qWUM8DAY, 3J'LY 4th, 1957 & __________ The marriage took place in. the East Chapel of Timothy Eaton Memorial Cburch, Tor- onto, on Saturday afternoon, June l5th, of Beryl Lois Joyce, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Starkey, Craven, Saskatchewý.n, and Duncan Rae, sonl of Mr. anu Mrs. F. S. Phillips, Bowman- ville. Rev. Frank Cryderman officiated. Given in marriage by h"ir father, the bride wore a gown Of White brocade with chapel train. A beadpiece of matching brocade beld ber fingertip veil. The only jewellery worn by the bride was a diamond neeklace belonging to her grandmotbcr Lowe&+ PRioe Ever ALL- NE W '57 FRIGIDAIRE FOOD FREEZER- REFRIGERATOR Model FS-10IC-57 Easy Payments ifter smail down payment This 11mu.&tlow-cost Super Model is the big "bonus baby". of '57! Top-quality Frigidaire tentures: Real Zero Zone Freezer-holds 44 Ib. - Exclusive Cycla-Matic Defrosting in refrigerator sec- tion e Four Full-Wdth Shelves - FWIWidtA Glide-Out Porcelain Hydrator - Big, Deep Storage Door with Five removable shelves. Buit and backed by Gênerai Motors ~ASON DALE LIMITED HARDWARE ]Phone 408 36 King St. ~ Bowmanville ______________ £N ST IM AN' B WILANVILLE ONTARIOPAE1HE 1 a and wonn by ber on ber wed ding day. She carnied a bau quet of white gardenias, steph. anotis and lily of the valley. Matron of bonon, Mns. Isobe Smeltzer, Clarkson, worez cocktail length gown of ict blue brocade witb white acces. sanies and cannieti pink canna. tions. Mn. Ronald Thomas, King- stan, was best man anti ushe.s xwere Mr. Edwin Nobbs and Mn, Robert Dunford, bath of Ton- onto. A neception was held ir the Recreation Room of the cburcb. For a weddîng trip ta Algon- quin Park, the bride chose a white suit-dress witb peni- winkle blue and white accessor- ies. Mn. and Mrs. Pbillips will make their home at 103 Wilson Roati North in Oshawa. DUSTAN - JUHASZ Baskets of spring flowens de corateti St.t Paul's Unite Cburch in Milk River, Alta for the wedding on May 8c Ann Jubasz anti Constable Wil liam Hugh Dustan, R.C.M.F of Lethbidge. The bridej tbe daughter of Mr. anti Mr. Joseph Juhasz of Milk River anti the groom is the sono Mns. T. A. Dustan anti the lat Mm. Dustan of Bow-manville. The ceremony was perform ed by the groom's brother, Dr Thomas Dustan of Bowman ville who bas been home or furlougb from the Anglicai mission fielti in Northern In dia. Dru Dustan was assiste< by Rev. John Moules. Given in maniage by lie father, the bride wone a dresý of nylon lace aven satin witi bustle-back skirt of white nul. fleti net. The mandarin collai bigbligbted a fitteti bodice ci nylon lace aven satin witi long lily-point sleeves. Hei chapel Veil was helti in place by a tiara anti she carnietia bouquet of reti roses. She wore a single Strandi pearl necklace, the gift of the groom. As maiti of bonour, Miss Jo, laine Juhasz, sister of the bride, chose a yellaw full lengltl gown of lace over taffeta anc carrieti a nosegay of variegat- eti wnite anti blue carnations centreti witb a yellow rose. Miss Barbara Cboby of Ma- gratb, cousin of the bride, and Miss Arlene Lyall, Milk River, were bridesmaitis, wearing fui: lengtb gowns of aqua anti pas- tel blue lace oven taffeta. Botli carrieti nosegays of pink and rose carnations centreti with a deep pink rose. The groom anti bis attendants, aIl members of tbe Lethbnidge R.C.M.P. Detacbment, were veny striking in scanlet dress unifonnis. Cst. William Jones attendeti the groom as best man anti ushers wene Cst. Ken Su- therlandi anti Cst. Wilfreti Pet- kau. Pianist was Mrs .Herb Lyall of Milk River, anti Mns. Doreer MILADY SHOPPE tf King