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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1957, p. 2

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119 - -1- - TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ~OwMANVILLE. ONTARTO TT~T~AV .TTTLV llth. 1fl5? r Can Relax B.H,.S. Exam Resu!! s for Lower, Middle School, Commercial Mr. L .W. Dippeli will be at i W. -McKight, P. McQueen, K the High Sehool from 9.00 a.rn 1 Mackie, M. Marr, R. Marsh. D. to 4.00 p.m., the day after the Martin. C. Massie, B. Ormistor., U'pper Sohool Resuits are pu!)- E. Reid, J. Rickarcl. D. Romph t lished, ta interview students E. Ruxe. B. Stintun, N. Tur- who wish information regard- ner, L. Wilton, A. Wiseman. ing their courses. 3rd (Iass llonours-T. Alli NOTE: Students with subje-ts son, H. Baker (Fr.), C. Balsori, in brackets after their names J* Bei'trim, S. Bragg. D. Brownl, mnust repeat these subjects in JJ. Clark. A. Cole, M. Dean. G. a lower grade. Down, B. Ferguson, G. Fort- Standing-:'st class honours- num, G. Claspell, D. Gorr, L. 75 percent and over; 2nd class Highfield, R. Hofstede, A. Hug- honours-66 percent ta 74 per- gins, Larrane Jarnieson, G. Jet- cent; 'rd class honours-60 par- fery, L. Kefll (Sc.) 'M. Kirk- cent ta 65 percent: Pass - 50 ton, G. Kuipers, S. Laaja, P. percent ta 59 percent. Labre-cque, R. MeLean (Fr.). D. Grade IX to Grade X-Prze Maguire, J. Marsh, M. Murphy, for General Prof iciency-Vernc' B. Oliver, C. Osmond, L. Pearcc, Chant. A. Spicer, J. VanEyk, E. Ver- lst Class Honours-W. Bla,':k- meulen, M \Valker. buro, V. Chant, K. Davey, A. as-.AmtogG.B - BeWith, E. Dupuis, T. Dykstra, Ps-.Amtog .Bg P. Gearing, S. Gimblett, G. neil, C. Barnes (Math.), J. Gray, Robt. H-agerman, G. Hal- Barr, D. Beckim-, E. Bennett lowell, Barbara Hughes, Brer- (Maths.. Fr ), IM. Bond, K. ton Hughes, Bryan Hughes, L.. Brine (Maths ), S. Brown, V. I.ander. K. McArthu'-, R. Mea- B-own. D. Carter, J. Cass.e rows. D. M'ine, J. Mitchell, J. (Fr.), K. Cochrane, K. Downcy, <)niston, L. Powell, Lee Rack- D. Grills, P. Hancock. G. Ken- l1 2rn, Lvnda Rackham, J. Row- nett, A. Johnson. V. Jones Pi, J. Rundlr. M. Schlingensi- < Geog.. Sc.), R. Laird (Eng, r'-n. G. Snowden. D. Stainton. Fr.), M. Lýoûtsma. A. Master- B.Steven. L. Thompson, 'M. son, M. Moore, B. Ogden, D. Viinsone, T. Wraight. Osborne, L. Pascoe, J. Perry 2nd Class Honours-D. Baýg- (Fr.), J. Phillips, A. Pickerin.g, rc Il, E. Bartlett, M. Baskervilic, L. Potts, G. Quinney, J. Rowe J.Bothwell, D. Bragg, M (Maths.), D. Rudman, B. Sav- Cooney, P. Davis, J. Dolan, M.ý. ery,, D. Stocker, R. Stephens. Fmmerson, I. Gill, J. Hallow- D. Taylor (Maths. Sc.). J. UI- cil. D. Higgon, G. Hogeterp, S. rich, P. Van de Velde (Fr.), L. TIfl, D. James, Larry Jamieso.i, Walke- (Maths.), S. Weatheru-) B. Lane, E. Lynch, A. MacLeoci, (Maths.), K Welsh (Fr.), R. i. "When the weather's warni, 1 keep cool. To ref reshi *it MILk is my ue" A!:ý "'On a busy day, 1 always say A milk break is the very thing n swi hal ndspiitsbin. J summerfuS 3, Geomn. C, Chem. C, Fr. C, Art 