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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1957, p. 5

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T'HU!SDAY, JULY llth, 1957 H AAlA TTSA.DWAVLE NAI -PAGE FI V Nestieton M History of T .Nestleton Women's Institute çrnUM .ednesday afternoon at the ho ,of Mrs. Cecil Wilson withi Mrs. Herman Samelis co-hostess. President Mrs. Davison weicom- ed ail. Ail bis were paid, fin- ancial statement read and sev- oral business items discussed: the Bxeso Course, fairs, dona enttosthe blind and repair of W.I. flag. . Mis. H. Vine gave a splendid report of the District Annual. The August meeting wiil be our annual grandmothers' meeting. The proposed bus trip was left for another month and the Patch apron is stili travelling among the memnbers. Severai items of the layette w,.ere on dispiay and are for sale. 'Mrs. L. Fitze en- largeci on the dav's motto "To look at the past helps us to live in the future" and Mrs. B.' Heas- lip gave a splendid summary of current events. For 'e-e mon of the house Wîth a thrity OUR 1-POLI( 'Home Protec makes one pre do the work « Ilie's a conv%- ,way to buy firc personal liabi, ance for your one policy .. . oni It cen save you 20%,0. . . or giv. protection thai policies . .. or b( for details. STUART R. INSURANCE Office MA 3-5681 King Street E. ai Today's SUN-PRO, Paint is better thar cause its FUMR-P1l not darken or disc coal smoke or indus SeIf-cleaning, tao. Re face dirt. ABERNET Paint & Wali 85 King St. %V., Boi CORNER K. Try Our A cornplete ~For Car We Spec PHONE NIA 1. . Heaurs j Mrs. Oakiey Carley attended Ceerae G le niesr and Mr. Harmv Sanderson,so elephone of Rev ad r ilonSnder- Toronto, Saturday. JMrs. M. Emerson, Convener Mr. Roy Fguson spent Fmi- i of Historical Research took the, day nigbt in Toronto and ac-j Ichair for a fine pogram dealing' opne h rn egsn with telephones. Mis ut to the Beecock reunion in Md- Proutt read a ciipping on '*Whene hurst, Seturdayv. Mr. and Mrs.. tbe Telephone Wes Born" and : Grant Ferguson, Ian and Mary Mes. Emerson gave an înteeest- spent Seturdav night and Sun- ing a c c o u n t of Alexander; day with the Royv Feegusons. Graham Bell. his femily, bis life Ms e.Fwe swt e et Brantford, the discovemy of Ms e.Fwc swt e the telephone and the fiest coast- cousins Mr. and Mes. Cecil to-coast telephone system. Mrs. Tbompson, Peterbomough. J. Hoyer read "Don't Hang Up Me. and Mrs. Gordon Strong Too Quickly When Phoningz Youn and Beth visited Mes. Robt. Friends" and Mes. Tbompson Bruce and Mm. and Mes. Ross "The Party Line". Curtis, Oillia, Sunday. An înteresting discussion of jMes. Wiibent Archer attended the first telephones in Cent- the funerel of hem nephew, Mr. wnight by the older mnembens Harold Hill, Ingoldsby, Thurs-1 wes enjoyed. As in most rural i day. On Sundav she visited hem districts doctors installed lines; sister, Mm. and Mms. Cook, Beev- thnough the district. Cartwnight' erton. doctors then were Dr. Fisb and j Me. and Mes. E. Robertson,l Dr. McKibbon. Minden, visited ber brother, Mm. Idees for the new Tweeds-J and Mrs. Wilbert Archer, Fmi- mule Village Histoey Book were, ay discussed, and semples displey- JCnrtltost isJa ed. The project will be resum- Cnrtltost isJa cd in tbe Fali wben, it is bopcd, Vcnning and Mes. Arnold Taylor thee wil e mre eisre ime jon obtaining their certificetes The Roll Cal "Mv Grendfetbers' fnom Teachens' Coilege; Miss ag~fo afsW~PhyBiy Strong, her music; Allen teresting bistomy. A card to e graduation et Port Perry. Allen sick~~~~~ mebrwssge h as secuned a position in CKLY evk eme lunch d b ;radio station, Lindsay. i.