ruvi~5DAY. 3~JLY 4t.h. lisi T?~ CANAnIAN ~'!'ATW~MAN. ROWMANVTLL~ ONTAUIO PAGE ?Nl~~N The 0rc TeIep Mr. and Mrs. Orm Mille: Pontypool; Miss Velma Pric' ard and Mr. Roy Fowler, Mil brook, with Mr. and Mrs. Wr 4.and Mrs. Neil Portei A. E. Morton and Miç A~.utréy Billings visited Mi and Mrs. J. Bail, London. Miss Dorothy Henry, Toriot to; Mr. and Mrs. Raymor Clapp, Tyrone; Mr. and Mr: Ross Hallowell and son Jacl Bowmanville, visited Mr. an Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. L. Buckley an their son, Mr. John Buckle) and his son David, Peterbor ough; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. '-r Buckl,,y, Mr. and Mrs. A. V Glenny, Newcastle, visited Mr. Harvey Curtis and Mrs. R. A Delve. Mrs. Heber Souch was movei last week from Oshawa Hos pital to Memorial Hospital Bowmanville. Visitors with Mrs. Luthe Barrabali were Miss Pea- O'NeiI, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs R. D. Barrabali and family, M., Russell Gimblett and Sharrn Maple Grove; Mr. and Mns Eldon Essery and Marion, Cour tice; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bar raball and family, Bowmar ville: Mr. and Mrs. S. Barra, hall and family, Orono. Mrs. Wm. Downing an( daughter Mary, Toronto, wit] her sister, Mrs. 0. Laing an( family. M-. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchel visited Mr. and Mrs. Burns Kil tmer, St. Marys. Mrs. Egerton Hancock ha been ilI at her home. Mis? Louise Cowan, Toronto was guest of Miss Sadie Browi for the weekend. Mr. Jack Wilson, Paris; Mir and Mrs. Keith Wood, Bow manville, with Mr. and Mrs Specicils for this Weekend Ontario Spring Lamb Loîn Chops Lb. 79c 1%tario Spring 'ea-mb Shoulder Chops Lb. 59C jOntario spring Ci 2Lbs. For 39c Turkey, Beef CHICKEN PIES 3 For 85C Lean Minced Beef Lb. 39c Mixed Vegefables 21/2 Lbs. 69C Blueberries 12-oz. pkg. 43c Frozen Orange Juice 6 Tins. 89C 12 Tin,,$1.75 /e stock Lr 7W JUICE Li )NADE GRAPEFRUIT BLENDED GRAPEFRUIT AND ORANGE GRAPE JUICE and PINEAPPLE JUICE Ail frozen ln 6-oz. tins We have 6 CU. FT. FROZEN F ood JLockers ForRent J $'12 per par \rmanvi'IIe rFrigid Locker System 73 ~lint St. W. MA 3-3,578 IlI :)nloNews I hone 127 rC. V. Wilson at their cottage i-Mink Lake. l- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wii- n. liams, Toronto, visited Mrs. 7 John Morris. r, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde ss and son Donald, Toronto, with r. Mrs. Chas. Awde. Miss Enla Chapman, Kîrby, i- Ieft Malton by 'plane for a :d holiday in England. 's. Miss Pearl O'Neil, Toronto, k, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sey- Id m our........ ....... Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cham- d berlain, Toronto, called Sunday Y, on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer. r- Miss June Madill has returti. ed home from Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, follow]ng operation. Mrs. David Phasey and son dhave been visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp, Tyrone, while Mr. SDavid Phasey is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Marking a memnorablec ville.mebrofte3dad4 1l Mrs. D. G. Hooper visited mmeso h r n t son Tuesday her brother, Mr. r,. became Girl Guides at a Fl, rJ. Hodgson of Hampton, who in Memorial Park Club Hou nis in Oshawa Hospital. with their wings by Mrs. B. J s Mrs. Jean Stapleton (nee - Patterson) wife of EverFtt -Stapleton passed away atlher home Thursday afternoon atter x-a lengthy illness. Funeral was S v n h A dInterment in Orono Cemetery. hMrs. Gordon Dent and son ýd Bill with Mr. and Mrs. E. Dent P r oves P op iand family. t- Mn. Elgin Wight, Bowman ville; Mr. and Mns. GordonT w e i isWight, Oshawa, called Sunday'TOw e e on Mrs. J. E. Richards. I o a hlrncryn 0 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Myles gayly coîoured balloons, their ii and daughters, Whitby; MI>- faces smeared with ice cream, Pd daghrs, BoJanDvise; Mr then vou probably were at thé- r and Mnrs. Jim JonsonandMr.Comrunity Picnic at Cream of - adMs ono n Barley Park, Monday afternooni. z.Greg, Peterborough; Mr. arnd twsheevn aul Mrs. Howard Myles with Mr' I asteseet ana D. W. Myles. Community Picnic sponsored by Mr ndMs W .Hokn the Recreation Depantment. Mr. nd rs. . N HosinThe success of the gay event Betty, Joanne and Donna H)s- was written on the face ot kmn, Mn. Douglas