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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1957, p. 14

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mp PAGE FOURTEEN THE CXNADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THUTRSDAY, JULY llti, 1957 Births. COLVILLE-'To Bill and Carol (riee Martyn) at Memorial Hos- j pital, Bowmanville, on Friday, July 5, 1957, the gift of a son, John Alexander. 28-1 j KERRY-John and Marion are happy to announce the arrivai, of a son, 10 lbs., 2 oz., ii Rosa- mond Memorial Hospital, Al- monte, Ont., July 9. 1957. A brother for Karen, Glenn and John. 28-1 LAWINGER-George and Ruth (nee Newman) are happy to an- nounce the arrivai of their daughter Leslie Maureen, Sat- urday, JuIy 6, 1957, at New Mount 5mnai Hospital, Toronto. 28-1* REID - Clifford and Audreyl (nee Graham) are happy to an - nounce the arrivai of their claughter, Elizabeth Mae,H on July v8, 1957, at Memorial a s-, pital, Bowmanville. 28-1* SHANTZ-Mr. and Mrs. Mer- lynn Shantz (nee Hellen Cowle) are happy ta announce the ar- rivai of their son Edward Mer- lynn on Thursday. July 4, 1957, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- SNOWDEN - Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Snowden (nee Johns) are happy ta announce the ar- rivai of their daughter, Beveriy Anne, on Thursdav, July 4th at the Red Cross Hospital, Ean- croft, Ont.; a sister for Tomm. 28-1 *1 Engagemente Mr. Mailon Mitts, Tilisonburg, Ontario, annaunces the engage- ment o! bis daughter Ruby Irene ta Wiliam Allan Weston, foster son o! Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lee, Nesîleton, Ontario. The marriage will take place on Sat- urday, August 3 in Nestîcton Presbylerian Church. 28-1~ Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tum- tnonds o! Port Perry announce the engagement o! their daught- r, Muriel Domeen, ta Mm. Frank- iJohn Truli, son o! Mr. and MIrs. Lorenzo Truli o! Hampton. 'Thbe marriage xiii take place in Part Permy United Church on Satumday, August 10 at 3:00 P.m. 28-1 Deaths BELLAMY-At bis residence, Newcastle, an Monday, July 8, 1957, Christopher Howard Loft- us Bellamy in his 77th year, beloved husband of Ada Grace Wannan and dear father o! Everett, Toronta; Howard, Oro- no; Evelyn (Mrs. John Deli), CcLrds of Thankls Marie and Art Brooks wish to thank their friends who sa gen- erously sponsored the party and shower held for themn at the Legion, Saturday. 28-1* 1 would like ta thank MnY fam- i1v, church group and dear Lena for cards and other remem- brances while in hospitai, aiso Dr. Sylvester. Mrs. Stanley Hodgson. 28-1* Harry Grubb would like to express his sincere thanks to al those who were sa kind with cards and gifts arrd to the nurs- es who were aIl so good to me-, also Dr. Hubbard, during my stay in Memorial Hospital. 28-11 Many thanks ta Dr. Rundie, also Dr. McKay, of Oshawa, nurses and staff of Mernorial Hospital and to ail those who sent flowers, fruit, gifts and cards during my recent stay in hospital, also those who Sa kind- 1iy donated biood. Mrs. Gertrude Samis. 28-1* We wish to express our sincere appreciation and thanks to all aur relatives and friends for many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes in aur recent bereave- ment. Special mention of Mrs. Helen Rudeli, Rev. Sanderson, the Morris Chapel also Sargent and Son, Port Arthur, Ontario. The family of the laie Edgar and Flarence Scott. 01 28-1 Many thanks to Dr. Austin, nurses and- staff o! Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville, and ta ail those who remembered me1 with flowvers, fruit, cards and letters, during m 'v recent stay iherein. Also speciai thanks ta my sister and ber husband, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horne; aiso ta Rev. R. J. Campbell o! Nestie- tan Presby-/terian Church for his, many visits. Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt.« 28-l* We wish ta extend aur heart- felt thanks and appreciatian for the many acts of kindness, mes- sages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received from relatives, friends and neighbours during aur recent sad bereave- ments, the lass o! aur dear moth- er on May 3Oth and a dear broth- er on June 18tb. We wish ta extend a special thanks ta Mr. and Mrs. A. Fletcher and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lawrie, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rundie, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wiseman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Coyle, Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. J. Firth, Mr. and Mrs. D. Aldred, the Canadian Articles for Sale GILSON tractor and plow. Mary Neilson, Pontypool. 27-21 APARTMENT size electric stove. Phone Newcastle 3936. 28-1 THREE-piece bed - chesterfield suite. in good condition. Phone MA 3-3336. 28-1 GIRL'S used bicycle in good condition. Apply Ivan Mount- joy, Burketon. 28-1* SEVEN cu. ft. refrigerator, ver.y dlean, excellent running order. Phone MA 3-2312. 28-1 EASY washing machine, spira- lator type, used year and a half. Apply. 116 Scugog St. 28-11 STANDING hay, claver, tim- othy, 30 acres. Wilfred Samis.I Phone Newcastle 3029. 28-1*1 R.C.A. TAPE recorder, Model SRT 301, complete outfît $150.00 with extras. MA 3-5868. 28-1 FLOOR polisher for rent at Mason & Dale Hardware. 36 King St. E., Bowmanville. 13-tf 100 LEGHORN hens, S10 apiece; set of Renfre\v scaIes, 2,000 lbs. R. Bottreil, Newcastle.1 1 28-1 * STEEL ice-box, 50 lb. capacity; Beatty washingz machine, good condition. Phone MA 3-5264. 28-1il 4 bags of gaod stable crap old Sebago patatoes. Green' Bras., R.R. 3, Baovmanvil1e. Articles for Sale TRADE-IN allowance., Bedroom, kitchen, chesterfield suites and unpainted furniture. Used ]Ded outfit, like new; 2-piece chester- field, studio couch, steel beds, springs, china cabinet and wash- er. Murphy Ca., King St. W., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-3781. 28-1 * DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made or draperies sold by the yard. Our representative will eall at your home any time with a complete range o! samples land suggrestions without obliga- tion. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W. Telephone MArket 3-3609, Bowmanville. 48-tf YOUNG TURKEYS CHOICE MEATY BIRDS DRESSED AND DELIVERED PHIL FINNEY MAPLE GROVE MA 3-50581 26-tf Decorafing " For the Finest Paintq " For the Latest Papers " For the Best Workmanship S. G. Preston & son Phones MA 3-5912 MA 3-37011 44-tf1 _________________--USED Farm Equipment-New SAVE an lumber. direct from Hoiland baler, motor driven, miii ta you. Phiiiips Lumber oniy $635; International Farm- Ca.. Kinmount, Ontario. Phone ail "H" tractor, International 17 r 11. 13tf diesel W-6 tractor, Massey-Har- _______________________-ris "22" tractor, Case tractor KEYS eut autamatically, whiie with mounted mower, rear end you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- loader and 2-row scuffler; Inter- wame, 36 King St. E., Bowman- national bay loader, $25; Cock - ville. 46-tf shutt hay loader, $35. at Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E., MAýS:EY-HARRIS 10 ft. self-i Bowmanvilie. Phone MArket propelled combine. George Van 3-5689. 28-1 Dam, Pontypool. Phone Orono 8 r 4. 27-2' FINAL Clearance o! 1957 Inter- j GLADIOLI and cut flowers for! ail occasions. Daily delivery. Mms. E. Passant. Phone MArket 3-3527. 27-81 HARD and soft water delivemed. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MArket 9-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-tf ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service ta electrical appliances, large and smail. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf SUNBEAM Golden Glide electric shaver, just like new, seli for $15; also one 10' x 12' Congoleum rug, $10. Phone MA 3-2224. 28-1 national refrigerators, 8.2 cubic foot refrigerator, 40 lb. freezer across the top, panlry door sheives, $225; Keivinator 11 cub- ic foot refrigerator, regular $389 for $289.95; 19 cubie foot freezer, only $385; Kelvinator autamatic washing machine, reg. $299.95 for only $199.95: Keivinator standard wasbing machine xitb electrie pump and Il lb. insulat- cd tub, oniy $139 and your aId wasber; Kelvinator 30-inch de-1 luxe range, only $259; Pbiiips 21- inch swivei base lelevision, reg. $299 for $259.95 at Cowan Equip- ment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bow- manvilie. Phone MA 3-5689. 28-1 TTel~-n WU7intpA Cars for Sale Real1Estate for Sale lReal Estate 139 STUDEBAKER sedan, best CAESAREA, Lake Scugag, lakeR offer. Phone MA 3-3934.' 28-1 front, furnished cottage, 4 bed-Ifa mionis R 148 ITERNTIONA hal-tonrooms, double garage, istone fire- $500 amn '48 NTERATINAL a iftonplace. Mrs. G. Hall, premises, $1.0. arn panel, $50. Phone MA 3-2415. Rowan Beach. 28-1 pavement, 100 acre. 28-1 crop readying for1 bush, solid brick '54 PLYMOUTH Belvedere J REAL ESTATE FOR SALE rooms in best o! condton. Doone Lir, Mret Properties Sold, Rented barns with water 3on5908o. Dn28id, *k Managed and Appraised ail metal double go 3-5908.lU28-1- shool. ImmediatE '46 OLDSMOBILE coupe with L.M lio11het frssa four ,good tires and beater, Real Estate Broker Leroy Hamiltoi $150.00 or nearest cash offer. Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Orono 1j Phone MA 3-5329. 28-1* Two blocks narth o! traffic signal UJSED Trucks-1954 Chevrolet Newcastle s-tf ½ý-ton, 1953 Chevrolet 3-tan, cabJa e and chass 1952 G.M.C. dump Leai EJm s with insulated body, 1950 Me rc- L sk Real satei REAL ESTATE ury '2-tan at Cowan Equipment 7 roam bouse in Newcastle, 5- moom bricks Ca.. 134 King St. E., Bowman- heavv wiring, soft and bard I ardwood and tile ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 28-1 water in bouse, 1 acre land Im ,bath, basement, gas. $6.000 full '52 LINCOLN sedan, automatie mýediate possession. $6;,000.00. ion oseso transmission, radia, immaculateTerm. i on ossaesio $1.695: '52 Meteor coach, radio, room bouse, central, on Beahroonrae hcc nj.r'n1nncar, S795. For- the jsewer and water, large lot, lh, lpA o n hut best buy in a new or used car caîl Jack Lees at Newcast le 3831, Fard and Monarch Sales! Representative for Seaway Mot-I ors Ltd., 428 King St. W., Osha-. wa. Phone RA 5-8141. 27-tf USED Cars-195C6 Mercury 2-1 door hardtop with autamatic transmission and radio, wind- shield washers, whitewall tires and 2-tone paint: 1955 Chevrolet 4-door, V-8 eng«ine, completely reconditioned: 1954 Ford 2-door, 1950 Dodge station wagon, 1949 Studebaker coach, ver «v low mileage, ai Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E.. Bowman- ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 28-1 Used Car Siccia!-s 1953 MONARCII COACH Automnatic transmission Very lean car 51,295.00 1951 METEOR SEDAY' New paint Excellent condition S595.00 1950 PLYMOUTH COACH Completely recondit.'oned Good tires Ready for the road ý595.00 1948 PLYMýýOUTH SEDAN Good motor 1193.00 1948 PONTIAC COACH Radia - New roatar job $325.00 1947 DODGE SEDAN Radio - Very Cl'ean - Newx tires 1942 PONTIAC COACH S95.00 1941 PLYNI01TH SEDAN $75.00 Pbl;r1rvfnrl< ' Mn*nr.-, $5.900. Terms. 6 room brick house on corner lot, ail furnace. Freshly decorat- ed. Immaculate condition. Three extra lots with this prapertv. Sewer and water. Beautifully landscaped, large garden. Terms. We have houses, bungalows, lots, etc. List with Leask. 