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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1957, p. 1

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~rnian t4te~tn~uî "Durham Counly's Great Family Journal"' Oshawa Pair Win Legion Car Draw Catching your hand in a car door is a painful af ter the car door closed on her hand while she was seated experience, but Pat Bates (lef t) stili manages a pretty in the car Saturday morning. Shown here next to Miss smile for the photographer as she and Ivan Locke (right) Bates holding the keys to the 1957 Oldsmobile is Legion display their winning ticket in the Bowmanville Legion Car Draw Chairman Jim Fair. Next to him is Legion Car Draw. Miss Bates injured ber right hand and had to President Jim Firth about ta present the ownership for be taken to Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, for X-rays the car ta the winners. ln the background is the car. -Photo by Rehder Joins Navy1 lUcéhard Allen Bigg* i ltchard Allen Biggs bhas be tome another Bowmanvilcre cruit for Canada's navy. Hi left here J'uly 6th for Cornwal lis, Nova Scotia, ta, begin hi tour af duty with the R.C.N. Son of Seoutmaster and Mrs tharles Biggs, the new recrul was born i Oshawa and live( In Toronto, Guelph and Actor before coming ta BowmanvillE six years aga. He attendec Central and Ontaria St. Publi( schools and completed foui years at the District Higi, #School here. Quite an athiete, he won à mnedal ini high school as runner- up in Senior athletics. Richard was a member af Trinity Unit- ed Church, a Queeri's Scout and Assistant Scoutmaster af 2nd Bowmanville Boy Scout Traop. ]Béfore he left on bis new car- eer, his troop presented h-irr with a beautiful writing case. Ris high schol friends aiso g ave him a farewell party at the on-e af Miss Betty McDonald ~nd presented him with an identification bracelet as a part. Ing gift. His many friends here will wish Richard every suc- cess aboard ship. Appoint Mi Army Liaisc At Kentuck] Appointmcnt af Major W. J. (Bill) Brown, CD, 36, of Otta- wa and Bowmanville, Ont., as Liaison Officer with Continen- tal Army Command, Board WTumb.,er 2 (Armoured) at Fcrt Knox, Ky., was announced ta- dlay by Army Headquarters. Presently employed as a Gerir era.l Staff Officer Grade Two in the Directorate ai Weapons Development at Army Head- quarters, Major Brown wil take over bis new appointmnent &t the end ai July. Major Brown is the son of Mr~l.J. Brown and the late ,M .i~own, Bowmanville. Educated at Bawmanville i!igh School, he was commis- ..oned in the 2nd Battalion, ýhe MidIafd Regiment in July 1941.? subsequently trans. lerrê Lord S tra th cona 's 104e- Iud Armourcd Regi- Inb)atid served with this re- gietthroughaut the cam- &Ragn sIn Italy and Northwest uoe during the Second World War. Frollowing bis returri ta Can- ~he servcd for a while as Stutant et the Royal Canadian $amured Corps School at lframpo Borden, Ont., before ba- ~posted to Army Headquar- 9_ Otaain 1951. L ne hm box "Piosota Car Goes to Oshawa Other Prizes Stay Here Pat Bates, Oshawa, and Ivari Locke, 693 Grierson St., Osh- awa, were lucky winners of a 1957 Oldsmobile "88" in the Bowtnanville Legion Car Draw held at the Legion Carnival at Central School grounds Friday evening. Miss Bates and Mr. Locke, fellow employees at General Motors in Oshawa shared the cost af the ticket. Mr. Locke is well known in this area as an O.H.A. referee. Deputy-Reeve9 Wilfrid Carruthers drew the winning ticket. They picked up the car Sat- urciay morning after being in- famdof their luck. Whilei Seatod in -thec front seat of. the auto trying' out its comfortable luxury Miss Bates injured ber, Building Down hand in the door. She was tak- cri ta bospital for treatment but no serious injury had resulted. Several other draws were held before the car draw which concluded the evening's events. Winners in these draws were: C.C.M. Bicycle, W. Clark, R. R. 2, Newcastle; model boat, Allan Brown, 73 Elgin street; port- able chaise lounge, M. Follett. 131 Cave Road, Bowmanville Beach; picnic hamper, Bill At- fkinson, R. R. 1, Brooklin. Winners in the Legion La- dies' Auxiliary draws included: luggage, William L. Holmes, 102 Elgin street; electrie fry pan, Charles Mutton, 43 Hunt street; doll, ýFIa Knight,. 