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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1957, p. 7

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~?HURSDAY. JUNE 2Oth. 195'? THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVTLLE. ONTAR!O PAGE SEVEN Free Lecture. on Christian Science Subject: "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE BRINGS FREEDOM FROM FEAR". Lecturer: J. HAMILTON Lewis,' C.S., of Concord, New Hampshire, Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Cburch, the First Churcb of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massa- chusetts. Place: McLaughlin Library Theatre, corner Bagot and Centre Streets. ]rime: MONDAY, JUNE 24, at 8:15 p.m. Firsi Church of Christ, Scienfist, Oshawa cordially invites you to attend. e Trinity United Church .enister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. Il A.M. - Morning Worship Report on the Bay of Quinte Conference by Mr. Earl Osborne. No Evening Service Beginning June 30 joint services will be held ln St. Paul's United Church until the end of July. Organist-Mr. Arthur Coflisorx, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. Haydon Sunday School Anniversary Serviïces will be held #SUNDAY', JUNE I3rd ai 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Music by the school, assisted by Ross Metcalf in the afternoon and the Kedron Maie Quartette in the evening. Guest, Speaker: REV. P. ROMERIL, Blackstock on Monday, JuIy lst Supper will be served from 4:30 until ail are served. VARIETY CONCERT ~ in the evening featuring Merv. Dale and Co., Oshawa Rod Taylor, Ventriloquisi Tap dancing, soioists, accordion numbers, guitar trio and other entertainrnent. ADMISSION Aduits - Tea and Concert-- -- $1.25 Aduits - Concert only 50e-* ('hiIdren under 13 - Tea and Concert - 50e Concert only 25e Two of Bowmanville's senior physicians, Dr. V. H. Storey and Dr. C. W. Siemon, were present at the annual reunion of nurses who graduated f rom the old Bowmîrn- ville Hospital. The reunion took place at the Lions Com- jmunity Centre last Thursday af ternoon. Dr. Storey and Dr. Siemon lectured for many years at the nurses' training classes held in the old hospital. -Photo by Rehder ed visit with his son, Syd Mar- Wiarton, spent the ekn tin, 53 Concession Street. with Miss Vîvian Bunner and 1 Mrs. J. Tanner. of Surrey,Mr. uieSy ns England, is visiting with Mrs. Mrs. Harry Rice and son Mr. L. Mitchell, Scugog St. Mrs. John Rice, spent the weekend Mitche~ll lives with her daugh- with her daughter, Mr. and ter, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bur- Mrs. Walter Bell, London, and dett. attended the Dudley-VeaI e Messrs. Art Hooper, Clark Wil- wedding in' Harrow on June 1, son, Rance Dilling, A. M. accompanied by Mrs. Bell. Thompson, Bill James and Stu- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Osborne, art R. James, spent the week- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Poole, Mr'. end at S. R. James' cottage at and Mrs. Clarence Osborne, at- Gooderham. tendeci the wedding of their Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Strikc niece, Miss June Gray in High left by airplane from Dorval on Park United Church, Toronto, Saturday for a trip to England. on Saturday. Before returning home they Amn ths fom B - will also make a tour of France manville on the Goodycar and Switzerland.- chartered plane trip to Eng - Miss Sophia Holm, Walker- ]and are Mr. and Mrs. Walter. ton, was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Denton. La- ter Mrs. Denton accompanieçi Miss Holm on a trip to Ottawa to visit friends. District Governor Herbert (Deac) Goddard and Mrs. God- dard left Wednesday night by special train to attend the Lions International Convention in San Francisco, Cal. Mrs. J. Ross Stutt and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stutt left Fr- day by motor for Lexipgton, Kentucky, to visit Mr. A. Bur- rier. Mrs. Stutt Sr., will stay for a more extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ma- son motored to Jackson's Point Tuesday with Misses Betty Smith and Carolyn Mason who have heen accepted as summel help at Lakeview House there. Congratulationýs to Mrs. Ken- neth C. Bley, daughter of Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson, who A~as pass- ed her first year examinations in Medicine at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Symons and family, St. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Symons, Port Credit, and Miss Elsie Bunner, st. Paul's United Church Minister Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organîst Mrs. Reta Dudle, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M 9.50 a.ni. - Last Session of the Sunday School un- tiI September. 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP and NURSERY SCHOOL Important ('ongregational Meeting at close of service. IVEDNESDAY, JUNE 26 SUNDAY SCHOOL AND CHURCH PICNIC at Geneva Park, Columbus. Cars and bus leaving the Church after 3 p.m. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Firsi Aller Trinify 8 and Il &.m. - HOLY COMMUNIONS 10 and il a.m. - CHURCH SCHOOL - 7 p.m. - EN'ENING PRAYER mai 1- W oolle y, Mrs. John Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Taylor, Mrs. Amy Tait. They left Maltoni last Friday night and will re- turn July lst. Flying Officer Barry Arm- strong and Mrs. Armstrong, North Bay, have been on leave for the past three weeks' visit- ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smythe, Church St., Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Armstrong, Ticwicki, Farms, Newcastle. They are re- turning to North Bay on Fni- day. CHEX-TV Peterborough will carry brief filler type picturc's and commentary on the work of the Canadian National Insti- tute for the Blind, beginning this week and over a period of several months. A program, "The World Through Nature's Own Camera" was carried on June 17, an introductory to a later series on Blindness Pre- vention. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sturrock and Mrs. Joseph Forder attending the Wright-Forder wedding ini Trinity United Church on Sat- urday were Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man McNally, Coîborne; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Rutledge, Mrs. Finley Sutherland, Ban- croft; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Steek,, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Keluskey, Gaît. Dr. C. C. Hartman of Olds, Alberta, accompanied by his brother, L. A. Hartînan, who lives in Bradford, called on ac- quaintances in Aurora thisj week. The Hartman family have a long history in the Au- rora district, owning crown land here many years ago. Hartman's Corners was named after early members of the family. This item clipped from. the A'îrora Banner is of inter- est to many Statesmar' readcirs as Dr. C. C. Hartman's wife ~ithe~ former An nie Cox of MpeGrove who is a sister of -Messrs. Elmer and Kennelh Cox of Bowmanville.I Wins a (Continued from page one) ceecis going into the Poppv Fund. The cast is made up of Canadian and American veter- ans who are confined to wheel chairs. Eight new members *were ýn- itiated hy President Firth, as-i sisted hv Vice,,President R un-j dle and Sgt.-at-Arms Knigh t: J. Smith, D. I. Wilson, Bert Rob- inson, Jack Davidson, E. W Malcolm, Burton Llewellyn, L. P. Pugh, E. C. Hicks: also txxoi transfars: J. Pears and C. M Butler. A donation of $25 was m2dc to the Bowmanville Girl Guides. Second Vice-President Ab Mavin repored for the Picn'c i Committee. The picnic will bc held at Waltona Park, New- 1 castle, June 23. Races and spe- cial avents have been planned, with good prizes. Members of the Legion Branch, Ladies'i Auxiliary, and Pipe Band are ail welcome. Tea, sugar and cream are to be supplied. Bring your picnic basket and he'p niake this ,.ear]'y aent %worh. - whiie. Buszes leave Legion H-11 at 1IDJ. Hardware B usi neS S (Continued from page one) son, Mr. Dale and bis mother bought out Mr. Masonýs former share of the business and car- ried on until the time of her death in 1954. The two new shareholders have had extensive experience with Mason & Dale with Roy IMcMullen first coming in 1941 and Bob Lockhart starting in 11944. Like the« vast mai ority of other merchants in town Mel Dale has taken an active part in- community life and public service. He was a member of Town Councîl for three years including one termn as depu'y- reeve. For 27 years he has been a member of the Bow- mariville Rotary èlub holding many of the important office.