By Aleen Aked As anc scason cnds, a nev one begins for the Durban Club:, as the Presîdent retireý t: «4C -President is rcady ti ~COiji~;plans for a summei ~excùQon and the next season' meetings are being made. This pattern was formec znany years aga and each yeai for 59 ycars bas continued mal4 ing this Toronto's oldest cour. ty club. It was established by men who came from Durharr and the characters, personal:. tics, interests and philosophies of those men built a stronz foundation and shaPed our Clu6 In the minutes I find records of their philosophy: April 146 1945, the speaker Dr. W. J Johnston, pastor o! Eglintor United Church gave an address on "My Pbilosophy o! Life'" He asserted aur mode o! living falîs into one of thrce categor- les, retro pective, always refer- ring to the good old days and A DUIRO PUMP Means Better Living!! OUR DURO' Water Sys- tcm gives us fresh, pure watcr when and where wc necd it ... adds ta aur con- Yenience and comnfort ai daiiy if e. DUTRO Pumps are avail- able in ail sizes ta meet in- dividual needs. See your Plumber or DURO dealer for fuil information or write for FREE folder, "Runuing Water, the. Farm Necesity". PUM1ÈS & SOFTENER! LINITUD PY82 LONDON) N CANADi JACK BROUGH PLUMBING MA 3-5615 Division and HEATING BOWMANVILLE Street Sonth bcwailing the evils of the pres ýw cnt, intraspective, living a self mn centred life and careless o! thi :o welfarc o! others, prospective er making our lives and thoseo 's aur friends unhappy by ai willingncss ta cause sufferinl ?din order ta satisfy some cher. Sishcd hope of a good time ir the future. "The real joy o! liv ,ing", be said "does flot comi ny from the possession o! wealtl ior position." Dr. Johnston quot. Mcd Henry Ford's. philosophy: " ,g do flot worry: I do not eat tac b. much: Into my work I put thE best and nothing but the besi IS comes out." (wonder if that waý 6, wby the Model T Fards would- ns Records of their interest o: SFeb. 22, 1945 - The chairman Shumorously explained when in- .troducing the speaker Mr. Mer- .n- il H. Cook, gentleman o! To- d ronto, that only after assurance the society took its name and was interested in its native caunty o! Durham rather than an association for the promo- *tion a! a famous breed of cattie o! the short-horned variety, he *corisentcd ta pzesent his subject o! the cvening "poetry in wood". 0 On character and personality minutes are recorded ta a past president and read by future president on Nov 28, 1940-Qi the death of a former president Mr. Walter H. Clemes, a mem- ornai was read by Dr. Frank Trebilcock, the same placed ir the records o! the durharm Country Club: "How shah we remember him itndividually?1 cannot answer this for you, but I will do so for myscîf. I knew him for 2 years and my regard was definite from the beginning. AIl through'the ar- ches a! the years when aur pathways crossed, I went on like anc wbo bas passed tbrough a sunny place. Somebow or other, he radiatcd warmth and happiness. .1 "In the days when be direct- cd this club, the atmosphere o! kindly sociability was even in the meetings, especiaily was this so wben bis graciaus wi!e and bu entertained us in their charming home. Tbe pictures o! those evenings were very pleasant ones to bang upon aur memaries' walls. "The em.phatic picture o! Walter Clemes may be in your minds as it is in mine-a smil- ing, radiant figure in the cen- tre a! a large circle o! people, Almost dancing in bis enjayý- ment of the occasion with bands upraised, eyes and fingers snapping, afixiaus ta send us home with joy in our bearts and in good companionship with each other. "Sbould aid acquaintance ibe forgt-Not if we grasp the li!e-outlook o! aur lost friend Walter Herbet Clemes. That would be aur best memarial ta bim." Signed L. B. Williams. (President.) Such a tribute ta anc of aur splendid presidents o! whom wc have had ten, could be re- corded flot only at death but on retirement and similar words said of our retiring president Mr. Martin, who last month said: "This is a co-operative Club, you only get out o! it if you put into it."' May you con- tinue ta get a great deal out of it, Mr. Martin, because you have put a great deal into it. On Nov. 2, 1942-"The meet- THW <~ANAflAYq ~.'?ATT.qMAN POWMA?