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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1957, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ - - -'-~B.OW OJ v I .ANV ±M LZ .JN . IONTARIOAY ATi l th 1 5 Inspection of Officers Durham Chapter, O. E. The annual inspection of officers of Durham Chapter, Order of Mr. Allen Moffatt, Worthy Patron; Mrs.F the Eastern Star, took place on Tuesday night, April 9, in the I.O.O.F. Hall. row: Mrs. Reta Dudley, Organist; Mrs. Doi Officers were inspected by Mî's. Maybell Stewart, Toronto, District Deputy Irene Hall, Ruth; Mrs. Audrey Martin,A Grand Matron for District No. 11, who was paying her officiai visit to Warder; Mrs. Greta Brown, Acting Condu Durham Chapter, and represented Mrs. Edna Anderson, Bowmanville, Alldread, Sentinel; Mrs. Marion Stacey, Ma who is Worthy Grand Matron of Ontario. Pictured above are, front row: Mrs. Minnie Deeley, Esther; Mrs. Florence.1 Mrs. Lola Freeman, Treas.; Mr. Chas. Greenham, Associate Patron; Mrs. Moffatt, Associate Conductress. Missingf Edna Shaw, Associate Matron; Mrs. Anne Stephenson, Worthy Matron; Warren, Conductress. Ebenezer WM.S. met in S. S. room on April 9 with 24 mem- bers present. Mrs. W. Bickle, United Nations secretary, op- ened the meeting with prayer in memory of the late Herbex t Norman. She also gave a fine report of a recent U.N. meeting in Toronto when Miss Sarain spoke on the *Status of Wom- en". President Mrs. Carl Down presided for the business. Mov- ed by Mrs. G. F. Annis and se- conded by Mrs. R. C. Pearce that we accept the invitation from King St. W.M.S., Oshawa, to meet with themn for our June meeting. It was also decided to accept Courtice W.A. invita- tion to attend their meeting April 25 when a representative from the C.N.I.B. will speak. The Easter Worsbip Service Oasbonati yMrs .isen Oson ndteti byMiss oi opening with a solo by Mrs. G. F. Annis "Leave it With Him". In ber commentary Miss Os- borne deploreti the fact that materialismn is weaving a web arounti our observance of reli- gious festivals. She stateti that if the Easter Bunny is not to replace the Cross as tbe Easter symbol then the home must ac* j cept the responsibilîty of giv- ing our cbîltiren a Cbristian in- terpretation of the meaning of the Easter festival, Durng these rlosiTe .invQ nf______ ciasi a,11 tA1OUtLe: to the Crucifixîoi ask ourselves "Whi ent leauîing up )n we shoulti at is our pre. 'Bowmanville Merchants APPRECIATION DAY DRAW EVERY SATURDAY - 3 P.M. Jackpoithslueek'Ths wine -$6 Valu ek hi eek-$6 Wm. Willton, R.R. 4, Bowman'vjllf» 50% coupon - $120.0 DON'T FORGET - NEXT DRAW, SAT., APRIL 20 at 3 p.ni. - Town Hall BROILER TYPE 41/2 ta 7-lb vr H EN S 10Oto 14-lb aver. PRODUCE SPECIALIS Fresh Curly Leaf No. 1 Grade SPI NACH Washed & Trimmed Reoidy To Cook 2 colla bags 2 5 C Colifornia No. 1 Grade CARROTS Tender Sweet Large Original Bunches 2for1i9c Aluminum Foil REYNOLDJ Standard Quality NONA I ICloc. Quality Desse PEARS Janle Parker APPLE Jane Parker Large AIIP Fancy Red SOCKEYE Jane Parker HOT CROI paration for Easter?"l IScripture psalm was reati junison. Mrs. S. Vinson dlo with prayer. isio ay o nia, ethed iss Allyr n a retreti n speaker. was introduceti Miss Osborne. Miss Allyn shc cd lovely coloreti slities of ma points of interest taken on I trip fromn Quebec City to In( anti from the southern tip India to tbe