- - .--. . qUN . 'àÂl'U JF L* *IU' Social ani Zd~ ' h'a. been receîved by Mrn. and Mrs. Reginald LeGres- ley that their son Balfour 0! Toronto, bas passed his seconoi yea.n examinations in Arts ai the Toronto University. Mr. and Mrs. D. -M. Bernardc and Eric visited in Bethapii on Sunday with Mn. and Mns. Earl Weathenlit. Weekend visitons with Mn. and Mrs. John Voutt and fam- ily were Mn. Walter Henning, Tononto; Mn. and Mrs. Sidney Voutt Mns. John Stamp and Mr. and Mrs. Robent Wayne and family of Uxbnidge and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kineil of Lindsay. Mn. and Mrs. Chnis Barchard and Sharon visited with Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Tomkinson and famiiy in Richmond Hill on Bunday. Mrs. A. R. Randaîl, Linda and Earl, lef t on Satunday ta join Mn. Randail in thein nevi home at Stouffville. The Rev. R. Russell Gordon of New Glasgow, N.S. is spend- ing three weeks at bis cottage at Newcastle-on-theLake. Weekend visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Agnew were Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Agnew, Mn. E. G. Brook and daughter Su- san of Peterbonough; Mnraand Mvrs. Don Williams and Nancy, «of Bowmanviile and Mn. ania dPersonal elMrs. M. E. Swan of Moncton, Mr. Farncomb LeGleslev is i attending summer school cour- tses at the College of Edocatioli in Toronto and expects ta juin 1 the teaching staff of the Bow- manville High School in Sep- tember. Weekend visitons with M-. and Mns. George Allun wene Mr. and Mrs. Weston Magill of Woadstock, Mn. and Mns. Clan- ence Harvey of Hagersville and Miss Helen Allun of Hamilton. Miss Allun is vacatianing xiýn ber parents. 1 Mn. and Mrs. Neil Bitton andi daughter Janie of Belleville. were weekend visitons with his parents, Mn. and Mns. H. S. Britton. 1 Mns. G. H. Hodgson spent the weekend visiting in Pont Perry with Mn and Mrs. Gannet Por- ter and family. Mns. C. J. Agnew and scu Bob of Pont Coîborne visited with Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Agnew on Friday. Five boys fnomn Newcastle, Don ColwilI, Wendell Fishien, Douglas Jase, James Rickard and Jim Scott are spending this week at the Quin-Mo-Lac BoYs' Camp openated by the Bay uf Quinte Conference af the Unit- ed Churcb of Canada. The Induction service for the new ministen of the Newton- ville charge of the United Chunch, the Rev. R. C. White, is beîng held in Newtonville tonight, Thursday, and the In- duction for the Rev. B. E. Long is being heid in Onono tomor- now evening. Both services arc at 8 p.m. Holiday weekend visitons with Mn. and Mrs. H. C. Dennis wvene Mn. and Mrs. Smith and child- ren, Shirley and Bobby of Smithville. Rumm age Sale Nets $92 Profit June meeting of the Friei ship Club <ook the form ci pot luck supper held recen in the Sunday School hall the Newcastle United Chur Thirty-two members and( visitor sat down to a delici( meal. Foiiowing the supper the dies took part in a scavený hunt,' ail groups returning w the required articles. The hi, light of the entertainment - the '-vening was the showi by Mrs. J. Porter of berc lection of coloured slides oft Newcastle Centenniai, locala distant gardens and some vE beautiful autumn pictures. The business period was cc ducted by the president, M Betty Brown and included report by the treasurer, M% Myrtle Pearce, of the recE rummage and bake sale whi netted the club $92.91 in prc] The president announcedt Sunday School picnic to be hE inWaltona Park on Wedr( day, July lth. Mlrs. Margaret Rudman clos, the meeting with prayer. CrH4EHiffl-coST or LIVING, I-URrS NOB3ODO4 ITJ IS THE COSTr --- -- --- -- -- --- -- --- - - - - NJE WC ASTL E GARAGE rRA NE ROAR, Proprietor Phone 2671 end- f a ntly 1 f irch. anc iaus la- ger ;î th .ghl- for ing col- the and ,ery