"ML'SDAY,',MAY 23Ad, 195? Plan Childre Un -New Librg Th e Board of ' Bowmanv i le, pulcLbrary met on Tuesci&ý !vrmMay 14, with Cil' man L. W. Dippeil presid.î and ail mernbers present.' When the library moves into its nej quarters ln the post Do- fi . sparate Childrerfs e- Spa 1, Nat i!l be establishe iwitcMrs. M. J. Hutchinson looking after this section, Mrs.' F. W. gower will continue as chie! Ii brariain. A sliglht change %vill be made ir library hours when the mové- is completed irito the nýw% quarters, but flot until then. The aduit section will be onen from 2.30 to 6 eacli afternoon except Wednesday, instead ot 2.30 fo 5.30. It is feIt the extra haif-hour will assi st a nucnber, of office wvorkers to visit t1iej library on their '.'.ay home. Evening hours will be fromi1' Inspecting C Praise Cade T~ CANAfl!A!'~ ~TA'I~MAN. ur~wi.i' A ~r'~m .t .v ~ A e~ Dn's Section -ary Building ".0 to 9 p.m., instead of 7 ta as at present. The children*s section will be open fromn 3.30 to 5.30 ever: day except Wednesday, and also on Saturday morning frorn 10 ta 12. The 3.30 ta 5.30 ap. plies on Saturday aft ernoon ai well. Librarian Mrs. F. W. Bower'E report showed adult memnber- ship increased this year by 17 ta date. Over 20 new books have been recently receivec and are now in circulation. The Premises Cornmittee of the Board, composed of Messrs. R. G. Hamlyn, A. M. Thomp- son, Geo. Vice and Mrs. Roy Lunney, will mneet with a coni- mittee from the Rotary Clubn as soon as the post office build- ing is vacated. Plans îvill theni be miade for any necessary ai- teratio'is ta accommodate tha library. ) fficers ýt Corps Cadet Eric Barr o! No. 5 Pla- Presents Trophy taon. -A" Company, a chos- Lt. S. P. HunIer, of Cad.4 en the best aIl round cadet on Headquarters. Kingston, '.a_ý the parade square by Col. F. S. the next menîber of!the inspec- Wotten, Commanding Officer tion party ta address the graup. of the Ontario Regiment. Osh- He presented the award won awa, following bis inspection by the B.H.S. Cadet Corps in o! No. 544, Bowmanville Hîlgri 1956. for having the best corps School Cadet Corps in Memor- in Eaîtern Ontario, with 150I il Arena Thui'-.day eveniuîg. persoinel or less. Eleanr Pikýrdof N.. 9 The Award, the Findlay Tro - Platoori, "B" Cormpany receix'- py accepted by the 19561I ed the saine honour foc' beicîg Bttli Commander, Cadets chosen the best ahl round cade, Lt. Col.DulsCtrno. in the girls' division o h hl o f Hte'e.ouglS. Corpsn, r r'orps hby Col. L. T. MeLaugh- cbmehaf !theBon.he.scoIn En, enir mmbe ofthein-Lt. Hunteî' said il is quite rspection party. doubtful that No. 544 Cadlet commends Cqrps. Corps will lase this award. Col. McLaughL.in commend- IVelcome News ed the cadets for the fine dis- P"sbly the nîost welconîe cipline, appearacîce and pune-spaeofte vni, rm tuality sh'own during the in-spaeo!te .vngfm the studenîs' viewpoint, was spection. H-e comipai'ed the pre Bruce Tînk. c'hairman of Dur- (isi0fln ovements a! the <oros hm Dsrc ih Sha during the varjous displa « s ta BoamrdisAtrict Ha ig S&hoF those o! a "crack regiment". Booard Aftrcortuong the Before concluding he presented strp ad istructors anonteir Cadet Eleanor Pickard with an tsupter displd. e aanoncdj award 6ponsored by Bowmam hia ther wdbm