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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1957, p. 2

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PAGETWO ?HE CANADIMI STAT!~MAN. ~OWMAWVTtT~ o~'rr~inn Cancer Group Ready For Blitz Campaign On Tuesday April 30 On April 3th at 7 p.mn. thc ringing of church bwells andi factory whistles wilI annourice the start of the 157 blitz canc,2r campaign. Our canvassers have very generously volunteered th&er timne to this worthy cause and we would ask that you be ready when your canvasser calis. so that they may cover their area quickly and efficiently. Thank you for your co-oper- ation. The canvassers in Bowman- ville will be as follows: Sunshine Group Voltunteers Convenor: Mrs. H. Saunders; Canvassers: Mmes. B. Heavy- sege. K. MeQuaiii-e, C. Trrwin, J. Dunn, W. Birks-, J. Syers, A. Merkley, R. Hendrv, B. Kitney, J. Marsèlen. G. Sparro)w, L. Parker, H. Witherley, M.StoLit, -A. Steel, Misses M. Jewell, E. *Wessells. Convenor: Mrs. 0. Williamns; Canvassers: Mmes. C. Devitt, E. Ruindie, S. Dunn, G. Vini;sh, H. Murphy, R. Ormiston, M'. Larrner, T. Miller, B. Bridges, F. Thompson, C. Kelly, R. Dates, L. Deve]l, W. S ephiens.1 Convenor: Mrs. B. Sx'er; Can- 'Vasse-s: Mmnes. R. Richards, G. Alichin. B. Evans, R. McMul- ]en, B. Reid, H. Sturrock, L. Welsh, R. Rundie. J. Cox, R. Lathangue, G. Macklin, R. Ca½,ý 1. Smith, A.AdamnsK. Nci olis, D.AllunR. Lunncy S. ApairimentIob Reni Apartmnent, grotind fluor f East side, Kingsway Apart- ments, Church St. Stove and Refrigerator suPPled. liard- wood fluors, heated. Im- mediate Possession. Apply BROOKDALF KINGSWAY a NURSERIESh Bowmanvillje bel, Ily. tom; Fest, Le- SF. ur- ,L. lay- ne r, lis. !an- ian, int, R. K. R. L. ta. L. V. L. an- en, E. Ok, u1t- C. A. th. le- Grant, M. Puk, A. Etcher, Hancock, B. Muses, M. Vet2 R. Bragg, J. Welsh, H. Kell Convenor: Mrs. S. MeMurt Canvassers: Mmes. J. Van NE I. Goddard, L. Rundie, J.1 vett, P. Passmore, J. Ames. Webber, S. Trewin, G. McMt ter, O. Nicholas, G. Lander, VanDriel, R. McDonald. J. Ha man, D. flundle, 0. Plummi G. Goheen, .J. Elston, L. De, eli, R. Gilbert, Miss M. Chail Canadian Order cf Forestei Volunteers Convenor: Mr. C. Bell; C. vassers: Messrs. P. Carmê cptn.. K. King, eptn., S. Hui cptn., Mmes. F. Farrell, Hallmaîu, L. Ellis, D. Taylor, King, H. Kelly, L. Haynes, Haynes. P. Tuerk, M. Canin, Milsui, \Vm. XVestovem, B. St pleton. C. Taylor, G. Polley, DemMan, W. Watson, Misses Gay, P. Craig, R. Gordon, Abernethy. Convenor: Mm. D. Trick; Cai vassers: Messrs. H. Snowde cptn., C. Schwarz. cptn.,' King, cptn., M. Mavin, H. Ct nell, Mmes. V. Jeffery, F. Cut Wm. Calver, J. Taylor, C. Mu ton. A. Dillîng, M. Etcher,1 Clarkc, D. Cowle, T. MVastemso J. Niekerson, D. Gîbson, Lobb, E. Baker, Misses M. Leti angue, L. Bruce, H. Perfect. Convenor: Mm. M. Stephen Canvassers: Messrs. K. M( Quarrie, cptn., R. Simpso cptn., FI. Potter, cptn.,1 Thompson, T. Clarke, J. Gnr ham, L. Smale, Mmes, R. S"( phens, H. Moore, S.. Forsey,1 Frank, G. Young, Wm. Cordei J. Newman. L. Leddy, H. Goc dard, A. Watson, S. Candît cer, A. Fletcher, Misses V. ML Feeters, S. Candler. In the post-war years Ca' ada's steel production capacit has increased by 58 per cent a more rapid expansion thai :hat achieved by the steel in :lustmy for any other major na tion. Opportunity to Help in the Fight Against B owmanvîlle Nursery J. LARMOUR (Proprietor) 4 St. George St. Bowmanville, Ont. We have plants for your FLOWER GARDEN VEGETABLE GARDEN in good variefies There Is a lirnited arnount of sorne of the newer varieties. We are sorry that we cannot hold orders owing to Iack of space. So please corne eariy and we wiII assist you in picking out the varieties you need. You are cordially invited to inspect these plants. TIR£ AND AUTO SUPPLY LUMJTEO AMSim51 Service Depa rtment Installation Charges Shocks, front and rear,, most cars, 1.50 a Bonded Brake Shoes Tai! Pipe m a m a m8.00 fuil sel m m m Nufl er . . . Tai! Pipe and Muffler Complele Single Assembly Tubes Installed Fli Tires Repaired* USED TIRES USED TUBES - w m m m - w 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.50 m m m m 50C Ea. a a 1.00 a a a a a 5.00En a a m a a Western 85 King St. W. MA 3-3134 75C a Tir e Bowrnanville F. A. Boyd, Prop. .$t * Reminding Bowràanville and surrounding district of the blitz campaign on April 3Oth to aid the work of the Canadian Cancer Society, is the window display in Higgon Eleetric Ltd., King St. East, of which the above is a photo. It shows a miniature "Little Red Door", the symbol used by the Cancer Society for its information centres, a doli portraying the nurse in charge, and the variotis educational posters and literature. The Little Red Door for this district is at 84 Athol St. E., Oshawa, open eveuy Thursday aftemnoon to the public. Dressings for cri MAPLE GROVE Sln er' Mi, ndl isR.Hockns, r)Betty Anin and W.J. Hockîns, 1H all [c- Newcastle, with Mus.S. Tyler. Mu. and Mus. Lloyd Allen and daughiter Loraine, Aspen, Nova On Thursd ,n- JScotia; Mu. Bill Mitchell, Mmr.8, he thir ty jand Mrs. Ro 'y Mitchell and1 "Wee'sn it, daughter, Oshawa. visited Mur. td ne tn and Mrs. Johin MacLean ci, the progmam n- Moday.ina Communi u- Moday.The hall wé a- Mus. tils Puichard and sonE, everyone thc John, Peter and Paul, Manoticti, the entire p, with hier mother, Mus. L. C. proeeeds amT *Snowden, Bob and Mildred. $70. The play Mrs. Jack Illidge, Peter, Mus. rected by Mi J. R. Bennett and daughters, sisted by M: Carolyn and Jili, Toronto, were lees. Sunday visitous at Mrs. L. C. The cast of Snowdcn's. cd: Joe Snoi Mr'. Jack Mundayv, Lakefieldl; Lask, Mms. E Mr. and iMrs. 1. Mathews, Rieky lou, Mms. W and Joanne, Trenton, with Mm. Ralph Davis and Mus. Ivison Munday on Pearl Leach. Sunday. Madame Mr. and Mms. Lamry Dewell, Grandma Woi Bowmanville, spent Saturday impmess hei evening with Mu. and Mrs. Wallace lMunda,-y. Mr. end Mrs. Wallace Mun- HMI day and family visited with Mm. and Mus. Harold Salter and Ms .H Mr. and Mus. L. Truil, Hamp- tissoMdge w ton, on Fuiday. teDig Mrs. E. A.;hton is visitin.- Mr. and Mus. with lieu son and fanuily, Mu. family, Buwnr and Mus. Orval Ashton, Enni- Mm. and Mi skillen.* ston and famil Mr. and Mus. H-arold Burham Mrs. Geo. M( and Gordon visited hem bru- Little Britain. ther, Mr. and Mms. Charles Med- Mrs. H. Ru huust, Cobouug Gardon re- nephew, Mr.