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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1957, p. 3

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!!IVRSt~AY. MAY 2Srd, 1957 T!!E CA1~AD!AN STATESMAN. BOWMANVff~L~. ONTAR1t~ e a r~m~ .ruuce The Oro Telephc 4 Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyr were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton, Enniskillen, or Sunday and attended the Sun- day Échool Anniversary. PY,,eMilton Tamblyn visitec *WeqMunt Woman's Associa- >,ton,Wjhawa, on Tuesday night and discussed the advantages of being a member of Presbytery Woman's Association and alsc told of the beauty of the stained glass wirxdow of "The Last Sup- per" in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Glendale, California. Miss Shirley Hardy was a guest at the Burriett - Parayko weddîng in Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church, Oshawa. Mrs. Madison Hall with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ardron and f ar- Iiy, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hooey, Cathryn and Neil in Graven- hurst and Kirkfield. Mrs. Viola Lynn, Whitevale; Mrs. Gordon Hamlin, Markham; Mrs. Oscar Barber, Claremont, and Mrs. Wm. Catherwood, Van- couver, B.C., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Middle- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Barra- MAPLE GROVE Weekend guests from Niaga- ra and St. Catharines with Mr. and Mns. Grant Bennett and Milton Carmen were Misses Lillian Miller, Eleanor Smith, Paf Hunley, Mr. Bilh Lewis and Mn. Ralph Doggett. Mn. and Mrs. Dayl Hanr.a, ]Red Deer, Alfa., visited with Mn. and Mrs. Neil Brownelh. Mn. and Mns. Carl Cnump ad Lamna, Chestenville; Mns. Nor- mian Burgess, Toronto, and Mrs. Charles Depew, Bowrnan- ville, were recent guests af Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van Camp. Mrs. James Ewing, Seven Is- lands, Que., Mn. and Mrs. Wes Down, were visitons wif h Mn. and Mrs. Roy Van Camp and Mn. and Mns. Neil Ipwnell. Mn. andi Mrs. Ted FVey, Don- othy and Don visited with Mr. andi Mrs. Thea. Wilson, Osh- awa. Mn. andi Mrs. Mel Edwards and family, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Roberts, Fenwick, Sunday. Mn. andi Mrs. Ken Kuhnke and Bette Ellen were weekend visitons with relatives at Tren- ton and Frankfond. Mn. and Mns. D. Bailey, Ric- ky and Fred, spent fthe week- end at Lake St. Peter. Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs. Dan Holmes were, Mn. and Mns. J. Watson and daugh- terkMn. A. Ingnarn, Torontlo; Mand Mns. J. McCreadie andi son, Scoflanci, and Mn. and Mr >. Byron Holmes and farn-i ilyj ,Bowmanvilhe.1 M n s. Roy Van Camp spent ai ewdays hast week with Mns. Sam Snowden Sr., Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. Norman Hanna,1 :owmanville, were Saturday1 %,àlight visitons with ,Mn. and ýMZ~rs. SajJa ap. i Mn. a r Bush, Castieton is .spen Min Otbe week witb bis iiuece, Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mihîs and family, Mn. Edgar Bush, Cas-1 tieton, were Sunday suppen guests of Mrs. Hrold Mills, En- iniskillen. Very pleaseci ta see Lanry Armstrong is home affer bis operatian at Memoriai Hospi-D tal, Bowsmanvîllc. Wedding belîs are ringing atC MJaple Grave again.1 Evening Auxiliary will meett at the home of Mrs. Cecil Milîs Tbursday nigbt (foaight). a Miss Barbara Mihîs is in Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville, where she uaderweat and operation for appeadicitis. 