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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1957, p. 1

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~umibmu "Durham County's 'Geat Family Journal' -ýSE 103 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, TÈÙIRSDAY, MAY l6th, 1957 10e PER COPYNMER2 la 1~ The sparkling new Bowmanville Post Office and The Post Office Department will move ta their new quart- Federal Building at the corner of Church and Temperance ers over the weekend and will open 9:30 ta il1-30 a.m. Streets will opern its doors t6' the public this Manday with Monday. The box lobby will remain open until 6 p.m. the officiai opening being held the fall "owing Manday, May Regular haurs resume Tuesday. AIl mail must be posted 27. Postmaster George Vice bas announced that the aid in the new building after 4:15 p.m. Saturday. Post Office will close for the last time 12 noon Saturday.1 -Photo by R. Carruthers, Bowmanville (More Pictures on Page 18) Postmaster George Vice was riotified Tucsday aiternoon ta '~tethe old Post Office MrWing th is weekend and inove bis departrnent into the ~4amodern quarters at the \ er of Church and Temper- leStreets. The government inspection tour is being made today -,,hursday) at which time the )?uligwill be turned over thp ontractors Bradford- epari4 the , Public W orks Mr V"-&ftated that the aid Post Of14èe.Would close for the last tirne at 12 noon Saturday and nxo more mail will go into the old boxes after the Satur- day momning delivery. He is requesting that ahl box holders in the old building This holiday weekend- will sec Durham County applc blos- sorns at their peak. Nothing cati rival the beauty of apple or- chards in bloom and residents in this area, as well as visitors from other centres will not wiant ta miss . the beautiful show of blossoms this year. From Bowmanville it is su.- gested inotorists proceeci east on Concession Street, which will take them past a number af fine orchards over ta the. Newcastle area. Here there are several bath north and souzh of No. 2 Higbway. It is thought orchards on the Base Line may not be as far advanccd. Go east on No. 2 from New- castle -ta Newtonville, tumningý Kcniletb C. Toms, resident of Millbrook and a real estate agent in Peterborough, wvas named candidate by the Dur- ham- County Social Credit Aýý- Kenneth Toms sociation at a nomi.nating meet- Ing held in Millbrook Friday, )gay 10. Hle hb been a mnember cif! lle O«ùcredt par1V mce lUbi make arrangements ta ex - change their, keys between 9 a.rn. and- 4 p.m. Saturday. Keys for new boxholders will not be issued until Tuesday, May 21. In order to alleviate much of the diffficulty of transferring ta the new Post Office Mr. Vice bas furtber requested that general delivery patrons pick upr their mail by 12 noon Sat- urday. Although Monday is a holi- day the Wickets in the new Post Office will be open from 9:30 ta 11:30 a.m. wbile the box lobby will remain open 9:30 ta, 6 p.m. It will also be, necessary ta post ahl mail in the new Post Office aiter 4:15 p.rn. Saturday. Caretaker for the new build- (Continued on page seven) north at the second or third main road, ta the Second Con- cession. Then turn east toward Canton. There are large or- chards through this area. If this is far enough, the mo- torist can corne south into Port Hope, or if he wants more ai this beautiful panorama which only cames once a year, he can go iurther east into Hamilton Township, N o r t h umberland County, before turning soutb and coming into Cobourg. Thence back west aiong High- way No. 2. These arcas have been sug- gested by county orchardîstis and we are sure you will find the drive one of beauty throughout. when he spent a year in Chilli- wvack, B.C., and became imf- pressed vith the accomplish- ments ai the Bennett gavern- ment in that province. He re- turned ta Toronto and joined 1 the movement thère. 4 As one ai the original organ- izers of Social Credit activity in Durham constituency, Mr. Toms states: 'With the discantent prevai- ent among farmers, tobacco growers, small businessmen and industrial workers whorn I've met there is a fervent de- sire for a change ai govern- ment. -I arn firmly convinced that if given time and oppartunity ta investigate the principles of Social Credit, the people ai Durham constituency will rise tu the occasion and vote for the party that has so ably admin- istered the aifairs of Britisih Columbia and Alberta." Mr. Toms travelled widely throughout the world after re- turning from service in the first war. He worked his pas- sage on a small freighter ta New Zealand, later moved cn ta Australia where he worked in a frozen nieat factary in Brisbane, engaged in the whole- sale rabbit catching busine's5 and later continued his world iravels to India. China and tConUnued ocm page ucven) ,â,S.S To Officially Open New Post Off ice Hon. Robert H. Winters Minister of Public Works, will officjally open the new Post Office and