Greentr-e, every child (664 of them) at- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parish, Osh- tending. awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Free Ice Cream Mr. Madison Hall and Rus- Children attending were is- sell Major are on a boat trip sued with a free ticket entitlin_ý through the Trent River this them to one free pop or ice week. cneam, a pony ride and one tu-n Mrs. Frank Ardnon, Toronto, Ia t th e fish pond. Bowmanville is spending this week with hier Chamber of Commerce kindly mother, Mrs. Madison Hall. donated the balloons, while the Miss Mildred Holdaway, Pet- fish pond was operated iy Bow- erborough, visited hier grand- manville Lions Club. Rotary parents, Mn. and Mrs. Egenton Club supplied the ponies for the Hancock. children to ride. Orono W.A. held a very sur- cessful Strawberry Social Jn Special Safety Award Orono United Church Sunday Opening ceremonies included School auditorium on Tuesdav presentation of Special Safcty which was followed by a short Award to the Town of Bow- program.1 manville. Deputy-Reeve Wil- Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. frid Carruthers, acting on be- Herb Murray on Decoration, haif of Mayor Nelson Osborne Sunday wene Mr. and Mrs. accepted the presentation from Henb Smith, Highland Creek: Mr. Rayburn of the Ontarir, Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Beal, Safety League. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. French and No Fatal Accidents Jean French, Mr. and Mrs. To Bowmanville for the dis- Donald Graham and daughters,I tinction of having by united Oshawa; Mrs. M. Topliff, Pet- community effort completed erborough; Mrs. Geo. White, the year 1956 without a fatal Pontypool; Mr. and Mrs. Albert traffic fatality, was the mes- Mr.KehRandali aiy r and sage on the award. Bowman- Mrs.Keneth Randll ndiville wvas one of a small num- family, Whitby; Mr. Wm. Bonk, ber of Ontario communities to Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. receive the award, Mn. Ray- Ben Whyte, Onono. Ahl enjoy-- hum said, in making the pres- ed a picnic supper. nai. .Betty Ann and Larny Watsonettin Waterdown, visiting t h eir Deputy-Reeve Replies grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex "The cooperation of the citi- Watson. zens and the many service club.-, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arnott in Bowmanville made thib and family left last week for award possible", Deputy-Reev,ý the Western Provinces, whene Carruthers said. He mentioned they will spend the summer. the fine work done by the Kiris- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor and men Club with their Elmer th., son, Windsor, with Mr. and Mns. Chas. Taylor. Mrs. Jennie Richardson has returned to Orono for the sum- .. mer. Mr. and Mrs. James Rans- berny, Montreal, with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lewis. Wednîesday to take up res;d- Water, the Farm Necessity". ence at 1985 Carlton Avenue, Niagara Falls, Ontario, where Rev. Kitchen will be assistant minister of Lundy's Lane Unit- ed Chunch. Rev. Basil Long, minîstc.m- elect of the Orono Pastoral Charge, will be inducted as - _ ministen of the charge this Duit 3 Friday evening. Rcv. S. C. I. Atkinson, Oshawa, will be ir. charge of the Inducti9n anid Rev. N. T. Holmes, Oshawa, will pneach the sermon.I PU14PS & SOFTENERLI LIbi 1TE D PF 82 .ONDON -CANAD)J JACK BROUGH I>LUMBING and HEATING Division Sý,reet Sou$h (M!A 3-5615 BOIVMANVILR B ronies in FIy - Up Ceremony occasion as Brownies are these th Packs, Bowmanville, who ly-Up ceremony held recently ise. The girls were presented Johnson, Mrs. M. Vanstone and inuai Picnîc ular Af fair ives Award Safety Elephant campaigus. Also the Kinsmen Artifie;a. Ice Project which bas pnovided a place for children ta themselves during the winter. Service Club Hehpful Our Lions Club of Bowman- ville have donated trafLc lights for the four corners, enected sehool signs and pý- vided many traffic safety ideas in their endeavour ta keep this good record, he pointed ou-. Rotary Club, Branch 178 of th2 Canaslian Legion and several other local clubs have ail con- tribîîted gneatly towards road safety, enabiing us ta win th!s high honour, he conciuded. Races highlighted the pro- ceedings during the afternoon. Bath the fish pond and pony ride bad handled ail of their little customers and were ready ta shut down ibefore supper. Fine Coiborne Band Foilowing the picnic supper, the Coiborne Band and Baton Drill Squad entertained the large audiences with their bar- maniaus numbers. The smart snappy precision of the group during their entire performn- ance was indicative of the ex- cellent training they have re- ceived. Aftpr the band display, th-e Kinsmen Bingo began operat- ing. Offering valuable prizes donated by local businessmen the bingo attracted capacitj. crowds. As a conclusion ta-the day's excellent proceedings a haif hour display of finewomks was shown for evervone. In charge of the day's pro.