0 Don't fonget practice for the Suaday School anaiversary. a Several fromn here attendedh Enniskihlen Sunday School an- niversory on Sunday.a On Saturday eveaing aboutn 50 membens of the Couples'E Club enjoyeci an evcaing of ] bowling af the Motar CityA Bowling Alîcys with a great I variety of scores. Lunch wos served aftcrwards. The Cou- pies' Club will not meet nowC until July when the annualn farnihy picnic wilh be beld. P (ff~ 4 tee& fSfui d. e fyw aIMqsse .W pSer o. F TAFFORD ~5 V BROS. i Authorized Daer biallora i ros. Monumental Works Phone Whitby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS 1 Iopenmng of the new additions in Oshawa General Hospital Wednesday. )no News Mrs. Editb Murphy and Sbe- lagh Murphy visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, Black- kone 127 stock. Mr. and Mrs. G. Byam, Mrs. _____________________ S. Hodgson and Marie, Miss Florence Gardiner, Bowman. a bail, Mr. J. Kiveil, Mr. and ville, visited Mn. and Mrs. T. ;.Mrs. S. Barrabaîl and Miss Pearl~ Phillip. ,i Leach attended the funeral of Tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mn. Fred Tucker ln Frederick-1 H. Pbilp were Mr. John Grif- town, Ohio, on Thursday. Mr.1 fin, Port Ferry; Rev. and Mrs. J Tucker was a brother of Mrs., ako n on Luther Barrabaîl and a frequent, t visitor to Orono and Solina. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. f Mrs. H. Snell and sons, Toron- Hilîs were Mr. and Mrs. W. i to, visited ber mother, Mrs. K.1 Craig, Salemn; Mr. and Mrs. Gamsby. Wesley Hilîs, Carol, Anne andi ,Next Sunday at Orono United 'Howard, Solina; Mr. adMs Church, Orono Lodge AF. &jDavid Craig. 1 adMs A.M. No. 325, will hold their Mr. and Mrs. L. Phare, Mr. annual church parade at il a.m I A. H. Brent, attended Ux- *Miss Joyce Jones was a guest bridge Fair. at the Gray - Murdoch wedding Mrs. M. Crowe bas been in St. Andnew's Presbyteriani quite iii but is now sorne bet- Church, Bowrnanville. ter. Mr. and Mrs. L. Buckley were Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian and Sunday guests of Mrs. Harvey family visited bis parents, Mr. Curtis. and Mrs. Chas. Vivian, Bow- Mn. Robent Stewart received manville. word re the sudden passing of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hipson, his brother, Richard Hector Toronto; Mn. and Mns. David Stewart at his home in Moose Keye, London, were guests at Jaw, Sask. on May 1st. His ithe Sprys and Boumnes. widow was the former Henrietta Mr. and Mrs. F. Partnen, Mn. Batten of Orono. and Mrs. R. Gibson and San- Mn. and Mrs. Archie Watson, dra, Long Sault, were Monday Betty Ann and Larry, Water- evening visitons of Mr. and down, visited Mr. and Mns. Ahex Mrs. S. Goble. Watson.j Mr. Horace Hall and Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryson and Mr. Karl Colbary and Frankie, daughters, Cohborne. visited Mrs.1 Keith Robinson, spent the M. Sherwin and Laurence.. weekend at North Bay fishing. Mrs. A. J. Jakeman is a Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden patient in Memorial Hosptal,' andi famihy, Bowrnanville, vis- Bowmanvlile. iteci Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith. Miss Gwen Chatterton and Mr. and Mrs. Ted McBnide Miss Muriel Stevens, Bowman- and Teddy, Brampton; Mrs. J. ville, bave neturned frorn a two C Cook Sr., Georgetown; Mn. weeks' vacation ln Bermuda and and Mrs. H. McClure, Mr. and New York City. Mrs. F. Smith and Grace, wene Congratulations ta Mn. and guests of Mr. andi Mrs. J. C. Mrs. Neil Awde, Peterborough Cook. on the birth of their daughter on Mr. Douglas Jones and May lSth. First great grand- frîend, Malton: Mr. and Mrs. child for Mrs. Chas. Awde. M. Seas iteMr.LJos Mrs. Susan Duncan. widow of ansVvoiteds L oc Mr. Fred Duncan, passed away Mrs. Frank -Cale, Miss Mar- at ber residence on Saturday.