St. E. Bowinanville Phone MA 3-3816 a I c I I e- ta., is X.. er, of tn '1- ,n- ed ,r h of 'n er e a re Nielsen and Mrs. Lawrence Peterson sang a duet during the signing of the registen. A receptian was beld in the Community Hall, the bride's mother wearing a royal b'lue silk and lace afternoon dress with navy and wbite accessor- ies and corsage of red roses. The groom's mother was nct able ta be present. tMr. Mike Angyal of Leth- Ibridge acted as master of cere- Imanies at the reception and jgave a short addness upon thej Iarrival of tbe bridai party. Rev. John Moules said grace and Cst. Jones proposed the toast to tbe bride ta wbich the groom responded.f The newlyweds left on a honeymoon trip to Ontario and other eastern points. Tbey wiil neside in Lethbridge. Out-of- town guests wpere present fromi Coutts, Warner, Letbbridge, 1 Magnatb, Coaldale, Havre, Sun- burst, Montana, and Bowman- If Prior ta ber marriage, thej bride was bonoured at a show-1 er given in tbe United Churcb I recreation noonis witb about 70 1 people in attendance. Tbe bride J received many lovely gifts andc an enjoyable evening was spent.1E JTORDAN - GRANT 1 With Rev. John M. Smith of- ficiating in Wbitby Unitedi Church on Saturday, June 8tn, the marriage took place of Evelyn Ina Grant, of Wbitby, to Lewis "Sonny", Jordan, sun »of Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Jordan. 1of Ajax and formerly of Orono. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Vernon Rowei and the soloist was Mn. Williani Mitch-fll of Orono. The bride was given in mar- J nage by Mn. Douglas Grant anti wore a full wbite netted gown forming bows at tbe back. It was toppeti by a matching jac- ket with long fitted sleeves; a matcbing headdress belti ber fingertip veil. She carnieti a bouquet of reti roses anti wbite chrysanthemunis. Hen only attendant, Mns. Mil- ton Black, chose a pink dress witb matcbing accessories. He'- beaddress consisted of a bead bandi adorneti with roses. Mr. Milton Black of Oshawa! acteti as best man and the usb- ers weré Mr. Billy Grant, Whitby, and Mr. Victor Jra of Ajax. A reception was held at Wbitby Unitedi Cburcb Hall af- ter wbich the couple left for tbeir boneymoon trip ta Gan- anoque, 1000 Islandis, Cornwall j anti Montreal. For travelling a.,!the ride wore a mlue cotton 1 The weather was ideal for ,'satin dress witb matcbing F-'- the pienie of the Langmaid - e, cessories, and corsage of pink Brooks families, which w&s ross. eld at the Mountjoy Picnic t- On their return Mr. and Mrs. groun ais on Saturday, June 8. Jordan will reside at Kinscourt About eighty friends and rela- 'sApartrnent, Ajax. tives sat down to a well laden dinner table and ail did their BADLUK - REYNOLDS share of enjoying the food. r, Following the dinner houe St. Paul's Anglican Cburch, President Grant Brooks pre- Betbany, decorated with tan f'sided for the business, at which hstandards of pink and white the following officiers were d peonies, orange blossoms and elected: Past President-Grant a ferns formed a loveîy setting Brooks, President-John Ash- for the wedding on Saturday o-, ton, lst Vice-Presîdent -Clif- Catharine Reyno~lds, daughter ford Rundle, 2nd Vice-Presiderit eof Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rey- -Clair Allun, Secretary-Dor- enolds of Bethany and Thomas een Brooks, Treasurer-Char- 9Badluk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ni- les Langmaid, and a number of cholas Badluk of Pontyp-ol. committees were nominated. Rev. G. E. Meade officiated for During the business much the double ring ceremony. The wedding music was played by SMITH - ABERNETHY the