anvl! da'-' villge Branch 178, Canadian Le- SholyfrBwavleHg. Sco. heo secin. gnwith In his comnuents, Col. Wot- t airvothe inspection ten termed the displays giventh ariao!bensctn ,by the cadets as "excellent" party which included; Col. Me- ari sidilivs n onurtaLaughlin, Col. Wotten, Lt. bendrsin t %ta sec ani. "urTIi 'Hunter, Lt. K. Sumnersford, B.HS. ade Cops s oe . Col. Wotten's aide. Cade' Lx- the nîany affiliated witîîh stuta'nMjr .A.Wthr OntrloRegmen , a ian spoon, Major L. MI. Dippell and Onrido! thamtc"h ad . HeCadet Lt. Col. P. Herbert, with gave a brie! resunie o! the ca- pla theonsctmanertyc.mp .nlet corps connected xith theiethinpcon ary 9ntario Regiment. Col. Wotten Match Past thien preseruîed Cadet Eric Baîr After the inspection the ca- tvith the Legion A%'ard. dets held their ceremnonîdl c 41 Ii5pmcally prcpared ta aid prospectie neu,-comers ta Canada lion, Briain. titis folder -H'om, ta Tiansfer Fitids 10te .da'eN\pains the sleps that a persan in the L. citcc inmgdonî niusI îcke ii ocder te cemply is iiiBritain*s loreign-exchanger eguations governing the transfer of funds and blocked sterling asseutet this countri'. .&sk for a copy at -'aur nearest B of M branch tocIay and senid it off te anone 'ou know in Britain mileomi ght be considering emmigiaing ta Cànada. M' DNI ..in London The 1B of NMhas twa weII'estalhed moffices min ~JLondon, citheraone of m hicli wcll be onl1' too gIad te îtelp 3rmooth the m~a% for th e pi-ospcctl'e emmi- grant te Canada. T1hiough mt Loncdon office'. the B of NI can atend tealal the deuais in connectmon m ith (lie tianster of aýsesiom the U K. and hia\e flicniones remitmd to the banch in Canada acareàt the emigrant's new home. London Oficos~: City Office. 47 Throodneedlo Street, E.C.2 West End Offie.; 9 Waterloo Place, S.W.1 'KOF MONTRIEALI e4444r44 V4" JAMES A. BELL, M4anager Bowmanv'i11e Brar.ch WONKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OFLW5~ SINC! 117 - -' -- "~' '~ PA~ IffZV mnarch past, wiîh Col. Mc- ade throwing range was erect. Laughlin taking the salute, and ed and the participants dis- the advance in revue order. Iplayed their throwing ability. mended on the excellence wth ades failed ta explode ard ~ N Iwhich te are u hs when the throwing party at- manoeuvres. The commands tempted to retrieve il they were sharp and distinct; there were injured. This gave tnie was willingness in the militai" first aid men an opportunity .stride and posture and the to go into action. - eyes right. salute was per- The cadet band was flawless idhaps one of the finest Col. Mýc- in is performance and the Laglnhas taken in many stirring martial music was à Meinbers of the flag partv moalypr a ted8b0 ' pecttar .eam retlyaprated8b0 ier 5duri ng the inspection were Flag crowding the arena. -Party Officer.1 Lt. L. Miller an.d A-etda ftece ý7 gs -SmithS. Tho IA ratdelofth rei Sgt~ ,ohen andB. Fraor the excellence of the B.H.S. U . G ym adis.pFain. Cadet Corps belongs to Princi- d n addition a h fie%.1 1pal L. W. Dippell and Cadet In ddiionto he inemi 1:- Jnstructor E. A. Witherspoon. )fta~y dispiay the cadets stagcd Other teachers wbo are well a Ë.. emntrL ' hich in. deserving ofrecognition in- Y the grade fine boys' PTÈ. and excellent job iii training the *Gymnastic