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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1957, p. 11

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?HURSDAY, APRYL 23th. 1957 . Basebail Executive Cowa Equpmen SposorAnnounce New Sponsor Basebal Team This Year Bowmanville, April 23,15 To Star t! ~q4 aidfamiliar cry ! wili echa thraugh Masey Park Monday. May ~th, ictoria Day. as thi Bawmanvilie Intermediate base- bail team afficially open their 1957 season. Only one major change wii be naticeable to the fans. and that is the teams new namne. Instead of the Braakdaie Roses thié: year's club wili be caiied the "Bowmaiville Harvesters." The new name was agreed tipon by the club executive and ils new sponsor. Tain Cowa.i, praprietor of Cowan Equipment Ca. Players will be wearing the same white and red uni- forms, but they will have the Guaranteed Repairs to al Makes of Cai " AI] Jobs Guara " Competent Wo Cowan Equ Meteor -. 134 King St. E. Bowman ?N! CANAfTAN STATTSMNAN,. ftWUMqvyLLM. oMrrAITO utes of the ga.ne b2(n.,g zs'cp Banquet Planned '1've~ivIar eamr f r), acroa-s thie Province wvill be ipartie.pating in the taurnamnenl. Ail players will be billeted ini p.eehonmesý during thce:r L)dseou r ans: ! tay a' ' !IN.lýV0UU, WLli oet'Bill1 The Bowmanville Intermediate Basebail Club will be g-ue.;:s at à Civic Ban is pleased to announce the *Cowan Equipment q-let ý,obehleld Saturday. W o k n on ay Mr. Tom Cowan, local representative for the KENDAL name Cowan Equipment across ed a decision. Five teams xil International Harvester Co. and the Fard Motor Co., the front. On the sleeves arid be campeting in the laop. They xiisosrteta ne h aestu sw a Mr. Sam Searle retiîrned Se!- the cap wiil be International include Orono, Part ,Hope, Ca- urdav in hs home here Ifter Harvester crests. bourg,- Lindsay and Bowmnan- Wt h rodleKns t.s pe din g the e ln ter with his .Many Familiar Names ville. The team xii be kinown as "Bowmanville daughter. Ma'a. E. J. William. Most of the .1956 team will St.art to Work Harvesters". Cowan Equipment xviii appear on the son. and her husband, in Lors- be taking the field and a few Ayn ihn nkdn new acesare xpeted a be Anyoe wshin a seak front of each uniform. on the sleeves wiil be the I.H.C. dn ne ae r xetdt epreview of the Hervesters Mr's. Neva Little, who wàs seen in the lineup. The statuz: should drop by Vincent Massey ci'est.i with he'r brôther, Dr. Lang.inu of the teamn is stili in doubt.j Park next Mandey evening at Bowmanx'ille basebali fans can thank Mr. Cowan ICh;cago, s'*nce lest faIl rCturn- It is expected they will remein 1 6 p.nu. Jirn "Tîcker" Cromb;e for his part in kcteping basebail alive in Bowmenvilie. ed to Kendal with Alec at £as- Intermediate "B", but if play1 has extended a cordial weicome Teana etn fteLk hr ege tr ers are drawn fram out-ofe- toaenyone wishing ta try ou.hana meig1fte aeShr eau Eiaster guestq with Mr. and !own they wili automaticall.y for the team ta be on hand aet is being held in Port Hope this Friday night and -we Ms.Ede ouoxwrM. become an Intermediate *A the park for the first precti'e I xiii soon have news re schedule and prospects for 1957. an Mrs. ddie ooxre Mr sn. nntry. ta be hieid then. . The Club is holding a draw on a power lawn Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cour'- The team executive have A drew 'ta heip defray the miower and tickets are now available from any member aux, Mr. end Mi's. Hamer Cou been discussing the possibility team«s expenses for the seeson roux and Mr. and Mrs. Davi of bringing playçrs from 0,,h- is planned. Tickets are avail- -of the team. Butcher and