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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1957, p. 15

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~EUMDAT, MA~ SSrd, 1957 - - - -- -.---. ----t -..-'-....~ SZIAZ~D E LE A ~~C~5I fl A P!~ ~ Ckussif.ed Work Wanted 1bAY %lre provided for Young child while rnother works. Tele- Phone MA 3-3440. 21-1 PLUMBING, heating, caves- troughing; free estimnates. Harvey Partjsp' Tyrone. MA 3-2240. <ýý 12-tf d ,,ïRNIZLAYING, plastering. Nor- man 'Pingle. 72 Elgin St., Bow- Manville. Phone MA 3-5518. 12-15 NEW plastering and repairs. Stucco and cernent plastering. A. C. Woods. Phone Clarke 23 r 04. 14-tf SPRAY-Painting: Commercial, barns, cottages, stables, ceilars, furniture. interior decoration. For free estimates Phone MA 3-5387. 19-4 GUARANTEED repairs to al rnakes of cars and trucks, al Jobs are guaranteed. competent workmanship, at Cowan Equip- ment Co., Meteor-Mercury Deal- er, 134 King St. E., Bowman- ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 14-tf SAVE MONEY AT Dave's Shoe Repair Fast, Prompt Service 35 TEMPERANCE ST, (in rear) - ~42-tf. Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf Bulldozing and Excavating Wayne Ellioti >NewtonvillIe Phone Clarke 512 18-8 * TllME FOR SPRING WORK General Masonry ]BRICK, BLOCK or CONCRETE REPAIRS or STRUCTURAL Estima tes Free L. Turner Phone MA 3-3072 or 3-3231 P. O. Box 177 13-tf C4stom Corn Planting Wanted týVew four-row precision Corn Planter - Equlpped wlth fertilizer attach- mente for proper iplacemeilt cf ferdllzer. FRED BERRY PH--'E RONO 1 R 10 21-2* Plumbing - Heating1 Eavestroughing lut Clama Work Guaranteed For imniediate service call A. BAARS 66 Kinir St. WV. Bowmanvllle Phone MA 3-5172 FREE ESTIMATES Insurance DeWith & Mountjoy Insurance Agency Cali us for your General Insurance Needs Bo wmanville Phone MA 3-3950 19-tf Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE FEDERAL BUILDINGS PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO SEALED TENDERS address- cd to the undersigned and en- dorsed as above, will be received until 3:00 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), TUESDAY, JUNE il, 1957, for the supply of coal and coke for the Fedemai Buildings thmough- out the Province o! Onltario. Fomms of tender with specifica- tions and conditions attached can be obtaincd from the Chie! o! Purchasing and Stores, De- partment of Public Works, Gar- land Building, Ottawa, and the District Architect, 385 Yonge St., Toronto, ,Ontario. Tenders will not be consider- ed unless made on the pinted formns supplied by the Depart- ment and in accomdance with conditions set forth themein. The Department eserves the right to demand !mom any suc- cessfui tendemer, before award- ing the order, a secumity deposit in the form of a CERTIFIED cheque dawn on a bank in- compoated under the Bank Act or the Quebec Savings Bank Act payable to the order o! the RECEl VER GENERAL O F CANADA, equal to ten pem cent o! thie amount of tender, in accordance xith the Govern- ment Coniracts Regulations now in force, or Bearer Bonds, with unt'natured coupons attached, of the Govenment o! Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent comparnes, unconditionally guar- anteed as to principal and inter- est by the Government of Canada. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER, Chie! of Administrative Services and Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, M4ay 7th, 1957. 20-2 For Rent PASTURE for rent. Phone MA 3-2058. 21-1 APARTMENT. Phone MArket 3-3573. 21-1 PASTURE for five head of cattie. Phone MA 3-2612. 21-1 APARTMENT. Apply Robert Mutton, 45 Concession St. E. 21-1* SIX-roomed house, east o! Nestleton. Phone Blackstock 54 - M2 21-1* MODERN three-room apartment, centraliy. located. Phone MA 3-3077. ,21-tf 40-ACRE pasture for the season. Plenty.o~f shade and water. Tele- Phone MA 3-2403. à 21-1* SEVEN-room house, centraily located, immediate ipossession. Phone MA 3-3935. . 21-1 FIVE-room apartment Corn- plete bath, kitchen cupboards. Phone Newcastle 3996. 21-1 STORE in Newcastle, modemn front, centrally iocated, water, hot and cold. Phone 2451. 19-3* HtEATED bachelor apartment, June lst; rent $50. Mrs. V. Pea- cock, telephone Oshawa HA 3-3972. 