Federal Building at 2 p.m. on Monday, May 27th. This officiai ceremony will be conducted by Mr. Winters along with civic officiais and other dignitaries. There will be more particulars of this evé'nt in next week's paper. Prime' Minister In Port Hope Fri. at 12:15 Prime Minister Louis S. St. Laurents first visit to Durham County ivili be made~ this Friday, May l7th. The Prime IMiter Is scheduled to speak in the Port Hope Bandsheli at 12.15 p.m. in support of the Liberal Candidate John M. Ho le in Road Attracts Many Spectators These curiaus observers were among the many who examined the large hait located north of the Sixth Concession on Manvers Road during the past week. The hale, hidden by the mound of dirt, resulted when a quicksand deposit reacted by swallowing tons of dirt being used ta level the road. The mound of dirt the observers are standing an is the bank of the road, which was almost level with the raad befare the hole develaped. -Photo by R. Carruthers, Bowmanville Log from 1791 Appears Tôns of Dirt Disappear in -Hole- in Manvers Roaàd Your Name Must be on Voters' List Clarence Oke has been appointed revising offié3er for the town ai Bowmnan- ville for the caming federal election af June lOth. Sittings for the revisal court will be held at Mr. Oke's residence, 28 Fleet St., May 23, 24, 25 and 28, between 10 and Il a.m. and 7 and 10 p.m. Standard time. At this time anyone who bas been leit off the Bowmnanviile Voters' Lista will have an opportunlty ta be put hack an. This is yaur last chance te have your name on the lists. The lists hive already been printed and should be lu the hands ai the bouse- holders this week. Check carefully to make sure your name is an. If you dan't re- ceive a list you can be pretty sure that your name isn't included. Rural enumerators con- duct their own revision sit- tings on one day only, May 23rd. Meeting A large depasit of quicksand located at an unknown depth under the Manvers Road near the Sixth Concession bas creat- ed an engineering headache for the Beaverdale Construction Company of Cobourg. The firm, originally hired ta level and straighten a stretch of the Manvers Road north of the Sixth Concession, were near completion of their work Wednesday of last week, when the road began ta sink under the weight of the heavy mach- inery. Ini a matter of a few hÉouri the surface of the road had aropped a depth of 10 feet swallowing tons of fi and a culvert. As the road settled the earth disturbances caused the banks on either side ta rise to a heigbt of almost 10 feet. Engineers believe the quick- sand deposit bas been the cause ai developments and are hop- ing there is a bottom ta the deposit and that it can be reached. This belief was con- firmed by Arthur Brent, 11f e (Continued on page seven) Ha rvesters to Open Bail Season Monday Bowmanville Harvesters play their initial game af the 1957 basebali season in Port Hope Saturday afternoon. Our Inter- media te representatives will ai- ficialiy open their home season as hasts ta the Orona Orphans in a morning game at Vincent Massey Park Monday. To ulsher in the 1957 season Port Hope bas planned a pa- i ade and gala celebration ta be- gin at 1.30 p.m. Six bands will participate in the proceedings which have been termed the largest held in the Lakeshore Loop's his- tory. Opening ceremanies Monday1 for the Harvesters will begin at 10.15 a.m. at Vincent Massey Park. Several prominent Bow- manville figures will be on hand ta conduct the proceed- ings. According ta Harvester man- ager, Jim "Ticker" Crombie, the team is shaping up well. Many ai the 1956 players will be in action this season and generally the team is stroitg throughout. However there is stili some weakness in the catching and this will bc over- came in the near future. Pres- ently the club is trying ta con- vert outfielder Danny Girardi Ne w B. of M. Manager Is James Atflan Bell Former manager George Moady who was pasted in Bow- manville for il years bas ne- tired and plans ta take up me- .James Allan Bell sidence in Aurora. Art Can- stable, assistant manager, at tne Bank for 61/ years, will be tranaierred La Toronto, 'ixteen Are Baptized at Týrinity Service E ixteen children' were bap- t:2èd by Rev. T. A. Morgan at the Christian Family Day Ser- vice in Trinity UnitedChurcil last Sunday mornîng. They wère: Joanne Marlene Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. -Allen: Darreil Riclqard Al- fred Boston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Boston; Barry Er- neýt Hale Brooking, son ofi Mr. ana Mrs. A. D. Brooking. Linda Jane* Burgess, daugh- ter, of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Buir- ge; William Douglas Dorks, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dorlks; Denise Marie Evans' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roil- ald' E. Evans; Sharon Louise Hammond, daughter of Mr. and Mre. Harold Hammond; Wil- liam Richard Leask, son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Leask; Roberta