ýon- vrs. 1La f rs. ýent O shawa Man Wins Trip Weather Changes Plans For Lions Club Carnival The rain and high wind.q The Lionettes Club draw for caused by the dlying kicks rf! a two piece set of matche Hurricane Audrey failed ta luggage was wvon by Tr. West- dampen the spirits of the New- lake of Bowmanville and thel castle Lions Club. After erect- Bride Doîl with complete ward- ing carnivai booths etc., in the robe was won by Jennifer Gray park the previous evening, they ,of Newcastle. commenced early Friday even-1 Thouhti erscnva ing to move their equipment tuh hs er' ar1a the Memorial Arena. Despitei was not the great success it the weather, a small crowd ga- was expected to be, due ta the thered ta enjoy the carnival bad weather, members arc games, refershments etc. hiopeful the money taken in at The main attraction of the the show will at 'least pay ex- evening, the big draw, the penses. The club is expected ta prize for which wvas an ail ex- hold another carnival or somc pense trip to the Calgary Stam-1 other project later in the sum- pdfo two, was w-on by W. imer ta raise funds for their R. opp of R. R. 2, Oshawa. outstanding service prograrm. Bishop Snell Preaches At Church Centennial Many aId fnîcnds and forme-r irembeizs of St. George's Parish in Newcastle joiued with the congnegatian on Sunday last t't celebrate the Centenary of this historic chunch building. The Rev. G. B. Snell, Suffra- gan Bishop of Toronto, was tue guest preacher at the morning service and the choir sang o speciai anthem for the occasion. The Silven Trowel with which the Honourable George S. Boul- ton laid the corner stone one hundned years aga, July 2nd, 1857 was presented ta the 'chunch by Mns. Beck and ber son. Tbey are descendants of the Hon.' Mn. Bouiton who aiso 1 donated the land on which tue churcli wasibut. Continues Sunday The Centenary Observance wiil continîue next Sunday when the Rev. Canon F. H. Ma- son, the only living former nec- tar of the chunch, will be the guest preacher at the 8 a.în. and il arn. services with thtp nectar, the Rev. D. R. Dewdney conducting Evensong at 7 p.ni. Lin da Robe rt s Winner Cordon Âgnew, Ediior -Phone 3621 Wilmoft Gold Medal Newcastle High School Mrs. Ethel Lycett, Principal ta Grade 9. (in alphabetical or- of Newcastle Public Sehool, bas der): Girls - Helen Charlton, announced that Linda Roberts Bertha Clarke, Susan Gray, Sharon Hancock, Rosemary No- bas won the Wilmott Goid Me- den, Joan Porter, Linda Rob- dal for general proficiency; Fay erts, Fay Rudman, Nancy Ste- Rudman is winner of the Hoop- phenson and Judy Zimmt,-r- er Award for Music and Susatn man. Boys-Bob Brown, Beni Gray, the Coleman Award for DjickÏinson, John DeGooyer, Public Speaking. Wendell Fisher, Douglas Jose, The following students have George Kupery and Jim Scott. been promoted from Grade 8 Teacher, Mr. Ronald Munro. Boys' Groups Shown Film Cubs Suspend- Paper Drives On TemperancelDuring Summer .îch Jue meeting of Women's Th'e final meeting of the New- .- X-reJu . tl"i«n«WI' fi'. Christian Tempenance Union castie Cub Pack for the curnent Nulhn o - lhI i thewa hed n he unay chclseason took the form of a wic- a pleasure to prepare on suli ield naom of the United Churcb on ner noast last Wedlnesday even- ies- Fniday'evening' with the Presi- ing at W altona Park, where the DOMMO1N han .11 the ingrefii 'dent, Mrs. T. G. Sowden, pre- boys ;Fpent a veny pleasant eue salade Imaginable .. . aili siding. evening. thing - for a truly fine salac Guests of the UTnion on Ibis Duning the meeting, il -,vas dressing. Remember RICI4 occasion were members of the annaijnced that there would be DOMINION. Sigma-C Gnaup with their nol1 more paper drives conduct- leaders the Rev. M. C. Fisher I ed by the gnoop until the first and Mn. Allison and the meni- Saturday in Septemben when, Sbers of the Newcastle Cub Pack the gnoup will resume thein with tniein leaders, Messrs. Per- activities for the faîl and wî _____Serve ________________________ r, iein, Mitchell and Tomkinson. ter mnonths. v a a sO t n The Wolf Six have won the iEconomnical! Adds zest to salads! Follow-ing the singing of the hymn, "What a Fniend w-c1Ithe oppotunity of attending altRichmello - Creaniy Have in Jesus", the Lard's professional basebaîl gamne in A8-. 