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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1957, p. 17

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'!'HLTRSDAY, AP~R!L llth. 1~5? TUE CANADiAN STATESMAY. BOWMANV!LLE. ONTARIO PAGE SEVENTEErI ,Livestock for Sale NINE orkshire pigs. Phone MA 3-2164. 15-1 TEN pigs seven weeks old for sale. Phone MA 3-2310. 15-1* PUREBRED Holstein cow, due t£L.frçghen May 6, herd accredit- edýW-one MA 3-2365. 15-1 PTJWEBRED Holstein, vaccinat- ed, fnlly accredited. due April 16. Also orchard sprayer. Joe Crawford, Hampton. - 15-1* FRESH cows and some due to freshen soon, also some veal calves. Apply Z. J. Benschop. Phone MA 3-2926. 13-3* ONE registered Hereford bull, Il months old. W. H. R. Mon- arch 60 and Old Orchard blood- Uines. Apply Morley McAllister, R.R. 1, Campbellcroft, 2% miles East of Kendal. 15-1 Cars for Sale NSU 1956 motorcycle, 2,400 miles, like new. Phone MArket 3-2692. 15-1* '48 OLISSMOBILE sedan, hydra- matie, radio, heater, whitewaiis. turn signais, sun visor. In very good condition. Phone MArket 3-3147. 15-1* 'USED cars and trucks-1954 Ford 2-door, 1954 Plymnouth sedan, 1953 Plymouth station wagon, 1951 Oldsmobile sedan with hydramatic, radio and windshield washers; 1949 Ford coupe, deluxe, with new tires; 1952 G.M.C. 31i_-ton dump with 9.00 x 20 tires, like new, at Cow- an Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MArket 3-5689. 15-1 IIERE is your chance to drive' one of the smartest cars in the district. '53 Mercury convert- ible, coral red with a good black top and leather upholstery. Equipped with automatic trans- mission, electrie windows and clock, custom radio, good white- wall tires and chromne dises. Would prefer a cash sale but can arrange terms on a good offer. Keith Connell, Cream of Barley Park. 15-1* Repossessed Vehicle for Sale 1953 Ford Sedan Serial Number - 0573K53-200096. 1956 License Plates No. F42745 To b. sold by public auction to the hlghest bidder at the STIRT- EVANTS AUCTION ROOM, 33 Hall St., Oshawa, Ont., beginning at 7:30 p.m. on April l8ih, 1957 AeI'YS CAR MARKET 'ý'e'94 & 196 Church St. W. Bowmanville Ontario Me-Bulld - Better - Customers 15-1* PALMER ,;TOR SALES Used Cars 1956 PLYMOUTH SAVOY 2-door hardtop 1955 PLYMOUTH 4-door 1954 PONTIAC 4-door 1953 CHEVROLET Special 4-door 1953 PLYMOUTH 4-door 1953 METEOR Custom 4-door 1949 Ford 2-door wlth Radio Used Trucks 1954 FARGO %,-ton Express 1952 FARGO %4-ton Express PALMER MOTOR SALES Plymouth - Chrysler Cars Fargo Trucks 20 King Si. E. MA 3-5487 Bowmanville 15-1 BUYING A CAR ? BEFORE YOU DO- SEE HONEST "ED" OR IRISH *"STEW" WE WON'T BE UNDERS New Licence, Tank o! C 30-Day Written Guarani No Money Down Top Dollar For Your Tra '50 FORD Fair condition, good n( $295 '50 FORD COACH Clean inside and out $395 '50 FORD SEDAN 2-tone, overdrive. A good $445 '51 PONTIAC DELUXE SE Reliable. dlean car $545 '51 CHEV. COACH Deluxe. custom radie oulside vison. signals, e $595 '52 CHEV. COACH Outstanding value $795 Stew's Special '~ 4EEPSTATION WAGO A Bangain $245 '49 DODGE SEDAN Qutside vison, mator bold pot nds ai idie. A goodc $395 V 55 CHEV. SEDAN 'ýall mileage. vemy cde. $1.595 ANI) MANY MORE AI WELLMAN'ý EULLMAN - RAMEI METROPOLITAN Noaquen Rd.Os RA 3-4431 open until 9 p.m. SOLD Auction Sales 35 Reg. Shorthorn cattie, 15 Reg. Shropshire sheep, hogs, 2 hormes, tractor, implements, hay,, grain and straw, property of Alex D. McMaster Estate,» Lot 29, Con. 5, Dariington, just east of Taunton, on Saturday. April l3th. Sale at 12:30 o'clock. Terms cash. Jack Baker, pedi. grees; Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 14-20 I bave received instructions from. the Executor of the estate of the late Mrs. James Dkckson to seli by public auction on Sat- urday, April 27th at her late residence, Main St., Orono, her entire household effects.. Sale commences 1:30 p.m. Terms cash. Lawrencè Harris, clerk:, Jack Reid, auctioneer. 