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville MA 3-5919 28-1 H. C. Pedwell REAL ESTATE BROKER A 5 roomn insulbric bungalowi on No. 2 Highway between New- castle and Newtonville, ail furn- ace, electric, well. rice $4.300. Reasonable terms. Phone Arnold Wade Clarke 26 r Il 31 acres facing No. 2 Hi1ghwav and new cloverleaf, also 4011 Highway at the back. good bank barn, includinq 4 cows, 12 sheeo, chickens. This is a real invest-, ment at the price asked. Store with living quarters, oni the main corner in Newcastle, suitable for any line af business. Asking $15,000. Open far offer.1 8 roomn solid brick bouse, al] conveniences, on main street of! Newcastle, suitable for twoi families, $10.000 with $1.5001 down. Easy terms on balance. 2 new bouses, 2 and 3 bcd-. rooms, in Newcastle, partiy fin- ished. Wili seli as is or finishedi ta uitthepurchaser. Good terms on bath properties. Money ta boan B. C. PEDIVELL Newcastle Phone 3856' for Sale, Real Estate for Sale leal Estate iar Orono and es best o! land. harvest, small house of 10 repair, large svstem, newv ,rage, close ta; te possession. ale. )n, Broker r 16 28-1 R.ixon EBROKER semi-detached, floars, 3-p'-ce heavy wiring, price, $1.500 iarranged. ottage on East indred bv one nu drd niii q.. ~î i uL Uiet. place. 1Iice 1 ' ta seil. Lot on Brown St. with build-1 ing, sewer, water and heavy wir- ing. Immediate possession. Lot with a cement basemnent, sub-floor and roof, weli, h ydro, on main highway. Dweliinges, farms, etc. 4 ueen St. Bowmanville Box 941 Diai MA 3-5682 28-1* Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER $500 dowIn, full price $6.000, aIder type brick, 3 bedrooms, newly wired, 1¾., acres, in Bow- Imanville. $500 dlown, full price $3.500,1 new, unfinished two-bedroom bungalow, 3 acres, Newtonville area. $500 down, fulîl price $2,'500, 1 for this attractive white frame 5-roomed home in Kendai, hydro, corner lot. 1$1.000 dlown, full price $4,500,1 1minister's C$room cottage at Cedar Crest Beach. Tiled floors, 1 completely furnished, size 30 x 128. $500 dlown, ful . price $6.000. This attractive stucco bungalow has four rooms and bath, gas fumnace, on water and sewer, heavy wired. Only 6 years aid. A real buy for a small family! 52 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-2453 or 3-276 Orme Gerry REALTOR -ORONO Box 71 Phone 1191 Farms Our Specialty $1,500 dlown takes this 75 acres excellent rolling land, gaodi aveTranre ars ,th O-rorn f,-nmp. unw.SIerc a el Legion Ladies'i-Auxliary. "W"th DO your own floors- Rent ai L.Ljiy YY luu i.iiALL a&lutir'jl>. l'.DljJ .11Y JI aL Lda± v hue, droaLIoWn iro oo¼ the Morri Funeral Chapel, Bow- sincere appreciation, sander or a flo oihr rmPoe7 Rs 7 8acefmstatd½ml ie, hmail n rada dsr manili, o Wdneday Jîiy Raymond and Mona Swan- Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., DOMESTIC belp desimed im-BAC98CK f acre a ow, highayschoomlemsta it ndbye.E rc 101h at 2:30 p.m. Interment 281*1 Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. mediateiy, for summer cottage, LCSOKF Orono Cemelery. 2-1 1 ec., ll orkale l. ,schol, Trmsto sit byei PhonLae MusoA. -3578. 28- creek, wells, 60' x 60' bank barn, 139 acres right on hihwy EDDY, Elizabeth Charlotte-At In Memoriain FOR the eotlage-Used electric Phn A -111TT1 mlmetsed e hue go uidnsPihw Toronto East Generai Hospital BROOKING-In loving memnory slaves and washing machines at HAWAAII. Long construction job. BUYrIN A CAR aae ae ol nsal;fn ombue l ovn en undy, uly7, 957 Elza-Far pad. ighpay Sed 2c A9 graed brckboulse itable;fienes7, inclun allfmae benhSun dy, Jula7. 957,Elia-o! ofmy dad and aur grandad Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., iFare paidrck. High pay. Send 25ecudin oi HatrCol ydarotheingso!, Harry Brooking, wbo passed Bowmanvilie. Telephone MA and addressed envelope for "Job Before You Do - See piece bath, furnace, electric Wiil seli as going concr no Mr.F ako Eiaehaway July 16, 1956. 