aunt of the bride, Mrs. S. T. Stephens of Glencairn. The marriage took place ln Given in marriage by ber Trinity United Church on Sat- father, the bride was wearing urday afternoon, June 1, of a floor length gown with full Shirley Patricia .Abernethy, bouffant skirt of white tulle daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- xvitb an overskirt of embroid- son Abernethy, Bowmanville, ered tulle, panels of lace in and George Francis Smith, son the back and front of the skirt. of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Smith, The bodice of embroidered Janet-jille. Rev. T. A. Morgan- tulle was fasbioned with a performeti the ceremony. scalloped neckline buttoned Brass vases of white Shasta down the back and long sleeves daisies and carnations decorat- coming to lily points over the ed the altar for the occasion. hands. A tiny cap of lace and Mr'. Arthur Collison played the tulle sprinkled with sequins wedding music and accompan- outlined in tulle ruching held ied the soloist, Mrs. Edwin De- her shoulder lengtb veil of Nure, aunt of the bride. silk embroidered tulle. She Given in marriage by her carried a white prayer book father, the bride wore a cock- t with red roses. tail length dress of white taf-E Mrs. John Challice, sister o>f feta with flocked nylon, the< the bride was matron of honor, bodice fashioned with long wearing powder blue lace over pointed sleeves. A small white t taffeta with matcbing beaci- cap held bier fingertip veil cf ~S band. She carried a nosegay ý)f nylon tulle caugbt with tiny pink and white 'mums. brilliants and pearîs, and sine Bridesmaitis were Mrs. Mor- carried a cascade of red roses E ris Gillis, sister of the groom with stepbanotis. V and Miss Gayle Bristow, wear- MisVin Jen StbS ing waltz length gowns of pink MisVva Jen S thS brocaded taffeta withbolr Janetville, sister of tbe grouom, boeowas bridesmaid, wearinga1 jackets and matcbing head- cocktail length dress of pale b bands and carrying nosegays gentfeawt uladx of blue and white 'munis. gre aft wih ulan v Tbe cbarming flower girls matcbing halo of net trimmisa b wer Jonne Edmndsan&with sequins. She carried a b Vikki Homewood, wearino oegyo biead elv floor lengtb gowns of blu-- Ponts. Miss Jili Nichols, Box;- fz tafet wih verkitsof y manville, cousin of the bride, hv taffet with on lvrsit - s vas flower girl, in yellow ny- t( trimmed the f ull skirts and o rme ii aeadcr tbey wore matching blue bead- rying a nosegay of white and bands and carried nosegays of mauve sweet peas. She wore a g pink, white and iblue 'munis. net and sequin halo ta match ri Attending the groom was the Mir r. gnadLIdVoma-J brotber-in-law, Morris Gillis. r eiadLnBwa-J Usbers were John Challice andi ville, was best man, and ushers gi Roy Bwins.were Mr. Kenneth Nichols anti Roy Boweion fo.aou Î Mr. Ed Cook, also of Bow-man- nr guests was beld in the Tow n vlei Hall. The bride's mother wore A reception was held in Tnin- a gown of dusty rose lace w;th ity Cburcb Sunday School roon'. and afterward at the wbite bat and accessories andi home of the bride's parenîs. corsage of roses. The grooms h rd"mte hs moter as eainggren fg-dress of taffeta and lace in ured crepe with matcbîng a green bat and black accessor- powder iblue. Tbe groom's an ies wih orsge f inkross.motber wore a navy blue dress es, wtbhcrsae of ink troste. of taffeta and lace, and each Er orhe wedding tnp, the wore a corsage of pink carna- L )lue sbeatb dress witb match-tin.L ng top coat, pink bat and ac- Tbe young couple left on a d a cessories and corsage of Pinik wedding trip, tbe bride wear- da roses. On return tbey