Himalayas. W. 35 years' experience bebinti h Miss Allyn's comments on I Indian pictures were v2 wortb while as well as intere ing. A warmn vote of thar was extentiet by the preside who also closeti the meeti with prayer. BLACKSTOCK Dr. E. Bridgman, Angola, w entertaîneti at the homes Mrs. Cecil Hill anti Mrs. W. Van Camp. Prize winners at tbe L.O.B., cuchre Tuesday night wer bigb lady, Mrs. Blackburn, T, ronto: higb gent, Don Proui door prize, Mr. Demrey, Sci gog. A gooti many from bere wei to Orono Wednesday night hear Hon. Lester B. Pearson. Mrs. Jobn Hamnilton le Tburstiay to spenti the East( bolidays with ber tiaughter, M anti Mrs. Jerry Warne, Winr: peg. Mrs. Velva Bailey sper Tbursday in Toronto. Mr. anti Mrs. Fletcher an family who bave been livir in the Lukson home movedti Scarborough Thurstiay. Mr. anti Mrs. Ernest King an family moveti to Hamilton Sat Reg. Price 3lc--SAVE 4c ý'S WRAP 25ftroIIZ 7c Reg. Pri-e 2 tins 33lc-.-SAVE 7« PEAS 4 20oz tins 5 9 c ert Reg. Price 25c-SAVE 5o 228-oz tins 45C Reg. Prie. 59c-SAVE 10e PlIE each 49C Reg. Price 59c-SAVE 10o CAKE each49c Reg. Primelin 47e-SAVE 9,, SALMON 2 /-is851 ~s BUNS pkg of 835C The urday and Mr. andi Mrs. Fred in Coîbear and family, Manches- )s ter, moved into tbe bouse they vacateti. nis- Good Fritiay services will be est held in «the United Cburch -at bv 7.30 p.m. anti in the Anglican >w- church at 8 p.m. andi of course îriy special Easter services Sunday. -er Unitedi at 10 a.m. with S. S. at ýdia 11.15, Anglican 11 ar. of, Mrs. Oakley Carley, Whitby, ith is spending this week, tbe col- er, lege bolidays, with ber sister her Mrs. Clarence Marlow anti 2ry Anný- Carley is spending the Ist holidays xitb the Herb Swains. ent Mr. andi Mrs. Earl Bradburn ng spent last Tuesday witb Mr. and Mrs. Melville Lathangue, Omcm e e Mr. andi Mrs. Arthur Wren, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cleve- land and boys, all of Oshawa, were Suntiay supper guests of 'as Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Dayes. of Blaine Adiams, Bowmanville, W. spent the weekend with Jirn Dayes. .A. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn rand boys visited ber grand- mothr, Ms. J R.Rutideil anti Itt Mr. Wm. Rutideil, Bowmanville 'u- Sunday. ýnt Mr. Glenn Larmer attended to the wedding of a Kemptville college pal, at Frankford Sat- ft urtiay. Mr. Grabamn Hudson, ýer Kinburn, anti Miss Srnetden, I.Arnprîor, came borne with biîn for tbe weekend. Sunday Miss Marlon McDougalti, Osbawa, ntMiss Ruby Morrow, Bowrnan- iville, anti Mr. Richard Van Id Camp joinedti tem at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Ernest Larmer anti bat a pleasant time renew- ing acqquaintances of Kempt- d ville College. ýt. Mr. Chas. Venning, Mr. anti -Mrs. Stan Rahm anti Misses Joyce Venning, Irene Emmer- son anti Berniece Tripp, Osh- awa, spent tbe weekend in North Biy anti attentiet the Fridav anti Saturday night hoc- key games of Whitby vs. Nort Bay. The former three were guests of the Geralti Hill's. Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. King, Osh-11 awa; Mr. anti Mrs. Allan Rabm anti Cheryl, Port Perry,-wei Sunday guests of Mr, anti Mrs. Jack Rabm. Mr. anti Mrs. Mervyn Graham anti Roy, Mr. anti Mrs. Oscar Graham, Mr. anti Mrs. Roýs Duff were guests at tbe Eyers- Grabam wedding in Port Perry Saturtiay. Mrs. Haroldi Beacock, Port Perry, spent the weekend witht Mr. anti Mrs. Austin Beacock. Mr. anti Mrs. Thos. Antierson, Wbitby, were recent visitors ofs Mrs. Jos. Henry. Mr. anti Mrs. Harold M'- Laughlin, Bobby anti Lintil, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dorreil. Mr. anti Mrs. Keith Van Camp, spent Sunday witb Mr. anti Mrr. Wilbert Toms in honor of Mr. Urecso tLiiIb comunïI1Uty' is extended the sorrowing rela- tives of the late Mrs. Clarence Mitchell, Port Hope, who pass- eti away Friday, April 12 at the Sidbrook nursing home, Co- bourg. Services were helti at the George Funeral Parlors Sunday afternoon. Interment at Lakeview Cemetery, New- tonville. Mrs. Mitchell was well known [n this community having re- sitiet here for a number of years. Her cheerful disposition and smiling face will long be remembereti. KEDRON 'as ed at the Ross Lee home on SP Irig flowers. n Sunday. . any edron friends of Mrs. P- Mrs. Harold Werry was Robert Hancock, Toronto, are 'e among guests at the Fourth happy to know that she has er Oshawa Brownie Anniversary returned home, after her recent party and Mother and Daugh- iflness in Queensway Hospital. ter Banquet held in Westmount Mrs. J. Sutter is enjoying :y United Church on' Friday fine holiday in Swi*Ierlanej.. e-evening. As first registered with particular menuon of at Brown Owl of the 4th Brown- magnificent views, fine skiing, n-ies, Mrs. Werry was the reci- pleasang renewa]s of friendship t-pient of a beautiful bouquet o! and visiting wvith relatives. id o 'e in ister. The Lenten series ww S concluded with meditation or the l5th verse of Luke, Chap ter 22, IIWith desire I hav( desired to eat this Passovei with you."1 A special Good Friday Ser. vice is to be held jointly by Columbus and Kedron congre. gations in Columbus Church ai 8 p.m. with the session rnem- bers and thp two choirs assist. ing. The film "Jutigment and , Crucifixion" will be shown tc \~conclude the service. The quarterly meeting of the Columbus- Kedron Officia] Boards was helti last week in Kedron Lower Hall. Mr. Wil- liamn Pogson and Haroldi Pas- coe of Oshawa, showed fine pic- .........tures, anti were welcorne guests. - IKedron ladies serveti refresb- The C. K. Doubles Club met on Friday for an evening of bowling in Oshawa, and a so. cbial11hour in Ketiron Hall. Mr. andi Mrs. Grant Glover, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hitchens were the committee in charge of the programme. A slight sbortag<e of baby sitters was overcone th eri a fine attendance. TeDoubles Club are looking fforward to a return visit to Queensway United Church dur- '~ ~.,ing the Easter holiday week, for which plans are well under ~ ~Â The Cornrunity Club invite Ruby CQx, Secretary. Second everyone to attend a social rothy Nicholas, Marshal; Mrs. evening on May 4, Saturday, I\dah; Mrs. Mabel Greenhamn, vhen the former church buildi- actess Bak rw:Mr.Dvd ing will be useti for recreatior ictess £Jc~.row r. avi for the first timre, by this Com. artha; Mrs. Vera Allun, Electa; munity group. Ferguson, Chaplain; Mrs. Meta Several visitors attended ser- fromn the picture is Mrs. Eva vices at Kedron on Sunday. -Photo by Rehder Among these was Miss Ma,-- garet Pellow of Oshawa. Mrs. Roy Tbornpson, Osh. kwa; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gra- Here Next Week arn, Brooklin, were Sunday guestS Of Mr. anti rs Bryce Reeves, following the reception