33 Prospect street; steam iron, Rudolph Ninski, R. R. 5, Bowmanville. Poor Weather.l For Six-MonthsIDidn't Dampenl Only $299,000 Bowmanville, along wlth the rest of the country, suf- fered a setback in Ifs con- struction this year, accord- Guides Spirits Camping at Doe Lake was considerecl a success from local Guide and adult points ai view. M ilier Paving Gets Contract For King St. is ci n. Crops Above Average Says Durham's Agr. Rep. Aut ispoint, crops in Dur- is beginning ta show and grow- h~am Cony appear ta be above ers should be on thei.r guard bverage ini most cases, accord- and rcady with sprays. ing ta Agriculture Representa- The dreaded army Worm, tive Ed. A. Sununers. which has bit several districts Hay is above average In yield this year, has flot presented ariy In the southern part of the problem in Durham. tounty and average throughout There is a light crop of ap- the county, with quality down ples, practically no pears and due ta the heavy rains. fcw cherries. SFal wheat i aboveage Potatoes have had sufficient wit ai eas utigsaeirarn arid appear tobe vr ith geera cti satigpromising.ta vr nextweek Pastures have neyer been *Spring grain and corn look much better in the middle of very pronLising. July than they are this year. Canningpeas are fairly good, AUl in all, with some ex- with crops averaging 2,600 Ibs. ceptions, it looks like 1957 will ta the acre. Highest yield was be one of the ibest producing 4,300 lbs. years in the past five-unless . Tomatoes look very promis- something bappens ta upset the ing, althaugh some late blight present picture. Next Scout Paper Drive Scheduled for Sept. 6th The next Scout scrap paper collection in town wil be in September, tentatively Friday, September 6, accarding ta the local Boy Scout Association. One bad been planned for July but the scrap dealers ta wham the paper i5sald have not been able to dispose of it as readily as bas been the case and cannot bandle mare at prescrit. This bas been reflected alsa, in the price paid ta the Local Association. About a year aga it was bringing $10 per ton, theri the price dropped ta $8 and is currently $6. It is ta be hoped that it will risc again. The paper la processed and used for making cardboard for cartons and boxes and also for shredding for packaging fra- gile abjects. The cantract for paving Bow- been very co-aperative i put- mnanville's main street from ting out, in most cases, neatly SCUgog ta Ontario Sts., bas been tied bundies ol paper which are let ta Miller Pavîng Ca., wiîa easily packed up and mare cas- are expected ta start the pro- ily disposed ai by the dealers. jeet in the near future. Also, without the ca-opera- Warks Foreman Lloyd Quin- ton stated Tuesday that the work will include cansiderable levelling which should make Bo ard Becomnes for smoother travelling. Low spots will be padded and high sosburned off ibefore appli- Co mmittee of catonof ai/" fbot mix asphait I which wil be laid on the centreRe-a usm t 20 ft., feathering off tth e a iu tn t curb. - , -' 'ý- l. Connecting intersections will At à recent meeting cl the also be tied ini to'make a corn- Bowmanville Planning Board, plete job and the new boule- approval bad been received vard section along Division St., from council, setting the Board dug out recently, will be paved up as a Committee ai Re-adjust- Ia provîde additional parking ment. space. The province will pay Officers ai the new Committee 50 percent ai the cost of the will be Chairman F. Morley Van- main street paving wvork. stane, Vice-Chairman Wm. G. Included in other wark ta be James. Sec.-Treas. J. Albert dane in the near future wil 4iDeCale. Members include Lawrence sidewalk repairs at severa]la- C. Mason, Wes. Fice. Glenn cations on King St. Anger Bras. Lander and ex-officia Mayor will fix the sidewalk around the Nelson E. Osborne. Dominion store, the new Libra- The Committee will handle ry building, the Bank ai mînar adjustments cannected Commerce and Eaton's. with town zonniw le ing t a"a reportissued'Mon- The tarnado had leit her ýd day by Clarence Oke, As- mark mostly an the watenfrnn ce sessor and Building înspcc- ai the campsite, where theS en B o ir tor. docks bad been washcd away en B r k h Frm. anuay lt toJu * delaying swimmning a day or FromJanury lt taJune sa. This gave the girls a chanoe__ 10th, pernuts wcre issued ta become accustomeci ta the TV I i . for oniy $299.000 wvorth of altitude and surrounidings. C entra l 5ui cl 000 durlng the saine period Rainy nights didn't dampen lastyear Thenumbr of the girls' enthusiasm and sa, jl pristya 4Thenimber ai during the day, visiting with B d , A ppea i d opetswsth 6 year, otiier camps, supper hikes and th eompred ih 66 during %valks about the 350 acre camp The problem ibr n 1h95 stsxm6tsa.st ee naed hs wil indows brought up consider- 196.give the girls a much ibetter able discussion at the regular n Sa far ln July only tîvo idea ai the CenteparyCap etig o th Bwavil Permit.s have been issued activities as they will proceedPulcchoBarhedTns for building. This drop in in August. 