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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1957, p. 8

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PAGE EETN TEE CA~MW !A & ZOATI y  UOWMÂmlVTLà. AWrAWIr' L, APRIL llti, 1031 by ELSIE CARRUTHERS LUNNEX !NTERP1ETATIONS ARE IMPORTANT A greet deal depends, appar- ently, on wba wrote the bisfory bocks ane studied af school. Starfing ta read "The Flower- ing o! New Engiand" by Van Wyck Brooks, a volume on New England writers, we were wcre brougbt up short on page 5 by this statement: "If <Bos- ton) bad taken the lead in the Revolution, with tbe stafesmen of Virginia, and played a large part in bath the wars in which the United States bad dc!eated England." Well, we thougbf. What war was this? The Revolution, yes; the colonies won their indepen- dence. But what was the second war in wbicb the United States defeated England? Since the pcricd the book sets oufta caver is 1815 te 1865 and since in the paragraphs prier ta this statement the author is refer- A. H, Sturrock AND SONS IMPERIAL ESSO DEALER Sturrock St..- Bowmanvile Just West of Scugog ring ta the War of 1812, the only conciusiorf is thaf the War of 1812 is the second war in which the United States de- !eated England. But that wasn't the way we learned it in school ta tbe besf o! our recollection. Not trusfing ta memory, we consulfed a college texfbook by Carl Wiftke, "A History o! Can- ada" used by Queen's Univer- sity in its Canadian history caurse. This f ext records vie- tories and lasses an bath sidem, resulfing in the Treaty of Ghcnt being negotiated at the close o! 1814. There is ne statement that cither side was considered te have "won" the war. Ia ather words, it was a "draw", and tbis bad been aur imipres- sien. The peace treafy provid- cd for the mutual resteration of ail occupied territory and commissions were provided for ta settie the boundary dispute, rigbts ta Canadian fisheries ai-d other questions. There was ne more talk, af least fer many years, by cer- tain factions la the United States about annexing Canada. Ia 1810, incredible as if may seem f0 us even though Canada bad but a small army, the Unit- ed States Secretary o! War an- nounccd that they could take Canada without soldiers. There were many such stafements made by the "War Hawks", a group elected ta Congress in 1810 mainly from Kentucky, Tennessee and what was then known as the West. Another point before we leave the sub- jeet. While Boston may bave been in favour of war with England and Canada, a large part e! New England was net. Summing up, Witfke says: "The resuits of three years' fighting were most iîîglorious both for England and for the United States, and if is the judgment of bistorians in both countries thaf the war was a terrible iblunder-that if was absolutely unneccssary and shculd have been avoided." Thus cndeth the bistery les- son for today. TRANS CENDING TITS CATERWATJLING WORLD The opera broadcast from the Metropolitan Opera House in New York last Saturday a!- ternoon, "La Traviata", was a delight. It is interesting to note that tbis is one of the op- eras the Met will present in Toronto next month and with the same cast except for two of the men, but Renata Tebaldi (we believe this is the correct spelling, we haven't the paper by us now to check it) will sing the leading role, and she is superb. The audience at the Met on Saturday called for her again and again. We are quite definitely in the uninformed class wben it AUTCOMATIC -ýSAFETY blouses Pressure end stops lions - Dos Io* NO OiHEm WNIN@tit DOIS SOIN Or just push the wringer f0 stop rlils end ru. leuse. Wringer swings with a Aingor tip touch. -no la',>hlng. Automatlc Water Directo - Wash m water never Sets in the rinse. ~mzig Socurity-ýa nd' Speed SEE Il NOW ON THE NEW ~ COPPERSTYLE Nlewellt iracle in wash-day salet)> and easel, is the new Beatty Copper- style Washer. Automatic features include timer, of course. Has pump, too. Double walled tub has an innur tub of stainless steel. Hus the latest long lif0 "Econa-miser" bail bearing mechanism - guaranteeci SIX years. The