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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1957, p. 6

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_______________________________ TE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMAUNVffLLL ONTARI1O THURSDAY, MAY 1Oth. 1957 Manvers Pupils Present Fine Concert at Bethany Eetbaay: Four achools ln Mfanvers Township presented a musical entertainment in thei EBethany Town Hall on Thurs-i day evenlng, under the direction1 cf nuisic supervisor James Gay1 of Nestieton. The openimg chorus "Came 'Thon AIrn'ghty King" <Giardini)1 ,was sung by ail the pupils in1 unison. The 18 pupils ai Yel-1 vertan sang "The Lord's My Shepherd" (Covenanter's tune) and "The Young Musician", a $wabian folk sang. The rhythm band from this school also gave1 two selections for whlch they1 received first prize at the Peter- borough Kiwanis Festival, June Kerr directing the band. Fleetwood school ai 13 pupils sang a two-part chorus "The Four Winds". Junior pupils ai grades one ta four ai ail the Specials Colgate Dental 590 tube 2 for 89e Cream 33e tube' 3 for 66c Nomsma Cream - 98e, 1.25 Erylcreem and Comb 69e Va.cuum Bottles - -79e GERITOL "Ihe Ideal Tonie 1.35 - 3.29 - 5.49 schools Joined in singing "The Three Sailors." The ten pupilsi frorn Fallis' school were heardi first in the hymn "What A1 F'riend We Have in Jesus" sung ta a special arrangement ai Mr. Gay's own composition. Rev. R. R:' Bonsteel gave a1 brief outline ai the ]Ife story af the Canadian author ai this well known hymn, Joseph Scriven. There are several monuments erected in his memory in the Bewdley and Port Hope area and pupils were advised ta visit these shrines as a point ai his- torical interest. Joseph Scriven was born in Ireland in 1820, emigrating ta Canada at the age ai 25. He died in 1885. Two other selections were "Lavender" and "Dafiodils and Violets". A double trio fromn this school, Wilma Jakeman, Haiir Care New Toni -_____ 2.00 New Bobbl __-___2.00 Creamy Prom ___-__2.00 Tonette for Child -__ 1.75 Suave -_____ 60c - 1.00 Hair Brushes - 69e to 3.95 Ban Deodorant 1.25 Stopette Cream ___ 1.25 Arrld Spray -- 53e - 75o satin Spray Enden Florîent Set Net Shsmpoo Deodorant 1.29 719ô 1.50 1.69 89C Larvex Spray, 1.09, 1.69 - Larvex Bomb, 1.98 COWLI NG'S PHONE WE FIT BRA 3-5695 DRUG STORE TRUSSES Royal Theatre BowmanvilkE TMIRS. - SAT. EDMOND 198RIEI ERJULIE LONDON RAY ANTHONY' IENY YJONES -NAY 16 DIE GIRL CAIÎT JELP or OON by DU LUX Last complete show at 9:10 Sun. Nid-Nile OnIy - May 19 "Inside the WaIs 0f Folsom Prison" STEVE COCHRAN - DAVID BRIAN also "Beast from 20,000 Fathoms" Aduit Entertainment MON.# TUES., MAY 20 -21 & MAT. NON. 819ig hots 'The Lasi Froniier' of the Color - Cinemascope .. Starrlng GUY MADISON< VICTOR MATURE Luat complete show 8:40 Abse WED. AND THURS. - NAY 22-23 WARNER BMO.& . HENRY FONDA, VERA MILESia ALFRED HITOHOOCKS Umm . .Ss.nPlay by WMXWEU. ANDERSON and ANGUS MAPIAL, .w qm.«p -Ow«etd by ALFRED I4ITiHCOCK Last complete show - 9 p.m. Marilyn Horner, Vlrginia [Ur- bankiewiez, Maureen Bradley, Robert Stevenson end Walter Urbankièwiez sang an Irish folk song, "Ilie af Beauty" which won them first prize at the Peterborough festival and the Italian air "Santa Lucia" for Iwhich they were awarded firat Iprize at the Toronto musical festival. Walter Urbankiewlez also sang a solo "'The Squirrel". Sharon and Patricia Bigelow of Bethany sang a two-part duet. "The Cuckoo Song". The il1 pupils of Galloway's school sang "The Awakening Chorus" and Marguerite Beer sang -a solo, "The Linnet's Secret". Lifford school with its nine pupils cantributed, an Italian folk song "Amal# Bay". a French sang, "Welcome To Spring"l; two Mozart selections. "Music Magie" and "A Wood- wind Duet". A double trio, Judy DeGeer, Eleanar McGreg-1 or, Janice Tinims, David Staples, Karen Timma and Margaret Pyle sang "'The Song of the Rainbow." Judy DeGeer sang "The Dream