2. K. Jackson-Eng. C, Hist. 1, Geog. 2, Geom. C, Chem. 1, Fr. 3. N. James-Eng. 3, Hist. C, Geom. 1, Chem. 2, Fr. C. D. Kellett-Eng. C, Hlist. C, IGeog. C, Alg. 3, Geom. C, Chemn. C.1 R. Kossatz-Eng. C, Hist. C,1 Lieog. Lontu C' C%,..,, C' Welsh (Eng., Fr.), W. Wilson, Bkg.C Ardi Yeo. e h flown E. Kowal-Eng. 3, Hist. 2, Creit s gve th folown. Geom. C, Chem. 1, Lat. 2, Fr. 1, students in subjeets listed:- Germ. 2. D. Clarke-Ind. Arts; J. Fishe.r M. Laking-Eng. C, Geog. C, -Ind. Arts; Ron Hagermai- hmCAt. Ind. Arts; E. Haass - Musir, IR. Lamb - Eng. C, Hist. C. Ind. Arts; J. Knapp-Maths.; D. Alg. 2, Chem. 3, Lat. 3, Fr. 2. Smith-Ind. Arts; G. Taylor- H. Lewis-Eng. 1, Hist. 1, Ind. Arts . Geom. 1, Chem. 1, Lat. 1, Fr. Grade X to Grade XI 1, Germ. 1. Prize for General Proficiency D. McCullough - Eng. C, -Howard Rundle. Hist. C, Geog. C, Geom. 1, lst Class Honours.-.J. Allin, Chem. 3, Art 2. H. Bissonette. B. Bowman, B. M. McDanald - Hist. C, Brown, R. Capp, D. Cattran, R' Chem. C. Chant, J. Fisner, R. Goheen, C R. McGill-Eng. C, Hist. C, Hester, K. McMurter, 3. Moore'j GROg. 3, AIg. C, Chem. C. L. Morrison, M. Peterson, E' C. Maguire-Eng. C, Hist. C. Piekard, H. Rundle, G. Taylor* Chemn. C, Fr, C, Art 2. R. Turner, B. Vermeulen, H. R. Marjerrù.on-Eng. C, His. Yellowlees. 1 C, Alg. 2, Chem. C. 2nd Class Honours-.P Bar- J. Mason-Eng. C, Hist. 3, tels, K. Bragg, K. Clarke, G. Geog. 3, Geom. 2, Chem. 2, Art Cooper, B . Cx, E. Down, J. 3- Davey, D. Ellis, B. Fllntoff, R: J. Masterson--Hist. C, Geng. Hannah, P. Heatlie, D. Henning, C, Chemf. C. P. Howells, M. Kent, H. Knox, L. Miller-Eng. C, Geog. C, A. Liptay, G. McCullough, W.lArt 1. McQueen, B. McRobbie, L. Mtut- K. Muitton--Hist. C. ton, Wm. Osborne, M. Pascoe. A. Oldejonis-Eng. 1, Hist. 1. B. Phillips, O. Scott, B. Smnitl, Geoiii. 1, Chiein. 1, Lat. 1, Fr. W. Thertell, R. Thiesburger, 'B 1, Gerni. 1. Thompson, A. Wood. D. Palniier---Eiigl. C, Hist. C, 3rd Class ilonours - R. Ar- Geog. C, Chcm. C, Phys. C, Art cher. L. Beauchamp, B. Branch 2. S. Coverley, R. Disano, P. Dyk: M. Pluister-Eng. 2, Hist. 1, stra, K. Fowler, B. Hlggon, VI. Gcom. C, Chem. 1, Lat. 1, Fr. Howells, T. Joyce, K. Khlmer, -, Geirm. 3. T. Kirkham, D. Maguire, C' M. Quantrill-Hist. C. Mason, H. Mýaughan, J. Mil:sl J. Ross - Eng. 2, Hist. 3, R. Morrill, M. Muir, E. Nicker- Gcom. 1, Chem. 3, Lat. 2, Fr. 9 ' son, M. Noden, B. Oke, L. Pi- C. Smith-Eng. C, Hist. 3, per, Lana Purdy (Lat.), Linda Geom. C, Chem. 2, Fr. 1, Art 1. Purdy, B. Rabb, Ron Recalla, S. Thompson-Eng. C, Hist. 3, L. Rosevear, G. Thomas, J. Van-~ Geog. C, Chem. C, Fr. C, A.rt 2. Dyk. F. Vanstone-Eng. C, Hist. 2, Pass.-W. Barton (Fr.), r, Geom. 3, Chcm. 1, Lat. 3, Fr. Bell (Maths.), G. Blackburn 3, GermY. 