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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1957, p. 2

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~.. --- ~ - v - N -............,.. - --------- ~ .~.*Z 4. -à ArfAN ?Arq3ýYÀA ',13%JlOX V4 & V Àj'tTfl i Toronto Children Lack Proper Diet Resuits of a survey of Grade fruit or juice which supplies 8 pupils in the Toronto area un- the essential Vitamin C. Vta- dertaken by the Toron ~ Nutri-. min A is obtained from greeýn- tion Committee are tabulated leafed or yellow vegetables. Tho in an article iby E. W. McHen- oniy vegetable eaten by 14 per ry, Ph.D., Professor of Nutri- cent of the puplls is potatoes. tion, School of Hygiene, of the Green or yeilow vegetables are University of Toronto, appear- not used by 43 per cent. Two- ing in the current Issue of thirds of the pupils eat amali- HIealth Magazine, officiai publi- er amounts of the vegetables cation of the Heaith League of than recommended. Canada. Many pupils have good break- Returns indicate «that close fasts, but there is g iack of attention is not being paid by whole wheat cereal. Only 29 per parents to the recommendations cent of the pupils have extra of Canada's Food Rules, whuch fish oil or concentrated prepa- gives the basic nutrition re- rations supplying Vitamin D. quiremnents. The study shows Meat, high In necessary vit- that 55 per cent of the children amins and minerais, is eaten in Grade 8 do not receive the in adequate amounts by aimoist recommended Il1 pints of miik Iail (96 per cent) of the pupils. per day. Thirty-one per cent of It is vorth noting that meat is the pupils do not receive citrus an expensive item, and yet is; consumed In large amounts. Sweet foods were consumed at least three tirnes a day by S30 percent of the children . Lack of a proper diet does not seem Ï. ta be caused by low incomes. The survey -points out that whiie the children had thcir hunger satisf ied, the unsatisfac- 4tory side of the picture was theE prevaience of poor use of the There are two types of furnace healthful foods. "The respon- oil delivery-ordinary-and sible factor must be a combin- ,ýbe//Eurnace Oit Delivery.Wi(th ation of îZ~difference and ignor- 'ihe1l, yoti en;oy the hottest, ance. The' conclusion is inevit- clcanlest burning rurnace O~i- able that the parents of a con- mcited into yotir îank-you gel siderabie number of Toronto cvery drop you pay for! children are not well acquaint- And you ger our dependable ed wlth modern informaticn Keep Filled Service-ail winter about how to feed childrcn long. properly," says Prof. Mdllenry. Order your Sheil Fumnace 0,1 "To a considerable extent, ltdaV. the food intakes of children re- flects the food habits of aduits with whomn they are familiar. S chool children a-e in the pro- L? p o wil not only last them forth BOIVMANVIL rest of their lives, but which Phone MA 3-3259 or 3-3151 will become more rigid withi the passin .g years. - - M__- If it were possible ta con- FORI!IIm.P mut Town of Bowmanville PROCLAMATION DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME starts Sunday, April 28th ai 2 a.m. Whereas the Council of the Town of Bowinanviiie has passed a resolution setting the date for Daylight Saving Time, 1 therefore request ail citizens to observe the same. To carry out the request of the town council it will be necessary to advance al docks and ivatches ene heur at 2 a.ni., Sunday, April 28th, 1957. The return te Eastern Standard Time wiIl be on Sunday, October 27th. Nelson E. Osborne, Mayor, Town of Bowxnanviile. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN The ideai paint for the Do-It-Yourself man. Contes in nmany colours in fiat, semi-gloss, gloss and outside finishes. Popular iwall and woodwork finishe Easy to appiy - No paint odou Dries in 20 minutes es.1 incltiding hy~ IA 3-5431 New Executive Women's Canadian Club: At the annual meeting of the Women's Canadian Pianist; Mrs. A. G. Scott, Mrs.. Goddard, executive Club held on April 15 in St. John's Parish Hall, the members; Mrs. M. Roenigk, Treasurer; Mrs. N. Osborn el executive for the 1957-58 season was elected. They are Miss Mary Jewell, executive members; Mrs. Lornèe Allun, pictured above, front row, left to right: Mrs. C. A. Wight, Corr. Sec.; Mrs. 1. Munday, Assistant Corr. Sec.