Gerry, Cache Blay. awa, out as vet have nat reach- able fram players or any mnem- We are looking forward to a good season and Master David Lofthouse is ber af the club exécutive. First xviii be secing you at the baLil park around the 2O0th spending thé Easter holidays 1 prize is a power iawn mawer of May with his aunt, Mise Cethèrine' EXP R ~' andthesectaoai prize is a sen-Prsen, AH.OBRE Stewart. Mr. R. Gay hiad Sun- EXP sopa etoenancher s . Awi.OSBRNEJ y dinner with them. Mr. Gayj Spals be dandurteasen l rsien Bowmanville Baseball Club. is maving into the parsonage alsobe elddurng te saso. iand will spend the next wtonlh Manv valuable prizes wi'li be amang uis. given al thè~se dî'aws. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turansky TeWin Ont.ario Titie M n rhae aavegu ee puî'chased the store froni i Teloual lads hiave an ou, * Mr. and Mrs. Herl. Reynolds standing basebail record an and took stock on Good Fî'ida.y rs a d T uck gproidfans with sorne ,M e ti g ate C an ed 1 nd also took over thépostf- 19,51 they captured the Ontario Althoughi reguierly schiedul-1tearn pleage contact Murrey will be ieeving soon ta spend' anteed lotermedjete "A" title and twa c d for Max' 1. the next meeting jMeKnight. t9hbrhe . nd is. ast eed a. )rkmanship ; -easons ega thrv grahbed tWO1 of the Lakeshiqre iInor Base- Aux' youth xvhase 9hbr- Mr n rrHasedCa rkashpstraight fram Listowei ta wfir hall League bias been change-i day _varnes afteî' Max-I. iz eligi- haem and Mr. and M:'s. Wný. i the Ontario Intermnediate "B'" ta Anril 130. The meeting wvilli blé ta try out foi' ih> e tee. The~ Merceî, weî'e dinner guests of cl*oýIn Mos ofthepiayýeî be lueld et Newcastle anud sterts purpose of the juveoile leaguc Mi'. and Mris. Ted Coatham, iprnent Ca. crwo lVI <the m ta îluos at 8 p.m. is ta enable yoîîths too aid foi' Sund'ay evening. r'hampionships will be wearing This meeting will be tic Midgoct Besehali ta be able ta W'c-icv Calhcert bas return- lercury Dealer Harvcstet' uniformis Ihis year. dleadline foi' teanui'egistrations play. In inti-oducing the Jîiv,"u-' d hame aller' being in Menm iville Phone MA 3-568 Tom Cowxan, the sponsorais.13 and entrv tees. Tliree divisions 1 ile Leegue the Lk h:~oriel Hoý.ital, 'Bowmnaiivi!e, 69 alweys lhad a keen interest ini haxe bcen foi'med b v tî'e League have excided Midgol, this pest xveek. 'e hope Mi. local sports. He played for the leaguie foi' this .seesaon. Thex' in- !tfams fi-arnthei' raiuks.' Cathicart, Art Low and Mrs. C. ____________________Bowmenville Intermediates ~i îldý- Pec-Wee. B'untern aind Bowmanvllle's Plee W'ee and V. Cooper', who have elo 1946 and 1947. During thoc jiîvenile. Bentani Teams corne home train the hospital, years he elso, played hiockex' - Jauck Bu',tanshaw xiii ha wiii sooti be in good health for the Pepsi Colas ead Wa: J'uvenile Require Spnosor i'aaching Bowm'Ialîvilie's Pea gain. eactiv e in Town League Hoce-. Boxîiîanx i le willIhave a W~t eem this s'easaiu. The t A ' r . and Mrs. Aylwai'd Little bestin~l. ..eSponsored Softball Ier c-cliL~o Ie ji- wi !b~osiîh i u-and f.nl.Milliken, with Mii.