- ~ A deliciaus lnhwes served' Me. and IMes. Walter Oke, En- 1 P. ythe hostess and Mes. Bowers' ikien e n Mrs. Bruce i group and Mes. J. Watson voiced IAshton and Me. Bill Mahaffy! the eppreciation of ail peesentj visitcd Me. and Mes. Royal Whit-1 for the good meeting. field, Port Dalhousie. IDoris Ashton spent the week- end %vith Virginie Meekie. B LACKSTOCK Mrs. Mervyn Grabam bas e- manvMr. an d M rs. F. G. Smith, Long Sault, received turned home aften spending 10 ldý,q it h-r iug..p- rqmavcallers on teoccaision oftheir Golden rWedélinri AnglcaseJuyThe sup y the Don Pargeter and children, Port Anniversary, June 26. The couple were remembered with cY successful. Aithough a good Merr Pare as a to retur gifts, cards and flowers, including the lovely bouquet many attended bail games else- borne from hospital Saturday wihMs mt shlig rsn o h ap vation Plan'swhere orpn teoia 't and trust he may soon be return- occasion were their two children, Grace, and Fred of Bow- S muma goodly number to enjoy alid to good health. - manville, also grandchildren Gloria and Bob.c eimthe good eats for wbich Cauj- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mc- -Photo by Rehder d three!1 wright ladies are noted. Cart Laughiin, Bowmanville, and d____________________________ IThe storm Wednesday even-1 grandson, Kimn Walker, Toronto,I 'enient new in semd uieserada were Suniday guests of Mr. and I in eee qow eer n aMrs. Cari McLaughlin. lity insur- down, aiso telephone and hy'dro Bobb-,Ms odS. rmtn hom. Jst poles. Hydro and telephone meni.we reSdayguSrs.ofBratn, hom. Jst have and are working hard. In MeresuEd arries. o r ad ears M arried Life le premium. sonne parts there was no hvdro Mrsh' Caris asmuch as until Thursday evening. T here1 Messrs. Neil Bailey and Rich- On June 26th, 1907, Sara Cath- who presented them with a TV a asyumr ssilagra eso eehn ard Bowes are attending sum- rine Kidd, daughter of Mr. and set on behaf of te relatives wiou moenS 7A west of Taylor'slMecrsendrs.nCha.-Vennin Wm. Kidd, and Mr. F. G. who were present from 'Kitch- ýseparate ae w heesres Ofl ee Mr n Ms Ca.Venn Smith, botb of Ingiewood, Ont., ener, Georgetown, Inglewood, noh alu Grae.whresepar apolesor and Linda were Sunday supper ýwere united in marriage bv the Meaford, Ciarkson, Toronto, Er- oth Cil s rokn.Thi prt asnotSOguests of Miss Nora Venning, Rev. Gordon Cheyn and 50.'years indale, Goodwood and Tyrone. badly hit as a littie farther north. Linàsay.lteonhevnig fJue A er enobl da ws W. 1. MeetingMran r.AfeThr aeonteeeigo ue Avr nobldyws Womnen's Institute met in the Mr n r.Afe hr- 26th, 1957, ceiebrated their gold- brought to a close with ail gath-M ParshHal, edesdy ig tt an family, Kirkfieid, visited en wvedding anniversary. ering around trhe festive board 1 F( JAMESThe ladies coilected candiesj dMs rdDysad M.adMs mt received nd feeling that it had been a W JAMES from various places and wer famiiy, Sunday. Emiiy remain-j their guests, eround 130, inth very happy occasion.M ready to carry on by cendlelight ed for a week with Lorraine. (living-room of their home, essist-I EIAL ESTATE when the power came on in the Rece nt guests of Mr. and Mrs.i ed by their daughter, Grace, an I Resdece village. Mrs. H. Baiiey gave ai Russell Mountioy were Mr. and1 only son and bis wife, Mr. and -7 i n»N~ Rsenedevotional Dominion Day peper., Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Bowmen- Mrs. F. O. Smith, Bowmainville. L_1o .S h o p Rol cal "hat1 lavemy am-ville, and Sunday guests were The bride was wearing a dress T NIA3-5493 Ri el"htIlaem am Mr. and Mrs. Freemen Eddy, of blue printed satin and carry- Bowmanville ily to eat when I go away" was Newcastle. EPc î interesting. The motto was "Use Lynda Kyte is having her ing ahicacaabuti of pîn fJQy Pini the talents you possess".r. tonsils removed in Oshawa. adwitcrnios Stenford