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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1957, p. 14

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PAGE FOTEM ?W~ ~AWAflIAN MTAte~#A~S - - -- - - - ...ss~.. ~ TV 4T&t~4~ V £~JJEé. ~ U#'~UTI2 A t.~? ~ ~ J.L~LAIU~ 1'HURSI~AY. MAY lSth im~'F Guests of honour at the recent Bowmanville Minor ville Little N.H.L.; Keith Carruthers, Little N.H.L. Conven- Hockey Trophy Night were the above group of gentlemen. or; Jack Lander, Recreation Department *Chairman; Cliff Recreation Director Doug Rigg, along with Ross Hawe, Samis, Arena Management Committee; Mayor Nelson most outstanding player in Bowmanville during the last Osborne, Bob Watt, Arena Management Committee Chair- season, are seated in the front row. In the second row, man. lef t to right, are: Ed Rundie, President of the Bowman- -Photo by Rehder Honor Retiring Arena Treasurer Special tribute was paid ta Cliff Sa mis on bis retirement as secretary-treasure: of the Bowmanville Memorial Arena Management Committee at the Minor Hockeî Trophy Night last Wednesday. Mr. Samis has been an ardent and conscientiouý worker on the rink committee and later the arena committee. John James, on thE left, a member of the first rink committee, presented Mr. Samis with a gift in recognition of his service ta the commun ity. Mayor Nelson Osborne is looking on. Mr. Samis also received a gift from the Recreation Department. -Photo bv Rehder Honor Combines Goalie Ross Hawe, agile net minder of the BowmanvilIe-Orono Combines, was select- ed as the player who best exemplified playing ability and sportmanship during past season of ail the hockey teams in Bowmarnànile f omn the Atoms to the Intermediates. Lion President Norm O'Rourke made the presentation of the Bartlett Trophy to Ross Ilawe. r-Photo Dy klender The Orono News Telephone 127 Miss Iva Linton, Toronto, vis- Miss Reta Bosgraaf bas join- iting Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Lin- ed the staff of Cornish's Red ton. and White store. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde Mrs. J. E. Richards visited and son Donald, Toronto; Miss ber aunt, Mrs. E. E. Eastwood Florence Gardiner, Mr. and Coulson, Toronto. Mrs. Dean Hodgson, Bowman- Mis adln ville, visited Mrs.'Chas. Awde MMaene Cowan, Tor- and Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper. onto, sp s pending ber three Mr. and Mrs. Murray McCul- weeks vacation at her home. lough and children, Petèrbor- Miss Jili Cbapman bas join- ough, called Sunday on Mrs. M. ed t4,e staff of Orono Wood Sberwin and Laurence. Products. Mrs. Etta Page, Enniskillen, Sunday visitors with Mr. and and Mrs. J. E. Richards attend- Mrs. Chas. Wood wvere Mr. and ed Spencer Scbool of Instruc- Mrs. H. Pbilp, Miss Jean Pbilp, tion and Luncheon on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Ron Philp, Ty- at St. Lawrence Hotel, Port rone; Mrs. Geo. Crowtber, Hope. Charles and Jamie, Newcastle; Miss Carolyn Jones, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood, Gail spent the weekend with ber and Sandra, Lakefield; Mr. and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ceci! Mrs. Fred Brooks and Chris, Jones. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. David Mr. and Mrs. R. Broome and Pbasey and Wayne. family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mr. Frank Harris and son Cook, Toronto, spent Sunday Franklin, -Stouffville: Mr. and with Miss Jili Chapman, Mr. Mrs. E. Fowler and Mr. Jack and Mrs. Orville Chatterton Williams, Bowmanvile, weret and Carol. Sunday visitors witb Mrs. Chas.t Mrs. John Morris returned Harris. borne on Monday from six Mr. Jack Wilson, Paris; Mr. weeks' vacation in the Western and Mrs. K. Wood, Bowman- Provinces, ville, and Mrs. Fred Duncan Sunday guests with Mr. and were Sunday visitors of Mr.c Mrs .Ronald West on the oc- and Mrs. C. V. Wilson.s casion of their daughter Susan's Mrs. Frances Maud Horswell1 christening were Mr. and Mrs. (nee McCullough, Orono) wi-i W. Carr and son John, Mr. and dow of Charles Milton Hors-j Mrs. Roy Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. well, passed