1daublevening.Sincrdhe lst air * construction has resulted in In breaking camp, the same 'July seven windows have been many builders being on site xvas reserved for next bcoken at Central Public School. short time, ivhile others year at the same time and Five ai these windows were de- have almost eomplctely dis- many girls expressed a wish liberately broken on anc Friday * contlnued operations until ta came again. night. the Industry picks up again. Includcd in the number To repair these Windows it wcre three guides from Cob- cost the taxpay)ers of the town ourg, five from Onono, two $32. The police bave been asked rangers from Port Hope, five ta co-operate in cutting, down on joride from Coboconk and 13 this needless destruction. At cio r w rom Bowmanvile., Vincent Massey two othen Pioncer ,ork wscmpleted, Windows were broken but bath for a badge by Connie7 Tynneli,1 accidentall1* v.Bath wiil be paid c3 O f i e Ooo Connie Tynneli, Joanl for by the Parties responsible ElAllun, Heather Rutherford and for breaking thern. Marlene Graham won thcir To Replace Main Door v C ommranci Ontario Street and elcn Graham and Connie Tynneli main doors at Central wcee poinrnct wth he iretoralsa won their Guide Lite awarded ta Melville Moore, con- ate~~~~~ a Wepn Deeomn Saving ags ayMnaY tractor, at a Price ai $645 for the sine o en December1954.a nd Dixie Gili ai Bowmanville two Jobs. The property com- sinc Deembr 154.p assed tests earning their Guide mittee wene authorized ta Pur- Major Brown is married tai Swimmners badges. chase new glass and closers ta the former Dorothy Harnden, be instalied an these new doons. daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. Elgie t Defer Some Painting Harnden, Bowmanville. They have four chiidren, Penny, O ld D ocument Tenders for re-painting anc Valerie and twins John and raam at Vincent Massey school Wendie. was given ta S. G. Preston and Bein Lar aged Son at a cost ai $32. Tenders for Bein Dam ged extra painting at Ontario Street .11 school were apened but the Sboard decided ta defer this work W illG et opie until iaext year. Town Council passed a mo- LosCria u.1 tion ta obtain estimates on Permission Nas granted ta making centified duplicateî co- Bawmanviile Lions Club ta use pie ofth incesar doumetsCentral Schoal grounds on Sat- in the registary office, at a spe- udy uut1t o hi cial meeting heid at the town carnivai. "The club must sign hall onda eveing.the agreemnent form which bolds Coun O.J. ressn mvedthem responsible for any damag- the motion aiter it was brouglatesadptighe runsn ta Cauncil's attention that many gao Hpporder.pal ai the aider documents werc o ap Wt shi Sbecoming dar :red due ta con- The board is nat satisficd with tinual handliig.' the asphait paving araund the It was resalved at the meet- Vincent Massey School. The Sing that Monday, August 5, secretany was instructed ta write woul behonoredas Cvicthe architects asking that the Holiday thas year. Council waik be re-surfaced by the sub- Spassed a motion by Coun. Lloyd contractor ta eliminate the low oPrestoni that the regular Au- spots. î X ~gust meeting be postponed un- Expeet 1,270 This Fal '~til the second MandaN, ai the SupervisingZ Principal A. M., àiào . J. B*oi _ C, month because af the Civic Mol- Thornpson Pointed out that dur-1 _ .. % gu1he pait 'achool yeaz UIi tian ai a number ai business meri in town who bave contri- buted trucks and, ini many ca- ses, their time the paper drives which have meant s0 much ta the Local Association would not be possible. The moriey from the paper drives bas been used by the Association iri many ways help- fui ta scouting chieily in Bow- manvi lie. Insurance and registration ai the Scouts arid Cubs is paid for thraugh it and much equip- ment bas been baught. Camp- ing is subsidized for bath Cubs and Scouts so that it costs less for each boy ta, go on a trip. Onle unusual case was the donation ai moriey to help pay for two Scouts from Jamaica ta visit the Jamboree at Niagara in 1955 because Canadiari dol- lars were nat readily avaîlable ta Jamaicans or others in the sterling area. Will Rebui[d Waverley Rd. This Summer t s b ti r( 1: tt t] ti nment bad incrcased by 18 or balf fi 1a classroom. Enrolment in Sep- ýtember was 1,206 and at the end aio June wvas 1,223. The expect- a ;-cd enrolment tis September is rc d1,270. bf * Citizens Hep Searci itBob Gallat Police Ca; One mari was arcstcd and two others escapcd following U* a running chase througb long 1grass in a field behind