- ccedings were the membens of the Recreation Commîttee, in- cludingr Jack Lander, Chaude Kilmer, Andv Thompson, Keith Lathangue, O. J. Presson, Miss Dora Purdon, Raiph Mclntyre and Recreation Director Doug, Rigg. The service clubs also, assisted wîth the big under- taking. Boyd Woolley Wins Radio At Town Picnic Boyd Woolley, 50 Queen Street, won second prize of a manthe radia in the necreatikn department's Community Pic- nic Dnaw at the Cream of Ban- ley P2rk Monday evening. First pnize of a bicycle arnd third prize of a bride doîl bath went to out-of-town ticket holders. J. W. Pundon. 432 Landsdowne Avenue, Toronto, won the bike and J. Hamwood, 'Port Hope, won the bride doîl. OIL BURNING, TOBACCO CURER FEATURES e Long lasting units le Even keat distribution * E9conomnicalcuring e Simple operation eSaf., f Ume tight, jsmoke tight DEALER ]KEN MINSHALL R.R. Nestleton Phone Blackstock 31-r-12 Mrs. Ruth Calver. Displaying pretty smiles for the' photographer, they are from the left, front row: Lynne Frost, Jill Kilpatrick, Linda Masterson, Carol Ruiter. Back row: Carolyn Meadows, Carolyn Stacey, Marie Sweep, Muriel Deboo, Patsy Thompson. -Photo by R. Canruthers, Bowmanville, Local Man Judges Sheep At Stampede T. C. Glaspeil, R.R. 2, Oshawa, bas left for the Calgary Exhi- bition and Stampede ta judge ail the sheep classes at the exhibition. Mn. Glaspell also judged the sheep at the 1956 show. This is one of the largest and best sheep shows in Western Canada. At the close of the show an auction sale is held of sheep the exhibitors wish ta seil. In 1956, 22 head were sold for an average of $375 withi a top price of $ 1,600 and two more at $1,000 each. These Were ail Suffolks, the most popular breed of sheep not only in the West, but in ahi of Canada. Nesilelon Sition Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Vlieger1 rand family moved on Saturday ta their new home in Courtice. We are sorry ta lose them from the community but welcome the new people who moved aven the weekend ta the Vleiger farm, Mn. and Mns. Carl Adams and Lfamily, Courtice. Visitons with Mrs. Jas. Sain- telîs and Norman were Messrs., John Hamstra and Alfred Sam- elîs, Bowmanville. Mn. Harry Tinney, son John Tinney and bis daughtem of Mili- brook vsted Mns. Joseph Ford- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMvuhlen sand Carl, Ballyduff: Mn. and iMrs. Maurice Sameils and Shan- 'on, Peterborough, visited Mn. aand Mns. Larmen Hyland. a Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Mains and Jimmie, Enindale, visited Mn. and Mns. Ehi Mains. The Eli Mairs left to visit with ber sist- fer Mns. Hanny Adams, whose husband is quite ili in Panry Sound. Mn. and Mrs. Richard Anm-1 strong and family of Ballyduff were dinner guests with Rev." and Mrs. R. Campbell, Wednes- day. Mn. and Mrs. Sidney Camp- bell, Toronto, visited over the holiday with their son, Rev. R. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Poulson of Culross, Man., were visitons with the Grant Thompson's. Miss Eunice Wilson left hast week on the 52-day Too Good tour of Canada and U.S.A., andi Miss Gwen Wilson ta take a summer course at Kingston. Miss Beth Proutt is wonking for the summer months at Thurs- tonia Park. Mr. and Mns. Jas. Hedge, Stewart and David were at their, Nestleton home for the holida'.1 Mn. and Mrs. Oliver Rohmer and family, Mr. and Mns. Ivan Rohmer and family, Mn. and Mr*s.1 Carl Eliiot and Master Kenny Rohmer attended the Rohmer Re- union at Mitchell. Visitons aven the weekend with Mns. S. McKee were: Miss Muriel McKee, Mr. and Mns. Ray Barb- er, Bnian and Lanmy, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McKee. David, Jane and Janice, ahl of Oshawa. Friends will be