- garet Cale, Srnitbville, wene Funeral was on Monday. Inter- weekend visitons of Rev. andi ment in Orono Cemetery. Mrs. F. Jackson and John. Mn. and Mrs. Eldon Essenr M n Vr.M uy n and family, Courtice, visited M r n r.M uy n and Mrs. Luther Banrabal. Mn Diane, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mr. and Mrs. David Pbasey Ohesky, Oshawa. and Wayne visifed Mr. and Mrs. Miss Jean Moncrief, Mn. K. H. Phihp, Tynone. Smith, Oshawa, were supper Mr. Wm. A. Downing, bus- guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. band of Rosahine Garnsby, forrn- Virtue and John. erly of Orono, passed away at Juvenile Band Concert is ta Wehleshey Hospital, Toronto, be beld Friday evening. May l7th. Funeral was on Tues- 1Mn. and Mrs. H. Rundle, day. Interment Mount Pleasant 1 Hampton, visited Mrs. Aima Cemetery, Toronto. Several rel- Yehowlees. atives and fiends from Orono Sunday cailers of Mn. and attended the funerah. Mrs. W. Rahm wene Mr. and Miss Gwen Chatterton, Toron- Mrs. W. Banks and daugbters, ta, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Chat- Weston; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. terton. Griffin and childi-en, and Mn. and Mns. Wallace Giffin, Hea- then and Dale, Enniskillen. Guests of Mrs. W. Miller T xiiuiu were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Farrell, New Toronto; Mr. J. Thompson-McCiure wedding Bird and Jacqueline, and was beld in Tyrone Unitedi friend, Bowmanville. Cbunch Saturday last, with Mr. and Mrs. P. Vaneyk and1 Rev. Fred J. Jackson officiat- famihy visiteci Mr. and Mrs. G. ing. Reception was behd ln the Yeo, Hampton. Community Hall. * Miss Lillian McRoberts, To-1 Mr. and Mrs. Don Real, ronto, visited Mrs. F. McRob-1 Markham, visited ber parents, erts . Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor. Mnr. and Mrs. Kyle Squair, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens, Sbaw's, were tea guests of Mr. Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Allyn and Mrs. R. Wright and Mar- Taylor, Bowmanville, visited ion.t Mrs. R. Burgess. Mr. and Mns. E. Farrell, New Mr. and Mrs. Colin Taylor, Toronto, were Monday cailens Bowrnanville, visited Mr. andi of Prescott's and Hardy's. Mrs. A. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gavel and Mr. and Mns. H. Trivett, sons, Bowmanville, visîted Mn. Weston, visited ber parents, and'Mrs. W. Rabm. Mr. and Mns. H. Cameron. L.O.B.A. MeetingN Mr. and Mrs. A. Marshall The regular meeting of Ty- and Jimmy, Humber Bay, at rone Unity L.O.B.A. was held Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott's. May 15 with five candidates Guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. being initiated by the Peter- Gibbs were Mr. and Mrs. M. Le borough Lodge in the Orange Brun, Mn. Tom Mortlock, Ot- Degree. Visiting Grand Lodge tawa.. officers frorn Ontario east weren Mr. andi Mrs. Lorne Anmis present. Visiting lodges were and farnily visiteci relatives at Peterborough, Lindsay, Janet-n Ehmwood and Owen Sound. ville andi Bowmanvihle. A so- Mn. and Mrs. Ross Law and cial bour was spent. laughtens, Whitby, were guests of Mn. and Mns. H. Brent Mn. andi Mns. Isaac Munpby and family, Toronto, wene wit r. and Mns. W. Murphy. Mn. and Mns. A. Geisbergez and Lynda, Zion; Karen, Don- na, Pbillip, Doug and DebbiE Bragg andi Lanry Armstrong, Bowmanvilhe;, Lyne, Lee and Ann S.kinner, visiteci Mn. and Mris. W. F. Park. Tea guesta cf Mn. and Mrs Keitb Davey were Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Miss Freda Sch- nelhan, Brantford; Mns. L. C. Poscoe, Miss Bessie Poscoe, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Davidi Park and family, Bowmanville, were with Mn. and Mrs. Wal- er Park, Jr. Mrs. I. Munpby, Toronto, peat the wcekcnd with Mrs. Edith Murphy. Miss Sandra Bragg, Mn. anc ilrs. L. Goodman, Bowmaa. ville, wene wifh Mn. and Mns. L. Skinner. Mn. and Mns. R. Perfect and~ Richard, Bawmonville, visitec Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs. Mns. Haroldi Macklin is quite Il in Memonial Hospital, Bow- nanvilhe. We wish ber a speedy ,covery. Mn. and Mrs. L. Coombes, hirhey andi Bruce, Salem, ,ere wifh Mn. and Mns. R. oombes. Mrs. R. Coombes attendeci the f vi L. R m' ill i re st W( Cc DRIVING SCHOOL tNoe receiving applications for driving lessons. 