Beatty Coppurstyle Waslier is the newest thing in design and beauty. Other models give you a choice of col ours. Easy Terms on Balance MASON & DALE NIA 3-5409 Bowmanville 36 King St. E Pq'ê cames ta opera, but we have enjoyed a number of, those broadcast this season including "The Magic Flute" and "Lucia di Lammermoor". To hear singers with voices o! Met ra- politan Opera calibre is ta real- ize what the buman vaice can be et its best. To hear the won- derful music which the great composera wrote for voice and orchestra, Is te be lifted up int o another sphere ouf o! this ca- terwauling world. Affer listen- ing ta this kind of harmonlus and beaufîful miusic, anc won- ders about Elvis Presley and bis ik. One just wanders. Of the few operas we have beard, flot aIl are as enjoyable for the unitiated af least. There wcre some o! Wagner's wc jusf ceuidn't listen toa a al. Wc don'f know what this proves, if anything. But we do think op- era is atfracting mare and more o! the everyday, or ordinary type o! listener. People are finding, sometimes fa their, great surprise, that fhey are fharaugbly enjoying opera; jusf as many, one might almost say tbousands, have found on at- tending the Strafford Festival, that Shakespeare is exciting, thriiling, easiy undérstood and fhereugbiy enjoyabie. What a lof we miss, somefimes for ycars, because o! ideas or pre- judices which we have prcbab- ly caugbf from others witheut investigating for ourselves. HISTORIC SITES Wc were pleascd to sec basf week thaf the fown o! Orillia bas purcbascd the late Sfcphen Leacock's home and hopes te develop if as a iiferary and his-1 torie site. This was parfiy due fa the efforts o! the Orillia Ste- phen Leacock Memorial Com- mittee which merged with a country-wide memorial associa- tion last September. Another item o! news along this line wbicb dclighted us was thaf the Barnum Hause near Graffon on No. 2 High- way, bas been acquired by the Northumberland County His- torical Society on a rentai and hapes ta furnish some a! the roomns accerdîng ta the periad o! the bouse which was builf in, 1817 on the site o! an carlier structure which was desfreyedi by fire during the War of 1812. We believe the destruction was accidentaI. The seciety is ta bel commendcd for taking this im- portant sfep. This bouse is considered ta be onc of the f in- est examples of early architec- ture in Upper Canada. MO VIE REVIEW CAROUSEL WIth Gordon MacRae, Shirley Jones, Cameron Mitchell At the Royal April 15 - 17 Carousel is the first film in Cinemna Scape 55, an improv- ed anamorpbic technique. If honestly can be said that this new technique allows some of the clearest photagrapby and the most brilliant color yet achieved on the screen. In turning ouf Carousel for Broadway, Rodgers and Ham- mcrsfein took as their source Ferenv Molnar's tender fantasy, Liliom. Producer Henry Eph- ron' and bis wife, Pboebe, in turn have donc an expert job in translating the work into a film. There is more charm and sub- stance to the book of Carousel than is true of mosf musicals and director Henry King dis- plays an able hand in guiding the players fhrough the action. Besf of ail, and the picture's real nugget, are the wonderful snngs and dances. The score is sa fine and the staging s0 gen- erally excellent that it's bard ta isolate any two numbers, but ta name a few: June Is Bustin' Ouf aUl Over, sung to Rod Alex- ander's exuberant choregrapby, is one of the most ingrafiafing song-and-dance number ever to grace a film; the Agnes De Mille ballet is lovely and taucbing and marvelQusly danced by Su- san Luckey and Jacques DRAm- boise; Barbara Ruick makes a memorable tbing of When I Marry Mister Snow; Gordon MacRae gives a sharp rendering o! the Sililoquy; and MacRae and Shirley Joncs do a lovely duet to If I Loved You. Turn Old Furnilure imi Cash witli STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phono MA 3-3303 GEORGE E. (TED) Georte E. (Ted) Speneeley SPENC"MiEY "'BETHANT, ONTARIO CONUDatffl EL.2 Phone 3SR 12 LU! INSUNANCE BETANY, ONTAIRJO i New Telephône Books ln -Use -Immediately A book wbich will take an