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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1957, p. 16

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLI. ONTARIO May Name Street in Commemorat Mark Hundreth A Wrîting of Famou ionI ta facilitate the iaving of anj mother and when stale toasted asphait surface in front of the -Ite ntesoe d o n r a emof removing whatever side- "He played a Chopin Waltz wak was necessary was ieft with T h e r n e sinElArbatiui n e i ýn n î e rsa y Mved y MGill seonde bywere really thrilled. The inter- Y Brwntht MGî,sconddbyTelehone127vîewr took place at the RoyalFa Brow tha the195 BusnessTelehon 127FestvalHall, London. Ray aiso F rgflco r Il smn lvedaanst Nr. ____ 'aid ie had had a great thrill, fI1 H.A.esMeptlee diage1 a letter from the new Prime Local 78 Farmer's Union heid s Iro te ownhi acont.- M. ndMr. Jme Rnser and Mliss E. Penfouind attend> Minister. Mr. Diefenbaker. their July meeting at the horne Carried. ry. AMontreal, Mr. and Mrs. Rtts-1 ed the funeral of their S' The interview was relayed in of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamao, The Clerk was instructed ta' seil Ransberry, Mr. Douglas ; n-law. MIrs. Rov Penfound a0 the iradio programme 'In Town Enniskilien, Vice President M.. imake an appointment with the ; Ransberry, Dorv al, Mr. and Toronto, forinerl1y of Oshawa Tonight% a feature in Saturday Joe Trudeau took the chair j Victoria County officiais and the! Mrs. Tom Lewis, Miss Marie, and Lindsay. evening programmes. the absence of the prvltpnlt. V. C. High Schooi Board officiais Lewis, Mr. Kay Lyeett, MVr. anc.1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank AIl "We are very interested in the After the business #cor- 'for as ear]y a date as can be Mrs. Gardon Atkins. Mr. and Kaehv noe not eM International Geophysicai Year peeavr arranged to deal with Manvers Mrs. Lloyd Ransberry, Aïr. andKeie patnt which opened at midnight (it is as weii as a quesoneri Tonsips ppal Dteno st Mrs. Max Rnof Oreano.gain f ewa now Julv Isti. What a wonder- condu:-ted by Mr. Ed Yug fownship'23,appealm. Dten we a eTe congregaion ofheeca, fui age we are living in, and yet man of Pontypool on hîswr for ndJuly \v 23,cet1oiaitn.r Moved lýW Brown, seconded by were gest atthe thompson -ad oosevicl et for30 iman cannot contrai the sea or at the reforestation which w-.1 McGili that the Reeve and, July 6. 1957, in Doniand's Un- ou-fdossrie .30 i wind - God is Supreme Ruler. thoroughiy enjoyed by every. ~ Treas. be authorized ta signý ited Church, Toron.fo. Sîndye JlylthinNwca- What terrible hurricanes and one. iceue o tefolwnga- Mtic. llotSit on floods have devastated places Lunch xvas served and a b, counts: Township Treas., Road New Brunswick, is spendling a from the Gulf of Mexico, poor ciai tiine spent. Vouche No. 7, $4,117.44-,Tes.mnhw* le sseMrs R. peaiple, while many places in Lewis Wood, County Direc. S.. o-er schooI moneyT$500.withberosaster, M r.. England have bad severe thund- tor, will be the delegate toata. Unte outes osialztin' .Mr ndMs.RssWoda d it r o sn erstorms. We had gentie ram tend the f armer's Union Con. îUie onis optzti, M.ad rsRssW dan for hours ' esterdiay which bas vention in Winnipeg, July lSth, î$10.7: Twnhip of or~Icooied the air. It has been ter- l6th and 17 and wil give bis York, relief, $136.54: Mirror-Re- Mrs. Jim Major and famiiy.ho.tmeau ite80srpta u nx meiil porter, hall year printing, $125; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bryszon'aiid ad91 nmn lcs whc iib eda h H.E.P.C.. Betbany street lights, duhes idohave spent ad9'siI\IIlcs \hc il ehlda h $68.37; sheep dlaims: Norai Mar- dauglitve eks' vaation 1 "Many tbanks for The States- home of Mr. and Mrs. Ceeui shahl $21, Bruce MeGili $18,1 M and Mwees' E.cBion ainR y D d e man, We look for family news Rabm, R. R. 