15-2 1 have been favoured with in- structions from Mrs. Willis Whiteside, Lot 11, Con. 8, Man-' vers Twp. (Junetion of 35 High- way and 7A) to seil by public auction on Saturday, April 2 "0, 1957, at 1:30 p.m. sharp, her livestock, furniture, etc. Terms cash. NQ reserve. R. J. Payne, auctioneer: Ted Spencely, clerk. 15-2 Auction sale of registered Holstein cattie, tractor and tractor machinery, New Hoiiand baler, baied hay, grain, dairy equipment, etc. The property of Mr. P. H. Leeuwen, known as Ticlaire Farm, Lots 19 and 20, Broken Front. Clarke Township, 2 miles east of Newcastle on the Lakeshore fload. Seli by public auction on Wednesday, April 17 commencing at 1 p.m. Terrns cash, no reserve, property sold. Jack Reid,- auctioneer. Lawrence Harris, clerk. 15-1 I have receîved instructions from Mr. W. L. Lycett, first farm East o! the Brookdaie Nursery on North side o! High- way 401, ta scîl by public auc- tion on Saturday, Apnil 201h at 1 p.m.: McCormick -Deering Iractor, full line o! tractor ma- chinery, duah-whecl trailer wilh rnilk box, modern and antique furniture including a Gibbard nine-piece solid walnut dining- roamn suite. Funther parliculars see bills. Terms cash, no ne- serve. Lawrence Harris, clerk; Jack Reid, auctioneer. 15-2 The Durharn Farmers' Third Annual Spring Stocker Sale will be held on Thursday, April 18th at the Durham County Sale Arena, Orono. 180 bead o! choice Durham and Hereford cattie ranging in wcigbt from 500 ta 900 lbs. Alsa included in this sale is the pure-bred Shorthorn herd and tractor machinery o! S. J. Barber. P.S. _ If you want ta buy the best in bec! catîle, plan ta attend this, im- portant auction. 75 per cent o! the cattlc soid go ta repeat buy- ers. Sale ta commence prornptly at 2 p.m. 15-1 The undersigned auctioneer will scîl by public auction fan the estate o! the late Mrs. A. Solomon, Maple Grave, Lot 22, Concession 2, on Salurday, April 13, ah bher housebold e!!ects, in- cluding four.- humer electnie slave, new 7 eu. ft. refnigerator, two cook stoves, white enamel, Acrnc; buffet, two ice-hoxes, pop cooler and sitîk, two electnic washing machines, drap-les! and extension table, kîtchen chairs, four odd chairs, large chesi, dresser and two washstands, bed and springs, cistern pump and pipes, smahl radio, 8-day alarm dlock, caoking utensihs, saine linens, pillows, chothes basket, pins, quantiîy o! sealens, small set o! scales, bcd larnp, table iamp, new berry boxes, quantity o! wood, copper boiher, dishes, knives, fomks, spoans, garden tools. Other small articles. Terms cash. Sale ai 1:30. Cli!- fard Pethick, auclioneer. Easfern Oniario Hereford Club Spring Sale PETERBOROUTGH FAIR GROUNDS SATURDAY, APRIL 20 12:30 p.m. Ckussifie NEW plasterinx and repairs.1 Stucco and cernent plastering.1 A. C. Woods. Phone Clar:e.o 23 r 04. 14-tf GUARANTEED' repairs ta afl makes of cars and trucks. al jobs are guaranteed, competent workmanship, at Cowan Equip- ment Co., Meteor-Mercury Deal- er, 134 King, St. E.. Bowman- ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 14-tf A MARRIED, middle-aged war veteran needs iight ernpio vment. 