't g Information and appointment cali KING'S TAXI Phone MA 3-5561 and ask for Keith or Ray Lathangue K NE WTON VILLE ýr Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toronto i-with her sister, Miss Anne Nes. ie bitt. g, Mr. a nd Mrs. J. C. Moore id Hamiîlton, with Mr. and Mrs ýd Cleland Lane. Mr. Allan Jones, Toronto s. wîth friends in the village. n Mrs. Patterson, Orono, witl. - Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown. Master Robert Oegerna, Bow. , manville, with Johnnie Walk- ey. k Mrs. Jack Pye-Fincb, Toron- ,to, who underwent an opera- -tion a week ago, has been con- valescing with her parents, Mz. and Mrs. Wiifred Wood. 3. Mrs. Fred Henderson and her sister, Miss Marie Brown 1 went to Chicago to spend the -holiday with Mr. Fred Hender- son who is taking a course there. Mr. Willis Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Carman Cornish and Cheryl.' Orono, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bud Jones, Mount Royal. Mrs. Wm. Uglow with Mr. and Mrs. Don Powell, Eliza- bethville. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stephen- son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rod Gilmour and son and Mrs. I Ken Ware, ahl of Toronto, with jMr. and Mrs. George Ovens. M.ad Mrs. Don Vinkle and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hall at Shar- bot Lake. & Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kimbali have go ne down to the farmi beside the lake for the sum- mer. Mrs. Gilrner-Smith went up to visit her grand-daughter, Mrs. Alfred Graham, Newcas- tle. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bon- nett, Ann Elizabeth andi Mar- got and Mr. and Mrs. Hallow- ehl of Toronto, at the Robb cot- tage. Miss Dorothy Stapleton, Kingston, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Martin and Tommy, Lake-shore, with Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton Mr. Jerry Adams and friend, Toronto, with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reich- rath. We noticed in the Globe and IMail of Saturday, May 18th, notice of the passing of Rev. David Tennant Lancaster, of Brittania, on Monday, May 13. Rev. and Mrs. D. T. Lancaster îwere on the Newtonville circuit juit. prior te &v. S. J. PF"w._ Two-year-old Sandra Diane Werry is a lucky littie girl. She flot only has grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee of R.R. 1, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Werry, Enniskillen, but great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry, Enniskillen, and Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Peter- borough. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Werry, Enniskillen. Sandra was two years old on May 19. -Photo by lreland Studio, Oshawa Male Grove & Morrish Newtonville WlI. Guests Newtonville: On Wednesday evening, May l5tb, the Newton- ville W.I. met in the cburch basement, where they were joined by visitors from Maple Grove and Morrish Institutes. After a brief business period, Mrs. Milligân called on Mrs. Russell and Mrs. Hoar of Ma- pie Grove, who sang two love- ly duets, "Sweet Kentucky Babe", and "Moonlight and Roses". Mrs. Munday, also of Maple Grove, gave a reading, "Anything We can De Animais Do Better". The Morrish ladies also con- tributed two numbers, a piano duet by Mrs. C. Nichols and Miss Marie Austin, and a piano solo by Marie. Mrs. Milligan then called on Mr. Wilbert Hancock, of Peter- borough, always a welcone visitor in Newtonville. Mr. KENDAL Mn. andi Mns. George Mac Donald and farnily andi he: mot ber with ber sister at Orne ne. Mrs. Mary Luxon, Mn. anc Mrns. Ray Hughes and Gloria a MrIs. Luxari's cottage on Lakq Eushog. Mn. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux Ray andi Marie, and Mrs. Rai MWoore aci family, Toronto, wert to Cache Boy for the weekeac and report sunny but cool wcath. er up thene. Mn. and Mns. George Clark Tronto, af their summen home Mn. and Mns. Dick Westcot and Mn. aci Mrs. Harvey Searle ['eetermrille, guests of Mn. anc Mrns. Allen Foster. Mn. and Mrs. Venn Siadea Delhi, visiteci thein daughter vIns. Roy Fosten oand Roy. Mrs. Simpson and the pupilE of Kendal School belci a "Pan- ents' Night"' in the scbool ou Tuesday evening when mast of the Panent s turneci ouf. A mis- ical pnognom. anci inspectioa af the Pupil's books was foilowed by the sale of caady, aci orna- rientÉ which the, pupils haci made. Dianne Tunansky was the winner of the dnaw fan a lash camera. A tasty lunch rought a pleasant evening ta an endi. The W.A. met af tbe borne of Urs. Luxon Wednesday evenîng Nith Mrs. J. Stapletan pnesiding ýmake plans for the wedding .ception la the Sunday Scbool. lom Sotunday affennoon. The local school bail teams te playing off ta select the best orns fa play on Fielci Day. ,ast week Kendai won frorn nookeci Cneek but lost ouftat he Sixtb Line team. Thursday eveaing Newton- ,lIhe aci Kendal played on ichibition game on the park ere with the former winaing ,y a slight mangin. Keridal anci Tewtonville are bath usiag the tnk hene as pnactice groundis. John Tbompson aci fniencis led ouf the fisbing nean Don set i Thursday but neponteci neifb- r weotber non fisbing fao gooci. Mn. and Mns. George Mencen nd fam-iy wene la Toronto Sun- ay, visiting Mn. and Mns. Rus- Ill Rusk. Mr. and Mns. Orley Mercen ith Mn. aci Mrs. Wm. Mencen. The Young folks of the village adi two special attractions Mon- ay evening. The Onangernen ad thein finst panade and bond ractice of the seasan. Lofer, )me of the families pooleci their recrackens for the kicidies' enefit. The Rev. D. T. Lancaster pass- 1away suddenly affen mowing ilawa at bis home in Bnifan- ia anc week aga Monday. He ime ta the Newtonville Circuit 11950 and aerVed "hi com- tIR iv.i ic -e s.T .0 fI i th i th th hi tn re o deî Cr f bex by pai ai Hancock, assisteci by Mrs. Gar- don Honcock, of Peterborough, showed pictunes of the large and beautiful nase garden at bis borne, ad of individual rosebushes ad blossoms. His1 eathusiosm, and wide know- iedge of the subject, mode bis comments rnosf interesting. At the close of bis falk he answen- ed questions coaceraing the choosing anci growing of these beautiful fhowcrs. Then, with Hen Majcsfy's picftune on the scneen, aIl jain- ed ia singing "Goci Save The Queen. The Ncwfonville ladies then senveci lunch, whihe those fnom the different Institutes brad o chance ta get acquainted, on renew friendships alneady formed. We were veny glaci ta welcorne Mrs. Hancock wbo ac- companieci ber husband. fmuaity for tbnec ycars. His many fniendsisnl this area extenci thein syrnpafby ta Mrs. Lancast-' - end aithe famihy. nr The fine worm weatben of the -past few weeks brought the gardens, bhossoms ad Icaves d ahong extra eanly. Howeven, on1 ,t Thunsday aci Fnidav mornings. ea coaf of white fnost nianfleci the gardens, hef t ice on the waten' aci played bavoc with potataes.1 tomotoes, beans, peas adcriln Sthat baci not been covereci. Dam- eage ta fruit trees and strowber- ries is expected ta show up lofer.1 A number of local fobacco grow-1 ens, thinking the frasty spelta be aven, starteci phonting Fridav 1 îand Satunday - but the temp-1 benature dippeci agoin Tuesday morning. 