19-tf THREE-room apartment with bath, suitable for business couple. No children. Phone MA 3-560l9. 21-1* LAKEFRONT family cottage at View Lake on Lake Scugog; three bedrooms, jzood boat, handy to store. H. Coatreli, Orono. Phone 14410 after à p.m. 21-3* Personal HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) maiied postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nox.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- ilton. Ont. 1-52, 'OLD at 40, .50, 60?" Man! You'*re craz! Thousands peppy at 70. Ostrex Tonie Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron. For run- down feeling manyv men, women, call "old". New "get-acquaint- ed'" size only 60c. AU druggit1 Ads Caretaker -in New Federal Building Auction Sales I have received instructions from the Executor of the estate of the late Mrs. Fred Duncan to seli by public auction on Friday evening, May 24th. Sale to com- mence promptly at 6 V.m. at her late residence. Orono, opposite the United Church. Bedroom, living-room and kitchen furn- itprè, Frigidaire electrie refrig- erator, Gurney electric stove, 3- piece chesterfield suite, walnut bedroom suite, chrome kitchen suite. The above mentioned are~ ail nearly new. Dishes, glasses, etc. At the same time the six- room insul-brick house with fireplace, hard and soft water on tap, oil furnace, bathroom, etc., will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. The house will be open for inspection on Thurs- day evening (tonight) fro)m 7 to 9 p.m. Terms on furniture cash. Terms on property made known at sale time. Jack Reid, auction- eer; Lawrence Harris, cierk. 21-1 Piano Tuning ARTHUR Collison. Phone MA q-1900. 19-tf Business Opportunity FULL OR $PARE TIME Golden Opporiunify Reliable man or woman with car or light truck for delivery and collection contract. No selling Involved Age, education or past experience Is flot Important. Enquiries invited froni sincere persons with $1,200.00 cash available for atartlng Inventory. Up fo $150.00 a week ,TO START. Investment Security. IVrite Confracting Division 30 WALTON ST. TORONTO 2, ONT. 21-2 Wanted to Buy COMMODE for aduit. Phone MA 3-2839. 20-tf PLAYPEN ini good condition. Phone MA 3-2309. 21-1* BABY cai-riage in good con- dition, reasonable. MA 3-2749. 21-1 COLEMAN camp stove and lantern and two camp cots. Tele- Phone MA 3-5180. 21-1* CUTTING box with pipes, in good condition, large size; also egzg cleaner. Phone B]ackstock 68 r 21. - 21-1 HIGHEST prices pald for live poultry, goose feathers, feather ticlçs, scrap iron, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa. collect. 48-tf~ ALL kinds of live poultry want- ed. Top Toronto prices paid at vour door for large or Small quantities. We have our own market. M. Flatt, Bethany RR. 1. Phone collect to Bethanv 7 r 13. 28-tf Notices L. C. Mason, Law Office clos- ed until May 27, 1957. 19-3* Fish and chip orders ta take out from 1l to 1 o'clock noon and from 7 to 10 o'clock even- ings. Friday and Satumday to Il p.m. Phone MA 3-5579. 21-1 THE ANNUAL MEETING o1 the Northumberland -Durhan TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION will be held at the Baltimore Hotel, Division Street COBOURG WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1951 at 8:00 p.m. For the purpose o! receiving th( Financial Report, the election ci the Executive Council and suct other business as may properlj corne before such meeting. Any lnterested persans are cordially invited to be present M. E. Pewtress. Executive Sec'y Northumberland -Durham Tuberculosis Association 21-1 lem, MA%@Mo M U m ýt' Demonstrating the new floor polisher which will aid in keeping the terrazzo floor of the new Post Office in spotlessly clqan condition is the Caretaker, Joe Kilpatrick. Besides the cleaning and maintenance of the postal section of the building Mr. Kilpatrick will also be responsible for the offices of Customs and Excise, Department of Agriculture, and Department of Public Works, whîch are located on the second. floor. Beceptions 1 With thanks to God, the childmen and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mostert, New- cnsie, remember their 35th wed- ding anniversary on Friday. May 24th. 21-1* Mms. W. E. Jewell will be at home to ber friends and relatives on Saturday, June lst, from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m., on the occasion of hem 88th birthday, at her home, 16 Carlisle Ave. 21-1* Notice jDOG OWNERS! Bowmanville Dog Owners are warned that the 1957 Dof Tags are now past due. Those who have flot already obtained thcm must do s0 immediately to avoid prosecution. Tagm may be obtained at the Town Clerk's office. 