~.TVTTP flWiADr~ A r~.w uTt7u~ -This Huge Beit Press For Goodyear This is an artist's drawing of the huge 84-inch demand for larger dauble-decked beit curing press which will be installed at building, beit press the Goodyear plant here. This press which will be in $1,200,000. operation later on this year will help meet the growing ing closed witb the singing of Auld Lang Syne. O! a truth it can be said that these meetings contain tbe elements o! happi- ness-love o! nature, acquaint- ance with the wide earth, con- genial intercourse with super- ior minds and abiding friend- ships. An oscar ta aur retiring pre- sident and good luck ta aur new president, for making these meetings possible. ENFIELD (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Phil Conlin, Oshawa, Mrs. Bob Mackey, Wbitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffin. Mr. and. Mrs. Alex Aberne- tby, Manilla, were Sunday vAl- itors with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis. Mr. Doug Kerr and Mrs. Kerr, Sr., Toronto, were at W. Pas- coe's. Mr. and Mrs. George Bray, Raglan; Mrs. J. Stark, Colum- bus; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ormis- ton, Brooklin, visited with Mrs. W. J. Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowman and Roland were visitors at H. Beaton's, Osbawa. Miss Elsie Samis is visiting This news budget will be cancluded next week. At this point the phone went dead. aglowl Choose front an elegant array or new springA designa Ira ag!eamling golden inisht M AiRR S Dr. C. Cannon Featured Un Financial Post The foilowing article appear- served a year as master (iLe., ed in the current issue of The professor) in the Toronto Nor- Financial Post and will he o a coo;!e ecmsc interest ta many of aur readersmaScoltenbaes- who personally know Dr. Can- cessively, assistant chie! in- non and bis !amily: spector o! public and separate scbools for Ontario; assistant Ontario's Top Teacher superintendent o! elementary JOntario bas Canada's largest education; supenintendent of scbool system-1.1 million pu- elementary education; deputy pils, 35,000 teachers,* 7,500 minister o! education. He bolds schools. Directly responsible tao an arts B.A. fromn Queen's Uni- teMinister o! Educatioù, Hon- versity, Kingston, Ont.: and B. W. J. Dunlop, is tbe new chie! Paed, and LL.D. degrees fram director o! education, Dr. Ceci] University a! Toronto. Freemont Cannon, permanent For oeyassvrlCn civil service bead o! the Ontari ia rso edu arlsseeralCn- school system. Cannon once aineuainlsses(n taught "in a little red scbool bouse" and bis life bas touch- ed an unusual number o! the rungs which lead ta the top of bis profession. He was born in Portland, a small village in eastern Ontario wbere, at the age o! 19, be took over a one-roomed brick srbooi bouse that still stands (at the time if bad 55 pupils, about 20 more than is now considered appropniate for one teacher). Tbe next year, he moved on ta a two-room scbool. After that be became princi- pal o! other scbools (Newcastle and Picton, Ont.) and inter, su- pervîsing principal of Oshawa, Ont., public sebools. He moved througb four inspectorates (in- cluding one whicb covers part of Metropolitan T o r o n t o);A l District'W. A. Annual Meetingl Iln Newcastle About 40 members o! the Ex- ecutive o! the Oshawa Presby- tery Woman's Association en- joyed a "Pot Luck" lunch at Nortbminster United Cburcb,ý Oshawa, recentiy during the noon bour recess o! tbe meet- ing. The President, Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn o! Orono, presided and the plans were made for the Annual Meeting which will be held in the Newcastle United Cburcb tbis month. During this third year o! the United Churcb Evangelistie Campaign it was timeiy f0 have a discussion before the business o! the meeting on the menning o! Witnessing for Christ. Mrs. E. White and Mrs. W. M. Holli- day o! Columbus, led the re- marks on thé subject assisted by Mrs. A. A. Drummond. Mrs. Drummond also played the piano for the bymns sung dur- ing the Devotional period led by Mrs. Tamblyn. Mrs. A. A. Crawle cxplained the need for funds for the re- novation of the John Knox Chapel in Geneva. This interna- tional project is'being aided by the United Church o! Canada. Mrs. F. Coleman and Mrs. C. Lee o! Albert Street United Church, Oshawa, were chosen as delegates ta attend the Con- ference W.A. wbich meets in Cobourg United Cburch May 7. Mrs. A. A. Crawle nnnounced the Dominion Council meeting ta be beld in Toronto in Mny. Ail were urged ta attend both Annual meetings. Mrs. Harold Werry was np- pointed ta act on the Bursary Committee ta replace Mrs. H. Fallaise wbo has had ta resign. Members