î in the club including the pre- sidency. Mr. Dale was the chairman o! the Bowmanville Hospital Board from 1949-51 and it was during his term of office that the cortract for the new Mem- orial Hospital was sîgned. The proud father of two girls, Mr. Dale's oldest daugh- ter, Janet, is a graduate of the Toronto School of Nursing. His second daughter, Norma, is a fifth form student a tBowman- ville High School. The two shareholders are both farnily men andi xvere raised in' this dis- trict. Roy McMullen was born in Bowmanville and is mar- ried to the former June Goode, Orono. They have five chiid- ren, Diane, Karen, Carl, Roti and Debbie. Mr. McMullen and «Mr. Dale are both members of thé Masonic Lodge. Bob Lockhart was born in Newtonville and is married to the former Helen Summers-' ford. They have a boy, John. During the war he served in the Navy and is now a memn- ber of the Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion.____ h The charter% of Mason and Dale Hardware Limited was granted in April and the final details are now being complet-1 Decorcution Dcuy <Continued from page one) veteran caretaker, had prepar- ed the grounds in a beautiful and solemn setting. Rev. George Leno opened the service with the Caîl To Worship. Everyone joined ini singîng the Hvmn "The Lord's My Shepherd" with musical accompaniment from the Sal- vation Army Band under the direction of Capt. Bill Brown. The Prayer of Invocation was given by Rev. Leno aria The Lord's Prayer was sung in unison. Rev. T. A. Morgan gave the Responsive Reading. Th a Seripture Lesson was read by Rev. A. G. Scott. Padre Gives Address In bis address, Legion Padre, Rev. A. C. Herbert explained thtthe mt wd sancr at t he eetr a sanc-r means a place of rest, a place of peace of mmnd, he said. Here in Bowxmanville Cemetery is a sanctuary from everyday life, he pointed out. Those who have dear ones buried here have the consolation . of knowing they are experiencing full joy and peace in Heaven. Those who visit the graves frequently have the opportunî- ity there to meditate on a full view of life, he said. The trou- bles and joys of the world are brought to mind, and the strength of soul and character of the departed can be an in- spiration. 4e spoke of the mys- tery of life. Belief ir' God is of the most vital importance, ha concluded. Rev. H. A. Turner said pray- ers and the group joined in the singing of "Jerusalem Tne Golden". The Benediction was given by Rev. A. G. Scott. Place Wreaths visited bis uncle, Archie Mc- Legion President Jim Firth Ginnis, Cannington, after Mrs. and Ladies' Auxiliary Presideilt McGinnis had passed away. Ann Piper placed a wreath in Mr. and Mrs. Wes Carneron memnory of those who fell over- attended Maple Grove Ann!- seas and are buried there. Me's. versary and visited at Morley W. Wallis lowered the flag to Flintoff's. haîf mast during the service Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dav,,d- f or the war dead. son, Mr. and Mrs. George Dav- The last post was sounded idson, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck then the Legion Ban.d played Terry were supper guesis au. the lament **Flowers of the Elmer Down's, Ebenezer, on Forest", followved by the Re- Father's Day. veille. God Save The Queen Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas, wvas played by the Salvation Scarborough, visited at Russell Army Band to conclude the Staiflton's. service. MnIr. and Mrs. Keith Stainton tion Service at the Wick Cerne. tery on Sunday and entertain- Z Ium ed Mr. and Mrs. James Moorp, Kathy and Patricia, Scarbor- Mrs. Charles Naylor is having ough; 'Mrs. Clarke Moore, Miss a recital at the church for lier Beth Moore and George Gor« piano pupils on Monday even- *don, Oshawa, at supper after. ing, June 24th. wards.. Sunday Sehool picnic at Mr. and Mrs. Jim Staintoni Geneva Park on June 28, at and Davy were at Lake Couchl- 7 p.m. Bring the family and iching with Mr. and Mrs. Len-. enjoy the fun. nard Shaw Sunday. Mr. arnd Mrs. R. C. Stainton Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hortoni attended the bowling banquet 1 and family, Blackstock; Mr. and dance at the Airport. and Mrs. Del Knapp and Bar. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron bara, Omnemee, with Ray Ca-. visited Stanley Covqrly's, Eben- eron's. ezer Bev. Cameron bas been in Mr. William Thomson, Sf. Military Hospital at Petewawa Mary's, has been visiting re- suffering with pneumonia. latives around Mon. Mrs. L. McKenna and Jamney, Mrs. Leo Moffatt, Ian Robb, Oshawa; Mrs. Elmer Down and P eWsW i Larry, Ebenezer, visited Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Hir- ! lse G m 'r-b- and BTrian lOshawa: M1Vr.!- and Mrs. Tom Sutherlanci Johnn 'v and Connie, Utica, visit- ed at Fred Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. William Robin- son, North Oshawa, visited Allan Fisher's. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mit- chell and Terry, Toronto, visit- ed Russell Perkins'. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach were tea guests at Arthur Youngrman's, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlakel and Cecil, Millhrook; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Abbott, Carol an.d Gerry, Burketon, at Percy Davidson's.' Mr. nnd Mrs. Russell Perkir.s From Cobourg BoNvmanville Pee-Wee AIl- Stars scored a close 14-13 de- cision over their hosts at Co- bourg Monday evening winning their third game in four starts this season. Cobourg pitchers gave up 20 walks in the five innîng tilt, while Bowvmanville ptr- mitted 9. Bob Sleep \\-a starting pitcher for Bo wnu n- ville and was relieved in the third by Don MeMurter. Bowmaniville ---- 1 5 6 0 2 Cobourg- -- --02 4 24 COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK "'NEW," MODERN WAMPOLE PHOSPIIO-PLEX RELIEVES TIRED NERVES RELIEVES TIRED NERVES THE --' VERY DAY" WAY TOý REsT 1IRED NERVES HECTIC PACE GETTING YOU DOWN P ITS SQ EASY TO RELAX JUST TAKE PHOSPHO-PLEX RELIEVE THAT JUMPY, "TIRED ALL' THE TIME PFEELINC? ENJOY UFE PHOSPHO-PLEX IS THE EVERYO/AY WAY TO RELIEVE NERVOUS. TENSION. Wampole PHOSPHO-PLEX is a modern nerve food and tonic, r'ch in B compound Vitamins and other important restorative ingredients. Ask your Druggist for PHOSPHO-PLEX in either easy-to-take tablets or conven- ient iquid form. A FULL THREI WIIK TREATIENT 50 TABLETS 16 OUNCES 2.5 0 2.50_ FIRST AID SUPPLIES The slightest scratch or eut can lead to serious blood poisoning. Be prepared by always having first aid supplies on hand. Listed below are just a few - for complete f irst aid essentials see vour I.D.A. druggist. Absorbent Cotton Absorbine Jr. - ~39c, 55c, 85c, 1.50, 2.50i 1.19, 2.391 Acriflex GAUZE BANDAGES 25o to 80a I.DA. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 19e - 29e - 45c Band-Aid Plastic Strips DETTOL I ANTISEPTIC 45e - 69o - 1.15 'I -25c, 45c, 65c *SOFT JOHÎNSO., *ABSORBENT STRIERNSZ 0 STERILIZED .EAuz JOHNSON'S 4- STERILE GAUlE PAOS SEALED IN INDIVIDUAL ENVELOPES. READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE. U7 x 2- 12's 45e -3x 3" 1MIS 60c ,GIN PILLS pORt THE KIDNEYS ý ot EG.sZu 390 ZCOHOMV 98e rolis 25C ÏMAN SIZE ~@&MLOOODED FOR SUPER STRENGTH DRY-OR WET! 3,5c BIG BOX-3-PLY... Tweezers____~~.. .~~~ 35c, 50c, 1.D.A. STOMACK POIVDER 4-oz., reg. 75c 596 le-oz., reg. 1.95 JOHNSON'S BABY OIL Reg. 69c size 2 for 1.19 BABY SOAF Reg. 2 for 29c .3 for 39c- .- . for luts of creamy cleansing lather that keeps your skin soft and smooth . . . use I.DA. COLD CREAM SOAF wlth LANOLIN Regular 2 for 25o 12 for 1.39 PRESCRI PTIONS Your Local l.D.A. Drug Special Offer! TON! HOME PERMANENT wlth Vouble-Easy Applicator Reg. 3.00 value Save 33e on COLGATE DENTAL CREAM à 33e tubes 66, A SPECIALTY Drugs Phone MA 3-57921 Store 75ec Burn-A-Lay Ointment 59C Johnson's Antiseptic Creams -------- --98c FIRST AID I.D.A. MINARDS KITS MERCURO- LINIMENT CHROME 1.65 up 250 500 - 906 Mecca--- 59c, 1.18, 1.89 - Tubes -- 75e Tan-Gel 1 PEIV:LS Alex. We Deliver McGregor,. 1 1 - - - P.0%0%0%0%~ - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - w e w w-w-wý 1 .IIMMDAT, JUM 20th, 1951 THE CANADIAN STATESM-AN. BOWIL&NVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE SIMEN .i

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