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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1957, p. 18

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PAGE EZGETEEN TITE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANV!LLH. ONTARXO TPttY~IJA Y. APNfi. ~ I t~. iU~'1 Goodyea r Girls HoId Reunion Now We Can Prove atural1 -Gai is as Economical as Other Fuels with FIVE, YEARS TO PAY Pictured at the Goodyear Girls' annual reunion to right: Mrs. Myrtie Hooper, Mrs. Maude Elford, Mrs., banquet held Friday evening in the Canadian Legion Hall Hazel Scott, Mrs. Helen Kinsmen, Mrs. Stella Cowle, Mrs. at Bowmanville are, left to right, front row: ,Mrs. Vera Hazel Scott, Mrs. Helen Kinsmen, Mrs. Stella Cowle, Miss Lymer, Mrs. Mildred Bennett, Mrs. Rose Morris, Mrs. Mrs. Chrissie Jackson, Mrs. Ruth W7hite, Nelda Thompson. Carrie Snowden, and Mrs. Cecilia Mutton; back row, left -Photos by Rehder 1~junior room has planneda E Miss Beth Traveil, Mr. Bruce S naw s FH. & S. sight-seeing trip to Oshawa for NNISKILLEN Traveil, Mr. David edn the junior students and $10 xvas Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. S. Rod voted to help charter a bus for' W.A. Meeting man, Seugog Island, Mrs. E. C% H ear Address the occasion. $Io is also to be The March meeting of the, Ashton, Maple Grove were en-: donaed o M. Hll ad tle ornn'sAssociation met at the tertained ai Mr. and Mrý. O. ( II senior room pupils should th'-V home of Mrs. O. C. Ashton with C. Ashton'.-,, 1 celebrate Mrs. N ew rounaiana decide on an educational trip at a good attendance of 33 mem- Traveli's birthday'. a later date. bers. Vice-President Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Weaving Shaw's Home and School As- Orville Osborne, program Trewin took charge of the meet. and Rickey, Thornhill, with her sociation met at the school on convenor, provicled a good var- ing with Mrs. F. Werry having parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Fridy evnin whe a godiety of talent for our entertair- the Devotional leaflet 01 Moore.p mentdaylnevPrintgawhen aFagood.Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto, a finer er.reet o .no with two solos, "Old-fashioned Ail enjoyed a lovely vocalMran s.ElMst a ieprogram., President Jim os ad"eretDyad u bMs.LydAhnad and Darlene, Bowmanvllle, were Bannes opened the meeting and Hue n ?retDy n utb n.LodAho n with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vir- conducted a brief period of led in a lively sing-song. Littie Mrs. Ivani Sharp. Roll cal vas tue. business. The minutes wene five-year-old Rachelle Hunt, answered by an "Irsh Joke Or M~essrs. Roy and Glen Spry, read by the secretary, Mrs. G. Manvers Road, and grand-dau- Song".' Program was in charge Rochester, N.Y., with Mr. andi Riekard. ghter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. of M"s. R. Virtue, Group 3 con-I Mrs. E. Wright. Anominating committee com- Wood, Shaw's, danced a ballet venor. Reading by Mrs. E. Tre- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sander- Brw, n. .number and encore to the xin "Democratic Dialogue". A cock and family, Onono, witn posed of Mrs. a.Bo n d s. . "Merry, Widow Waltz" and lively game was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferguson. Rudell, Mrs. K. Kerry adW Anne Marie Downey gave a re- all and a humorous skit by Mrs. Miss Marilyn Allun, Hamp- M. Rabb, was named to bning citation. F. McLaughlin and Mrs. R. Vin- ton. with Miss Lorna Wearn. ming Osa r of officcrs h net Guest speaker of the evening tue on "How to Call"', and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharpj ma eeg.Or a vnnual cahef was Rev. Green of Enniskillen 'How Not to Cali" on a new were Sunday visitors of Mn. and sho voteto ein to hea whose subject was "The Tenth member caused much merri- Mrs. W. Sanderson, Columbus. sooftcareta r apeia Province-Newfoundland", and ment. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- ti o oth exraeetincg se being a native of that province Each member is to be respori- son, Nestieton, Mr. and Mr,,. by urmonhl metig. was well qualified to bring us sible for a tea towel for church j. R. Knox, Hampton, with Mr.