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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1957, p. 11

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THURSDAY, 3tTLY llth, 195'~ - T~ eANAnTA~1 ~?AT~MA~ Â'~~~~T? -- - - - - - -~ - - ~ FA~L EL~. VLi ance, Hazel Richards. Miss M. Cole's Room-Schol- arship, Jeanne Hubbard: Citizen-1 a r f P a e T g Publc Sc oolStud nts'W in ship, Laurelyh Welsh, Progress, Lloyd Graham, Attendance. Carolyn Fair, Paul Morris, Lloyd fany Awards For St udies OntarP/oureet Match achols re njoingthefredor Mn T.Turnr'sRoo-Scol-MunavAla Plmme , o MGennBetyLuxtRo; SCiznhîp. hi While pupils of our several Central School Hughes, Ron McDonald, Mr ship, Slute's Rom-Ctischlar-o gh ng M a c sco holda eso n th eose' asi, iieGi Ctznsi, mt, oran ayoBell; Progress, Sheila! of th holday easo, thse i arsip, Dxie ill;CitClishp, Sithackson, Public Speaking, Julia; Peebles Oh -te e ii ng o tf mkll 1 pl x isilagse charge ! admiisterig educa GrantWright PnogrLsorDiaenAlTaylTorcand FilddJfiaA Carn;cfreace sndlariteld, fJmlail 4 caurnries ill Li chonare oplannirng r et fai. aGran;rghPubc Sek ianed Wilson, Anne Woolner.I Allun; Spelling, Lynda Rundle,! Golden Ploughi unvciled at Co- flown in an arc around the Supprvising Principal A. M. Jeffery, Merridv Mutton. Connie Mr. D. Kennedy's Room- Joe Schaafsma, Betty Luxton,lbourg ni 1953. will be one cif monument. T jsn o! the Public Schools Niddery;TakadFed na Scholarship, Patricia Gill; Cit- Stephen Barclay; Attendance, te hglgt fte 15 TefrtCioo ec . ad k d oparents on June 28th Mantyri; Spelling, Terrv Black, izenship, Shirley Invine; SpelI-1L'orne Trimble, John Dykstra, 1 World's Ccnscrvation Exposi- dedicated at the F rst Wonaà 4~ha anaddtioai to romswil Jar Trjba, Jmes ilsn; t- ng, Shirley Irvine; Attendance,, Lynda Rundle, Ganry Ormiston, tion and Plowina Contests here lwn ots tCbug be opened at Vincent Massey tendance, Alan Cole. Tom Mason, Ted Brown, Sharon McMunter,1 Glenn Bell. in Adams C')untN,, Ohio, Sep- Ontario. in 1953; the start of dt School in Septemben to accom- Judith Ann Sparrow, Davidi Lola Potter, Trixie Semplonius, 1 Miss M. Couchs Room-Schol- ember 17, l', 19 and 20. chain of "Cairns of Peace' îr rnoateinreaedennlmnt.AsThompson, Bill Bîckle, Bradley Caoiili~ arship, Lilian Miller; Citizenhp The ExpoSitioii vi feature bc erected around the world to a result, ail pupils in Grades 1 Yourth. Miss M. McGregor's Room-1 Jeanne Thentell; Progress, Sand- competition aniong champion commemorate the site of ea,ýh to 6 inclusive, living on Liberty Scholarship, Karen Mornison;1 ra Rivers; Public Speaking,~ plovemcn froin 14 countries as Worid Plowing Contest. Street North of Concession St. Mr. R. Turner's Room-Schol- Citizenship. Henry Kooy: Pro-'Janet Scott, Marie Timble;! the U.S. plays host to the Countnies to be nepresenied and on Meadow View Blvd. wil, arship, Donald Brown; Citizen- gress Wilfred Potter: Attend- Track & Field, David O'Rounke; World Plo_\iný Event for 1he by two-man teamns in the 19J57 be transferred from Central ship, Jane de Jong; Progress,1 ance,' Henrv KooyWlrdPt piig nhu oa;Atn-frttm n ils five-year his- World Plowing Contests - Public School to Vincent Massey Jeanette Boe; Public Speaking,1 ter, Suzanne