THURSDAY, JULY I8th. lU? ?~ CANAD!AN UTATZSMAN. ~WA!f'VW.?.W ~AUM - - --- Clarke Tax < rovince Doi pryowneiritwlthithe boundaries of the Township of Clarke can expect an Increais i M nicipal taxes this yi ove; hat of lait year. Te The total rate for farrn or retldential property i the T'ownship exclUding local rates will b. 38.6 milii. This rate. lait year was 34 mlii. lFor commier. cial and Induitrial propert1eu thii will Increage to 42.8 imill. In the Village of Orono and In- cluding the 15 iU public Dudley Pupils Ail Successful In Music Exams* Al canfidates of Mrs. Rota R.M.T., were succeosful at the Royal Cons.rvatory of Music examinatians held at the Li4ons Communlty Centre and are es follows: A.R.C.T. Piano - Teecher'î Hanours-Bertha J. Colvile.. Grade IX-Plano-onour-. Nancy Wood. Grade IV-Piano - Honouri -Robert Wehnert. Grade III-Piano - Pas- Carol Elston. Grade III-Hlstory-Honours -Mary Ann Grace. Grade III- Marmony-Paga -Mary Ann Greee. Grade II-Piano-Monourng- Tom Worden. Grade II-Singing-Honoursi -Nantcy Orton; Honours-Pran.1 ces Orton.e Grade I-Plano. First Clas Honours-Mary Herbert. Grade I Theory-Honours- Dennis Gay. 84 King Rate Jumps ubles Grant echool rate the total for resi- rdential and farm properties 1 wil be 56.6 mnliii while indus- trial and commercial properties wll have a rate of 60. 5 milîs. Théie figures are increases for Orono property owners over that of lit yean wben the rate was 52 milii for bath residen- tial and commercial alîke. Un- der the n ew provincial grant mystei comrnercial and indus- trial properties do fat rcCCive any benefit. The folwing is the mill rates &et for 1957 witb compar- lng figures cf the year 1956: 1957 1956 Counties rate ---10.6 10.1 District High Scboal 12.1 7.7~ Twp. Gen. Schaol - 4.5 4.2 Tw Geeralrate- T'WiGeneril 10.4 10.5 CôOrnercial - 14.3 10.5 Twp rate i Orono: t neidential ____8.9 7.0 CommérciAl 10.8 7.0 Police Village rate 7.5* 7.5 TIiore in lutIle change in the mnajanity of public school rates within the Township exceptýng for Brown's Na. 5 which lias niounted ta 29.1 mills fnom 17.8 in 1956. This is due ta the ne'v scbool. Schoal sections 23 and 25 show an increase ta 21.5 Mills tramn 16 milîs. The. Town- ship School area remains the same, at 15 milîs. The Provincial unconàiiona] ratfrthe year 1957 has dou- rn $1.50 per capità toaa sum of $3.10 per capita. This amaunt enabled tbe Township to hold tbe lin. on the residen- tial and fanm miii rate ta one- tentb lower than last year. This information was presen- ted- ta Clarke Council recently when they met in regulan ses- sion with Deputy-neeve Walk- ey in tha chair in the absence of the reeve. Council autborized the Road Supenintendent ta construat a wooden culvent and negrade the e~~~~~~~~~ -...-.. -*OO-.*s-e . -...- s..- : s- Your Local TEXACO NOW AT 218 KIng Si.Ze. Dealer Bowmanville st. W. awa. To Graé lyn (Hai Judy Hanc To Grad tier, Garry To Grac ett, Jimn- B1ewett * To Graè amn, BobbE anne Muri Erie Duval Boukie Sik Mrs. J. CROOKE] S.S.1 Grade 7 Wood (Hci Grade 6 Wilson (Hic Grade 5 Oliver (Hi BRUCE MINNS CONTINUES SUMMER CLEARAI SALE 20% MANY BARGAINS ON. NO0TE MENS A D oYn' CLOTHING k Bruce Minns Cloth >!ENS AUD BOYS, WEAR Garry Venning, Mg r. 2RING ST. Em BOWMA 154,000 in May of 1956, the de VI-Sharon Tamb- bureau of statistici reponted to- i). Albert Munneke, day. cack, Gamev Lycett. The latest payrrents repre- ide V-Marelene Pelle- sented 1,253,000 man-weeks, vy Patterson. agaînst 1,005,000 weeks in May, de IV-Donald Blew- 1956. nie Smith, Kenncth April benefit payments were de II-Chyrell Coath- $40,392,000 for 1,911,000 weeks. by Pelletier, tied; JO- neke, Wayne ruh