* Absent Past Pres.; Mrs. K. Werry, lst Vice-Pres.; Mrs. E. G. With- from the picture are Mrs. C. Ives and Mrs. W. Reynolds erspoon, President; Mrs. N. Mitchell, 2nd Vice-Pres.; Mrs. who are executive inembers. W. Teeple, Recording Sec. Back row: Mrs. C. H. Dudley, -Photo by R. Carruthers, Bowmanville Florida Shuffleboard Champior The Editor of The Statesman who has been recup. erating in Florida since February has sent us the above snapshot which will be of interest to many of our readers. It shows two well known Durham County citizens whc have been enjoying the winter months in the Sunshline State. On the lef t, Elmer Nesbitt, genial and jovial septu. agenarian retired farmer and prominent Oran-geman of Nestleton, is admiring the handsome trophy his fellow native of Cartwright, Stanley H. Malcolm, formerly of Bowmanville, won in a Shuffleboard Tournament last month. In an elimination tournament in which over 100 teams competed from ail over Florida, played at Orlando, Mr. Malcolm and his partner won second place in the finals. Mr. Malcolm last year in the Florida Parks State Tournament topped the list of contestants at Shuffleboard. This is the sixth season he has spent in this haven of recreation and sunshine. The Statesman joins with his many f riends back home in Durham in extending con- gratulations to Mr. Malcolm, in bringing these international honors to his native county. vince them that it is more in- teresting and more healthful to o at a variety of foods thcey would be iess of a problern if and when they become hiospital patients. Indeed, more health- fui food habits might prevent them from becoming patients," concludes thîe article. Scout Mothers Honor Leader 'The April meeting of the Scout Mothers' Auxiliary xvas held at the Lions Centre. 0ar s pecial speaker was Miss Jane Hodgkinson, Cub Mistre3s of 4th Pack Cubs, accompanied hy LIMastcr Terry Devitt in full CuYb Juniform. The speaker expiained th" Jc omplete uniform also ail achievement badges that couldà ~bc earned by Cubs and Scouts. Lunch xvas served and Mrs. Carl! Devitt presented Miss Hodg-kin- son wvith a cup and saucer with Scout Ci-est in hionour of he- forthcoming marriage. Our next meeting iviii take thue form off a dessert lunchecon follvd 'by a card gamne. Inter- ested miothcrs please contact IMi's. Devitt this week if you hiave not aiready done so. 1Local Docto r JSpeaker at Maple Grove The April meeting of Mapie Grove Home and Schooi Asso- ciation xvas held in the new xvest sehool on April Io0. The meeting opened in regu- lar fonm and the business por- tion xvas presided over by the president, Mrs. W. 0'Neil. The speaker, Dr. A. B . Sylves - ter from Bowinanviiie, gav-e a Ivery interesting and helpftulj talk on Common Diseases cf ch ildren. jMr. Read in charge cf tne Oshawa Branch cf the St. John's Ambulance Corps, spoke Jbiefly and presented ce mifi- cates te those xvho compieted last fall's course of instruction 1 successfuliy, Janice Beech, Nel- lie Raaphorst Mesdames 0'Neil.1 Sn oxvdeni. Caverly. UWiggaris, 1Down. Jackson, Step)hensoi;î and Mr. H. Rowan. Mr. Roxvan, principal, gave z short talk on probiems facin-, children entering high schooi and on satety. Helen Panas ex- plained the safety ules te be followed. 'Miss Craig's room %\-on tF.î' Parents' Count. 