3. (Lat.), D. Bowen, L. Brooking, B. Werry-Eng. C, Hist. C, K. Brown (Lat.), B. Cochrane, Geom. C, Chem. C, Lat. C, 1fir. G. Cale (Lat.), G. Conway 3, Art 3. (Maths., Lat.), C. Courtice K. Williamson-Hist. C, Geog. (Geog.), J. Cowle, J, DeWlth, A: 3, Alg. C, Geom. C, Chem. C, Dillabough, E. Glenney, J. Art C. Goodman, R. Goodwin (Lat.), B. Wilson-Eng. 1, Hist. 1, J. Graham, M. Grills, L. Han- Geog. 2, Geom. 2, Chem. 1, Fr. cock, J. Hasiuk (Lat.) R. 2. Hayes, E. Hicks (Bkkg.), C. G. Wrighf-Eng. 3, Hist. C, Hooper, J. James (Lat.), T. Chem. C, Lat C, Fr. 2. Kirk (Bkkg.), S. Knapp (Hist.), Cohnmercial Resuits M. Laskaris (Bkkg.), W. Lem- Grade XIC on (Fr.), B3. Locke (Hist.), C. Lynch (Fr.), P. McCullough Prize for General Proficien-1 (Eng.), H. McDonald, G . Mc- c3r-Gloria Brent1 Gil (Fr.), D. McGregor (La-.), lst Class Honourrs-G. Brent,, W. Mavin (Geog.), P. Nimnigon E. Brooks, J. Hall. (Lat.), B. Ovens, K. Park, A 2nd Class Honours-J. Forbes, Pluister, G Purdy, Ray Recalia J. Smith. (Agr.), I. Reid (Lat., Fr.), D. 3rd Class Honours-C. Cry- Shirk (Bkkg.), D. Sm't!l derman, L. Damant, M. Flixi- (Bkkg.), G. Smale, F. Sobil, L. toff, B. Hooey, C. Hughes, K. Spires, K. Thompson (Maths.), Palmer. L. Tink (Fr.), D. Trim, D. Vance, H. VanLeewen, D. Pass-B. Brooking, W. Coa, Wrelsh (Fr.), R. Westheuser P. Hockin (Shtd.), L. Knowlton (Eng.), A. White (Fr.), R. Wil- (.Shtd.), A. Lootsma, R. Wil- Credit is given the foilowing Grade XIIC students in subjects listed:-J. Prize for General Proficiency Geddis-IX Fr.; C. Mutton - -Joan Buttery. Music, Typing. The following students wi'J Grade XI To Grade XII receive their Commercial Dip- Prize for General Proficiency lomas:-G. Blackburn, J. But- -Peter Reynolds. tèry, R. Corden, A. Dowson, B. lst Class 1Honours-R. Allun, Graham, S. Lemon, C. Witvoet. E. Luxton, M. Mitchell, C. The following student wil Plummer, P. Reynolds, B. receive a Commercial Certifi- Trimble, N. Wood. cate:-R. Davey. 2nd Clams Honours-B. Barra- Credit is given in the sub- hall, P. Cbeethamn, S. Constable, jects listed -M. McDonald - P. Foster (Alg.), M. Harvey, Typing, Shorthand, Bookkeep- E. Heard, M. Heavysee, cR.' ing. Jammer, J. Mackie, R. Pascoe, P. Pingle, P. Schaafsma, P. Simpson, G. Stark, R. Strik- werda, R. Twist, D. Weish. MORRISH 3rd Class Honour-D. Akey, E. Barr, P. Belsey, M. Brown, Sunday service was heid at S. Brown, S. Candier, E. Car- the regular hour of 10 a.m. on nish (Lat.) R. Goheén, N. Lurni, July 7tb. There was ani aver- M. Rankine, B. Smidstra, G. age- congregation. The service Smith, H. Webb. lwas in charge of Mr. Rober: Pass.-M. Allun (Hist.), L. Bell, Brighton, field worker fa: Colwell, G. Cox (Alg., Phy3.), the Ontario Temperance FecI- J. Crydermait (Hist., V. For- eration, Toronto. We missed an (Phys.), J. Gibbs (Hist.), the junior choir but with vocal WV. Hooper, W. Pickard (Hist., help of Mr. Bell the singing Alg>, G. Pickering (HîSt., Alg., was pretty gaod. Fr.), W. Purdy (Alg.), D Rey- For the chiidren present the nolds (Alg.), R. Richards (Fr.), speaker told a very interesting A&. Smith (Alg., Phys.), C. Triin story which. was appreciated by (Alg.), J. Turner, B. Wraight. adults as much as juniors. Mr. Credit is given the following Bell is a very eloquent speaker students in subjects listed:- who made his subject most i.n- C. Aiken.