Man" (Bury> for which she had received first prize at the Peterborough Festi - v'al for vocal solo slght readlng. Eleanor McGregôr sang a solo "Dainty Little Maiden". The entire schools sang "The Cara- van" with which they had re- ceived first prize at the Peter- borough festival, competing in a class ai 40 schools. AUl the schools were an the platform for the final group, "The Maple Leai", "0 Canada" and "God Save The Queen". Mr.I Gay was the piano accompanist. The Rev. R. R. Bonsteel, chair- man, expressed thanks to Mr. Gay, the school teachers and pupils for their excellent efforts. "We are ail justly proud af the musical talents of these pupils and their success," he said. Robert Sisson, on behalf ai the trustees ai the various school sections and the Parents, tender- ed their appreciation. "Children today are being given a wonder- fui opportunity ta develop their musical talents and we are fortunate in having Mr. Gay a such a capable and interested instructor." Mr. Gay expressed bis thanks ta the pupils and ta the day school teachers for their whole - hearted co-operation. "My week-' ly instruction would amount ta little if they did not follow through." The teachers are: Galloway's, Mr. Douglas Web- ster; Fallis', Mrs. Jean Argue; Lifiard, Mrs. Mable Kennedy; Yelvertan, Mrs. PhylUis Mitchell; Fleetwood, Miss O. Zealand. jNew Rector Is Welcomed at Blackstock A pleasant social gathering was held in the Parish Hall Friday evening for the purpose ai iorrnaily receiving and get- ting acuainted witb Canon and Mrs. Chaperlin. Mr. Gea. Walfe made the introduction ta which bath the Canon and Mrs. Chaperlin replied. Mr. Wolfe called an Rev. P. and Mrs. Rorneril ai the United church and Rev. and Mrs. Campbell ai the Preabyterian church and introduced them. We are ail very pleased ta once mare have three resident ministers in the township. Bath ai these ministers spoke bni- ly expressing their apprecia- tion ai meeting here. Leonard Saunders sang two numbers accompanied by Mr. JakSmith. Ail took part in asing-song with Rev. Philip Ronieril at the piano. Mr. Chas. Smith gave a couple ai violin solos with Mr. Jack Smith ac- companying him, after which1 games were piayed and a de- licious lunch served by tfle Men's Club and W. A. mcm- bers. BETHÀNY Mrs. Mansel Wright and Mrs. Thomas Jennings were in Guelph on Thursday attending the Officers' Conference for Women's Institute Branches. They were accompanied by Mrs. Hector Mortoni and Mrs. H. L. Challice ai Cavan. Mr. Mansel Wright also went with them, going on ta Waterloo. Mrs. Kenneth Syer, Cavan, spent several days last weeki with her sister, Mrs. John White.. Mrs. William Eaton, St. John's, Newioundland, was the guest ai Mr. and Mrs. James Fraser for the past two weeks. Rev. G. E. Meade and Mrs. Meade spent last week in Toron- ta. Mr. Dennis Challice, Rose- mont, was home for the week- end with his mother, Mrs. Rich-1 ard Challice. Mr. and Mrs. William Ellison, Mrs. Ross Hall and Miss Lynda Hall, Whitby, were Sunday guests with Mrs. Thomas Jack- son. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Cutts, Picton, were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McMaster. Home for Mother's Day with Mrs. Hazel Brown were: her famuly, Mr. and Mrs. Manson Cathcart and son Paul of Spring- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mor- row ai Peterborough. Miss Helen Jakeman, Toron- ta has been home for the past week with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jakeman. Mrs. Isabel Penny is in Peter- borough visitîng with Mr. and Mrs. George Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Smith and family, Colbôrne. were Sun- day guests with Mrs. Srnith's parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Waddeil. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bolton, Agincourt: Mr. and Mrs. John' Challice. Milbrook, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reynolds, Sunday. Miss Phyllis Bristow, Miss Joan Bristow and Miss Gayle Bristow, Peterborough, w e r e borne for the weekend with their mnother, Mrs. Hilliard Bristaw. Mr. and Mrs. Ailan Beer and son Phillip were Sundav guests with Mfr. and Mrs. Fred"Barnard Bishop from Jamaica 'Asks For Aid Here Blackatock: The Bishop of Jamnaica, the Right Rev. and lian. P. W. Gibson, vlsited Canon and Mrs. Chaperlin at the Rectory, Blackstock, on Thursday. The Bishap la on a special visit ta Canada. The degree of Doctôr ai Dlvinity was conferred on him recently in Montreal. Owing 'ta the destructive, earthquake in Jamaica at the beginning ai March this year from 80 ta 90 church buildings in the West end ai the island have been destroyed or damag- ed and there has been much destruction ta houses and ather buildings.. The Bishap la ap- pealing for financial help ta restore the damaged buildings, and needs about £60,000 in ad- dition ta the nsurance dlaims. Canon Chaperlin is, the Bish- ap's Commissary in Canada, and wifl be pleased ta forward any donations which may be made for the Jamaica Earth- quake Fund ta the Bishop af Jamaica, who returns ta bis Diocese later this month, ater filling preaching and speaking engagements in Ottawa, Mon- treal, Toronto, Kitchener and Hamilton. Windows Are Unveiled at Elizabethville On Sunday afternoon, May 5, the dedication services were held ta unveil the niemorial windows purchased with the iunds from the Centennial last June. Rev. J. F. Lane, Madoc, and Rev. Gardiner conducted the services. After the opening exercises, Mr. Harald Beatty, Port Hope, and Mr. Albert Ioelwere called forward ta unveil the windows. Mr. Beatty represented the past members and pioneers while Mr. Powell as a Steward of the Board represented the present niem- bers. Aiter the unveiling *and a few words from Mr. Lane the choir proceeded ta the chair staîls from the rear of the church and sang an anthem and Mrs. Morley Robinson, Starkville, sang a solo. Mr. Lane spoke about the disciple Thomas who was absent from the gatherîng of the disciples after Christ arase. Aiter the services the windows were viewed and pictures taken. Many were present from Port Hope, Oshawa, Peterborough, Toronta, Kitchener and the sur- rounding districts. PONTYPOOL Mother's Day was observed here with suitable services heid at the United Church with lRev. Bonsteel in the puipit. A bap- tismal service toak place when Paul Edward, baby son ai Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nimegan was baptized. The Pastor annaunc- cd that Anniversary Services will be held here on Sunday, June 2 with Rev. John Kitchen ai Orona as guest preacher at 7.30 p.m.. Rev. Kitchen is leav- ing Orono and has a hast ai friends in this district., We were sorry we did nlot bear about the passing ai Henry Thonipson, former clerk ai Cartwright Twp., in time ta pay aur last respects. Deccascd was a very active man in mun- icipal, community and frater- nai circles. Elgin Budd oi Simcoe, spent a few days in aur community. Elgin had just returned from a few weeks in the U.S.A. A few ai bis many friends joined with Mr. Lloyd Brown in a barbecue chicken dinner in Peterborough ta celebrate bis birthday. Many happy re- turns Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs. Ozzie Whitmee, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. BAIl Myles, Whitby, were Sunday visiters with Mr. and Mrs. J. Payne. Several of aur sumimer resi- dents have returned to the vil- lage. Among these are Mr. and Mrs. Bobin, Mr-. and Mrs. Man- etta Sr., and Mrs. Loichuk. MORRISH H0Ii y un-timespecials We at IGA have Iined up a fine array of picnic and barbecue items that are not only tasty, but economical as well. Shop early, stock up and have a wonderful weekend. ALL IGA STORES WILL BE CLGSED NONDAY, MAY 20 VICTORIA DAY Cudney Choice Halves PEA CHES Clever Leaf SOCKEYE SALMON 20-oz. 2.3c 1/'s t in 45C Pear Shape 1½à-lb. tir. MAPLE LEAF HAN - 1.49 Nescafe