THURSDAY, JUJLY llth, 19 957 THE CANADIA!f STATESMAN. EOWMANV!LLE. ONTAMO - --~ w--w s'- . satin with fitted bodice and bouffant skirt. Sequins and seed i pearîs trimrmed the Peter Pan S collar of lier lace Jacket and also1 appeared on the sirt. A match- w edingnc tiara held hem fingertip veil edding and she carried a cascade of red and Yellow roses. The bride wvas given in marriage bY her father.1 M\iss Beverley Curtis was1 matron of honour in green taf-1 feta' and carrying a bouquet of yellow 'mums. Bridesmaids Miss Marylin McCarrell, Omemee, and M1\-iss Dianne Curtis, Ponty- pool. were in waltz length dress- es of yellow and blue taffeta and i74 MB - HOLROYD Mr. William Holroyd. Hampton, the little flower girls Linda Wil- and Mr. Donald Lamb, Enniskil- lis. niece of the bride, and Carol eHampto0 n United Church was len. Hilîs, niece of the groom, wore adcmated wîthbaetslof ris A reception followed in the blue nylon. Ail the attendants Sanudaymixe summer fler5,onorchurch basement, the bride' swore matching flower bandeaux Satrda afernonJun 15 fo moherweainga dessof ur-and carried pink and white car- the weddîng of Dorcen Joan mte ern rs ftr ]Holroyd. daughter ofMran quoise figure rsalte 1t nations. Mrs. Fred Holroyd, Hampton, mnatching jacket and white ac- M.GenBkr ofr a cesoris. er orsge as f ýbest man, and ushers were Mm. and Stuart James Lamb, son of cesre.HmiHerbert Curtis, Pontypool, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb, En- deep pink carnations. Asisi ýMr. Fred Ammon, Bailieboro. niskillen. The ceremony was hem, the groom's mother wor a i The guests were received In iperformed by Rev. F. . Reed. blue nylon dress with small he cuc arorth md' Given in marriage by ber fath- hage ohfteaesoiscarndor- mother wearing a dress of rose er. the bride wore a white waîtzsaeopleincratn. and silver grey satin with pink length gown with strapîess lacea The bride and groomr left on and white accessories. The bodice and full skirt of net band- wedding trip to New York grooms mother was in rose ed with lace. A lace jacket with State and Pennsylvania, the' beige Alencon lace with turq- ]ong pointed sleeves was worn bride wearing a blue* wool suit uoise accessories. Each wore a ove th bdic, ad perl ndwith white accessories. They corsage of white carnations. svtequn boodic e ad a erlndr will reside in Enniskillen on The couple left on a trip to tip veil. She carried red roses their return. Calgary and Banff, Alta., the and stephanotis. bride wearing for travel a pale M\,aid of honor was the bride's McCARRELL - CURTIS green dress with brown duster sister, Miss Eileen Hlîoyd, coat, w'hite accessories and gar- Hampton, wearing vellow or- The marmiage was solemnized denia corsage. On their eturn ganza in cocktail length with in Pontypool United Church on Mr. and Mrs. McCarrell will live long streamers falling froni the Saturday, June 29, of Barbara in Omemee where the groom back. Bridesmaids, Mrs. Frank May Curtis, daughtem of Mr. and bas a trucking business. The Holroyd, Bowmanvilîe, and Miss Mrs. Clifford Curtis, Pontypool, bride, a graduate of Lindsay Ruth Lamb, Enniskillen, were in and Harlan John McCarmell, son Collegiate, followed the pro- identical dresses of turquoise. of Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Mc- fession, of hairdressing before AIl wore matching namow head- Carrell, Omemee. Mauve an d1her marriage. The groom is a bands of net with matching yellow 'munis and pink peonies gradua te of Kemptville Agri- gloves and carried yellow and formed the setting for the cere-icultural School. white 'munis. mony. The wedding music was play- Rev. R. R. Bonsteel officiated, GIBSON - BURREDGE ed by Miss Mary Niddery, Hamp- assisted by Rev. Zufelt. Mrs. J. ton, and Mrs. J. C. Smales of Richardson played the wedding The chapel of King Street Hlampton sang "O Perfect