-Ho. Ec.;, L. Avery- teresting. Ind. Arts; P. Marr-Ho. Ec. At the close of the service Grade XII Rejsults envelopes were handed out fir Prize for General Proficiency contributions towards the work --Hartley Lcwis. of the O.T.F. the resuit we are The followîng students wll pieased ta repart exceeded eceive their Secondary School that. of a yar mano. e iMr. CV.Mus. 2. 01 be r is teér, M i si Bec-keètt J. Cann-Geom. . Mr. and Mrs. Alex Simpson P. Conway-Fr. C. of Toronto, were guests of Mr. J. Cook-Hist. C. end Mrs. Harry Beckett over1 R. Dickenson-Hist. C, Geog. the weekend. Alg. 3, Art 3. J. Dippeii-.-Eng. C, Hist. , We congratulate Elaine An- ieam. ,CChem. 2, Lat. C. Fr. derson upan gaining bonors at ,Mus. 2. the recent musical recital of E. Foran - Eng. 3, Hist. 2, pupils of Mrs. Carroll Nichais. :eor. C, Chemn. 3, Lat. C, Fr. Elaine alsa passed with honoirý Art 2. into Grade 8 et Morrish public C. Foster-Eng. 3, Hist. shol eog. 3, ÇPhem. 3, Fr. 2. There are interesting rumorsi F. Godaard-Eng. C, Hist. C, circuiating in and around this 1 ;eag. C, Geom. C, Chem. C, Fr. community of a weddlng in the; near future, the bride-ta-be can S. Gogerty--Alg. C, Art C. be assured of a vcry warI M. Goheen-Eng. 1, Hist. 1. welcome. ýeom. 2, Chem. 1, Lat. 1, Fr. 1, Mr. R. Bell of Brighton 'i- reek 1. ed with Mrs. Wm. McHolm on P. Herbert-Eng. C, Hist. 1, Sunday afternoon on his way eoiz. 2, Geomn. C, Chem.,2, Fr. to Wesleyville where hie wa.ï Art i. scheduled ta take the eveniîg' J> Jackbon-Ens. C, Hibt. churcli service. Students A goodly number were pr.Žs- ent ta hear a very inspirjiin message from Rev. itrBw mns rccently ordained and a former Pontypool boy. Ilis manv fniends bpre wish hiim the very -best on bis neW charge in Manitoba. Several from here attendLcl the East Durham County Or- ange church parade held in Bethany on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Yacanak of Toronto, wvere Sunday visit- ors in aur village. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Eddy, Mrs. Florence Ferguson, New- castle, and Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Mountjoy, Blackstock, vis. ited with Mr. and Mrs. J.. Payne on Thursday. In this day of machine azge. good harness is seldoin seen ci, purchased. However, Mr. Lloyd Brown, prasperous Drum farmn- er, recently purchased a fine set of brass' mounted harneçs with ail the trimmings plus coi- lars. These were purchasci from Mr. Elgin Budd of Sim- coe and better known as the "King" of the Christmas tre grawers here. Mr. Budd bas been an ardent horseman ard Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Trick, h. SPECIAL BRUCE stili judges at fairs in Western1 Lindsay, with M'vr. and Mîs. Ontario. We will be looking, Leslie Taylor and friends in the forward ta seeing Lloyd showv- village. ing at the local fairs this fall isMreIrn pn AIl roads leaci ta re:.eibor-: weck in Toronto with friend.. Ough on Saturday where tie. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Trick, clebration Of Btttlc Of the Lndsay, with relatives. Boyne takes place this year. .