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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1957, p. 7

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UHUSDYAPiLlSh. 15 JWI <AMflT?4e'ATAMM Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. James spent the weekend in Alliston. Mrs. James A. Turner, Carle- ton Place, is visiting her son, Rev. Harold Turner and Mrs. ~fr~aph Aes ad Mrs. D. '~1.1~amerOshwaspent the weeknd n BlleIlle with friends. Turn ON! Furnituro mb oCash with STATESI'AN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 A real live snow-white bunny in Lloyd Ells' window has been causing a good many on King Street to stop and stare in this pre-Easter week. Trout season wMllOfficiallY open on Wednesday, May Ist, Ken Tolmie, Conservation 0f- ficer for the Department of Lands and Forests, informed the Statesman yesterday. Mrs. Florence Steeves, Toron- to, spent Sunday with her sister. Miss Ruby Aldworth at the home of Mr. J. Bird. Mrs. Paul Welliver, Wiliams- port. Pa., has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Reyn- olds and son David will return with her to Wifliamsport for Easter. Mr. AI. T. Fletcher, of the ~Trinîty United Church m inister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. SIl A.M. - "The Victory" 7 7P.M. - "The Living Presence" SOrganist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. Good Friday Service' Sponsored by the Bowmanvillp Ministerial Association TRINITY UNITED CHURCH April l9th ai il a.m. S"The Passion According fo Si. Luke" by J. S. Bach Presented by the High School Choir under the direction of Mr. D. C. Peters accompanied by the Oshawa String Quartette. Soloists - Robt. Henry and T. W. Shepherd ALL ARE WELCOME St. John's Church (Anglican) HOLY WEEK SERVICES.* Wednesday 7:30 p.u.-Lenfen Nedifafion Thursday '7:30 p.m.-HoIy Communion Good Friday 12 nooaIob 3 p.m. Three Hour Liturgical Service EASTER DAY 8 and il - HoIy Communion 3 - Easter Service for Children 7 - Evensong St. Pouls United Church Minister - Rev. Harold Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. 9:50 A.M.- 11:00 A.M.- "Chrisi's Triumph and Ours" Jr. and Sr. Choirs wilI sing Unveiling and Dedication of Memorial Window ~ ~ Presented by Mrs. H. G. Shaw *44nremory of the Richard Hughes Faniily.' Pre-School Children cared for during service. 7:00 P.M. The Easter Theme Continued Corne and Worshlp. Ready to Serve ..-e t Three of the charming and neatly dressed waitresses a staff of between 60 and 70 during the busy summer ato il the eturJing qre efficient service to patrons months to assist in the restaurant, dining-room, kitchen at te Vetur InnareChristine DenHertog, Barbara1 and motel section of the Inn. The majority of the staff Bathgate and Margaret Goheen, ail of Bowmanville. Dave j are local resîdents. Winters, proprietor of the Venture Inn," expeets to entploy Rosery Nursery, Queen St., w3s guest speaker last week at the April meeting of the Whitby Garden Club when he gave an illustrated talk on the culture of different varieties of roses. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer of Kendal who have been spending the winter in Florida write: "Having The Statesman as a link fromn home bas made our vacation here much pleasanter and we thank you for sending it along. We expect to leave these pleasant surroundîngs at Largo early in April so in future send our paper to Kendal." Some 25 members of the Jer- usalemn Lodge A.F. & A.M., No. 31, G.R.C., Bowmanville, were guests of Temple Lodge, No. 649, Oshawa, Tuesday evening. Wor. Bro. R. L. Evans, Wor. Master of the local lodge init- iated a new member of the Oshawa Lodge at the meeting. The group enjoyed a delightful film entitled "Vacation in the North Country."> Petty Officer Ronald N. Cole of Victoria, B.C., stopped off'to spend the weekend with his fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Edmon- stone, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allia and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jackman, enroute to Victoria after taking a six weeks' iastructor's course at Cornwallis, N.S. He will join bhis wife Marion and childrea David, Marlene, Donald and Gerald in Victoria. Editor and Mrs. Geo. W. James returned home last Wed- nesday by plane after spending seven weeks recuperatiag in the Sunshine State of Florida, They reported it required re- verting back to wiater clothing with the temperature 80 degrees when they left Tampa, and four hours later on arriving at Malton Airport it registered 40 degrees., So there aâre disad- vantages travelling at 350 milcs an hour. An item hln the Dim and Distant columin recently regard. ing the sale of his residence by Mr. G. G. Mann to W. H. \Vil- liams and a query as to the location of this bouse brought forth aaswers fromn Miss May Borland and Mrs. J. W. Jeweil. Both gave the information that the house referred f0 vas the Milton Elliott house on Con- cession St. East, now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hendry. Mr. Williams sold fo Mr. Milton Elliott's father, and at this tirnre bougbt the Sisson' house on Liberty St. North, Miss Borland says. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Smith, Mary St., Oshawa, returaed home Monday, April 8th from Florida where they had a very enjoyable two months vacation in Tampa and other places. They were seen off at the airport at Tampa by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Athol Street East, Oshawa, who had shared accommodation with them, also Mrs. Carmen Gudath in whose home thcy stayed, and Mr. aad Mrs. Mary- in Nesbitt aad Elmer Nesbîtt and Mr. Stanley Malcolm of Nestleton: Mr. aad Mrs. Geo. W. James, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Fallis, Cadmus, and a friend, Mrs. Glass of Ken- tucky. At Malton they were met by their famîly. Rotary Holds Dist. Assembly For Officers The final duty of District Gov- ernor Walter DeGeer's terrm of office is a District Assembly for incoming presidents and sec- retaries of the 41 clubs in his district. This one-day school was held Tuesday at the Seaway Hotel in Toronto. Besides being chairman for the day's proceedings, Mr. De- Geer gave an inspirational ad- dress, "Mr. President - this is your year" and in the afternoon conducted a discussion, "The President's Workshop". In attendance from the Bow- manville club were incoming President Dr. Keith Siemon and Postmaster George Vice who was re-elected secretary for another term of office. Mr. Vice con- tributed to the Assembly with an informative address on Rotary literature. N ight of Cards By Tartan Club A very successful "Night of Cards" was held Tuesday, April 9 at the Legion Hall. After an enjoyable eveniag of cards, lunch was served by the ladies of the Tartan Club. Prizes were won as follows: eucbre-ladies: Mrs. P. Densham, Ruby Lane, Millie Bates, Ella DesJardine: low, Mrs. R. Tennier; gents- Tom Demille, Mrs. Gordon Scott, P. Denshain, F. L. Byam; low, T. Gould. Prizes for Canasta, 500, Bridge were won by: Bonnie Stocker, AI Fletcher, I. McNau4htorý, Mrs. G. Martyn, Mrs. Stella Crossey, Audrey Fletcher. Door prizcs: Mrs. George King, Mrs. Dcnby. Other prize winaers were: Mrs. Lee, Fred Heldyar. Mrs. Regan, Mary Smiith, A. Dens- ham, Florence Kilpatrick, F. L. Byarn, Mrs. C.. Trewin, Dorc Mutton. Many thanks f0 the local merchants wbo donated these prizes. Proceeds of even- ing were for Legion Pipe Bond. Chamber D irectors (Continued f rom page one) Merchants Association of Can- ada, wben they attend the an- nual Ontario Chamber of Co-- merce meeting in the near future. Various surveys among re- tailers and consumers across Ontario indicate that the major- ity support uniforma business hours for stores. If a majority support the idea, the Merchants Association will request the Provincial Goverament to en- act legislation imposing uniformn business bours for stores. New Members Mr. Morris reported that Most of the 1956 members of the C. of C. have renewed their mem- bership and il new members have joined. Fraise Welcome Wagon The Chamber has received numerous compliments from the new residents about Business and Professional Women's Wel- corne Wagon. Many have told mnerchants how pleased thcy were with the gifts they receiv- ed. Presently there are 17 mrchants connected with the program and each give new residents some form of a gift. J. & J. Dinner Success The C. of C. sponsored dinner to welcome Johnson & Johnson to Bowmanville was highly succes.cful. Many letters ex- pressing thanks have been re- ceived from the guests. The C. of C. were gratified to learn that the dinner drew wide- spreadi interest among Indust- COMPETITIVE P~rialCes.U ÉSNA EVC Io'R G T IE cSoca/l &£/-ersonal Phone MA 3-3303 dian affairs. 1, 1956, totalled 15,818,000. ___ liber.mls Nomincite <Continued fromn page one) assured the audience that Mr James is a valuable member. Bob Kent, president of the Durham Liberal Association and chairman of the meeting foit that the Liberals are better organîzed in Durham than in the two previous elections and with the bigger organization and more workers should sweep the county. TIribute To Llberalism A special guest speaker at the meeting was Dr. Claude Vipond, Liberal candidate fur Ontario county, who paid tri- bute to the hard working, de- voted and forward looking Lib- erals who are directing Cana- EA STER SPECIAL LADIES' SAMPLE HATS only $4.95 SUBTEEN HATS REDUCED MILADY SHOPPE 71 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE iSPECIAL VALUES AND) REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK FOR EASTER1 pocket editions of your favorite fashion fragrance$ Faberge's bonnie litle