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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1957, p. 13

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THURST~~~A?, R'LY ~~ ~~§5 7 TE AAIY ATSA.EWAVL.ONA! ---- lAS! - --w- **'*****************i~H O DBO UT THAT * d ITAKE IT EASY WILL YOU HONEY REMEMBER. IVE GOT TO LU& T11S -~.~ J.IeorsSTUFF ALLTTUL WAY HOMAE!l'ý s mm -- -tc Vincent ýM.>_sey read to the smaller children be- By Betty Foran I fore they go home for lunchl. Or Tuusd u, - When the children return after pa thl-Slunch they do crafts. off a w ch cil U' 0 On Thursday at least 75 cu -teldn, hepoeo d h dren paraded around the block inarnîng was spLflt in drîccorat- crvn banner, wearing Ro-i ing bicycles. wajo!)-. doil car- bin Hood Hats and banging pots riages, and scooters~. The'îî'~t and pans indicating that the ly coloured pape......p,;t Playg-round had opened. In wheels, handlebars ard ' rk1spite off the few fist fights we ers. ateno have dailv, I believe the child- ren are enjoying themselves. The afeno a very \" Kids-Don't forget toi get exciting one. Thc, irio buîdi urcsme rad fo th up and procecd!cd , " _j"h ,, pordcostuesray forthe gates off the park, .Ii l prdeo ria ngt up and down n"rv.!' Memorial Park Following 1h,: .: rarot ndCaol an- rade judging took , . r'I t By Mro n ao aur folioving is, a Ih-' orý ..'î0î 'M4e opening of the play- and their r~c.c .4:a groîînds brought an enroilment tion:-- of about seventy-five children Decorated T'c e Irdx to Memnorial Park. 'Fagan, Dale Tuhiu!.Ho a:,'- In the early part of the morn- craft. ings and afternoons we played Decoratcd no7lcr' somre quiet garnes and sang Donna Stps . v oine action songs. The rest off IBurtns, Hcather S v the morning we supervised the olcici-hlidren in their active Poretiest Dat] iiuc h~rgarnes and the younger chîld- Stevenson. inchir circle garnes. Best Costumne on Parc l1e About 2:30 in the afternoon.q I..rrane odg'or. Ctra we held craf4.. The first day M-the children just coloured. The Collough. Donna .'tr: 01 ic'xt day we made faces and Bes Deora'vt By'1 e lhats lrom paper plates. Thurs- Whoodrow Pri-.'î 1cidG:: day rnorning we made construc- Crombie, tied; irv'rrî ('owelt. tionr paper pigs and in the af- Steven Burns, 'Icinoon we had a parade 1 worîld ta thcri) k (ur 'd~ arouind the neighbourhood ta Larry Trimble.l)nî i announce the opening of play- ters. Bon Houper c LLtx.\i;c ýgr'ounds. Robertson. A......- - +, - Fraîik!iii Pl:3.,'roiiuîd By .loatn Allit Asorspecial event for thie w'eek we hiad a picnic on Frn- d;ay. Each child brought 1i w lunuch and after lunch we had 'We fini:. h ed oar iý."Pa a peanut seramble and saine 1'r-anklil Park ar r" î". races. Candies and gurn were Succý-ssfL'1. W ', U.] t,*11 : a)iven as prizes. Afterwards the enrolied arxl are' fr., or 12h udre-n play ed baseball and more. 'We liail( r)'t h r t tin-can cricket. Tîrlisday a ftertioo:î. .1% 4. tri finnouine-thiat hie rrtionii Central Playground to all xvho x'.ou d i nI - t a By Heather Webb '- Nwill t; v tri ' ': oio çhildren for* t!huý -oe î ' , C n, On Friday, July Sth the ard teach thein rcw ce jus uid r egibours were aroused trrinI garnes v,'il he teir slurnber by the clattering There willoiciii een Of POP bottles, tin oons, a drumn fcverý, weeç . i1a c" oue t' i1 d lunch box. We were few chilirren will en c\ uber but we made up for i. Above the din we were Ontario Strv:-t 't.'iocl r 'auISîuîg could be heard C-E-N- Plyg,,,raj' 1,11i 'I-R-A-L three tirnes before a BypaP t l ustv cry o! "Central"- rang the By rtreets. This was aur parade One hundretcl:-crt.