3-5774. 28-11I News". AZCO, Box 132, Medina, hetr ae ntp. hrdoodsprt.Wneflo Mr.F Jcsn Eiabt ewol otakfo revn,1Wash., U.S.A. 28-1* HOINEST "ED" floors. Price 312,500 witb easy ity for sub-division. Marion), and dear grandmother Hewoldno as fr rîvonf r owpayen. 70acrs it ecelen cop o!Brbr Ja adLid ad He would not ask for tears, oUANTITY o! apple20treeeswood,,exarml ofBraaJa n idadBut just ta be remembered, maie may be had for cîeaning up. LADIES: Avon Produets seli 100 acre am 98 acres work- and never-failing watersupy dersse fToa n ak Truhu h asn er.Aiso 1,000 squame bales mixed weli in rural ameas as sales have IRISH "STEW" j able,2 acres in bardwood bush, 3 barns and 10 roam hom,( o Chape of Washington and Johns- Sid th the -22. a Boks Ar tuse ofa r a e 3 DYGTRATE snhped and wterbowls, new * room. Good livestock aidev to, 1 Qen t E (tBra- n E, rndbide Anead _____________ 1_ earn a good steady incame in BEST TERMS IN TOWN 150' x 30' impiement shed, ben impiement desired. If dsrn view). Service was beld onPhip 28-1 MEN'S safety shoes and boots,lj er spame lime. For further in- bouse; 7 raomed brick bouse l a going concern do flot issti Tuesday, at 1 p.m. Interment lal redueed 10% at John Stutt formation write loday ta Mrs. T7'PT ' with running bot and cald water, one. Only a mile off bibwy Bond Head Cemetery, Newcastle_ BURGESS-In lavirig memory Sboes and Luggage, 15 King StL. G. Tale, 304 Frederick Ave., 511- .LJLJ.tJJ il furnace, bardwood and pine A good lisI o! bellr ias On.28-1 of m dear busband, Norman E., Bowmanville. Phone MA Peterborough. 28-2 as ror, combl ine.ofbacier etc.ro 0 o 30 Ont. I ~Burgeswho passed away Juîy 3-5839. 28-1 'EMasWTO fl ors. Fuomineo! aechi .yhmsfo 0t 3.0.2- _______- _________ deep_________ 19.4_______ Price $22,000 with $8.000 down. Ernest-In Clarke Township, as Many the tboughts I givetayuFR TNEde fee,1.4CRE 46 acre farm, cammuting resul of a drowning accident, Norm dear, cubic feel for oniy $399,50 aI W. OPPORTUNITIES StILL 'M F S distance Oshawa, 40 acres work- PirFde on Sunday, July 7th, 1957. Artb- As the long boums go by, H. Brown's, J. I. Case Dealer, 91 alsrns 0 0 ak RA SAEBOE ur Ernest Merrili Milligan, in bis Thinking o! lbings we used ta King St. W., Bowmanville. Tele- FOR YOUNG WOMEN abl, 2 ipriemen70tx sb ig 35RE shatfu lrgome 23rd vcar. Fiends weme rmcciv- do and say, just you and 1. Phone MA 3-5497. 28-1 in tbeban2 mletshdpg .5crseuif ag ed aI Nothcutl & Smith Funeral .oeie ymeoismk TW hylad and one John R C A1 l New nunlman hue ul oen an3 Homet5mDisimio me.,riesanmake Ail b eavy wimed. Price $9.000. bouse, 3-car garage. Picdt ville, where service was heid on Samelimes they make me cmv. DeeMdl""tatH tW em ragd Wednesday, July lth aI 3 p.m. But they are preciaus ta me BrwJI.CsCadeer If you are belween 18-29, Now only 30 cedireamolHg- <are,7ro bue ag 91 educationew emeeror lne way No. 2, with 150 acres womk- lbarn, implement she, he InetrmntLkeview8Ceme ery aoe, Kioad . hng St3-9. .28-manilesingle, h ave grade 9 fo in- $,895.0 able, 40 acres wood, remainder h ouse, garage. Price on]y$.0 Newlonvlle. 2- eoviyrie o! ou ad by hE oaoo aone 8-tettr yuma uaiy1o i-in pasture, 2 ponds, creek, 90' x with a vemy iow down rame -Lovngl reembredby is SED olao o toaloduserteresting work thal o! fers you Including Air Condilioning, 46' bank barn witb water bowis lki acres, 375 feel rntg STRONG. Minnie Maria-AI the wi!e Kay. 28-4* 4-row. To fil on Ford or aI least $174.00 per month in pay Heater, Signais, Oil Filler, and steel stanchions, large im- an Scugog Road. Wou'dmk home o! ber daugbter (Mrs. Fernu~son tractor. Can be bougbt1 and allowances wilb the pros- Two-tone Paint, License, plement shed, silo: 10 roomed five excellent building lo' Oscar