will l ing a dress of pale green eni- in Pontypool bossezl taffeta witb matchhmg cb accessories. Tbey will reside in Bowm anvîlle. an Outof-ownguests attended mi from Sarnia, Peterborough, Oakwood, Toronto, Osbawa and La surnounding districts. H. Prior to ber marniage, the at MIA 3-3303 bride was guest of bonour at a cot miscellaneous sbower beld at fer the home of Mns. Kennetb Ni- me chols with Mrs. Charles Brati- WE ]ey as co-bostess. Mns. Editn S SEY CEManlow, George St., Mrs. Re- Ha SERVICE ginald Land and Mns. Frank guE iWestlake were bostesses at the Ari former's home for a miscellan- 3 eous showen. Fellow emnployees anc a" Genet-al Motors, Oshawva, ent presented the couple with a Mis TV lamp afld triligbt lamp. à 1 r-e (By The M A general meeting of the Bowmanville Beach Association was held in the West -1Beach store on Sunday. The follow- ing members were elected to office: Pres.-Ab. Lowe, Vice- Pres.-R. Butler, Sec.-E. Cole Treas.-W. Cole, Chairman of Property Committee-E. Hicks, Chairman of Sports Day Com- mittee-J. Cooper, Entertain- ment-G. Fowler, Ticket Con- vener for Civic Holiday Draw -V. McLeish. The remainder of the meet- ing wvas spent making plans~ for our Civic holiday weekend. Tuie following is a littie note [rom the -beach honouring our presid-ent: "Toronto Boy makes good, from Sanitary Sam tc President Samuel, in thx ee short years." (This ad. paid fox by our first lady Lowe). Our lifeguard, Larry Han- cock, commenced his duties on Sunday and dropped in at our meeting to meet the beachers, We wish Larry the best of luck. This is bis first year as lifeguard and the beachers arý aii behind himn in this most important job. Visitors at the Cottages Mr. and Mrs. John Ford, Hleather Anne and Bonnie, T'own, Miss Mary Wallace, Oshaw.a, at Linger Longer with he Dillings. Mr. and Mrs. C. Blanchard mnd family, Whitby, with Mrs. Dun- .t Rusty Nook. Sand Mrs. L. Parker and .y in Tacoma. ir. and Mrs. J. Cully and .mnily in Rendezvous. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lowe and Bob, Mrs. Fowler and M iss Shirley Fowler and Miss Mar- jory Gane in Erma-Deli. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cole and Merle in Waltz Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker, David and Ron in "Ye Old2 lorne." Mr. and Mrs. L. Ryder and ýamily, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- *eish and Carol Anne at Vel tta. Mr. Bert Latimer and Mrs. McLean with Mrs. Edwards. Langmaid - Brook s HoId ,Annual Family Reunion discussion was passedi on aà famnily tree. A program of sparts was run off tiuring the afternoon for the chiltiren, also many en- joyeti playing softball, otbtrs a frientily chit-chat untîl aftem 5 p.m. wben the happy gath- ering broke up. Hoping ta see more relatives present next year, at the sanie place, the second Satunday in June. MAPLE GROVE A lange crowd greeteti aur pastor, Rev. L. M. Somenville, ta hear bis farewell sermon anti partake of sacramentaxn Sunday. Mn. Somerville leaves on Tuesday for a charge at Theafle. Te curch d was deapiutmsy tieonateti witg dlbinimss grawn airdMr er by Mss SsienLaiTe. Mi Lofe oasa ng "equLoy b Mrf Go",a ymnreuese b Mm lagSodfomervh(e Ahe largescrowd frm ta Ctbne rcges, sgatrereia Coufrtice hrchta rprisendanr bitril rel ta hRv.anti Mr. Somerville last Thurstiaypeen eng.d Mrs. oese wdaspurE ofnte witbrose nti MrSm rifle Theewa givengMm. oine Unvion prTentYoung.People' Uionewtpretei Mm somaqen socaevitanegias plaqe. .y oal evaendwsenoed. Mr. woated et. Hail MononM.ald W ire, hi on, ant M. FankdPirceF.Osc- mw, itbM.aniMs.F c ~uMis idrdSode p Miss ltin e Sn