pleased ta know Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt was able ta leave Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville and meturn homel hast week, but Mr. Elmen Nesbitt is stili confined in Lindsay Hos- pital, showing littie improve- Mr. E. Fisher, organist of a Tononto-church, presided at the organ in the Presbyterian Chunch on Sunday evenîng. This is an annual treat for the congre-. gation. Mn. Fisher is leaving forj London, Engicand, ta attend the Organists' Convention this coim- ing month. Mn. and Mns. Bruce Freelove, Peterborough, spent Sunday with hem fathen, Mn. Arthur Huibent.1 IVANVERS STATION Miss Frances Johnston. Miss Jeanette MeGinnes, Miss Margar- et Abbeh, Toronto, and Mr. Allaxi Johnston, Windsor, were week- end guests with Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Johnston. Mn. and Mrs. Lomne Homner and Kenneth spent the weekend; with friends at Minden. Mn. and Mrs. Orvilie Chaihice and Deanna attended the wed- ding of their niece. Miss Vaneta, Chapman. Milibnook. to Mn. Clifford Preston, Ballyduff. in1 the Presb «yterian Church. Miil-: brook, on Satunday. %vith Rev.' Paterson officiating. The me- 1 ception was heid at the home of, the bride's mother, Mns. Mar- wooci Chapman. Mn. and Mrs. Smith, Toronto, spent the holiday weekend with i Mr. and Mrs. Douglas LoganÎ. Mr. and Mns. Vance Allin and family, Leskand, have mov- ed into the fanm home fommenly accu pied by Mr. Harry Deniczuk. Glad ta report Mms. Wihmot Homner is gmeathy impmoved and able to be up and aound again. Weekend visitons with Mr. and Mms. Frank Denusha wene Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Stiner and fam- ily, Mr. and Mns. Pemcy Adams and Susan, Tononto; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Beverley, Mr. and Mns. Gordon Beverley, Mr. and Mns. Ken Beverley, Miss Beverley, Mn. Lloyd Derusha, Uxbridge, and Mm. and Mns. Ken Mercer, Clamemont. Mms. M. Baskenville, Miss Leatha Montmoy, Toronto, Miss Vemna Ponter, Peterborough, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mms. Norman Porter. Twenty-Six Children KiIIed During Summer The problem cl persuading children ta play in safe placer and to keep a cautious and alert! attitude in the presence of traf- fi, is lage and continuou. With more houns available for play and other activities, the long summen holiday adds con- siderably to trafflc dangers forj children. Each summen for the past Il1 years, the Ontario Department ofj Highways and Education have' sought to help relieve the situa- tion by pmoviding a safety me- minder to elementary schoolj children, for use throughout the' holiday months. "As schools close at the end! of this month," Hon. Jas. N.1I Allan, Ministen of Highways an- nounces, "more than 730,'000 Ontario chiidnen will receive fnom thein teachems an attractive cut-out foider in the shape of ai boy on a bicycle. Inside the fold- et are the safety mules for walk - ing and playing the childre n have been taught in school. There are aiso mules for saf e bicycling. On the back, a note to parents asks that they con- tinue, during the summer months, the safety training car- ried on by teachems duning the school term. "In making this distribution, the Hon. Dr. W. J. Dunlop and I are hoping that the folders will be used ta remind the childmen ta be safe. The cut-out is made ta stand up and can be placed sa that the cilîdren can see it evemy time they go outdooms. "Duming July, August and September last yeam," Mn. Alan added, "theme were 26 youngsters under 10 years of age killed when they ran into the oadway ]BROWN'S Mn. and Mrs. A. W. McLeod, Audrey of Toronto and also Domothy of San Fransico with Mr. and Mns. T. Wilson and family on Sunday. Mn. and Mms. Jack Hatwick, Diane and Susan of Toronto, with Mr. and Mms. J. Curson on SundRv or across a highway, in man., cases fmom around parked vehicles. Much teaching is de- voted to prevezting or discour- aging this very action. We sincerely hope that parents will do everything in- their power to teach childmen neyer to run onto the oad and to be sure the way is clear befome theyv attempt to cross a street or highway." Winter seems to be the 'age of shoverly'. REDUGE FEED GGSTS and increase market values by feecling legume or con ensilage W.e offer yen a concrete stavo Silo un- equalled foôr strength a n 4 durability, de- signed