teams anid the girls' P.T. and Gym Class: Len Lu- bgrade nîne gymnastic team. cas, Bob S ieridan. Vînce Ma.4 Th ese groups showed excel- thewsvon, D. C. Peters v ho s lent fe2ts of pbvsical fitness in capabix' trained the band imcm- their displa,,s. The girls' gyin bers: Miss M. Bennett and Mrs. team was under the direction Hocbmnan, wno înstructed the of Alice Lootsma. Boys' gym girls' gym team. teamn leader was W'ayne Purdy. TwEontea si enteran Enooften Eventerai- WESLEY VILLEL ing events were the blackberr.' quadr.,'le and square dance disi- <Intended for last week) p]ays by the B.H.S. Drurn MzW'A Metn jorettes. Other higbli ghts of iW .3etn the eveing inciuded thesg The May' meeting of the W. nal flag and lamp display and A. '.as bÏeld at the borne off GRADE' the grenade throwing and St Mrs. R. Best on May 8, willh John's bandaging and first i about 18 ladies present. includ- "A c dispia',. For the latter a gren- ing a very welcorne lady fronc J\Iorrish W.A., 1\Irs. McHloliii.A y Red Cross qumîlt was completed Business Dhrectory during the aflernoon and. hie Program w'%as in charge off the 1 Pound of Ta group for the month-Berniece A ccounianc y Bcst and Mesdames H. Best, F. Pr - Anderson, A. Holdaway and B.P r RATY. . ILLING Ashb, During ithe businr-s Certified Public Accountant coiîducted bY. President Mvrs. A. and 1 poundo 9.1 Churc'h Street AuLstin, a report off the Cobourg MArket 3-3861 Pýrcsb .'ery Wornan's Associa- W e -btor annual meeting held at i n WM. J~. H. COGGINS Gai-den Hill recentîx', as giv- Chartered Accountant en by Berniece Best. Date for 64 King St. E. Eowmanville 1the~ Garden PartY was set for (Abave Garton's Bus Station) 1 the rnliddle of Julv and finali Witb Free $2.3 64 Kng tree E. details wxere made foi' the day. 64 Kig Stret E.RoîlJcFiii was an excha uge off MONTEITH- MONTEITU seeds and plants and the tîsual !T be R RJEHL & Co. exchange off news and vie\vs Chartered Accountants took p)lace diim'ing the servmng 135 Sim'coe St. N. Oshawa oIf daitv refresbrnents by thc RA 5-4662 committee. Partners: On Tuesda 'y ot last week, NwCo J. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A. . A. Aus'iîi and Mi'. L. Ne A. B. Mionteith, B.Comm., C.AIHoldaw'ýay cal'led on a. 'ou'igCrp G. W. Riehl, C.A. I Hungarian couple wvho arc (Licensed Trustee) working at Hovvard Paynes. SU N é R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. c with a gito layette from O A the W.A, Final plans are made O A TALE, FRIEDLANDER. for presen-ting the choir's long ReRieB HUNTER & CO. ax'.aited operetta wiîîîin tLAC RdRp Accountants and Audîltors next two wecks. 64 King St. E. - RA 5-1621 Favourable 1'eather haF gx - T U VJ Oshawa cri the farmers a chance ta gel B. . ale, C.A. in an eari'.' crop. Seeding l'a, New Crop Ci F. Friediander. P. Comm.. C.P.A been cornpleted on many J. Hunter, C.P.A. farnis. CiA mal Fiftx'-seven were present for C h r o~ r c i1 C Sundav Scliool' Tne specia] ir Rdf form iof service was conducted G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. by thie superintendent, Murray W A T t Chiropractor Pavne: the responsive readir g Office: St. as led by, Bill Barrowclough; .5 Elgin St.. cor. of! Horsey t Paul»Austin read the New. Tes- thFe Phione MA 3-5509 tamnent Scripture and