Graham), Burketon. Ont., DUMMITT-In loving' memory cheap. Bert Tompkins. Pbone pc0!tae nCnaaad Tn !Gs frame bouse wilh ail fumnace, 4- rc 3,0.0 on Tuesday, Juiy 9th, 1957. Min- o! aur dear son, Aluin W. Dum- Clarke 1321, Port Hope. i27-2' ofpiece bathanadaardwoodkofand tue Seve$2,000buidig0lts nie Maria, beioved wife of the mitt who passed away suddenly 2-,Europe. *3pilsPr aln locetic rwatemhanter. Ask- rice 31,000.00. laIe James H. Strong. dear moth- Julv l0th, 1953. *USED Easy Spindmv wasbiingng3 ilsPrpaln lo, lcric $35.000. e. s. 6 oanxinsumic1,bah,.f0n- cm o! Lulu (Mrs. Oscar Graham), We' cannot, Lord, Thy pumpose machine, oniy $69.95; used me- For compiete information o -0MHi Sonds 35 acre fa3,0eatewastle1 6ace, fi bemen,dbe ot Gordon, Esther (Mrs. Wm. Chap- s1efrigerators, aI Cowan Equipment pay, promotionind25lSercbene-320 acre wrk, aiewc15acrlesaae rc oi 550 o man) in hem 77th year. FaineraI But ail is well lhat's donc by Ca., 134 King St. E.. Bowmnan- ifits, visit * Family Big Roominess wood, 2 barns with runnin gardon aym ie nt. $55 fmom McDermott - Panabaker Thee. ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 28-1'g1dw pyet Chapl,_Prt______on_____________________beed b hi RCAF * Solid Unitary Construction watem, hen house, pig pens; 91j Snack bar with living uat Chalv 1t,5, Pa Pery.o Thursd are-Lvngy. eme2eredby iNsUAIN lwnmehdWM 'SCR roomed stane house with modemn ers, kitchen, dining-room w July mnt iitb.195. at2 clock. parentsrock284* 'lb k ma . j W OMENSELO* 1i' t fo Tukkitchen, beavy wired, runninglbedromsbahful Ineren Pn Gav Cmeev _____ îroc woole Workmasî.3 cbefo rn wtr rc 1.0.TrmsPrice $4,500.00. Down3100 Prince Albert. 28-V cKAY--In loving memory o! a guaranteed. Fre eesimaes.j OUNELLR$130,000.er ndTearaned dear brother and uncle, Wii!red Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke' aI 01Safcr B rakes d rooedrnhsyebnao 8 uo t omnîl Co igE et .Mc ywopse wy 2420. 3-tlb tthke 5romd rag sve bOcao P89 luone St ket -364 Co ig vnt . caywo ase xvyJo'POE lw mwrrel3-fl Bowmanville Town Hall **withaached aae sha- PoeMre - 8,15.1-OE aw oereltp, 2Noxv6Pm 2 uy5 a, an 1 acre lot. Nicelv land- Salesman Street Fair. Bingo and Dance If we bad ail the world ta give neariy new, bal! price; also sae ihhrwoadtl .J ati in Biackstock Recreation Centre. We'd give it. ves and more, jccîi agte uaai vn 28-1 Calor,4pic atal unce hneMret323 Frida, July 12 aI 8 p.m. Mont- To bear vaur voice and see your esui abie rctt uage,$10 Pone enesi ntd Used CrClearance fmodem k-ie tch wib rnningPhne 28-i - gomery's Orchestra. Cames and smile 7ua oMdor siAbl352r4cttag, $1._Phne _Tnder Wan__ mdernkitcen________in An re -27 or New~caste 2686. h______________ 4 UC EAET ot and cold water. Price $9.500 refreshments. Five draw prizes. And gret42au I aur oor., 9A1* Rado$Gondwith $3.000 down. DIW Tickets 25e or 5 for $1.00. Spon- -Your ioving sister Alice j EAIN ad eric, 8 Tenders will be received by Rai odBrakes 6rae ac syebnaicO.a elEtt url oiey.DugMckepes esting 1thmerUnd Cuniesfo! Nditonsh-50 AUTSTIN -----S245(law in Bowmanville wiih bard- - sored bx' Camtwrigbt Aricuit- fatnilv. 28.1*service and complete stock o!f meîn uha o diin wood and ie floors, 4-piece Member Oshawa and Dsrc ident; Wes. Sveet, secetarv. TERRY-In loving memory o! a1 batteries and cards aI Higgon and altemations la the Bowman- '51ECR ah lcrcwte etr i elEtt or 272dear busband and father, Wil- Electrie Limited, 38 King St. E ýville Registry Office. Drawings furnace, modemn kitchen witb 0 cesokfrjshf liam Wesley' Terrv wbo passed Bowmanville. Telephone 'iViÀ' and specifications b y Barnetî & 5sb CHEV. COACHI- 39_ui_-ncubas.Pic21000. 0ibacr eauu stone bouse DOTFORGET THE awav ui y,150 3-5438. 