1 Years of experience growing vegretabies and bernies rivt estate or summer camp pref- red, or wouid consider any other light work. Write Box M. Kendai, Ont. 13-tf SAVE MONEY AT Dave's Shoe Repair l Fast, Prompt Service 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 42-tf Roofs Repairad and Shing1ed~ AND OTHER JOBS Phone MA 3-5349 Plasiering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEIV %VORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf TIME FOR SPRING IVORK General Masonry BRICK, BLOCK or CONCRETE REPAIRS or STRUCTURAL Estimates Free L. Turner - Phone M%,A 3-3072 or 3-û231 P. O. Box 177 13-tfi EXCAVATING FILL AND TOP SOIL CEMENT - GRAVEL AND CRUSHED GRAVEL for driveways Backhoe for digglng ln spetic tanks and drains and septie tle. RALPH ROWE TELEPHONE MArket 3-5383 14-2*I Brake Drum Lathing Brakes Relined If Your Car Has Gone 15,000 to 20,000 Miles Let Us Inspect Your Brake Linings By relining at this mileage you ivili save scoring and weakening of your brake drums. Bob Stocker's Garage Phone MA 3-5804, Bowmanville 15-1 * "L. Schapelhouman" Public Accouniant SPECIALIZNG IN .Accounfing and Bookkeeping Income Tax Wiifred Aldworth, Executors. Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F JANE KYDD ADAMS Al daims against the Estate of Jane Kydd Adams, 1ate~ of Bowmanville. Ontario, who died on l7th February, 117.,mus, b fil.ed with the undersigr)ed Executors on or' before the 30thl day of April, 1957, after whichl date her Estata xill be distnib- uted. having regard onfly to the claims of whichi the Executors, shall then have notice. Dated at Toronto this 2lst day of March, 1957. THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY and SAMUEL JACKSON ADAMIS. 661 Kin- Strea-t We Toronto, Ontario. Executors. By Messrs. Osier, Hoskin& Harcourt, Toronto, their solicitors herein. 13-31 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS EN THE ESTATE 0F Ida Isa- beiha Tnimble, hale of the Taw-n of Bowmanvilhe, in the CountyV of Durhamn, Vidow, deceased, who died at Bowmanvilic, on or about the 2th day o! January,i 19.57, Intestate. THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O.,l 1930, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Creditors and others having dlaims againsi the above eslate are recquired ta send particulars and full proof thereof ta the undersigncd on or before the 301h day o! April, 1957, after which date the assels o! the estate will be dislnibuled, having regard ta thee daims thal have then been rcceived. DATED aI Bowmanville, On-1 tario, the 261h day o! March, Lawrence C. Mason, Darrister, etc., 30 King Street West, ]Bowmanville, Ontario- -Soicitor for the Administratnix. Notice ta Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F ALEX- ANDER D. MeMASTERDE CEASED. ALL persans having dcaims againsi the estate o! the said ALEXANDER D. McMASTER., .late of the Township of Darling- ton, in the County o! Durham, Frert__eceased, who died on oraotthe 23rd day o! Feb- ruary, A.D. 1957 ai the City of. Toronto, in the County of Yarki are required ta f ile full par-1 ticulars in witing o! such dlaims with the andersigned Executrixi ai the hast Wiil and Testament o! the said deceased on or before the 6th day of May, A.D. 1957, after which date the said Execu- tnix will praceed ta distribute the said estate, having regard only ta dlaims o! which she shal then have notice.. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 2nd day a! Apnil, A.D. 1957. NORMA I. McMASTER, Executrix, Hampton, Ontario, Dy her Solicitc(rs herein CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN & MURDOCH 59 Simcae Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. 15-31 For Rent SMALL apariment for rent. Phone MA 3-2382. 15-1 HOUSE. six rooms, close ta High- way 115. Phone Orono 8r 12. 13:31 Notice ta Creditors Ithe Estate of Frank Alds- worth. late of the Township of d sDringtn in the County of Work W!anted against the Estate o! the above named, who dîed on o PLUMBING, heating, eaves- February 23, 1957, are requireud troughing: free estimates. Harvey, ta file proof of same with Partner. Tyrone. MA 3-2240. Nina E. Neads 12-tf 91à King St. East BRICLAYNGolaserig. or- Bowmanville, Ontario BRIKLAING olsteing No-,on or before April lSth, 1957,1 man Pingle. 