away at her re-r Lee Kernan, Paul and Linda, sidence in Toronto after a t Port Hope; Miss Shirley Bath- lingering illness on May 8th.N gate, Mr. Jack Williams, Bow- Funeral was on Friday. Inter-- manville; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. ment in the family plot Oronoi West and Susan's great grand- Cemetery. mother, Mrs. Edward Dean, The Clarke Township Teach- Orono. ers held their last meeting for Congratulations to Mr. Wrn. this term at Brown's School on Seymour on bis 87th birtbday Monday afternoon followed by May 1Oth. their annual picnic supper. Baptize 13 Children At Orono United Church Orono: Mother's Day sRW a capacity congregation in Orono SOLINAUnited Churcli with chairs in Family Sunday the aisles. One o! the items A large congregation attend- o! interest at this service was ed the church service on Sun- the large number o! baptisms. day, Christian Family Day. jýr Thirteen young couples with John Knox, Sunday School their children lined the front Superinitendent, conducted th(ý o! the cburch wben the time service witb the printed orders came for the Sacrament cf o! service being used. It was Baptism. The choir sang an a pleasure to welcome, Rev. anthem, "Motber's Love," while Reed back after several months Mesdames Carson and Rîckaby absence. He received the five beauti!uliy rendered a dupt, babies wbo were presented for "'A Blessed Day of Mother- baptism: Lawrence Elgin, -0,, hood." The day being not only o! Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor; Mother's Day but the beginning Janice Arlene, daughter o! Mr. o! Christian Family Week, the and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees; minister, the Rev. John Kit- Howard Wesley, son o! Mr. and chen, took for bis subject in Mrs. Wesley His; Dennis Wes- bis sermon: "The Home-Life's ley, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Basic Institution," and in bis Broome, and Thomas Roy, son~ message emphasized t h r e e ùo' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lang- ponts-!irst, the Home as the maid. The babies were eaoh background o! Character; sec- presented with a Bible by Mrs. ond, the Home as the back- ,Bruce Tink, superintendent o! ground o! Morale, and third, the Nursery Rail. Marie Fleft the Home as the background also assisted. o! Christian Living; and he Ronnie Baker read the scrip- concluded with the emphasis ture passage. Girls o! the Ex- that the Home, too, is the plorer group sang a hymn and four o! the Intermediate girls,G Dai adHee Ko fvre radu ation . with a number in honor o! mothers, "My Mother's Bibla." The story was told in an inter- O rono for C esting manner by Mrs. Wes. A ry mpesesrvc Yellowlees.A ey mpesv sric1 Sevrallovlybouuet grc-was held on Sunday evening in everaltlveyboqet.ra-Orono United Cburch to hon- cdThe altr.hsrie tSn our the six girls o! the grad-i Thechuch erce e xa 0a..wthSun- uating class !rom C.G.I.T. Ini dieaybeatice fm r ith.attendance were the other or-, Junior and Senior chairs dur- ganizations o! the Christianj Jing the Sunday School period Education Famiiy -Explorers, at Il o'clock. Rev. Crozier o! Tyros, C.G.I.T., Young People's Whitby will conduct the church Class fromn the Scbool and the service. other teen-agers o! the Sunday Anniversary services at Eldad School. Ir wili be on May 26 at 2 and Four young men from the yr 7:30 o'clock. Sce coming events Young People's Union acted as s for further particulars. ushers. The auditorium was e .Miss Betty King, Thornton's adorned with standards cf cut ý orners, was a dinner guest of flowers. iMrs. Ralph Davis Wednesday. Mr. Norman Williams, chair Mr. e'nd Mrs. E. Larmer and leader and organist, o! New- rMr. Glenn Larmer, Blackstock; castle United Church, with the Miss Marion McDougald, Osh- Junior choir, provided a wor- awa; Miss Ida Reynolds and ship ful musical background for Mrs. Mabel Westley, Toronto; 'the .servicea they led the Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellowieessigg and sweetly rendered and Gladys were Sunday tea the ntms "ads e Lr guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Harvey by Wesley and "Angel Voices, Yeiiowlees and !amiiy.' Ever Singing"l by Bortniansky. Severai !rom Solina attended r .Rikbchimno therecptin hnorngMrs. the Christian Education Com- Addie Tink on ber 80th birth- mittee o! Orono United Church, day at the home of ber daugh- delivered a stirring and in- ter, Mrs. Percy DeweIl, Hamp- spirational message as he con- ton, Saturday evening. trasted the young ladies train- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid cd under Christian leadership and Mrs. T. Goyne were Sun- with some other young people day tea guests o! Mr. and Mtxs. wbo are not discipiined in their Charles Langmaid. thinking. In bis remarks, hé Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor tiuet h otiu visited on Sunday at Messrs A. panîd s i grshaemd F. Aernehy'sand andyalready fromn time te time in Abernetby's at Oakwood and the local churcb under the attended the christening service giac !teretee for he attr'sdaughter, Ellen. leader, Mrs. J. Kitchen, through Mr. and Mrs. M. McCarreii the Junior Congregation and and Marilyn, Omemee, and Nursery. Miss Gwen Hancock, Peterbor- ough, were Sunday guests o! Mrs. Clarence Pen!ound, sec- Mr. and Mrs. Wes. His. retary for Af!iliated C.G.I.T. Mr. E. R. Taylor visited Mr. groups in Oshawa Presbyter.4al, and Mrs. H. Ogden in Oshawa. spake o! graduation as a tîme Mr. and Mrs. N. Fice, Doug- o! iooking back and iooking las and Keith, Zion: Miss Dot !orward. Reviewing the grow- Barber, Courtice, visited Mr. th and training under thp lead- and Mrs. Frank Westlake. S, ership o! Jesus impeis one ta Mr. and Mrs. Frank West:* go forward to Christian lead- lake, Jr., and !amily visited Mr ership in the church at borne, and Mrs. F. R. Cook, Bowman- or in the larger f ield o! church ville. work in Canada or the worid, Mr. and Mrs. Frank West_ but always portraying the ]ake, Jr., visited Mr. Cyr;] Christian example in serv.ce Smith who is a Patient in Civic wberever the patbway leads. Hospital, Peterborough. Diplomas were presented by Mr. and Mrs. L. Broome and Mrs. Penfound te Doreen All- family were Sunday visitors dread, Ann Best, Elizabeth at Mr. and Mrs. Ren McDon- Reid, Marilyn Quantrill, Shir. ald's, Bowmanviile. ley Vagg and Norah Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Flett whose unîforms were enhanc- and !ml visited at Mr. N. cd by a dainty blue carnation Leach'sTaunton, and T. Fiett's, cor-sage. Mrs. Kitchen assis#.- Columbus. cd by Mrs. Barbara Carman S Ar. and Mu-s. N. Hinds and pinned the C.G.I.T. pin on the Mr. and Mrs. J. Dycu-, Oshawa, le!t strand of the black tic and visited Saturday evenung at Mrs. Carman presented each o! Rae Pascoe's. the girls witb a C.G.I.T. autu- &L Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe, graph book. l Beverley and Brian visited on As the girls retired te th eir Mother's Day at J. Dyer's, Osh- seats Miss Ann Best took ber awa, and Harold Pascoe's. place at the pulpît where she Mr. and Mrs. Ross Crvder- gave the Valedictory address n-ian were at Brighton on 'Sun- on behal! of aIl the graduating day where the latter's unwj -, 'clavs. She summed up very Dr. 11. C, Rundie. Dassed away. abl.y what the C.G.LT. Drora.m background o! the Nation and is an outpost of National secur- ity. Those baptised at this morn- ing's service were: Steven Harold Allun, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Allun; Karen Leila Bail, daugliter o! Mr. and Mrs. Leyland Baîl; Cheryl Lee Cornisb, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Carman Cornish; El- len Marie Heard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Alan Heard: Thomas Martyn Mac- Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. W. MacDonald; Lynn Doreen Lowery, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hartwell Lowerv; David Wayne Phasey, son o! Mr. and Mrs. David Phasey; Catherine Faye Stevens, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Stevens; William Ernest Spry, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Earl B. Spry; Janice Elaine Vagg, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vagg; Teresa Anne West, daughter of' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dean West; Susie Marie West, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald West: Donald Keitb Wood, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood. ,Service at IG.