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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1957, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN Couple .Mr. and Mrs. LyleE Trinity United Church on Thertell, daugliter of Mr. ., inanville. The groom is 'the JAKSITZ - SKEWIS At Albert Street United Church recently, Dorothy Viola Skewis and Nichelas Jaksitz, bath cf Oshawa, exchanged nup- tial vows.. The bride is the dlatghter cf Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Skewi:, cf Oshawa, formerly cf Bowmanviîle, and the bride- groom is the son cf Mn. and Mrs. Nicholas Jaksitz of War- bunrg, Alberta. The Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson officiated. The wedding music ,,vas played by Mn. Ronald Kel- lington. Tile -bride who was given in miai-iage by ber father wore a flocr-length. gown cf white net- tiing over satin and nylonc beaded coronet beld ber fingen- tip veil and she carnied a white 1B.ble on which rested a spray ci. -ed roses. The bridai attendants were Miss Audrey Scott in shrimp- tone and Miss Patsy O'Reillv in turquoise blue. They wone identically styled thnee-quarter ]ength gowns cf nylon .net over taffeta with matchicg bandeaux anid caî-ied yellow ro§es. .Mir. Berwin Adams cf Osb- m\wa acted as best man. Ushe-r- in.e were Mn. Ronald Wolner a n Mn.. Richard Woolnen cf Be wm an ville. A neception was held at the chiîrch. For the occasionth- bnide's niother wore pick lace over satin with beige accesson- iez and a corsage cf yellow roses. When Ieaving for the wed- ding trip te Niagana Falls the bride wore light green witb ,white accessonies. On their re- turc the couple wil live in Osha wa. PARISH - PHASÉY -The marniage cf Dianne Louise Pbasey and Frederick' .Andrew Parish was solemnized rccently in the pansocage of Simcoe Street United Church, Osbawa, in a double-ring cere- no n y. The bride was attecded by her sister. Mrs. Harold Murphy, and Mn. Liewellyn Neville was bes4 mac. The bride is formerly cf Or- ono and is a gnand-daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Wood, Or- ccc. lmimediately following the ceremocy, the bride and bride- Sroom retumced to thein own orne on Annapolis avenue whenc they heîd an open housLe for their friends and relatives. Tea was served by Mrs. Ben- jamin Scott, Mrs. Llewellyn Ne- ville, Mrs. Eldon Kerr, Mrs. Gordon Neville, Mns. Staniev Parish and Mrs. P. Watt. Guests werp present frein Toronto, MThi!b>. Brooklin, Newcastle, ]Halibunton, Oroco. Part Perr.', Lakefieîd, flnidgecnth. Bow- rnanville,. Hampton, Tynone and Oshawa. Followicg the neception the bride and bridegroom left for a trip arrivin g in Halibunton Sat- unday nighl for a wedding dance held at Summenîand Lodge. Fnîends and relatives were prc sent from Peterborough, Bethany, Oshawa. Whitby. flrnoklin, Tyrone. Orono, Hal- burton, Wilberforce, West Guil- fond, Port Penny. Essonville, Eagle Lake and Minden. Prier te the manriage, the bridie was cctertaiced at a mi,- cellaceous shower bY Mrs. L. 1Neville and Mrs. B. Scott at the former's home where she ne- ceived wnany lovely gifts. Serving were Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Nevtlle, Mrs. Wesley Stata. Mr-s. Donald Sisson and Mrs. Chris Ventrese. The co0-empiovees cf t he bride entertained at R dinner at thc Sandalwood and prescrit- TI eAAwASAutMi. ECWArnnPffL O N'TAu. mnitts and matching picture hat. Marrieci in Trinity Church eboqticaadar Hanemoet, win o-ascaedelar ses and snowdrift 'mums. Miss June Duncan, London, the bride's cousin, was brides- maid and a Younger sister, Frances Linton, was junior bridesmaid. They were dressed M alike in blue nylon over pink Fý. taffeta frocks worn with Pink picture hati and pink accessor- jes The dresses were styled with bouffant skirts and taffe- ta cummerbunds and the girls