q'T*Tr~1,Av AD~TT. 9U+h 1BD.~ 1'WU ~AWAD!AN UTATESMAN. DOWMANVff.LE~ ONTARTO Dip tomas Given at Mother and Daughter Oààhnquet of C.G.I.T. Mapie Grove: The Mother and Daughter Banquet of the C.G.I. T. wamd on Monday evening h'ttacive tables were set in blue and white with the headi table centred with daffodils. Blue and white baskets of candies with place cards attach- ed made a colorful setting. Honoured guests were 'Miss Carol James and her mother of Pickering. the mothers of the C.G.I.T. girls. the church moth- ers, ladies of the Woman's As- sociation, the Vice-President of Bay of Quinte Conference Branch. Mrs. L. M. Somerville: Rev. L. M. Somnerville, pastor of the church, and Mrs. Robert L. Evans, Bowmanville, daughter of Mrs. C. Penfound. Also the two graduates from C.G.I.T.,, Miss Mary Carolyne Warburton and Miss Dorothy Burtch, Mrs. R. DeCoe, member of the Ses- sion and lier daughter, Jane, Mrs. Don Cow]e as pianist andj a friend of ail campers, Mrs. Marv Vann of Oshawa. DE WITH AND MOUNTJOY General Insurance 1Agents " Car "Fire " Sickness and Accident " Multi-peril 58 Simpson Avenue Bawinanvllle Phone MA 3-3950 Newcastle -Phone 3341 Serving was looked after by the girls under the careful super- vision of Miss Elizabeth Wilson. leader. The strains aof*"Country Garden" were enjoyed between the courses. Mary Carolyn War- burton led in a livelv sing-song while the tables were being cleared. President Louise Goddard net- ed in the capacîty of Toastmast- er and caiied for the Toast to The Queen. The toast, to the Church was proposed by Kathleen Sampson and very ably replied to by the Rev. L. M. Somerville. Toast ta the honoured guests. "Mothers", was made by Caroline Chumbley and responded to by her mother. The toast to the WA. proposed by Janet Barber, was replied to by Mrs. Warburton. Mrs. Rus- sell DeCoe proposed the toast to the C.G.I.T. and Barbara La- Chapelle replied on behaif of the group. The toast to the Graduating Ciass was proposed by Mrs. Clarence Penfound and Dorothy Burtch spoke on behaîf of her- self and Mary Carolyne. In a few well chosen words she sum- med up what C.G.I.T. had meant to themn both. The guest speaker, Miss Carol James of Pickering, Ontario Camp Councillor for 1956. re- lived Camp Council for the gath- ering. Her eager and interest- ing account o! the program in all its phases made every girl feel FAST RELIEF FOR HEAD COLOSn i Bowma nvi île BOY SCOUT PAPER DRIVE starting ai .6 p.m. Friduy April 26th Citizens are rcquested ta have their old papers andi magazines ticti in bundies and placcd on the boulevards ini front -of their homes. Your co-operation is appreciated. Vigor Oil Company ~{~jAnnounces . the Opening of a New Service Station CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION VTIGOR STANDARD 9 GAL GASOINE 30 1 OCclhu" VIGOR HIGH TEST 9 GAI, 4 2 1 OC lacluding a Stove Oil available in any quantity at the station OPEN EVENINGS AND, SUNDAYS that they were part of a mnuch larger organisation than the local group.. Her wish was that each girl mùght anc day have the experience of Camp Cauncil toc. The graduation ceremany was conductcd by Mrs. Penfound. When the graduates, Mary Car- olyne Warbutan and Dorothy Burtch took their places, Eliza- beth Wilson presented each w1th six roses. ane for each year in C.G.I.T. and Miss Shirley Antil presented cach with a C.G.I.T. autagraph book which she had been circulating among the guests. Mrs. Somerville brought ai special message a! inspiration in which she suggested there was an open door ta opportunities ahead. They must chaose: would it be Young People's, Sunday Sehool teachers, Leadership, or in a broader field? At ieast, we can ail choose ta attend the Church Service. The diplomasi ai graduation tied with blue satin ribbon were then present ed by Mrs. Somerville. Rev. L. M. Somerville led in a special prayer o! dedication. BLACKSTOCK Mr. Dick Poole, a former stu- dent of Blackstock high schon], and who has been one year in Winnipeg in training as a Mounted Policemnan and is now enroute ta Prince Edward Island, spent Monday evening with several of his old school pals at the home of Mrs. W. W. Van Camp, guest of Mr. Gor- don Paisley. th aet n Sa many of!h aet n friends o! the children assem- bled in the new auditorium of Central Public School Wednes- day nighit that the pupils had ta stay in their rooms between presentations of their different