ý i t~IIJLJv ~ahlarvesters of the Town a sponsor aiae seeking ville1.egion viii spon-o' 1 - Misses Agnes and Flor'ence J I U ,otalLeag-ue adwa !s ii'klclland,. n ct- ata opr \hc:ivhl0f Paislcx'. %isitedJ aplayer. The Haî'vesters won zens. Anyoie wishing ta aid tiiet copcbcd by George Piper', their cousin, Mis. Wm. Mer-'- teTown Leagaue Champion- crr, Mondey, and returned grWN O S sli oheet jrs H %a Tuesday xith Mr. and Mrs. \J ~ ~ ~ o \'IgDOV Seîi athaitae<~r. te wio localII St rs ta P ay Gregg and Shiî'îey who were basebali orgenizetions by Usilg a t na t fo Belleville. bOSiis equiprnent ta prepere tî-' Mrs. Kennedy bias finishécd DORS ~baseball fields et the steit of IILL IIH L o rn re tiher haïr-dresising course in To- th? eq uiedsn ndt. eerthey L t l . . . o r e t routa and is et her home hère r gBeanil'sBuei H wudbepeed e1.1.. again. Mr'. and Mrs. R. Wood- Altiouhl forced ta retire BwavlesBnanAý1 olb pyda,051.1. ward were visitiog her on Sun- lI1 from active sports due ta il Stars, Easterju Ontario Zona 1Fî'iday. dex' ______________ jness. Mr. Coxven is e stauîîch Champions, xiii be' campeting- The winner of the aboya 1Tîhe beautiful weetber ox'eri ji basebaîl fan. He sei'ved wîîh in the Little N.H.L. Ontario mentioned gemie wouild plex-inla the Eastei' weekend nud JMNMthe Canadien Nax'y during the Cbampionship Tournanuent ium the Consolation Finals at .6.001 meoy strtinl their gardeuîs oNWI DO Sned bis present business, Seturday. cansist of three 15-minute per- l ies otît for sorne of our apring EN WINScond E dWa.1n90 e pmeoo ntwiFndtai il elavitBnd s wit theBatu ga m i~ n b igitmeytrmth j Ford and International Haàr- Bowrnanx-ille et 9.30 arn. Fr;_- vester dealership. da-nrig eeal psrt '" ~ ~ -e'~ Jfl The 1957 execuixe af thei and ti'iends ai-e planning toaca- d-Bawnuarîvilie Hervesters l- campany the local lads, ta gîx e we cîludes: Alan H. Osborne, Presi- j hemn suppart in theit' garnes. dent: Ted Begneil, First Vice- First Gemee Président; Paul Chant, Second Vice-President; Murra-y Tighe, Boxxmeiuvilie xiii meet tlue Get s ý suirei'; Jim Crombie, Teeni Mari. et 6.15 on F'iidax'. The xx,-inier - J f this game wîll advance iot HoId Banquet For Goodyear Hockey Teams Gaadyear Mercantile Hockey LeagUe are holding their ait- fluai banquet at the Elmhurst Hatel in Newceastle Saturday c vening. A highlight of the eng will be the presentations ai traphies Ia the winning teain. Many other traphies are ta be presented. Persans wishing to attend are requested 'ta purchase their tickets earl.,. Tickets are avait- able from Larrv Chant, Jack Or 1ýker and Dan Kemp. Save Now on the Famous ae9. Kelvinator Appliances WRINGER WASHER 1l-lb. capacity, thernio tub, electrie timier and pump. Reua 229 - .$ 3 and your old w'asher STANDARD WRINGER WASHER il-lb. capacity, ivith timer Regular $179 Oiily-- Automatic Washer --------$119 0 % ib 0 $299.95 DeLUXE ELECTRIC RANGE :-inh size. Regular $309 O nly - ---------- $149 REFRIGERATORS Il cu. ft. Reg. $379 Special - Only - -- ---------- $195 ICowan Equipment Co. I Kelvinator Dealer for Bowmanville and District 134 KING ST. E. BOWMAN VILLE PHONE IMA 3-5689 dî-ops back int the consoatioin se îîes. ('hampionship Finals Should they wxin the local lads wili play he winnerý be- twcen Coligwýood and Pî'y Sound. Game liime xould lie 2.45 pm. Saturday:. If they arýe sriccessfoi in wiiining this gamc the v will edx-ançe ino t tri Chanipiniizhip F inaiIta b played et 9.30 poui. Satiirday. If thp Bovmanivilie entî' is defeated -n10 thir fîrst gemei they w-il 'eoteî' the consolation sermes. They ' would meet. the 1 laser of the Co)llîngxx oaci and Parry Sound game. This gaine Juveniles ta Start Practice To-night (Thurs.) towmanx-ille's Juvenile Base- bell teenu wil be holding ils fi rst pî'ectice Thuiîsday Ooa- nîght) et 5.30 p.m. et Vinucent îMassey Park. Team manager, Murray Me- Knight, bas extended a cordial înxitation ta anvone interested in nuaking the teanu ta attend, i tlue precti( e. Youths whose l9th hîirthde 'v eiuues after May 1, are eligible foi' the teanu. Pleise hî'ing y aur spîkes and glox'es ta the pr-actice. Mr'. 