were reminded that the early History o! each W.A. sbould be sent as soon as pas- sible ta Mrs. Crowle in order ta bave the History of the W.A. compieted this yenr. Flowerpot Island National Park in Georgian Bay covers an aren o! only 300 acres. Tbe name denives from n group a! tiny islands, somç o!f hem 50 feet high, that the waves have erod- ed into the shape o! flowerpot.s. I and wider conveyor beits. The new and accessory equipment will cost over tario 's among tbem) bave been under the f ire o! educational traditionalists who bold they are maving tao quickly into "democratic education." In mo- dern democratic states, policy is formulated by permanent ci- vil servants as well as by cab- inet ministern and unless things are done differently in the Ontario Government, Cec Can- non will be profoundly influen- tial in determining bow the Ontario ship is steered between the Scylla of "too slow" and the Charybdis o! "too fast." He wilI prabably be influeiAtial an the Canadian scene as well. He was married in 1924 and has thee children. His hobbies (which, be confesses rue!ully, he hasn't much time for): curling, golf, fishing, bridge, reading. 'Fire Chie f Com plains About False Alarrns ?MSDAT, APRIL lIth, los? Philosophies of Past ? residents Revealed n tlub Minutes for You ..a. for Spring .0a Iovely New Suifs from BRESLII Bowmanville *m in the home. Have faulty wir- ing replaced. Check ail appli- ance cords for fraying ends or bare wires. Basements and attics should be cleared of rubbish and nid articles that might constîtute a fire hazard. Matches and cig- arette ligbters should be kept out of the reach of little child- ren. Notify Depa.rtment Immediately If a fire sbould occur, notify the fire department immediate- ly. Have their number handy near your telephone along w:thx that of your doctor, police and others for emergency puposes. Fire prevention is the dujt3r of every citizen and by doing your share you wvill lessen the possibility of fires. Neyer let this destroyer of property and human life catch you unpre. pared. N'Se Nhitby If Your Spring Budget* Calis for-, "Operalion Shoestring" and you wish for that "UPSTAIRS LOOK" at a "DOWNSTAIRS PRICE ... Then drop into our store to-day and see the wonderful array of lovely new Suits for Spring. You can choose frorn every popular 1957 fabric, such as Donegals, Italian Tweeds, Worsteds, Shantungs and Fancy Dornestic Tweeds - and they corne in miany, rnany different styles and colours. Such farnous labels as Posluns, Miss Sun Valley, Pickfair, Jane Kinley and many other fainous makes. Misses', Women's and hall sizes. LET BHESLIN**S HELP YOU TO LOOK AS SMART AS THE t4EXT ONE AT NEXT-TO-NOTHING PRICES BRESLIN'S Bowma nville Whitby During 1956, the Bowman- ville Volunteer Fire Depart- ment answered a total of 44 fire alarms within the Bow- manville area, Fire Chief L. Hooper. states in bis annual re- port. 0f these, 23 were in the Town of Bowmanville, while the remaining 21 werc in Dar- lington. Threc of the tawn alarms proved to be false. In his report, Chief Hooper has pointed out some important fire prevention factors, which if adhercd to, should lessen the danger of fires occurring in the home. False Alarms Big Problems Actual fire damage within the town was low. The big problem stili continues to be false alarms. Manday afternoon an alarm was reccîved from the box on Elgin Street. Bath trucks were rushed ta the scene and the alarmn proved to be false. Chie! Hooper said, drivers use extreme caution on the way ta any fixe, cspecially those late in the afternoon. School child- ren are using the streets and roads on the way home from school, which makes it danger- ous answering calîs at this time of the day, especially false alarms. There have been a consider- able number of false alarms from the box on Elgin Street and if tbey continue, it may be necessary to remove the box, he added. Parents' cooperation is asked with this problem. Chie! Hoop- er bas requested parents to please instruct their children, not to tamper with the boxes. Is Your Home Safe Chie! Hooper pointed out sev- eral safety measures ta use in avoiding the bazards , o! fire occurring. They are-a complete check o! ail electrical circuits Lovely soit feminine colona to coordinate with Al your smat new clotLhei Matching necidace, Lracelct. and earn au JEWELLERY t3 King W. MA 3-5463 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. IROWMANVMrLr- nnTAizTn PAM! PTXM ië