-n and we were gaing ta make At chir-Irei h-îvo rA id n tht'i, worthwhile. I rernember seeingý pla,ground anid t1e i e of tl1r people look at us as if we were ('ubîdren range fi', t.'. oearý struLck but we were determin- Io sIxteen y cors nfi' eý. i:cA1 to go through with il any- a.j2 anywhcre fr oi i 'ti w'av. Our only wish in that ç"hUndrcd anci t1ir'euii1hd- rlhort space off tirne was ta r present at thie pc1:nu have more chiidren coming to c .We becin t;Pe-. dov b..' aur park and this was the only 1) la:'.R orue acter A 10',vay of advertising that our ,while the older boys i] r', cri'- Park was now opened and 1:ct an.d Ph"r -hocs ' "' warting for them. Everyone enjoyed them- ~ i' i~ vi ~"selves and to aur satisfaction some new children attending o'.;; playground that very af- ternoon. Lions Playground V1 l' 'y Verna Foran and Gail Thomnaa On Thursday afterrioan, July 4. this park had a very success- ful Parade. The weather was OJL BURNIN'G TOBACCO CURER FUATU RES * Long anj 0*Eyen heat d5ý;,iiàk;n *Economical cL'ý-j * simple opert«,., eSofe, fume Eq'c1eg smoke tight Dk:ALFflr, KEN IINS'd 2t" L L Phone fllacXistock :I -r-I! beautiful and we bad aur pa- racle in which approxirnately 45 cbtîdren took part, and al- most every child participating rwa., under 12 years of age. gons, tricycles, and kids walk- ng, %ve paraded up and dowîî în'arblv streets and back ta the Lions Commrunitv Centre where ever'. child participating re- ceivecl ireshie and cîip cakes serx'ed and made by Mrs. Kent aînd we extend a very special th-ik voutiet her for ber wel- cwme t-a.Aiso we extend a spe-ural thank you ta those niathers who camne up ta ther centre with their chîldren andr helped arrange ther nii the pa- radle. W'e awarded lollipops ta Louise and Susan Marr, for be-I . lig thte hest costîîmed. couple, Doua"iý Iloopen, best single; and jElizabeth Braden for bicycles: h1e loîîdcst noise Bets3r Philips. For the îemaîning lime in the aihernoon a dlean-up period wxas clone and a ribbon was givnothe cpersan who dean- dcl) ip te most trash, All bld, a xc". iivcessful day was spenr. aýi ci Fpectal lhanks Gayýle anri 1 pivo toaiat the children taking REDUCE FEED EUSTSI BROWN'S and increase mar'Let values M%'rs. Wrn. Cali and children1 spent Frîda.v in Toronto. i by feeding legume or Cori , NIîs. Williarns and familvi ensilage ' . s'. n. Cal ekdwîth Mr. and - Ienneth Corey Call was W. *fev vn ~4ik~.r '~ clitc'ned last Sunday at St. a conc rete ?41 Angica atave Silo un- rpe Aglica Church in eqaiedfr - 2." jNew.c'astle. etrengli a n d d urabilitY. d(- : i.ned for [he torage Of le- aulne or carti ensilage. (Our doi re con- *t ruPr Ie d et 'vbrated. wet leA 3t, tangue &ad gaooVe e 5 r e IV e .an d j"pd w it I lit rods 10 vrod uet as %troncg as on- ,Tete and ý;eeI I 1$ g-si! CAMPBEL I SILOS LIN WALTER i 177 ('hurch St. 1NlI.ss Linda Cal! had bher cousin \'iun;îa Cahi of Toronto for aj vi tk' 'sit. Mýr. and Mrs. Wm. Caîl cele- b; '.ted tlheir 121h anniversaryl 'L!:t Saturda.v. Tire lMastersq farnilv o! Mark- hum ivere visitars with Mr. and i M\rs. R. Simnpson and !amilv on Minor Basehall This comrng Saturday, July I 3th, will sec the start of the Atom League schedule with the Indians (1)> playing the Braves (2) at 9:00 a.m. The Dodgers (3) vs. the Giants (4) and Ti- gers (5) vs. the Cubs (6) start- ing at 10:30 arn. Ail Atom League games will be played Saturday mornings at Memor- ial Park. The Pee Wees started their schedule last Tuesday with the Bruins <1) playing the Lions (2). at