111c- Knight said, players shawig interest and spirit will have a i equal an apportunlîx' of makion th~e teamn, as liiose having ex iceptioxuel bilit. 'Junior Tities Are Declared At Badminton -Bownienvilie Badminton Cl ;b beld its Junior Champoshîpm for members of the'Icen Towxn Club Thursdev of lest xveek in tht' Badminton Cluib Hall. W'inners in the girls' division xxere: Joan Muttoii. fii'st.'h a tntae! of 93 paiiutý Seadr-a JCaiustablr. -econd. witlu 6.3 points anud Rene Dilling, thîrd. %wl iu 59 points. Ted Crarnp woan the boys zE - vision witb a fix e game perfer* tolai o! 10)5. Reg Wiilatts and Johun Lumun lied for second plate xxîtlh 93 p(oits; eaî'h. Bob Rien- ards: was :lurd with 89; Noci Diidl,2x' fa-urmlu with 83 a:u.i Alau Snmith fiith xith a total! of 6.5. 1 Alter the gamnes x-ra en- jOx cd a de! ciaus iîuiueoanaîd ir-fi -ninuetu tprepai eri bx Mr1 FrdCole end 2îis oaedai Reita Dillina thanked M:s Cale and expî'esscd 'lie appi'e- uiation o! the Teeîu Town Clu:b ilelut cis Loam tiue fin~e tai: 'h ex' itýae recex'ed sinceti joined the club. Teen Townu plan t0 continue with badrllnnoin next aeiàson. See These Buys Used Farm Equipment MecCORMICK W-6 DIESEL TRACTOR Conpleteiy overhauied McCORMICK W-4 TRACTOR FARMALL SUPER A TRACTOR FARMALL "H" T >-OR MASSEY-HARRIS "22" TRACTOIt JOHN DEERE 7-foot TANDEM DISCS INTERNATIONAL 2-FURROW PLOUGH MASSEY-HARRIS DISC PLOUGH Cowan Equipmenf Coj, International Harvester Farmn Equipment Dealer 134 King St. E. P'ione MA 3-5689, N'EW ITERNATIONAL B-250 Lowest Priced Diesel in Canadla You cant corne anywhere near the all-new B-250 for downright dollar-value in a 2 - 3-piow lJtility tractor. That's our dlaim. But You De The J U DOE Taxe the wheel and take ta the field. frove the B-250 for power - for Derformance - for farm-easy featuires. SQME Get ail the facts on IH Diesel f uel-and-maintenance economy. Compare the B-250) pain t-by-point with any other týtiity tractor Hi or near its power range. Then compare the pru'e whù'h nmakes the B-250 Canada's lou'est priced diesel. \oîI agree it's an unbeatahle buy. OF THE MANY BIG FEATURES: OIFFERINTIAL LOCK tEîsy pedol eperotian Iacks diffoentie; ýh@n noeded - gives yeu e "stroight Phrough' axis which roduces wheel slip, gots you throug' sofi-going. BUflT-IN WEIGHT TRANSFER Auirnmatta!iY appIî1 .'eaiweîght te balance ,'oe. tien .-i ( hé lccd Yeu eeop going ýh*n thers StuB or sp'n. A ightweight B-250 + we'ghtTransf*"nn = a heavy-duty traictor! Cowan Equipment Co. 134 King St. E. Bowmanville, Phone MA 3-5689 PAU iLiVU This Week s Specials on USED CARS and TRUCKS 1954 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1953 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON 1953 FORD 2-door 1951 OLDSMOBILE ROCKET "88» with Automatic Transmission USED TRUCKS 1952 G.M.C. 3-ton DUMP 1952 G.M.C. 12'-ton, SEE THE NEW I METEOR - MERCURY CARS en display in our show room Cowan Equipment Co. 134 King St. E. Phone IMA 3-5689 very For the ALL ALI STORM-SCREER and D( Get ALI-ALI î ho mast auvancaci deslg at a price to fit every bui get. Instali 'arm .foroi 1'ami " Trip-L-Trac bas na cbang ing o oon, pollern " Changes instantly (romn storm to screen window *Extruded alurninum framni gives lIe@Ame service'- M Interlockinq sasb ives weather-tight protection *Anodized tracl< assures smooth operatiai S..ýthe 'Trip..LTrac' windows NOW at CALL US FOR FREE ÉSTIMIATES Cowan -Equipment Company 134 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-56 8 HERE ARE UNIVEISAL 3-POINT 1411CM ard fulim e of 3 point mtch impie- ments-or use *ny 3-point mndunted tocls yau clreody ao.i INTERNATIONAL MARVESTER qf P 689

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