E T N IL 11l, tied; Ronnie Bng, N W O IL ikra. I. McKenzie, teacher. (Intended for lait week) * * *Miss Alice Neibitt, Toronto, ED CREEK SCHOOL is speiiding one wSek of ber No. 7, CLARKE vacation at home. ta Gade8-Bvery oMaster Donnie Maulson left mn7 TomadM8iîson. onMondlay ta spend the bhl- ta.) Grad 7itor days with ber aunt at Blind aIn.). Rvr 5ta Grade 6-Percy Mn. and Mns. Wray Saules, aOn.), Luigi DeKoker, Toronto, with Mn. and .Mrs e; David Wright, Cam- Jack ElliaIt. Miss Darothy Eh- iult (Rec.). liott returned home with them. 3ta Grade 4-Shanon Miss Kathleen Wilson, Ro. iWright, Jean Paeden, tbsay, bas been holidaying witb ýFox, ber grandmother, Mns. R. S. 2ta Grade 3-Nancy Johnston. (Hon.); Heathen Wood Mr. Jack Wade, Newcastle, nald Milîs, Diane Wih- and bis aunt, Mrs. Cecil Walk- ta Gade -Kenethey, left on Sunday for Cadilac, H on.)rada Dvey. thMichigan, ta visit relatives. Sharon Fax (Hon.), Mrs. Victor Wagg, Markharn, Clark (Han.) . has ibeen staying with Mr. and acber, Mrs. M. Elliott. Mrs. Sid Brown. Miss Nancy McDuff under- went an appendix operatian in Memonial Hospital, Bowman- iss lans ville, Saturday nigt. Gary and Grace Ann, Peterbor- Lemodel ough, witb Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Bunley. Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkie Post Off c and Mn. and Mrs. Roy Hall bave fretunned home after spending tive plan for remod- a week at Shiarbot Lake. Sground floor of th~e Week-end visitars witb Mn. ffice building for use and Mrs. Willis Farrow were blc Librany bas been 1 Mrs. Nana Triggs and gnandson, and will be submit- Detroit, Mich., Mn. and Mrs. i eLibrary board and Roy Burley, Oshawa, and Mn. tee of Bowmanville and Mrs. Clinton Bunley, Scar- :b. bonough. Mowat, Dinector of Mrs. Gilmcr-Smith is stay- rary Service for the ing for a wbihe with ber son )pantment of Educa- and daughtcn-in-law, Mr. and ed the building last Mrs. Frank Gilmen. They ais> drcw up a proposed bad as guests their gnandsan hich he accompan- Stewart Gilmen, Toronto, and< certain recommenda- Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Gilmer, Mowat will b. pres-I Buffalo. neeting of the Board Wcekend visitons with Mn. ry camrnittee ta ib. and Mrs. Gea. Stapleton wene- [y when the plan wil] Mr.i and Mns. Gardon Martin cd.-an daugbter, Doris, and grand- son Tommy Martin of Bow-- manvîlle and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. la in the peniod 1945- Martin, John and Francis of ementary labon in- Pont CoIbonne. ch consists of ernploy- The Induction Service for the )utions ta pension and new paston, Rev. R. C. White, ans, unemployment on the Newtonvilhe Circuit was 4 and workmen's cam- jheld in the Newtonville chunch incneased from $156 July 4tb with all three changes - $497 million. well represenled. Rev. M. C. ~ Fisher of Newcastle was chair- man. Rev. A. M. Butler of Ajax gave the address touch±ing on responsibilities cf bath pastor and people. After everyone bad greeted thein pastor lunch and- HISold Turner of Bowmanville a asoil r ws elenevtH. Mn. Laftus Bellamy, New- T castle, passed away on Monday- of a beant attack. Loftus was N C E originahhy a Newtonvihle boy, attended school here. His par- ents lived where Mr. and Mns. Truman Henderson now lives. Later he married and iived on a farm nat fan from the village. B The sympatby of Ibis commun-T ity is extended ta Mns. BellamyT and farnily. Recent visitons witb Mn. and C Mrs. Harry Wade were, Mn. O FF and Mrs. Wm. Brown and dau- gbter, Karen, Scarborough. Mns. Grace Wade, New Toronto. 