1 Miss Anne Gardon passeci 4awoy at Memonial Hospital,! Bawmanvillc, on Wednesday, May i5th, without negiaing consciousness affen a stroke Monday monning at the home: of bier niece, Mrs. Earl Burhey. Senvice was hehd in the Morris: *Funenal Chapel at 10 a.rn. Fnl-! day with grave side service aci! interment 0f Veany Cemneteny,j *Duadalk, af 3 p.m. Sympafhy' is extended fa ber niece, Ms. Earl Bunley, lier brothers, John. of Oxford, N. Carohino, U.S., and Spence of Kendal, ad theini familles. Wediiesdav cveniag the young' folks af Kendal ad Stankville 1 met af the home of Mrs. Hatcb- en Fosten for thein meeting. Fol- lowing the business session, a, birtbday celebrafion was belci in' bonour of Miss Patsy Poster. Hididen binthday presents gave Patsy quite a treosure but. A fancy birfhday cake tapped off the delîciaus lunch. MORRISH The negular meeting of fhe W.A. wos helci on Wednesday, Moy l5th, in the home of Mns. Ira Bebec, 12 members were preseat. The president, Mns. Harry Beckett, presideci. The i-al wos calleci by the secnefary, Mns. Haroldi Osborne. Durng the business session if was sug- gesteci that we have a Straw-j berny Social. This founci-favori with ahiacidfthe folwn cammitf ce will oct: Mesdames H. Beckett, H. Osborne, L. Manvin, N. McHolm, M. Hler- derson and G. Harnnss. The: date of the social f0 be on- nounceci lofer. If was also sug- gestcd thaf thene be a Fowl Supper la the Faîl. It was moveci by Mns. Wmn. Mai-vin ad secondeci by Mns.! M. J. Osborne that the W.A. i buy the Mission Bond Sfudly Book fan the nexf terni. Two drescica plate quilts arc t. bc, qulwed in the near tu- ture. An invitation was re- 'ceived from Welcome W.A. ta be guests at a June meeting ;heid at Mrs. Herb Pearce's on the lOth at 8:15 p.m. Two bills for flowers are to be paid and Mrs. Harold Os- 4borne thanked the W.A. for plant received during her stay mn hospital. Home for the next meeting was kindly offered by Mrs. Harold Osborne to be held in the evening. For the sumn- mer months ail meetings wil i be heid during the evening. The scripture was read by IMrs. George Harness; lesson tbougbts, forgiveness and pray- er by Mrs. M. J. Osborne. A very interesting paper, "The History of Port Britain," was read by Mrs. Dawson Beebe. Two contests were enjoyed winners Mrs. Lloyd Marvin and Mrs. Frank Byers. It was moved and seconded *jt bat the Church Notice Board be repaired, also a good second hand cook stove be bought for use in the kitchen. During the social haif bour a delicious lunch was served bY hostess and tea committee 1 Mrs. Dawson Beebe and Mrs. Georgle Harness. A vote of tbanks to these ladies was moved by Mrs. Lloyd Marvin. The sincère sympathy of tbis community is extended to the farnily of the late Mr. John Sunday wbo accidently met death crossing the bigbway near bis borne. Mr. Sunday was sa well known and respecteci resident of Zion for many years, a gentle, kindly man and until recent years was ahways i n demand when rail fences [needed repairing. Sunday School was beld with the superintencjent, Mrs. Fred McConnell, conducting. Theré' were 48 present; tbree contri- buted to the birthday box. Sunday Schooi will be held at 10 a.m. next Sunday. There wili be no church service, if being withdrawn in favor of Welcorne Spring Anniversary Service at il a.m. Mrs. D. Haines returned borne from Toronto on Saturday after a tbree weeks' visit. Mrs. Wm. McH-oim witb friends in Toronto. On Thursday, May 16tb, 17 pupils of our public schooi with their teacher, Mrs. E. Wilson, joined with otber schools of Hope Township in a very