imporfa!it place in pracficaily every home and business place In Bowmanville is the nww buff-colored Bell Telephone di- rectory ta be dîsfributed ta customers here witbin the next few days. The new directories, whlch sbould be used- immediate]y, will have the attractive "re- gionall' caver design of the famaus McLaughlin Public li- brary in Oshawa for the second consecutive year, J. W. Lowry, Bell manager for this region, said this week. He urged customers ta bring their Blue Bocks of Telephone Numbers up fa date, in order ta avoid wrong numbers and unnecessary calîs to "Informa- fion". Blue Books, ini regular and pockct size, are available free at the Bell Telephane business offices. Besides Bawmanvile custom- ers, the new directory lists thase of Cobourg, Port Hope, Whitby and surrounding terri- tory. Reflecting the growth o! the area is the fact that it was ne- ccssary ta print 41,152 copies, o! the directory this ycar ta supply residents in the terri- tory covcred by the bock. There were 38,O30opies of the direcfary distribufed fbraugh- ouf this territory in U.56 which makes an increase this year of over 3,000 copies. In Bowman- ville alone, there ae 3,350 direc- tories being delivered compar- ed ta 3,050 lasf year. Cartwright Pays 82ç Yd. Delivered Crushed Gravel Cartwright council met cn on motion by Coun. Wright and Monday, April lst with meim- seconded by Dep. Reeve Green. bers ail present. Reeve in chair. Moved by Coun. Hyland and Minutes adoptcd except item seconded by Coun. Trewin that regarding purcbase of fire Port Perry Fair be granted $25 equipment be deleted on motion as requested. o! Dep. Reeve Jack Green and Ab-a o 04apitn seconded by Coun. Trewin. CA b ylaNdon02Pontingry Herb. Hooey înterviewerl H oun.italBand, on PotiPerry council regarding condition of Hop talBoareen amotieond-y to 'be coinsideredc. SReevean ed by Coun. Wright. A by-law assistan cer to get lean d setting the date for Daylight assstat cerktogetlegl Sf-Saving Time No. 1025, on mo- vice regarding by-law No, 1021 tion of Coun. Trewin and Wright. C OURTICE Tenders were opened for Evening Auxiliary i The April meeting of Eben- ezer Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Miss Jean Gay. The president, Miss Ann Hoit, opened the meeting with an Easter thought. Mrs. Rus- tsell Gay gave a fine Devotirinal on Easter, assisted by Miss Jean Gay who read the Scrip- ture passage. John Wade favor- ed with two selections on the. piano accordion and Mrs. Har- ry Gay gave two readings, "Your Neighbours" and "0!d Friends". The Study Book on Malaya and Indonesia was ably taken by Mrs. Jack Pearce. Ail invitation was received to a,- tend the Afternoon Auxiliarvý.ý meeting Tuesday, April 9, when there will bc a special speaker and slides. Singing of a hymn closed the meeting and a social time was enjoyed. Next meet- ing will bc at Mrs. Ernest Gear- ing's on Wednesday, May 1. C.G.I.T. Meeting The girls of C.G.I.T. met after school on Wednesday evening to enable Mrs. Penfound, the leader, to attend Oshawa land District C.G.I.T. Board at Cen- tre Street United Cburch, Oshawa. Supper on the stove, study was made of the duties of the four committees for the Mother and Daughter Banquet which will be held Monday, April 22nd at the cburch. Cor- rect place setting was demon- strated and each girl arranged the dishes for ber place at sup- per. Each girl put into practise correct table service as she served at the supper. A study was made of the order of seat- ing at the head table and a plan drawn. The program of toasts was outlined with suggestions and volunteers for each. A Worship Service under thc leadership of Miss Shirley Antil took the form of Bible reading with discussion-theme- "Eat- ing With Jesus". Miss Elizabeth Wilson met with Sunbeam group to record points and unfinisbed business. The Friendship circle and Taps closed the meeting. Several couples from. this community attended the Cour- tice Circuit Country Couples' Pot Luck Supper at Mapie Grove on Tbursday when Rev. M. C. Fisher, Newcastle, was the speaker. Ail report lots tu eat and a fine message. Some people