1-z.3-r Prayen was nepeated in unison 1. Toronto as guests of the New-['AAn-z 6o.3-z and Miss Louise Hancack led in castle Lions Club, having won jar jar jar the 3ndPsal. IIl points in their campetitian the 2rd Palm.The Buffalo Six came secard jWith the membens of the with 10 Points, the ElephantDR ESSING 22c 35c 65c iSigma-Cee gnoup and thein Six wene third. witb 9 points CtBedCss ar thm n ae leaders on the platfonm, Mn. and the Bear Six wene fourit BedCss ar thmon ae Fisher had the boys repeat their with 7 points. Sliced White 24-or. Inaf wards the goal". Skapon is a i I CR EL O B EA 17 GnFek word meaning goal; Sig- nia is the Greek letter "S" and Juve nues Nab 1 Freshly Ground ½ -l1b. pkg. lb pkg. 1w-o fine piano solos. Easy 12 - 2 W in !RÎchmeàllo Coffee 47c 93c The olfCub ackand hei D.S.L. Black Cello pkg. of 100 leaders appeaned on the pla4i - 'rThWofTEA B GS - - 83 forni and Mr. Per-rin spoke From Cobourg brieflv outlining the reasons T A BA S - - 3 i whly the finst Cub Pack had Newcastle Juveniles provedI Christie 's 8-oz. pkg. been onganized. Two lovely vo- Pon hasts ta the Coboong vis- ca duets by the Misses Louise osat th e local Park last Tues- --Hughes and Leidi DeWitb dav evening, June 251h. when B T BS U T 3 wene very much enjoyed b.; they lambasted two Cobourgi ail and several veny fine film-, pitchers fan a total of 12 bits and Christie's 18 Bis. pkg. were shown one of w-hich was as man.% nons, w-hile holding the on the subject of "Tempen-. Cobourg team ta tvo nns. CIE11S IT37 -ancek Ted Lane on the local moun dICOB S U T 7 After refreshments wene serv- alawed anly twa singles in t'l e ed. Douglas Jase thanked the Rame, bath ta Annew. He gave ladies on behaîf of the visitonS LUP thnee walks and struck o ut' u r ne d for the very pleasant evening eight battens whi'le his team-i u ra t e and Mns. Sowden accepted thie mates made only twa errons. vote of thanks on behaif of the Dudley, starting on the mound alt n-embers of the W.C.T.U. for Cobourg, didn't fane so wvll Qu ltyeafs and was nicked for six bits and two walks while striking utS ftsPeim-B th pec four battens before giving wa,ýtSitsPeim-B h ic Kendal Leads ta Waghorn in the fouth. 1a O LOGN Lb. 29C horn was unable ta stop the local, R a ~~~* ~batters eithen and allow-ed an-iCiwI' i )uh m other six bits and Rave up one'Clwls total of four errons. RIr39 iRural Leaque New-castle hitters in the frav wene: Trim, 3 singles; Gary Mc .-1 hps6-or. pkg. Cullughand Bill Brunt, two comletd, heSouth Durham i Cullough, Raines-, P. McCiiogîe f T r e r RralBaebai eage as three and Lane with one safety eah1 Devon Rindless neck with only three points Line Score LAU I - - Ih. Pkg. j separating the first and hird:. . HE i79 - teams. Kendal is leading New- ICbug 0200o22 al ef6o.pg Wovel ointhplac e iut _____1Coborg_ 02_00_0_22_4_____________ pkg to- in ti l ac pitie it Newcastle 422 220 x 12 12 2ý O K D HA 9 two points behind Newtonville j ______________]RAM___49c it looks like an exciting home ýstretch ahead in this league. r Ge YorP ceape ea Standings (to JuIy lst) GlY u rc lpeLa TanW L T Pte.1 through I Sliced - Cooked Mleais Knal 5 3 1 i For Your Liveslock PICKLE & PIMENTO, 6,-nz. pkg. 25e Wecm --- 430 8! CS IESN &OLIVE LOAF, 6-or. pkg. 25c Grafton --------- - 2 4 0 4 Phone MA 3-3303 DLTCH LOAF, 6-oz. pkg. 25e Cobre- 1 3 j ais___________ ______ 71P, cool saléaa ibis wookend. Youll to p.rk up lad.d uummer appetites. Iaminu. yet Iow in calories. And uuch Iry summer des. ents you'1 ne.d for the mont awnptu. a1 etow DOMINION prices. On. other 4, you muet hav, a truly fine aalad .LO salad dressing, availabie oniy at MeL AREN'S - 15-oz. jar BARB B El RELISH 31c PICNIC BRAND - 16-oz. Jar SWEET RELISH 26c AYLMER - SWEET - 16-ai. jar1 GHiERlKiNis q 35C1 Coronation - Crispie - 12-o-,. jar WHITE ONIONS 37c Pienle Brand Sweet - 16-oz. jar MIXED PICKLES 26c CHEESE SLICES 29c Redeem your 10e Coupon on Richmello Ice Creamn Oglvie 14-oz. pkg. ANGEL CAKE MIX 53c I Fresh Produce On tario Grown - Firm - Crisp HEAD LETTUCE 2 For 25c Firm - Red - Slicing 14-oz. carton Mild Flavoured, Home Grown - Lge. Bchs. GREEN ONIONS 3 F'or 23C Crisp, Solid, Home Grown Lge. Bchs. ,RADISH -- U31ioq9c Solid Heads - No. 1 Ont. - Gond sized heads TedABBAtimored- 3.b.po ag Tede, wet mprd- - -lb. -olv ba- CARROTS - - - 291 Tangy Flavnured- ExceIIcrkil for Saladi, Dressings, Etc. Dommoim PmSunsithLtEONiutS '-4 DRNEARIFU% -S Values effective in Bowmanville July 4th, Sth, 6th. Ail gonds sold at your Dominion Store are unconditionally guaraut.cd to give 100% satisfaction. h a -4 Something New "P 1 K" the Super Fiai Plastic Paint Odorless, scrubbable, beautiful, in 20 Iovely colors. Be sure to sec them. A fulliline of CANADA PAINT AND PITTSBURGH PAINTS for inside and outside use. Special until cleared. STEPLADDERS -$19 j jhigh ' very handy. _$------ t '. &oress LATEX, $.5 $19 for ceilings -- Gal.$.5Qt.$19 Abernethy's Paint and Wallpaper 80 King St. W. Phone MA 3-543! oraio Da a Fneln all. heJunior room wbo passei B irthday Cake Mr and Mr. .Eli as Junior room teachen'be KENDAL family at Cordova Mines. 1 ng Miss W1,onnacott.1 Mr. and Mrs. Rov Werry and Mr. and 'Mrs. Don Carr, Bow- e!Mr. and Mrs. George Clark F or St. George s Deborah, Ottawa, with Mr. and rnanville, Mr. andl\lrS. Bob, Toronto, at their smehm. M'vrs. F. W. Werry. Petn r.M.Beh ,aple! Mr and Mrs. PulMre Features Picnic 1 fnd R er ~S ih, Mr. and Mrs. Walter, with he arnsM.nd Mrs. Anenoybl ta ndSuda iss theAudn o Va in mp , Stainton and Mrs. H. Stevens,j Misses Judy and Jane Faste?, l Aw n - o S et. eorge d' s u a isudrychn, hom-,-1 er ee n C al e rSm i th j are visiting tn s w eek w ith M isi NewcaofSt. oneogday, uly Miss Winnifred Cale, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Iwin, J.and Loc. Rtawa nd. od Necst, oclebratethe oOtb An- lEdna Gilbert, M. Ward Gil- Donna, Gail and Rodney, at the wr.d, rs. redand Wayne le aclert h 10hA-bert, Toronto, Bob Leask, Bow- home of Mr. and Mrs. GeorgewadPotCdian Wae niversary of the laying of the mavle exDumnr-ASo cornerstone of the church. The avil, lx rmmn, r . Sot, Oshawa. Kennedy, were with Mr. and centre of attraction ;va te na, Don Wearn, were wifn M.E .Stpe n rins r.NomnKney large birthday cake, appropr.- fM. adMs .A er u Bethany, Mr. and Mns. Jira Mr. and Mrs. Aylward Litite Stainton and famiiy, Hampton, and family visiteçi bis mothen, ateiy iced and braveiy support- familNevaMrsitR.eBewett are ing Mi.sananyrcanR.ieseMrs Mn.eat Mn. H. Stevens. it aycnde.Ms oving ta Haydon. Many of Mr. W. C. Stainton, Toronta, Mrsn.Nea LteTudy the v. cutti n 0f the c a ea d inl eir fniends w li m iss them . i h is i te , M . H .S v n ' M r a d M s L n P d n tectigothcaeadal Mr. and Mm~. Harold Ashton wt i sseaMs.H v ns. Mn.and Mrs. Lorner Paedn present bad a genenous piece.i and boys were visitors with FIL Sand Jan we.r ne d*nrsguesrt Te Sunday School races S. R.an r.KreTrnThms.M.adMs Wl were won by: 3 and unde:-, i . an rs ere, oon unaywthM. n Ms B Rlh Cbldk, Geoy1ta. Mis.Nany Wod isspeLLE