THE C.,AAlqNSTATESAUM4 BOWMALýNVILE. OTAIOC Harvesters Take Orono For Fifth Straight Win Pitcher George Jones blasted a triple to bring home the win- ring run as Bowmanvilie Cow- an Equipment Harvesters won an 11-2 victory from the visit- ing Orono Orphans before a fair crowd at Vincent Massey Park Wednesday of iast week. It was Harvesters fift straight win and moved then into a three point first place lead in the Lakeshore Interme- digte basebail league. Harvesters found the range on Orono pitcher Keith West in the fourth and began blast- ing ta gain a 5-2 edge. Keith went the whole seven innings for Orono as they had na re- lief pitchers. He gave up 14 hits, three walks and fanned six. Jones for Bowmanville held the visitors ta six hits, whiile waiking three and fanning eight. He collected twa bits for bis four trips ta the plate bringing ini a run on each hit. Playing manager Don Gil- hoaly was the big gun for Har- s-esters hitting four for four. Gil netted a double on his f irst try and collected singles the How you con kili 3 birds with 1 Stone It takes 8 kinds of instar* ance to proteet yoiar home as It should be protected. Fire. 7hef t. Liability. But you certainly don't need 3 policies. Just one - a "Package" Poicy-does the job. Call us for details. STUART B. JAMES INS UBANCE REAL ESTATE Office "A 3-5681 King Street E. Residence MlA 3-5493 Bowmanvlfle 19 Kn e0 L.quid FIRST RUI nomNo Now on sale nt Most of y WHOLESALERS PLEAS FOR DEi next three t.imes. Third base- man Lloyd Hamilton was three for four with a double and two singles. Butch Cole counted two run.- for BowmanviUc and Jack Parker, Tim Cox, Buck Cowle, Bob Gallagher and Jahnny Ma- san eacb scored singles. Junior West's sacrifice fly ta centre field in the first inning brouglit home bath Orono's runs, with Don Mercer and Cornish scor- ing. IlHE Orono-- 200 000 00-11 14 2 Bow'ville 101 315 Ox- 2 6 91 Batteries-Joncs-Cale, West- Winters. Oshawa Rink Win Trophy Lawn Bowling Pee Wees End Schedule lWith.ý 7 Wins, 3 Losses Ir k h it h ýs 4 r t. Ernie Rundle and George Boba 1\iManus wvas the leaderl cConstable, bath of Oshawa,~ with four runs, while Mikel edged out 15 other rinks on Sot- ' Johnson and Jini Coyle bad tbree 6 urday afternoon «With their each. Ken Vietch %vitb two and tbree win score of, 50. They cap- i ige aGry Wilson, Jon turd te Crruher MeioralHancock and Art Foan counted Trophy in the men!s double o hi te us open lawn bowling tournament at Bowmanviile Lawn Bowling Club. HAMPTON A small but enthusiasti- graup of spectators watcheà Mrs. Charles Bounsail and the keen competition which1 son, Mn. Tom Bounsail, Milton, lasted four hours. Rinks tram Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cunning- awide area including Toron ta ham, Fenelon FaIts, vere nec- and Lindsay wene competing ent visitons with Mr. and Mrs. for the treasured cup. Harland Truil. Just two points bebind the Mr. and Mns. W. D. Murray. Swinners with a three win score Clarksville, Maryland, and of 48 was a Whitby teara.,Bili Miami, Flonida;, Mr. and Mrs. Cooke and Charlie Peicock,tGardon Sanders and daugliten, Osbawa, were third wîth two Linda, Toronto, spent Tuesday wîns for a score af 50 plus 3. In witb Mrs. Joe Cbapman. fourth place wvas anothen Osh- Mm. and Mrs. Oliver McCul- awa team with -a anc win score loch, Columbus, visited Mns. R. of 41. J. McCullocb. The wînners were presented iwitb a coffee percolator in ad- Miss Barbara Balson. Cour- dition ta the trophy. A cocktail tice, spen t a few days witlî ber serving set was awarded theI cousin, Vinginia Balson. second place tcarn. Third place Mr. and Mrs. W. Harrison, ivinnerp- werc presented with Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. J. wallets and a. set o! TV serving Sanders, Osbawa, at G. Ad- tables was awarded the founth. cock's. Mn. and Mrs. Harland Trul lwere Satunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bridge- Two Local Men land, Oshawa. F/L Reg. Kcnsey. wîfe and Pri inn three boys, Rexdale; Mrn. P rzeand Miss Grace Kersey, Osha- Bowling Draw wa wr Sunday visitons at S. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Truil, Clarence Hockin, 43 Qucen Mm. arqd Mrs. Harland Truil, street, won second pnize in the Mn. Franklin TruIl and Miss Bowmanville Lawn Bowling Muriel Tumnmonds, Part Penny, Club's dnaw held Saturday. His attended the Truil picnic at winning ticket was number 657. Orana Park last Saturday. Third prize went ta ticket Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Adcock number 188, Chanlie, Mutton, wene guests of Miss Mari ory 43 Hunt street. F. A,.".Cochrarie, Harrison, Port Penry, on Sun- 392 Nassau street, Qhwae. won day-. first pnize *itb ..JZt nme Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto. 142.. is with her sisten, Mrs. W. White wbile on holdays. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon MWak- ely and famîily, Tomonto, spent Sunday witb Mns. Luther AI- ,57 lin, Helen and George. Miss Louise Goodman wit'n hem sisten, Mrs. Allan Parker, Toronto, and witb relatives at 10 , Leamîngton. x Mrs. Sadie Peasgood. Toron- Cecil Siemon. Mn. and Mns. Cliffard Feng- uson and famîly, Red Deer, Alta., are visiting bis parents, .H onèyMr. and Mns, Bruce Ferguson I ate Ronnie Kensey, Rex- alI spending this week w;ith bis grandparents, Mn. and N WHrrEMns. S. Kersey. Recent callers at A. WI. Pres- 4 cott's wene Mn. T. R. Bowman, Il - 4Mrs. Wilfred Bowman and 2Miss Laura Bowman, Enfield; SMn. and Mms. Earl Prescott, Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Hardv. aur neighbourhood stores. Tyrone; Mn. and Mns. Herbent Prescott and Rager, Enfield. ;E PONE RONO1642 Master Clame Ashton, Ennis- ELIVERY -ISOLINAj SJTbrough the kindness ai Col. and Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin of SOshawa, aven 50 ladies had theý ~ plasueoa viewing their beau- tiful gardens on Wednesday evening. The weather wvas ideal ~ j for the occasion.. Guides occam- panied them ta answer ques- [ ~ ~ /I ~ E lons along the way. Especially %W c adlmined were the Italian gar- dens and the gloriaus view overlooking the sunken gar- dens, with the stately foun- For Li ite Ti e -tains in the shimniening pools. For Lim ted imeThe annual bus tnip sponsor- ed by the Women's Institute was greatly enjoyed on' Wed- WHILE STOCK LASTS WE ARE OFFERING nlxesday, July 3. Russell Balson wa\vs the very efficient driver fon the day. The gnoup first 1847 ROGERS BROS. im lctdwihna ieo Higway7 ad 40,a few mini- utes fnomn the city inaffie. It f was established in 1954 and bas SILVE W A REbeen developed by the Humber SILV RW AR i utuioriy as aregianal shw 42 Pieces ini a smart chest for onJy hewvn timbers bas been restar- ~ed as a museumn in whiclî tools,i Simpleménts and hausehoid e!- fects may be seen by vjàitors. $8 9'9g5 lunch ai Bramîpton, the group went on t h t aeec Reguar i~e *695Starcb Company at Pont Cre- %gulr prce $6.95dit. Here, afier a conducied tour of the plant, lunch was served in the diet kitchen. THIS NEW PRICE 15 DUE TO While in the kitchen tbe diet- itian mode lemon pies which INCREASED COST 0F CI<EST. were haler %von by Mns. G. Heal and Mrs. WValter Tink. SjThe nexi stop was made ai open stock silverware stili et regular pniceL - Malton airpont, where, fori about an hour the ladies sawq planes orriving and leaving. Then the trip homneward1 began anà sveryane agreed lthat the day had been well JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP ye isionary pragnam 'a,. iSunday School on Suiîday1 Kngmorning was prepared by Mrs.i e d ôf a vocal duet by Karen1 Sand Erenda YV'hI'wleesanad1 1 For Newcastle It was right- -fielder John Walker With threei iruns and S. Rudeli and P. Mc- rCullough with two each. Pitoh-' ter H-arold Kupry went ail the. Ewmay as hiîs squad 'was« short- handed. 1 Orono scored eight runs iii the, tfinal two frames ta wrap jp' rtheir \vin. Tom Carleton pitch- ed the win, issuing five strike- outs, four walks- and ue' three hits. Hinds with three. and Carleton, Hobbs and Miller wlt'j two each were the big guns for Orono..1 Jon llancock went ail the wa-ý* for Boivmnanville, Issuing 10 3 trilzeouts, six wa]ks and per.' ! ritting seven hits.