Joan Mann, daughLer of Dr. anid Mrs. G. E. Mann; Nancy Irene Marshall, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Marshall. Robin Lorraine M ar t yn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert G. Martyn, Bruce -Ernest Syer, son of Mr. and MVrs. J. E. Syer; Donald Gordon Thornp- son, sion of Mr. and Mrs. A. Thompson; John, William Tur- ner, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Turner; Scott William Van- Driel, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Van Driel; Lynn Isobel W;i- liams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Williams. More Than 1000 Votersi Added in County In the Federal Election an June lOth there will be approximately 1,000 more people entitled ta vote than there were at the 1953 election. These figures were releas- ed by Carroll J. Nichais, R.R. à, Port Hope, Returning Officer for the county. Bath towns in the county showed a' substantial increase ini population. Darlington Township reported the biggest increase of any municipality with more than 800 vaters being added. Clark-e was the only other town- ship to show an increase with the remaining townships in the-caunty ail showing a sharp decrease. The trend in population shows definite signs of being away from the farms and ta thé urban centres. The majarity of increase is shown i n the west end of the county served by The Canadi~esma Here are the- figuies with ti4e:1953. comiiprisoû and the number of poiling booths in each ùiunicipality. Municipality Cartwright ---------- Manvers -- Cavan Hope ------------ Clarke ---------- Darlington Millbrook Newcastle - Bowmanville Port Hope 1953 869 1243 1270 1735 1899 3379 504 607 3575 4305 Totals---------19,367 1957 859 1218 1180 1528 1939 4153 511 597 3833 4579 20,397 No. Polling Booths 5 7 5 7 il 17 2 2 16 20 92 The comparative figures between voters and total population strongly indicates that Bowmanville has a larger percentage of youths under 21 than Port Hope. Expect Public School Enrolment to Jump for Next September Ta date 154 children have that the three schools will have been registered ta, start in Kin- a total af 1,260 pupils in Sep- dergamtcn next September, Su- tomber', an inecase ai 40 ovcr pemvisîng Principal A. M. the present enrolment. Tbompson repamted at the me- Two of the three 'extra gular meeting o! the Bowman- raanxs at Vncent Massey school ville Public School Board on wiil be used ta bouse this in- Thumsday. Allowing fat' normal crease artd at the same time graduations this will mean I Continued on Page seven) Main Speakers at C.C. F. James. This speech was or-Ne manager at the Bow- lginally planned for 1.15 , manville Branch ai the Bank so please note the change o oteli ae la of time Bell, a Scott lby birth and up- Prior ta speaking Mr. St. bringing, who bas bad a wide Laurent wlll be paraded ta'-'and id banking career in the park anid on arrivaibah ctan adCnd. wIll inspeet the Guard of He f imst started with the Honour. Bank cf Montreal in Yorkton, -~Sask., and bas semved the bank Sin variaus Western Canada centres including Saskatoon, Regina, and Winnipeg. He was Six Infants transferred ta Toronto and frorn there ta numeraus other Ontario branches before corn- Are Ba tizedMr. Bell is an active service cngtb or ng aville. re Rev. H.A. Turner adminis-clbwrrbenapstr- tered the rite ai baptisrn ta o idnsiix annqe in children presented by their Club as well as treasurer af the parents at Sunday mamning ser- C.N.I.B. and the Salvation Ar- vice in St. Paul's United my ai that town. He was aira Churcn. a member ai the Board ai Man- Th cîlre wre Dugasagers ai the Presbyterian Aeande ee DulsChurch and the Gananoque and AeadrKemnp, son of Mr. * District Welfare Counci]. and Mrs. Douglas Kemp; Alex- On the iighter side ai bis 2c- andra Cathertne Yeo, daughter tivities Mr. Bell is a member ai Mr. and Mrs. Milton A. Yeo; ai the Gananoque Golf ane. JonMs Murray Wood;onarMr' Country Club and is an ardent and rs. urry Wod; Brrycurler whicb can undoubtedly James Welsh, son ai Mr. and Ernest Dent, Orono, was chosen by acclamation as the Durham C.C.F. candi- be attributed ta bis Scottîsh Mrs. Jack Welsh: Sharon Louise date for the June 10 Federal election at a small but enthusiastic C.C.F. convention in beritage. Burns, daughter af Mr. and Orono an Friday of last week. Principals at the convention were Lucas Nichais, Bow- He is married and bas a fain- M-s. Màrteli Burns: Ronald ily ai twa and they will short- Arthur DeMille, son aif Mr. ai manville; Donald MacDonald, Ontario C.C.F. leader; Ernest Dent, and Spenser IVb aîguprsdnei Mrs. Hiarold DeMiile. hsie lro. -Photo by R. Carruthers, Bowmanviiie Bowmanville. 4, ~ T4' New Post Office and Federal Building Check Hours of Business Moving to New Posf Office ln""" Use on Monda y Morning Durham Apple Blossoms At Peak This Weekend Kenneth Toms Is First Socred Candidate ta be Nominated in Durham 0 9 zbt

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