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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1957, p. 10

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Pim TM TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY. MAY IMt, 19511 C.C.F. Leader Raps Misleading Promises Made Durin g Election Donald C. MacDonald, M.P.P. and Ontario C.C.F. leader, lam- basted the misleading election promises of the Liberais and Conservatives as compared with the past performances of these two oid parties at the C.C.F. Nomination Convention in the Orono Town Hall last Friday. He described the Liberai and Conservative agriculture policies as "a political tranquillizer. It offers no real solution. It fails to grip with the basic Mi. It is designed to duli the pain and luli the patient into a sense of well being." "The same growing disparity between promises and per- formances is to lie found on a range of issues beyond that of agriculture policy,'" Mr. Mac- Donald said. Old Age Pension "The Tories are browbeating the Liberals for the niggardly increase of $6 for pensioners. The only thing more niggardlv is the Frost Government's record with regard to supplements to old age pensions, as compared, fo- example with 34% of pensioners receiving supplements from the C.C.F. Government ir Saskatchewan." Hospital Insurance Mr. MacDonald went on to criticize the proposed hospital' ization plan of the Federal Lib- erals and Ontario Conservatives which becomes effective in 1959. "Not health but only hospital insurance". he pointed out. "The rest of the coverage - medicai, dental and optical - has beer postponed indefinitely and the Old Parties have issued an open invitation to their friends, the insurance companies, to entrenclh themseives in the field - so thal the final battie for full healli insurance will be an even tough- er one." "Two things should lie noted here," lie said. "It lias taker the Liberals at Ottawa acting jointly with the Tories ai Queen's Park more than 13 years to do what the C.C.F. did single-handed in Saskatchewan back in 1944. Haif A Loaf "Fuitheimore, in gziving Sour Inserted by Bowmanville Liberal AssociationI eEtsFREING The fastest method or ect y kcT0nown. Keeps foods - E colder, fresher, longer- because every shelf is afoo d s f ce ast e g Pl te e e 'p fast freezing plate, with 0 ý t 1 s ar Zt tures t rou 0 If is a we0h a ithg -r freezing ccoils inn top and7 - ess cst.r -z e e z e r bottorn, too. All foods -v he i- reez ' g surfa _, are on or ddirectly below 0 fo gh ut 1 bel .1. op an prime freezing surfacems10 assuring -evenn zero" temperatures throughout at less cot.s ey SLIDING Service Shef - slides out easily, makes it simple ta store and re-arrange foods. ICE CREAM Compartment - provides handy storage space for ice cream packages and desserts. LEÇTO VER S4eIf - six sure-seal plastic containers are ideal for leftovers thst become planned- o'.ers. W.Ph -SileShw' ~~'o'INYer G0T Rci Stor-Mor Doou' holds 80 extra pounds of foad-a fuIl manth af ineals at your finger tipsi A utomatic FOOD SER VERS The first package stored is flrst served-aurrniatically. Ail packages are easy ta see, and reach. Elirainatea need for kceping food records. TO OUTPERFORM ALLOTHERS LL 9 1:A- the Amona Stor-Mo, Feezer with eUI its ,uperiorfatures <sti no Mars, thon ordinary freezer, - tern on many cases. COME IN TODAY-See Amana iret ther. is un Amona jnt raght for vou.r famely. Budget Plan toc I Bock.d by a Cent ury.OId Tradition of Fine Craftsmensliip . BOWMANVILLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM 73 KING ST. W. BONVI AN VILLE1 people 'haîf à loaf' in healthi Ca et C r"s.R insurance. they have definitelyCa C rpS postponed full health insurance.1 Thtleaves Canada where she has been for a long time - jus t about last in the line of Western! countries in organizing a modern approacli to providing meia care for our people." "The selfish interest of the medical profession, on one hand,. and the insurance companies oni Lthe other, continue to be given npreference by the Old Parties over the obvious needs of the people." BLACKSTOCK A fine Christian Family Day 1service was held in the Angli- ýcan Churcli Sunday morning. 