THURMSAY, JULY 4th, 1957THCAAINSAEMNO AVLE.OARO PAGE NUIS &I Youngman's Co/um n. 9 Durham County cen boest of many illustrious sons and daughters, some native, some adopted. Among the latter, none is entitled ta a higher rating than Rev. John Kitchen and Mrs. }itchen, who are now ile ving Orono for a new honme a tPnundy's Lane. with the best wishes of everyone in the com- *munity. Five and a haîf years ega, 1t i' rîvited toaeddress a new- LJiormed married couple.s' * jrU Orono. The rneetirg Could you and your family live out of ti suit case!~ I;ta bright prospect. But mnany farnilies have ta. For they discover too lete that, their fire insurance isn't enougb ta caver today's. cost of rebuilding and refurnishing a burned-out home. Now is the time to lbring your fire insurance tip to date. See us. STUART B. JANES INSURANCE Office MA 3-5681 King Street 9. REAL ESTATE Residene MA 3-5493 Bowmnanvllle Ewas held in the basement of tthe United Churcli. Arriving eerly, I noticed a pleasant feced, stocily bu:it Pchap sitting alone, so pulled 1alongside for a chat, and was surprised ta find lie was the new min isten, who lied only been in Orono about a month and felt somewhat "strange'. And no wondcr! He lied just returned ta Canada from a thir- ty-onc year nesidence in China. Before we panted company, h-e had told me a fascinating story of adventurc, heartbneak and terror. Born in England, he lided mi- grated. when a young man, ta Canada. When World War I sterted, he enlisted and servcd in an active tneatre of wan. with the Canadien Mounteci Rifles. Wer over, he returncd tc' Canada. entened the ministry, 1 and wes sent ta China, wher-' I le served for over thirty years. until the Communists to&Z aven, and decided ta put the squeeze on foreign religiaus leaders. tIn spite of the fect that he had spent bal! of bis adult lie trying ta better the material as well as spiritual life of the Chinese people, lie was forcibly seperated fnom his Norwegian born %vife and yaung son. After weeks of gruelling wor- ry, the family wes reunited through efforts of the "under- ground", and made their xvev ta Canada, penniless and hiome- less, their only possessions wcre tlie clothes they wore. Their onlv ray of hope xves being placed in-charge of the Orono circuit. It must have been heait- jbreak ing ta reacli middle ege and suddenly lie depnîved of ail earthly goods, and fonceà ta fle-1, ike criminals, from e country whose people liad al- ways been helpful, kindly and hospita;ble, but were now hos- tile. The folks eround Orono went out o! their way ta welcomre this liard hit family. which rnade Mr. Kitchen wonden if lie could attein e standard of pricsthood commensurate with his parishioners' efforts. The answer ta thet came on1 June l9th, 1957, wlien more then three hundred people ga- thered eit a picnie ta say go( bye and ta present the E~ chen family with several ii ful gifts. One heart warming feati was the fact that people,i connected with the Unil Churcli, chipped in. Mrs. Kitchen will be reme bered for her organizatia' ability. her generously donai nursing skill and lier gracia ladylike qualities. Wýhen we first met, and Kitchen spoke sa feelin,: about the Orono and distr citizens' haspitality, I was ci ty enaugli ta hope tha*. th would be as kindly disposed1 wards him xvhen the time his departure came. I'm hep ta report that my fears wE groundless, as proven by t big, riearty send-off. We ail hope the Kitchens hi their iiew neighbours in t Niagara Falls district and th the new neighbours appreciz the Kitchens as much as we dý ELIZABETH VILLE Miss Darlene Thickson to in the bus trip Saturday ta t Thousand Islands. Mn. and Mrs. Hilliard Stror Peterborough, visited Mr. a Mrs. C. Beatty recently. Mr. G. Thickson, Manîtol called eit Tbickson's, Wednesd: Mrs. Sam McMillen wlioii. ed her shoulder some time a isn't so well and is ta go back hospital, Saturday. Hvdno trouble seems ta be t order of the dav' as we have h, trouble Thursday niglit, Frid monning, and then egein Satu day morning. The trouble Si urdav was a pale that lid edi struck by lightning ]ust west here,, Mr. and Mrs. T. Muldrew ai daugliter Marilyn. Mr. and M: W. Muldrew, Oshawa, arrivi Friday niglit for the long wee end.. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Peeca, and boys, Atikoken, arrived la week eit bis parents, Mr. ei Mrs. Vernon Peacock wliere thi will spend their lialideys. Miss Donna Mercer returni home Frîday niglit efter spen ing a week with Miss Menilý Muldrew, Oshiawa. Whule Oshawa she visited bier cous Mrs. A. Elliott, and grandmotli Mrs. Beatty in Toronto. Most of the P.H.H.S. studer araund here have their resul and moisit of themn passed. The presentetion for Mr. ai Mrs. Dominico (Lily Vesilol which wes ta be held in Osai School toniglit is postponed uni Juiy 6 on accounit of rein. The wiener roast and swlî ming panty by the Youi People's was also postponed ui tii Wednesdey niglit. Mrs. W. W. Trew is a liti better than she was lest wee able ta be up for e hittie whie BLACKSTOCK The Brownies held their fIný meeting until Septemberc June 24. Margaret Argue ri ccived lier Golden Bar and Ju< Swaîn wes enrolled. W.A. of the United Church i in the Sundey School nooi Tuesdey evening with'21 ladit present. Mns. Russell Mountjc gave the devotionel, composed( Scripture, a paper on "Wisdonr and prayer. Rail was answere by "Something from my hobb ta be sold". The following pr( gram was given: reading. "Wl Mekes a Garden?" by Mr Hector Shortridge; solo, "Jest Is Ail the World ta Me" by Mr Harold Kyte: neading, "Villap Shopping Tour". by Mrs. Cec Hill, needing, "A Monument 1 Mns. Smith" by Mrs. Roy Taylo: After the closing exercises th "hobbies" were sold with abat $7.00 realized. Lunch was seri ed by the gnoup in charge wil Mrs. Hcctor Sliortnidge, conver WcýVdnesdey night 19 couplE met et the h ome of Mr. and Mn Richard Bowlcs for their regula monthly get-together. Lawn vol leybell was played. The discuc sion was the past, present an and Mrs. J. K. Stnang (Ben Larmer). Winnipeg, liaving bec invited ta thc meeting, weî called ta the front and Mn. Howt ard Trcwin with a few wel chosen words prcsented tlier with a purse of moncy and thi best wishes of the communiti Rev. Romeril conducted th closîng, alter which e wicne roast was eniov cd. The supper and entcrtainmer sponsored liv the Fermer: Union Fniday evening provei q uite sucessful. Aithougli tb wet weather made strawberrie scar-ce, ice cncam trimmed wit] iberrnes and ail the othen go ceats made a deliciaus supper This was followed by e fini variety program consisting o recitations by Bruce Gibson sangs b,,,v Leonard Saundent guitar numbers by Allen an( Clifford Dayes and Don Elford dance b','Janet Warren enc Sylvia Lawrence-, vocal duel Lorraine Dayes end Joan Elford piano duet, Donna McLaughlir and Cheryl Medcelf, baton dri]l Marilyn Stinson and SylviE Lawrence; piano solos, Anni Gibson and Mary Bnadburn vocal duet. Cindy and Karci Malcolm, pictures of Jemaica b, Bey. P. Romenil. Mns. LornE Thompson was eccompanist fai aIl musical numbens. rThe sale of Mn. Thos. Bow- man came off vcry well on Set- urday despite the bail weather, Wc are sorry that througli poot bealth it was necessary for Mn, and Mrs. Bowman ta leeve oui village as ail found tbem e very congeniel couple and good neigh- bons. They wil l e living witi- their familv fnom now on. Mns. Bowman lias been witli anc son, MIr. and Mrs. Wilfned Bowman. Enfieid. since Easten. exccpt for a cuupli9 of months in hospital. The b--st wishes of thein Bleck- tock friends go with thern. There was a good attendence et the Anglican service Suinda.v mrorning. Thî,ý w a ecomibined annivpî-sarv and Dominion Dav servicrF. TI.' vh:ldren of the Sunday b&haol furnished the sr. he r- ar )rl T- d e m le rt s 1 id r. 1 ivu ~iUlbert bJL. JI. - .L'UVavAfiLYu. Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta, 6 pan. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 SDR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bownlanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 P.m. dailv *Closed Saturday and Surîday jTelephone: Office MA 3-5459 * Legai STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. jA. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. MI. - Bowmanvile Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. BlASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanviile Phones: Office MA 3-5688 jResidence MA 3-5553 DUMSS APHA L. IIODGINS Barrister. Solicitor Notary Publie TemperanceSt - Bowmanvil ILOVEKIN AND THOMPSON tBarristers and Solicitors jE. Richard Lovekin j U.E., B.A., LL.B. and BxAndrew R. Thompson LL.B., LL.M. .Box 9 ewcastle, Ont. Telephones: Newcastle - 2115 Toronto 1HI14-4396 Consultation by appointment only Morigages LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 Fmrt Mortgage funds Residences - Fax mm Business Properties Opfometry KEITH A. BILLETT E Optometrista 141 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hours: B, appointmentE Telephone MArket 3-3252 1 Mondav to Saturdav t 9 arn. to 5 p.m. W'ednesdavs, q ta 12 'Xhursdiay eeig Rate Increase Auto Insurance Here July lst The continuation of the spi- raling cost of automobile acci- dents durîng the first four mronths of this year will mean increased insurance rates for many Ontario motorists. The Independent Automobile Insurance Conference, foflow- ing a survey of its member companies, said increases wili 1 go into effect on July 1. At the same time, officiais said the increases were mainly dent eodsndveung, underc- aimt eordstadrivewith acc- 25 drivers. Accident-free dri- vers, ýhey said, would be given preferential treatment. In addi- tion, they will stili receive a ',no-claims" discount. No change in rates for pri- vate passenger cars operated for business purposes is coni- templated. Insurance officiais said that the cost in the firist few months o' 1957 had ibeen the highest ever-up from 10 ta 15 per cent. The situation had been fur- ther complicated, they saîd, by the fact that under the present rating system the insurance companies are paying today's higher losses on premiums col- lected up to 18 manths ega when costs were much less. The automobile insurance industry suffered substantial operating losses in 1956 due to rising ac- cident costs. The new rate increases were intended, insurance 4spokesmen said, to bring premniums mores realistically in line with the rising casts of accidents. For instance, collision costs for re- pairs due to changes in 1957 car madels were up eight per cent over 1956 rnodels, while the more elaborate design of ail recent model cars tends ta make even the most minor accident a costly' affair. Insuarance premniums are bas- ed on a 'you set your own rates" system, they said. "Wrhen the _,ost of accidents increasei, sa must insurance rates. Where acde-it costs go down, insur- ance rates lollow Luit." nmon Wins s Awa rd mmmmmmýýl i 1 fine sermon on Thanksgiving for i 107 years of Anglican Church inlASal'% esn Blacstoc and90 years anni-j vesay f heDominion of District Sole ,od Canada. There will be service t etIl arn. as usuel next Sundav. s-Also, the Orangemen will parade Earl McQueen, sales na.nagar is-to the Anglican Church for serv- of Robson Motors, was honour- luýeieat 7:3 0 p.m. ed by General Motors Corpora- n nz Services inteUie Church to recently as top G. M. sales - ited as usuel