- Bob ?Mc- 1Manus scored- two -runs for the ilcllads whiie Johnson, Coyle, tEae and Wilson collectcd' singles. killen, spent a fev days -with his grandparents,. Mr. and Mrs S. Kersey. Mrs. Lorenzo Trull, Mr. Franklin Truli and Miss M\,ur- iel Tummonds accoropani.-d Mrs. R. Ruttan on ber return ta her home near Gravenhurst, Mrs. Truli remaining for a few cisys visit. Bantams Win 3 Gomes Boost Win Streak to il a .Bowmnff.le ~Bahtams scored adecist'*. 15-9 vietory oé Orono WWàs at Memorigl Park Meitiby evening ta boost their.sewton Win streak ta Il games.1 Two other victories weré reg- istered by the local lads during the week. A 24-5 wini over thé visiting Welcome team Thurs- day and a 19-2 upset over their hasts at Orono IÉriay. Two Ilomers ln First Piteber John James was cred. ited with the win aven Omono, Monday. Blasting a homen on bis first trip ta the platè James collected thnee for four. Davel Werry aiso homered for Bow- manville, bringing home two runs in the first framie. Orono Pitcher Danchuk was pulled in the irst after giving up three bits, two of tbem home runs. Lycett, sent in 'as relief, gave up nine hits. tbmee walks and fanned five. Jamnes, going ail the way for Bowmanviile, allowvéd fine hits, four walks and fanned 12. Win Frlday in Orone Jim Moorcraft and Joe Bath-~ well shared the win for Bow- manvilie in Orono Friday night. ~ Ckcreation ,(kevl*w By Douglas Rigg Playground Swlni:lng AUl clildren,"eiglît years and aider, who attend the six play- grounds ini Bowmanville wiU] have the oppaniunity ai gaing swimming at the Cream of Barley Pool this caming Fni- day, July l9ih. Thene will be no charge fan tlîis swimi. Any cbild wisbing ta take advantage ai this appaniunity is mequested ta b. on their playground before 9:30 a.m. on Friday. The playgnound super- vison will escant the childmen ta and tram, Cnearn aiBarley Pool. I would like ta thank Keith Conneli, propnietor ai Creani o! Barley, for this kind co-op- eration in making ibis oppo'- tuniiy available for children of Bowmanviile. Penny Fair The third annual Penn>y l'air sponsored by the Recreifion Departnîent will be heid Wed- nesday, July 31st at the Lion s Cornnunity Centre. The Penny Fain will featune twelve to eighteen events including a parade, midway and nefresh- ments. Stanting at 6:30 p.m., there will be a costume parade with each ai the playgrounds com- peting fan top honours. The parade route is fram the Lions Centre and dowrn Division St., along King St .and up Temper- once St. ta the Centre. Each playground will be res- ponsible for o group af events such as House ai Horrors, Side Show, Test Youn Stnength, Re- Balioans, Fish Pond, Sbooting Gallery, Bean UAuessing, Bingo, Kissing Booth, Weigbt Gues5s- ing, Racket Ride. Rit cr Clown and Penny Toss. 1Tickets will be sold for sev- eî-al luck?9 draw prizes don ated by local merchants. Most of thei boaths and con- cessions will be mode and run by the cbildmen, under the leadership oaithe playground supervisons. Be sure ta mark yaun calen- dan for July 3lst for the Third Annual Penny Fain at the Lions Centre. Mlnor Basebali The first game of the Rec- reation Department Pee Wee League was played last Tues- day night at Franklin Park with the Bruins defeating the Lions 20-5. Alan McMullen wvas the winning pitchen for the Bruins, aliowing six bits, striking out seven and walking seven. The Lions used thnee pitchers with John Oke as the losing pitcher. The thmee Lions pitchens ailowed eigbt bits, struck oui three, and walked a total af 18 batters. Doug Lane o! the Bruins led ail the batiens at the plate with tbree for ihirce. Blaine Adams, Alan McMullen and Jon Hancocki were the leading bittens fan' the Lions. each with two bits ln five trips ta the plate. The line score of the game was: Lion,, Bruins R H E 20 8 3 57 7 The Atorn games scheduiecl for last Satunday were cancel- led because af bad mreather. All six Atomn tcams wrill be back in action ibis coming Sat- urday marning. Schedule fan Sat., July 20: 9:00 a.n.