numbers. Several of the nuin- bers were those they had given at the Festival in Peterborough. Rev. P. Romneril and Canon Chapperlin pr es e n ted the teachers with the trophies which the children had won. Mr. Gay, music supervisor, the teachers and pupils, ail deserve great credit for these excellent renditions. Mr. Walter Wright1 was chairman for the evening. Wo-He-Lo Mission Band me+ Tuesday afternoon with 181 chiidren and three ladies pres- ent. Helen Swain presided. Eli- zabeth Thompsan led in an Easter Litany. Mrs. Hill gave an Easter worship talk and prayer. The affering was takc- en by Mary Lau MeCormick and Helen Swain offered the prayer. Minutes and rail were read by Lorna Wright. We sang "Daffodil'. Heather Mac- Keen read an Easter poem Nancy Dorreil sang "Easter Promise", Doris Ashton sang "The Teapot", Mrs. Kyte taId a stary af "Good Friday Then Easter Joy". A splendid bazaar sponsored by the Wamen's Institute was held in the recreatian centre Wednesday afternaon. The home econamics classes put an a very attractive fashion show of the garments they have made in school this year, under the capable guidance af Mrs. Gea.. Wolfe. Nicole Farrest was nar- ratar and Pat Haskin accoin- panist. Mrs. Harold Kyte ren- dered two solas, "In My Alice Blue Gown", and "Just A-wear- in' For Yau". Mrs. P. Romeril gave an interesting talk on th2 foods grown and used in Jam- aica, before declaring the ba- zaar opened. Needless ta say the ladies then swarmed around the different booths of merchandise filling their de- sires and emptying their pack- et-books. Wýhen aIl were satis- fied in this respect a very damn- ty and bountiful afternoon tes xvas served and ail enjayed a social haur. Owing to the musle festival in the school Wednesday night, there was nat so large an at- tendance at the Drama Festi- val, but excellent reports are given by those wha did attend. The first prize was awarded to Bowmanville Y.P.U. an the:r play and we understand a lady from Port Perry and a man fram Bawmanville were win- ners of prises for best actors. Also great praise la given the adJudicator, Mr. Jolliffe, Pick- ering. Very fine services were held on Good Friday evening and Sunday marning in bath the Anglican and United Churches. Friday night the seats were filled in the United. Mrs. Har- ald Kyte sang "Alane", the choir rendered the anthen', "The Cross of Calvary" and; Rev. P. Romeril delivered a fine sermon an the events of Passion week and the Crucifix- ion. In the Anglican Parlsh Hall Canon Chapperlin tald the story and showed films of Pas- sion week which made a most, interesting and timely service, This also was well attended. Sunday morning the splendid 1Easter service was well attend- ed in the Anglican church. There was a fine sermon by Canon Chapperlin, special mu- sic by the chair and many beautiful flowers, some o! which were in memaory af Mr. Ira Argue. United Church also was fi- Mir. r. Grant Thomp- son, Nestleton; Mrs. Jim Thompson, Beaverton; Dr. and Mrs. Jack Mariow a.nd child- ren, Lively; and Mr. and Mrs. Noü Baflty. wert Sunday diii- ner guests af Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry and children. Miss Jessie McArthur is wlth her parents, Dr. and Mrs McArthur for the week and Ardis McArthur with relatives in Stratford. Miss Ida Dem- sey, Sundridge. also Il cnt a couple a! days with tge Mc-' Arthurs. Miss Mary Ellen Armstrong, Burnt River, visited her uncle and itunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ray IMcGill from Thursday tîll Sun- day whejp they took hem home and spent the day with I4rs. McGill'a father, Mr. Jas. Arm- strong, and Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Armstrong and family. Mr. and Mrs. David Rutledge, Bancroft, and Miss Pearl Wright, Toronto, were guests of M ir. and Mrs. Carl Wright and visited other relatives. Mr. Merlini Baiiey, Winnipeg-, Mrs. A. Pritchard and Mrs. Bennyworth. Toronto, with Mrs. Veiva Bailey and Cather- ine, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parr. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Oshawa; Mrs. Jas. Farder, Nes- tleton, and Mr. and Mrs. Gar- net Murray and girls, Port Cre- dit, with Mr, and Mms. Roy Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Waldon, Norrey and Debbie, Toronto, with Mrs. Thos and Mr. Jack Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheei- er, Glen and Dianne, Hastings, with the Ernest. Swains and Bob Wheelers. Dr. and Mrs. Jack Marlow and cildmen, Liveiy, with bath their parents also brothers, sis- ters and families. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lauren. son, Toronto, with the Albert Wrights and Ed Harris, Mr. and Mrs. John Mew and Jane, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock. Miss Gertrude Henry, Toron- ta, with ber mother. Miss Linda Hyde, Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hoidge and famiiy, and Mrs. Argue. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Spinks, Oshawa, with Mrs. Ed Darcey. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Powers and Donna, Lindsay. with the Harold Swains Friday and Anne Carley, Whitby, with Hel- en Swain for a few days. Mrs. W. W. Van Camp ac- companied by Miss Mable Van Camp, Toronto, with the Ron- ald Drinkwaters in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Gunter and children, with friends in Coe Hlli. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner and girls with relatives in Win- chester and Coe Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham and Donna Pargeter with Fene- Ion Falls relatives Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer with Miss Lena Taylor, Bow- manvilie. Mr. Grant Ferguson, Toronto, with the Roy Fergusons. Messrs. Roy and Bill and Miss Sandira Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright and chiid- ren, with the Geo. Dunbars, TorontQ. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mount- joy and family with friends'krj Owen Sound. SMr. and Mrs. Bemt Smith, Ta- ronto; Mr. Vincent Archer, Bowmanville: Mr. 'and Mrs. Elmer Archer and famiiy, Whitby, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer and Mr. Dever. Marilyn remained for the week. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Bow- Dm. and Mrs. Corrigan and famnily. Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. C. Rankine's. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham on the bithi o! a daughter. Miss Grace Tewin, Mr. Fred Castie, Toronto, spent Good Fmi- day at Mrs. Wm. Trewin's and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge's. Saturday visitors at their home were: Miss Winnifred Trewin, Mr. David Mormow, Toronto; Mm. and Mms. Sulas Tewîn and Jud - ith, Mm. and Mrs. Clifford Trew- in, Mm. and Mrs. Jim Martyn and boys, Bowmanville, and Vernon Avery. Mm. and Mms. Farewell Black- I burn and family, Salem. were' tea guests at Mm. and Mms. Wil- bur Blackburn's, Saturday. 1 Dm. and Mms. Gardon Siemonî and familv, Don Milîs. were vis-. itors at Mm. and Mms. Lloyd! Slemon's. Mm. Peter Singer, MVimicol, man, Mar, Helen and Roland_ Enfield, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bowman. Satur- day Mrs. Thos. Bowman Who is quite iii, went ta Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bowman's, En- field, ta stay until improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Grass, Geneva, Mr. Robson Bowman and son Richard, Barrie, visit- cd Mm. Thos. Bowman and took him ta Enfield ta see Mms. Bowv- man. We hope she may soan be feeling better. Mm. and Mrs. Archie Newton, Mrs. Jas. Petch, Mm. Milliard, Toronto; Mm. and Mrs. Allan Train, Westan, with Mrs. Gea. Crawford and Mm. and Mrs. Wes Pearce. Mrs. Harold Hawkins, Port Perry. with Mr. and Mre. Ivan -Mountjoy and famiiy. Mr. and-Mrs. Glen Van Camp and Billy, Part Perry, and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baiiey weme Sunday guests ai Mm. and Mrs. Harry Van Camp and Arthur in honor o! Glen's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baley and Allan, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Leighton, were Friday guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hodgson, Port Perry. spent the weekend with Mr. andI and Georgie, Taunton-, Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameron. Mrs. Ron Morrison and Dougie, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and. Oshawa, r n r.Atu family and Mr. and Mrs. John Trewin, Mrs. Lena Perry. Crow Rass and family, Toronto, visit- Lakce; Mrs. Len Stewart and ed Mr. Henry Ashtan. Mrs. Craig. Toronto, visited Mr. and Bert Ashton and Mrs. John Ross Mrs. M. Bertrlm. attended the funeral o! their Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith, Burke- great-aunt, Mrs. Amelia Thomp- ton. were caliers at Mr. and Mrs. son at Orono. J. Patts. Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Don MacKenzie, Mr. and Mms. Walter Rahm, and !amily, Toronto, spent East- Tyrane, were supper guests at er Sunday with Mrs. A. McNeil. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rahm's, Sun- Mr. and Mrs. E. Walker and day. Barbara, Toronto, at Mr. J. Mýr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham Walker's. were supper guests with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. George Bertrim Mrs. J. Graham. Bowmanville, BLADE Moade bone rn SHORT RIB SHOULDER taliformia Iceberg, CrIspy, Fresh, No. 1 Grade LETTUCE emoyed mecty lb full cut 1 Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbum Black. burn and family and Mms. K. Cowling were tea guests at Mis$ SteUsa Blackburn's and Mrs. N. Cole's, Bowmanville, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon and Mr. Milton Siemon visited Mr. and Mms. Fred Toms, Ennis- killen. Mr. Rov Graham and famllv moved on Saturday to their home which he bought from Mr. Jim Hanna. There wvas a good attendance at the church service an Easter Sin da.y. LESKARD Mr. and Mm J. Pollack and famlily, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. R. Gallixnore and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Page and son with Mr. and Mrs. R. MacDonald. Mr. and Mrs. D. Sineathers and Brian, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. E. Warburtan. Oshawa, weme recent visitars with Mr. and Mrs. A. Loucks. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rabbins and Gail, Toronto. Mr. and Mms. R. Moffat with Mr. and Mrs. Art Rabbins. Mr. and Mrs. A. Young, Toron- ta; Miss L. Martin with Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eade who were recent- ly married in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. E. Green with Mr. and Mrs. S. Hughes, Omono. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mercer and son with Mr. and Mrs. R Sut- cliffe. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prust and Lynn, Toronta, spent Easter in Leskard. Sympathy is extended ta, the, family o! Mrs. John Thompson who passed away last week. Mrs. E. Everett. Toronto, spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. E., Green. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spry with Mm. and Mrs. Ray Spry, Tyrone. HAYDON Rose Brand MARGARINE Chicken Noodie LIPTON SOUP Reg. Pria* 1-ib Sle-SAVE 7o 2 1-lb pkgs.5 5 c Reg. Prie 2 for 28o-SAVE 2o b 2pkgs2lc York Spicy Reg. Prias 27-SAVE 4é, WAFER PICKLES 16-aziar23c lana Standard TOMATOES Reg. Prie* 2 tins 47c-SAVE 5a 28-oz tin 2Z1c Queen Rayai Reg. Price 2 tins 37e-BAVE 8o DICED PEACHES 315 aztins 5 Oc Jane Parker Reg. Prie 49c-SAVE 10e RAISIN PIE . ach39c Jane Parker Orange CHIFFON CAKE A&P - It's AHl Pure Coffee INSTANT COFFEE Reg. Price 59c-SAVE 10o wach 49C SPECIAL 1 6-ai jar 1.2.9 STORE HOURS RION. - TUES. - THURS. SATURDAY 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. WEDNESDAYS 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 noon FRIDAYS 3:30 a.m. ta 9 p.m. 2-iasI29C Priais Effective Until Saturday, April 27th, 1957. 1You'II11 k. It oven botter wh.n you buy i" A SENERAL MOTORS VALUE Yeu ea see it's a migbty impressive car. But walt. Wait 'tii vn feel what it means to own this finest ci ail Oldimobiles. Sure, it's sensational in the sbawroom-bere's the rich, tbe brigliter kind of elegance that makes any man's beart beat a littie faster. But wvait 'ti vu feel the. pride wchen ail thatflawless graoe and glamnour becomte part of your wvay of life! Sure, it's spectacular on a demonstration drive- bere's the famous big-car ride, the flashiag Racket power that brings a sudden jovful light tn any ROY Chevrolet man% efiM. Rut tuait 'tii vaii feel the thrili Iuhpn 071 tlaat incredible canif art and res panse are yours to enjoy daiM.v And watch hnw the lady in your 1fe takes ta Oldsmobile's celebrated fashion, Oldsmobile's lux- ury, Oldsmohile's sheer sense of style. Her excite- ment's catcing-adds a big bonus to your pride. Give in ta that urge. M ake the important move up tn Olds. You like it now-but just wait 'tiI you start living with it . . . It'à casier to arrange than vou thinki. Corne on in, price the fineat of ai] . )ldsrnohiils! w. SUPER-RIGIIT 0UALITffY MEA TS BEEF ROASTS PRODUCE SPECIAL! COURTICE m Oldsmobile Cars NICHOLS -Chevrolet Trucks BOWMANVI LLE 1 mamommr PAGE FUMMM TM CANADUN STATESMAN. BOWMANVffl& ONTARIO THInLÇDAY. APRM 2mth. les? ryN,, r ,qq m ic> IE3 0