plea- sant trip to Toronto where they visited the museum, Fort York, were guests of "The Happy Gang" and lunched in Riverdale Park. Home was reacbed around 6:30 p.m. after an exciting day for the child. ren tho' very' tiring for teach- ers but at ieast a day to be rernerbered by ail, driver of the bus included. Nestieton Station Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. El! Mairs were: Mr. and Morele Mtcel. arl Doen of Goodwood; Mn. and 1 Mns. Ralph Cooper, Uxbridge;, Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Cooper,1 Mount Albert; Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Fry cf Caledon East andi Mn. and Mns. William Fry and daughter, Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. Newton Bow-i les of Brampton spent a few days wifh Dr. R. P. Bowles1 and Mns. Mackie. Mns. W. G. Bowles returncd from a week's visit with Mn.s and Mrs. Douglas Sieep andci baby Clint of Onilhia.r Messrs Elmer and Marvinc Nesbitt wcre guests cf Mn. George James at the Rotariana dinnen in Bowmanville on Fi- - day. Laten they joined Mrs. Nesbitt for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. George James. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Willis and Miss Dorothy Harris of Toron- to were weekend visitons of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris. Fniends wil be pleàsed ta know that Mns. Russel Sonley of Port Perry was able to visit a short time with the Harris'. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Smith and Miss Margaret Smitb, Toronto, were Sunday guests of 'the Grant Thompson's. Mns. I. McCaiden and Miss Rose Mountjoy spent a day in Toronto. Mrs. McCaiden is staying at hen cottage at Sou- gag Point for tbe summer. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rohrer lef t Saturday for Wbeeling, W. Virginia anid other U.S. points fan the weekend. Congnatuletions to Mn. and Mrs. Ben D.Jong on the ar- rival of their new boy, Ivan Ross, on Motben's Day. The Grant Tbompsons were in Peffenlaw Saturday evening ta meet ber brother and bis wife, Mn. and Mrs. John John- stan fnom Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hedge%, Stewart and David of Oshawa, were at the farm oven the holiday. Miss Muriel McKee, Oshawa, visited ber mother, Mns. S. McKee. Friends wihl be sorry ta learn Mn. Larmen Hyland was un- fortunate to suffen a broken nib in a recent faîl. Visitors with Miss May Noon in Ton- onto report that sbe is showing improvernent and Mrs. Rebecca Dickey is more cornfortable tbis week in Port Penny Hos- pital. We wish for these folk a quick neturn ta bealtb. Mr. and Mrs. Edger Emerson and family, Toronto, and Miss Irene Emnerson of Oshawa were with Mn. Malcolm Emerson aven the holiday. Fniends are hoping for good reports from Mrs. Emerson who is in Mein- anial Hospital, Bowmanville, for X.-rays and observation. BLÂCKSTOCK Mr. and Mn. Fred Coibear, Bihly, Bob and John spent the weekcnd with friends in Northb- brooke. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Wolfe andi boys visited Miss Helen Gnubbe in Weston Sunday. Mns. Hazel O'Neill and Mrs. Dorofhy Koch, Port Ferry, wcre Sunday visitons cf Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snooks and girls. Misses Joyce and Nana Ven- ning and Dot Imie, Lindsay, spent tbe weekend with the Chas. Venning's. Mn. andi Mns. L. E. Bcacock andi boys wene Sunday dinner gucsts of Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Hill. Mn. andi Mrs. Herb Swain, Mn. andi Mrs. Harold Swain, Mn. Haroldi Mantyn, Mn. and Mns. Cecu ihI11attendeci a special service in Prince Ai- bert Sunday, when they dedi- cated their new electric organ. Mr. and Mns. E. Taylor, Mr. andi Mns. Hanvey Yeliowiees andi family, Eldad; Miss Mar- ion