the îBnewers' Retail Store, Kcing street, east, aiter a break-in at the premises early Sunday monning. William Thomas Cavotie, To- ronto, was arrested by Consta- ble Bernard Kitney aiter he was ordened ta stop by the af- ficer during the chase. Police charged Cavatie with "breaking and entering with intent ta Wili Enforce lnterest Rate Overdue Taxes -An existing penalty ai one-; haifofionc per cent per rnonth intenest on ail overdue taxes wiil be levied, it was decided at Council Monday evening. The penalty is Presently wnit- ten in the tax by-law but has neyer been rigidly enfarccd in cases ai current taxes which have become overdue for short periods. It was agreed by Council thatt the penalty should be imposed1 an ail taxes wbcn tbcy camne ovendue. The regular four perc cent penalty for non-paymnent ofr taxes ai ter Decemnber .11. was not a ýaffted bv the decmao& - Kiddies Parade Opens Légion --Carniîva1 .Friday grounds, Friday evening. A higbhight ai the colourMu event was a cbildren's parade which ofiicially opened the carnival. A number ai valuable prizes were offered by the Legion for decorated carrnages bicycles and a variety oï costumes worn by the children. In addition each child iri tihe parade was given a sait drink. More Than 250 Chlldren Mare than 250 children front the town's seven commnunity playgrounds marcbed in the parade. They were acconapanicd by their playground supervisors. Leading the parade was Baw. manville Legion Pipe Band. They were foliowed by a group af Young majorettes high stepping ta the rich music. Next, were the many rows of cbilren in their gay, bnightly coioured costumes depicting various persanalities. characters and countries. Brightly trimmed bicycles and doîl carniages alsa stood out in the parade. At the end ai the parade was a tnuck- load ai Legion membens dressed in western clathes and playing Musical instruments. On their arrivaI at the school graunds the childnen were lined in their respective categonies and, costumes, bikes and doll car- niages were judgcd. Winncnu wcne selected for their original- itY, attnactivencss and the childnen's endeavour and work in preparing therin. While the judging was takin place, the Legion Band paraded nearby playing a varîety af marches and Scottish numbers. Recreation Director Doug Rigg who heiped Plan the parade an- nau.nced the winners af the variaus gnoups. Main attraction of the mid- (Continued on page seven) Meter Poles Being Painted Colour? Gold! The town's giamorous parking nacters wiII look eVen More attractive by the tinie You reccive y01W Statesmian this week. On Wednesday, a crew undertook the task of paint- ing the nietai poles which hold the meters high enough for convenience ia insertlng the requlred coins. The colour? YoU guessed i- GOLD! What could be mare appropriate? The way the money i beint poured iuta the littie raseals, it look@ as though the tawn may have found a new source of revenue fan marc lucrative than many higlily promnoted goid mines. To balance the picture, many people who had strong feelings agfainst their Instal- lation, are now admitting that they do Malte parking niuch casier ln our shop- ping section. Othera are stili far from conmvlnc. of thele beultca eth -. The' -West -end appruErcletn1 the tawn frons Highway 401 should be in better shape by the end ai the summer. On Monday, Works Foreman Lloyd Quinton stated that,, starting around August Ist, Wa- verley Road will be complete- Iy rebuilt. At the moment the hydro pales are being moved back in preparation. Construction will be dorie by the Counties under direction of County Engineer George Patten. Cost oi the aperation wyll be borne by the town with assistance fromn the Provincial goverrnment by way ai supple- nentary payment. The new 24 it. road wil l xt be hard-topped this year. It viii be rebuilt from Highway No. 2 ta the Base Line. Bctween bat point and Highway 401, the road is the respansibility ai Dar- ington Township. At some fu- ture time, it is expected that the province wii erect a cia- verlcaf at the bighway en- ýance, but there is nothing de- nite on this particular item. The rebuilding should make tgreat impravement ta this aad which for a long time bas gher Sounds Àlarm fture One Suspect Constable Bernard Kitney commit an indictable offense". Remand Suspect The suspect appeaned before Magistrate R. B. Baxter in court here Tuesday morning and was remanded ta stand trial in Cobourg on Fniday, Ju- [y 19. Police Chief Eric Smith has commended Bob Galiagher who reported the break-in for bis alertncss and prompt action ini rzoe-tÀMg tb. me. Mr. Gah. lagber was