1Canon Chaperlin based his ser- nmon on "The strength of a na- etion depends on the unity and nfaith of the family". h Misses Catherine Bailey,I It Beth McMullen, Elinor Shemilt, hMessrs. Don Greeni, Ardis Mc-I *Arthur, Gemald Allan and Les- lie Asselstine, Lawrence Mc- Laughlin and Larmy Ashton, at- dtended the Y.P.U. Festival of nAnglican churches heldl in Or- 9illia over the weekend. 31 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wolfe dwere guests at a receptiori giv- Douglas Cattran, right, n en for the Press, by the Lieut- g enant-Governor of Ontario and F Hunter of Cadet Headquarter IMrs. Breithaupt, in the vice re- the Findlay TÉophy on beha gai suite at Queen's Park on High School Cadet Corps, Ml r May 7.I annual B.H.S. Cadet Inspecti, Mrs. Gea. Wolfe is pleased rdyenig to state that $107.65 was hand-Frayenig ed in fromn different organiza- The trophy, awarded a tions and the sdhools in aid of EasternOntario of 150 persor the cancer fund. B.H.S. Cadet Corps in 1956.É W.M.S. Meeting held the rank of Lt. Coi. in1 W.M.S. of the United Churdi officer. met at the home of Mrs. Stu.. Lt. Hunter was amnoi1 art Dormeil Wednesday evening ducting this year's inspection. with 15 ladies and six dhuldren ipresent. The President opened Mrs. Charles Cattran, Bowma the meeting with a poem. Mrs. -Photo1 Russell Mountjoy read the devotional paper on "Some in- stances in the ministry of h m e Pr Jesus" and led in prayer. Roll cail was something of interest 1 heard on Radio or TV. Ten R p r on C fthank-you messages were read.R e o t n C iAfter the regular business Mrs. 1Bowmanviîle was represen' - Cecil Hill gave the dliapter of ed iast week at the 45th An- the Study Book, "Indoncsia". nual Meeting of the Ontario Mrs. Roy Taylor read a paper Chamber of Commerce in Sud- on "Christian Stewardship Of bury by local Chamber Presi- Time". Mrs. Fred Dayes read dent "Rick" Rickaby and Se- "A Letter From Mother". cretary-Manager Ken Morris. Meeting closed with prayer by Some 150 delegates and guests President Mrs. Ernest Larmer attended the two-day meeting after whidh a delicious lunch whose theme was "~Business was served by the group witl Looks at Education". Guest Mrs. Fred Dayes, convenor. A speakers were Mr. W. Harold highuight of the, meeting was Rea, President of Canadian Oul seeing Mrs. Earl Dorreil able Companies Limited who spoke to attend, on education in Russia, and Dr. United church was filled to C. T. Bisseil, President of Car. capacity for two fine services leton University, whose topic Sunday morning. Mesdames was "The Business of the Un- Lamne ThQmpson and Harold iversity". At the closing lunch- Kyte and Miss Joan Hoskin eon the healthy condition of sang a lovely trio, "When God the nation's business was re- Cmeated Mothers". Rev. P. viewed by Mr. Raymond Du- Romeril gave an excellent ser- puis, President of the Canadian mon on "The Godiy Mother". Chamber of Commerce. In the Sunday Scliool Miss "This was a real working Helen Van Camp, Oshawa, told conference" reports President a story to the chuîdmen. Misses Rickaby. "Our first day didn't Donna McLaughlin and Verna conclude until 1l p.m. and we Harris sang a duet "Jesus dealt with somne 75 poiicy IWants Me". Mus. P. Romeril statements and resolutions cov- gave a talk to the aduits on ering such topics as municipal "The life stomy of Madeline finance, tractors on highways, Mines of the Bahamas". This school buses, and trading was a lady who befriended stamps". Mis. Romeril when she first Th Bo anieChm r went to tlie Bahamas as well Tof Comerce itrdued ambr- as being a real true friend and o omreitoue e mother to ail lonely or needy solution calling on the provin- persons with whomn she came cial government to permit each in cotact.municipality served by a can- in cotact.trolied-access highway such as Mrs. Pereman and'Mus. Hud- No. 401 to erect twa signs giv- son, Columbus, were guests Of ing the name, slogan and pop- Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin, ulation of the municipality, Sunday. the location of the municipal Mm. and Mrs. Robt. Ford Jr. and Cliamber of Commerce of- and Roberta and Miss Jean fices, and the municipality'a3 Ford, Toronto, spent