Instant 5e off 2-oz. jar 15c off 16-oz. jar CGFFEE 49c 1.39 "BONUS BOOSTERS"P Each with Free $2.50 "Bonus" Tape IGA SALAD DRESSINC Sunny Morn ICA COFFEE Appleferds Food Saver WAX PAPER Angelus White NARSHNqALLOWS 16-oz. jar a m 35c 1-1b. bag - w - m 87c 100-ft. roll -m m 33c 16-oz. pkg. m » 35c This item with Free $5.00 "Bonus" Tape IGA 14-oz. pkg. POTATO CHIPS - - - - 5c Off Reg. Price - French's - 10-oz. bottie BARBECUE SAUCE - - - Grape, Lemon Lime, Orange Fruit - 12-or. tin CGTT SYRUPS - - - Moir's Family Pack CHOCOLATE BARS IGA Canned WHOLE CHICKEN Choice Cream Style AYLNqER CORN 59C 44c 33c 10e bars 0 5For 39C l',1i-Ib. tin m m 1 .40 20-or. tins m 2For 35c Food Values and "Bonus" items effective May 16, 17, 18 Maple Leaf Ready to Eat SMOKED PICNIC STYLE Pork Shoulders lb. 49C An Outdoor Barbecue Favourite NEATY PORE SPARE KIBS Lb,. 49C Ideal for Hamburgers5 LEAN NINCED DEEF 3 Lbs. $1,00 TABLE RITE WIENERS With Free $5.00 "Bonus Booster" Tape Table Rite Small Link PURE PORK SAUSAGE Lb. Pkg. 39C m . Li'.59C Table Rite - Approximately 2 lbs. each BGLOGNA CHUIS .*.- .- .Lb. 33C An Outstanding Citrus Value, New Crop ,SUNKI4ST - ue ORANGES Size 88,'s d( Sweet Golden Ears CORI-ON-THE-COB From the New "'Controlled Atmosphere" NcINTOSH APPLES Solid Crispy Fresh Heads HEAD LETTUCE Crisp and Cruncby, Full Flavoured CELERY STALKS Firm, Long Green Slicers - Good Size CUCUNDBERS -- - pValencias loz.49?c m m*5 For, o Storages 3-lb. poly bag 49cr 2La IVize Large size 36 m m .Frozen Food Features STRAWDIEIRRIES-- Piclsweel LENONADE 29C i 19 lC tins 6-0z. 33c 29C Send 6 Pictsweet Labels for free 50e to Pictsweet Foods Ine., P.O. Box 180, Station S, Toronto 35c Off Regular Fab Price Deodorizers Si$1.215 Florient each 8 9c Family Day Service was heid on May 12 at 10 a.m. with quite a large congregation. The . ý service was conducted by the Rev. A. W. Harding assisted i n IConnell, Superintendent ai the~ ISunday School. The Junior choir led the singing. Their ~. special selection, "Holy Spirit, é~' Lead Us" was weli sung and ~~. much appreciated. ~~ This was also Baptismn Sun- Now your IGA Store has welded steel hoops day, anc infant was presenteci and hoop sticks available so that yau can and baptized by the Rev. A. W. enjoy the sme fun your Dad had' With each Is- Harding: Elizabeth Doreen > hoop you'il reeeive a colourful felt "Racer" daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mor- c rest and an instruction card so that you can 1ev Harness. become a "Star" hoop Racer, "Double Star" For he sort ermo Mr.Hoop Racer, or "Triple Star". Frigthe shfor tsemon aM Vou can win ail these crests as you learn 23. The theme and beauty aif ' aCr et refREE a ts Mother's Day was thoughtiully C orsIGaStREEfor expressed in this beloved you IGA Sutolaels.r Psalm. IApoutlbl. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kelly Agile~ and iamiiy, Bowmanville,wre fV. - .' Sunday guests ai Mrs. Kelly's ~~ - parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lord. Mrs. William Swain of Wil- lowglen, Cavan, was a week- end guest of Mr. and Mns. Nor- bert McHolm. adfamily, Orono, were Sun- day visitars with Mr. M. J. Os- BOYS ANDu GIRLS! WIN $25.00 CASH rnPBIr î borne. Mr. and Mis. Harvey sî @..~ iOsborne, Allen and Marion ai If you invent a new hoop trick cf your own, just describe your trick, - - Welcome. alsa visited with Mr. and send it te "IGA Food Stores, Hoop Dept.", Ontario Food Terminal, M. J. Osborne Mother's Day. T Mr. and Mrs. D. Powell, Tronte. If your hoop trick is published in our weekly ad, you will - Campbelleroft, calied on Mrs: be paid $25.00 fer the trick. -'Y Wm. Uglaw who was visiting Shep fer these values at your local IGA Store Mis. M. J. Osborne for a feiv days. Mrs. Uglow returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Ander- son and familv, Port Hope. vis- itpd his mothcr. Mrs. Frank PAGE Sam L 1 m m m

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