72 Elgin St.. Bow- after xvhich date the Estate will manville. Phone MA 3-5518. be distributed having regard~ 12-15 onl.v ta dlaims which have been WOMAN would like housework! filed. by the day, or baby-sitting as Dad at Bowmanville this and evenings. -Phone MA 3-599y4. l27thday rof March, 1957. 15-1*ý Francis Rov Aidsworth Health League Editorial Reports on Fluoridation The following is an editork-l frorn the Canadian Journal of Public Health which is beig released by the Health League o! Canada in the interest of ffluorîdation of communal wa- ter supplies, which is an aet of controversy across Canada. Progress ln Fluoridation o! IVater Supplies The United States Public Seed for Sale TIMOTHY seed. Phone Black-1 stock 94 r 3. 15-11 REGISTERED Rodney and Com- jmercial Beaver oats. Apply A. L. Blanchard, Hampton. MArket SEED-Rodney oats, registered, treated, in new sacks, $11.90 per bus. at the farm, Orono High- way. Charles Glenney. Phone Orono 34 ring 18. 14- tf ELNOR (grow-coated) brand Alfalfa, also certifled Ranger and Bernal, Climax and Common Timothy, LaSalle Red Claver, Yehlow and White Blossom S.weet Claver and other grass seeds*. Registered and com- mercial Rodney and Garry Oats, Rex high yielding 2-row Barley. Phone Swain Seed Cleaners, Blackstock 89 r 11. 15-tf Seed Grain - Clovers Feeds Garry, Rodney, Beaver Oats Galore, Barbof!, Brant Barley Registered and Commercial grades. Spring lVheat, Sprlng Rye Field Peas A. W. GLENNEY NE WC AS T LE Èhone Mill 2771 - Residence 3876 15-1 Repairs AL'S TV and Radia Service, alsa repair o! auto radias. 77 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5042. 15-3* RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lamne Doreen. 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf REPAIRS toalal makes o! refrig- erators, domestie and com- mercial, milking coalers. Hig- gan Electrie Limited, 42 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-t! 1Watch Renjairinci Gas 33 Females and 12 BusANDCMLT FOURroomcd flat, aIl inside AT itee (Bath Horned and Pollcd) Fn cilRpr tsw conveniences, Easst Beach. Tele- M a r r 's AnimaIs Appmoved bv Dominion ÂALnlL LUUL> plone MA 3-2875. 15-2 rade Health o! Animais Banch and FOR FARMERS AND APARTMIENT in Newcastle, four JEWELR Ontario Livestock Branch. SMALL BUSINESS PEOPLE. roonîs and bath, heavy wining. 43 King St. W. MA 3-5463 ioo Pt 7.0Gato us, REASONABLE RATES _PhoneNewcastle_3936. ___ il 50-t!LL Oao Bl rdiFOUR-roomed dawnstairs aparl- OntaSale ullr oemium 17 JonesAve., Oshawa!ment, bealcd, private entrance WSanted Ula itnderCer 1n PhneR 5993 and bath, garden. Telephne _____________ Alan LntoboPrgdn ioi ît RA 5-0.994, 15 -1 e DEAD and cripphcd fanm stock, R.Rne.W. 6O , SCorgrBrsl 15-1, SIX-room bhouse,-heavy dutyt picked up promplly. Phone MA d an. W.MOOD Secetar, Bidsal wining, Orono viciniîy. Reason- 3-2679. Margwill Fur Farrn. 15-2 Auction Sale able rent. Available immediate- Tvmanc. 26-tf ,EDAN L s -__ ly. Write Box 649, c/a Canadian1 LotMorîgage Sale atSmn. 1me5aarmet, PAIRo! lasss i hlak cse, Unden and hv virtue of the: Highwav 3, built-in cupboards, . o vicinitv Libcrl 'v sud King Sis. powers of sale. contained ini a tiled baîbrooni, ail fumnace: hot OF etc. hn At351. 15-1 certain martgage which xiii be'snd cohd water. Clarence Aluin,17 produced aI the tîrne o! sale,Necsl36. WHITE gold carnea braoch. LosI there wil be of fere f or sale bv1 Ibis wintcm. Valued as a keep- publie Auction on Friday, te SIX-roomed furnisbed homne,. sake. Phone MA 3-5441. 