20-t! Rieder, Architecîs, will be avail- ' Airconditioned - Two-tone 1 Terms arranged. I with al] city conveniencesLag Wht ou]d I give t ls i a) tterofc,31Bde Daateatclasp bis' abl atheheir ffice, 301Budgeali88roomed double bouse in jbarn, silo, 3 traut streams Ra \ NoW steliet oeîa Building, Port Hope. on and JEEP STATION% WAGON $3951j Newcastle with 2 kitchens, 2' value at $28,000 withexlen His happy face ta sec, Ivu plants against pesis and! afler June il. 1957. Tenders '4 PONTIAC Six .39 bathrooms, running bat and cold; trms. SoiaCm un' alTo bear bis voice and sec bis'd isease. We can promtiishail be deiivcred by hand not water, heavv dutv wired.As- 2aceafgdelndwh S olinaservicenfor Hall perforr nelae hn5pmul1719,As- 2acsofgrnli shtmiitsomht e. osere fr. Pone Fvitzaurtwi andtcr han 5 p.m he Julv 17,1'50 FORD CUSTOM S445 îng Price $8.400. Terms arrange.d. streami. Priccd ta seil al4.0 July 201h -Evat rment so ubyho me SolorsryeMA 3-5012 ritz Mati an dress ned ta theCounof Custom Radio - Overdrive 12 roomed double bouse in with terms.j $12 opeln aiv 81Northumberland andton Newcastîle. Soiid brick with full 2 acre building lotson uI S1,5 ouleI2ndfa-21 ..-l ADDING machines, Ivpewrîters, c/o Bamnelî & ndDurham, jbasement. Nice poperty ta:sit ! saa ig n r _______________cash .~'-registers, cheque writers, j tecîs, 301 Rieder, Archi- 1'53 . - - S595 huild imb apamiment bouse. sig ofOdstrict. $1.600. Livestock for Sale 301Budge Bldg., Port '-onPin aio Pie 800.To-dsriht.m$1m6 hom The Annuai Twilight Meeting ________________ ng cabinets, office furnitume. i:-tHopeU Ont. The l8,00.owest or anyhtroo o! the Durham County Holsttein i R Yrsir issvnnew and used. Repairs t alltndrnol necessamiîv accepîed.1 '52 BUICK SEDAN - 795' 10'rotomed bug aw ont15X, nN. 4ibwya Nwo- iluFOUR Yorkshire pigs, seven *makes. Walter Frank, 177 10'lohwthful asme1,4ville. Taxes only $67. $.0 Clb n hrsaveenng ulv $huc 10.00 deposit for drawings and Fully Equipped - A Beauty peebtalfmae ae îh3,0 on 18 aI the farm o! Carlos Tamb- *wesad A3~08 8i St., Bowmanville. MA 3-3986. specifications. 281,1Idrpesue o ae ak lyn. Orono. Programme consists 4 IS -een weeks old. Donald 14-f28i 55 FORD SEDAN SI,1295 une1rsue o ae ak New 5 room brick bunao of judging compelitian. Gue Sl Lamb Enseilen.28-1f I White Walls - Radio Iaundmy tubs. built-in cuphoards. 1 in Bawmanviiie, $11.000wt Cockhuattrcor mwer,7' Nw '5 CHE21SDAN11-49Bdowinesargemode 7 rom bnga speaker R. H. Graham, Lix'estock ______________ USED Farm Equipment - 7' I ýetc. Price $7.900 xitb S1,8001 $3.000 clown. Branch, Toronto. Music by 1 ANGUS bull, 15 manths, reg-, Idea ttractor mower 1H hoseI ievi ValSEsAN SigaI4 Bsiesabvemctinc. 'CLargein odmanvi7ewtbatlch Country Four. AIl thoseinter- istered. G. Bowman, En!ield. datcormw.IH hse1Dsisabv mnindw1 csted in daimving are invited. 2sfmower, '2 P.T.O. Cockshutt side! Lifetime flnnnrfinity NDr - b OR A ave appmoximately 200 marc c d double garage. Alumnu Refreshments wili be served. raices. S. S. Morion & Son,; i N AYMR T properties ta choose from. starms and screens. Lot 7x0. compliments Durham Countvi*EIGHT Tamworih fee-der pi 'g..Farm Machinery, Maple Grave,'for men who want to make .M N Contact $14.000 witb termns. Holstein Club. Programme starîs J Stanlev Tavlor. R.R. 3, Buriketon., Bowýmanxîflle. 2ý%WsligreouinaynwE bLL ANJh'. STi ehvealresceta ! ix -mot Teas- - _ __ '!money sI Neiv astle Phone 3341 or sclhingail wia yo la se 7,3 shrp 28i ___________________- ARTISTIC flower arrangements! automobile produet. Investment ;NONQUON ROAD OSHAWVA 1Realtor and Gen VYHlII faomes.anloisaceges rhad, LotTWO fv b It odTea billy- for all occasions. reasonable. Iof $98.00 brings return of $48 per' RA 3-4431 Geea nurance, r hmslnd busînesses. Buyin Lotgoats, good pets. Phone lMArket Giant Pacifie delphiniums. Afri- day. Write 'l -wcP.leA.onFR34AUS 3-2035. 