the week- scenic and cultural features. end w.ith'Mis. Rolit Ford, Sr.I In moving adoption of the Mrs. John Coulter, and Mr. BowmanviLle resolution, Pre- Norman Coulter, Toronto, with sident Rickaby praised tlie gov- Mr. and Mrs. Heuli Hooey, for Iernment's palicy of beautifying the weeekend. oui highways, but contended Mr. John Smith is visiting that an informative sign of friends in St. Joseph's Island. this type is useful to the mo- Sunday visitors at Mrs. Jas. toring publie and will promote Henry's were Miss Gertrude the commercial weifare of any Henry, Toronto; Mr. and Mis. community which, like aur Miss Mary Romeril and Miss Victoria Hitchen, Guernsey Is- lands, are visîting Rev. and Mrs. Romeril. Other guests crn Wednsday were Rev. and Mrs. John Romeril and child- ren, Kingston; On Sunday, Mu. and Mrs. Arthur Lowe, To- ronto. Mm. and Mis. Sandy Dawson,.. Sandra and girl friend, Wind- som, spent the weekend with Mrs. Fred Bailey. Saturday e'vening Mr. and Mrs. *A. L. Bailey entertained the above 4 and Mrs. Velva Bailey, Miss Emma Henders, Mr. and Mis. Neil Baiiey. Mr. and Mis. Eric Chapeulin i and two children. Don Milîs, j~,.. spent the weekend with his J tSWVMALJWJ Wmun parents, Canon and Mrs. Chap- ----m -» Mm-- - erlin, iONTARIO TRAVEL Don't forget Sunday May 1.9ij738 Parliament Bldge. Toronto is United Sunday School anni- ver1ary. See pamticulars ini Send litera1ture ta cning events. N\ . and Mrs. Wilbemt Archer. Nam~ sper.ý Sunday with hem sister1 and jamily in Beaverton. Addrmn Mmi an Mrs. Lamne Thomp-, son mb~th hem mother, Mrs. Coli- post Office bleditli, Oroîïo, Surday. I- r.a"J(' r.le:"Se-Ontario Departient of Travel &publicity field. Oshia% a. uwere Sundav ticw. Iryon L Cothcarl. Ministoi tiinnel, guests of Mr. and Ms Cecil Pfiii. eceives iropny C.' Mr.Peck; 3rd Vice-President, Miss Carruthers of Garden Hill; Sec'y, Mrs. Thickson: Treasurer, Mrs., Durward, Elizabethville; Wood Val. representative, Mrs. Foote; Perrytown, Mrs. F. Cann; ILlizabethvilie, Mrs. K. Trew; * Oak Hill, Mrs. Gordon, Beecli Hill, Mrs. Gardiner, Pmne Grove, Mrs. L. Challice. President to be decided at next meeting. Our new inspector, Mr. Homes, spoke on Central schools. He gave us a good idea of the ad- vantages and disadvantages. Mrs. Homes attended the meeting aiso. Lunch was served. The next meeting to be at Oak Hill <School. is congratulated by Lt. S. P. s, Kingston, after he accepted alf of No. 544, Bowmanville S56 trophy winners, at the Jon held at Memorial Arena, annually to the best corps in mxnel or less, was won by the At that time, Douglas Cattran the corps and was its senior g the inspection party con- i. Doug is the son of Mr. and anville. by R. Carruthers, Bowmanville Dsident Gives .an. Meeting solution which will now lie presented to the' provincial cabinet by the Ontario Cham- ber of Commerce on behaif of its 223 member municipalities. ELIZABETIIVILLE Home and School The Young People held their Union meeting on Tuesday even- ing at Garden Hill. Canton Young People had the devotion- ai, Elizabethviile the recreation and Garden Hill supplied the lunch. It has been decided toi keep up the Union meetings aill summer. On Tuesday evening the Home and School met at Elizabethville School. About 20 attended. Mrs. Louis Beatty occupied the chair.1 The following officers were W. A. Meeting On WedneqdaY evening the W.A. held their monthly meet- ing at Mis. Sam McMilan's home. The meeting was opened by Pues. Mrs. K. Trew. Mis. Quantrill read a hymn. A poem "The Garden of Prayer" was read and a short paper on seeds and seedlings being planted and a garden of beauty reaped in plants, also in spiritual seeding. Mis. Vernon Peacock took up the chapter, Samuel 1l and 12. Everyone enjoyed lier study of these chapters. The minutes were read. Mis. Ken Trew was appointed to see Mr. C. Mercer about putting up a liglit outside the , memomial windows. Mrs. Thickson was ta see about getting a record book made up on the W.A. meetings in past yeams whidh Mis. Wlieelem and Mis. Powell have been wouking on. Lunch was semved. The place and time of next meeting ta be decided at the Institute meeting. Lunch by Mus. Pea- cock and Mis. Sam