15-1 2hdyoApi.15,a7:0 between Oshaiva and Bownian- p cas o o'clock p.m. by Jack Reid at . ville. Chean ent for boarding! DOBERMAN Pinscher, black Durham County Sale Arena at elderly gentleman. Write Box ýs with brown mamkings. Telephone Lot 32, Con. 4. Township o!, 648. c/a Statesman Office. 15.1* 20 51Betan PterMilerclreisesboneinpaio!le eof18. beroHonisiin N-roo l, moemnshed Wahr ON R.R. 1. Pontypool. 15.1* the Village o! Orono), lands and' eros iigromdr W adt uy Cneson Ï ov i fkitchen snd hathroom. Could' ' aneta Uy CrkessionpiTsing bou on 1aiso be rented ith 100 acreso 2 eldBa B ai ds4 SDtbcoor tomàto planter, O acre and being situated about 35)6 good farm land and barn. Tele- car. and seed drill. Phone Orono - feet soulli of Highiway No. 2, as: i ore Osswa A 5-227.15.1 16 r 11. 15.1 * particularly described in saidt iisIle1 lge mort gage. ' ersofl an. HIGHEST prices paid for live Upon the ssid lands there is' SUFFERING from hackaches. I pouitry, goose feathers, feather saîd ta be erected a I 'i-storev, îemîcpi, caîa ui ticks, scrap iran. rags, metaîs frame dwelling with insul sidina. hbai an. you ic R umpsi- LT and aw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 cantaining 4 roanis and 2 unfin - bheivutare ylet AasouA Oshawa, colleci. 48-tf ished roanis snd garage. hl o orle.Akyu SThe propenty will bc soId druggist. 15-1R AC LER ALL kinds o! live poultry wanî- subjecita a firsi moértgage and HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber JOHN DEERE ed. Top Toronto prices paid ai subjecita a neserve bid. igaods) mailed posipaid in plain vour door for large or smaîl For fumîber ternis and con- sealed envelope with prîce list. * Sunoco Gas and 011 hawa quantities. We have aur own ditions of sale aoplv ta Six sampies 25c, 24 samules 1 market. NI. Fiatt. Bcthanv R.R. R. R. %Vaddell, O.C., Oroîîo. Ont., S1.00l. M\ail Orden Dept. T-28, 181 Kng St. E. I.Phone colect to Bethanv Solicitor for the Mortgagee. Nov .-Rubbcr Co., Box 91, Ham-, ir 13, 3-U 13-3 ilton, Ont 1-32 Healtli Service lias reparted ai miarked increase in the nuin-j ber of communities which are fiuonidating their water sup- plies as part o! the effort tû proteet chi1dren's teeth agaiîîst decay. About 1,400 cies and towns with a total population o! aven 30,000,000 were using fluonida-1 tion at the end of September, 1956, in] contrasi with twelve communities with a total popu- 1 lation o! 328,000 in 1946. At Vic fend o! 1955, about hal! the cami- munite a!o 500,000 papuhaj- 'ltion and ane -fourth of the mun- icipalities between 10,000 aad 500,000 were fluoridating their water. Among the larger cities now using thi3 preventive den- tal health measure are Chica- go, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Pittsburgh, Clev-- land, Milwaukee, San Franci.s- ca, St. Louis, &nd Buffalo. The tabulation indicates that one-fourth o! the population in the United ýtates residing in areas with a municipal wafer supply ane naw being furnish- ed with fluonidated water. Dur- ing the !irst, nine months o! 1956 communities with a com- bined population of 6,000,000 commenced fiuoridating their water supplies. A survey of the extent of water fluoridalion in Canada was recently published by Dr.1 A. E. Berry, indicating that in 1955 seventeen municipahitiesj with approximalely 360) population employedfurda tion, including Brantford, Sud- bury, Oshawa, and Toronto township in Ontario; Moose Jaw and Saskatoon in Saskat- chewan; Prince George in Bnit- WESLEY VILLE The annual cemetery and chumch bec was held on Monday, Apnil 1 with the following present: Roy and Clarence Nich- ais, Perey Sncll, Arnold Thorn- dyke, Len Oughtred. Trui¶ian Austin, George Tufford and' Edgar Barrowclou 'gh. The neces- sary work was donc