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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1957, p. 10

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PAGE TEN L~J~* 5 MAnvff..LEONTARIO ~USA.3TYIft.II Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Douglas, Kitchener, and Mr. Cliff Doug- las and Miss Mabel Brown cf Toronto were wcekend visitors with Mrs. H. J. Ragen and Mr. Walter R. Douglas. Mrs. Kathleen Byam and son Bill, Vancouver, B.C., spent a fcw days last week vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt and famiiy. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLeod, Toronto, former residents ofl Newcastle, are hoiidaying at the home of Mrs. Marie Gart- shore. Mrs. George Smith spent ai week visiting with friends in Kendal.i Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Slatcr cg Schreiber were wcekend visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Agnew and Mrs. R. B. Bn.'s coe. MWr. Raiph Murray of the loca,,l Bank of Commerce staff is holidaying with bis parents1 OIRL 3 i Foxboro. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bya and son Terry, Toronto, wtcre Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt and family. Mr. R. Gioffe cf New York is spcnding a two weeks vaca- tion with Mrs. H. J. Ragen anc Mr. Walter Douglas. A family gathering was heic at the home cf Mrs. J. C. Han- cock recently in honour of the twenty-fifth wedding anniver- sary of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbenl Teeple (nee Elizabeth Han- cock) of Bowmanvilie. Thosc- attending the dinner wenc Miss Alice Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Neil May of Peterborough, Mr. and Mns. Adair Hancock and Murray of Mimico and Miss Ruth l-ancock. Mr. and Mrs. George Kim- bail and family, accompanied by Miss Sharon Hancock, have returned home foliowing a week's vacation spent at Was- aga Beach. Mrs. P. F. LeGresley return- ed on Friday following a six weeks trip to Engiand, Ireiand and Scotland in company with ber brother, Archdeacon C. W. Balfour and Mrs. Balfour cf Peterborough. Mrs. E. Richard Lovekin on the birth of a son, Richard Gordon. It is cfinterest to note that this Richard anrived 161 yeans aften the finst Richard Lovekin arnived in Clarke. He is also the sixth genenation to bean this Christian name and born on the same farm. We weicome Mn. and Ms., Ralph Whincop, Pat and John to the village. The Whincop's anived in Newcastle a couple cf weeks ago from Battersea, England, and are now living on Mili St. north. Miss Jili Wiliams spent a few days last week visiting with ber friend and former neighbour, Miss Joan Porter, in Bowmanville. -M FOR YOUR SAFETY AND PLEASURE We Offer These' VACATION SPECIALS ln Guaranteed A-i USED CARS "DEMONqSTRATOR" 1957 FAIRLANE VICTORIA Automatic, radio, etc. Huge Discount. 1954 STUDEDAKER Commander HARDTOP 1050 Radio, overdrive 1050 1954 PLYMOUTH SUDURBAN One 1450 owner 1450 1953 CHEVROLET DELAIR niotor __1_95.00_ 1953 FORD CUSTON4 Two to choose from -_____------ 9 50 1953 PONTIAC Sedan Delivery 650.00 1950 AUSTIN -*- 195.00 1051 NERCURY New motor ___ __ 725.00 n 'e d Newcastle: Council chamber traffic couid thus be routed up of Newcastle Com.munity Hall what is known as the Schmidt was comfortably f illed on side road to the third line and Monday evening for the publie connecting with Highway 115. meeting called by the village ulnrosa council to study and discuss OtnsPooa *the proposed plans for the con- Counilor Rickard outlinec tstruction of Highway 401 or the gathering, the plan sug- * tbrough the village. The large gested at the joint meeting of e map showing the proposedth Clarke township and New- sroute of the highway and the castie village councils, which streets that would be closed by proposed the opening of tile its construction, was displayed west boundary between the on the wall for ail to see and two municipalities, known bet- was explained to the gathering ter as the Pearce side road, in by the chairman, Reeve J. H. addition to Mill St. Mention Jose and the council's speilw as also made Of Newcastle solicitor for the Municipal Bd ., uoee)wihr hearing, Mr. E. Richard Love.. through the farm of ex-reeve kmn D. J. Cunningham, as a pos- Ail phases of the effect the sibie site for the interchange. new bighway, cutting through Tbough there was prolonged the geographical centre of the discussion and a number cf village, wili have on the mun- suggestions made as to which icipality were thoroughly dis- would be the best site for the cussed before Mr. Lovekin Newcastle interchange, it was called for a show of hands of n9t possible, without the ad- ail those1 satisfied with the vice of an engineer, for the plans, as shown by the High- meeting to agree on the best ways Department map, to place for the interchange; which he received no response. whether it shoulci be east or The strongest protest being west of Mili St. But, there was voiced was to the channellîng alMOst unanimous agreement of ail traffic along Mill street, that an overpass shouid bc the main residential street of constructed on Mill St. and an the village ana trie route taken interchange at some other daily by the large majority of street in the village, at the dis- local school chiidren, though, cretion of the Highways De- at the same time expressing partment. the necessity of keeping this Much Discussion street open for local traffic The discussion was Most en- north and south in the village. thusiastic and was well studied Early Objections by ail present before decisions Reeve Jose explained that, were r.