carried cascade bouquets of blue delphiniums, pink Sweet- heart roses and snowdrift S Mr. Ernie Lister was the groomsman. Ushers were Mr. James Dixon, Mr. Alan Lyall, Montreal, and Mr. Ken Sim- mons and Mr. Donald Duncan, London. At the reception in the church hall, the mother of the bride received in a rose lace over taffeta gown, with match- J ing ac cessories. Talisman roses were in her corsage. The bride- Sgroom's mother was in a beige lace gown with pink accessor- esad a corsage of Pink J Sweetheart roses and white1 hutton* 'mums. Baskets of delphiniums and roses decorated the hall and Miss Heather King played ap- propriate selections. Off on a motor trip to the Maritimes and New England, the bride was attired in a beige sheath gown of dacron ~» and cotton with matching jac- ket and accessories. Her corsage was of gardenias and white but- . ton 'mums. The couple will re- * ' side in Springfield, Mass. where the bidegroom is a sen- ior student at Springfield Col- Edwad Hrri ar piturd folowng hei mariae ~ Guests at the wedding calme Edwad Hrri ar picure folowng teirmariag in from Bowmanviile, Paris, To- Saturday, June 29. The bride was formerly Donna Marilyn ronto, Hamilton, Guelph, Otta- âàmes Harold Therteil and the late Mrs. Therteli of Bow- wa, Montreai, London, Bur- son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Harris of Newcastle. ford, Woodstock and Brantford. performed by Rev, T. A. Mor- ELLIOTT - NAYLOR gan. White gladioli on the altar Mr. Arthur Collison play- and pink snapdragons and ed the wedding musie and ac- white chrysanthemums with companied the soioist, Mrs. ferns banking the chancel, forin- ,ngs Lloyd Ayre, who sang "Be- ed the setting in St. George's top cause" and "The Lord's Pray- Memorial Anglican Churchi, er". Oshawa, for a wedding Friday The bride *as given in mar- eng July 5th, when Isa- i nage by her father and chose a belle Shirley Naylor was unit- white organdy dresÉ embossed ed in marriage with Charles with medallions, worn over Rainforth Elliott, both of To- ;taffeta. The bodice was fash- ronto. ioned with scoop neckline, and The bride Is the aaughter of short sleeves with tiny turn-up Mrs. Edwin S. Naylon of Osh- cuffs. The full skirt extended awa, formerly of Bowmanville, ed hr wih a edspead. into a short train at the back. and the bridegroom is the son eds berviwoiterand M.er fingertip veil of tulle illu- of Mrs. John G. Elliott of Clive, Mrs.Jrvng Cwieand rs.sion was caught to a headdress Alberta, and the late Mr. El-. Gordon Varty entertained the of organdy, centred by a large liott. Rev, Clinton Cross off 1- en at the former's home. Serv- She canied a bouquet of pink burn played the wedding mu- ing were Mrs. Cowie, Mrs. Van- rose buds surned wt sic and accompanied the solo- ty, Mrs. Gordon Lodwick, and white Shasta 'mumis. ist Mr. Gregory Shwedchenko Mis MuielCowe.Mrs. J. Finth was matron of who sang "The Lord's Prayer" The membens of the law hionour for her sister, and before the ceremony and "Tne firm, where the bride is employ- bridesmaids were ber sister Wedding Prayer" duning the ed, presented her with an au- Miss Audrey Fletcher, Miss Sal signing of the register. tomatic toaster. ]y Ott, Montreal, and Mrs. Ron Given in marriage by Mn. Duffy, Oshawa. The attendants William Reeves of Toronto, the HIARRIS - THERTELL wore identical gowns of toas't bride wore a full length sheah eyelet nylon over yellow taffe- gown of carnation white Alen- A very Pretty wedding took ta. The high necklines cul con lace over net and silk iplace in Trinity United Church, straight across in front, dipped faille, fashioned with a sca"- Bowmanville, on Saturday after- te a deep V at the back. Match- loped portrait neckline embrot- noon, June 29, when Donna ing cummerbunds were crossed dered with sequins and pearîs; Marilyn