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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1957, p. 12

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- ---------.w- THE CANADIAÀN STATEPSMAN. EBOWmANvTLL.$zONTARIO Newtonville W. 1. Elects Enj oy Luxurious Restaurant Accommodation Officers Heur Reports The Newtonvilie Women*s1 Education, %Irs.E. Johnston, Institute was entertained at the Home Economics and Health, home of IArs. C. Ferguzon. Mrs A. Rednap: Community Newcastle, April 17, with 18 Ativities and Public Relations, rnembers and three vsitors. MIrs. M.Jores. Mrs. M ilîgan opened 'te The hotes and her arcup meeting and led in the discus- served a del;c:ou.s lunch. Duir- Eion o.f a few, business matters. ing the social half-hour the Anynnie having wýooilIens 10o ne iucky cup prize wvas wvon by made into blankets are asked to IMrs. Rednap, and Iucky nui- leave these at hcr home by ber prize by Mrs. Pearce. June ls;t. -________ reivd hog herprsBETHANY of offîcers and conx'eners. Mrs. M. Samis gave the fi-1 The Ladies' Good Luck nancial report with a balanire Lodge held their final social on hand of S346.73. Mrzs. Rednaiu exening for the wvinter seasonil reported that she and 11- :n the'Orange Hall on Fridav Johnton. as uditrs, ~d iht. There were eleven ta- found the books in perfect con- 1 bies of plaNers for Progressive dit'on. euchre with prizes for highli score going to Mrs. Carl Po,- Reports of the progra n u tosadLsi hiiec v.eners ,vere read: Hiztorica1 Cavaii: consolation prizes t)U Researchi and Current E%-en'.s, \I;s -aoyrSih ndRý Mc:.Pearce: Citizei<l:P eandl - Cri' mt n o Scott. Carl Porteous won the Eduatin. rs.E. ohnton luckv door prize. Mrs. Bruce Hom EcnomcsandHea~.McGil expressed thanks M s. A. Rednap: Com mu nîx e-e1n1frtei tenVr Activities and Public Relation,-, eeand oter tenac Mrs M Jne aRnddY c-operation ini the past six x ~ F.Henersn):Agrculure months. Lunch was served -b'. Canadian Industries, Mrs. W.h og mmes Wood Mr.Douglas Webster is Wood. spending this week vih rela- MrŽs. Johnston, as a uaçt pre- tives in Toronto. sident, took charge cf the elcc- iMr. and Mrs. Sidney McKin- tion of officers wx th the fOl- non. Mr. and Mrs. David Tu,- lowving resýuitý reîen.Mr.tic and their three sons, al of W. Mlligani: i t Vi,,c-prcsiden:, Clev eland, Ohio, were hjolîda I Mrs. G. PvICillouii: 2!id Vicue- 71fueSts wxith Mr. ancd Mrs. James j prc.sicent, M-s. S. Rov.xc: Secre- MIKiiiioii. tarv-raueil~ M. Sam~s Mr. and Mrs. Norman Neal. Iiistr:u2t director. i\lu . E. Johi'N arkdale, visited with MIr. andi rhese are only a few of the large number of visitors and passing cars on Highway 401. Completelv air con- ston: Branth directou,)rs. r. IM r,. Ross Cari- du.ring t'-.c wvho relaxed in the ultra modern restaurant of the Venture ditioned as is the rest of the motel, the restaut-ant has a Yarro.ýv, Mr: A. Recurap and weekend. Miss Marie Carr rl,(e Inn at the special preview open house held last week. The snack bar and several comfortable tables and wilI service Mrý..IM. Jonc., uuf.rs M-.turneri home with them a]rsarntscini urone ntre ie yplt prxmtey8 ies JohnxtoII ali Mr..Rednan: xii rain for sex'eral uweeký.rsarn eto ssrone ntre ie ypaeapoiaey8 ies .unThine comimittee, l\lrs. Wý.j Mr. and Mrs. R. Whecelans, glass and xvjll afford an attractive view of the landscaping Farrowv,âMrs. Pearce, i\rs. G. Toronto, were