wt se hiser holiday weeketis with.e istrd, -Mantir. Oi th Md, Maot. nw ted MdHmsptL.nC. nwdenatteand ts Hamt on ranvens and vma est fM.atiMs i maIs. denig nJmy Mrs. Eitchenninned andy brs. MeitchelfKenedy ntd abyt Mr.eind rof Acn, ist 'stb Mme. ani msyecail Mifos îst weeky.Ji yneantfo Mr. days. Cci Ml n armily, Jimmy Jennings anti Iiss Vella Jane McLean at- :ndeti the Avery picnic at annington on Sunday. Mrs. Ray Snowden and nantison Timmy Weeks, To- inta, visiteti with Mn. anti Irs. R. R. Stevens anti Mm. W. rSnowtien, the prouti great- randparents of Timmy. Don't forget the Institute neeting this Montiay evening ýthe cburcb basement. TYRONE Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Gable ti Bruce spent the weekenti tb Mr. anti Mrs. Cecil Heal, nbno. Mr. anti Mns. Fred Partner, ong Sault; Mrs. Russ Hay anti ànilY, Montreal, weme Satur- ay evening visitons of Mr. anti rs. Stan Gable. r. anti Mms. Paul Vaneyk anti iltimen visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. has. Penwantien, Long Sault,I .d Mn. anti Mrs. Haroldi De île, Bowmanville. Mvr. anti Mrs. J. C. Cook anti iuraine, Miss Grace Smith anti len Allin spent the weekenti Mn. anti Mms. Ted McBride's tage on Georgian Bay. The Evenîng Gnoup of W.A. t at the home of Mrs. T. Scott, ednesday evening. Mns. S. T. Hoar attendeti Impton Annivemsary anti wasi es ofMr. anti Mns. G MIr. and Mrs. Davidi Paisley d Wayne, Irono, witb hem par- ts, Mn. anti Mrs. H. Pbilp anti ss Jean Philp. Arlien anti Beverly Hall are th e 3e 1 a f r I. îeigbbouns anti relatives. tholidaying with Carol and Paul Rahm, Blacicstock. 1'1 ~ ICongratulations ta Mr. and m c Î ew Mrs. Stanley Hall, a baby girl. ILews~ Miss Ethel Crossman, Osbawa, was a guest of Mn. and Mrs. G. each Comber) Alldread. . . . .. . . .Mrs. Russ Hoy and girls, Montreal, were Tuesday supper eMr. and Mns. N. Millen and guests of Mr. and Mns. Stan cfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Sid smitil Gable. ýh and family, Toronto, with Mrs. Miss Ada Pascoe, Port Credit, '-Millen at Lost Week End. visited Mr. and Mrs. John ao Professor and Mns. New, Broome. Hamilton, at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp, Miss ~, Mn. and Mrs. N. Mulholland, Jean Pbilp attended the 25tb )f Gail and Karen with Miss wedding annivensary of Mr. and , Robinson. Mrs. Hubert Mutton, Sbilob. Mr. and Mns. Tom Woodlock There will be no Mission Band L- andi Alan in their cottage. during July and August. 1- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hutchin- T son, Judy and Sharon with Mrs. Mr. Davidi Paisley, Orono, is a Bakewèll. patient in Memorial Hospital, Mn. and Mrs. John Adair anti Bowmanville. sfamily with Mr. anti Mrs. Rusa Congratulations to G we n 1Halîman. Glaspell on passing ber Grade I E! Doug Oke, Town, witb his Tbeory Music with first class rgrantimother, Mrs. M. Halîman. honours. S Mr. and Mrs. Pat Leddy and Mrs. Ronald Pbilp spent the :family, Town, witb Mr. anti 1 holiday weekend with ber moth- EMrs. Joe Cooper, Myra anad er, Mrs. C. Hopkins, Windsor. rGreg. Mrs. R. A. Delve, Mrs. H. Mrs. S. McTavish andi Alan, Curtis, Onono: Mrs. Arcbie Glen- *Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. ney, Newcastle, were Monday 1Wm. Currie, Mrs. Pethick andi callers of Mrs. S. T. Hoar. rMiss Joyce Curnie at EEEE.I Mr. and Mrs. George Alîdreati, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Street anti JMns. M. Gaskin were guests of ffamily, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. D. Alldread, Bow- 3Ross Wright and family, Town, manville. witb Mrs. Street and Jean an Mr. and Mrs. John Coombes tthe