±ade and it is alrnost as far back as 1948, council certain that, when ail those had expressed objection to the attending the meeting and highways department, to con- iearning the facts, taik with structing a cloverleaf on Miii their neîghbours, a much larg- street and that, at that tîme, er crowd of local taxpayers the department had agreed to will be on hand to back the construct the nterchange at council in their proposais to be Baldwin St. John Rickard, presented to the Municipal reeve of the village from 1952.. Board by Mr. Lovekin at the 54, stated that, during the time hearing in the Community hall he was reeve, council had dis- on the rmorning of August 6±h. cussed this highway with the According to the plans laid department ana tluat council out by the Newcastle and had strongiy cpposed a Mill St. Clarke coundils, Newcastle's re- interchange in these discuss- quest will cost the Department ions. littie or nothing More than Another ex-reeve cf the vil- their present plan and will lage, Mr. H. S. Britton, stated serve the whoie community that, in his opinion, the logîcal much better without hindering place for the interchange was the construction cf the new at Arthur St., which is an un- highway. It should not be toc opened street intersecting King much to expect that favourabie St (.Highway 2) near the New- consideration will D~e given to cil Lumber Co. plant. Through these proposais. Citizen s Give Support To Council in Demand For Change of Plans Chur ches Ho Service at W Newcastle - With pérfect weather prevailing, members cf the Orono and Newcastle con- gregations cf the United Church cf Canada enjoyed an open-air service of worship on Sunday evening in the beautiful natural setting of Waitona Park in Newcastle. With the Rev. M. C. Fisher, minister cf the Newcastle Church conducting the service, the good sized crowd in attend- ance joined in the singing cf gospel hymns te accompaniment cf the Orono Citizens Band und- Id Open Air' er the direction cf thefr leader,. J M.MJ.Tamblyn. U C The leature cf the service was teirtsermon pncached by the Rev. Basil E. Long who came te OrnoUntd huchvryreI LEN~DED cently fnom Rouyn, Que.,ad was being heara for the is tie y hemai ority of the New-.j I castle congregation. It was announced at the close cf the service that a similarG A E R I service wili be sponscred by thelG A E R I two congregations i the Orono 2tat 7:30.JUI E- 7/le/Vewcad/e9M40#:d.PSM lords. Ap.w, fier P~sm. 3021 Salad -Dressing- Jar 35c Married in Trinity United Churèh '2~ Crowther, Newcastle. Miss Viola Gilfillan, Toronto, visited her aunt, Miss V. Gilfil- lan. Mr. and Mns. Clifford Fer- guson and family from Alberta vaslted his aunt. Mrs. Fred Tamb- Mr. and Mrs. G. Anderson, Hamilton, visited Miss A. Mer- nuson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Tyrreil and family. Mrs. John Ccx, Bowmanvile, who has just returned from a 'plane trip to England, spent a few days with her cousins, Mr. andMrs. Reg. Sutton, where Mn. Cox stayed whie his wife wal away. 1K E INFDAÀL Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gard- house and Mr. Selkirk, Toron- to, were Sunday visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Mult Rob'inson. Miss Ruth Jackson, R.N., of the Civic Hospital, Ottawa,« was home with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Martinell, Peterborough, visited Mis moth- er, Mrs. Hattie Martineli, Thursday, and took ber back with them for tbe Orange cell- bration. Miss Joan Reid with Carolyn Foster and on Saturday they attended the Orange Parade in Peterborough Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, Toronto, are spending a couple of weeks at their summer home here. b -Photo by Ineland Studio, Osbawa i~0~/V C6~9,~ P f'Iey!body's,,summner appetite perks up at the first sight of a teuptlny platter of cofd cuts. Sa why cookl Serve cold cuts citen through the summer montis. serw. them in salids, or in sandwiches. Serve them with fresh vegetablea. Take them on picic ... they're deliciaus dozens of ways. Cold culs are always handy to hava on hand. so pick up a good variety at DOMINJQU this week. Horsey Brand Florida Juices The Orono NewsI 1Telephone 127 - - I Mn. and Mn.. W. Fairbunn, Lakefieid, were guests on Sun- day cf Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan. Mrs. Jean Barr, Erie, Penn.; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson, Betty Ann and Larry, Water- down, visited Mr. and Mns. Alex Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell Ivisited Mr. and Mrs. Colin Tay- lor, Bowmanville, who just re- tunned from a holiday îpi Eng- land. Miss Miidred Hoidaway, Pet- erborough, is spcnding a weck with ber grandparents, Mr. and, Mrs. Egerton Hancock. 