Marie WthFee$ Office Hours: Bi' Appointment Austin i-pari the day's stor-" Cooling, Ref c -Herman Theysnie ver and Glen D enfia i Clarke look up the offeri,. L E N O tin back after ber recent op- DR. W. M. RUDELL. D.D.S. eratio.. Office: Jury .Jubilee Bldg. Gloria NichaIs wbo has beon Hereford 40 King St. Wý.' Bnwmanville in bed xxîth rbeumatic fever I Office Hours: rrost off the xvinter. xveît ta the 1 a n 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dailyv Sick Children's Hospital last C o ne Closed Saturda ' and Sunday '.eek foi' a check-up and everv-1 Office Phone NIA 3-5790 one is delighted to bear thbat 1 Arkell 'riuse Phone - Newcastle .3551 zhe is m-uch betteî' andi vs" ~ D.D hope wilI. soon be back a-,P un Office in his home AP rteuneie ls we 100 Libertv St. N. - Bowmanville fo~A lttm eie off te n Of.fice Ilours: ice ieibt f heUnte 9.a.m. ta 6 p.m. dailv Nations force at Abu Suwe i Choic nrde 9a.ni. to 12 noon Wedniesday tells us thcre aie ul01a11. ' Closed Sundav Canadian Air For-ce anîd Arrniy Phone MIA 3.5604 nieeo eft tiiere as the l'est o,' E A -the poiice force bas rnaved oub DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D .s. R1o11g the canal. The weather1 With Pork Officlias bcen real warn, up to 120 3 King St. E. - Bowvmanville degrees and cnding \vith a >ffice Hours: sandstornî wbiciî was barder GB 9a.m. ta 6 p.m. dail.v Io stanid than thîe blizzards at Closed Saturdax' and Sunidav Resolute Bay. The tropical tini- Teleplione: Office MA 3-545à farni looks like a Junîgle iln Shortening i53C "6A", 22 to 3-1b. Average ronized" Frying Chickens lb. d43c tble Rite Small Link (Save 15c) Park 'Sausage; of Table Rite ç c rs Ai for 89 ,50 "Bonus Booster"' Tape ite Side Bacon lb. pkg. 89c Valencias - An UST eauties - A Treat for the Whole Family %TOES Clopg Outstanding Valu e poly - ba-g 9 ,alifornia - The Finest Available IOTS, 2 29c Ripe and Juicy - A Lip-sniacking Treat MRAYLOUA!bGond size $1.29 l.50 "Bonus Booster" Tape .reshirîg Flavour - California NS di Beef Plums ed )eas eans ECelIo 'tube 12-z.35 3 20-niz. t ins 29 2 20-nz. tin 2 c 19c NEW 8-oz. UNII Maple Leaf Chubs "*MEAT SANDWICH SPREAD " BRAUNSCHWEIGER " BACON AND LIVER 8-oz. *Frozen Foods ]PICTSWEET FRENCH FRIES I :. 35 C B. C. Kraft Miracle Whip Salad Dressing jar E.39 C 5-oz. of6m Haif or Whole bat. long sîeeved shirt. knec I.A N I ~ S U r il c e rockin.gs and sîîoî's. It is cer- Iico~ til oiotbebut theV 38INabisco 2 pkgs. 37cI General Insurance have ho wear long tiauser i J1. A. BARTON th ' *nn because off the p1 cu Shortnn Fire, Auornioble, Liabilit ' Vetc1a(I lor pois000 5bugs and ~Il Enter M1onarcb's"Free Bike a Day" Contest 43 Carlile Ave. MA 3-,3098 spiders. _____ Il T a k Y Quick Colour L eg 1 iPAOVIE Redeeni Vour loc Coupon on I)etergent . lon arch Margarine jiki 29 STRIKE and STRIKE Gant7 Barî'isters, Solicitors B uej e cçize '7 5c Redeem Your 5c Coupons on Natris uli ELJV I .5 Wr W. R. Strike, Q.C. Ba.. f, , . .rg,31c A. A. H. Strike. B.A. ANASTASIA P i ar 'n k C a m ayBRs J 40 King St. W. - Bowrný vU1e Mon.lied. May 27 -29 l 40cg TlpoeM 3-71Royal Theatre OFacial Soap0C31 c LAWRENCE C. 31ASON. B.A.i De Luxe Color. ('inemaScope F ca o p2 Sz Barrister, Solicitor Th cenîtral situation o! this Fond Values and "Bonus Booster" Fond Features Effective May 23, 24, 25 Notarv Public romnanic dramna whîch var'ies~-~ "~'-e ~ «' KinR St. W. - Bowmanville fî'om the plax' 'is based looselx -ý Phones: Office MIA 3-5688 on ail.tîîsoîvecî nxx'5erv of ro.ai tlii ~ ' Residence MA 3-5553 life. The truc id .emîîty off Il c SUSS APHA L. [IODGINS GrandDues Anasiasia, ticeS V I'U Barrister. Solicitor last Czars sole sui'vivor . j . *** . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Natarv Public 1 sulPposcdl\v mîssed deatb w lî2n Temperance St. - Bowrnanvillee Russsîaî rox'a Ifamil x'.ýZ assaý.sîîaIcd. romnains am iiemug LOVEKIN AND THO'MPSON mn3. Thre c-raftv White Russ.'an Barristers and Solicitors adiven-:urers grooni amîd 1t E. R'chard Lov.ekin a houîeýlesý ,oung wonian sui- lj.E., B.A.. LL.B. ferumîg Irorn amnesiata a and ,ai beatmî"iii order to pass h (, Andrew R. Thompson off as the heur to the Czi _ LL.B.. LI,.M. tortune. The rnetamnorpîos. Box 9 Ne'..castle. Ont. i froint iumîîaiîderelict to eleg ..... elpnes Dule>-.'hakox'edeNew'castle - 2115 J aniil'. hu tory down in the id 1' Toronto HI 4-4'.96 cictajl -iî su ccessfui Iluat mnoF Consultation b,% appainîmnent only one is suree .teîlm'she is ie gn:eAmastasia or a remnarl. able imposter. A certain glo'.v M r g g s and fascin'ation is given the1HOF C ALR ST ONLY picture tiîrougb thîe actîngc, tt'."'F E O FCI L " AC R C E T LEROT H.AMIfLTOSJ - ORONO opulent perioci sctî:ngs ai-d Now vour IGA Store has welded steel hoous and hoop sticks available. With each Phone 1 r îs h1a1~'i.ýg nieioi"s. Mlost vue.'. hoop you'Il receis'e a colourful feit "Rarer" <rest and . .. an instruction card. V'on First Mortcaze f:nds e'f ?l.s Bergi an's pc'r- 'an win more crests as you learn each set of hoop tricks. ('tests are FREE at 'occrc Residences - Farnîs fo: uîaïur, as imie euiigmîîa*:c gi I(A Store for IGA Labels. Sec them today' Business Proocrties a splee-ididi ome; for the nia ' or-BOSADGR .'WN 250 CSHPIE itv s he leuris w'arnîtb alcî OSAD GRS VI 2.0CS RZ Plus $5.0 in IGA Cash Iraeo a vole demnandimîg tue If vou invent a new hoop trick of vour own. just describe >'&ur tri'k, and send lt te Receipts or Bonus Booster 0 p 0 oM e f r y i xr~ Onff despair and mu- "1IGA Food Stores, Hoop Dept.",. Ontario Food Terminal. Toronto. If your hoop trick Tapes gaiclgît".Helen Ha,-e.pia-v- fi; Dublished in our wveekiç ad. vou w'ill lie paid $25.00 for the tric'k. KEITH A. BILLETT f ng N ui. d"ar- nîre OpDtometrist if maiivmidentifies iune RuSsian_______ 141 KinR St. E. Bowmanvifle refutgee. as ber .-raid-daughitcr Office Heurs: Bv apponmcnt n a poigmnanît sccne. X'cl Brxi-. Telephone MIArket 3-3232 jne:'.,playmýng 'the schemning ta'-k-J Mendav ta Saiurdav jnaste,- Bounmu. bas fascinatom't I) arn ti 5 oro j and kîrns ;nto a liero. Th~ E Vednesdays: 9 ta 12 14in:1 - ape:,epe'liy Thu.roda.y evemngs Llte 1adies1 young aand oid. "Bonus Booster', With Free $5.00 "Bonus Booster" Tape IGA:Sunny Morn Tea Bags 100f 5c Witb Free $2.50 "Bonus Bnoo;teir" Tape Shirriff's Lemon Pie Filuer 2 '-. -33 c Witb Free $2.50 "Bonus Booster" Tape WVhite Cross Interlake Tailet Tissue 2IroîîS2.5c With Free $2.50 "Bonus Booster" Tape la = CAINADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLLP- M"ýAW'fM 19C 1 29C 1 20-oz. a pkgs. 2 9