in the cerne- lery and new eavestrough put on the shed. Sunday was Assistants' Day ai Sunday Scbool wilh sîl present. The morning Scripture xvas read by Marie Austin and church ushers were Bill Barowlouugh, and Pat Arnold. The senior scbool childrnn xilh thein teach- cm Miss Skibinski were the special choir. Carroll, Sharan and Linda Thorndyke, Wandaf Ford, Barbara Dinner, Yvannel Parnell, Roy and Paul Austin and Glen Clarke sang "Unto the Hîlls". Through the kindness of Wcl-i carne people the congregatian o! Ibis church cýnjoyed morningi services ail iir but the.v will alternate fnom naw an. Evcning, service bere will begin ne'xt Sun-' day.- Mn. and Mrs. Archie Fard,j Wanda. Gwcnnie and Leslie visit-, cd with Mn. snd Mrs. Robent; Hill in Port Hope on Sunday. 1 MCADE this Week GIBBS EDEALER MA 3-3503 Bowmanv L.95 i.25 ville ish Columbia: Pointe Claire in * Quebec. To this report should be add- JustO ne Seco d fom Eerntyed Brandon, Manitoba. In Janu- ______________________________________ary, 1957, the Greater Winni- î1M 2Z_ â7 peg Water District systemn sup- Icame across the following Don't yau think the drivers, plying, Winpeg, the cities of article written by Chest.ýr tender trucks and ahl the cars Shet.onf anSJaeson.- BÈltz, a Union Pacific fireman loaded with people such as you mn the aw of trnscon of± who was on the engine of a and I would flot follow into thie fmencded te dribti o speeding passenger train at ditch and spread injury nu luratd atr Council Bluffs, Iowa, and na.- death to unsuspecting innocent' Brantford was the first city frowly missed hitting a motor people? This ail, because 3311' in Canada to undertake fluori- car. which reads: wanted ta save a second or dation and the experience of I doifi't know who you are, were toa stupid to know where ten years wvas reported in the it's true, but I do know yau you were. March issue of the Journal. This were scared Io death on Sun- Yuadyu ilwr n report and the study made by day evening about nine o'clock, second from eternity Sunday, Hth eartmWent rof Ntional- wben you drove your car across Sonny. I hope you read this and Hethi antfreo! theSare-a the tracks directly in front O! know it means yau and that suits i rnfr ihSr a speeding passenger train. It the gil il, oo and Stratford as twa contrai was so close, tbat I in the cab, grW populations indicated that the could see the Yroung girl (yofir Next time you go cirivingj percentage of children having sweetheart I presumne) throw around, stop and look, or better teeth free from decay increased her hands up in front ID? her stîli tbe three L's ,could appiy;I from approximately 5 to 221, face and cringe up againsi yo Look, Listen and Live. 'We representing a reduction of in stark terror. don't wýnt ta hit you, but we more than 50%. If I were that young girl, I are heîpless as we ano The Canadian Publice Heath would pull away from yo fs swerve from aur given rails. Association, The Canadian Den- IYou don't show good sense, IfI eryoSnad tal Association, The Cauncil o! Sonny. You probably say you you, toc, sister, I'd thank God the Canadian Medical Associa- love her. I wonder. Those we for that split second He grant. tion, the Ontario Dental Asso- love we try ta protect, but flot ed you on Sunday evening. ciation, the Couincil o! the you. I said a prayer for all when Academy of Medicine, Toron- Youldn't that have been a I realized you wvere going ta, and the Health League of nice present to hand ta hc'r across. Perhaps that is what Canada, and othen bodies have IMoter-"a ibroken battered saved us ail. expressçd in resolutions thcir body". And how do you think Now think it over, bath of unequivocal approvai of fluori- we in the cab of thit engine you