set Qf, purse colognes in ,a gold-<and.white gift box. 3.73 the set of four famçQis Fobergé $cent$ Easter Cards 5c 10lc - 15c Sons and Daughters Are' Honoured by Rotarians Bowmaaville Rotarians feted their offspring at the club's an- nual Father, Son and Daughter Night held Tuesday eveniag mn the Lions Community Centre and arranged by the Youth Ser- vice Committee which is chai- ed by AI Witherspoon. Most of the members brought along their own children but a few of the older members were privîleged to have their grand- children and others had the next door neighbour's boy oir girl for this happy annual even t. In proposing a toast to the younger generation Lou Dip- pell verbally drew a comic-al but in many ways a true pic- ture of Rotarians as they werei in their, younger days and as .they are now. Rotarian Lou also gave sound advice to the children as h2 pointed ou&' hat YOU& can't &et something for nothing and any- thing worth having is worth working for. Ten-year-old Steven With- erspoon ably replied t0 the toast. The entertaiament bill of the program xvas capably filled by Jack Bateman, a talented a-id mystifying magician, who was an instant hit with youag and old alike. He was capably and wihlin gly assisted in bis tricks of magic by Geoffrey James and Jimmy Hoffmaa, grandsons of George James. Following the satisfying din- ner includiag favors of Easter chocolàte eggs and bunnies for each guest catered by the Bal- mnoral Hotel, Dave Morrison and Bill Brown led the Rotarians and guests in a sing-song. The only Rotary birthday xvas that of District Governor W alter LDeGee£. I.D.A. Moih Killer Effective - lasting, safe pro- tection for ahl fabrics. 59csfo iSaster WAX PAPER fleavy quality 12" x 100 ft. roll: Regular 31b 1 28e - 2 for 55C I.D.A. AROMATiO CASCARA A pleasant, 1 gentie tonte and laxative 3oz. reg. 35e 290 6oz. reg. 65c 49@ I.DA. SPOT REMO VER 4 4 oz. reg. 40e 330 10 oz. reg. 75c 59C Save 49e on Listerine AlNTIZYIIfE Tooth Paste SHOP AT YOUR DRUG STORE The dependable place to buy ail your medicines and health and beauty needs. EASTER GIFTS ISweet and Lovely.' *Dental Cream * 59e tube 2 for ----___89e Here are Just a few of many available at your I.D.A. Drug Store. FOR HER. Compacts 1.50 - 2.50 - 3.25 DeVilbiss Perfume Atomizers 1.00 - 2.25 - 4.00 Hair Brushes 59e to 4.00 "Friendship's Garden" by Sh 'uiton Stick Cologne 1.25 Bath Salts -- 1.65 Body Sachet - 1.50 FOR HIM Gillette Super-Speed Razors - -1.29 Shaving Brushes 1.00 to 5.00 and up OId Spice by Shulton 4 After Shave Lotion 1.35 - 2.00 Electrie Shave 1.254 flair Groom Tonie FOR BABY Brush and Comb Sets -98c 4Rubber Squeeze Toys from 49e Johnson's Baby Gift Sets 1.50, 2.50, 3.50 CONFECTIONS --b y ha.lnA Reg. 1.38 value and other well known varieties 2 - 69e tubes 89e also availabie. CAMERAS Broivnie Holiday Outfit 11.45 SKIN CREAM Brownie Hawkeye Regular 65o Outfit 16.75 Aise other cameras 2 for 99o at various prires 3 for _____66C Save 29C on IPANA Tooth Faste 2 giant 89e tubes 1.18 value BAYER ASPIRIN Special! Buy 100 Aspirin and get a sample of eight flavored Children's 4Aspirin 4Both for - 79e 4 Save 9c on 4 Johnson's BABY 4 POWDER Two reg. 39e tins 78e value 2 for 690 BRYLCREEM 4Special Offer! 4With the pur- ehase of each 69e tube you get a iHigh Quaiity Comb abqolutely i Free! £nt4e'ric Delight ber feminine heart with an impressive array of LENTHÉRIC toiletries, Iavish- ly presented in a gift-box of festive d.esign. Gift set illustrated above contains Tweed Bouquet and Talcum-also available in Miracle fragrance, priced at $2.50. Easier Novelties Bunnies, Chieks, Eggs, Etc. 15c - 25c - 50c and up NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES $1.00 - $1.25 to $3.00 BLACK MAGIC, CHOCOLATES 85e - 1.60 - 3.25 Page fi Shaw CHOCOLATES Miniatures $ 1.7.5 -3.5 Other Assortmente PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregorl, lWe Del iver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 H e believed that the Lberals will win the next electIon on three separate counts, nameiy, the prosperity now being en- joyed by Canadians, forward strides in the field of social sa- curity' and the competent hand- ling of foreign affaira. "A vote for the Liberal party and John James is the best in- vestment that can be made by anyone in Durham," Dr. Vipond stated. Following the meeting lunch and coffee was served n the Orono Odd Fellows' Hall where ahl could meet Mr. Pearson, Mr. James and other distin- guished guests. A highltght of the evening was the melodious barbersliip renditions from the Country Four Quartet of Orono. Canada's population on Jan. Sunday School LI - 0 à. - .;Zï l"'. 1- - 1 9 7?ý VIMMMAT, AMM 1M 1957 TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAMM-". n%-rARrn l: A fflv 01" 1 33o tube 3-5792

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