\iss Beverley Gatcheil, Osn- We were pieased ta recelývc- awa, wi',h her cousin. the Ste- a letter fromll Rob, Hallordn . plenson famnily and friends. who ]las been in Civic Hosui- Mr. and Mrs. W. Heiidersom ta], Peterborough, for the Pas. and Bill, Bowmaniville, witli four weeks. His miany frien'd. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grace will be glad to know he is and famnily. feeling fine and hoping ta get, Sympathy is extended ta th2 out soan.I relatives of Mrs. James Stron.g 1 who died in Cartwright Mo.- "TI %-"P- vday, .hîly 8. Pastor's Son Guest Preacher At Hampton The Annlversary Services of Hampton Sunday School were held on June 30 in the church. The pastor's son, Rev. Newton Reed of Sunderland, condue- ed the aftern,ýon service and spoke especially ta the chilo.- ren, his topic beincg "Lifebuoys The juniors did exceptionz.l- ly well in providing the music under the leadership of Mrs. Jim Smales, accompanied by Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy at the piano. The eveningy service wvas con- ducted by the pastor, Rev. Fred Reed with his son, New- ton as guest speaker, bis topie 'being "The Church". Guest soloist Mr. Sam Castie of Pe- terborough, sang with great feeling two selections, 1111l Walk With God" and "God Hath Not Promlsed" bath of which were enjoyed by an ap- preciative congregation. The regular church choir rendered the anthem, 'Breal Forth Into Joy" by Semper, u.i- der the leadership of their di- rector, Mrs. Ken Carverly. Miss Mary Niddery very capably ac- companied the soloist and cho r at the organ and furnished th'ý! music for thie service. Th - churcn was decorated with mixed flowers. A great numbr'c of friends and relatives v f Hampton people attended. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke and Mr. Win. Mabaffy were at Port Dalhousie with Mr. and Mc. Rayai Whtefield. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Pedersoni, Larry and Andy, have left f'jr two weeks' vacation in Monc- tan, N.B. Albert Mines, wth their parents and other friends east of New Brunswick. Many are enjoying summer holidays since schooi closed June 27th. A number attended the Or- an.ge church parade held ut Blackstock Sunday evening. The Jaily Workers heid their July meeting at the home cf Mrs. Trudy Marchand, July 3. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Knapp and family spent Sundca y witi Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McCuî- iough. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holroyd and family were at Cedar Crest Beach with fciends. Mr. and Mrs. Markland and children spent Sunday at View Lake. Miss Cox, Enniskillen, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Erie Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Steven- son and children, and Mrs. RiX,. da Stevenson,' witb Mrs. A. Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Don Archibald and family were in Tororto with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Srrithi Elsie and Eleanor, witli Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taber, Picker- ing. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone spent the holiday weekend with their datighter and son-in-law, Mr.1 and Mrs. George Lawscni, Markh am. Little Gayle Lawson, Mark- hain, is spending a couple of weeks with ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ga'-rox. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Elwoodl McKee, Raglan, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dean, Sunday. Mrs. Dean feli and broke ber arm. Her many friends wisli ber a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. R. Spinks with Mr..and Mrs. J. Curran. The W.A. meeting for Jul:' is held at Mrs. Sam Hall.s home today. ivy League CAPS Reg. $2.49 Now $1.97 Boys' Long Siepve SUMMER SHIRTS Reg. 2.98 Now $2.37 2 For $4.50 - Men's Bathing Suits MINNS AVAILAELE FOR MGRTGAGý9S Ralph S. Jones Barrister and Solldttor 65 Sicoe St. S. Os rwa RA 5-3525 FLASHIOLDER $3.60 JURY & LOVELL PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILL, Il BOYS' BATHING SUITS Reg. $2.50 - $2.95 Sale Price $ 1.96 Reg. ta $5,95 CLOTHING3 MENS AND BOYS' WEAR 29 King St., E. Garry Venning, Mgr. Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE MERCHANTS Fortune Jubilee Diamond Mine Draw Fornierly Appreciation Day Draw Every Saturday - 3 p.m. JACKPOT VALUE - TITS WEEK - $380 Winner on Saturday Miss Annie Qegema, 2 Veterans Ave., Bowmanville wvon 1 Diamond Share or 10% of Jackpot - $36-00 Don't Forget - Next Draw, Saturday, July l3th at 3 p.m.- Town Hall âbM BROWNIE Rieflex camnera for color s/ides at a low, low price! Look through the big reflex-type finder to see your picture i advance. Set the lever ta indicate color or- block-and-white. Then just touch the feather-action shutter release. Get gar. geous Ektachrome color slides, Kodacolor snapshots, or black. and-white pictures. A really tremendous valuel On B randed Uines- of Summer Merchandise Discounts froDm 20 to50%ýo MEN'S SUMMER WINDBREAKERS Reg. $9.95 to $14.95 Now $6.87 Io $9.97 MEN'S Re.SPORT SHIRTS Reg. Reg. e Reg. Reg. $2.98 $3.95 $4.95 $5.95 $6.95 NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW $2.50 $3.27 $4.19 $4.96 $5.17 Sumniertinie is v'acation-tinm& Get ready, set, go . . . in clothes cleaned to perfection by out experts! We handie evcrything in your %vard- robe with care . . . return thein spic ani span, as crisp and fresh as when ncw! No more spots and stains . . . our thorougli methods remove them ail! You'IlIlook your hest and have more fun, too, as you win friends and inlprcss people on the golf course or on the dance floor! Ami our modest prices help stretch your vacation dollars besides! Phone MA 3-5520 for Free Pick-up and Delivery Bowma nvi île Cleaners & Dyers Ltd. 84 King St. W. MEN'S FANCY SUMMER T-SHIRTS Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. $2.98 $3-95 $~4.95 $5.95 $6.95 NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW $2.51 $3.27 $4.19 $4.96 $5.17 - . 1> PAGE TWO TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY. JMY Ilth, 1957 PONTYPOOL CAMERA $11.50 MO Il E Y BURKETON

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