Therteil, daughter f in front and flowed from a locp a dramatir side and back over- Mr. Harold Therteli and ithe lIate in the back to the hemline of skirt of sheer silk organza high- 'Mrs. Therteli of Bowmanville, the vcny fuli skirts. Yellow lighted the skirt, and long mit- was united in marriage with mohair picture hats comple - tens complemented the short Lyle Edward Harris, son of Mr.!I mented their glownis. and they siceves. A crown of peanîs and, and Mrs. Harold E. Harris, New- carried crescent bouquets of sequins held her sequin tî'im- castle. A vaniety of delphinium yellow Shasta 'mums. med veil of tulle illusion, and formed the setting foi' the cere- Mr. Edgar Tremble wai best she carried a cascade bouquet mony which was performed by man, and usherîng were Mr. of white orchids and stephan- Rev. T. A. Morgan. Robert Tremble, Mr. Ron Duf- otis. Given in marriage by her fy and Mr. Eric Densem. Mrs. Jack Bridgland of Osh- father. the bride wore a floor A reception followed in the awa was matron of honor for length gown of white Chantilly Legion Hall, the bride's mothe" ber sister, and her flowens lace ov'er net and satin, the fuil wcaring delphinium blue nylon weî'e a cascade cf pink camna- skirt sweeping into a graceful sheer over taffeta with w'hite tiens and rosebuds. The other train. The low neckline was accessoi'ies and pick rose bud atnat eeMs onMt outlined with nylon trimmed corsage. The groom's mother cher and Miss Isabelle Elliott; with fiower motif and sequins, was in beige lace over silk with cf Toronto, carrying cascades j *and the long sleeves weî'e point- yellow rose corsage. Following of pink carnations, and white ed over the hand. A coronet cf the departure of the bridai cou-9 chnysanthemums. The baller- pearîs and rhinestones held ber pIe, a dance w as beld.- ina length gowns worn by al fingertip veil which was border- For their hoccymoon trip to the attendants were designed ed with Chantill ' lace, and she the Adirondack Mountains, the on identical princess lines cf carried a beart-shaped cascade bride chose a dress of beige parma violet crystal cbarm. cf red roses and stephanotis. cuponi with full skirt a.ad The pointed bodices were high- Mr. ilia Frgso, s- machig ackt, or .-,îîlighted wxith an d fle sag ofyelow arntios. ineltiding Elgar's "Chanson de with a full length matching Somne of the membens cf the Matin" and "Romance" by Mo- duster coast. Matching matenial Legion Pipe Band piayed out- zart. fashioned ber picture bat, and sîde the church as the bride and Before the wedding party ap- a corsage cf beige orchids coin- gZroom ieft followingz the cere- peared. Mrs. Herbert King sang pleted hen ensemble. Thýý mony , and also as thev entered "The Wedding Hvmn," arrang- bridegroom's mother who as- the Legion Hall for the recep- ed iby Handel. Aften the wed- sisted chose mauve lace over tion. During the cutting cf the I dingz prayei' at the alta r, s he satin faille, a flower trimmed cake, thev pla.ved the "High- sanig -The Lord's Praver" by mauve straw bat and a corsage~ land Wedding'. Malotte: and duinng the sigii- cf mauve orchids. Guests attended from Toronto, ing cf thie register, "These The master cf ceremonies at Berklev, Wbitby. Oshawa, Kend- Whom God Math Joined Toge- the reception was Mn. Eric C. al. Port Hope and Gore's Land-i ther." Adelmo Melicci. Naylor cf Belleville, a cousin cf Frter edingtptoA- Mn. Linton escorted bis the bride. The toast to the oquiPrk adn othrpnonth- dauighîer to the chancel. Mer bride was proposed by ber bro- ,m onqintsk a the r b rid h afioor-length bridai gown was then-in-law, Mr. Jack Brid- gabrdint.he suideithoshe. a atorse mnodel cf silk orgaziza land of Oshawa. Congnatulatonyv biu with Su' ss appliquîe ai neck telegnams were received frum accessories and a corsage of deep 1 and