next Sunday mornîng. mnfrti itit There 'vas a good ettendance In recognition of his out- m- at the Decoration Service :in the standing sales for the year 1956, ýrjai Union Cemetery Sunday af ter- Mr. MeQueen was awarded the ted noon. Rev. P. Romeril gave the Master Selesman Guild Award. us, address and Rev. Campbell of; This award is a significant Nestleton assisted.1 achievement and is presented MIr. Mr. and MIrs. W. L. Hammel, to only their mast outstanding .lv and farnily. Montreal. spent the: salesmen. Il weekend. with his parents, Mr. To qualify for the award Mr. et- l and Mrs. Geo. Stanilend and the McQueen sold some 351 cars hey Frank Stanilands. during the yeer. His sales gavc ta- Mr. and Mrs. Erie Chaperlin him a total of more than 400 of and family, Don Mills, ith points. A salesman is credited lip Canon and Mrs. Chaperlinwfor1 with a number of points by ere the weekend. Genieral Motors for each sale he Mrs. May Pritchard and Mrs.1 made. Fbo. Bennyworth, Toronto, withj Mr. McQueen has ibeen an ke Mrs. Velva Baiiev, Mondav. employee of Robson Motors for he Mrs. Muriel Hainswvorth was two i;ears. Ife began his ein- htweekend guest, Mr. and Mrs. ployment as a part-time sales- ata Ray Yates and Mrs. Harryl man in August of 1955. Prior fid Graham, ail of Toronto, Sundavl to that he was employed wi'h dinner guests anid Mr. and Mrs.1 Earl Trewin and family supper "S guest§ of the Albert Wrights and visited the Walter and Lloyd : Fred Trewins.i Wrights, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mal- j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison, ok colin, Toronto, et Merrill Van Smiths Falls, vîsited Mrs. Robt. .he Cmp's.Ford through the week. On jMrs. Cecil Ferguson, Mr. andWedsaytyanMs.Fr Mrs. Sydney Ferguson and fam- visited Mrs. Gardon Anderson, ,n uda iior f Greenbank. Misses Jean Ford and Mrs. Russell Mountjoy. adRtCons Trtoset Mýr. and Mrs. Robt. Hall, Good- the weekend with Mrs. Ford. ,bal wood, with Mrs. Thos. Smith Ms .W VnCm etot ay.1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dunbar Ottawa on Wednesdey for an ur- 'and Denise, Toronto, with the extended visit with her new go Roy Fergusons. granddeughter and Mr. and Mrs. ta Mrs. Harrv Graham, Toronto Ronald Drinkwater and other Sunday supper guest of Mr. anti children. teMrs. Leslie Mountjo.vy. Mr. Swain Van Camp spent a he r ndMs avYts few days with -bis Blackstock ay Toronto, Sunday supper guests friends. Mrs. A. L. Bailey went ur- of Oscar Grahams. w~ith him ta Listowel Wednes- at- Miss Vera Farder, Toron ta, ay evening. ýen Blackstock friends attending en the wedding of Audrey. daught- af er of Mr. and Mrs. Norton Van Business Direclory Camp and Mr. Norman McWil- knd lîams in Listowel, Saturday, Irs. were: Mr. Jack Van Camp, Mr. rd Accouniancy and Mrs. Percy Van Ceampand k- _______________ Aileen: Mr. and Mrs. Merril )ck M. . B.COGINQ Van Camp, Mr. and Mrs. Keith ask WM.J.r . edAcoGGnSa Van Camp, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. ,st 64 Chngrt.EdAcountanil Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van ndy Kingv Sat. E. BswmatineCamp, Mr. and Mrs. Stanford ey Aboe Grto's us tatun)Van Camp, Richard and Doreen, 64 King Street E. Misses Mable and Helen Van ied Camp, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Gunt- id- MONTEITEI - MONTET er and Mr. Gordon Paisley. lyn RIEHL & CO. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Thompson, in Chartered Accountants Peterborough. were Sunday vis- sin 135 Sinicoe St. N. Oshawa itors of Mrs. Alma Fowler and erPanes RA 5-4662 Miss Dienne Blair, Oshawa spent Partners:the-weekend. its J. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C!.A. Miss Pearl Wright spent Sun- ats A. B. Monteith, B.Comma. C.A. day with her parents and sistérs G. W. Riehl, C.A. and families before leaving for a nd (Licensed Trustee) two-months trip ta Europe. ff) G. E. Trethewey, C.A.. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc- ic R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. Nally, Coîborne, were guests of til - i M1r. and Mrs. Carl Wright and TALE, FRIEDLANDER,' caîîed on a great many other M-HUNTER & CO. relatives and fniends. ng Accauntants andi Auciltors Sundey visitors of Mr. and in- 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Mrs. Howard Farder were- Mrs. Oshawa Charlotte Farder and Donald, le B. L. Yale, C.A. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Sturrock k,. F. Fniediander, B. Comm., C.P.A and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gary e.J. Hunter, C.P.A. Hancock,. Mr. and Mrs. Donald t.__________________________________________ W right. 1 ~Mr. Bill Marlow Iett Monday C h lr nP a c cA on a trip through Western Canada. la G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Mrs. John Menlow la vlsiting on Chfropractor Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shook and ýe! Office: Marjorie Ann. Toronto. dy15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Anlene and Beverley Hall, Phone MA 3-5509 Tyrone, are spendmng a few deys jet Office Hours: By Appaintnient with the Stan Rahms. lm _________________ ar. and Mrs. Allen Train, Deeia Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Archie of guests of Mrs. Gea. Crawford nt" DR. W. %L. RUDELL, D.D.S. and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Pearce. ed Office: Jury Jubllee Bldg. Norma Wolfe wil be heard on by 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Trans-Canada Metinee, Fniday, a- OficeHour: ýulv Sth, over CBL in a short ho 9 arn. ta 6 daily talk on the O.N.O. Club cf rs. Closed Saturday and Sunday Blackstock. Thus program 15s uîs Office Phone MA 3-5790y heerd fromn 2 - 3 p.m. s. HusePhon - ewcatle355 Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Davle Bar- _________Phone__Newcaste_3551 rie, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff McGhee il DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Mrend Mn, Ho ornin II, vSun- ta Office in his home MranMr.alDoeiu- igr 1 nâTiir- q nmnvlpýdy "FEATURE" MANNING'S COCOANUT PUFF - Pkg. of 25 Biscuits Ma IIow Biscuits m m m - 29C "'FEATURE" DEL MONTE 48-ox. i Pineapple & Grapefruit Juice 3 3C Quality Produce FIrm, Golden Ripe Ban anas Plump, Sweet, Red CARDINAL GRAPES Fini of Season Niagara Black E SWEET CHERRIES Firm, Green Heads NEW CABDAGE IL 19c Lis. 23c1 6-qt. basket a 0 Za. 15C1 iBST BUY" Paramount Fancy Red SALMON, %'s tin --- Sockeye - 2 for Soc 'BEST BUY" Heinz BABY FOODS, 31/2.oz. tin 4 for 37e "BEST BUY" Ballet TOILET TISSUIE, 3 colours - ------ -----2 ýor 23c "BEST BUY" Lushus JELLY POWDERS 3 for 26c "FEATURE" KOTEX SANITARY NAPKINS, Regular 12's- 2 for 83c "FEATURE" CROWN ORANGE PEKOE 100 Bags Tea Bags - -- - 79C Ayln*r Stuffed Olives, u lt Me s place pack, 8-oz. ice box jar 39e ____________ Cheeriog or Wheaties Cereal, Swift Premium - Branded Beef large pkg.- 2 for 49C Blade Bone Removed Beehive Golden Corn Syrup, 2.1b tin31cBlade Roast lb. 3 9c Lean Black Diamond Cheese NINCED BEEF - - 3 ý, 95c White or Coloured Cheese Sticks, Swift Brookfield - Pure- Skinless - lb. pkg. 8-oz. pkg. - - --- 41c Famous Old Cheese Wedges, P r S u a e 9 Niagara4 Varieties of Cooked Meats - 12-oz. pkg. Instant Laundry Starch, pkg. 21c Swift PLATTER PAK - 49c Johnson's Raid, Insect Spray, il-or. bomb 1.69 Frozen Food Department New Low Coffee Prices Birds Eye o 1 Yellow Label, lb. ______ 83c Potato Patties, 13-oz. pkg. 2 for 43c Red Label, lb.