Van Camp gave a n Mrs. Ja.HnyMisGrud A three-tier wedding cake, Saturdav afternoon, July 6th Cý tan in- MrsrJas.tHenrythMiss Gertrudemade by the bride and ber the first Sunday Scbool pîcnicM ingofth Pot ery Hspta and Dris Griin spent daughter in a setting of goid for a number of years was held in ftePr er optla couplofdy with Mr. and Auxiliery. After considerable MsF b saa trim fianked with Pink candies at Waitona Beach. Newcastle.lwj y~s businss r fal fairswasdea. centred the dining-room table The weatherman favoured the wuihsMreith Byears av eat Little Earl Trewin suffered a wbere Mrs. Oscar Kidd, Comox, occasion and there was a good wl curth ees Mrs. Jot yrsgv hnec bite in the hand from a dog on B.C. sister-in-law of the couple, crowd. MI Kee read "The Value of a Smile. sFridav. isGlandtowreor. teand Mrs. J. C. Cook, a niece, Races, games, contests of al * NrmaWofe nd ou gils, ~ isiorstoSt.Joh'spoured tee, with Misses Gloria descriptions were heid, witb an FNraceWoland asfostsirs, Retryentvre: Mr St.eJdhMrs.H Smith, Lauraine Cook and Pat prizes for ail. There were pony Li Elaine Mountjoy as host, Nancy N. Magnan, Bayview Heights, HTaylor Clservne gesofth.Ms essins simigpol Staniland and Bonnie Mountjoy Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Birney and H.C.Mc hue niee ofn the an everything that maes a ti as their guests, gave e demon- Mrs. Gordon Birney, Toronto; couple, received teget nteadeertigta apn tti LOO stretion on setting the table and M1adMs useiBlWi dining-roomv a picnic, happened. Ev serving a seled plate meel which byz Mr. and Mrs. Bateson, Osha- Mo, aser BobrgeSfth e ygand- Some were iii, some were wet, Pi wes well done. A contest on wason,.wasdin chargeRof the guest many bad more chocolate milk reý foods followed. After closin ar and Mrs. E R. Sn boo. and chocolate cake on the out- exercises, the group with M e. hiby Shiowers of cards and mes- sd hni.B ..teg F.Staniand, leader, served a adMs no alr sages were received by the tables were sagging under the ho I dlilos lnc. her wre31Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Gemn- happy couple aiong with a ioads but with the ravenous ai idldispresnt. hrw 3 et Murray and girls, Port Credit, beautiful pot of 25 yellow murnm peie htg ihpcikr The Sacrement of Communionweercngesso Mr. n ada hn gRotesevc and growing boys and girls,lpD th rsRy Taylor. from the neighbours, and a love- things soon disappeered. inl Ania and nitednCohrche, Mr and Mes. Chas. Turner, ly bouquet of yellow roses from At 7:30 tables were cleared Wý Sunday morning. Sundae icese:M. nnrs ep the staff and members of Darl- and the gatbering up began andlw ing a large number of Orang e ungestsVl Or,and rs. Roy ngton Township Councîl Of though very tired and very sticky men and ladies gethered te T unr which the groom is a member the Young members remained inW, iodge rooms and paraded to the T~e~Tre ssedn this yeae.godsit. )OF House Anglican Church where Canon bis holidays building e cottage Rsdnt fthe Ln al Congratulations ape due Supt. 1 i vrb. Chaperlin delivered e fine serm- e o ii district for over 40 years, Mr. N.Gowad sinsMr. Ra Mrs and activel Gro adasisans rs ~OOI Wll on. They aiso pareded the Ens wi and b Mrs. Smith are ie mcm- Chas. Raby, Mrs. N. Gerow. vis color from tret ftr eviele y heEroesturwne and ghirlsands of Tyrone United Church Mes. E. Rutten and others. The Kr striiegses b and srvcld yteren, Mrs. RyTua ran ilsad al community affeirs. pci a uesces emovalges ur- an. fmom Devitt's Lodge. are spendinga few days with Guests were present from Osha -_________a___________s ýcncIvs sr- r.and Mrs. Cecil Hyde and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheelen, wa, Bowmanville, Pontypool, k nedrîadMr.StnPan Lyda