hipline, accented with seed Lacombe, Edmonton, Alta., pink carnations. Th e coupleI nearls and iride.;ceiit sequins. Vancouver, Whitehorse, Seat- Bwll reie a 8O a'OS Her fingertin x'eil cf silk illu- tie, Wash., Australia, England.I Bowmanville.,ion was caught to a Juliet cap New Zealand and Eibnh cof French Chantilly lace stuid- Scotland. During the eveningj IrREMBLE - IFLETCHER ided %vith sequins and seed Mn. Gregory Shwedc -en--- Trinty nite ChrchBowi pearis. Gardenlas and Pinoc- sang several selections and Mrn. TniityUnied hurh, ow chio 'mums we'e in bier cascade Kazin'in Oleskhevych, pianist, manville, wvas the scene cf t!Ie boiquIet. Mer single strand of played special music for the wvedding on Saturday afte-noori, pearîs were a gift from the bride and bridegroom's first June 22, cf Lorna Bernice Flet- b iegooin. dance. cher, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Miss Muriel A. Linton, sister For the honeymoon trip te Almon T. Fletcher, Bowmani- cf the bride, ivas maid cf lbon- the Gaspe Coast, Maritimes bile, aondcfJn.hn Mrs. TE J . b fuer nyl overnk îat\ fe;antaed it inabigSit.tuscbrid vile, aond oh r nd Mr l TEi- . Iei' lt :-lc nhgon fieaned in beesint. . te rid Tremble, Oshawa. Roste3. and hiad a houffan, Žk;r t tic'd wns.ra-w ba, with brown satin ac- peonies formed the backgrouindj a pink îaffe'a curnaei-huni. cents aind veilîng. beige and for the ceremony which wai With xt she wore blue nylon brown accessories and a corsage Lover of OId Things Opens Antique'Shop ' I love oId things. Sometimes 1 ate te sec some of my things .Fgo," says Verna Johnson who Donna inerteill been buying and selling antiques for cight years. EnterainedMrs. Johnson has recently Enterainedopcned an antique shop on 4ib- erty Street South, just opposite Venture Inn. Prier tô that she At Sh wershad a shop in Newcastle, and' Prie te er namnage n T iber husband Eric is still cm- ity United Church on June 29, ployed there in R. B. Rickard'sý Miss Donna Therteil was enter- plumbing and heating businejs, tained on several occasions. Mrs but they are now residents of Charles Mutton and Mrs. Grant Bowmanville. Therteil were hostesses at a! Old things and pretty things shower held at the formen's1 have been one cf M.rs. John- home. Mrs. Lance Plain and!I sen's ictenests ever since shet Mrs. David Park aIse entertain- was a child. She started the ed for bier at Mns. Plain's home. cellecting habit as a littie girl, A number cf friends cf both byý picking up prettyv pieces cf the bride and groom were guests coîoured glass on china foucd at the home cf the groom's par- bene and there while playing. ents, Mn. and Mrs. Harold E. These she would arrange carc- Marris, NewCastle, wben Mns. fully in bier room. Marris was assisted by Mrs. Later on the hobby develop- William Ferguson. The bride ed, and even when Mrs. John- was pnesentcd with an electr son was in the CWAC as a dri- percolater fnmlber fele w em- ver drn ol a Ia' plovees cf the Ontarie Hydro. durio ngWond Wan III al- The groom , was pnesented with -n eEgad h a l an~~~~~~~ elcrwsem oanmhs ys looking for pieces to add e'mployer and wife, Mn. and Mrs.tehrclcio.Sebuît W. C. Scott. a number home .with bier ai ten A ncw window wili bas cf beige and bnown onchids. heen placed ini the bouse -)il Mr, and Mrs. Ellîott expert Liberty Street where the John- to be away one month and on sons have set up shop and Mîs. their return will neside ah 95 Johnson is busy trying te fincl Hudson Drive, Toronto, Ont. space for the macy. items in bier Before leaving the bride pre- stock. Eventually, thcy hope to senteci bier bridai bcuquet to erect a langer building whicha bier grandmother, Mrs ' Mina wili give greater scope for Colwel cf Bowmanville. showing off the hîindneds cf 'Don» t The Now Us the Winter CONSULT US FOR FREE ESTIMATES Why Buy from an Out-of-Town Dealer Beforé ' Seeing the Prices and Quality We Offer?).,, Any buyer of heating sysiems knows ihai a local dealer musi insiali, and seli 11W s produci and ensure performance of the sysiem or his repulation will suffer which 1: the pooresi advertisement avalaible. Out-of-lown dealers who seli for one or Iwo seasons only - rannai hurt theuselves- only the huyer. The- HEATING ýEQUIPMENT WE SELL, INSTALL AND SERVICE.