eThomps. Mr. and HMrs. WTo- Gray-5an ner ame ng her summer hoiidays with Miss G-wen Stark spent a few ronto, visited witb them ii 'e uný%e r, Kahie Waighace and 1 ir parents, Mr. and Mns. Joe days in Toronto.. andn.rhu rat Gnerge- ay 7 Wandace ndî Switzer, Gates Milîs, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Yule, r n'n. nhrGat FerngeHeray,7Tommy A1 Miss Mary Griffin is spend- Oshawa, at Mr. Wmn. Savery's Uxbridge, spent Wednesday dread; 8Handrue, RusseAl- ing two weeks witb bier sister, Sunday and attended the De- wih r and Mrs. Wm. Mer- Gibson,8Dand n eadoRsel1Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Walken at coration service at Orono. cer. yeaso, Jimmy Aldead, s 1 i Grand Bend. jMn. and Mrs. Elmen Shici-, Mrs. Luxan, Mr. and Mrq. lyeas, imm Allrea, JhniMîs. Geo. E. Johuston and [Toronto, at Mr. L#loyd Hallow- Ray Hughies and Gloria, left Cunighm.Ainslie, Tononto, with Mn and ell's. Fniday for a week's vacation at IGHandicap race, up to 6 years:i Mrs. O. C. Ashton. Mr. and Mns. Aif. Dobson and Mrs. Luxon's cottage on Laiie Geoffrey Gray, George Gnay,%, C.G.I.T. picnic will be heid Ms ayLu teddteiKuog Jamie Crowther; handicap for.I on Thunsday at Geneva Park Mis ar Lotendth1 uog gil pta 10 veans: Joy Gaines, Albin - Cheschen wedding in 1 Sunciay guests with Mns. Ne- girs iiP -, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethi'ck! Port Hope Saturday aftennoun. va Little wene Mr. and Mrb. Penyu;das and Robin, Toronto itpis The pupils and teachens of Lamne Henry, Miss Lenona Handica race for boys up to parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R.1 Starkvilie and Crooked Creek i Henry, Mn. and Mrs. MicCullogh 10 years: iianny Meadows, Rus-i Pethick. schools had a bus trip ta To- and two daughters, Toronto. seil Gibson, John Cunninghanm.1 Mr. and ivins. E. A Werry andi routa Fniday visiting Casa Lu- Alec was also home for tte Wheeibarrow race: Danny Betty aeatne apG ia Rvrl Zo ndtc ham orge nd ryon Cnning- Anniversary and w-ere tea Museum. Some aduîts also we-t I Thunsday evenîng Kendal re- a;dered. dr and Jîn- guests of MrI and Mrs. Hoskeii along.1 sidents enjoyed the musical ser- meAlra.Sm ith. Mn. and Mvrs. Harold Best and vice hene by the Saivation Ai- Mn. Paul Panamaker, Toron- son, Wesleyviile. xizited Mn., mv band. E N KLL N ta, it Clark Werry. h and Ms Brian Caswýeil M1Yrs. John Mercer, Mr. and i lwn pupils in passîng thcîn joved the weekend at hr wene goests with Mr. and-Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. F. Beckett and Jonc examinations, some with cottage. Win. Mencer, Sunday. family attended Hampton An - honotirs, and these are ready Super guests at Mn. Llew, Congratulations ta our stu- nivensary and were tea goest3 for high school, Doris Wrign, IIa1iowell's Sunday were, !Vli-. dents who passed their exanis of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke. Vicki Pickerng, Linda Yeo., and Mns. Stan Falls and famn- 1 at Orono High School - Paul Mrs. Lamne Lamb visited Chenyl Rowan, Bruce Milis anîd ily, Tononto, Mr. and Mrs. Orme McMackin, grade XII to XIHE, with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. BnownDouglas Fenguson. Thein teach- Falls, Harvey and Marilyn, Mr. Honours; Kathleen Geach, grada Orono. er is Mrs. Scoît. Also congnatLi- and Mrs. W. A. Adams, Lake XI ta XII, Honours; Susan Fos- Mn. and Mrs. Don Lamb, Mn. lations ta the nest of the Sen- Shore, Mn. and Mns. Brian Cas- t er Grade XI ta XII; Rona'i Lorne Lamb, attended the De- ior noomn who passed and to well and son. Gay, grade IX ta X. 1 12%URSDAY, RMY 4th, 1057 TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVrLtim. mmT,&l:tTn m à ffljý 1 'Troat Tour laniur te a fow Richmello Interleaved - 8-oz. pkg. 1 Phone MA 3-5431 au King st. W. L--