weekend guests Henderson andl Mrs. Denn; ;xith Mrs. Thomas Malcolmnson. Clarence Neal during the Pres convener. Mrs. G. McCul- ' Miss Casroi Hopkinson is weekend. ro w s N w B id n 3R E O 19u,111, wiihheîa Mr.R.oShRan. rasIppe rwnnS thNewwBuldingtBURKETO riap.xvth Mrs V. Samis s Ms aret oai eah rSe a ao ov The Easter service wvas 'ici] vassfàIu: Past President, MrS., er at Iroquois Fails is home for this Peerborcug h a arns,! tBre hmefo onY l Cfll fl Iftie atene.SndyI.n.g 1-. Warlc. we ihterprn ~ R. B. Green gave an Jnpîn2 Prgrllni clienrsa".th ae Etezr.vacand r.Wt ie r.an sCarnc1own Total assessment for the Er.- haîf of one miii each year for Easter message. The choir san'gb Pr-ctuiamnd eoncn ln-aRo:arnî r n Ms atr Mr. and iVrs. Douglas De,- Iite Coutie of ertumbe'- he nxt 0 yen-s 1 ited Cunties f eoraster anthenexts. Arcueaci Cadan i-1owa..li, North Bav. were guests ]and and Durham lias nov: 40c. Per Year Several members atended c)src. Vrý; Cox; HistIorj-iul Mr. *aud Mrs. Arnott Neal \vith Mr, and'îMrs. Walter Neai reached 66 million dollars. Total E P,-eDrch and Current Exents,! and daughter Shirley tof Teo- weekendrvce el a Mcr.. .Brxof îtuenh . .Easter ppuatonfo te wocontes Furtber, he stated, on ithGodFdasevcbedt ~iPa. corexisie xvthMr.aîd Ms. iMr. aînd Mrs. Frank Haniili- îs currently 72,000. hasis cf populîation and asse Thenîîiskllen church. îlilics The tâwýéon lorvlv Eastec ,Ïaù- fdo thretomserie waerply cds cRi theaComMunin A..bleb Mrs. R. Dean.M. . R. Hub bAdai Mrcoe.rM. Mco.e A vriteyconrce rti 1 be. herd nd h crcli April 23îh Mrd.fanMiwr. AntSmith Smis and familywee nSmthFal Mi rieand s. Ma vPhi anr and Mrs.ihMr.ac d Mlia C.Ashton.vwih r ad C . s Co.Lae'vTrno whMr.C.oLavT"ic',anToro xvitherMC Tocni .c r Eshra rnchî. CalsGb Mi'. and GMng,NoCiches ib' bors and Grserle No'wicli wit M. and Ms. WMle Hbbar aid. andMilr nî. Jo-ihnsMr. and fmiiy, Txon te wthM and an Ms. JhnRossten.ar Mc. Jand M rentRon, isHbbar' and Jaîîi.cebTreno, ih r adMrB. welHbhrd. B Mc. vLoewciHigh.ficld Bow- munanvley ihMs.MlMCy Sunda. H amrwt e duhMrs. LameMr. Thher dcaher. Mrs.an Mc. Te Mr.Mandoîî Bo .m artiler n boys. Mr. anid Mrs. Kenneili Caî'gill, Toronto, with. Mri. Carter' and Fred. Euistec weekend guests aIt te honme cf Mr. and Mis. R. Bouep, were lVIîs. G. Johinston and Mi'. M. Sehacter cf Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallen of Markham, were Sunday vis- itors ai the home cf hec pair- eM.ý- Rice, Cereal, Oatmneal, Barley - -oz. pkg. Gerber' s Cereals - M - 2 for 3 7c Red & White Evaporated Milk, Weston's Grahani Wafers, 16-oz. tin 3 for 41c l3,2-oz. pkg.------------- -- --33e Swift's Meats for Babies, McCormnick's Arrowroot Biscuits, 3'2-OZ. tin ----- ---- --__ 2 for 45e 14-oz. pkg. -4lc BeeiveCor Syup 2-b. in __ leJunket Rennet Powders -- 2 for 29c Beehve ornSyrp, 2lb.tin Mc eature! Baby's Ovn Tablets, 12's____ 43c Riose Brand Pure Strawberry Jarn, Baby's Own Soap -2for- 29e 12-oz. jar ----- -37c Quality Produce COMPARE THESE PRICES "Best Buy" CURLY AND CRJSP, GARDEN FREsH YORK BRAND - 14-oz. V.P. tin Spinach ceozg fr5c KERNEL CORN 2 For 33c EXTRA JUICY - SUNKIST PIB UR" Lem.onf Chocolate, White, Orange - 16-oz. pkg. WILSON BRAND LUSCIO's CK IE o 5 CANTALOUPE Ea. 19C "Feature" RED & WHITE - 11-oz. bottie MILD, SIVEET, NEWV SPRING TOMATO CATSUP 2 For 39c CARRO S ba For23c "Feature" ,Mý1D, FLAVOL RFUL - EXTRA LARGE SIZE JOHNSONS pint tUn Roi House CUCUMBERS Fa- 25c [lBard Gloss Glo-Coal 55c "Feaure"Qualitv Meats YOKBAD- IWhole - 16-oz. jar _____________ DILL PICKLES 21c Choice, Milk Fed - Bone in- di___tre Veal Leg LIBBY'S 20-oz. Uin ROASTS Il. M c Deep Brown Deans 2 iFor 39c Choice, Milk Fed - Bone in "Featu re" VEAL RUMP ROASTS L". 