Bal, Beth Crowe,1 ance, Carol Lathangue, Shiirley tory. clude: Finland, Denmark, H'ol- Children entering Kinderganten DaeW1im .rc n ild oetDn, ihe ed,1 Williams, Don Masterson, Mr e ac er from this area will attend Manjorie Stewart: Spelling, Don- Larry Rogers, Colleen Bisson- 1Trimble, David O'Rourke, Mary: bring a stone of plowmen with telande, Belgî.S Italy Firce Central Schooi. aid Brown: Attendance, Donald ette. Roy Potter. IBettles. ngame of thiirýi country to ý Canada, Great Britain, NorthI It was also announced that en- Brown, Voikmar Richter, Ricky MisAiartes'Ro- M.J emnsRo-co-!pae ntsperminent monu- Ireland. West Germany, New roirnent is expected to ncrease iLmnnderh wiHenrdeicaSmidstradandthTinitd SatI from 1221 in June to 1280 in Kooy, Johanna Van Marie, Jim Schoiarship, Nellie Vermeulen; arship, Jean Cully; Citizenship IiŽl, 'xhc vi oddct. Zaad n h ntdSa Septemben. Anderson, Jon Hancock. Citizenship, Lena de Jong; At- Roderick Taylor; Progress, Don- iOn the Peebles High Schoc1 Preparations on the 2500- One undrd ad eihty-inetendance, Tony Wilkins, Peter aid Butlen; Public Speaking,1grounds Seýptember 19. Tlvý acre site have been underwLy Onehudnd ndeiht-nne Mrs. E. M. Philp's Room-IBuickler, RonalId Richards, Di- Thomas Calian, Marie Foran;!Cairn xiii bc topped by a for three years. Plans are being Pupils or one in six won attend- Scholarship, Helen Vanstone;1 anne Biggs, Kathv Osborne, Ann Attendance, Jean Cully, Donald' "Golden-t Ploagh'ii, emblern of made to accommodate some ance cnests (neither late non Citizenship. Paul cen Hughes, Ferguson, Mi ch a el Shane,lButlen, James Callan, Thomas xvorld superioritNv in the art anai 300,000 visitons. absent). Pnogness, David Eliott; Public Cynthia Hacking i Cl iJmsColWye A list o! those winning awards Speaking, Anne Wilson; Attend-1 is L. L. Brg' om lanan, Jiam Coyl, Wary of varjous kinds in Bowman- ance, Carol Coombes, Barbara! Scho!arship. Eric Lawson; Cit- Samis, Marguerite Camber, Dav- l rn or Ae ville's Public Schools foilows: Hanson, Bob Hellam, Eileen iesi a\ ebn;Po id Ailison, Paul Mutton. DvExyç n Hm o ge c, Enei:c Van MarIe; At-1 Mrs. A. M. Read's R oom- tendance, Rickx' Connaghan, Scholarship, R o s e Robinson;w È $3 2 6,000 W ing Cxwcn Graham, Stephen Jeffery,1 Citizenship, Karen Barnabpi ~~bJPD ETE Douglas Pankin, Clifford Potter, Attendance, Lloyd Moe Len- PR m A T C N R T Bevenley Sleep. oenw, Judy Paeden, Mary, With W arden L.A. Hooton which building they want built Mis VLBune's oo Doug Nichols. in the chair and 34 members he ad S epfic fTanks Scbolarship, Sally Witheniey; Miss Jean Bragg's Roomn- present county councii met After a short discussion, dur- Citizenship. Virginia Siemon; Schoiarghip, Rickey Lucas; Cit-,June 27 and approxed a new ing xvhich many membcrs - 1IU~1 ~Pro.gress, Harvey Cooper; At-1 izenship, Donald Jensen; Pro- iwîng foi, th-e Home for the stressed the ultimate savings SidAMYVUa lk lUJ.> - tendance, Harvey Cooper, Alan gress, Evelyn Jones; Attendance, 'Aged, vîth roomn for 98 in- which xvould denîve from suc'i - Coourd Ptio Slas -Brown, Michael Myers, Bniant James Blunt, Ralph Cole, John miates. at an estimated cost of a building, Neison Usher, lialdi- Coord Pfo SasKarp, Betty Weish. 