2, Burketon, TuEs- Clayton Brown $50, Geo. Shea aiyEdtr ndMs Ge.W and editoriais f irst tbing." day evening, Aug. 6th. $1,Walter Porter $16; RalphfaiyEdtr nd Ms Ge. . $10 Mrs. Albert Harris visited Malcolm, on Assessor's salary, - el tRc ae James have received a ver\, $150; Ross Davidson. on salary! astwe RcLa. acoi , 10 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mitchell intcresting letter fram hîs cous-, Movd y Mlclrn sconedvisited in Ottawa last week and in, Miss Eiizabuth Oke, Bideiord. by JakedyMalatohem, eeting are now at their cottage near Devon, Engand, parts of \Vhieh r adjourn until August the 6th at Pco. aDae i-Itbev would like to shirc with j~u ~L V 7:30 ;..D.S.T. Cngau1tin h1 îs ttesmn readers. AMiss Oke i . c Of5' f bart xvho receiveci or ý'1who bas beco confinec ta lier 1 ie grade three piano examîin- bcd for a great rnanv \ cars. ation from the Rayai Conserva- taks a keen intercst in (-uî-cent vvays 1 tory of Music, Toronto, pupil affairs as will bc scen tram this ' 'Several o Mrs. M. H. Staples.paicaryntet-/ ~ii.Miss Bertha Cain spent a few letter. andeMrs. WestWoad and o anrinterviewfVqIth Bawman- Mr.Lloyd Jobnston, Oshawa.1ofa nev\ wtBwm -1 Mr.a Mr. WsWodadville pianist, Ray Dudley, who Lreaded Sm ut Raipb visited Sunday with Mr.! i, now ini Engiand and plaved DURING THE MOINTH 0F JULY WE WILL GIVE Seveal wys f ro an d Mrs. H. Rundie, Hampton. before a huge audience in the Seerlwas fcontrli Congratulations ta Mr. a'd viRol Festival H-all as guest ioose smut in barley and wheat Mrs. John Connoly, the former saliit \vith the London Phil- MagrtFlintoff of 0-aac OFF 0ON EVERY bave been dcveloped in a Marge-0of0their harmonie Orchestra, conducted1 tion ta the bat xvater treatmeit the brho hi daughiter b whi W~ th any mansotJune 23rd, 1957 at P.P.P. To- by another Canadian, Boyd 1 ronto Generai Hospital.Nel. rvan c f hesRoyalon-o contai fr may yers.Mrs. H. Curtis and MIrs. R. A. sav tory of si.Trto The ehodadvised by Dr. L.. Delve called on Mrs. Ethel Cole, Mare paricua. about this will, A L NO A Th ehdbe lourici n another coluitn. E.Tyner of the Plant Pathology Hampton. PatosoMis kelttrf-G L O N0G A Laboratory Canadian Depart- Ms antGmb n o- ~ ment f Agriulture is ta cu rKingston, are visiting 'W cehi]dlatx-n mth oeedacitrn toperar ler mother. Mrs. Robert Allirt. j ù lNvere t iiimdast c .Jun- This is aur Vacation Gift (o our custonieis fao- 64 hours, faliowed by draiti- M.adMs ay Bai-rabai!. Ing th whnou1 sv.-icd o Jnch în.Brooklin. visitcd Mc. and M-s oherteanone Ano1ber nmethod adviszed bx i Bob Gilmer. - rdiahavehear ite aîînont- esa- Dr. Ty-ner involves soakin' r. o nrstrong lhas le- inter,v il ra uii U.eed inJwateAr foretbreeatareliX iuunedi 'nl bours follawed by draining and past moiith with lber son. Mc. h,a iavýs been verv intercat-eeinwtrfrtreosi'rund reatrspdngh fnCndRyDdl'.11 R ç b So nMo s seaingin n ir-igh piofli)Geoge Armstrong, Mr.s. G. cd in votîr reports ot hlm and bag for tbree days. The seedl Armsrn and familv, Tim- bis photos in The Statesman, si) must be dried rapidly aLec r s. JmsBal1sîc was deiighted ta hear bis vaice treatment ta prevent sprouting." ýr.JmsBalý,stdMs in answer ta samne questions. Lé ie A period r of immersion i. W. M .Terwin, Port Hope. wate ofshot o log draton !Conratlatons "0 ii-ni 'He, said his mother gave him wate of hor or ongduraion Cogratlatons ~ is first lessans and when bie 166 King St. E~. Bwnnî is -nvolved in ail methods of Wilson, Kirby, w'ho received xvcnt on ta take lassons "in omnvle -Photo Courtesy Port Hope Guide Iloe smut contrai," says Dr- exami ntisG racmethe oalo Ticntos he took a bag cf sand -______________________________ Tyner. The water absorbed by hoamnors on bsracite oyalano Toronto.1 im made bv is date. on C.B.S. and if other church-s, the seed flot oniy initiates the Conservatary of