- CARRIES A Full Five Y... Written Guuvc.nt.*' EXCEPTING HUNIDIFIERS, FAN BELTS AND PAINT CHEAPER MORE COMPETITIVE MODELS AVAILABLE Natural are cheaper to instali, economical, cleaner, quieter with free furnace cleanouts and 24-hour service, objectg whlch range ln ie from tlny snuff boxes te charmlng chairs and an aid se- cretary desk. There are handsome pieces of old china, such as soup tureens and platters, so popular now. Today, clever homnemakers use the tureens for decoration - they look very pretty on a per- led sideboard, or as a container fer flower arrangement$. Plat- ters on plates are citen hung on the wall. Oul table lamps and hanging lamps with prisms are in de- mand, and ironstone china, ac- cording to Mrs. Johnson. BroWsing around the shop is fascinating. There are delicate vases, pieces cf old crystal, cruet 'sets, miniatures on ivory, an old coach dlock (these used to be hung in a canniage or coach, an early type cf travel- ling dlock), a very old sewing machine, a marble top stand, old prints, te. mention just a few cf the things. "X'ou should have a museumn in this count.v," Mns. Johnson' unged. "This area is nicb in oH I tbings, but they will disa ppear if nôt coilected and preserved." Probably the oldest thing in Mrs. Jobnson's possession is a bonnet on wires, the whole coilapsing flat when not being, xvorn. A friend who is connect- ed with the Royal Octanio Mu- seumn infonmed Mrs. Johnson that one cf a similar type in the mnuseumn is dated anound Oid pictures are frequent- ly backed witb newspapens and some which have corne into Mns. Johnson's possession bave been vcry oid. Not long ago she found a Canadian train sched- to hold is your tongue. I Full ule dating baeq aimt a urn tury. Visitors are very welcSau at the shop, so drop = and brewse around.- You nà,y iind Just the trea.çure yous have been looking for. Recent Bride- Is Honour4 At Showers;t>l Prier ta her marriage te ùta%. 'John Merrili Tremble of Oshawa on June 22, Miss Lamna Fletcher was entertained by a number of friends. Mrs. Jack McNulty, Bowmn-n ville, was hostess at a dinner and miscellaneous shower held at ber home, and a pantry show- er was given by Mrs. Ron Duffy cf Oshawa. Miscellaneous show. ens were given by Mrs. J. Firth, Bowmanville; Mrs. J. N alentine, Toronto, Mrs. Marion Dewland, Oshawa and Mrs. J. E. Button. shaw Jr., and Mrs. Myrna Kozak, Bowmanville. 1 The bride's mother. Mrs. A. T. Fletcher. entertained for her daughter at a trousseau tea. Re- ceiving with Mrs. Fletcher and the bride-to-be was the groom's miother. Mrs. E. J. Tremble of Oshawa. Followîng the wedding re- bearsal on Priday evening, June 21, Mn. and Mrs. Fletcher enter- tained the wedding p)arty at a coffee party in the patio of their nesidence, Queen Street. In arguîrîents, the best thing r I a. E. COLE Licemsed by the Ontario Fuel Board Io seli and 'iziail gaz appliancos of ail kinds. 55 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone MA 3m3348 Rush!. Prépaure ujl instahled on your gai bill Wo*.t for Turne to for the Heating Season ZAENNVOX GAS BURNERS f rom $2t5 O Up ntle from $5.60 per ot en your gas bill GAS FURNACES1 from $400 You are under no obligation when you gel ail the lacis lrom us. CALL US FOR AN APPOINTNqENT Authorized Consuiuers' Gaz. Co. Dealer Gc Gas Installations

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