Love" music and accompanied the solo- United Church, Oshawa, wls and "Because". ist, Mr. Wesley His. the setting for a wedding at Mm. Ralph Lamb, Enniskillen, The bride chose a full length isvno 'clock Friday evening, %vas best man, and ushers were dress af white net and lace over 1-I i, -rih *uh, ire 5'rEif h Storewide Clearance LUGGAGE and FOOT WEAR Women 's and Children's Sondals Reduced 20% (-ildreji's Sandals, Reg. $1.95-To Clear - $1.55 lVomen's Sandals, Reg. $2.95-To Clear -___ $2.35 AJilChildren's Shoes $.0 ýW~e Reduced slo Men's and Ladies' Shoes 1 Reduced 10 % * Men's OAKWOOD SHOES Reg. $1495 Clear ___ 1 4 MEN'S AND WOMEN'S LUGGAGE Ail Reduced 20% me MCNJ ohn Stu'tt BAGGAGE, .v *SHOE*S 15 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-5839 1 tjuiy )ti UwneL. Burridge, daughter Mrs. J. V. Burridg( vale, One., was un niage with Donald son of Mrs. WiE of Oshawa, and1 Gibson. Rev. Mervin A. formed the doubi( mony against a ba yellow shasta dais phiniums in shac Miss Reva Tiers of played "O Perfect1 Love You Truly" the ceremony an the Years" and "B ing the signing of Given in marria father the bride w length gown of gai embossed nylon o silk faille. The sl bodice featured a line accented with medallions and the ered skirt billowed ed crinoline. She mittens tb match 1 Grecian headdress1 of rhînestone lace the sides held hei veil of tulle illusfi carried a white E with white rosebuc ters of stephanoti! traîls. Mrs. Donald Snal to was matron of ing a street lengl daffodil yellow Pol on prin cess lines w. Ineckli'ie, shorts flying panels at th hcadclress was a tiny yellow flower tulle. She wore wlh ies and carried a !white and vellow sie cnteedwith3 Mr. Dna'dSnap to perforrned the di nman. The recept ion wa home of the bride'; Frestonvale, which ated with a variety receive the guests 1mother chose a she lilac mauve polis' accented with -natcl lace and floatîng' and topped withz i matching hat of. straw, white access corsage of ,yellow jpleted ber erisembl was the bridegroc who wore a dress( linen topped with a et of matching Ch; Her picture hat, a] ies were white, anc comprised her corsa, A three ticr circu' cake nested iii whit pink and red sweel centered the brida luminated with tal ers in silve- holder. BOWMANN SALI UP TO 50%Salvinlç ON ALL Summer Sto< Save $ $ $ IUST IN TIME FOR HOLIDAYS ai o Mm. anc ge of Preston. nited in mar. John Gibson Iliam Gibsor the late Mr LBury per- e ring cere- )ackground o,' sies and' del. des ai blue. )f Prestonv aie Love" and "] just beforE nd I'Thmough 3ecause" dur- 'the register. ige by her wore a street rdenia white organza ovei short sieeved round neck- ýh daisy lace 2richly gath- over a hoop- wore long rier gown. A with clusters e lowers at r finger t'Lp on, and slic Bible crested ids and dlus- s, with ivy ipe of Toron- honor wear- th dress of Lished cotton 'ith a squa:.e sleeves and he back. Hem 1coronet of Married at Pontypool Mr. and Mrs. Harlan John McCarrell were married in Pontypool United Church on Saturday, June 29. The bride was formerly Barbara May Curtis, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Curtis, Pontypool, and the groom is the sonl of Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McCarrell of Omemee. Grand Jury Suggests Air-Conditioned Celis ln Coun fies Building Is the depatment of high- ways consistent in the price it *pays for land needed for high- ways? There were doubts ex- -pressed concemning this at a meeting of the property com- mittee of the United Counties -Council on Friday, June 28. * Among the many instances cited was that ai two adjoiniîig fanms from which the depart- Iment baught two similar strips of a land. One fanmer received $1,400 more than bis neighbor. The committee was anxious ta know the method an which the land is valuated, for th2 department wants ta, purchase a strip of land for tbe