U SEDC A Rgarage in Bowmanville, scrving Bowmanville and Durham Count. You Want iDON'T GAMBLE i BUY ACAR You can depend on fromï COURTICE Corner Church and Silve Ss Bowmanville's Oldesi New e Phone MA 34l912 BOWMANVI LLE and Used Car Dealer. * Phone MA 3»3353 m 1 119 À #-IF l"d- PAGEf LILIII LLrraz L.AJALw TATMAN, BOMIV[JZ. O'ARIOTHRSYAff t,5 192235 Years of ContinuedPrges197j ai ServicebIthe Motoring Public of Do wnMun ville and District!W That's the Fine Record of .. As a great man once said ""Progress is jusi a word until you do some- Sthing about i!11 And that is just what we feel we have done over the past 35 years at Roy Nichols. If seeing is believing., then reminisce over this photo of the old Roy Nichols establishment in Courtice, then look at the new building, erected 28 years ago, and, in addition the new Body Shop in Court ice and the new Garage in Bowmanville. Il t has been our pleasure to have grown in, and with such a fine com- j iunity. Roy W. Nichai The above photo shows the Roy W. Nichols garage Authorized Dealer fo . . as it looked 35 years ago ~, ;.~$,&v;'CHEVROLET S ~-4'~' ~.OLDSMOBL and Chevrolet Tuk Above poto shows the Roy W. Nichols garage and u'd car lot as it looks today located in Courtice. Thi% Is the new Paint and Body Shop, Iocated at Courtice. which gives you the finest body work and service money can buy. This week is the 351h Anniversary of sur business in this district and il is with pride and 4umw- "AwAlwaw ýAfflmmL»Aý màw»m»àýo-