McMillan. Sunday visitais at Mr. and Mrs. C. Beatty's weme Mr. and Mis. H. Gilmome. Bowmanvilie; Mr. and Mis. T. G. Sowden, Newcastle: Mr. and Mis. L. Hughes, Port Hope. Mm, and Mrs. Ronny Yamrow and Mis. G. Fowler, Oshiawa, at Mr. and Mis. E. Fowler's. Mm. Roy Beatty, Mis. C. Beatty, Toronto-, Mm. and Mis. C. Quantll, Mis. Elliott and fam- ily, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. Quantrill's. Mr. and Mus. A. Eiiiott, Toron- to, at Mr. and Mis. Sam McMVil- lan's. Mr. and Mis. Staples, Oshiawa, at Mm. and Mis. Milford White's. Visitors at Mi. and Mis. Vernon Peacock's were Mr. and Mus. Wilbert Peacock, Toronto: Mm. and Mis. J. Lee, Mr. and Mis. E. Lee, Miss Viola Lee, Peterborougli: Mr. and Mis. Harold Beatty and Miss L. Beatty, Part Hope, Mm. and Mis. Russell Beatty. Kitdhener; Mr. and Mis. Victor Peacock, Osha- wa, Mr. and Mis. M. Robinson and family, Starkville, at Mr. and Mis. H. Sheppard's. Mm. Garmy Setterington of Centreton at Mr. and Mis. O. Memcer's. Rev. and Mis. Lane, Madoc Rev. and Mis. Gardiner, Canton, _ihm and Mis. S. A. Powell. Mr. and Mis. G. Tmew and LESKARD Mrs. N. Bradshaw, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. E. Syer, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. R. Rob- bins and Gail, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs A. Rolibins. Miss L. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. A. Young and son, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin. family, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. K. Trew. On Friday evening Misses Sybil Sheppard and Miss Dar- lene Thickson attended the dance at Canton.1 On Friday evening the Junior Girls held their first club meet- ing at Mrs. Milford White's with Mrs. McAllister as assist- ant. Members are: Misses Vera Kotasik, Patricia Harrison, Grace Gordon, Linda McAliister, Suz-1 anne Thickson, Marie and Gerda Meroer. Mr. and Mrs. L. Muldrew and daugliter Marilyn and Mr. and Mrs. W. Muldrew, Oshawa, spent the weekend at Sunnyside. They had Mr. and Mrs. Kirk- land, Oshiawa, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Savery and Betty Jean, Starkville, Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Smithi with Mr. and Mrs. H. Muldrew. 1 Cars Lot us becrutify and aiegouard the dit. monda in your oid rings with new style FAST SERVICE mountings. Many designs, other thca MODEBATE COST those illustraited. to choose from. HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 28 King Street W. Take Advantage of our SPRING CHECK-UP BARGAIN 20 Point Major Tune-up PLUS-ý For Only r 'et &i4t C"1a'1Co'etub 013 ILelt . pint rest 5c t an tD isCleanol cbC 'anatO' an'1Va le Va ig . reiol Insec 0a . Cncape ln et a lQp e~~tlrlCO *ISpc cate î )rontato Robson Pontiac - Buick - VauxhailI 1166 King St. E. Bowmanville Paint Special $65-00 Complete Free Estim ates Body Repairs Li mit1d -GMC Trucks MA 3-3321 & 3-3322 LEBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS in Bowman ville Situated at BADMINTON CLUB 72 KING STREET EAST For Information PHONE MArket 3-3361 Afternoons and Evenings Hours: 1 -5 - 7 -10 COMPLETE CHASSIS LUBRICATION ENGIE QL CHNGE STANDARD ENGIE OL CHNGE GRADE CAR WASH Moto rs - r- Mrs. J. Mercer, Orono, witb Mr. and Mrs. R. Sutcliffe. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. Davey visit- e dwith Mrs. Mary Spry, Toi ronto. 'i Mr. and Mrs. E. Green and family were recent visitors, of Mr. and Mrs. F. Godfrey and Jack, Keene. Mr. and Mrs. Spry and fab;e ily, Orono, with Mr. and MIs Ern Spry. Recent visitors with Mr. rd Mrs. E. Green were YMr. d c Mrs. Eric Low, Ose wa lmr. and Mrs. G. Marsh, ~ nd Nigel, Mr. and Mrs. ait. and Carolyn, Lansing,. Everett, Toronto, Mr.'St 1' Brown, London. Sunshine Cake Fill a measure full of sunshine, Some crumbs of comfort too, Then mix well with loving thoughts, And words both kind and true. Yes! You have a life wortis living, And a cure for every ache, If you and ail your family Will feast on sunshine cake. This recipe is oid and tried, And neyer liard to make, So use it friends from far and near, For sunshine takes the cake. Vm- . - - - % . - ; ..- - . , , ý ;7

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