Franklin Park. Ail Pee Wee garnes wili be played at Franklin Park starting at 6:30 p.m. The Midget Girls Softball League got started iast Tues- day with Robins (1) vs. Hor- nets (2) at Centrai School. Al Midget girls' games will be played at Central School start- ing at 6:30 p.rn. MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Don Mclntyre and family and Miss Muriel Atkinson. Peterborough, with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown on Sunday.1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coaney and family visîted at Sunder- land. IMr. and Mrs. John Noble. Jirn Iand Jane, and Mrs. Aileen Noble have returned home after spend- ing holida « s at Stoney Point. Mr. Frank Cooper, Mrs. How- fard Clark, Toronto; Miss ar Dennis, Rochester, NNY., were Sundav guests of Mr. and Mrs. John -Noble. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Foley accompanied Mr. Clarence Bell ta Huntsville and visiled Mrs. Foley's nice, Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens and farnily and on Sun- day motored ta *Doe Lake ta visît Mrs. Clarence Bell and children at the Girl Guide Camp., Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs and famiiy visited with Mrs. R. . Wills and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Winlerburn at Barrie. Sunday. Mr'. Bruce Milis. Enniskillen. is spending a few days with Ivan Mills. Master Peter Pritchard, Mano- tick, is holidaying wîth bis grandrnother. Mrs. Les Snawden. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hopps, Sacrarnento, Cal., are visiting hier aunt Mrs. Seward Tyler and bier father Mr. Fred Hockin. Mr. and Mrs. Les Collacutt attended the funeral off Mr. Don Yellowlees on Monda. Mrs. Audrey Read, Bowman- ville, and nieces frorn Cam p- belîford with Mr. and Mrs. Les Collacutt.,1 Mrs. L. MeLean, Regina. isi visiting lier son. Mr. and Mirs.i, Wiifred McLean. Mr. and Mrs. P. McLean. Gil- ray, Sask.. with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Burtoni. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whiternan are vîsîting bis people in Mani-r loba. Mr. and Mrs. David Bothwell1 Sr. ai-e holidaying at their cal-1 tage. Dont forget the Couples' Club picnic this Saturday, July 'è3, ta be held at Ebenezer Church t shed. Sports will be heid at the! Courtice Memorial Park follow-r ilig supper. Ladies please bring lea or coffee in thermos and pop will be supplied. Any new couples weicome. We invite vou ta corne ta church on Sundav morning at 11:15 a.rn. ta bear Mr. Jim Ail.t mon, who is studying for t he t minîstr '. We hope the v'aung i people will be ouIta encourage this young man. Wedding bells are again ring-i ,ng in aur comrnuntv. ENFIELD 1 The schedule for the variaus leagues are as follows. Atom Basebali Schedule First garne-9:00 ar. 2nd and 3rd game--10:30 ar. AIl games to be played at Menorial Park. Team 1-Indians;, Team 2-- Braves, Team 3 --- Dodgers: Team 4-Giants: Team '5-Ti- gers; Team 6-Cubs. JUly 13-Indians vs. Braves 13-Dodgers vs. Giants 13-Tigers vs. Cubs 20-Giants vs. Braves 20-Tigers vs. Indians 20-Cubs vs. Dodgers 27-Dodgers vs. Tigers 27-Braves vs. Cubs 27-Indians vs. Giants August 10-Cubs vs. Indians 10-Giants vs. Tigers l0-.