and I'11 bet you are both dation. Future action, however, feel? We are human beings stili shaking In your shoes and 's dependent on heaith depari- also. Suppose for instance w2a please, for Heaven's sakze, dont ments carrying forward a broad fhad hit you. Your life score try it again. Remember: dental program including edi'- for bot*h of yaui would be adde'-i A railway coss1n_1, cation and ernphasizing tae un beiore now, but we were in A speeding car, value of fluonîdation. danger of flying fragments too. Fragments tsing,I No cngineer or fireman sees 1 GATES AJAR. the accu&l crash. They duck 1 Editor's Note-The above ar- The worship mosi acceptable behind the .baller head for' ticle was sent to The Statesman to God cornes from a thankful safety from the flying frig y Harry Spencer wha vas rail- and cheerful heart.-Plutarch. ments aforementioned. 0 1wayman for well over 25 year.î. The average investment per Suppose youn car fra.îpe1 He thought by publishing it job in new plant and equipment which motor manufacturers à1 ý that it migaht be the means Of -that is, the average cost of cre- aiways extolling as ta th-îr careless motorists being mnore- ating one new job in manu- strength, crumbied beneath ou1r cautious in crossing railway factuning in. Canada today- pony trucks and derailed thern. crossings.-G.W.J.________________ CHANGE 0F HOURS and PRICES for BARBER SHOPS IN BOWMANVILLE Effective. Monday, April 15, 1957 Hours of Business Mondays and Tuesdays - Wednesdays Thursdays - . - Fridays --- Saturdays - - - 8 a.ni. to 6 p.n. Closed ail day 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. 8 a.ni. to 6 p.m. PRICES Shave n - e e n n Hair Cui - Aduli - a 50r. m . 85c Special Hair Cul or Brush Cul Adul - - - - - Hair Cul - Children (12 and und-er) ]Brush Cul - Children - (12 and under) Shampoo Tonic - $ 1.00 - - - 50C m 65C - - - n * 15c and up MEMORIAL ARENA A CTIVITIES PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, APRIL 121h 8 Io 10 p.m. Admission . . - Aduits 40c, Students 25e ONTARIO SEMI-FINALS Intermediate "A" Hockey Gamne SIXTH GAMIE ai 8:30 p.m. Best out of seven series SATURDAYI APRIL 131h TILLSONBURG Pan- Drieds Bowmanville - Orono Combines Admission--------------- for Reserved Seats and General Admission Students and Chljdren . .- . . . Mi The Bible Today Reports o!fithe New Testa- ment having been written ten times on old paper cernent bags in a POW camp in Russia have reached Germany throuigh a recently repatriated prisoner. The copies were dislnibuted among the inmates. These veý-e capied !rom a New Testam'-nt sent ta him from relatives in Gerrnany together with other religlous writings. Only the Newv Testament gai through ta the soldier. The cernent bag Bibles were used regularly by the inmates in their worship services. The repatriate brought back an original copy on being relcas-ed fromn the prison camp. The Union o! Evangelical Bi- bhe Societies in Germany 13 launching a special project la supply Seriptures ta such i e- patriàted prisoners. Funds are being collected in Germany and money is being !orwarded by the British and Foreign Bible Society and the Arnerican Bible Society ta their Gernman couri- terpant. Suggested readings for the week: Sunday-Isziah 40:1-31 Monday-Isaialh 55:1-13 Tuesday-Matthew 25:1.-30 Wednesday-Matlt. 25:31-46 Thursday-Luke 15:1-32 Friday-Luke 16:1-31 Saturday-Luke 17:1-37 The supeniar man is lie wiîm devclops in harmoniouis propw'-- lions, bis moral, intellectual, and physical nature.- Dougias Jerrold. 1IMSDAT, APM lith, 1057 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOMIANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE SEVENTEEN

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