for the storage of le- gume or corn ensilage. Our Silo$ are con- s t runct e dof vlbrated, wet c a st .tongue and groove c e a c r etc staves. and hooped w 1t h heavy roda to give you a product as 5trong au con- crete and steel maa make it. CAMPBELLFORD SILOS LIMITED DISTRICT AGENT WALTER FRANK PHONE MA 3-3986 .177 Church St. Bowmanviile - 1 Tzrur=AY, JMT 4th, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATFSMAN. BOWNL&NVILLE. ONTAIUO ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F HIGHWAYS The Highway Improvement Act PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the Highway Improvernent Act, 1957, an Application will be mnade by the Department of Highways to the Onitario MUunicipal Board for the approval of the closing ot the following roads in the Township of Darlington, County of Durham, in the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, and in the Village of Newcastle, Courity of Durham, that interseet or run into the controlled-access highways known as High- way No. 115 and Highway No. 401. 1. Part of the Town Line between the Townships of Darlington and Clarke, crossing Highway No. 115, Highway No. 401 and the Canadian National Railway. 2. Part of the Road Allowance between lots 34 and 35, concession 1, Township of Clarke, crossing Highway No. 401 and the Canadian National Railway. 3. Part of the Road Allowance between lots 30 and 31, concession 1. Township of Clarke, crossing Highway No. 401. 4. Part of Newcastle Street, Village of Newcastle, unopened. 5. Part of Baldwin Street, Village of Newcastle, unopened. 6. Part of Church Street, Village of Newcastle. 7. Part of Massey Street, Village of Newcastle, unopened. 8. Part of Walton Stree~t, Village of Newcastle. 9. Part of Beaver Street, Village of Newcastle, unopened. 10. Part of Albert Street, Village of Newcastle, unopened. 11. Part of Arthur Street, Village of Newcastle, unopened. 12. Part of the Road Allowance between lots 24 and 25, concession Township of Clark.. 13. Part of the Road Allowance between lots 22 and 23, concession 1 Township of Clarke. 14. Part of the Road Allowance between lots 20 and 21, concession 1. Township of Clarke. 15. Part of the Road Allowance between lots 18 and 19, concession 1, Township of Clarke. 16. Part of the Road Allowance between lots 14 and 15, concession 1, Township of Clarke, unopened. 17. Part of the Road --long the line between lots 13 and 14, concession 1, Township of Clarke, not now used. 18. Part of the'Road Allowance between lots 12 and 13, concession 1, Township of Clarke. 19. Part of the Road Allowance between lots 10 and 11, concession 1, Township of Clarke. 20. Part of the Road Allowance between lots 6 and 7, concession 1, Township of Clarke, not much used. 21. Part of the Road Allowance between lots 4 and 5, concession 1, Township of Clarke. 22. Part of the Road Allowance between lots 2 and 3, concession 1, Township of Clarke, unopened. Such Application will be heard by the said Board at the Corn- munity Hall, Newcastle, on the 6th day of August, 1957, AT THE HOUR 0F 10:30 O'CLOCK IN THE FORENOON, at which time and place ahl persons claiming to be interested or affected may attend and be heard. By order of the said Board all persons objecting to the said closings or claiming that their land will be injuriously affected by the said closings must FILE PARTICULARS 0F SUCH OBJECTIONS OR CLAIMS with the Ontario Municipal Board, 145 Queen Street West, Toronto, referring to File Number P.F.M. 6118-57, AND WITH The Land Surveys Section of the Department of Highways, Panliament Buildings, Toronto, Attention: Mr. J. E. Jackson, ON OR BEFORE THE 23rd DAY 0F JULY, 1957. The hearing of such dlaims will take place at such time and place as may be subsequently fixed by the said Board. A Plan P-2704-35 showing the portions of roads proposed to be closed may be seen at the office of the Clerk of the Township of Darlington at Hampton, at the office of the Clerk of the Township of Clarke, at Orono, at the office of the Clerk of the Village of Newcastle, at Newcastle, and at the office of the Department of Highways, in Room 2627, EaAt Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, during regular office hours, up to August 6th, 1957. DATED at Toronto, Ontario, this 28th day of June, 1957. JAMES X. ALLAN, Minister of Highwayu. 1 1 PAGI Tm"m