family, Port Hope, were Suîî- home ou Saturday .following a day v:sitors with Mns. Walter twa months' visit witb Mr. and Crowther and Mrs. George Mrs. Kenneth Pearce and faut- Crowther and family. l ily in Brighton and a twa weeks' Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Byam visit with her sister and bru- a'nd son Terny, Toronto, wene ther-iu-law, Mr. and Mms. A. H. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Fisher, in Belleville. Mrs. John Voutt and family. Mm. and Mis. Don Williams Mr. and Mrs. George Alin and daughter Nancy, Bowrnan- spent a couple of days last week ville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. visiting in Hamilton. Gordon Agnew ou Friday even- Mr. and Mrs. George Walton ing. returned home on Sunday fol- Mr. and Mrs. Stànley Powell lowing a thrce montbs' hall- and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ommiston and family in Newtonville an Suri- A ~ n!fIday. Fire Signs of Spring Newcastle: Just a fraction o! an inch savcd Wilfred (Buck) Enwright fnam a passible ser- ions injury as he was pushing his scooter along Mill street betwveen Emily aud Caroline'-, on Xecn'esci cvcning last ,whlin liew as stnuck by the B.B3. shut from an air rifle. Acrding ta information e- ce'vec from Poli e Chic! A. R. Rý1nd al \vlin investigateci th,; inckient, two boys, Wendell Fishier andi Jim Scott xvere fooling willh air rifles near thxe corner of Mill and Caroline Sts., aud it is bclieved one of the shots hit thc road and ricoch- eted hittiug the Enwight you! 'h a glancing blow on the boue at the side of the eye. with. no serions iuj ury resultiug. After i nvcstigation, Chic! Randal held the two air rifles. under seizune aud no charges wcre laid. Later, lu au interview with this reporter, Chie! Randfl stated ahl boys should take mrarning from this incident bë'.- cause in future charges will be laid and proper pnoceedings taken against auyone who dis- obeys the village bylaw, which' priuhibits the use of air rifles or fireanms within tie village limits. Grass Fires The village Fine Departmerit received two cails ta grass fires on Sunday afternoon as an- ûther sure sigu of spring. Tie first blaze wvas reported out o! contrai near the Davidson cot- tage souti of Bond Head Cerrn- etery. Thc Fine Depatment ,was on tic job in short order and bronght tie fine under contrai. with no damage e- sultiug. Cause o! the blaze is believed ta have been 'chilîdren playing with matches'. The second. caîl was fromi Mrs. Lamna Adain ta hem pro- pcrty in Clarke Township, riarti of Morgan's Corners, v'here anotier grass fine was ont of contraI. Though the fine equipmeut cauld not espond ta this but of towu fire, smre of the firernen nmade tic trip- and joinecl with neighboums and passcnshy and brougit the fine under controI. Chie! o! Police, Mr. A. R. Raudaîl atteuded a course for instructons ou Traffic Court Clinies sud Tnaffic Safcty held in Taronto an Manch 21 and 22nd. The course was conduct- ed under the direction o! Iha Attorney General o! Ontario. A farewell panty for Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davies, who will be leaving Rainbow Cabins shortly ta take up resîdence elsewhere, was beld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Pickernc on Saturday eveuing, Marcu 23rd. Joint hostesses for tne occasion were Mrs. Marion iKnox, Mrs. Helen Carveth, Ms 'Verue Milligan sud Mmm. Dur- een Druden. Out of tawn guests were Mr. aud Mrs. M. Ayles- worth o! Toronto. F/O S. J. Agnew aud A.C.l Robert Agnew o! the R.C.A.F. weme Tuesday visitons witb their aunt sud uncle, Mr. snd Mi.. Gordon Agnew. Mm. aud Mrs. Neil Bitton sud Janie, Belleville, were weekend visitons witb bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Emit- ton. I Mr. sud Mm. Gardon Bach- eIor,. Toronto, were Sunday visitoms witjx Mr. sud Mns. Stanley 'Brown sud fsmily. On Tbursday, March 28th, Mrs. Marsball Pickering enter- tained at a luncheon iu ber home in honour o! Mis. Mary Baxter wbo with ber husbsud, Mn. Jim Baxter sud family will be leaving Brown's Section shomtly to take up nesideuce in Willowdale. Those