î mained for the holidays. Baker and far Mr. and Mus. Thomas Me- Mmr and Mus Guik with Mu. and Mrs. A. have. recently Scothorn, Willowdale. Foia iie Mr. and Mms. Albemt Brown, lrdvst Bill andi Betty Anti, Hamilton; Mm. and Mms, MViss Marionî Snowclen, Toronto, Mr. and Mms. spent Easter xvithiî hc.im parents, Oshawa. Mr. and Mus. Chaules Snowdeti. Mu. and Mr Mu. and Mus. Thomnas Me- son, Solina, Gurik, Johin ancd Kathy visited Mms. S. Corni,ý with Mr. and Mms. Charles We welcumce Cohe.r. Ex'rslc.aw. John re- H-iggins and s( mained for the holidays. ronto, to our Mu. and 'Mîs. Gordon Beeclh oecupying Mms wiîîx :Mr. and Muvls. I. Traveli, leeps' home. Oshawýa. Also Mr. an( .Miss .larice l3eech is holiday- and family, ing with lier aunt and uncle, who are living Mu. and Alrs. Stewvart Rodman, cated hy Mr. Sccîgog- Island. Quarry. Miss Beth Tuaveh!, Oshawa, Hampton Hc fVisitel vi:h Mr. and Mus. Gou- Association wil don Deccch. in the new si Mr. aînd Mrs. NeTil Buownell Mu. and Mn with his parents. Mr:~ and Mus. Toronto, speni Charles Bu1owiîell, Finch. with Miss Lai Mus. A. Baunes spent Eastem Miss Nancy with lieu parents, Mu. and Mus. ing Easteu ho' Bancroft, Newiîigton. sister, Mus. W. MrI. Sic] Lodge, MmIs. Edr:a Don White, 1_od,ýe aî m n u.G spending the v Thiel, Maryland, U.S.A., is vis- Mu. and Mrs iting fou a fexv days with Roy spent the weE and Gordon VanCanîp. and Mus. W. Mu. and Mus. Neil Brownc]l Fenelon Falls. with Mu. and Mus. Loves, To- Mus. W. J. ronto. Miss Gail Chî Mr. Milton Carmen, Niagara were Good Fi Falls, is visitiiîg with Mr. and Mrs. Jue Chap: Mus. Grant Bennett. Sunday visitc Mus. A. Wemyss, Toronto, Prescott's were ivisitiîîg,, with Mr. and Mus. Roy Herbeut Prescut, VanCamp. field. Recent c; Mu. and Mus. Ed. Coombes and Mus. Wil and Chariene with Mu. and killen; Mus. Wa MuIs. Howard Bradley on Sun- umnbus. day. Mr. and Mus. Mm. and Mus. Cecil Milis were Good Fric spetît Saturdav eveniîîg wth Mu. and Mus. Mu-S. 11. Mîilîs, Enîîiskillen. Bowmanvihle. Mu. a!îd Mus. Chaules Milîs, Mr. and Mus Ceeucils and family. Mus. Lyon, and Mus. Cecil Milîs and familv Easter visitors spent Moidav with Mr. anîd Mus. F. Reed w IMus. Gordon Shunk, Port Peirry. Martin, Mus. Mv Mur. and MuIs. D. Bailey and ilb, Richmond sons wili his parents, Mm. and colm Reed, Ta: MuIs. Fucd Bailey, Gaît. Ricky and Freddy Bailey are spending their holidays with cousins, in'Puîslinch. Mus. Chaules Rankine, Hay- don. was Sunday gucst ofMus. A. Beech. Mus. A. Beech called on Richard Griffîns, Haydon, and U Harold Orînistons and Mr. Claude Smith, Enniskillen, on Fmi dai. The Evening Auxiliamv wilI meet at the church basement ,i at 6:30 p.m,. on Thumsday (to- night) fou their annual Pot luck supper. The C.G.1.T. girls anda their motheus are invited. .Because of inflation the buv- in, moover of the Canadian dol lau has cecreascd by one-third 1 aveu the pazt Io y1a'rs. îIn January, 1957, construc. Fho mes in Canada, compared to 4,183 in the same month of the PrevioLas ycar. w O -Z4me2 Northumberland and Durham are this centre. The campaign in Boý ducted by the Sunshine Group a Foresteus on April 30 fromn 7 to 8 Orono, Tyrone, Hampton and Pon canvass the same evening conductý Newcastle's canvass wvilI be April Z tunity to help the great xvork beir a Play in 'Aid of Draws Big Crowd day evenîng, April xee act comedy, ,ndma?" was pre. ýthe auspices of commnittce of Sol- ty Hall. ras well-fillcd, with ioroughly enjoyi1g :erformance. The îuounted to uvex' y' was capably di- mrs. Langmaid, as,- 'us. Wes. YelloWv- rcharacteus includ- )wden, Mus. E. D. Flett, Don Tay- Ves. Wemmy, Mus. S, Ewart Leask, Sally, ctherwise mley, who tries to PT NMrs. Geo. Reed, Wovlc iý also a recent visitor. rn and Mrs. Lot- Mrs. J. W. Reynolds, Bow- vere visitors with m.avle with Mr. and Mrs. Perey Allun and Arthur