1Mn. and Mrs. Frank Andron, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Madison iHall visited Allen Ardnon at the Boy Scouts Camp, Doe Lake, near North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton vis- ited on Sundav Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Farrow, Oshawa. Mr. and Mns. Eldon Esseny and familv. Courtice, spent S un- dav with Mrs. Luther Barra bail.1 Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Bell, Osha- wa, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mns. Norman Aluin and Jfamil v. Mrs. Geo. Hutton spent Sat-j urday with Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Saundens, Bowmanvilie. The Hancock Family Picnic was held on Wednesday at Nich-1 blîs Ovai Park, Peterborough. 1 Mrs. Truman Clark, New- . castle, is visiting Mr. and Mrs.1 Reg. Sutton.1 Mrs. Wm. Robinson returnedà te Memorial Hospital, Bowman-1 Authorlzed Chalco__Dealer PHRONE Newcasfle 3686 ville, last wcek. Congratulations to Mr. anid Mrs John Hathaway. the form- er Margaret E. Barrabail, Dand, Manitoba, on the binth of their son, Juiy 8th. A brother for Rae. Mary Lynn Baiiey Is visiting, relatives in North Bay. Mr. and Mns. Geo. Mitchell and famiiy, Oshawa, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell. Mrs. Harry Rowe is a Patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mrs. Chas. Wood spent Tues- day with er daughtcr Mrs. Geo. ODrange Parade In Village Saturday A.M. Newcaste-Though lacking a local Orange Lodge, Newcastle bas bad the unique expenience cf havingZ an Orange parade cach Year now for the past threc yeans. On Satunday merning, for the third consecutive year the smart Bowmanviile Fife and Drum Band paraded along Kingl Street fromn Baldwin to Miii and Manvers te North Street, where the members boarded their bus and procecded te the big "Orange Walk" in Peterborough. The large, smantly dressed band in full regalia and accoro- panied by their smart baton- twirling majorettes made a thriliing sight as they paraded through the village te the strains cf "The Red, White dand Blue" and other tunes used in the panades of the "Gionîcus i Tweifth". Bowmanvilie can wcll be proud cf this voluntary musical onganization whcther at home or advertising the town as it Passes through other commun- ities on panade and their num- erous appeanances in Newcastle havep emphasized the need for a âimiiar orgarùzation lieu. -- D.S.L. Black Tea Bags Richmello Creamy 20-or. Tin 48-oz. Tin 20-oz. Tin 48-oz. Tin 20-or. Tin 48-oz. Tin 33c Cello pkg. of 100 2 for 33c 37c 2 for 31c 35c 2 for 29c 83C 8-o2. Jar 22c !Margarine - Regular Clover Valley Cheez Pleez Lb. Pkg. jar 65c 31 C 8-or. Tumbler 3 5C FRE.SH PRODUCE JuicY - California - Size 113's SUNIKJST ORANGES Doz. 49C Serve with Richmello Ice Creani! U.S. No. 1 Vine-ripened and Sweet - Jumbo size CANTALOUPES 2 For 49c Ontario - Green Pascal - Size 48's CELERY STALKS 2 For29C Ontario - Fresh Green Top New DBunched Beels 3Beh. 28C Ontario - New Crop - Green Top New Bunched Carroîs 3 &îu.- 28c ,California - Sweet Eating Values effective at your Dominion Store, Bowmnanvjlle, 1 July 18 - 19 - 20 - * Lb. d 3o j SPECEALS Tinc Deliclous in sandwiches, salad plates! Fancy Red Sockeye Paramount Salmon Quick and easy to prepare! Aylmer - In Tomato Sauce Beans Real Value - Stock Up Hun'sChiceWoe Tender and Sweet! Blue and Gold Ungraded Fancy Peas 'ýTiO 2 for 3 3*C Biscuit Feature - A favorite snack 201 i Ii)-.2 o 2Tion 3 for $1.00 Coco Macaroons Candy Feature! Bassets Licorice Allsorts 12-or. 3 i Pkg. 16-o. Serve "Iced" Richmello Coffee - New Low Fric. Freshly Ground 49c R ic hmello Coffee Cut Bread Costs! R ic hmello Bread '/'2 b- 45 C Lb. pkg. 89C Carry it home and save! Gu a ranteed Quality Meat è 2 DEVON - Sliced CALDWELL'S WIENERS -- NIAPLE LEAF - Slivecf 8-oz. pkg. L.Pg Macaroni & Cheese Loaf 2&j.' 24-or. 1 c .1 - *, - - Lb. Pk.87 SWIFT'S - Sliced - 8-oz. pkg. LUNCHEON MUT - 29c Ail merchandise sold at your Dominion Store in unconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfactioî., Pictured following thei wedding which took place inTrinity United Church, Bowmanville, on June 22, are Mr. and Mrs. John Merrili Tremble. The bride is the former Lorna Bernice Fletcher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Almon T. Fletcher, Bow- manville, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Tremble, Oshawa. Social and Personal Crago 's Newcastle Beauty Shop announces a SPECIAL HOLIDAY COLD WAVE' for $650 Good from July 23rd to August Srd Closed Mondays N SEE THEM RIGHT AWAY AT "YOUR LOCAL" FORD-MONARCH DEALER CARVETH MOTORS NEWCASTLE PHONE 3251 IN ORONO PHONE à r 19 1 à .--- ý."" awme i 1 qllm. MAIVATWAI« ilipAfflumLoaqm 'b - NEWURSTLE 1 J' Serve Salad Often Guaranteed 29c 1 l'ORANGE Quality Mecat

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