Music, Toran--___1___________________ pic- ci- groups desice copies the vital funictions of the fungus ta, pupil of Mrs. Gea. Car-son. - sur I ay e aailble -orgyanism wiMihin the embrya of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rans-j [rn Tem the seed. With all methads of bry ovi c- ekn Tadoe wark of compiiing tlhic, contrai it appears that the smut guests of hier sister, Mc. anci )maî memorial booklet bas harn fungus is mare vuinerable tal Mrs. C. V. Wilson.I tOO5 Hope by~ F. L. Bacc and tlc--Chttrtn.o d III h o- liv- churches comn-itte af POÙ înjucy than is the sced embryo. Miss Gwen Chatterton. T(-I L Kiwnis ofwbch vi- jRegardiess of the methocd ronta, visited Mr. and Mis. M. e hE Bacc is head. uAsed for contrai, Dr. Tyner aot- Catetn the To fute epeut 1c vises -owing a few busheis of Rcv. and Mcs. Basil E. Long 1 naefutelpreuaeo treated seed each ye ar in a sced 1 and family fi-rn Quyon. Que- mn. ftefmuwrtrD- plot, ta ensure a suppîy of dis-1 bec, formerly of Oshawa, ar- puyReeve Wladyka oIl bý- case-free seed for regular plant- rivedi at the parsonage last hait of the Kiwanis Clu b ce- ng1 Thursday (o take up cesidne Kî- qucsted Port Hope Town Cour. _________ ere as pastor of the Orono pies cil ta name the nexi street 'tý pastoral charge. Induction sci-- PoDL orKEoeDJoepNS jvn ice was held on Friday even-i ren- Drive." IE R Nig Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson ofI IuseF Known As lijîmanitarian Ozaa eiee h emn SThe man for wo hscm Kcdi-on Mazonie friends wvei- Rev. M. C. Fisher, Ncwcastlt,, memaration is pianned wa among attendants at the Sail- presided avec the induction jweil known as a qluiet, deepi-- day service lield in the Arrn- setrvice. Wlreiigiou s bumanitarian. barn ii stcong Chapel, for the late Don- Mc. and Mcs. Robert Coopero Tcelanci, Septeinbeî- 10, 1819. Iaid Yellowlees, of Zion. Triis and famîly, London, are pn-O cea i w ar hod gou A nalC aaceS e an01:1e oraBchlro comnmunity w&s largciy i-eprc:x ing their vacation in Orono vis-sorwllfd Arts Degcec tram the Univer- cnted at the Memoriai service iting relatives. of Summer Shoes. In ourstr o wi fn sity of Dublin. H caetfrtedcasd nModav IMr-. and Mrs. R. E. Logan ,~ Canadla in 1845 and made bis atternoan. To bis wife and J Mrs. Alex Eiiiott, Mr. and Mî-s.i home araund Rice Lake andI daughiters Helen and Jean, Kec- i Chas. Wood, spent Sunda - with tmmm Port Hope. He was ag dron folk extend sineere symi--Mc. and Mrs. Neil W ood andý pbilanthropist and a bighiy es- 1pathv, and join them in maurn- famifly, at their cottageClcr HG S A V IN G S IN FO O TW EA R teemd sboo teche. LgensPig the passing of a fine neigb- Lake. of bis bumanitarian acts are nu- bouc and friend. Congratulations toAiMr nriq"RE E YMM m erotis. Little Mise- Donna Glovr Mrs. Clifford Preston. Baiyý- F Alan and Marjorie, Zian, have duff, on their marriage Satur- j~~. * A e JosRiep Lak en Augut 10n188 been xisiting relatives in ttielday, June 29, 1957, in the Pres- E- PTe Guie. -gs 1,186 Roy Hepburn home. byterian Chut-eh, Miilbrook. O F T H Em -M IL -Th Scutuinderk.Raee The bride was the former Mis.; The Cottage on T[horas Street c out WynePrRbr Van cia Chapman, teacher focr ~- wbcrc Joseph Scciven lived Eliiott and Douglas McNaliy 'the past two yeaî-s at OakLte blo ronyaevainemn aiySheon ae wbilc la Port Hope.spnawek tcmptHai Schooi on 8th line. Clark. i ______________ burton, and report a fine time. Mrs. O. S. Cowan visited Mc. Rec:?oent cguestsc of Mr. ati adiVr. o--noyA îîd <Z-- -n1 ', iI irlîe To cammemarate the hua- dredth anniversary of the writ- ing af the weli known bymr., "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" by the late Joseph Scri- yen, in 1857, the Port Hape Ki- %vanis Club churches commit- tee have prepareti an eight page bookiet about five by eigbt in- ches containing biographicvi incidents in the lufe