Log Cabin.j and boys, Campbellford, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Severs, Mr. anti Mrs. R. Coombes. Ken, Bob and Mamnie, Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stain- witb Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cale- ton, Douglas and Lynne, Mn. L. anti Gary in Gary's Paradise. Stainton were supper guests Mr. and Mrs. Don Masters Sunday of Frank Batty and iand family, Town, with Mn. Doris, Brooklin. and Mrs. E. Varcoe and Mich- Mr. anti Mrs. Bruce Scott, 1ael. Nakina, spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Bob McDonald Mn. and Mrs. T. Scott. anti famîly with Mrs. Bob Cleso r n r.M McLesh. ubyk wene Mn. and Mrs. Sami Mr. and Mrs. N. Bottrell andi Hewitt and Mrs. Harding, Miss family at Seldomn Inn. Denise Dubyk, Mr. anti Mrs. WEST BEACH news-R. Du- Eddy Oleski, Oshawa; Mr. and mas bas put an addition on Mrs. Paul Kowalski, Maple "Kenora": Joe Dilling had Grave. painted bis cottage; Roger Mn. and Mrs. Henry Stainton Fisbl2igh bati bis launchi and Lynne visited ber aunt, Mrs. "Nemo" painted; the "Sulent M. Harris at Fairview Lotige, Four" composed of E. Rebtier, Wbitby. Dolph Tueker, T. Dustan and Mr. and Mrs. Artbur Barber, M. Roenigk have bougbt "Os- Toronto, witb Mrs. F. Scott. S oeye" from Wm. Dustan; Ar- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jamieson, i thur Mingeauti had moveti into Larraine, Larmy and Donald, bis bouse boat. Bowmanville, visited Mr. and f Arthur Sutton, Warren Pinch Mrs. W. Rahm at Cbateaua anti James Lunney had ahl built Wembley.e 20 foot launches tiuring thee Man Showers For Bride-Elect Miss Carolyn Way of Osh- awa, bride-eleet bas been feted at many showers prior to ber approaching marriage. On Friday, Mrs. Alvin Dow- son and sister, Mrs. Waybourn Adams were joint hostesses,. School ,Resuits PEREMAN'S SCHOOL NO. 5 E. WHITBY Names in alphabetical order. Promoted ta Grade 8-Beath Kathleen, Pereman Lloyd. Grade 7 - Beatb Wayne (bon.), Scott Sharon (hon.>, Wnight Fred. Grade 5 - Barta Donald (bon.), Ellins Billie, Perernan Barbara (bon.), Scott Linda (bon.). Grade 4-Beatb Grant, Mc- Murray Sharon, Scott Bobby, Stewart Robert (bon.), WrigÂt Catharine. Grade 3-McMumray Linda, Pereman Gary, Watson Dale (hon.), Wright Peter (nec.). Grade 2-Flett Jane, Han- cock Ian. Grade IA-McMurray Waynîe, Reid Margaret. Perfect attendance for year -Beatb Wayne, Beath Grant, Hancock Ian, Scott Lynda. Teacher, (Mrs.) Margara't Spry. ____ MANVERS-FALLIS SCHOOL S. S. NO. 3 June report. Names are in orden of ment. * denotes bon- aur standing. O.T.-on trial. Grade 8 ta 9 - Bradiley, Maureen, Jakeman, Wilma*; Homner, Marilyn. Grade 6 to 7-Urbankiewicz, Virginia*. Grade 5 ta 6-Urbankiewicz, Walter, Scott, Harvey; Stephen- son, Robent; Homner, Judy, O. T.: Stephenson, Linda, O.T. Grade 4 ta 5 - Stephenson, Wayne. Grade 3 ta 4-Bnadley, Bui- ly"; Stephenson, Ray*; Masters, Ricky; Masters, Susan. Grade 1 to 2 - Stephenson, Mary*. Higbest attendance - Susan Masters. General Proficiency- Wilma Jakeman. Highest Scbol- arsbip-Maureen Bradley. During the termn this scbool had a contestant in Public Speaking Contest; won awards in two music festivals; played four inter-school baîl games, and sponsored a Christmas concert. (Mrs.) Jean M. Argue, teach- for a limited time on1y - Reg.