t ~ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mitchell, SPort Credit, attended the con- firmation of Miss Gail Hitchens and Norris and were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bcn Quite a few Ketiron couplesi enjoyeti the Night of Cards sponsored by Oshawa Scouts - on Tuesday evening. Ron Werry, Ontario County Jr. Farmer Director, was among luncheon guests at the Kiwanis dinner meeting, Hotel Genosha, last week. Mr. and MrC. J. K. Glover, and Mr. Gordon Pengelly, To. * ronto, were recent visitors in the J. Glover home. The Ontario County Jr. Far- mers Girls' Trio, Misses Jean- ine Werry, Jeanette Dobsuni and Jeanne Pearson provitiet special music for the morning service in St. Enoch's United Mrs. Sadye Bruce Church, Toronto, on SundaRy, Elizabeth Artien's personal re- and were dinner guests of Mr. presentative who will be con- and Mrs. Angus Hill, Toronto. ducting the demonstration of the The girls also enjoyeti the Per-j Eastern Star Demonstration and ry Como Benefit Show for Crip- Tea at the Lions Centre, Wed- pel Chîldren in Maple Leaf nestiay, April 24th. Mrs. Bruce Gardens. will also be in consultation at On Sunday evening both the at Jury and Lovell's Drug Store Trio -and the County mixed all day Thursday, April 25th to quartette were featured talent give advice on care of the skin, assisting at the Suntiay mnusic make-up anti home treatments.' concert, in Uxbridge Music For appointmnents with Mrs. Hall. The trio were supper Bruce Phone MA 3-5778. guests ait the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Pearson, Uxbridge. m . Mr. Victor Mitchell, Toron to, ZION (Hope Township) visited bis mother, and te relatives at the home of Mr. Mr. anti Mrs. Peter !Çessler, and Mrs. B. Hitchens. Mr. Fred and Hiltia'Raby speî:t Mr. anti Mrs. E. MountjoyI Thursday in Brooklin. have been visitors of the lat- Mrs. R. Gerow spent Satur.. ter's brother, Arthur Lang-. day evening in Osbawa. maid, who is critically ill in Thursday afternoon April 13, Oshawa General Hospital at the Woman's Association will time of writing. Our kindest meet at the home of Mrs. Del. wishces. Whitney. Mr. C. Knowles anti Lorraine, 'Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. George Frances Tufford and fami ly, Knowles, Wbitby, were Sunday formerly of Brampton, wljisupper guests of Mr. and Mrs. have taken up residence in thisj Wm. Snowden. community. Mr. anti Mrs. Allan Werry Sympathy of her many land Sandra, Enniskillen, visit I W4 owill accord you expert aclvice on Care of the Skin, new Color Harmony Make-Up, and th~e famous Elizabeth Arden Home Treatments. EN OUR STORE THURSDAY, APR IL 251h PHONE MA 3-5778 FOR APPOINTMENT JURY and LOYELL DEMONSTRA TION~ and TEA will be held at the LIONS COMNNTY CENTRE at 8 p.m. j ý Wednesday, April 24&h Sponsored by the DURHAM CHAPTEIR ORDER 0F THE EASTERN STAR Jury and Love!! MA 3-5778 Bowmanville VII lý iidy. With 14 young people, kneel SPOT PRIZES COKES DOUGHNUTS Mr. and Mrs. Perey Van ing in pairs at the altar, as tht dyr Camp were Sunday guests of were received into full mern I Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Werry ai-d bership of the United ChurchOCV1 uioimA msin$.0prcul Roy. a most impressive service was - Tickets available from any committee member conducted by Rev. R. H. Rick _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ard on Sunday