'Mn. and r.OzeMcdo Dartmouth, N.S., and Mr. a-idL IMrs. Mel Tausignant, Syden- b amn. Asad drowning accident took place hast Sunday aftennoon when somne cf the yaun« lads- of 'ho, village weent north 1.1~ Lord's creek for a swîrn. Arthur Merrijl w"hô has livc wi'th Mn. iing neenerwshufr and Mrs. Wmn. Milligani for coldd they tbink h. must rnus, have been scized with a ANVILLE cramp whicb caused bim ta fall and strike bis head on a Aaony Prizes' Church Picnic. C hiropracfic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phane MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment Denal1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubllee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanvllle Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Clased Saturday and Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S. D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 pan. daily 9 a.m. tQ 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. P. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanvllle Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dally Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Legal STRIKE and STRIXE Barnisters, Solicitors Notaries Publie W. R. Stnike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barnister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W . Bowrnanvflle Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 NUSS APHA L. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Publie remperance St. - Bowmanville entrance ta the Norman Ken ive A wa fi nedy sideroad which has been requested ta be opened.G A letter fram H.E.P.C. ofA at o i Ontafia stated that 39 hydroA t Cho i pales involving 1%½ miles of lUne -would have ta be moved along Mare than 800 persans. en- S the 8th, line due ta the new jayed the annual Parish picniç -construction of the road. The of St. Joseph's Cathahie Church, sestimated cost ta the Township Bowmanville, and St. Johnl's was set at $2,925.00. It was the Newcastle, beld at Waltona rfeeling of council that flot ail Park in Newcastle, Sunday, r the 39 pales would bave to be July 7th. emoved. Highhighting the pragram aof The Reeve, J. T. Brown, was events was a ralling pin throw- -appointed Township represen- ing contest open toalal ladies. tative ta attend the Ontario Races for all ages, balloon Municipal Board meeting in blowing, watermelon eating and e~ Newcastle conccrning extension horseshoe pitching contests of 401 through the Township. were among the apany feature3 1Mr. Brown is ta be supparteci of the' day. -by legal counsel. Cbîldren were issued tickets Appova wa reeivd fomfor free ice cream and pop, thpDpoa artment c ighways while the adults wene given fo t b. uplmentany Roghad tickets on .the attendance draw. 1 fo theSuppemenary oadSixty attendance draw pnizes 7Appropriation of $30,000.00. wbich bad been donated by 2This brings the total ta be spent Bowmanvilîe merchants wcre on roads this year ta $75,000. given away in the draw held 50f the suppiementary $21,000 at supper time. 5is for new construction and $9,- Featuze Prlîe Wînner 000 for bridges and culvents.I Rev F. K. Malane, parish Il A ncquest for a grant of $236.- pniest, mnade the draw for the I18 by the Lake Ontario Devel- feature pnize of the picnic apment Association was left whlch was a power lawnmow- aver until the August meeting. er. Mrs. Ernest Blake, 34 On-' Council requested the Public tania st.neet, Bowmanville, was school Inspector, Mr. Holmes. the lucky winner. ta meet with them ta discuss The successful picnic was the Public School outlook and under the direction cf Bert the requested survey. Payne, chairman; Thomas Mas- The Clerk xvas given pems esn sports manager; Wilfred sion ta have one additional McLen, financial manager, street lîght installed an the Gerry Wilson, arrangement and main street of Kendal.