M. ndMm. ta Pvn Hastings. Orono, Georgetown, Tyrone and Toot.setteholiday week- Mr. Jack Smith bas returne ZION (Hope Township) end with the Tom Hoidges and from a visit with friends et St. ,surrounding community, Mrs. Argue. Joseph's Island. On Sunday, June 23rd, about Mm. Frank Mclndoo, Bowman- Rv n r.Caec e 70 relatives of the happy couple Zion W.A. ville, visited Mrs.lGeo.cFower- Mmll, vantd Mrs. Cregbto Dev.itguson, London, are spending - met at thein home to honon tbem Zion W.A. met at the home o i Mr. nd rs.Creghtn Dvit, fw dys iththeCecl Hlls onthecm golden wedding anni- Mes. E. Ruthven, Thunsday. with ' owevlespnecopeofe daswtth Cci ilsversary. The couple rcceived 12 aduits and four c hildeen Bowanvll, sen a oule f and Rov Feigusons. ifi wrs, a boutonniere for the present. Tbe devotional period, , Ceciu Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. 1 and boys spent Sunday with Mrs.gro and a beautiful cascade anranged by Mrs. Morton, assist- , Allen Booken. Oshawa, visitedj R. Scott, Tyrone. bouquet of pink and white car- cd by Mrs. G. Elliott and Mrs. them Sundey.___________ nations for the bride. also an ar- R. Best was followcd by Mrs N. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daves, rangement of 50 golden cerna- Genow reading the minutes o ___ ad lifrd DnElfor oral BZTUAmadears j b Mn. Lawrence 1te rviu mein.MrsRuthl 'H /S te trweryfestival et Sio ftebie ia arrangements were mede " Weneda vein."The Three R. STANLEY DAVEY During the aftérnoon Mr. for the strawbcrry festival for Lads wee nsisingon the pro- SalyHreEidl.n-Jn 6 paper Jim and Lorraine Day es -visit- mer residcnt of Bowmanvilie, monies and congratuiated Aunt Gerow will cane for the churchO Mr.andMrs Heb Sainandin litt fr te pst 8 yars pîDnss and also some sorrows.1to er home for the next meet- Mirim, r. nd Ms. ewi' Buialtoo plae i Bo- 1He then called on the bride's1 ing. Tbursday, Julv 18 in the eralý;ev7c ,vs hld ereiii1 Godwod, ho ropsedtheMrs Ro Bet, rsE. Ruthvcn; , the Mj' lierai Chapel o t toast to the happy couple and Pro-frarn, Mes. M. Irwin, Mrs. C. June 29 conduc-ed by Rcv. T. 1 Mr. Oscar Kîdd, Comox, B.C., Irwin. A. Mor.-an. Palîbearers wene Th e progeam whicb wvas ar- six nephcws,.r Messrs. W. Bag- ranged by Mns. Elsworth Cas- nlJck Davey, AletMr 25-DAY SPECIAL we]l and Mrs, Doug Whitney, "H p s l ien d Wa dgre, on LO W ROU ND-TRIP others, consisted of readings on* Mr aWv e r. oha ee MRthe life of the late Dr. Currelley, B -A for.theDaeyvbohreyad b eer RAIL FARES his intenests, activities and ac- tire d rom business in 1954. For TOconiplishments. A jumbled ma- ________18__and anaer of paekr own r terial naming contest was puzzied Ser icadanaerofPakerApli astern WUEBEC with, whiie the lunch was being ance Store in Flint. i (L-ST O@rMEGA"NC-LEVIS-CHARNY) prepared. It proved very~ amus- The decea-ed was born a ing and confusing. Mes. Men- Sttonieamington, J une 10, 1887, the and the MiARITIMESÇ eilley rcceived the award for,.., ________ this. Hostess and lunch commit- ----- son of Thomnas and Rosear.n i tesre erebet n 'Dave\'. He moved *o Bowmanl- tesrIdrfesmnsan h -~iwth bis farnilywil, usuel social hour was en.ioycd. I (ING AND WAVERLEY ROAD i young man and married Rîid i4 Strawberry Festival 1 Alen o Bowanvile o Jut The strewberrv festival beld Yf2Allen 9of.Bowmanlle on i et Zion Church, June 26, pnoved .1~~ uarv , IIIn anar c- 1 ~\verY successfuh We were fav- Gas Fi-up Servi Ce i eaGol a d s a en ein -'* red wnchfar eaher ndabe anniersay liood mottac.Tve ablte Sservice when you fi up witi Mr. Davey was e memben of okdmsatrcieanth; thAe .. ienaLo ig N. 205nF. menu verv satisfving.M rfamous B-A Gasolines &I the V i odigen. 25F.