$S 2 5each 7 each Smiart people will buy bath. Ayer Dry gives all.day protec- tion, cantains Extrolan, is fra-. grant. Ayer Stick bas bacteria- destroying hexachlorophene content, convenient push-up- container. Bath are non- irritating ta normal skia, non- injurious to fabric. Jury and Loveli 1A 3-578Bon mnvl TIRE AND AUTO SUPPLY LIMITED ASSOCIATE STORE1 BI1CYCLES OnIy $39-95 Comparable ln quality te bicycles selling for up tg $15.00 more Canadian Madle Men's - Ladies' - Boys' - Girls' BICYCLE REPAIRS AVAILABLE TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE 85 KING ST. W. F. A. BOYD, MA 3-3134 Prop. 1 7 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open Friday Righi Till 9 p.me JuIy Hair Styling! SPECIAL... COLD WAVE OnIy $650 Complete OFFER GOOD UNTIL WED., JULY 31 ONLY Joan's Beauty Centre Bowmanvjlle Telephone MIA 3-5455 for Appointment Storewi*de Summer CleaoreunceaSel STAETS TO-DAY AT 9:30 Fox's Ladies' Wear TWO LOCATIONS OBITUARY SIDNEY JAMES HOCKADAY At Solina on Monday, June 17 thene passeti peacefully ta rest Sidney James Hockaday, son of the late Francis anti Mary Grace LCoiwill Hockaday at tbe age of 81 after an illness of only four weeks. The tieceaseti was born at >Solina, Oct. 9tb, 1875 but witb bis parents movedti t Enniskil- len anti Hampton communities, later coming back with bis par- ents anti sisters ta the farm at Solina. Heme tbey fammeti suc- cessfully, carying an after the deatb of bis father anti wbere bis son Ernest now resities. The farmbas been belti by the Hock- aday family for 53 vears. AI- tbough baving ta slow tiown he was able ta walk aven from the village ta do many a chore anti drove the tractor anti hanses until a few montbs ago. He was mamnieti at Hampton, Jan. lst, 1908, ta Nellie May Cowling by the late Rev. T. H. P. Anderson anti if gooti bealtb hati prevailedti tey woulti bave celebrateti 50 yeans of happiiy mamnieti life. He attended Eldad Unitedi Cburcb. He was intenesteti in community affains anti willing ta lenti a belping banti wben- ever neeieti. He was keenly intenesteti in football, baving playeti for Enniskiilen anti Bunketon in bis younger tiays. Wbenever spareti a few mom- ents one woulti see bim canving many a novelty one coulti bard- ly believe possible. He was also a member of the Sons of Eng- lanti for many years. Left ta mounbis passing are bis wife anti only son Ernest, one sister Aunilda andti tree granddaugbtens. One sister Eliza- beth predeceaseti him in Febru- amy last year anti an only grand- son in Marcb, 1943. Funeral services were held at the Morris Funenal Chapel on Wednestiay, June 19, conducteti by Rev. F. J. Reeti of Hampton. Many attendeti the funeral tram Whitby, Peterborough, En- fieldi, Columbus anti surrounding rîeigbbonhood. Palîbearers were Messrs. Harolti Pascoe, Everett Vice, Roy Langmaid, Arthur Blanchard, Wesley Werry anti Tom Baker. Interment in tbe family plot, 3owmanville Cemetery. Thene were many floral tnibutes, Solina WVomen's Institute, Eldati Bible Class, nieces anti nepbews, when the brde-elect was ten- dered a miscellaneous shower, at the former's home in a set- ting of white and pink stream- ers. The rooms were dainzfly decorated with roses and or- ange blossoms. Two little four-year-old daughters of Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Arthur Thompson, with a helping hand from Mrs. Dow- son, carried in a beautifully de- corated basket of gifts which the littie tots handed out ta Carolyn. A social time and contests were enjoyed, followed by a lunch, which was served by Misses Evelyn Brown, Helen Cole of Teacher's Training Col- lege, Peterborough, and Mrs. Harvey Hardy, cousins of the groom-to-be, Mrs. Adams, ain aunt, and Mrs. Florence Land, a close friend of the family. ONCE A VEAR ANNUAL SALE NARRIET HUBBARD AYER famous AYER DRY CREAM DEODORANT AND ANTI-PERSPIRANT and new, AYER STICK DEODORANT MA 3-5778 Bownianvole TR IIAZAnAV 9 FULLY GUARANTEED tx 9