new con- trolled access highway 401 froni the United Counties. JThe land coricerned was part ai the 100-acre farmn on which the Counties Home for the Aged is located. $15,000 Offered Department ai bighways ai- ficials bad contacted severil committee members ta see if a Jprice of $13,000 would be ac- ceptable, but these members did flot feel. it was enough and a tentative aifer has been madie of $ 15,000. IJ. T. Brown, committee chair- man, pointed out to the rnem- reality an off cm but, rather, a basis for future negatiation. li, was, after ahl, up ta council ta Ts misted inj hitc accessoi- jta the bride was pmoposed by inasegay of i Miss Hazel M. Waring ai Osh- shasta dË-awa- yellow rases.' i Fo the honeymoon trip ta pe ai Toron- Muskoka, the bride travelled uties of best in a navy blue suit ai silk shantung, a matching balf-hat is eld at the trimmed with white flowers, 's parents, in with which she wore white ac- iwas decor- cessomies and a corsage of white of rases. To roses and stephanotis. On their the bride's retumn the couple will reside in eath dress-,of Oshawa. shcd cotton, ,hing guipure back pane!s PRESTON - CHAPMAN ablred. A The wedding took place an aiesind Saturday, June 29th, in Grac .roses com- Presbyterian Church, Mill- om' mong, Chapm an. daughter ai Mrs. of aqua siîîz Aletha Chapman and the late abifjack- Marwood Chapman ai Mill- antilly lace, brook ta Clifford Grant Pres- rud accessor- ton, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Har:y d pink roses Preston ai Bethany. The Rev. age. Walter Patterson officiated for lar weddingth emoy te tulle aud The altar was banked with theart roses baskets ai peonies, orange al table ii- blossoms and sweet william. Jwhite tap- Miss Beverly Patton played thec s. The toast wedding music and Mr. Ralph Preston. brother af the groom, ~~ sang "I 'l Waik Beside You" be- I fore the bride entered thc Church and "Ah Sweet Mystery 4of Lifc' during the signing ai the register. jG iven in marmiage by hem :)e brother, Mm. George Chapman, ethe bride was wearing a bal- lerina length gown ai white VILLE nylon net embroidered in Ssnowilake motif, the very fuil skirt featuring a wide flaunce, the bodice snugly fitted and topped by a small jacket with Slily point sîceves. Hem veil o. b embroidered net was held by a small crown headpiece sewn with opalescent sequins and [seed peamîs. She camnied a bou- Squet af stephanotis and red roses. S Mms. Leslie Branscombe, the bride's sister, attended as mia- e;of pale blue net, a small white * bat and carmied pink roses. s Glen Preston ai Bethany was groonisman for bis broth- <v c and ushers were David Preston, also a brother and Lei Weatherup, .4,rother-in- 'law ai the bride. k ~IA me ception was held at the ehome ai the bride's mother, <#who received in a gown ai navy blue with pink bat and acces- sories and a corsage ai pir.k in pale blue with white bat I1o and accessories and white rase Later the bride arnd graoom lefkt on a motar trip ta points west. For travelling the bride wr*a pale mauve and white pladot dmess with white hat joan at BsrethaOn rtr. te -.tnd vacests. Ohnyrtrnte accept or reject any offer. The committee, while willing ta co-aperate with the depart- ment ai bighways, wished ta get a faim price. Reeve Gi. F.j Harrington, Millbrook, s tat ed' -"Not only have we ta ca-ap. erate with the department, but we must not forget, we have ta co-operate with the taxpay- ers and get the best price pas- sible." Alter mach debate, the committee decided ta continue negatiations. Air-Condition Celle A letter was read Yfrorn the grand jury which recently made a visit ta the counties building. Amongst many things, the jury recommended that the celîs, attached ta the county court, be air-conditioned. This recommendation occa- sioned mach amusement. The ceils cancemned are only used i when prisoners are