Reynolds, SuLnday. rianville, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Fernan. Irs. Garnet John- dez, Debbie and 'Ronnie, To- [y visited Mr. and ronto, were Easter visitors witlî loase and Karen, Mrs. S. G. Niddery and Mary. 1. Mr. and Mrs. K. Caverly vis. ittan visited ber ited friends in Peterborough and Mrs. Gordon Sunday. tily, Long Sault. Mrs. Ethel Burgess, Mrs. Wr.s. -C. E. Horn whor Taylor, Mrs. Don Real, Mr. y returned frorn and Mrs. Harold Burgess, Ty- d relatives here. rune, visited wîth Mr. and Mr.,:. sK. Caverly with W. E. Stevens last week. 3Bruce Caverly, Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Reynolds, Toronto, were Easter visitors 's. T. Hardy and] with Miss Lulu Reynolds. viste Mr ad Miss Phyllis Clarke and Mr. s. dMr n AI Elliott, Oshawa, were Siun- Mr ad s . day visiturs at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mi-S. A. J. son James of To- Clarke. village, who are Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wh te -.N. C. Yellow- and son Bill, and Mr. and Mrs. id Mrs. Bowstock of Georgetown, in the home va- and Mrs. Harold fone and School il hold a bazaar ;hool May 4. s. Allan Parker, t the weekend uise Goodman. Johns is spend- lidays with her r.White. COakville, is week at home. s. Harland Truli xkend with Mr. B. Cunningham, Chapman and iapman, Toronto, riday guests of )man. tors at A. W. 'Mr. and Mrs.il tt and Roger, En- i callers were Mr. Ashton, Ennis- alter Beath, Col- fi R. J. Hodgson day visitors with C. D. Hodgson, s. J. Lyon, To- their son Jack, d family. .s with Rov. and vere, Dr. Gordon fartin and farn- Hill, Mr. Mal- oronto: Mr. and with sophisticated duess ani actions and later becoines the typical Guandma, wis playe.1 hy Mus. E. R. Taylou. The eharacters werc well pautrai. cd throughout. Modern living and older times combine in the! stouy with Gandma's desire ta please heu grandchildren. Micl- night and Dahlia, daukie houseman and cook, provided the comedy of the play. At the conclusion, t he ight peuple weme brought together and everyone was happy. Several invitations ta pros- cnt the play have been accept- cd. AIl pmoceeds are in aid of the Hall fund. Between acts Wayne Pumdy of Bowmanville. entertaincd with song imitations of Elvis I.~ AUV a> 'I 88 ~ 96 Ring Si. E. Door and Dance Prizes- Lunch LONG SAULT Mr. and Mus. Allyn Bake-r andfamlyCooston, ithAdmission - $3.00 per couple Mu. and Mus. G. Baker over tthe Easteu weekend. Mr. and Mus. Ray Faulkner Tcesmyb bandfo n ebro h and famnily, Mus. Harper, To-esmyb btie rmay ebro h onta; M. and Mrs. loyd OPPýBw l Webb and girls, Drum, weue O.P.P., Bowmanville Police Force, or at the door. Sunday afternaon visitors of Mu. and Mus. Gardon Fletcher. -"- "SERVICE" means GOOD MATERIAL nt the RIGHT PRICE to produce a QUALITY JOB ,and make ANOTHER SATISFIED CUSTOMER Gui1 Phone MA 3-5715 sowmanville The SÇheppod anod Lunîber C.w Lama*ted PAGE Two- 'rffl CANADLAN STATESMAN. 