1 Lyle, Donna Poliey, Isabel Fowl- $326,000). mand County proposed tihi Porches, tp Miss B. Roddick's Room- en, Eiaine Highfield. Betty Charles Johnston, Cobourg, adoption of thie report adta -S psScholarship, Bradley Lucas-'Rundle, Anna Sweep, GaryI chairman of the spccial inves- the counity pioceed immediate- Citizenship, Lynn Doreen; At- Woolnen, Sandra White. tigatin~g conimittee appoin cc: ly with the building to accom- Cuîbing tendance, Gary De Luca, Evelyn1 Miss M. Somenville's Room- to study the requirements f,)r modate 98 patients. jHellyar, James Kitney, Shirley Scholarship, Ada Schaafsma; mTodernizing the home, read it., After R. :3udge, Port Hope, leîPatfieid. iCitizenship, Ruth Hoffman, Pro- report. totesieadbn asked council to request arch7- B1ok Miss M. Hall's Room-Scholar- gress, Donald Thompson; At- A visit 'atest a enteets to complete plans as soon a irook lonship, Bnian Colville; Citizenship tendance, Gienna Frost, Glenna made in the comnpany of th'c as possible so that tenders could Paul Lucas: Progress, Isabel Park, Larny Lunnemnan, Valenie ar'chitects, Pi3ernctt and Rieder, be cailed and opened at tne Co c u t P r d c S Henry; Attendance, Bobby Cuth- Adams. Sharon Stainton. Toron~o and irom this xisit pne- November meeting, cuii bertson, Frank Shane. Miss A. Young's Room-Schoi- 'mnr ln wr rw p voted in favour of immedia!e PHONE BROOKLIN 155 Miss Ruby Morrow's Room- arship, Menidy Hately; Citizen- hs lncmsn w- action and instructed the archi- Collect Cails Accepted Scholarship, Wiima Van de ship, Linda Morris; Attendance, storey building xith basement, teets to proce-ed with the pro- ___________________________________________ Meent; Citizenship, Jill Nichols- Brenda Farrow, Philiip Man- ivere presentcd to counicil for duction of wonking plans, I rorss Dl Sear; ten-duck. fis decision. ___________ _________DleSewat;_tten____ol The cornmittee recommend- ___________________________________________________________________ Miss Y. Chant's Room-Shi ed that any noxv building be Io arship, Coreen Sweep; Citizen- the wovst and in line xyith the BURIKETON ship, Kenneth DeBoo; Pnogress, ex isting one. IL also recoin- David Biekeli; Attendance, Cor- mne htsnl etlc- (neddfrls ek een Sweep, Donald Drew, Sheila snsdod etateimetafloc- (neneoorls e ONTARIO Shred, John Hendenson. adsiats 'ae be kept on rs. emoDyer, Brookin, lis Mr.K. Hendry's Room- to the second floor and tha* eundt irhm fe Scholanship, Gary Baker; Cit- provision be made for dumb nursing Mn. R. Davey for ta, DE PARTM E NT O F HI G H W AYS izenship, Kanel Waversveid; waitor service be pnovided pant areemons. EiS-po jAttendance, Gregory Adams, 'rwo Options andfeays, wir t rlaves. The igh ay nIm rovrnet Ac !Rck;e~:~ Kapp 'ro options were presentcd Mn. and Mns. Anthony Smith The igh ay m pr ve m nt A t Vncet Msse Schol o cuiiil.The irs -ws fr aand family spent the weekend Mn. A. A. Merkley's Room- 80 by 120 foot building which at Smith's Falls. Scholanshlp, Diane Taylor; Cit- would acconimodate 98 patienîts Miss Mary Anne and Master Iizenship, Taullie Thompson; Pro- at a cost xvhich exceeds the ne- Frankie Vandenbung, Lindsay, gress, Bonnie Mutton; Attend- commended figure of $300,000 spent the weekend with Mn. and ance, Bryce Adams, Jean Cole, by $26,000. The second option Mrs. J. Hogenvest. ton. Bonnie Mutton, Woodrow ing with accommodation for 82, boys, Peterborough, with their Penny, Diane Taylor, Patrick the approxirnate number now parents. IS EREY GVENtha pusuat t th Hihwa Inipnvemnt ct,î9~ IVinish, Patricia Thompson. undor cal-e, nt a pnice within Mn. and Mrs. Len Allison, an Applicatiwl e N tade by ntothe DpatmntfH ighwa tov etheActan1957,Mn. E. Colweil's Room- the $300,000 figure. Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. BoApli ar o r thl e approvheeal telsng ofHthe f o thw ng roadsScholarship, Jane Oliver; Cit- The committee reeommended George Allison and family. Municipal Bor o h prvlo h lsn ftefloigrasi zenship, Janet Mountjoy: Pro- a building that would be econ- Mn. and Mns. Jas. Trick, Osh- tQhe Township of Darlington, County of Durham, in the Township of Clarke, gress, Louise Maguine; Attend- Iornicai to operate; efficient in awa, with Mns. Esthen Carno- - nty of Durham, and in the Village of Newcastle, County of Durham, ance, David Goheen; John the provision of care, dining chan and familv. intrset r rn ntoth~cotnole-aces hihwas now a Hih-Goode, David McFeetens, Dennis quarters and ac-cess to out-door Mr, Eari Carnochan, West ay No, 115 orand H h cnrledacs ighways No. 4as1. ih Second, Reta Smith, Dianne aîeas for mientaiiy senile pa- Hill, with Mr. and Mrs. Stali- *ayN1 15Par ndof thTwayNonebtwent401.sip f alglr aGoheen, Carol Vance. Ro-tionts as welI as aliowing for a ley McCullough. iMiss V. Copping's o - possible increase in patients. Mrs. Rilda Stevenson, Toron- 1. Prt f te Twn inebeteentheTowshis o DalintonandScholarship, William Depew;, E. Bannett of Barnett and to, with hon mother, Mns. A. Clarke, crossing Highway No. 115, Highway No. 401 and the Citizenship, Irwîn Colwell; Pro- Rieder, architects, Toronto tolci Hughes and Mrs. M. Archibald, Canadian National Railway. gness, Paul Barclay; Attendance, the counicil that the locale oi Mn. and Mrs. Bill Parker and 2. artof he oa Alowace eteenlot 34and35 cocesion1,William Depew, Lorraine Hodg- the home wis ideal for oxo)an.- Lyn, Lindsay, with Mn. and 2. Prt f te Rad Alowncebeteen ots34 nd 5, cncesio 1,son, Robent James, Sharon Cul- sion. Since the land sloped Mrs. Peter Gatcheil. Township of Clarke, crossing Highway No. 401 and the Canadian ly, Heather Mitchell, Garfield northwards it would ho possible Mn. and Mns. M. Laveli and National Railway. Webb, Beverley Phillips, Karen to buiid a proper two-storey children, Toronto, Mrs. E. 3. artof he oa Alowace eteenlot 30and31 cocesionI ke, Wayne Burgess, Dennis building without haxing -,o Stnutt, with Mrs. E. Caughill. 3. artof he oadAllwane btwen lts 0 ad 3, cncesio 1,MeFeetens, Irwin C o 1 w e 11, make any heavy excavation fur Miss Jean Smith, Toronto, Township of Clarke, cnossing Highway No. 401. William Crombie, Helen Buma, the basoment. with Mn. and Mrs. Sam Hall. 4. Part of Newcastle Street, Village of Newcastle, unopened. Marilyn Stapleton, Nancy Kelly, Tivo Floors Botter day at. artercou nt Th u.n 5. artof aldin tret, illge f Nwcatle unpend.Richard Perfect, Ann Lathangue. Thenenta a time wen w i AlnrA.daed 5. Prt f Bldwn Sree, Vllag ofNewaste, nopned Miss R. Winterbottom-Schol- ground floor plan xvas consîai- The public school closed 6. Part of Church