21-1 Harvesters Win Opener ln Port Hope Costly Port Hope errors paved tthe way for the Bowrnanville i)f Harvesters 5-1 victory over the 1h Ontarios in the opening ganie [Y of the Lakeshore Intermediate Baseball season at Port Hope Saturday afternoon. t. Supported by Jack Parker's 'y brilliant pitching the Harvest- ers ran up a 5-0 lead scoring four- o! their runs on infield ,l errors by their hosts. Don Gilhooly outran a pass ball in the first inning to score Bow- Imanville's first mun. He hit a double in the top o! the sixth and came home on an error by the third baseman, to score his second mun. Butch Cole scrossed the plate after the first baseman missed Park- er 's 'ine drive in the seventh inning, making it 3-0. Cole and Parker both hi and both crossed the plate on an inficld error. Ray Wakely scored Port Hope's only run in the bottom of the ninth after hitting a double. An in- field error on Evans' grounder permitted the run. Play Here Wednesday Harvesters meet Cobourg In an evening gafne at Cobourg Monday and are hosts to therri at Vincent Massey Park Wed- Inesday evening. ,Summamy. Bow'ville 100 001 102-5 5 3 Port Hope 000 000 001-1 4 6 Tura Old Furaiture imi Cash with STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS J Phono MIA 3.3303 Parade and Games Mark Victoria Day ut Bethany Despite inclement weather, the Bcthany Athletic Association tcamried through with their an- nual Victoria Day celebration. The Community Band,1 directed by Ernest Vlctoms headed the parade fromn St. Paul's Chumch to .-he Àthietic Park. with the Majorettes: Joy DeGeer, Judy DeGeer, Wilma Jakeman, Nomma Jakeman, Colleen Durham, Don- na Durham. Leone Jordan, Dianne Bigelow. directed by Leone Smith, giving a fine per- formance. Prizes for parade entries went ta Brian Green for best decorat- cd boy's tricycle; Dianne Smith, Caroline Smith, Linda David- son, Patricia Davidson for girls' decorated bicycles: Mrs. Frank Martichenko, best decorated car; Ronald Pomeroy, best farmer's entry. Prizes for 4stumes went to Edward Green "The Jail Bird"; Patsy Green, 'Mexican Girl": Barbara Green, "The Bride"; Ruth Longfield, "Indian Chie!": Ricky Wentworth, '*West Point Cadet". Prizes for races went to Perry Bothwell for boys six yeams and under and Joanne Edmunds in the girls' section;. Richard Staples, boys eight vears and under and Heather Sisson in the girls' section; Donald Staples, in the boys' ten years and under ,group; Gloria Smith. in the girls' group; Rcginald Sloane, in the 12 years and under ciass: Sharon Bigelow in the girls' class: Kenneth Preston in the 15 years and under group and Norma Jakeman in the giml's group. There were twn basebal games. Milibrook woh the firsti game over Bethany wiih a 4-I score: Guthrie doing the hurl- ing, Bert Ginn receiving forý Millbrook: Bill Rowan on thel mound for Bethany, McG, m e- J ceiving. Brown's Home & School Make Plans for Picnic The May mreetinýg of Brown's It was decided ta hoid otS Home & School Club was 'held annual school picnic at the on Tuesday vening, May 14th. sehool grounds on June 22, com- President Mrs. J. Curscn con- mencing at 2 p.m., and supper at ducted the business ýpeiod with 5 p.m. Races for the children Secretary Mrs. R. Simpson read- and adults. Bring vour lunch~ ing the minutes o! the prevîous and corne and join in with the meeting. children and have a good time. Mr. Bowen congmatulated the Chocolate milk for children, te& ladies o! Brown's Home &1 for aduits and ice creamn for School Club who catered to the everN bod. Clarke Township Teachers' pic-I After our business, the mneet* nlic supper beld Monday, May 13 ing wvas turnied over to Mrs. at Brown's School. The com- Hilda Caîl who conducted a mittee in charge were: Mrs. W. game of cuchre. The winneru Farrow <convener). Mrs. R. were: Mrs. Jas. Curson and Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. T. Wilson. Mrs. Hilda Cal, Mr. R. Simpson and H. McIlroy, Mrs. H. Sinclair, Mrs. H. Mcllroy. Lunch was Mrs. W. Bennett. Miss Jean Per- sercd and a social bal! hour rin and Mrs. J. Curson. wvas enjoYed. fHospital, Bowmanville. As if serious illness weme not enough in the family the gods o! mis- fortune eturned to the Emer- son farm and burned the large drive-in shed in a flash fire mid-afternoon Monday. Mal- colm and son Edgar rushed to save only the tractor and car before the building was a mass of flames. Very prompt se:-- ,vice f rom the Caesamea Fîre BrigFadle along with a brisk east wind prevented the fine of unknown origin spmcading to the other buildings. It was weli that Edgar and family and Trene were home to lend assistance, and well too that a good supply o! watem w-as handy. Besides the Port Perry fire truck standing by, tx,,u other trucks from the neigih- bouring tobacco farms with one thousand gallons of water each were on hand. The prompt service on part of ail will be sincerely appreciated. We al join in wishing the Emerso'n familv better luck and Mrs. Emerson a speedy recovery. Whi!e rural communities aI- ways feel deeply for neighi- bours who suffer adversity we have corne to the conclusion that suchi traits of compassion exist only in those born aînd maised in the country. One week ago, Sunday fishing- friends from afar, heing, rô!ie joker type, found where John Hooyer kept bis big irrigation plant ýtationed on an old bridge on the creek, and with much expended energy upset the machine into the crcek. It took several men and equip- ment four boums to return that expensive outlay from the 7 to 9 feet of mud and water. Also on same day a pair o! miscbievous lads - unclaimed by parents for a day and a balf, continued to tease and tantalize an old. farm resident by opening his barn doors and messing up contents o! his buildings, and loosing live stock, even after being asked !for the second game was George tne neigtiboumhoocl doing thýe iSmith on the mound. Ginn re- same and snooping eveîly- ceiving. Mcl Woods, Bailiebomo, where. It is not much wonden was plate umpire: Vincent Jack- farmers and ural folk are son and Clarke Pomeroy, base beginning to crack down on umpimes. urban folks' unconsideratcness, For the evening entertainment, and.are otn their lands the Town Hall was filled to against any and ail trespassers. capcit. Vncet MuntordThat gocs for hunters and and bis troupe lrom Brampton ih etion a apoa staged a variety show which i, may we da to ea- bighly pleased the audience. tino! eadrs tothe mat- Musical numbers were accomp- tnmoofh mead tetig ! uran anied by Miss Iva Davidson, Coutv mesints of be hdn pianist; Bill MeCutcheon, drum- Cut eiet ob edi mer. Allan Mountford sang B lackstock Recreational Hall several solos and joined \Vith where ail the candidates will Vincent -Mountford in duets. speak in favoun o! their polit. Miss Louis Allen gave several ical party to.night, Tbumsday, ballet and tap-dancing numbers,,May 23, at 9 p.m. in costume. Ted Spencely wvas chairman for the evening, introducing and LESKARD thanking the entertainers, who carnI heme t, ough the coutcsy Mm. and Mrs. A. Walte an-I o! Shur-Gain- Service Milîs and Carolyn, Lansing: Mrs. M. Canada Packers, with the co-j Evemeti, Toronto, with Mm. and sponsor the Bethany Feed Mill Mrs. E. Green.' owned by Bernard Neals witb Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomp- Walter Fallîs, the local manager.I son wcre at thein summerecot- Prizes went t0 Mrs. James tage for the holidays. MeKinnon, the oldest lady' pres- Mm. and Mrs. E. Green with cnt: to Mrs. Reg. Edmunds and Mrs. NeIl Cameron, Bowman- Mrs. Thomas Jackson, celebrat- ville. ing birthdavs duning the holiday Leskard W.A. was heid at the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Henry home o! Mrs. R. Chater with Jakeman, the oldest married president, Mrs. C. Martin, in couple present (49 Years) xvcmc the chair. Mrs. Martin open-ed presented with a lovely bouquet hemtigwhapomLih of mum ad rse an Mss vaAfier Darkness." Mrs. Angus Davidson