from tbis comr- munity who have seen the drama, "Christ in the Concrete City" say "Don't rmiss it!" The drama takes the place of the regular Good Friday evening Service of Courtice Circuit and will be hield at Ebenezer Unit- cd Church at 7.30. Church Service A larger congregation at cburch on Sunday evèning greeted the minister, Rev. L. Mv. Somerville, who centred bis message on the people wvho wit- riessed the Crucifixion of Jesus and the qualities they possess- cd. While Jesus is not in the wvorld today in the fleslh, people are still crucifying Hîm. The anthem, 'Bearing His Cross" was very suitably rendered hy the choir under the direction of Mr. Frank Walters. Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Mr. James Nichols, father of Mr. Ted Ni- cbols and Irene-Mrs. Wilfrid Aldsworth. Little Miss Joni Penfound of lVbitby spent Saturday with her grandparents, Clarence and Mrs. Penfound. Congratulations to Mr. and vîrs. Stanley Taylor on the ar- ival of a baby boy. We are pleased to hear that Mr. Walter Shortt is weil nough to be home from the Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Orm Robertson ment Thursday in Lindsay and ttended the funeral of bis aunt, Mrs. A. Murdock. Mrs. Albert Wilkins visited Nr. and Mrs. R. D. Stevens, Bowmanville, on Thursday. Mr. Donald MacLean, Far- rn's Point, visited with Mr. ind Mrs. Orm Robertson, re- ýently. Bob and Ruth Evans, Charle, )ouglas and Carol, of Bow- nanville and Lorne, JeIAn nd 10 EASTER crushed gravel on motion by end Dawes Raad, Toronto, eux- were given by convenars and Dcp. Reeve Green and second- iliaries visifing here. Ail me- fbanks expressed to ail those ed by Coun. Wright. The ten. er der of Henry Holman was ac- brs re urged ta come out and wbo helped. Comrade Bate was cepted as follaws:-82c. per eu- bave a pleasant cven.lng togeth- presented witb a gift in eapp- bic yard deiivered on roads up er. The entertajamnent wili be reciafian of her work. Lunch ta six miles. 7 cents per cubic put on by Bowmanvile Auxil.. was served and films taken at yard per mile aver 6 miles. iary as before. the enterfalament nighf wrere Stock pile 47 cents per cubie Successiul reports an banquets 1'shown by AI Flefche;~ yard and 35 cents per cubie _____________________________ yard off beit. On motion by Coun. Wright and seconded by Dep. Reeve Green that Road Supt. be allowed to spcnd up ta i oo1 $100 in searcb of gravel. Moved by Coun. Wright and second-ed by Coun. Trewin thaf accounts be paid and adjourn till Mn- Com panyu day, May 6, 1957 at 8 p.m. D. S.T. Legion Aux. Present Gift To R.. Bale Brancb 178 Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary regular mon- tbiy meeting was beld la the Legion Hall on Monday, April 1, witb President Comrade A. Piper in charge. Meeting apcned wif h the rol cail o! officers followcd by min- utes o! the lasf regular and ex- ecutive meetings. Zone Comm- ander Rose Bate who was mak- ing her officiai visit, was wel- comed, and spoke a few words o! advice te the Auxiiary. Plan ta bold a Navy League tag day was discussed and a commiffee formed ta organize if. The secretary was ta write Dividale Hospital ta arrange a visit there in May in the even- ing. Nexf meeting, April 15, is a social evening with Oshawa UTS Announces.. the Opening of a New Service Station CORNER 0F MAN VERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION VI STANDARD 09GAL. GASOLINE U iOc including tax VIGOR 42 GAL. HfIGHl TEST 4 Cincludlnt tex Stove Oil available in any quantity at the station OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS ONLY Minutes from to the OSHAWA CENTRE 0F VALUES PARADE ND--E A , OSHAWA EASTER OPEN HOUSE ON SATURDAY, APRILl3th 0 Free Easler 'Eggs for ail the Children Accompanied by Aduitsa *b Free Photo of Your Child With the Easter Bunny CHILDREN'S EASTE R FUN WEEK 27 FUN FOR ALL THE CHILDREN, WITH SOMETHING NEW AND EXCITING HAPPENING EVERY DAY SHOP------VERY FRIAY NTIL 9-- pemO i I BowmanviIlie SHOPPING APRIL 22 m - yf THE CAMADIAN STATESMAN. BOML«Vl=. ONTARIO offl»Pu«V%àq 1 CENTRE f

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