-Dodgers vs. Braves 17-Giants vs. Cubs 17-Indians vs. Dodgers 17-Braves vs. Tigers Pce Wee Basebaîl Schedule Game time 6:30 p.rn. Ail games ta be played at Franklin Park Tearn l-Bruins; Tearn 2 -- Lions; Team 3-Cornets; Tearn 4--Huskies. Juiy 9-Bruins vs. Lions Il-Conets vs. Huskies 16-Lions vs. Cornets 18-Huskies vs. Bruins 23-Bruins vs. Cornets (il points) 25-Lions vs. Huskies (4 points) 30-HUskies vs. Cornets August I-Lions vs. Bruins 6-Bruins vs. Huskies 8-Cornets vs. Lions Midget Girls' Softbali Sehedule Garne tirne 6:30 p.rn. AIl gantes ta be., layed at Central School. Team 1-Robins; Tearn 2 - Hornets: Team .3 - Cardinai.,: Tearn 4-Pirates. July 9--Robins vs. Hornets 16-Cardinais vs. Pirates 23-Hornets vs. Cardinais 30-Pirates vs. Robins August 6-Robins vl, Cardinals 13-Ho-nets vs. Pirates Swimming Classes Tuescda ' saw 'the start of the Recreation Deparîrnents Swim- rnîng Classes at the Boy's Training School. The iargest enrolrnent Is agaîn in the Tadpoles and Be- gmnners Classes. To hclp chlar- ify the narnes used such as Tadpoles and Beginners the, Tadpoles are those who ha. -e neyer attendied before or wh)î have attended before but ha%, e been unable to complete onIl leii.uth off the Training School Swirnrnng Pool. The Beginne'- ('lass 's the star, of the Rect Cross sinrigawards. Beginning next Tuesdav aM,' the boys registered as Tadpolces will start their classes at 9:00 arn. The buses will be at the pick up areas fifteen minutes before the class starts. The Red Cross Beginners wili at- tend the 10:30 a-rn. ciass ahon., with the Junior, Intermodiate and Seniors. . -4 4444d . J1tt~ VSILZ WIIltI5 Mr. and Mrs. Phil Conlin. Si ipson farniiv on Sunday wei'e Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Howard; 1:4 - li's. E. Caîl. Mr. and Mrs. iKe ootwt r.R i Storms and the twins, ail o nf e ooto ih r.R *~ 'TGriffin. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis,; Peggv Simpson lpft for a twa1 Donna and Albert, Mrs. R. Grif - "Y . .eek'.' stav ah t:ne Ontaria Ath-- fin at Mr. Gardon Van Camp's. loi 12Leadership Camp at Lake Bowrnanvile. Ce' 'cniîching. last week. Mrs. R. Oake and children aI Sî.aîîdMr R. Watsan otî E. Howe's. Goderich. O' t, ,a \-;sîed %vith Mr. and!i Mrs. A. E. Nidderv. Toronto, LraP0 S11' MÎ)rolasz %week. Ilai W. Pascoe's and otherl liïiD r- tI. R.Iussell Powell1 and Ricky - friend s crji ,lhaome w!th Mr. and C.: Il :uJM W.ýî:s.n fo)r a -,Neek's visit. Siconvau-hro!C- 51:in"S:rsan Har:wlck ofofToron "~ ~t t -~~ 'id:n a 'ee'sToliday ada's population is n the civil-r a-' ishliay an labor force. one-third of v'i11Sr.e Sncaur famihe. 1 Canadians are the earners and Mi,ý. George Mattice andj taxpavers who pay the casts îtit i~viîe arda iitf North Carolina. are s-if gov ernrnent for themselves 1:411- \';iting IMr. and Mrç. as w*.as. or tne renai=,n; i Ir- Mat lice and family. to h'sof the people. A Sti RRLPH TEE TeTYRONE TeTyrone Juvénile Band HE LAST TIME WC TAKE A %rcing in Oshawa Sunday Y GROERIE. IFWC MD Chrch. to King St. United )Y GOCÉRES. F W MA( Chuch. Thé band memberq 0 LOOK AT O)UR LOCAL PAPER and fmilies, bout 80 in num- LÉADING BRANDS'"ADV£RTrISED, ber, enjoyed a picnic dinner and AVE AVE 0URELV~ A supper at Victoria Park. In the AV£ AVEDOURELVE- A evening they paraded at Whit- ONEV ROMIOW. by and attended the Salvation ýAL WN OuRArmy service after which the . b and members and several 11% adults were entertained at the IAN I LI - ~home of Dr. and Mit,. E. A. Miss Mrtaha Gocley, Bow- g. ~ manville, recently s1howed her moving picturea of the Tyrans ~ , ~~- ~Juvenile Band and other local places of interest. > ~The Sunday School and corn- munity picnic was held Satur- day at Orono Park when around 100 aduits and children were present. Congratulations te Mr. James Alldread who celebrated his 88th birthday July 2. Margaret Hamilton had a tonsil operation on Tuesday. Ail her friends wish her a speedy recovery. John Hamilton is holidaying P with John Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian and Lamily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ormiston, Oshawa. 