af the well known bumanitarian. The sepia caver, in brown and huff, bears the sketch ut the monument that stands in Pengelley's Cemetery, north- east of Bewdlev, witb dates of bis birtb anti dcath, andtiite titie ai the hyman with its d Inside may be seen the turc af the small cottage rounded by eims, set back fi Strachan Street anti Thoý Street in Port Hope, where humble anti retiring persan eti alone. There are pietures of St. Anne's Chureh wbere warsbipped at Bewdley and memonials ta bis memory.1 publisheti is the famaus hy To Distribute Copies It is the intention of the xvanis Club ta distribute cal ta al of the churebes in 1 Hope, ta senti a copy ta 'T nessce Ernie Ford for bis mit tao uiia shedi an 7A Higb- maoth 2r, Mcrs. 'S. ip t Oh-Ladies' O -eua 42 way: H.E.P.C., 4 bydro applica- awa. OsNicaJn AE----- - - in connectio with the Victoria Mrs Elmer Parks. Miss J0 iinteglarM$2.9. Cout on. .rs. -HeltHUnilc i nReglar 2.9 Couty . S Ara: eaib UitParks, Reaboro, spent a wee,%-I 'r e Slaughterbouse Bv-Law: sev- vitb 'hem. Oi 0cain Unit ON $2.39Mccsn A deputation of cottage and!\vith Miss Olive Luke, w'nîe1 lot awners from Lake Scugog! Sunday dinner guess aof i 1 Two sanîtary inspectars hax"' Regular MI.95 ON $349 waiteti an the Council anti ce- es Marie aod Helen Cole,' recently joînedthetb staff of tb-- NI4 SALE - - --- quested that saine imorovemen ts Markham. Pei Northumberiand - D Li c h a niAl $1- ----. 49n' be matie on the roati serving thej Mr. anti Mrs. PryMu j Health Unit, Dr. C. M. Horncr, SLMes lake shore. The Ree-e and joy, Glania anti Harolti, ith lMedical Offîrer of Heaith, lia.-j Counciliors assureti the group Mr. ant iMrs. W. Parisbi, 1ativiseti. caetCbor that the Couneil and Road Supt. Braokîin, visiteti Mrs. R. Xard 1îr ~WT. Fard cSummer Sandalsi Canvas Oxford onStra vnip uv6ho Sunday. ]anti, where he was on the steulr$39aadl.9 eglr129 and investigate th opli - Mc. and Mî-s. J. K. Giov"r, 1 of the Department of Heali:. j ON $ .9O 25 which tbey diti he Toron'o, visiteti Kedron r2la- He is filling a vacanc el-b- SALE ---31------ SALE - $25 '~Mr. Jack Palmer intcrviewcd tives during the week-end. 1I bat been present for two year. ________ __________ _____________________ the Council regarting a tust 1 Miss Ferne Ledgett,* Oshawa, i Mr. Robert Michel bas ç 1 probiemn on the roat sauth af! visiteti rccently with Mrs. H.' centiy campieteti a course spa:i- < SBethany wheî-e be lives. WerrY. sareti by the Ontario Depari.-d ok ron Moveti bv Jakeman, secandeci Mir. anti Mrs. Haroldi Wood-- i ment af Health anti bas receiv ,Cre i n ok aon bx' Brown that the 1956 Auditors' ward, Joan anti Leonarti, Mrs. cd bis Certiticate in Sanita:-x R R eport be acceptet.-Carrieti. Charies Parish. Sunderland. Inspection for Canada. He' i The Cieck was instructedt taIvere recent guests of Mr. antid repia cing Mr. W. carrutho#-0 write the audiior anti state that Mrs. P. Mountjay. 'who resigned from th staffa Sthe Counicil consideceti that S15 The Community Club t,;iii take up a simîlar position t. pe c forsaiitingtheavs20 preseld nt b soalgroup irant i ty f ieatofîlce1 L lo y d E lli*s S h o e s peboo fras ufiing nthe ehoal b 2,ianoher cal eeig, th City iingston. in bvr ooks as ffiien to ati theev nul , when a gpla is ta be i Bahmc viirinCio- per school a, chargeti on tle,.Mo,.nt Horeb, in Kedron Lo)x- bourg. This brings the' nu j ~jstatement receiveti. ier Hall. ber of men on the saiaon 4 K ng S .W ,Ph e M A 3 58 The mtterof rmovig soe, 49rcKing unSt., W .l saPhoneth M Aat3-5438t sidewalk in front of Richardison wiil be beiti at the usual haurs four. A vacancv still exisso > Bras AIrage. Pontypool. in order af 9:45 and 10;45 on July 11. another inspectar.____________________________________________ 1il PAGE SIXTEEN THURSDAY, JULY llth, 1111

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