visiting bis parents Mn. and Mns. R. V. Gailagher, 242 King street east, when a loud noise at 2.30 ar. prompt- cd bim ta, look out the window. He saw three men near the safe in the store and immedi- ately pbaned police. Apparent- ly the thieves' successful at- tempt ta jimmy the front door af the store had resulted in cracking the large window. This was the noise heard by Mr.' Gallagber. Prompt Police Action Constable Kitney received the cal rom Mn. Gallagber at the same time Constable Len Hartley arrived at the office from bhis patrol. Bath officers sped ta, the premises. They ar- rived in time ta see tbree mnen run fnom the front door ai the building. The men ran around the rear ai the store into the long grass. The nfficers spiit up and pu.- sued the men ino the fielda. Constable Kitney saw the sus- peet croucbing in the grass and as he approached the mari jump- cd up and began ta, run. The officer ondered him ta stop and took him into custody band- cuffing hlm. Citizens Aroused Anoused by the noise and commotion near bis home a Prince street nessident went into his backyard ta investigate. H-e was met iby Constable Kitney - 4oanaug" M Mawo.Q "J g.~1 J j' h t t, Îen Windows iblic School rs to Police Hundreds ai persans took ad- vantage ai the warmn weather ta enjoy the annual Legion Carn- ival nt Central Puiblic School Came to Pray Stole Fan Away Po@slbly. an appropriate heading for titis story înigbt read "Cam te Pray, Stole Fan Away"l. One would thlnk a church would be the last place thieves woulol give in te their ulterior motives, but St. Joseph's Church here bas had a different experience. In the peat few yem.rs, thieves have stolon a tire extinguisher, a vacuum cleaner and, recently, a z large, expensive fan, ac- cordlng te Rev. F. K. Ma- ian. To date, Ihere bave been no arrests by police but the 103 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOe TRURSDAY, JULY 18th, 1957 loc PER CO: . - 1 - - 1 -.. - .ý IK, . 1 Gradually Ironing Out Problems of Collecting Bowmanville's Garbage. After a year's operation garbage men be happier, the the town garbage collection ap- collection will continue ta int- pears to be meeting with gen- prove as well. eral acceptance. Some difficul- "Our garbage collection peo- ties still have ta be ironed out, ple are doing the best they but the situation has improved can," commented Mr. Quintni considerably during the past "and we certainly do apprect- few months. ate the help being given us bY For some time, the operation Bowmanville citizens." waa provmng much more expen- sive than contemplated, but a system has now been evolved wiae he epensiveanovetime Resigns ich d hs cuxcos id etim- operation except during emer- gencies. Public co-operation bas been very gratifying, said Works Foreman Lloyd Quinton on Tuesday, in reviewing the sit- uation. Many citizens are even carrying their garbage out to the curb instead of leaving it » behind their houses. This, of course, facilitates the pick-up work considerably, and enables the staff ta provide better ser- vice. Only a small minority do not understand the problems con- nected with carrying large cans, cartons or heavy boxes. The by-law sets a limit of 50 Ibs. on any one can af garbage and limits the size of the con- tainer to four cubic feet. This is not because the men doing the job are weaklings. The Workmen's Compensation wJill flot pay for any injury sustain- ed by one af the men if he is ~ao onFo. O mnjured while carrying a con- IIJrJh otYC tainer weighing more than 50 Ontario Minister of Reform pounds. Those who have tried Institutions who resigned front carrying bags or boxes of over his ministerial post on Wednes. 50 Ibs. ail day will realize that day. Major Foote's resignation it can become quite a tiring and was brought about due ta poor dangerous practice. health. At present he is i hos- The law aiso stipulates that pital suffering from one of a householders must provide suf- series af heart attacks. Major ficient caris with handles for Foote will continue ta represent their garbage. Ashes should be Durham County in the legisla. placed in a separate covered ture as a private member. Dr. cari and not mixed i with gen- M. B. Dymond, M~. P., Port eral garbage. All garbage should Perry arid member for Ontario be as free of liquids as possible. Caunty will be the new minis. Once these minor adjust- ter of Reforrn Institutions. Ma- ments have been made by the jor Foote was first elected au few citizens not complying with Durham County's member in regulations, flot only will the- 1948. 1

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