28-1w can violets, single. double. sum- Donald lUt BniIl< CHILD'S jacket blue gabardînlle. -- ---r pri-k 75c, aîl gîlaranteei., HI-FI Doal nuntjoy, Bowmavilf P.A.TE FRANK plaid lining. zippev nia a tde l,,ls'ont .,ýe Il ET'Iv I \hîNDsWLTEiFRA restaurant. Kindl.y Phui~ l. :A !tii ad ýsî( S.îeR. t I S,. 2I Ne%%DLc'Fs j PE NTDaniel Boehm . Port Ilope 177 'hurch St. BowimnvlI 1-28. 28-1 &iph HLis. ,lMA -87. 8-i tiii@ôLa 7 - tfV'h1 Tt5-0228-1 28-13398 Peter Kowal ) REAL ESTATE BROKER CENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanvifl Telephone MA 3-5868 Bcx 817 $1,000.00 down buys you a 2. bedroom bungalow in Mapla Grove. Only 4 ycars old. $7,000.00 full price. $3,000.00 down for this 7-rooni brick home in central location. Only $10.500.00. Cood terms. 2i rooms in Enniskillen. Con- sists af four apartmnents. Brick building. Requires some decora- tion. Only $3,000.00 down. Full price $10,000.00. Make an offer. $2,800.00 down buys a 1-year- aid, 3 bedroam bungalow in Maple Grave. Absolutely mod- ern. $5,000.00 full price for 2 bed- roam new bungalow, about balf campleted. Terms ta suitable party. For rent-3-raom apartment, verv central, heated. Only $65 mon th ly. Salesman - J. A. Barton MA 3-3098 28-1 Cars for Sale PALMER MOTOR SALES Used Cars 1956 STUDEBAKER Commander 2-door, V-8 1955 PLYMOUTH Belvedere 4-door, V-8, Powerflite with radio 1955 PLYMOUTH 4-door 1954 FORD 4-door 1953 CHEVROLET SPECIAL 4-door, only 36,000 miles, one owner car 1953 METEOR 4-door CUSTOM 1951 CHEVROLET SPECIAL 4-door, Powerglide, 38,000 miles, one owner car 1948 DODGE SEDAN Used Trucks 1954 FARGO ]/._-ton EXPRESS PALMER MOTOR SALESr 7 Plymouth - Chrysler c. Fargo Trucks ce 20 King St. E. MA 3-5487 Bowmanville Wanted ta Bu~ USED set o! golf clubs, con- dition, right hand. Phoe MA 3-5131. 28-1! HIGHEST prices paid for' live poultry, goase feathers, feather ticks, scrap iran, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 484tf ALL kinds of live pouitry want- ed. Top Toronto prices paid at 1your door for large or smal quantities. We have aur own market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone colleet ta BethanV 7 r 13. 28-tf Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lamne Doreen, 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf SEWING machine sales, service, repairs, rents. Write Singer Sewing Machine Ca., 14 Ontario St., Oshawa, or Phone RAndolph 5-5443. 26-6 REPAIRS ta aill makes of refmig- erators, domestic and com- mercial; milking coolers. Hîg- gon Electrie Limited, 42 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf Watch Repairing M a rr 's JEWELLERY 43 King St. W. MA 3-5463 BOWMANVIILLE .> The Canadian Statesman . eCLASSIFIED ::ADVERTISING : RATES * ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE . *FOR liENT - HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE 4 LOST . FOUND - ETC. <Cash Rate 4c FrWord . *. with a minimum o 60oc . ..Must ba paid by date of insertion. 4 if charged. on additional 25ec4 A wllbe added. M.Ahag f 25c will be made toi .- ai replies directed to this office. < NOTICES - COMING EVENTS 4 AN!D CARDS OF THANKS . ..4c a Word with o minimum 0f 4 $' 1.00 foi 25 words or less. 4BIHTHS ENGAGEM..,- - * MARRIAGES - DEATRS.' 44 $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS $* S1.00 Plus 10c a line for verso * Display Classified ot $1.50,.A!4 4-. inch with a minimum a0,o>ï.i.cx <* Additjuoal insertions, «t t~~~ rotes. ..All Clossified Ads must be iflf ,* this office not lafer thon 4 ,. 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. . ..Send cash. stomps or money order e.. e. olp, nd, soaemonay. *.Ci a ouf for handy reference , 4. OFFICE HOUES 4. M.Londay through rridOa ' 4. 8:30 aoi.m. 5 p.m. 1 S'-furdazv 8 -.0 o m. to 12 Noon Mial MArket 3-3103 .- 4. for C!uc-ined Ad .Snvics * Umm -~

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