ý Miss M. Aiken, teacher in the an interesting' account Of ils kitchen with W.A. marked on1 and Mrs. John Siemon. size, climate, geognaphîcal fea- the corner for the April meet -___________ lunes, irldustries and education- ing. A note of appreciation is asystem. Mn. Green also an- to be sent to Mrs. J. Griffin for Turn Old Furniture swered a variety of questions1 two lovely sîlver trays she made SOL INA from the audience at the con- and donatcd. Meeting closed inio Cash clusion of his talk. with a lovely lunch served by Mr. and Mrs. Don Pascoe, a A vote of thanks was given to Group 3. recent bride and groom, were with ahl taking part in the progra m. jMn. and Mrs. Donald Lee, honored by the community at Lunch was served by Mrs. H. Wayne, Terry and Kim, Osha- a pleasant gatherng at the STATESMAN Stacey and committee and a wa, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fergu- home of Don's parents, on Sat- CLASSIFIEDS social hour followed. Next mee'- son, David and Bnian, Bowman- urday evening. Charles Lang- ing will be Fridav, Max' 3 when ville, Mr. and Mns. Reg Sutton maid was master of ceremonies Phone MA 3-3303 Mr. J. Trudeau will plan the Orono, withi Mr. and Mrs. W.' for the pnogram which created -.O"rga.Ferguson. humorous amusement. A mock progam. '~ - Mrand rs.Lore Lmbwedding was perfonmed by the Mr. nd Ms. Lrne ambminister, Margaret Hooey. The ___________________________________________Mr. and Mr.q. Don Lamb, were i bridai party included Lloyd visitors of Mr. and Mrs. KenBroebid;IaWsa, m i e Lam. Pot Cndit.the groom: Rae Pascoe, thc In ro uc naMr. and Mrs. Howard Gim- bridesmaid, and Elaine Baker, e e euci blett, Oshawa, Miss Vera Gim- the best man. Mrs. Charles I blett. Toronto, with Mr. and Tanamaidco 'nducted a c<'nmica 48 King Si. E. *HANDBAGS *GLOVES * LINGERIE DRESSES Haîf Sizes Mrs. K. McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jeffery, Port Perry, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt. Mrs. Bev. Veale, Jackie and David, Murdochile, Quebec, is visiting with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce As- ton, Purpie Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sander- son, Gait, were recent guests E)f Mr. and iVrs. A. Sharp. Private Dennis Doyle, Camp Borden, spent the xveekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. Howells., Sympathy is extended to Mr. L. Bradley and family in their recent sadness. Mrs. Ross Lee, Kedron, Franki Lee, Oshawa, were Sunday vi- sitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. er ry. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robert.son, Shirley, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- ton, and Gail were Sunday vis- itors of Mr. and Mrs. E. Stain- ton, Bowrnanville. Mr. and Mrs. D. Yeo and Lorna, Oshawa, with Mr. ai-d Mrs. G. Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. Camneron Okze, Master Alphie Bender, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. A. Oke's. Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Traveil, Bowmanville FOR EASTER SHOPPING HATS New Spring Styles for the Easter Paradt or Spring Weddings WELDREST "Personai Length" HOSIERY EASTER SALE 9 . a . . $1.09 pr. 5h ortie Coats priced from $ 14,9 5 - Allweather Coals and Duster Coais quiz which provoked much laughter for all present. Thie remainder of the evening was spent playing cards. The gifts for Don and June included a floor lamp and a hostess chair. For lhese and the accompany- ing good wishes contained in the address read by Tom Baker, thanks were expressed by the recipients. Plan to attend the Solina play, "Where's Grandma?" in Solina Community Hall onj Thursday evening, April 18. Bradley's Community Club will meet Saturday night, April 13. Mr. A. W. Rundie, Oshawa, wiIl show pictures and speak on Landscaping of Homes. The Women's Institute will meet today (Thursday). This is the annual business meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and family visitcd on Sunday even- ing with Mrs. W. A. Ormîstcn at Brooklin.j Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and children were Sunday tea guests at Mr. Chas. Langmaid's. Mr. and Mlrs. Bruce Montgom- er,, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tay!cor were guests at the Ferguson- Grylîs wedding in Whitby United Church on Saturday after non n Miss; Evelyn Taylor, Peter- boroug~h, spent the weckend at home. Mr. and Mrs. N. Fîce anid Douglas, Taunton, visited at Frank Westlake's, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- lake, Jr., and family visited Sundav evening at George Mut-1 ton's, Bowmanville. Mrs. Frank Westlake, Jr., t tended the Goodyear banquet at the Legion Hall in Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Knox accompanicd Mr. and Mrs. Rus-i sell Vice to 'isit Mr. and Mr,. John Thompson at Hamilton for the weekend. Dean and Boyd Knox spent the weekend with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, at Ebenezer. Mr. and Mlrs. Rae Pascoe, M,.. and Mrs. Harry Knox and Mr.1 and Mrs. Percy Westlake at-i tended the bowling banquet and card party at Enniskillen Fri- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dyer and Elizabeth, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Grant and Cam, Lakefield, I visited aI Rae Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Freitag and Randy, Miss Jean Cryderman1 and Mr. George Bittner, Osh- awa, visited at Mr. E. Cryder- man's. Keith Cryderman visited his sîster, Mrs. J. Leger, husband, and family, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. George Knnx and family were Saturday night visitors at Mr. George Hamlin*s, Oshawa. Miss Anne Werry spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Metcalie, Oshawa. Mrs. H. Parker, Agincourt, and Mrs. George Skinner, Wes- ton, visîted at Messrs S. E. and Wes Werry's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. isaac Hardy and Stanley visited at Mr. Gor- don Hardy'& at Ebeneser. For Yaur Natural Gas Heating Installation Get the facts 1t , . Hi-Boy Forced Air Unit $314 $16.60 per montli plus installation CONVERSION BURNERS $150 $8 per month Ail GroviIy Gcos Funoc. #If yM mo a eleen, quiet. compte Îmana econrmical gas heating uit... thm î you need the Lennoz 'Lo.Boy"l Ideuly uoitsd for besement installation, it con-. m v valuable apte, yet assules yo« complete comfortl Corroeion-remisting WtAW cabinet gleama with rich baked-on eamel . . . exclusive Medlow-Warmth controla ksep temperatures constant.ý Cornes in three sises, one of which ie right for your home. Let us show i* te you TODAYI U .- From $170 '4 s $8.85 per nionth plus installation items advertised payable *ALSC A F CL. HOT WATER BOILER $549 Installed Coniplète with Burner $18 per month are on, your monthly gas Buy f rom bill. your authorized Consumers'1 Gas local HOT WATER TANKS $129 installed $3.00 per snonth Dealer 'IJ~ 1 ; -Give us a cail Central Smith PREMIUM BRAND ICE CREAM Here are the benefits Natural -Gas offers youl, (1) Economy! (2) Efficiency! (3) Silent Conifori! (4) Perfect Safety! (5) Free Annual Cleaning by Consuniers' Gas Co. ! (6) Free Annual Service hy .lConsumers' Cas Co.! - (7) Freedoni front Maintenance Cois ! (8) No Heating Interruption Through Hydro Failure! (9) Free Air Filter Change by' -Consumers' Cas Co.! WHEN YOU BUY. LENNOX Heating Equipment Lennox Mofors, Transforiuers, Eleciric Controls, Heat Exchangers and Cas Burners are ail GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS One Gallon Haif Gallon Quart fls Carton of 6 Bricks - a - - - - - - a a a - - a a - a a a a a $1.49 .79 .43 1.39 Bowman ville Frigid Locker System 73 KING ST. W. PHONE MA 3-5578 Wideman's Ladies' Wear ON DISPLAY 'UILL LUNE 0F LARE JEWEL GAS RANGES -IMmaiwf VISIT BOWMAN"VILLE'S FINEST HEATING SHOWROOM 55 King St, W. Phone MA 3m3348 PA« BIOBTM TXE CANADL&N STATESMAN. BOMMANMAX. ONTARIO TKUMMAT, Arluu iitn. 1957

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