-- 93e Asparagus Spears, 1O-oz. pkg. 47e SiIver Label, lb. -__ 99C1 Cod Fillets, lb. pkg. -------------------- 25e THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE MAPLE GROVE - ORONO BLACKSTOCK - Yeo's Marketeria Maple Grove Groceteria - Cornish Marketeria - Blyth's Market BOWMANVILLE MERCHANTS Fortune Jubilee Diaimond Mine Draw Formerly Appreciation Day Draw Every Saturday - 3 p.m. jJACKPOT VALUE - THIS WEEK - $3ou r Winner on Saturday iMmR.Kenneth Hull, 97 Scugog St., Bowmanville won 1 Diamond Share or 10% of Jackpot - $36.00 Don't Forget - Next Draw, Saturday, .uly OUi at 3p.m. -Town Hall Building ca New Home?t consuit us at IOshawa Wood P'roducts Ltd. about our .. e ""HOME PLANNING SERVICE"# * Complete selection of PLANS available * ESTIMATE of Cost * EXPERT advice for you about the selection of materials. O SHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS for: Your ONE-STOP HEADQUARTERS for ail your LUMBER and BUILDING SUPPLIES for your NEW home or Remodelling requirements. Distributors for: CANADJA'N CENENT also .. Cornhill 4" clay WEEPING TILE and FLUE "LININGS. .ashawa Wood Products Ltd. Yard and Main Office at Courtice Phone MA 3-2130 or RA 3-4661 Ontario Steel Products for a year. He holds the distinction of havmng serired in ail three bran- ches cf military service. During the eerly part of the second world war lie served witli the Royal Canadien Army Servics, Corps. In 1944 he trensferred ta the navy. While with the navy Lie served on two slips. The first a minesweepcr the Fart Francis and the destroyer Qu'appelle. Fnomn 1952 until 1954 lie was with the Rayai Canadien AL- Force Security Police. His op)ly other sales exper- ience was obtained as a pari - time car salesmen for a G.M. dealer in Chicoutimi Quebec.> A Nove Scotian by birth, lie spent bis youtli in bis homne town o! Tetamagouclie. At present lie lives at bis new home in Maple Grove. He and bis wife Katliryn have two children. Billy is the older end is in second form et Bowman- ville Higli Scliool. Petsy is in first farm at B.H.S. The Bible Today The Rev. J. C. Thampson,. B.A., B.D., bas been appointed district secretary of the Western Ontaria Auxilierv af the British and Foreign Bible Society in Canada and will begin bis work in London, Ont., on September lst. After graduating fnom the University of Toronto and Em- manuel College Mr. Tliompson wes ordained as a minister Of the United Churcli of Canada inj 1939. For severel years lie leld pastorates in Northern Ontario wife and fa3nilv he wil sal in and Quebec; then in 1945 he was the late summer for Hong Kong appointed Field Secretary for the where he lias been appointe' to Missionary and Maintenance the staff of Chung Chi Univers- Department of the United ity. When the new district Church. In 1949 he Ieft this secretary takes up his duties on post to serve as a missionary in the first of September he wvill Trinidad, where he has been find the work of the Bible So- stationed in San Fernando. He ciety in Western Ontario in has been Moderator of the Pres- thriving condition. Under Mr. byterian Church in Trinidad and Tonge*s leadership nany branch- has taken an active part in the es have been re-organixed and work of the loçal Bible Society the auxiliarv board lias been branch. strengthened by making it miore Mr. Thompson sucéeeds the representative. Mr. and Mrs. Rev. W. H. Tonge who is leaving Thompson and their childrcn Bible Society work to return to will reside in London. service under the Board of Sunday John 15: 1-27 Overseas Missions of the United Mondav------- John 16: 1-33 Church. Accompanied by hîs (ruesdav -- ----- John 18 1-18 FARM GASOLINE ""ESSO and ESSO EXTRA"" *Correct Volatility *Correct Octane Rating *Frce from Corrosion and Abrasiv e Materials *Resists Guin Formation For Prompt Delivery and Serv ice PHONE MA 3-5516 A. H. Sturrockc arnd Sons Sturrock Street Bowmanville THE CANADUN STATESMAN. BOWIL&NMnýLE. ONTAMO PAGE NINS 0 1 1