-Gianis (D)' versus Braves (B). 10:30 (E) vs Indians (A). Cubs (F) vs Dodgens (C). Bailey startcd for Oron* but was relleved atter glving up sevéral walks that cost bis team six runs in the firat frarne. Bownianville's big guns were John Twist with four runs, John James with thrée, Barry Steven with three and Allan Cale with two. Tenry Black crossed the Plate with two runs and Larry Piper, Ross Turner, Alex Wise- mèàn and Jim Moorcratt counted singles. Swltch Their Pitcher On Thursday, Welcome sw~itch- cd their pitchlng staff sèveral times ta stop the hltting power of the local lads, but the changes, had lna effect on the Bowmali- ville marksmen. Terry Black started the slug- glng with a single in the open- lngtrae s Bowmanville col- lected a total af 15 hits in the six innings. Pitcher Jobft James clubbed a borner in the second ta give Bowmanvillie a 5-1 edge. Alex Wiseman's sixth innlng horner énsured the win as three runs crossed the plate ta make, it 23-5. The local lads Played the final game of their schedulc, Wednesday (yesterday) but no score was available at press time. ENNISKILLEN P Mr. and Mrs. John Siemnon accompanied Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Nest, Bowmanville, ta tic Shakesperean Festival, Strat- ford. IA special. Christian Steward- sbip meeting af the W.M.S. j was beld at the churcb, Tues- day evenîng July 9, wheii Mrs. Anmistad, Bowmanville, Christian Stewardship Secre- tary of Oshawa Presbyterial, was guest speaker. Mrs. A. L. Weann opened the meeting wlth a poemn followed b y wor- ship led by Mrs. F. McLaugh- lin. Mrs. F. Toms nead the jSenipture lesson. Mrs. M. Stainton read an interesting letten from. Miss Louiza May- ova, who is aur missionary ton prayer this year and also gave information about ber wonk in Montreal among immigrants arrivirig tram other countries.1 Mrs.' J. Slemon meported an the# United Nations. Group 3 lead- ers, Mrs. F. McLaugblin, Patsy and Mrs. R. Vintue senved a deliciaus lunch when a social time wvas enjoyed in the S. S. room. Mr. and Mns. EganI Trewin, Doreen and Donald, attended the Tmewin picnic at Cream aof Barley Camp, Bowmanville. Mrs. Gardon Yeo, accompan- ied Mm. and Mr,-. H. Collacuft Bowmanville and Mr. Clanence Woodley, Tyrone, ta Esext attend the funcral of Ms Laura Phillips. Mn. and Mrs. Donald Lee, IWayne. Termy and Kim, Mn. and Mns, Ross Lee, Waynel Adams, Mn. and Mrs. Gog Lee, Oshawa, were with Mn., and Mns. W. Fenguson. 1Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Yeoi and family attended the Tnew- in family picnic at Cneam of Banley, Bowýmanville. Our congratulations to Miss Nancy Wood an passing lier grade 9 music exam with lion- ours and grade 1l at omn ville High Scbool with finst class honours. Mn. and Mrs. P. Pethick and Robin, Toronto, ,tith Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mn. and Mrs. David Clark and David Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Whlttaker and Evai Ann, Hamilton, were callens at 1 Mn. and Mms. Russell Griffin's.; Ted Yeo spent holidays with i Keitlî Ellis at Cordova Minç_5 last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hicks, Mrs. C. Saper, Mrs. K. Knigbt, Mr. and Mms. S. Hepburn, Osh- awa, were Sunday visitons' witb Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton anýd family with C. Milîs and R. Hopes, Port Penny. Mrs. Jas. A .Werry spent the tirst p"art ai last weekfin Oshawa with bier daugbter, Mn'Is. J. H. Bornowdale while Mn. Wrry bolidaved witiî cousins at Islay, Oakwood and Lindsay. On Saturday. July 13, aur village was honored with a short cail froni Colonel T. T. McCartney Filgate, now resi- dent irn Toronto, formerly,* for 35 yeans, witb the 2nd Bn. The, Royal Innîskilling Fusiliers of Enniskillen, Ireland. Back in the pioncer days the forebeans af the Vintue famlly played a part ini naming aur village En- niskilien after their aId home town in Ineland and that affin- the place, together with h is wife and tbmee frienda. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Juby, Lakefield; Mnr. and Mms Earl' Cross and family Maple Grave, were visitons of Mr. and Mrs. W. Howell's. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Do& land with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tur- ner, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. T. Tabb, Orc- na, tvere necent visitons af Mr. and Mns. R. McNeil. Mn. Fred Toms and many athers attendcd the Orangeý Parade et Peterborough. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Hamble- ton, Mn. Frank Hambleton af Rochester, N.Y., were Satun- Maple Grave sconed a 6-0 slîutout aven the visiiing Solina Seniors Wednesdav and edged tlîein hasts 2-0 ai, Hamnpton Sat- urday ta gain a finm the point lead in tbe Darhington Football League Ibis week. In other senior action Zion edged Enniskillen 2-1 Wednes- day and Coutice downed Soi- ina 5-1 Saturday. Courtice's win mnoved tbem into a fourth place tic with Tyrone. Zion lied Sauina 1-1 ta siay in finst place in the junilor rending by Eunice Leask. Cburch service next Sunday morning, July 21 will be at 10 o'clock with Rev. Crozier in the PUIpit., Sunday School at il. Congratulations to Ken and Olive McMinn (nec Cryder- man) on the birth of their son Gary Douglas on July 12. A brother for Linda who is spend- irig a while witb her grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryder- man. Mr. and Neil Raine'*1 and Charles, Orono, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor. Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peter- borough, spent the weekend at home. Mrs. J. Westlake, Mr. Bill Westlake, Mr. and Mrs.Ra Westlake, Penny and Roinie, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr. PhYllis Ann Westlake spent several days with ber. grani parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Cook, Bawmanvillc. 'Miss Elizabeth Dyer, Oshawea, Mrs. Florence Pearce, Lansing, visited Mr, and Mrs. Rae Pas- coe and famnily. Mr. and Mrs. Paseoe and children attended a family pic- nie at Ham ton. Mn. and ers. Percy Bent a-id farnlly, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bert and family. Mr. and Mrs. Len 'YuL and fanmlly, Oshawa, witý Mr. afid XMn. . Spire$ and fal"Ily. division Thursday evening. Hampton shut- out Enniskillen 2-0 ta mave inta a fourth place tie with Maple Grave. Courtice defeated Tyrone 2-0 ta ove within three points of f-irst place. Thursday (tanigbtî Enniskil- len visit Mon, Courtice are at Hampton and Sauina at Mape Grave in the junior divisioni. 1 Saturday Tyrone visit Zion' and Courtice are at Maple Grave ini Senior action. Or. Wednesday it's SaUina at Hampton and Zion a orîe Air. Rail or Steaniship i TI CKETSII Consult J UR Y & LOV YE LL 15 King St. W. MA 3.5778 Bowvmanv1iIe WANTED Dead. OId and Crlppled FARM STOCK Plcked Up Free of Charge 24 Hou? Service Phone Colleet Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough RI 2-2080 NICK PECONI' Peterborough - Ont. M 0àE Y AVAILABLE FOR NOR0 TGAÀGES DRalpia S. ,joues Barrister andi Solicitor 65 SimeoesSt. S. Oahawa ]LA 8-8525 THURSDAY, JULy leth, 115? ISeventy Children Attend Church Vacation ScIiool Aýn11l-run outburst in the fiftb inning gave Bowmanville Pee- Wee Ail-Stars their seventh win of the season, an 18-9 victon-v over Newcastle Pee-Wees at Memorial Park Wednçsday of last wveek. Saturday tbey dropped aný 11-6 verdict ta their hasts at Orono in the final game of their lO-game schedule. Don McMurter and Jan Han- cock shared the Newcastle vic- tory. Hancock gave in as re- lief in the fourth. Ted' Bate started them off in the fifth as their bats blasted the il runs if. Enniskillen: The Enniskillen Church Vacation School was held last week, and proved ta be very successful. About 70 childreri were very regular ini their attendance at a full pro- gram each morning. consisting of worship, Bible study, games handlcrafts and singing. On Frlday evening a closing program was presented Ini the shed, representing the wvark that the school accomplished and the handicrafts made a vety fine display. Mr. E. A. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashtpn, Hay- don. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp with Mr. and Mrs. J. Dumara, Scugog Island. Mrs. Norman Moore, Tren- ton; Misses Pat and Donna and Master John Burkitt of Steen- burg have returned from hohi- days with Mr. and Mrs. W. Howell's. Mostyn Howell is on holidays with the Burkitt's. MisÈ Daiphine Walker of Grand Bend is spending a few weeks' holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Grif fin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spry, Mr. Glen Spry, Rochester, N.Y.. with Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright,. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry attended a family picnic at Stephen Saywell's, Caesarea. gr and Mrs. Bruce Ashton, Purpie Hill; Mr. and Mrs. WaI- ter Oke, motored through the Lake Simcoe district Sunday.ý Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright visited with Mrs. Martha Wright, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holr6yd, Miss Aileen Holroyd, Hamp- ton, with Mr. arnd Mrm. Stew- art Lamb. Miss Jean Hope is holiday- ing with Miss Gail Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue were Sundav visitors of M. and Mrs. John Borrowdale, Osh awa. Misses Sheila Cox and Laura Griffin are on holidays a' Camp Pretoria. Mr. and - Mrs. A. L. Wearn and family with Mr. and Mrs. A. Telfer, Toronto. Janice Tel- fer with Susan Weamn for hol- idays. Picnic HeId For Baby Band Ebenezer: The July W. M. S. meeting took the form of the Baby Band picnic when about 85 members and children at- tended. President Mrs. Car] Down opened the meeting and> welcomed ail the guests. 1 Baby Band Superintendentsý Mrs. E. Courtice and Mrs. K.; Ormiston, assisted bv Mrs. R. Hawke presided for the warship service. Mrs. Alec Muir told.the children a story illustrating the real meaning of the word "give". The presentation of the mite boxes foflowed. Mrs. R. Hawke offered prayer, The children were then enter- tained outside with races and games while the business meet- ing was conducted by the presi- dent. Treasurer reported .$162.05 forwarded for second quarter. Miss Joanne Mackie will be aur representative at School for Leaders, O.L.C., Whitby, Aug- ust 19-23. Mrs. R. R. Gay made the presentation of a Life Mcm- bership ta Mrs. Elton Werry. A picnic 'lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. The Gulf Stream flawing north fram the Carribbean and the Labrador Current flowing south from the Arctic, each at about 25 miles a day, dominate the climate in the Atlantic Provinces. 166 King St. F. Bowmanville PAGE TWO f Double Victory Gives Ma pie Grove Lead M Robson Mo tors .Limited Werry expressed the appre* tion of ail present ta the 4ýu ers of the school for the w rk they had carried out on behaif of the children of the coni- munity. These leaders were R. B. Green, director, Mrs. .B Green, Mrs. O. C. Ashto,, F. W. Werry, Mrs. A. Wea Mr. Ivan Sharp and Mrs.. Virtue as reiigious instructors. The following gave leader- ship and assistance in games and handicraits: Mrs. John Griffin, R. Harvey, Mrs. H. Ashton, Mrs. T. Turnbull, Mrs. E. Robson, Mrs. E. Mc-. Nair, Mrs. -R. B. Green, Mrs. John Siemon, Mrs. O. C. Ash. ton, Mrs. F. Beckett, Mrs. F. W. Werry, Miss Gloria Wright and Miss Reva McGill. FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS @F q~STAFFORD Stafford Bras. Monumental Works Phone Whltby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whltby '17 FRIMIAIRE WOOD FREEZE- REFRIGERATOR Easy Paymen after am&H down psymft lii.10.1 e. ft. loW.coat supe of '57! Top-quality Real zero Zone Frenoe-hod 44 lbo * Exclusive Cycla-Katie D.fro.lting in refripertor sec- tion - Four ffll.Wldth Shelve. - FullWidth Glide.Obt Porco"i Hydrater -.Bit, Deep Sternee Door with Pive r.movabl* Gvffandra Maer MASON &DALE' LIMTED HARDWARE Phone 408 36 King st. ce Bewmanvllle v 1