-- Ou toi *Astife be vas i n good healtb, Mn. Da- customler is the best advertise- 5> !vey enjoyed fisbing and hunt- E.,nioy arefrealhin aun filed vacation auw i oke iný n hi leiure im'.Down East- thia lyear. Inexpe ve SO. refree Driviau Try Our Iîgi i esr ie holiday bres rive you a 25-day i A veny fine pr ogrem with Rev.V ~: splendid contribution to the pro-j gram. A few pleasent and hum - E IA E H IL oosremerks by the chairman ELZ B T VL E brought the festival to a close.! Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler and Mns. Burroughs, Toronto, guest; family, Mrs. Fowler, Suzanne of Mrs. Harold Caswell for the 1end Denlene Tbîckson attendei past week, has retunned home, July lst celebrations in Port Mr. and Mms. Chas. Meneiiiev Hope and brougbt Mn. Wilbert spent Sundey with the latters 1 Fowler, Lekefield, home with sister, Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Gem- themn andlater took bim home. mond, Oshawa. Miss Mary Lou Bancroft, To- Church services June 30 weme. ronto, Mr. Bruce Miller, Bow- well attended and included Holy menvilie, with Miss Bemyl Communion. Seventeeen weme Thickson, Monday evening. present for communion. This Miss Willa Muldrew, Long Is. was Rev. Harding's lest sermon land, is home for a month's before leaving on vacation. He holidays. repeated the message he gavel. Mr. and *Mis. Clifford Gyd3 five yeers ago, bis first on theb and son, Picton, with Mm. and Welcome Circuit. Zion Cbumch, being closed et thet time, did not Mrs. Durwand. receive it. The next church Miss W. Muldrew and Mes. service will be held August il. Wettens with Miss E. Launder, Port Hope.j Mm. and Mms. Gibbs, Oshawa,f LESKARDMrs. Aubrey Gilnore bas' Holiday visitons with Mmr andi been redecorating the bouse ai Mvrs. E. Green and femily were hem motber's. Mr. and Mms. A. Waite and Car- Mr. Reuben Beatty and Mn. olyn, Lansing, Mn. and Mrs. E. Geo. Durwand in Porit, Hopei,r Boyd, Bristol, England, Mr. ar4, July 1. [VIs. L. Morris, Dennis and Nor - Miss Gwen Mercer had the, nman, Hespeler, Miss L. Brown, misfortune to fail from hiem bi- Dmummond, Mr. and Mrs. G. cycle on Tucsday suffering a [Vansb, Geoff and Nigel, Wil- slight concussion and a badly lowdale, Mrs. E. Evemett, Ami screped, shoulder. A spokze and AI, Toronto, Mes. H. caught in the chain. Bobby, berr Squire, Gaît, Mn. and Mms. Dan brother, wes riding wîth hei Mvarsbal, Bruce, Bo, and Dawn, but missed being burt.i Ajax. ,The Younc Peoples Union Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompsoin held thein wiener roest in Cani and famuly were et their cot- ton Hall on Wednesday nignt. tage for the weekend. Everyone had a good time iu Mrs. Hoimes was also in re - spite rf the weather. ;idence for the holiday. Mm. and Mrs. Sam Miniis Welcome- to Mr. and Mrs. and son, Wbitby, witb Mn. andc EJari Epny and family wbo have Mrs. C. Mercer. moved into the bouse recentiy Induction services were holci vacated by Mm. and Mrk. Venc± et Elizabetbville on Thursday Aillen. night for the Canton change. Mm. and Mrs. Eeni Duvaîl and About 80 gathcred to induct andi Mrn. and Mes. H. Duvaîlland welcome our new ministen, Mr. famiy visited with Mrs. Grov- Bryson and family. Lunch wai er, Hamilton. served. Ministens ettendirrg Mn. and Mrs. A. Young and were Rev. Harding, Welcome: son, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Gardiner, Canton; Re v. C. Martin. Cronk, Port Hope and Rev. Me. and Mrs. N. Fisher and Luffman, Baltimore. deugbtens, wene recent visitons Presentation for Mrs. Ed with Mr. and Mns. Leroy Hem- - -- . iton. Sympatby is extended to Mrs, S. Bail in the deatb of hem nother, Mrs. Ineland, Cobourg. Mr. and Mns. Ross Robbins and Geil, Toronto, witb Mm. andI Mtrs, A. Robbins. Nesilelon the ighte Me.~ ~ ~ ~~h an e.SalnCouplin g... Mr. nd rs.Bruce Heaslip, tIrs. J. W. Irvine and Mrs. Geo. ~ . 