0Wayne Hatherly. New Toron- ,,,to, is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Annie Hatherly. _______________________ Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue and John, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Wonnacott, New Toronto. Named President Wian Qrristorx. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall, Wil- fred and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. K. Colbary and Frank returned home after spending a week - at Eau Claire. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian at- tended a shower for Miss Joan Hoskin and Harvey Graham, Blackstock. at the home of Mr. - and Mrs. Glen Hoskin, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook and - Lauraine. were Saturday even- ing callers of Mrs. W. J. Miller and Beth, Oshawa. Miss Jean Moncrief, Mr. Kemp Smith, Oshawa, were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue. - Laurilyn Welsh, Bowman- ville, with ber aunt and uncla, Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Mill- er, Toronto, visited his grand- mother, Mrs. W. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Colbary, ~jSanta Monica, Calif., is visiting r J his tbrother, Kari and Mrs. Col- bary. Miss Mabel Ellen Lucas Club 50 is quilting at the home of Mrs. Edith Murphy. of Brookline, Mass., has been Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook vis- iamed President of The Mother ited her brother, Mr. Ted Mc- ChuchTheFirst Church o Bride a Peel Mémorial Hospi- Christ, Scientist, in Boston, tal, Brampton, who.suffered a Mass. heart attack. Active in various capacities in Mr. Harold Awde, Mr. Gor- the Christian Science niovement, don Awde, Miss Mabel Awde, she is a native of Idaho and Toronto, were guests of Mr. and grew Uip in Spokane, Washing- Mrs. Russell Wright. ton. She joined The Mother Mr. and Mrs. S. Daw, Wezi- Church in 1906 and for rnany dy and Sandra, Port Credit, years has devoted ber full time Miss Jacqueline Hills, Toronto, to the public practice of Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Wendall Acheson, ian Science healing. Torrington, Conn., Mr. and Miss Lucas' appointment was Mrs. Ken Acheson, Oshawa, announced by The Christian and Mr. and Mrs. A. His, were Science Board of Directors at the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Annual Meeting of the Christian His. Science Church. The termn of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam vis- office is one year. She succeeds ited Mr. and Mrs. George Wil- Clifford A. Woodard off Cam- lis. Cannington. bridge. Mass. Mr. and Mrs. A. VYoungman "THE MIGHM DGET Tm2 WANT AD Win DO the job fS oui Surveys show thai aimas! al Stalesman readers check th. classified ads'every week! Tut these 'lîttie giants ta work for y ou - buying, sellirig, hiring, rent- ing - carrying your message to our thousands of readers weekly. It'. your best adverîising buy!1 THE FAST WAY TO CET SURE-FIRE RESULTS - PLACE A WANT AD IN: Co ngregc.tions Honor Departing Minister Courtice: The congregat~~inspau hcboeais" of the Courtice Circuit met at from the young people. Lunch Courtice United Church rec- was served by the Courtie ently to wish Rev. L. M. Woman's Association and a Somerville and Mrs. Somer- social time waa enjoyed iby ail. ville well as they enter on a new ministry in the Londa Conference. I*m Wlth Mr. Collacutt at the piano and Mr. Frank