sang -Home Sweet Loucks wvas in charge of the Home" in thein honor. devotional. Mns. C. Grant The remainder o! the*evening Itook the topie, the theme te- was spent in dancing to mus'eie. "ohe' a." I by Robent Sisson's Band. id "o hrlD ay." twas- The Bethan.y, Athletic Associa- dcddt odasmwer tion wish to express their thanks supper, date, to be announced to ali those who contributed la ter. A delicious lunch wasg prizes for the various events and served b *v Mrs. Chater, and to anvone who belped i anv Mrs. Tennant. wa\'to mke he etir days M. and Mrs. Earl Duval] pry ogrm sucesth ful, da weme Sunday dinner guests progr m su cess ulith M . and M rs. W . M iller, Oro no. ~T.~iL_ . _U - M . ~n rI. A Vniir,î Ln umemec ocreatedithe winners înurin rmesiieion Michael, Toronto; Mrs. L. Mar- o! the firsi game with the score tin spent the weekend with 4-3. Williams pitching, Canrrem- Some 17 ladies o! the Ncst- Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin. ceiving. The Millbrook batter i leton W.A. met at the home of Mrs. W. Bradshaw spent the Mrs. W. Jackson on Thursday weekend with Mrs. Angus LONG SAULT (plual) erhi chage o de- Mr.nd Mis. S. Bail with votional exercises. The ladies bier mother, Mmm. Ireland, Col- Mr. and Mrs. Morley Kellett responded f0 roll c-ahi by re- bourne. and family. Janetvilie, witb the citing a verse about Love and Mr. and Mrs. A. Baîl, Osh- Penwarden's.1 Mrs. Jackson read anollier awa, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mm. and Mrs. F. Partnen and chapter from the Study Booiz. BaIl. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson and Mrs. Don Thompson gave a Sandra were Monday evenin" mading and -Mrs. Jackson a guests of the S. Gobhe's, Tyý contest wbich w-as won hy BROWN'S one. Gwcn Malcolm. Mn. and Mrs. R. Gibson an'i Mrs. John Hooyer invitedi TeMvmeigo rw' Sandra attended the christen- the ladies Io lber homne for thie Busy Bees was held at the home ing o! their grandson, Bobby next meeting, lo! Mms. Hilda Cal. May l6th i Kenneth Albert Wright, Janet- Mm. Robt. SadIen, Bowmar.- wîth fine present. President Mns. ville, at Yelverton Unioed ville. visited a few days at the W. Bennett conducted the bus- Church Sîinday morning and Sadlen farm here. 1miess with Secnetary Mrs. J. weme dinner g uesis o! Mr. and Mm. and Mrs. Sider, Toronto, i Curson eading the minutes o, Mrs. Joh .n Wright, Janetville. were w.eekend guests of the!' eiu eeig e wr -4-H Club Agnews - .previset emeting . We werc The first meeting o! the 4-H Mn. and Mrs. Locky'er, ler act wclcomeetMrs.J.H- Club members met at the home Brooklin, at Wilson's for te If was decided to Quiît some o! their Assistant Leader, Mr£. holiday. quilts for Mrs. Hillier. the first A. Youngman, Thursday nigbt, Mn. and Mms. Wilbur McCoy quilting f0 be at the home o! May 16. Mrs. N. Woodlcv is1 and !amîlv visited friends anid 1 Mrs. W. Farrow on Thunsday leader. Ahi five membens wene relatives in Marmora'. evening, June 20. The bostess prescrit. Mn. Ro 'v Wright, Toronto; served a delicious lunch and a Meeting opened with 'lhe 4-.H Mr. andl Mrs. R-ic Maluolmr, social t -e was enjoyed by al]. pledgc. and the following of- Janef ville: lie Harvey Malcolm Mn. and Mrs. E. Cal and ficers weie elected: President -r family, 'lie RaI ph Malco!m familv, Mm. and Mrs. C. Sfomms Jacqueline Rosevear: Secre- family and Mr. Norman Mlal- and famiîy, Mrs. Edna Caîl with tary-Kay Davey; Press Con- eolm and a friend (malc i O! Mr. and Mrs. R. Simpson. respondent-Sandra Gibson. Toronto. vi2ited Malconia Pines Mr. and Mrs. J. Cali, Mr. and The girls learned how and on Sunday. Mms. Peacock with Mr. and Mrs. what to put in thein sewing The Vie Malcolm famnil', for W. Cahl. box. Different kinds o! mat- dinner Suindav at Ray M\,cCu!- Mr. Wm. Sims, Mr. and Mmm. trials and how fa sbnink and lougb's of Yelverton. Clarence Sims, Cathy and use thcm. The girls decide-1 A spcedv convalescence fa Lawrence, Mr. and Mns. George to callibeir club, '*The Happy Mis. W. Bov,,es who bas nE- Honev from Fenelon Falls, also St;*tcier-.!.' Mec-!ng -o"dwitýn turnrdi nome Yrom ho-rpit aI and Mr. and Mms. Stan Allan and a lovely lunch served by t1ie also ' I-r) loin~ roîfamilv, witb Mn. and Mrs 'Wcl- - .