present were: Mm. W. Bennett, Mrs. Ross Boyd sud son Kenneth, Ins. Ray Lsaja, Mis. Tom Wilson, Mm. Ross Page, Mmm. Robent Simpson sud ber mata- cm, Mns. Caîl, sud Mns. May Mancbester. After lunch the ladies enjoyed a game o! cuchre sud a social visit. .Mn. sud Mrs. H. C. Bonatht'n returned home an Saturday fol- lowing s holiday in Florida. Mn. sud Mis. Cluf!, Port Hope, were Sunday visitons with Mn. sud Mrs. Frank Park- cm. The game o! basketball was inveuted by Dm. James Naismitb, a native o! Almoute, Ontario, sud wss first played at Mont- real'm McGill University. At the end o! World Wan II the average weekly wage iu Canadian manuactuming plants was $30 per week, is now $65 per wcek. Ci trus Fruit Carnival Visited Village Thursday Newcastle: A carnîval spirit >prevailed in the village On Thursday afternoon as more than four hundred children ga- thered at the Community Hall to greet the arrivaI of the Ci- trus Fruit Carnival consisting of a car carrying-he Citrus Queen of Florida, a sound car playing popular calypso melo- dies and a large trailer loadedi with fresh oranges and grape- >fruit arriving in the village di- rect from the citrus groves o! the south in less than 48 hours. something entirely new to this district, as neyer before has such a short spant of time elap- sed between the actual pick- ing of Florida fruit and its be- ing offered for sale locally. Upon the arrival of the car- avan, motion pictures were shown in the community hall showing the growth and pro- cessing of Citrus fruit in Flor- idla and depicting ail stages of the industry from the- plantig of the trees right through to the point of canning orang.e juice. Accompanying the carn".- val wvas a lovely littie blondo, "Miss Florida Sunshiine" to add glamour to the occasion. Thîis young lady, whose real name is Marianne Lcnchak, repres- ents the Florida Citrus Com- mission in their endeavours to promote the sale of oranges and grapefruit in this province and was brought to Newcastle un- der the auspices of Toms' I.G.A. Market. The sehool children frorn Shaw's, No. 9, Brown's Lake- shore, Newtonville, Port Gran- by and Newcastle were given an added treat when Miss Flor- ida Sunshinie presented each with a tasty orange and signed autograph books for all who requested it. Among the special guests rf Toms' I.G.A. Market were Reeve J. H. Jose representîng the village; Mrs. Pauline Storks representing the Newcastle Cubs W~iI Collect Papers On Salurday Newcastle: Saturday will bc cleanup day in the village when the Newcastle Cub pack will be making the second of their monthly paper collections to raise funds to assist them. -n their fine program. This is an ideal opportunity for citizens to help the work of local youngsters at no cost to themn as the boys are actual- 1: doing a service to the citizenis as most of us are looking for a means of doing away with old papers and magazines and in this case all that is required is ta gather the papers, tie them securely and set themn out at the curbside by noon, and the Cubs do the rest. The Cubs are planning to gnake monthly collections of papers and magazines on the gfirst Saturday of each month, so, let's give thema a hand to help themselves. Miss Florida Sunshine Visils Newcastle Last week Miss Florida Sunshine (in real life Marianne Lenchak) visited Bow- mnanville aud Newcastle with the Florida Citrus Fruit Carnival. Over 400 children were ententained by the Cara'van at the Newcastle Community Hall in co-operation with Toms' I.G.A. Store. This picture of Miss Florida Suushine shows her in Toms' store which is operated by Howard Toms, Murray Paterson and Bud Wagar. Public School Board, Mrs. F. Lycett, Principal and Mr. Mun- ro, Mia. Stapletan, Mrs. Zlm- merman, Mia. Nesbitt sud Mrs. Waltou, teachers of Newcastle Public Scooal: Mr. ID111 and Mms. Aitken, teachers at Shawls School; Mr. Russell Osborne, area chairman, snd Mr. Collins teacher at No. 9 school; Miss Jean Payne, teacher at Port Granby school; Mis. Milicari, principal, and Mrs. Kirkpatrick, teacher at Newtonville Publie Sehool; Mr. Bowen, principal and