MacDougald, Osbawa, were guests cf Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer andi Glenn. Mn. R. P. Allen, Flinton, (former principal cf Black- stock high scbool) was guest of Mn. and Mrs. Hecton Short-I nicige for the weekend andi calleci on a numben of frieads.j Mn. and Mns. Rager Dorneil and family, Ottawa, spent the OVERSTOCKEDI and Mrs. Earl Dorreli, and hi$ brothers. Mrs. Geo. Fowler lias re- turned home after spending the winter with her daughters in Oshawa. Miss Dianne Blair spent the weekend with ber. Mr. and Mrs. bon liamUlton (Lenore Fallis), Oakville, spent the weekend with his sister, Mrs. Doug Mackie, and called on ail her relatives. Very sorry to report Mr. Leslie Mountjoy is ill in Osh- awa Hospital. Glad to say Mrs. Ed Harris was able to corne home froin Port Perry hospital Saturday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webb (Lorraine Hen- ry) Lakeview, on their recent marriage. They spent the week. end with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mai- colm, Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Merrili Van Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Whit- field and Evelyn, Port Dalhou- sie, spent the weekend witli Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowling and called on other friends and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Catbcart and children, Toronto, sper.t Monday with them at Cowl- ing's. IMr. and Mrs. Blake Gunter and children, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner and children spent the weekend with friends in Coe Hill. Mrs. Robt. Ford Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ford Jr., and Rob- erta and Misg Jean Ford, were Saturday guests of the Gordon Andersons, Greenbank, and Sunday supper guests of NIr. and Mrs. Geo. Swift, Caesarea. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton were, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Heffron: Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hayes, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Sid. Smallman, Carol and Douglas, Haileybury. Is your!hofme ender a cloud ,of undor.insurcance? Your home Is prôbabIjý worth more today than it was a few years ago. Andl haven't you bougbt new turnishings and appliances * . . done redecorating or remodeling ... ? Unless you have adequate Insu rance, fire or other dis. aster can deal you a hard b!ow. Don't take chances. Cali on us for an insurance -checkup. .. todayi. STUART B. JAMES INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Office Residence MA 3-5681 MA 3-5493 King Street E. ilowmanville Repreèentngte Hartford Fire Insurance Company with GOOD USED CARS During the pasi few monilis we have sold so many new Pontiacs and Buicks thai we now find ourselves overstocked with many laie model good used cars. We want to clear our loi so we are offering ihese Used Cars ai drasiic reduc- fions. These are only a few of ihe many cars we have on our loi. Ini addition to these we have many more late mode! cars as well as 1950, 1949, 1948 and 1947 models 1954 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan 1953 FORD COACH Fully Automatic transmission, Equipped $ d49 45radio, I qj new tires- 1953 IHIMEA!T rflir -UO% ww Urn&O W AU& Custom radio, in Ai condition uuiuim 1952 METEOR SEDAN $1195J Custom radio, 1952 CHEV. SEDAN $825 Completely reconditioned, Ai shape. $850 $575 Robson Motors Limîted BUICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3321 completely overhauled- 1950 CHEY. SEDAN I mm'ph ell! i - , i - - lamamu- . 1 w - I*F IL. M or«Mte ONUMENTS-: i 1 TRUUt)AT. MAT 23rd, 1957 THE CANAZ)L4N sTATESMAN. BOWMANviLLE. oxTARio PAME TRPJM k

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