-TimeF. prize manager, George Chard, grounds supervisor. Abiy as- 'iting them were, Rudalph St. Sc o l R su Its Armanid, WlrdLBnMk School R Heenan, Glen Hughes, Stuart S. S No.8 CLRKE Chisholm, Mrs. Gerrard Wil- of the Antioch) ' y y e t The following are the namesM y P me t oftepupils who passed their examinations at the end of ue 1957: une,'For Jobless Gram Grade VIII ta IX-Pauli Tamblyn (Hon.) Janev Grade VII ta VIIn-: Up Over 1956 Jn'yHancock, Glenda Cowan, Beverley Cowan. To Grade VII-Sandra Bow- Unemployment* i n s u r a n c e ins (H-on.), Mary Jane Brough benefit payments in May were (Hon.). Grant Yeo nn oro $26,269,000 compared with $19,- LOVEKIN AND THOMPSON Bannistens and Solicitors E. Richard Lovekin U.E.. B.A., LL.B. and Andnew R. Thampion LL.B.. LL.M. 30X 9 Newcastle. Ont. elephones: Newcastle - 2115 Toronto HI 4-4396 'nsultation by appoîntment only M orîfg ag e s £ROT HAXMLTON . ORONOl Phione 1 r 16 Finît MortgZage funds Residezices - Farni, Business Propenties KMITHA. BILLETT Optometrist 41 Kumg St. E. Bowmanville !fice Houri: By appointmnent! Telephone MArket 3-3252 Manday ta Saturday 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Wednesdays: 9 to 12 ThunidaoeeiÂnu Girls, 16 and over-Jose Sch- langen, Rita Goulah. Boys 16 and over-John Bot- trell, Arie Vanderholst. Single men - Aie Vander- bolst. Singe ladies-Rita Gaulah. Married men-Roy Secord. Marnied ladies-Mrs. Peggy Haynes. Three legged race-Mns. Bill Budai and Ted Tice. Ladies' peanut race - Mns. Angela Hollen. Mcn's shoe scramble-Harvey Bottrell. Balloon blowing-Anne Wil- son. Lucky spot-Dan Mastersan. Boys' and girls' sack race- Robent Dulines. Watermelon eating cantest, boys and girls, 12 ta 16-Vin- cent Molloy. son, Mrs. Wilfred McLean, Mrs. Tom Masterson and Mnr. Jack Brown. Mns. Dermot Laverty won theu rolling pin throwing cantest. She flot only hit the stuffed dumxny target, but succeeded ini knocking it down. Mr. La- verty was presented witha special prize of iodine and bandqges in view of bis wife's marksmanship. Other prize winners includ- cd, Oldest lady, Mrs. James In- tantine; oldest man, James In- fantine; mother of the young- est baby bresent was Mns. An- drew Flynn. Prize for the mo- ther of the youngest twins ai the picnic was won by Mns. Adam Chaplinski. Mrs. William Cowles and ,Mrs. Peter Verleysen tied for the prize for the largest tam- ily present. Bath ladies have nine children. Married men won the tug of war against the single men. Wilfred Latine was captain of the winning tcam,. Race Wlnners Winners of the races and con- tests wene as follows: Boys, 6 and 7 years-Francis Cowles, Bill Tolmie, Don Whe- lan. GitIs 6 and 7-Karen Budai, Pauline Tolmie, Jean Landry. Boys, 8 and 9-Michael Shut- tleworth, Chris Quinton, Toni- my Chard. Girls 8 and 9-Peggy Whe- lan, C. Flyvnn, F. Verleysen. Boys, 10 10 13 - David O'Rourke, Andy Murphy, Bob McManus. Girls, 10 ta 13-Vicki Chard, Evelyn Jones, Anne Wilson. Girls, 16 and under-Evelyr Joncs, Elisa Verlcysen. Boys, 16 and under-Vincent Molloy, David ORourke. Business Directory_ Accountancy- WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. Bawmarwlille (Above Garton's Bus Statun) 64 King Street E. MONTEITH -MONTEITEf RIE13L & CO. Chartened Accountants 135 Simco. St. N. Oshawa RA 5-4662 Partners: J. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A. A.. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C.A. <Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey,-C.A. R. P. Lightfoot, C.A. YALE, FRTEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors 64 King St. E. RA 5-16211 Oshawa B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Fniedlander, F. Comm.. C.P.A Future, London Life Has $4 -Billion c k i 1~ I CHRISTOPHER HOWARD -LOFTrUS BELLAMY A Well known Clark. tawn- ship farmer for many years, Christopher Howard Loftus Bellamy, died suddenly at h-s home, Newcastle, on Monday morning, July 8, fallowing a conanary thrombosis. Mr. Bell- amy :was in bis 77tb year. .A son of tbe late GeorgeBel- lamy and Margaret Henderson, th. deceased was born in Clarke township and farmed for many yeans on the homestead south of Newtonville for a period of nine years be was emplo17ed by the Canadian National Ex- in Toronto but return'ed KrDA a(Intended for last week) Visîtors with Cathcart's and Thompson's on Sunday were, Mrs. Burwash, Miss MeBride and Mn. Wm. McBride of Ca- 3bourg and Mr. McBride's son, Leslie, bis wife and their son Jimmy of Regina. Mr. Harold Elsey, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Cy Elsey, Carol jand Marilyn, Oshawa, vislted Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Rough- ley, Don and friend Pete, Osh- awa, spent Thursday with Mrs. Thorne and Mrs. Alva Swar- brick. Mr. J. Patton and Rev. Long of Orono callcd Saturday, and Mrs. Stoker and Miss C. Stewart were in Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux, Ray and Marie, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin ILowes and family in Peterbor- ough. Mr. Norman Patton has ne- turned to Peterborough for a few weeks. Miss Kay Geach and girl friend from Toronto, were with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Geach aven the weekend. Kay bas ac- cepted a position with the Workmen's Compensation Board, Toronto, for the sum- mer months. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Zealand, Johnny and Garnet, visited Mrs. Mary Luxon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frederick, Peterborough, were Sunday g ueàts with Mr. and Mrs. John Bid. Visitons Sunday with Mr. and Mns. Percy Bu.rley, were Mrs. Vannatto and Cecil and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gardon and son. Stanley, Oshawa. The Gardons also visitcd with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burley. Mrs. Ted Coatham and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer, Sunday afternoon. Thursday night nesidents of Kendal were greatly alarmed when it was reported that Jackson's woods, just south of the village, was on fire. The flames, showers of spanks and bright reflection down in the midst of the woods, made it look very bad. On gctting dloser il was found that Jack- [son's sawmill with its dry boards and big timibers was put- tlng up the blaze. It is another oid landmark gane but has flot been in use since the dam was washed out a few ycars ago. It was built one.hundred years ago. 1857, by Wm. Jackson, grandfathen of Bill Jackson, and was remodelled in 1905 and 1912 when it was damaged when Ab Jackson ran it. A resident of Newcastle for 13 years, Mr. Beflamy was a mnember of Newcastle United Church and a former member of the Orange Lodge. He leaves his wife, thefor. mer Ada Grace Wannan, whomn he married in May, 1909; a daughter, Mrs. John Dell (Ev. elyn) of Oshawa and two sons, Everett of Toronto and How- ard of Orono. The funeral service wag held, at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, July 10, conduc- ted by Rev. M. C. Fisher, min- ister of Newcastle United Church. Interment was in Or- ono Cemetery. The London Life Insurance Company passed the $4 billion mark in lie insurance in force at the end of June, it has been annaunced by R. H. Reid, Ex- ecutive Vice-President and Man- aging