80'MMANVMLLP. ONTARIO Fr THURSDAY, APRM 25th, 1957 m Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Toronto, Cancer ~spent the weekend with lsF r no CruanurereTroto : Loal 78nod M. and Mrs. ErnstankdM. and Mms. Wm. Harper, Brue remaining for the Easter. holi- Ldsier r V Mr. and Mrs. Andy Su,,tCi FadliiUnion Loeal 78 held a and Ronny and Mr. SutchY sPLl ctn atehoeo friend, Pontypool, Mrs. Edlua 1M- and -Mrs John M-,lee, Ty- Campbell and Iris, Bowmnl- roi cApi 16. si;de were ville, were Sunday guests at showii bNY Mr. ariîtý»s. L. the Kovacs home. Wo d. A ocal ti et and lunch was Mr. and Mrs. C. Penwardo!i ndwhichthc drývas vadu and Wade were Sunday even- i nnch te r wre a df e.ws SClarence Bradley, Bowman. The tour Tendersweet harns ville, were Sunday afternooti were \%on by Jack Connelly. callers of Mr. Robert Sim. Oshawa; Geo. Bittner, Osh- 1 4W-^ Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Siih awa: Gordon Sturrock, Bow- ~ eot nd Miss Grace Smith visited manville: Grant Werry, Ennis- SMms. Harry Fraser, Orono, (in killen. Winners of the chickens g Sunday, Mrs. Smithreanl were Reg. Su:ton, Orono, D. IL O~for a short visit. Alldread, Bowmanville. The four shoulders were won by' n, H. Thurston, Raglan: Jack Ma- 9 ~Eaeh driver and each pedeý?- jor. Toronto; Clayton Reade * trian can prevent une accidLnt Bowmianville, and L. Bowemh,, -the one that involves hlm. Oshawa. ~~, One easy operation -pre pares -cultiva tes -weeds ~~ . .. when you let Ro«tc»- ioc>e do it!1 Spcciaily bardened steel teeth, revolving at over 300 r.p.m., break Up and acrate your *soil - cutîing and mulchin; weeda to, produce a perfect seed bed. Compact design per- mits berween.row cultivaton. ~ ~'~4 TRIM YOUR LAWN - cur high grass or wccds, Yvith the Econotny 20"~ Roto-Cutter or the 'ealso distributed frorn new 22"' Self Propelled unit. The 2 H.P. Roto-Hoe, favourite for wxnavile wil b CO-' mali gardens since 1936, has de- and Canadian Order of pendable 4 cycle (no gas and oil to p.m.Othr cetre of mix) engine, sis Il' wdde and up p . m . t h e e n t r e o f o 6 " d e e p . ntypool will also hold a A:k fa àdtmonstraion ofthe ed by various societies. * ewlater3.300 Roto- 29. This is your oppor- 26" Cuiter il one of six thandy ig done to fight cancer. aicmnsaalbe -Phto y CeherPrices are surpriigly lori, - P h ot b y R nti e rs e y o u r d ealer t d ay o r u i ie for free itterature. Warrack vislted relatives :'antford Sunday. . FALCON EQUIPMENT COMPANY LTD. and Mrs. W. Chapman 299 Danfortli Rd., Toronto 13, Ont. ied the Woodley-Hodgkin- Phone'! OXford 9.1121 wedding at Tminity church, >a, on Saturday; also aRO -HE EAE ýlaneous shower for the OOHEDA R Sat the home of Mr. C. lecy, Long Sault, on 5 sday evening April Il. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, W H. BROW N and Douglas, and Mr. Stainton, Enniskillen; Mea 91 King St. W. Bowvmanvi1Ie Phone MA 3-5497 lMrs. Ken Pooler, Mr. ai-d Mel McCune, Cheryl and ______ ___ -- ---__ e, Oshawa; Mr. and Mus. 1Kersey, Toronto; Mr. rs. S. Kersey, xvere en. ned at the home of Mr. ls. Jack Lyon un Satur- Onfaria Police Association evening, the occasion of biuthday. les will be canvassing for Canadian Cancer Society edday, April 3Oth. ter Sunday services wereD C tgatheued for the morm- orship service whieh was cted by Mr. W. Fritze, OId Time and Modern it minister of Toronto, )resented a very fine Eas- essae. he msicby the was a splendid contribu- 9D.DI. to the service. The an- sung were "Hosanna to iving Lord" and "Awake L y Glomy". The interior of F i o ,M y 3r ,19 )urch which has been re. Firy v a 3r , I ¼ ted, presented a pleasing rance and was also adoun- 1h beautiful Easter lilies LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE, BOWMANVILLE them flowers, a portion of were in mcmory of Mr. Reynolds.

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