afternoori. ~~AIA Beautiful flowers were placed _______________________________________________ Evenin W .A. before the chancel by Mrs. C. Hopkins, Mrs. Reeves Sr., Ms Hias Suc e su sociation. Contributing greatiYK y ' p r s" in warship were the organ pre- lude by Mrs. R. î. Lee, a voclJ Daffodil Tea number by the maie quartett-28 Smc e S re t N Jack Francis, Murray Mount- 8 Sm o te t N A very successful daffodil joy, William and Ronald Wer À tea and bazaar was held Satur- rv, "I Want My Life to TellI~ A day afternoon, April 13, by the forý Jesus", and a number b' SH W Ontario St. group of St. Paul's the choir, "Breathe Thou O nr ~A fEvening W.A. The lecture Me". The Sacrament of bap- froom was gay in the spring tism was performed for th' We carry a complete line of 1u-The large serving table was Dyck, who transferred thir .IIT centred with a basket of daffo- mnembership to Kedron Church. COÈ4TS - JHJ and duls, flanked by yellow candies, Their three daughters, Lois and daffodils centred the tea Elaine, Susan Catharine, and tables. Bonnie Jean, and two sons, 1 SPORTS W EAR Mrs. Francis Thompson was 1 Kenneth James and Jack AI convenor of the tea, assisted vin, received rites of baptism. by Mrs. Jim Thompson, Mrs. Folloiving the spoken vows Rus. Hailman, Mrs. Lyn Eld- taken by the girls and boys in ridge, r. T. C. oolner and th ebrhpcas al 4 w~ays to buy Those pouring tea were Mrs.1 the book "The New Life" Lv Harold Turner, Mrs. H. G.1 Rev. A. D. Cowan, and later i] LAY AVVAY Shaw, Mrs. Bruce Lunney and 1 the service each partook of his* Mrs. Norman Mitchell. first Communion. SessioniNo D w Thebazar as onvncimembers Walter Davis, Ros by Mrs. Victor Jeffery and h.r Lee, Everett Mouintjoy an~d.rJD~ assistant ,v'as Mrs. Robt. Evans. Clarence Werry assisted in thi CHARGEen Other groups of the Evening sacraments. a m n W.A. held a bake sale and dlid An attendance of 112 was re- B D E a brisk business. Group leaders corded in Sunday School, w; th in charge of the home bake ta- Miss G_'ail Hitchens as pianist Iaymnh opy espcaiei ag ie bIe were Mrs. Fred Smith, A splendid Palm Sunday film aymnhropa.Wrpcaie nlreszs Mrs. Jim Colville, Mrs. Roii was enjoyed by the scbolars Hetherington and Mrs. George before classes, with Brian Lee, Graham. and Keith Tregunna as projec- irdy -Oe fl "lc The W.A. is verv grateful ta tionist3ý ant iNMrs. Wm. Werry as:Fia pnli 'lc a!l thoze \ -oparlicipated onarratûr..0 îr irdin ý_riy wa% to mnake Nlcxt'Sundav? Easter services HOP AT KAYE'S AND SAVE Lbeir Daffod il Tea a success. wil be conducteti by the mnin- :i . ;i ;- ; :; - -; O e maa Ebenezer WMS Meeting Hears Address on India SMOKED, READY TO SERVE COOKED HAMS SHANK PORTION No Centre Slices Removod BUTT PORTION lb 52C lb 62C GRADE 'A' OVEN-READY TU RKEYS EASTER STORE HOUS THURSDAY Open 8:30 to 9 p.mi. SATURDAY Open 8:30 to 6 p.m. ')pen Ail Day Monday lb 49c The Gef-Togeiher Club presents THIE l4th ANNIVERSARY BALL Semi-formal SATURDAY., APRIL 27- 8:30 - 11:30 p.m. Featuring The Add 4 s wifh ihe Ellis McLinfock Orchestra Note: On presentation of your ticket at Lewington Florists (Oshawa) Prio.s Effective IJnti Saturday, April 80h, u é M a k t FI!GAT ATIANT#C APACwic IYA coMPANYLT. ~g;4kt7pt ,4 Yom tO ~ù~4ye THE CANADIAN qlMAfrreuaP3 Plk""Ali5rà% 7 MRS- SADYE BRLICE Tickets - 50e Door Prizes

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