îT. Girls had meant to each o! themn and paid particular tribute to the kincdness and thoughtful- ness of their leaders, Mrs. Kit- chen and Mrs. Carman, always willing and ready to assist or instruct. While the graduating cassJ Don't be an easy mark for burgiarsi ]Burglars are «Iways on the watch for tell-tale signs that you're away. Suppose they break in? Purs . .. clothing ... jew.% elry . .. typewriter... radio . . . appliances and other belongings (your be- longings!) would soon have other owners. Take common sense pre. cautions when you go away. Most important. mnake sure your personal belongings are well pro- tected with insurance at home and away. TUAIT B. JAMES, NSURANCE Office LA 3-5681 Repiesenerng the H-artford Fir-e Insurance Ççni-jiy ]REAL ESTATE Residence MA 3-54931 was circulatlng their autograph books, a poem contest conduct- ed by Mrs. James Tamblyn, belped to make a friendiy at- mosphere for the dainty lunch which was served by the Orono Woman~s Association ini the Sunday School hall. A perfect evening was brought ta a close with a few songs under Mr. Williams' leadership after which words o! appreciation were expressed ta the W.A. by Doreen Alldread and to Mr. Williams and the Junior choir of Newcastle United Cburch by Ross Tamb- lyn. To the six girls graduation is now a iasting memory o! tbree years in C.G.I.T. wben they disciplined tbemseives a n d grew under the leadership of Gifts Presented To Newlyweds By Community Tyrone: On Saturday evening two presentations were held in the community hall for James and Jane Woodley and Gren- ville and Carole Byam wbo were recently married. Louis Phillip was master o! ceremonies. The program con- sisted o! a duet by Janice Tay- lor and Marilyn Yellowlees; John Vaneyk sang and accom- panied bimself on bis guitar; readingrs and recitations were by Allan Youngman, Mrs. A. Wood, Mrs. Norman Woodley, WOOL SHIr COLLECiT T Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Reliable Grading Direct Settiement Obtain sacks and twine without charge from Alfred Gray NEWCASTLE John Thompson KENDAL or by writing te CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL IGROWERS LIMTED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada Salurday Xanday (Victoria Day) 5 Io 8:30 p.in. Miss Lynda Potts cf Haydcn sang and accompanied herseif. Miss Audrçy Wood and Ar- thur Youngmaný read the ad- dresses. James and Jane were presented w!4h a china cabinet and hassock and Grenville and Carole with a piatfý rocker and hassock. After nch<,as served a dance wat enjoy%_d music being provided by H. Stainton, Roy Ashton, F. Den. Lày and Mrs. D. Davey. Lowe* ALL-NEW '57 FtRGIDAIRE FPOOD FREEZER- REIFRIGERATOR Easy Payments after emali down payment This 10.1 Cax. ft. low-cost Super Model is the big "bonus baby* of '571 Top-quality Frigidaire features: Real Zero Zone Freezer- holdu 44 Iba - Exclusive Cycla-Matia Defrosting in refrigerator sec. tion - Four Full-Width Shelves - Full.Width Glide-Out Porcelain Hydrator - Big, Deep Storage Door with Five removable. shelves. Buit andbacked by General Motors MASON &.DALE HARDWARE Phone 408 36 King St. e, Bowmanville - 5 la 8:30 p.m. Venture inAh*« Located i the Bowmanville Interchange on Highway 401 For reservations Phone MA 3-3373 OPENING ' Friday, May l7th Parkview Snack ý>r Mon..- Thurs. inclusive 7 p.m. to 12 niidnight Fri. and Sat.- - - - - - 7 p.m. tol1a.m. Sundays and Holidays - Noon to midnight Hamburgs Dur Specially Operated by Paul Chant, "Sonny"l Hooper and Jim Crombte Dining Out? Try our French Buffet for the finesi in food Price $2.50 per person - aial you can eat Short Ord s ai abl : TIM CANADIAN STATzgm*m- 014TAMO MMDAY, MAY 18th. 1937 ý& ý,&f f -Il Mode[ FS-IOIC-57 *0000000« A La Carte NOURS OF BUSINESS

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