'Miss Craig and M'%iss Pollock. teachers a! thie svhnl1ol hiu "rka îatv . dieplaà,ec in thciLr cla4sroorn. Tyrone W. A. Donates to S.S. Fund The Woman's Association met ini the Sunday Sehool rooin on Wednesday evening, April 10, with 29 present. The evening- group was in charge with vice- president Mrs. A. Hamilton con- ducting the business and opeii- ing with a poem, "A Bethle- hem Man Sees the Crucifixion." Minutes were read by Mrs. P. H. Werry and Mrs. J. C. Cook gave the Treasurer's report, each group gave its report, a card of thanks was read. $100 was voted to give to Treasurer Leon Moore for Sunday Schooi room. Leader Mrs. Aima Yellotv- lees took chargce. Piano solos xvere played by Lynne Stain- ton and Gwen Glaspell. Mrs. P. [H. Weýrry and Mrs. F. Jackson h ad 2har2e of worship service.j Mrs. . Jackson showed slideî and told the Easter story. A humorous skit, "Putting Spice Into Yousekeeping," by ni-le ladies caused much laughter. An Easter lily was to be order-t ed for church. A social hait hour wvas spent along with a delicous lunch. In trodL Ce PREN ICE One Gallon Bfali Gallon Quart Rails Carton of 6 Sri n ENFIELD Mm. W. J. Ormiston celebral- cd bier 871li birthday but duc te iii bealth the gathering was smaller than ini fo-mer yeams. Those wbo vere present were: Mn. and Mrs. James Ormiston, Brooklin; Mn. and Mrs. Georgce Bray, Raglan, and Mrs. Jame2s Stark, Columbus. Mrs. Ormisi- ton received a greal many cards and gifts wbich inciuded f low- fers from the neighbors. Cailers from a distance were, Mr. Carl Avery, Raglan; Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hcbbs, Enniskilien; Mr, iEdwin Ormiston, Ebene!zer. The jneighbcrs were falîtul in of.- Ffering their congratulations. We hope Mrs. Ormislon's health improves with the warmen wea- then and Ibat she shal again, be able te be eut ai-n, ber much loved flowers. The W.A. met in the scheoi Tuesday evening wvith a good attendance. Mns. Rod Simpson nead the devotional. The fol- lowing ladies 'provided the pro- gram: piano solos by Mrs. Geo. -Bowers; a paper on Easten by eMrs. Wilfrid Bowman, a nead- ing by Mrs. George Inxvin, and a vocal solo by Mrs. Bob Parr. The South greup senved lunch. j The Pathfinders met aI the home cf Glenn Preseott with 14 present. The devotional was in charge of a grcup consisting cf Ross Kossitzc, Leslie Knowl- fton, Ken Cochrane, Louise Hart- Sman, Ruth Wilson and Anne iStinson. The members decided te purchase new hymnanies for the cbunch and te have an evening cf films in the church early in May. The pnogrami con- 1 sisted of accondion selectionsi by Donald Lee and a chorus byj a few cf the membens followedj by games and contests. Mr. Donald Prescott and Mrs. Ed- gar Prescotî senved lunch as- sisted by the committîc. j ZION W.A. meeting was held iin the2 Sunday Seheol. The president, Mns. Gerry GlaspelI, opened the meeting with "Thoughts cf £aster." Mrs. Nelson Fiee, Mrs. Hermian Haass, Mns. Arthur Dant took the worship service xvitb Mns. Charles Naylor aI the piano for the bymns. There wene 20 members, ene visitr and three children present. The ladies were asked te don- 1 a-te pies and sandwiches for tic. C.G.I.T. and Explorer girls bo seli at Mrs. Alex McMastet"s1 Sale on Apnil 13. Decided te gel material and have soniec smalier banquet tables macteN before the mother and daucth- ter banquet. For program IýrsE Charles Naylor gave a piano I sole and the group, Mrs. Char-f les Naylom, Mrs. Herman Haass d Mrs. Nelson Fiee, Mns. Arthurnt DarI put on a panel discussion E on "Social Dninking". DelicieusE retneshments were served and il Mrs. Tom Sobil thanked the group. The May gnoup is Mrs. F. B. Glaspeil, Mrs. August Geissberger, Sm., Mns. Gemny C Glaspeil, Mrs. Garfield Trevail.v At the Explorer meeting Mrs.B Tom Sobil nead a quiz on Eas- gý ter. Mrs. Jim Stainton, Linda di Brenî and Sharon Fisher teck e( part in tbc wonshiip service. T i-3J baby jackets for Hong( Kon. s icing. DntraI Smith UUM BRAND CREAM . . . . . . $1.49 . . . . . * . 793 ick s - - - 1.39 1 ,Bowman ville Frigid Locker System 73 KING ST. W. PHONE MA 3-5578 Legisiative Assembiy. Re was dinner guest one evening with our Durham John M. James. Many thanks Lew for your co-operatIon. The maple syrup crop this year has reached its Peak pro- duction in 40 years, and been graded by the inspector as bez - ter than average. It may b. a long time again before they can fi the quola of satisfied customers. The euchre Party in Nestie. ton Hall Friday evening played fine tables and high scorers were: Mrs. Norman Argue and Carl Wright. Consolation prizes went to Mrs. Carl Wright and Wilbur McCoy. Percy Van Camp won the