awaiting their appeamance in court. Chairman J. T. Brown, Clarke Township, held the op- inion that anyone who gat hbu- self into the state where he was taken into custody he did flo)t memit air-con ditioning. He! painted aut that one ai the rea- sans why the new building dd not have air-conditioning da salely a question ai finance. If air-conditioning had been in- stalled then the cast ai tha-: building woald be at lea'st a- other $50,000. Under these cir - camstances, the cammittee de- cided ta treat the grand jury*s1 report as having been rea d. j Inhabitants ai the Home for the Aged, can retain the extra $6 they wiil be receiving in their pensions alter July 1. Hi- therto, the amount ai the' oid age pension bad ta be tur'i- ed over ta the Coanties. Sidbrooke Haspital, Cobourg, wbich had asked for an increase in allowance for the aged indi- gents had the aliowance in- creased by 50 cents a day. Due ta overcrowding at the Homýe for the Aged, Sidbrooke boards 30 patients. Befare adjourning caunc'i authomized Charles Johnston, Cobourg, ta negatiate with General Foods Limited with regards ta the purchase ai sanie land which adjoins the coan-' ties' building area. Parties for Recent Bride I-sabelle Naylori Miss Isabelle Shirley Naylor formerly of Bowmanville, whose marriage to Mr. Charles Ramn- ford Elliott, of Toronto, touk place in St. George's Memnoria1 Anglican Church, Oshawa, on Friday evening, July 5th, was entertained at a number of showers. The girls with whom she' worked held a dmnner party at The Savarin, in Toronto, ana made a presentation of personal gifts.3' A personal shower was held at the home of Mrs. Glen Hut- chinson. Bayview, Toronto, with Miss Mamnie Hiargrove, Wanda MacKay and Grace Eagleson as co-hostesses. Fromn the president and di- rectors of the Conwest Explor- ation Co. Ltd., Toronto, Ms Naylor received a sterling sul- ver tea and coffee service, and on hem departure from the of- fice a cheque was pesented with Mr. J. D. Christian mak- ing the presentation. Mr. and Mrs. David Rea. of Toronto entertained at a cock- tail party for Miss Naylor and Mr. Elliott. Mrs. Edwin S. Naylor of' Oshawa entertamned for her daughtem at a trousseau teïà when guests wvere present frorn Toronto, Bowmanvile, Oshawia and Hampton. Following the rehearsal on, Thursday evening, July 4th, thei bridai party were entertained! at the home of Mr. and M~ Jack Bridgland, 478 Ferndale Blvd., Oshawa. Mrs. Bridgland is a sister of the bride-ele ct. 1 Bride Honored At Showers Mrs. James Firth entemtained for Miss Doreen Joan Holroyd at hem home, 62 Division St, Bowmanville, when fiends, 'n- cluding fellow employees of the A. & P. Stores presented her' with many lovely gifts. Games were played and a deliciaus lunch was served by the hast- ess. A iniscellanieous shower was held at Mrs. Frank Holmoyd's, Bowmanville, when iriends and relatives ai the bride were guests. Many useful gifts were received by the bride-to-be and a dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Holroyd, Mms. M. Etcher and M\,rs. I. Beaupre. The staff of Graham's Tree Nursery, Haydon, pesented Doreen with a plastic clothes basket and a cup and saucer. The community of Hamptcün held a miscellaneous showem in the Sunday School room for the bride. She and hermomther wvere each Dresented with a corsag-, and a. lovely lunch was served by several of hem iriends. At Enniskillen Hall a preseni- tation was made to the bride and groom, of a walnut stop table and table lamps by the comniunity, and the Enniskil- len football club presented them with a beautiful wîall mir- ror. Miss Grace Smith, Long Sault, held a miscellaneous shower when former neighbors and friends of the bride were present. A delicious lunch was semved by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Gwen Murphy. Oshawa Bride Is Entertained Miss Irene Edith Burridge o f Prestonvale whose marriage toi, Mr. Donald John Gibson of Oshawa took place July 5 in theI chapel of King Street United Chumch, Oshawa, bas been feted at several pre-nuptial parties. Mrs. Morley Wyman, Preston-1 vile, entertained at a neighbor- hoôd shower when the futurei bride was pesented with an electric frying pan, an electrie sauce pan, casserole dishes and linen table cloth with serviettes. In the program of games, Mrs. Harold Tiers, Mrs. Edward Smith and Mrs. Robert Cook received prizes. Assisting the hostess in serving were Mrs.