69C Nev Jet Spray - Push-butt.on tin, 14 oz. Veal BON-AMI 69C RIB CHOPS lb69C Quality Beef - Boneles% - RoIled Plate Small size Large size lb f Oromo Selizer 29c 55c Pot INoast lb.3>3 c Swifts Premiuin - 1-lb. cello pkg. SOLO FRANKS 39c MARGARINE Lh. Pkg. 31c Birds Eye Frozen Foods RED WHIE 2-z. jr 5-z j r ds Eye Orange Juice. 6-oz. tins _ 2 for 37e [nsatCofee 9c 1 Libby*s Green Peas. 12-oz. pkg. 5 for 89e THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU 80 WMAN VILLE MAPLE GROVE ORONO - Yeo's Marketeria - Maple Grave Groceteria - Cornish Marketeria These figures were cited by ment, the united counties build- County Councillor Jim Browvn ing slioîld cepi-esent nîo more at the opening meeting of the lhian 40 cents per yeai'r 2 April County sessioni, recently~. ycars to eachî nan, woman and Mc. Brown used the figurcs te child in the ai-ca. iillustrate that flic new $3450,900) Nortliumberland-Durbarn Coun - 'lacssf oasmt ties building wouid flot reprE- titcute sesetw sent a heavy burdien for rate- b gcatiyincr0 easd tloucil payers cf bhe combined area. u cig2 er" elcl The couticillor claimed that, 1rBo' l i oIau~ on the basis of assessment anid In dciviîîg these facts bonie; building cost, payineîît foc the facts based on assessînent ard new administration o f f i c e s ouaiî iursp'vddb wculd cepresclit less thai- ne the Counties asseŽz-oî'; Broiwn harpocncd runiors of "immen-se amounts cf nioney being sppiit ton, Montreal, Que.. visited for a nexv Counties building". wvith Dir. J. J. Hamilton an~dj Close To Budget Mi's. Hamiltoni. "u uligbde His manv friends are xish--Anu bidig b dt ,e ing a spee dy recoverv to Mr. $450,000", he stated, "n .' Fred W. Reynolds, wlio ha.l. will î'un quite close 10 this es- been fil ait his home for severai timate". d av s. The councillor said the build- Mrs. William Finney. Ida, ing itseif had been erected for basspet he as wek i:i ja figure below that sbown i M"ss Jon Whi t,veeo aiso hadthe budget. Howevec, he added, a;s uetohSndieway.ls. er-furnishings ccst nmore than was as gest on undy, Ms. er-allowed in original budget est- cv Stewart and Bruce StewarL mts of Peterborough. "mTebidng. o etr Mr. Dennis Challice, Rose- cmlTe he building sne nirl. matonihbisothseMr. schairnian cxplained, "there are Ricardo wChllîce hMr. some drapes te be huiig. soi-e Richrd hallce.finis-bing work te be complitd Miss Joan Bristoxv, Miss and some furnishings te be Gayle Bistow and Miss PhYi- deîix'ered". lis Bristow, ail of Peterboreug 1r, Ail work -w&ould be complet- spent the weekend with thei' ed in-time for a grand opening Imother, Mrs. Hilliard Bristow. the zecond or third week in Miss Marian O'Brîan, Toi-on- Jnh ad te, was home for the weckend dnh ad with hem brother, Mr. Harry O'Brian. Mrs. Ceeul Waite. Toronto, . was the weekend guest of Mr'. . anîd Mrs. Frank Bigelow. ,4 Miss Margaret Lowes, Peter- -i borough, and Norman Lowes, J~ Toronto, were home wibh their " parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lowes for Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil MeGill, Tor-onto, visited with Mr'. and Mrs. Jamies MeKinnon Sunday and MNonday. A. H. Monk spent the week- end wibh Mr. and Mrs. Re)y Monk at Sunderland. Miss Helen Neais, Peterbor- ough, was home for the week- end with hem parents, Mr. and ,> Mrs. George Nieals. .,. Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Wright spent the weekend with cela- tives aI Tara. Dr. G. M. Longfield. 'Mrs. ~ Longfield and their childi-en ' Randy and Ruth are in Mouni. l- jBrydges for this week. visiting with Mca. M. Longfieid. PONTYPOOL Tree pl1anting is the orde.r of the day, considerable work as erts m is being donc on the land. The first field planting of potatoes ealpout was done on Saturday with Mr. Cliff Curtis having the honor. o eglr i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sharpe of Toronto, spent the holiday in i their home in the village. O Other weekend guests in- ,F R/ e cluded Mr. and Mrs. Chas. BesI, " Toronto, wibh Mr. Robt. Hall- -~ aran. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hamilton R ea have rented the home of Mc. Harvey Gilbank and will be moving in May 1. We regret to report that Mrs. Thompson. mother of Mr-. Keîh Bradle, bas passed away. To ~ those whe mourn we extend oui' sympathy. M rs. Beebe, mother cf Mrs. jCurtis McKay, is in Peterborý ough Hospital in serions cotîdi- ,ion. The fix'e Count.v L.OL. mieet- ing will be beld in Ponty'pool on Aprîl 30 with Orono L.O.L. Degree Team conferring 1the Second Degree. Rev. J. V. Milîs, Secretarv Public School Trus- tees' Association, will be the guest speaker. jPride of Pontvpool L.OBA. h eld d blîr regular meeting i I W'ednesdav evening. Sister Bc.- verlex' Cuiitis gav e an inereŽbc- ing report of the meeting of Y ANDP the Grand Lodge Ontario Eàst held in Brockvilie recently. en::, Mi'. and Mi's. R. Bcne. 'e qwfl~~L X, ZIA1.LJJ . %ail Imm ~TO~ A ~ A ~ amj~. .*~ Mr. and Mrs. Sain Grant, Oshawa, Mrs. A. Dyer, Brook- lin, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Da- vey. Mr. and Mrs. Howvard Ab- bott and Carol. with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cochrane, Brady. Mrs. Rilda Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stephenson, Toronto. with Mrs. A. Hughes. A birthday party vias held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephenson for John on his '21h birthday April 2Oth. Mrs. T. G. Brick received word of the death of her sistAr- in-law, Mrs. Arthur Mckeany of Winnipeï. Miss Beth Dean, Misses er. lean and Beverley Garr , Oshawa, with Mr. andMel. Russell Dean. Mr. and Mrs.ý Orville Greer and girls, with Mrs. W. Bxr'àn. Mr. and Mrs. Carson Hall and Wayne, Waterloo, sp It Easter with tlîeir parents., r. and Mrs. Sam Hall. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey spent Gooci Friday m-ith friend .s in Toronto and Easter Sundaày wvith Mr. Ribey's sistetqi'~~j limor, Ont z a1 SCARFE'S THIX No Splaiter The ideal- paint for the Do-It-Yourself marn. Cornes in inany colours in flat. semi-gloss, gloss and outside finishes. Sproed Satin - Spred Lustre Popular wall and woodwork finishes. Easy to apply - No- paint odour Dries in 20 minutes WALLPAPERS Over 400 patterns front which to choose, inclu4J Pre-Pasied Designs J. H. Abernethy P nt& Wallpaper 33 King St. W. Phone MA 3-543ï -ý .%s kjAM ....>. i . .. PAGE TwEfLVE jjjim :j rjjcý - Il il Ç- a No Smell

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