Mis. McMillan, teacher at Bnown's School and Mr. Rob- ert Kerr, teacher o! Lakeshore school No. 2. Each o! the above received a bag o! fruit. AIl arrangements for the af- fair were in charge o! Mr. H. J. Toms and the staff o! the local I.G.A. Super Market and wvsa a really enjoyable and edui- cational outing for the cbildren of the village sud district. Friendship Club Holds March Meeting Newcastle: The regular Marcli meeting of the Frieudship Club was held in the Sunday Scbool hall of the United Church with the Presideut, Mrs. Staniey Brown pesiding. There were 19 members in attendauce. The meeting opened with the siuging o! a hymu, followed by a brie! business period in which the minutes were read and the treasurer's repart given by Mrs. Myrtie Pearce. An in- vitation was received fmom the Womeu's Missiouary Society asking the members ta attend the Easter Thsuk-offening meet- ing being held in the Suudayî School hall on Thursday, April 4th. Mrs. Gertrude Gray conduct- cd the devotional service and progrsm which followed. The members joined in singing a hymu, the Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Rets Flintoff and Mis. Gertrude Gray led in pra yen with ahl joiniug in the Lord's Prayer. The devotional period closed with the siuging of s bhymu. The programme included a reading by Miss Isobel Alleno, telling the stary of St. Patrick; s siug-song led by Mis. Hazel May Munro and twa well ren- dered vocal solos by Mis. Hel- en Baskerville. Following an Irish contest, conducted by Mmm. Jean Alldred, the meeting wss braugbt ta a close with the serving of!ice creamn and cak'?. Mrs. J. Garrod Life Member Dioecesan Bd. Newcastle: An lnteresting eveut took place at a meeting of the Afternoon Branch o! the Woman's Auxîiary o! St. George's Anglican Oburch wben Mrs. John Garod was banoured by ber fellow members o! the Brancb by being made a life member o! the Toronto Diosce- san Board. In a few words, the Presi- dent, Miss McIutosh refemred. to the fact that Mmm. Gard was about to celebrate s birth- day which was a milestone iun ber life, sud extended ta ber on bebal! o! the members, the-IrI felîcitatians sud best wishes that she might enjoy many more useful sud happy years. Speaking of ber devoted ser- vice thmoughout the yeans in many different ways, sud par- tîcularly lu the Woman's Aux- iliamy, Miss McIntosh said, sher bad womked with unflagging zeal ta fulfîll the duties of Don- cas Secretamy and aima as Se- cretary of the Living Messag-e. The Presideut ssid it was the eamuest desire o! ber fellow mem.bers, ta take this oppor- Mr. Alex Little, Toronto, with Mn. sud Mns. Jack Elliott for the weekend. Miss Bertha Thompson with Miss Hazel Barrie, Oshawa. Miss Joyce Kirkpatnick with- ber parents at Battensca. Mmm. Raymnoud Bruce witb hem sister, Mmm. Florence McGee, Toronto. Mn. sud Mrs. Carl Todd sud fa mily, Starkville, with Mr. aud Mis. Clinton Farrow. Mr. sud Mis. Keiti Burle,ýý Cobourg, with Mr. sud Mis. Don Vinkle. Mr. sud Mmm. Rae Stewart, Hamilton, sud Miss Gail Coop- er, Oono, witb Mr. sud Mrs. Clelsud Lane. Mr. sud Mis. Murmay Porter sud daugiten Donna with friends at Huntsville. Mr. snd Mis. Brysu Noble, <1/fte Vwc a4(ae 942wei Goràon Àgnew, Edilor Phone' 3621 *Good fsmily car- 745.00 1947 FORD Reliable transportation - 195.00 1947 CHEV. Good condition - . 195.00 TRUCKS 1952 MERCURY 1-ton ---------- 1952 MERCURY ½12-ton-- 1950 DODGE %-ton----- 1951 CASE. Tractor __ 395.00 545.00 495.60 695.00 Now on saie st CAR VETH MOTORS Neweastie Phone 3251 Bowmanviiie and Ditricta Authorized Ford-Monarch Dealer Toronto, wlth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ovens. Mr. and Mrs. Willia Jones and Mrs. Zens Carlaw, Whitoy, with Mr. and Mns. Alec Mer- ril. Mias Vivian Beatty, Peter- borough, with Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood. miss Alice Nesbitt, Toranto, snd Miss Anne Nesbltt, Osh- awa, were homne for the week- end. Mr. and Mns. Lennox Vasey have returned from their trip west and are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. antd Mis. Wm. Stapleton before re- turning to their home at