~ AYLMER Tom ato Catsup LIBBY'S Cooked Spaghetti ROSE BRAND Margarine PARAMOUNT FANCY RED Cohoe Salmon Easifirst SHORTENING 1-lb. pkg. 4 for 1.00 Red & White INSTANT COFFEE 5-oz. jar- 1.00 KLEENEX TISSUES Regular or Chubby--- 6 for 1.00 Treesweet ORANGE JUICE 48-oz. tin 3 for 1.00 Red & White JELLY POWDERS 7 Flavours 13 for 1.00 Libby's Fancy TOMATO JUICE 20-oz. tin 7 for 1.00 Libby's Fancy FRUIT COCKTAIL 15-oz. tin - ------_ 4 for 1.00 Sunspun SALAD DRESSING 16-oz. jar 3 for 1.00 Steve Heney, I(rs. Merm obu son, Miss Marion Wyman and Mns. Hans Geissberger. Mrs. Lemoy Keflar. Jones Ave., Oshawa, was hostess at a crystal and china shower, the guests be- ing frlends of the mother of the bride-elect. Mrs. Russell Coul- son and Mrs. Hugh Gilchrist assisted the hostess in serving. Mrs. William Gibson and Miss Doris Gibson, Dearborn Ave., Oshawa, were hostesses at a lin- en shower, attended by relatives of the bridai couple. Mrs. Grant Hardy, Mrs. Donald Snape and Mms. Barry Barker of Toronto served. Neikhbors of the ruture bride- groom, Dearborn Ave., present- ed a Kenwood blanket. On Thu ' sday at noon, Miss Bumridge was again honored when she received as a shower giit from the girls ai the Sales Depamt- ment, Genemal Motors of Canada, a floor lamp and an oak chest for fiat silver, and in the after- nooh as a wedding gift froni the Sales Depatment staff, two matching end table lamps. In the past 15 years manuiac- turing has replaced agriculture as the lamgest single source of employment for Canadians. (A 211 Canadians with jobs, 25 per cent are now in manufacturing and 15 per cent in farming. b1otl 5 for $1 .00 20oz 6 for $1,00I 1-b. ti%? 3 for sl .0o Libby's Fancy TOMATO JUICE 48-oz. tin 3 for 1.00 Gold Medal Pure PEANUT BUTTER ..9-oz. Tumbler- - 4 for 1.00 Kings Choice TOMATOES 28-oz. tin 4 for 1.00 York Fancy GREEN PEAS 20-oz. tin 9 for 1.00 York Fancy CREAM CORN 20-oz. tin _ ___- i for 1.00 York Choice DESSERT PEARS 15-oz. tin- 7 for 1.00 Southern Cross Solld Light TUNA ½/'s tin_______- 5 for 1.00 Kellogg' s SPECIAL «'K" CEREAL* 4 for 1.00 * Q ALIYM AT. Swift's Tender - Pink__Veal R ib Veal Chops Veal Rump Roast lb. 69c IL 59c SWIFT'S PREMIUM - Sliced - Rindless -n-1b. Side Bacon pkg. DOLLAR DAY COMBINATION BROOKFIELD. SKINLESS SAUSAGE SWIFT'S MACARONI & CHEESE PORK LIVER - - - - a 47c 1 lb. Ail Three 6-ol pkg. 1-lb pkg. fIoo0 Fresh Produce Bursting with flavour Extra Large Valencia - Sunkist - Good siz, .S EER a 5 ORANGES - Doz. 21cCRSp EL Y Ea15 Full of Juice Local Grown 10-lb. bag SUNKIST LEMONS 4 For 19c NEW POTATOES - 35c Culverhouse Culverbouse Ltbby's Pr Choice Deep Brown D0G F00D DICED BEETS DICED CARROTS BEANS 15-oz. tin 20-oz. tin 20-0z. tUn 15-oz. tUn8fr10 9 for 1.00 9 for 1.00 6 for 1.00 8fr10 SOFT RITE COLOURED ol TOILET TISSUE ----.8 ris$100 JOHNSON'S HARD GLOSS GLO-COAT - - - - - - - quart tin $1.00 RED & WHITE SUPER SOFT ol TOILET TISSUE - - - - - 8 ris$100 FROZEN FOODS SUN PEP ORANGE JUICE 8 for $1,00 THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVI LLE MAPLE GROVE - ORONO - BLACKSTOCK Milady Shopr * 4 71 KING ST. E. JULY i. -~ -. -~ ~ ~ ~QJr'~ . .~ - Yeo's Marketeria Maple Grove Groceteria Cornish Marketeria - Blyth's Market THE CANADLffl STATESMAN. BOV;SL4NVff.= ONTAMO Ladies' AIR STEP SHOES Reg. $12.95 To Clear Ji