~ ~who à qute iii Âin Mernor.ial lington Farrow on Suaday.- i 'M an y Friends Entertain for Leskard Bride 5 On Saturday evening Les- -kard community held a dance and shower in honour o! Miss cLorraine Martin who married 3Mr. E. Puckrin on May i8th. They received many useful and lovely gifts. Mr. R. Chater was mnaster of ceremonies for the evening. Miss Martin and Mr. Puckrin wcre asked to take the chairs of honor and Mr. Chiater theyn read a very niee address, afer which the couple thanked aIl present for their gifts. The commun ity of Audley al.o held a shower for the young couple on May 10 when they received many useful gis. Miss Martin who is employed by the Canadian Kodak Co. ini Toronto was completely taken bx- surprise when MViss S. Wal- ton and co-workers presented ber with a miscellaneous show- er at which she received many more lovely gifts. The hostess served a delic- ious lunch of sandwiches and a beautifully decorated shower cake.j MANVERS STATION Miss Hazel Lrwers. Peter. boroughi, spent the eekend with Mr. and MVrs. Murray Logan. Mr. and Mrs. M. Martin and family, Toronto, were weekend guests with Mr. Jas. Tyreil. Mr. arcnie Galbraith, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, Dawn and Ian, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Gal- braith for the weekend. Miss Deanna Challice return. ed homne from. Peterborough Civic Hospital on Friday. She is making satisfactory pmogmess after a tonsilectomy. Miss Frances Jolinston, Toron. to. and Mr. Allan Johnston. Windsor, were holiday guests of Mm. and Mrs. Alfred Jolinston. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Smith and famil'. Hamilton, wcre visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Powers. Mms. W. Bradley spent a few days with ber daughter, Mrs. Robt. Baker in Oshawa. Mr. Jas. Johinston met with an unfortunate accident when lie slipped and felI on the floor brcaking bis hip. He was taken byv ambulance to St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterborough. Mm. Johnston is 93 ' ears of age and is in a serious condition. Miss Madeline Boggs and Miss Verna Porter took a trip ta Ottawa and Montreal over the holiday weekend. Garden Theme At St. PauI's St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the home of! Mms. H. Galbraith, May 1 21. President Mrs. H. G. Shaw opened the meeting bv mep.ating the 23rd Psalm iin unison. Mrs. Shaw based hem opcning ne- marks on flowems in the gardens, s0 much like people; soma humble, others haugbty, sun- shiny and bright with different colored dresses in beautiful paf- terns aIl given uis by the AI. mnighty. Mrs. Shaw concluded with a poem -God's Garden" and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. S. MeAllister led in the service o! Intercession for Home Missions, several members assist- ing, concluding with a hymn. Mrs. D. Armistead spoke on a tour o! Canada in the missoinamv church womk. Sevenal membens read portions pertaining f0 the subjeet. Mrs. Hl. G. Shaw con- cluded the meeting wîth prayer. Salem W.A. hcîd thcir May meeting at the homne of Mrm3. F. Blackburn. President Mrs. E. Twist opencd the meeting and conducted the business. A leiter o! thanks was read for a CARE pai-ce] sent at Christ- mas f0 a family in Finland. We decided to pack a bale of good used clothing for ovcmseaa relief, the clothing ta be brought to the next meeting. Mrs. F. Blackburn and ber group were in change o! meet- ing. Bible reading and devo. tional were given by Mms. M. Marchant. Mrs. R. Welsh gave a story, "At the Sign o! the Tea-pot." Grace Blackburn !av- oured with a piano solo. Mr& Bob Cnaig gave a rcading. Congratulations fa Mm. and Mrs. Douglas Tbompson (nie Jane -McClure) wbose marriagi took place in Tymrone Chuncbl on Salurday. A numnber fiom this corn-. munity were guests at the Tbompson - McClure weddi-ig on Saturday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mns. Gordon Barrie on the arrivaI o! a baby girl. Mn. and Mrs. Matfhew M\1&r- chant and Sur-an wcre w-e!:. end v ;ýtorb wilth r;at,i.x,cjl Toront.o. . 1 k 1 . Inm CANADUN STATESMAN. IROWMANvnýLLF. ONTARTn VEC MMAT, MAT 23rd, 1951 thAr-P. VIF. -.&» q

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