Port McNicol. Mrs. Wm. Uglow who spent a rnonth with M r. snd Mrs. Don Powell, Elizabethville, neturn- ed to her home on Thursday. Congratulations to Mrs. Joel Workman who will be 86 on Sun day, Apnil 7th, Mis. Ruby Reid is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hutchi- son o! Newcastle for a time. Commencing Sunday, Apnil 7th, the United Church service a t 1o a.m. will be hcld in the church auditorium. On Saturday Mrs. Sid Lan-' caster and Mrs. Wm. T. Nichais of Port Hope attended the funeral o! Miss Ethel Byam at~ Stouffville. Recent visitors with Mr. snd jMrs. Geo. Stapleton were Mr. and Mrs. David Chapple and Ifamily, Weston: Mrs. Bert Conrg- don, Heisler, Alta., and Mr. and Mrs. Manson Patton, Orono. Mr. *and Mrs. Arthur Bon- nett and daughter Ann Eliza- beth and Margot, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. snd Mrs. Clifton Robb. Mn. and Mrs. Laurence Gil- mer, Buffalo, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gihner. Mr. and Mrs. Cllfton Robt left on Tuesday for Montreal. Mrs. George Geoffroy and infant, Toronto, spent Thurs- day with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reichrath. STARK VILLE Miss C. W. Stewart attended the Durham Club in Toronto Thursday evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and family, Mr. sud Mrs. Llew Hallowell visited Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Todd. Mr. Westheuser, Frank and Robert and Mr. Maurice Hall- owell, Toronto, spent the week- end in Ottawa with Mr. Hugh Westheuser. Mr. Gay was dinner guest ut Mn. A. Dobson's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dalington rand daughter, Pickering; Miss Beulah Hallowell, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Csswell and son and Miss Norma Hsllowell visit'cd at Mr. Llew Hallowell's. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ewant Robinson on the birth of a son. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Martin and son, Newcastle, Mr. snd Mrs. Robert Brice and Marg- aret, Port Hope, spent Suuday afternoon at Mr. Brian Cas- well's. Mrs. Herb Reid was hostess for a quilting last week and served supper to the ladies. :Mrs. 1. Plum, Toronto, visit- ed at Mn. Arthur McKay's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Stark and family visited Mr. sud Mrs. Logan, Mauvers Station. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell and Miss Norma Hallowell in Toronto last week and bad dinner with Mr. aud Mrs. Alf Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark and Ted were recent guests at Mr. Orme Falls'. Little Bill Robinson is visit- Ing with Mrs. Adam Stec, Eliz- abethville. Mr. and Mis. Allen Connish and family visited Mr. snd Mrs. Victor Farrow receutly. Mr. and Mis. Grant Silvester, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. Mr. Ed Ruthveu, Zion, at Mr. A. Dobson's Sunday. N.ew and wonderful! Blue Grass Spray Deodorant1 Press the pretty pink botue for a pratective mist. One of the worid's great fragrances ta keep yau discreetly fastidiaus. Sa safe. Sa effective. Sa lightly priced. Jury and Lovel 1MA 3-5778 gown.anvilie1 S. S. No. 9, Clarke The March meeting of the Ladies' Club was held at Mns. Armstrong's on March 25th. Future activities were discuss- ed. Next meeting at Mrs. Marie Gibson's on April 29th with Mrs. Brunt and Mrs. G. Bar-i chard on lunch. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Allun on the ar- rival of their daughter on March 3th. Mr. and 14rs. M. Pedwell and Barry, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Allin spent Sunday with M"p. S. McBain and boys et Ida. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gibson were Mrs. W. Renning, Mrs. Rose Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Kay, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Curtis aiad son, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. C. Osborne and family, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Hill and four sons, London, visited his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Woolfrey, on Sunday. The regular meeting o h Home and School Club will bc held at the school on Monday, April 8, when Mr. L. Dippe.1 of Bowmanville, wiIl be the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allun and boys wlth Mr. and Mrs. Alan Down, Ebenezer, on Sunday. WESLEY VILLE Examinations are over for the high school crowd so choir members are busy catching up on practice for the coming operetta. Mrs. Carroll Nichols'i pupils, too, were successful at the festival' although we didn't report it at the time. In the class for six years and under Josil Nichols and Elizabeth Xellog were third with 81, points each. Ten years ai-d under, Marie Hoskin had 78 points and Dianne KimbaIl in the eight and under class had 75 points. Welcome is extended to a Heating and Eavesfroughing Authorized Chalco__Dealer ]PHONIE Newasfle 3686 k Plastie Plastýc 25c-45c-65e 25c - 45o CHOCOLATE NOVELTIES for Easter D0e - 25e - 39C - 59C -89C 1 lb. choeolates 1.00 1.35 Deep Magic 75c - 1.25 Lysai Disin- fectant 43ô '79c - 1.50 Bufferin 390 79a - 1.23 Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Bee ani Don of Port Hope made short cails at Mrs. Beighton's and &, Barrowclough's on Sunday al- ternoon. new family in Wesleyville, Mr. aud Mrs. John Greenfield who are living in the cottage bu;lt by Mr. Balfour. Miss Perret who bas beeqx absent from Port Britain schooi since before Christmas because o! illness, expects to take charge again the first o! this week. The children and parents ap- preciated very much the ser- vice given themn by Mrs. Mc- Lean, supply teacher. The cemnetery board met at the home o! Mr. Harry Austin on Wednesday evening with Mr. Harding in charge o! the mee.- ing. Plans were made for zhe annual bee and members of the trustee board present discussed necessary work ta be done at the shed. Board members were pleased Mr. Austin sud Mis. Tutt were well enough ta offer their home for this meeting. At long last Lînda Thorn- dyke has the cast removed from ber leg. It was ibroken early in December and yet bas ta have further attention. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Austin, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ford, Geo. Tufford and Mis. Shirley Van- nattao ofPart Hope attended the funeral o! their uncle, Mr. E. W. Noble, in Toronto an Thursdsy evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Danke spent the weekend in Niagara GARAGE FRANK HOAR, Proprietor Phone 2671 Dressings 40e - 20o Dressings 250 Swedish Miik Diet 1.98 Trims .~_ _ _ _ _1.98 .AYds 3________ z .5 Melozets - Hale Shampoo 98C aize 79o Lustre Cremeý 1.20 ah Enden Shampoo Dee Tee Math Killer 59e OLD SPICE FÔR MEN Larvex Bomb------- 1.98 Stick Deodarant 1.25 Larvex Spray - 1.09- 1.69 Hair Tonie -- -___ 1.25 Math Balla, 1 lb. 23o Smaoth Shave - - 1.25 Calgates Tooth Paste. Special 3 tubes 66c COWLI NG'S PHONE rna OE WE FIT MA 3-5695 LJKUG SOR TRUSSES Royal Theatre Bowmanvilk TRIS THURS. TO SAT. - ÀPRIL 4 -6 Matinee Saturday - 2 p.m. also "The Dark Wave" (Color) CORNELL BORCHERS - CHARLES BICKFORD (This excellent feature was produced in co-operation with the VaYiety Club Foundation to combat epilepsy) Last complete show 9:25 NEXT NON TO SAT. - APRIL 8. 13 Matinee Wed. and Sal.- 2 p.m. - GARY COOPER, WILLIAM WYLER S plob DOROTHIY MCGUIRE *.to%~.gANT-oNjY PERqKtNs MARJORIE MAIN AN &LLILD ÂRTIST5 P CTURE Two shows nightly rit ï anLd 9U, NEWCASTLE Air KmteS Grass SEED GRAIN CLO VERS & SEEDS Best varieties of Seed Oats, Barley. Peas. Also the newer varieties of Clovers and Permanent Pasture Mixtures highly recommended by the Ontario Department of Agriculture after being thoroughly tested by the departmnent. Al ueed grain treated for smut. Our seeds are of the highest standard at regular prices. DeKaIb Seed Corn. It should pay every fariner te try some of the newer varieties of both grains and clavera. Feed Graina - Fertilizers - Certified Seed Potaoes A. W. GLENNEY Phones: Mill 2771 - Ros. 3876 - Newcastle Bandaids I Curads IElastoplast I Bail 'I il ýA&#z Brx - IIMSDAT, APM 4th, -19" àpM CANAVLAN STATESM". BOVMANVMLLP. ONTAItIO ,4-ým ýl Atwdotps

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