prize for closest birth- day. Next one April 26. Mr. and Mrs. W. McCoy vis- ited their niece in Whitby on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wilson and' famniiy Sunday to parents in Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Mal- colm and children with Neil Malcolm for supper Monday evening. A special Good Friday churchl service wiil be held in Blaclr- stock at 7.30 p.m. and Sunday at regular hours. Meaningless J xere handed in. Started makzingi yJsp itrRteg invitations for Cie mother a-id oep he Lstr artlng daughter banquet on April 2î. ieo th ms talnc Exporrsto help the C.G.I.T. statements to corne from On-_ gil -xploreeher-s at M-SItario governmental offices, Alex McMaster's sale of farin some littie time ago, was to thc stockand iplemets. ffect that for each of the next stoc andimplment. . t wenty years, if the present tax Mr. and Mrs. I. Spracklxng b asis were retained, therewol EDasv he 'i tM sied NoMe nbe a deficit Of $l07,000,00d Davs t Ms.Ale MMaster-'s. This staggering Item did not Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Staînin ixîlude any charges for Premier and Laurel, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- Frost's hospital insurance pro- seil Stainton visited at Roy posal-that is estimated tô add Thomas', Scarborough. another $300,000,00o outgo ait- atMr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron nuaily nor, we suspect, did it atRobert Cameron's, Long include various grandiose plans Sault. for super-highways. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Skin- Noxv, however, these later ncr and famnily, Mr. ai-d M'.sehemes male be surrounded Douglas Johnson, Oshawa, àt with arguments ciaiming thoir Ji.Stamtlon's. urgent necessity and expiana- Jim tions that ultimately they wîi] Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perk- -be self-supportirig. But the ou,- ins and Margaret attended the look is sti il sobering. It is sober- Golden Wedding celebration o: ing because a great province_- Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Boulil. and its przctices are flot sharp- vant, Oshawa. ]y different from those cf oth,2r Mr. and Mrs. George Hi!ts. provinces-with pockets mor-e Oshawa, visited at Mrs. Aler than empty is biithely promot- MeMasters after returning froîn in.- vast new plans that wil their trip to Florida. niake present deficits seein to Mrs. Wes Cameron and M-- aal to justify considerationt. Harold Bennett visited Mrs, It is a littie bard te undc-r- Bennett, Sr., Bowt'nanville. ______________ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas, Scarborough, at Russell Stait- torils for the weekend. Miss Laurel Stainton spent the wveekend with hier grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Ste- phen, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Killen and Donnie, Oshawa, at Wes Cameron',,. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Staintoln, Mr. and Mrs. Kextli Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas attended a party at Douglas Skinner's, Osha.-a, Saturday night. Mrs. R. C. Stainton enter- tained ber knitting club on i Monday evening. Mrs. Alex McMaster hisd a good attendance at her sale off farni stock and implements on Saturday and things soid well. .. Mr. and Mrs. James Moorez and family, Scarborough, at ýt Keith Stainton's. ... Some of the felIiws have been fishing for smelt and me- turned home with a good catch. The meeting et the Nestieton \V.A. was held Thursday atter- noon in the basement cf the United Church wilh. 16 present and president in the chair. Mrs Gwen Malcolm took the devo- tional exercises and Mrs. E. Mairs the prayer. Mrs. W. Vil-e read tromn the study book about Chinese churches. Several bis wene paid one for $33.20 for choir gowns and coliars oil motion cf Gwen Malcolm and Mrs. Mackie. Plans were made I for pot luck supper on Thurs - I iay, April 19 toiiowed by pic-1 turcs cf Jamaica by the Rev.1 Romeril. Mrs. Mairs and Ms Emerson gave enjoyable read- ngs and a tasty lunch by Mrs., \Iarlow's group broughî meet- ing to a satistactory conclusion. The annuai meeting cf thec Cartwright Progressive Conser- vative Association was held in Blackstock. Dr. P. Vivian, Pro- gressive Conservative candi- aIe, was present and witness- d the change in officiaIs. Mr. ohn Nesbitt, vice-president, tepdUp te president's chair nd Mr. Herb Swain retined "rom sanie. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emier- ;on celebnated their 46th -wed- ling anniversary on April 12 *--y risiting son Edgar in Don Milis. nervin Birds were at Emerson ;aurciay evening. Misses Bren- la and Denise wvere supper ýuests on Sunday evenlng. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton ýnd family aI the Malcolms. The regular meeting cf L' al 73 Cartwright Farmers'Un )n, was beld in Blackstociýz ýommunily Hall on Fridav vening with vice president in' he chair. Due te absence of' resident, Secretanv and tc miutes, a very briet business eriod resuited in request to ave the thnee candidates forý 'rthcoming federal election 1 n sanie platform some lime fore June 10. Mn. Lewis Wooi EShaw's, Bowmanville, gave! n interesting recourse cf bis i ýw days in Ot1tawa as tarin nion representalive Io the Leeîings with the membens cf VOU CAN DEPEND ON %l'eu kidLe>- a tal fo remove eîceiA acida .nd waates, bock- I II ,cee. ired reelint, isturbed est oit.,, idney Pi la nu- 1.51 ,'ore . Y u.. ;etcL on dd'ia r d. vý d; gi a0 C( th: r [PE te of an te, un Mt KI stand how some of the fine precepts of a slightiy eariier age seem to have been entirely for- gotten. It uscd to bc urged that the prosperity and strength o; New Engiand were firmnly founded on this precept qf cart', caution and economnyt 'Eat it up, wear it out, make it do, clo withlout." Years ago su,âli a s gan would have fittà--f Canadja neatly. - Figures don't frighten arry more. With the prospect of huige deficit mnilîstones about their necks, goverrnments, go their happy, care-free ivaY,~ confident that spcnding can jýd from sornewhee, la.it~~. 1spirit obiigating ithe ) tizeAi o vast future expenditures that existing souces of revenue could not possib]y nmeet. An individmal foilowing this financiai course wvould bc in a desperate plight, but as th.,. , proposais are for governmental .-pendiîng we think almost niozr;- ing of -1t. We cannot seem ta grasp that governments are flot spending their own resources, having none, and are not obli*- gating themselves but only ithe citizens they represent. It is3 the citizen who is far out OU the iimb of this reckiless spend - ing. There is always a way of escape for governmnents. The inevitable answer is to take a bit more from each of us )a taxes. That way they can spend they wish and stil i kcep t?.i balance in some sort of equili- brium by seeing- to it that nut cnough money is lett to the mn- dividual to induce in hm a similar sense of reckiessness. Ç.ome in and try these Goodwill Guaranteed USEDCARS Special This Week 1954 METEOR COACH - --$,9 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN FuiIy equipped1,9 1953 CHEVROLET COACH ~1,195 1953 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN SEDAN Fuiiy equipped 11195 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN------------ -825 1951 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN AI condition, Iow milcage 795 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN - ------- --------------------------795 1950 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN In top condition 650 1950 FORD COACH ----- ~575 1950 METEOR COACH -- 595 Many other models from which te choose, includiiîg niany good buys in 1949, 1948, and 1947 cars. THIS WEEK'S USED TRUCK SPECIALS 1953 G.M.C. 'zi-ton ------ 795~ 1952 CHEVROLET 'a-ton -----69 Many Other Bargains en Our Used Truck Lot ROBSON MOTORPI PONTIAC - Limited BUICK and VAUXIIALL CARS G.M.C. TRUCKS 166 King St. E. Two telephones to serve B vm a n ville you - MA 3-3321 or 3-3322 f 1 1 mie jp mîmffl .bF - 1 law 4W., jjwýr- r, ib - 1 1- t - 1 1 j Ri TNE CANADIAN STATESMA-4. MMTAprr% À Ir à ý-.e . ..- .-- 7 Il Norfh Nestlefon

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