Director. This amount does not include annulties or business reinsured wîth other campanies. Well aven $23/ billion is Ordinary insur- ance, wblle Group life insunance amounts ta more than $650 mil- lion, and Industnial insunance exceeds $550 million. The Com- pany's total life insurance in farce bas virtually tnîpled in the last 10 years. The Landon Lite has 84 agency offices and same 1,400 field representatives, all of them in Canada. In addition ta life in- surance, this Company issues groipp sickness and accident ini- sunance, and annuities. The Company's rapid growth is evidence of a continuing body of satisfied policyhalders. Oven 40% cf the new Ordinary bus- iness being issued is on the lives of Persans wha are alrcady in- sured with the London Life. This a natural resuit of the Company's empbasis, finît, on low cost insurance under policy contracts containing attractive features designed ta nicet the varying needs of the insuring public for family protection and retirement incarne, and second, on train ing its field represent- atives ta analyze those needs and propose carefùLlly worked out pnograms of life insunance. McR EStutt iiand Luggagel 15 King St. E. MA 3-5839 Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE MERCHANTS Fortune Jubilee Diamond Mine Draw Formerly Appreciation Day Draw Every Saturday - 3 p.m. JACKPOT VALUE - THIS WEEK - $400 Winner Mrs. J. L. Graham, 61 IDon't Forget - Next Draw, Saturday, July 2Oth at 3 p.m. - Town Hall on Saturday Prospect St., Bowmanville j- j- t. t: t: 'J t: n n J! ..4-H Club Member The twa-year-old in hie play-pen ie faecinated by life around him. He langs to pull the tail feathers out of every chicken an hie father's farn. He ha# no idea at al how a farmer's son should behave, but he'Il find out, later, when hie brothers initiate him into the local 4-H club. Ilere he'll learn by doing, pledged te ue his head, heart, hande and health in the best possible way. 4-H Clubs were etarted with one simple idlea in mmnd: te have r'ural young peaple do P wonthwhile piece of work at home, voluntarily, and do if, better than ever before. Plant a garden plot, perhaps, or rais. a caif, make a dress, beautify a room. The idea Was gr) good I- hat the - ';riing people swept. their PirentS along wit h theni, and farni life improved ainaziigly. 4-H Clubs have done many useful thingg. They have kept the right boys and girls on tl4e fanm, trainëd young men and women for leadership, improved life in rural cern- munitiee by intraducing better agniculturai and home practices, and implanted the ideal of geod citizenship in yaung minds. There are about 75,000 4-1H merm bers, ini Canada. Many will graduate intc farm organizations in which are the proagr'-.-,ýive young fanonr who-by using ïmodern machinery and farm techniqiie3-hplro to keep al Canadians welI fed. MASSEY-HARRISWF'ERGUSON LIMITED GREASE AND OIL WASONG AND REPAIXS DUNLOP TIRES OPent 8 arn.t Ill p.rn. daily Operated by R. (Sud) Viriue ÉLOSED FOR HOLI DAYS Dur Dry Clsaning Plant will ho closed for sur amnual vacation front Nonday, August 51h Io Saturday, Auguit 101h inclusive. OPEN FOI BUSINESS AGAIN NONDAT, AUGUST 121h Your co-operation i picling up ail Dry CIeani'ng orders before this turne wiIl be appreciated. FOR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY PHONE MA 3-5520 Bowma nvi lie Cleaners & Dyers Ltd. BRANDED LINES FROM ta bis farm. THURSDAY, JULY 18th, INR TEE CANAVLAS STATESUM, BOML&N7rLtr- mmA"m SUMMER SALE of SFOOTWEAR SCONTINUESU 13 Corne in and see the hugej Ssavings on footwear for Il every member of the J WGNEN'S IEND 0F LUNE t SHOES REDUCED nBELOW COST. John ' ma p»- l@eý m OBITUARY