Street, Village of Newcastle. arship, Jill Ames, Citizonship, e0,d as ideai for such a home Thunsday, June 27. In spite of 7. Partof Masey Stret, Vilage ofNewcasle, unpened.Bruce Meadows, Progross, Ron but expenience bas now showntenanhepciwshodt 7. Prt o Masey Sreet Vilageof Nwcasle, nopeed.aid Jackson; Attendance, Ronald jthat such bhaîldins'increase trie tho e hl gronds. Race ad 8. Part of Walton Street, Village of Newcastle. Jackson, Jim Brown, Geraldj diî'ficuAlzios of operation andth the so folthouchdsRaes n d it 9. Part of Beaver Street, Village of Newcastle, unopened. Hayes, Corinne Elliott, Bruce departîï-înt of xveifare now rý- srfo th ilrn wtr Smith. Greg Brooking, Henry1 co1mm'mcis d the construction 4! many prizes wore given and 10. Prt ofAlber Stret, Vllageof Nwcaste unoened IDyktra, ommy-eiprosJintation prsefttwon musicalsiclnr- 1 0 . a r t f A b e r t S t r e t , i l l g e o N e w a s t e , u o p e e d . y k s r a , T o m y V e t c , i m t v . o - s o r e y b u i l d i n g s . c o r d s b y M a y A n d e r s o n t o t h e 11. Part of Arthur Street, Village of Newcastle, unopened. Ms agulode' Ro - Mr. Rart-ett strcssed the tact teacher, Mn. Mol McCoy, from 12. Part of the Road Allowance betwe-enIlots 294 9and- 25, cneso r. Jan 1ooley'- Roo- that althoi'ig*nthe proiimînarytue P.TA. Such Application will be heard by the said Board at the Com- AIA rnunity Hall, Newcastle, on the 6th day of'August, 1957, AT THE HOUR iReeve EnquiresB N v i OF 10:30 O'CLOCK IN THE FORENOON, at which time and place ahl persons claiming to be intenested on affected may attend anid be heard. j b u e o a on By order of the said Boad ail pensons objecting to the said closings C to- rn orclaimîng that their land will îe njuriously affected by the said closings C a -fA m nutFILE PARTICULARS 0F SUCH OBJECTIONS OR CLAIMS with Considerable discussion arase the Ontario Municipal Board, 145 Queen Street West, Toronto, referring in Counties Council June 27, to File Number P.F.M. 6118-57, AND WITH The Land Surveys Section of over the apparent disappear- the Department of Highwavs, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Attention:j ance of the Royal Coat-of-Arms Mn. J. E. Jackson, ON OR BEFORE THE 23rd DAY 0F JULY, 1957. The i which used to hang aven the hearing of such dlaims will take place at such time and place as may be wardtes n cischair mteroin subsequently fixed by the said Board. the Town Hall, Cobourg. Reeve Sidney Little, Bow- A Plan P-2704-35 showing the pontions of roads pnoposed to be manville, asked where the coat- closed may be seen at the office of the Clerk of the Township of Danlington of-anms was and he was in-. Hampton, at the office of the Clenk of the Towvnship of Clarke, at Orono, fonmed by Counties' Clenk Ken~ teoffice of the Clerk of the Village of Newcastle, at Newvcastle, and at Symons that it was now aut- ù- e office of the Department of Highwax-s. in Room 2627. East Block, Reeve matinensgtne. ht Parlamen Buiding, Toonto duinz e . ularoffie horsup t Augit ibee neturned it ptoeritstrpnoperc 6th, 957.position over the w-arden*s 6t, 95.chair. He was supported in thii suggestion by G. F. Harnîngto:n. DATED at Toronto, Ontario, this 28th day of June. 1957. Millbrook. Thone was some suggesticn F HIR A Y ,r that two now ones ho made and JA.MES N. ALLAN, instalied in the Court Room and out-vide the main ontrance, and, C ID E A A E S A T Minister of Highways. Council finally loft the mat,.