'onder visited Me. andI Mes. Viley McKeown, Mono Milîs. tIrs. Irvine stayèd for e holiday. Congratulations to Mr. andI Miss Toronto 1955, fMs. Walter Welts who are proud Sheila Billing, shows you parents of a baby boy. hwes n rftbei Me. andI Mrs. Charles H.hwes n rftbei I'hompson andI Brien, Hamilton, is to use Vitrified Clay. wcre weekend visitors with the ~ <" Plain End Pipe, Fittings Urant Tbompson femily. Mr. and Mes. Arthur Pearce, . and Couplings- Dakville, spent the weekend with Wiss Rose Mountjoy. Miss Muriel McKee, Oshawa, with hem mother. Mr. Charles Bniggs, Toronto, vith Me. andI Mrs. Lorenzo \Iountjoy. Me. andI Mrs. H. Trick and Mr. 1 5- ind Mes. Wallace Trick of rindsay visited Mr. and Mms. :eorge Bowers. Fniends wiii be sorry to learn îat Mrs. (Dr.) John Wermy, nec ------- NATIONAL SEWER PIPE LIMITER,--i ,velyn Phîip, is in Oshawa Hos-I Sales Office: 100 Queen Street, Swanseo, Toronto 3, Ontg ital. We wish for ber an eerly MAIL ?covery. IiPieuse send me a free copy of PE Pipe and Fittings bookiet. 1 Mrs. Manvin Nesbitt is slowly THIS 1AE................... miigstrength since being 1 ime and Me. Elmer Nesbitt is' 1COUPON COMPANY ...................................I 1out the seme in Ross Memoriel1 DRS..................... fospital, Lindsay. Mes. John TO DAY ADRS.................... )ickey is finding the time long CITY..................PO....... V ..... n bcd with e fractumed hip but L------ - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --------------- -- ve trust the next few weeks hi pass quîckly for ber. Mr. andI Mrs. Edward Hoy of SH PRD L Veston visited their cýaughter r. antI Mes. HaroldI Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eîîiott antI L UI I ER CO . LIII. tad fWeston were Sunday J sitors witb Mm. antI Mes. B. R. 96 King Street E. Bowrnanville, Ontario ,nigbt. OUR FOURTH ANNIVERSARY SALE î On the occasion of our Fourth Anniversary we would like to take this opportunity of thenking ail our customers and friends who have been s0 kind during our Fpurth year in business. It hes been a pleasure to serve yon and we trust that we cen serve you even better in the years to corne. Pedal Pushers1 Dresses Sizes 4 to 12 - Regular to $1.98 ON SALE _______98C BOYS, SUITS To size 4 Regular $S.98 ON SALE $1.98 T-SHIRTS To ixe 14 Regular 980 ON SALE 79c REDUCED ro size 6x -tegular $3.98 ON SALE $1.98 Tro size 10 ON SALE $2.98 SUN SUITS Regular $1.9b ON SALE 98C Terry Cloth DIRESSING SOWUS Regular $5.95 ON SALE $3.98 John and Judy Shoppe 75 King St., E. Bowmanville Phone MA3-3293 4 THE CANADIAN - STATESMAN, BOWMANVrLLE. ONTARIO Dominico (riee Tullie Vasiioff) was held at Osaca-Sehool on Saturday night. Mr. Delbert Fishleigh acted as chairman. The following program was heard: piano solo,. Miss Mur- ilyn Falls; solo, Mrs. Wilma Robinson; guitar selection cy Bobby Robinson; duet, Ali'n and ýJim Souch: musical sei&-,:. tion, Messrs. Percy and Bren- ton Farrow; piano solo, Eiva Ann Robinson; reading, R. Robinson The address was read by Mrs. Poiny, Port Hop.. They were presented with a large mirror and a Kenwood bianket. Messrs. Percy and Brenton Farrow and Mrs. L. Hallowell provided the mu--îc and lunch brought the evening, to a close. - j .4 THE OOS ARE 2 TO 1 ... that. vour -.ýurance prograni nleeds attention if it haýýn't becn revietwed reccrf ly hy an exper- ienccd undcèrmrifer. A change of beneficiary p eria ps ... niortMage protection .* . or le&-, life assur- ance and more provision for retirement. Let me revivw your asauranre - mY years of experi- ence with the Sun Life Assur- ance Company of Canada are at your service. JEAN COCCOLA 17 Kenmar Street-Phone 3881 POIVELL RIVER

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