Walters conducting. the audience en- ~ W W jo-yed singing mnany favourite Mr. Clarence Penfound, the P io F e Recording Steward of the cir- cuit, introduced an impromnp-AL N W tu programme,- a play with several actors playing import- '3~7 PRIMIAIRE ant roles. Those in the f irs t FO D REE- scene were Mr. Kenneth Cour- FO D REZ - tice and Rev. and Mrs. L. M. REFRIGERATOR Somerville. Mr. Courtice spoke very fittingly of the splendid services which Mr. Somerville....... had rendered to the pastoral charge, especially through vis- itation and leadership spiritu- ally and guidance in the many phases of the three churches' pragrams. Two more players entered the stage. Mr. Harrv Freeman and Miss Jane De Coe presented I Mr. and Mrs. Somerville Nvith I awallet of money and Mis. '- Somnerville with roses. Mr. Freernan also endorsed al] that Mr. Courtice had said and ex- Mcd.I FS-10IC-5?7 pressed the best wishes of the Mr Ronald Osboriie, on . EaybPym nt bal! of the Courtice Circuit af mrail rdown YoungPeople's Union, presen- 1paymeflt tedMr. Somerville with a This 10.1 cii. ft low-eoet Super Model i. the big "bonus baby' and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. of '571 Top-qua1ity Frigidaire' J. McGregor of Vancouver at features: the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Real Zero Zone Freezr-hoMe. Storey, Toronto. 44 lbo -ExlusveCycla-Matic* Mr. and Mrs. R. Glaspel] and Defrosting in refrigerator sec> family, Mr. and Mrs. John to orFl-it hle. Broome and famnily attended to orFl-it hle. Decoration day at Zion cerne- IlWdhG &OtPocai tery Sunday. HYdrator - Big, Deep Storago Mr. anal Mrs. J. Gibbs anid Dooi with Fiv. removabie4 sons spent the long weekend h e. at St. Peter's Lake. ' Built and back.d by' Mr. and Mrs. J.'* Nash and . G children, Detroit, spent the 1.enerai Motorsp, long week end with Mr. and Mms. T. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. James Reyen- A O ga attended the birthday par- ty of bis sister, Mrs. Stuart Dykstra Saturday evening at D A M E Prince Albert. LIMITED Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cook, Bobbie and Allan, Georgetown, HARDWVARE spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs' J. C. Cook. Mrs. J. C. Cook Sr., Phone 408 36 King St. l returned home after spending Bewmanville .' a month with ber son Jack and ______________ Mrs. Cook. ___________ Jacqueline Rosevear is again a patient in Oshawa Hospital. She underwent an aperationS n ym nw me Tuesday morning. Ahl wish Eh, in m nwre Mr. and Mrs. Wendall Ache- son, Torrington, Conn., Mr. andgan5 1 , 5Is Mr. and Mrs. John Hills were Cet New Pep, Vim, VWgo guesta Tuesday evening af Mr. What a thril Bony 1=3b u aout, ni e, and Mrs. A. HilàiL kws ii Up; neck D no 0. can>b Mr. and Mrs. J. Reyenga and lases half-starved, szckly q'beara"-l.lo,* Thausands who nover could gain booea family visited ber sister, Mr. xàow proud of shapely, he1alm-loan*5 and Mrs. W. Piersma, Newcas- ures. They tbank Ostrex Toa thebl.,>Helg, tle. uildup body skinny becaute of poor appt. tle. tite due to lack of iran. Improvedlgg..b nounshmnent; &uti &lesh on ber. bonïë.. . creases pp«' t-anquaintad" dcir o1iOO Personal Income tax was' In- Try famaus Otrez for new poudi, pop, vuçab troduced in Canada in 1917 as vigor, this very day. At ailHrggista. a special war tax. WHEN THERE'lS A JOB TO BE DORE, DEPEND ON THE "NIGHTY NIDGET#" THE LITTLE GUY WITH THE POWERFUL PUNCH- A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN N44 -e tt# 1

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