-- CHI to ihe property commîttee c YELVERTON In-ended for last week) Congratuil.tîons to Master Liovd Wiiszon on passing his Sheoiv ex-ain with first class~ honours, an tnviabie 93 out of 100. Miss Margaret Mary Monk is spending part o! hon vaca- tion at the' Raiph Maicolm's. jLast Sunday the G. E. Wl sons accompanied the Jack - Wilsons to Toronto to spend al day with the Vance Wilsons. On Thursday Mrs. B. O'Neil, MUrs. Rubv Stinkel and Mur- naY, Coliingxvood, were wel- come guests of the Hugh Mc- GuIls. On Surnday the Snyders of Toronto. On Sunday the- Norman WiI- sons and gais with the Vincent a acksons. Ovornight guests with the Art Roans and calions with Mrs. Mabie and Miss Annie Rowan were Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd McDougald and four children lately of Cumberlanîd, On'., for a txvo-year sojounn. formýerly of Saskatchewan and on way xvest now to their new farm home in Manitoba. With the Sain Adams of Boxvmanviile on Sunday, Mr. and Mns. MLîrray Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stinson and their farnilies. Last Stînday with the Art Rowans, Mn. and Mns. Doug Jackson, Brooklin. This Sunday the Stuart Walters and boys o! Isiington, Master Gordon te remain to assist Art' for the sommer. 'Malconja', welcomed a num- ber of guests this weekend- the occasion the fourth birtn- day r-elebratîcns of Mitzi Ma- rie. On Satturday the Ralph Malcolms, Cindy and Karen and Joy, Miss MN. Monk and th(, Bac Malcolms. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Hank Boon, Miss Chris and H-ank Jr., the Roy Wenrys and Dehbie visiting at Enniskillen at the F. W. Wer- ny s. Air. Rail or Steamshlp TO EVERYWHERE Consuit JURY & LOVELL 15 Ring St. W. MA 3-5778 Bowmanvflle IFree! Vigor, Standard Gasoline present on Wednesday everi- ing at Bethany United Churcli garden party; on Friday even- ing a few at the Farmers' Un- ion Strawberry Festival at BliackstocK-and if the straw- berries tasted mighty like ice- cream few complaints were re- gistered-due no doubt to the "parity picé&' effect on straw- bernies and ice cream. The.r united prayers for rain to abet attendance were answered wi-Th liberality. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Neals and tamily Sunday evening guests of the Ray Robinson's. To Pay Past Due Bis Payments Monthly AFor Holiday Expenses SN For New Purchases ~s For Emergency s Expenses à The Difference with Belivue Is the Service BELL VUE FINANCE' CORP. G. IN. WILSON, Mgr. 29% Simcoe S. RA 5-119ý OSHAWA Free!, LLE >chool Grounds IULY I2TrH S6:30 pm -7 Classes I YGAL. 1 OC inclrnling a BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas VIGOR OIL Service station CORNER 0F MAN VERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phono MA 3-2919 'Vigor 49 GAL High Test 42 1 OCincludigta% Coniplete Lubrication at a Reasonable Price STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS ýw moi LEGION -11MMDAY, imy lith, lom - THE CANADL&N STATESMAN. BOMIA.-nm.T-r- m,ý,-r,&wTm la à OWIM 1" ý q 0 m - Classes

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