!RUIWAT, TULT iSthi. les? Mr. Harold Tingcy, Detroit, visiting with bis sister, Mrs. Smythe. Mr. wd Mn. Don' Mason ar fa1 ré visiting his mathi Mnue H. Mason. 4d . ad Mns. Rae Rund] Dean and Scott, are holidayin at Loon Lake, Kaladar. Mr. Jim Hughes, Toronto, holidaying with bis'igrandmiot] er, Mns.. George Pritchard. Postmasten- George Vice ai Mrs. Vice are bolîdayingj Ocean City, New Jersey. Mrs. Wm. Roberts, A.L.C.IV wes guest soloist et Harmon United Cburch an Sunda znorning. Mrs. H. Smythe recently visi ed with ber daughtcr F/O îai Mrs. Barry Armstrong et R.C.. F. Station, North Bey. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Knigt. and son John, Detroit, are holi daying with his mother, Mn Wesley Knigbt, King St. E. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ayre ani Mr. and Mns. Donald Fould * spent Sunday with Mr. an Mns. Percy Cawling, Hall' Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Min geaud, Windsor; Mn. and Mrs. P. W. Tucker, Wiliowdaie, wer recent visitons witb Mr. and Mni P'. C. Petbick. Mns. F. O. Mclveen, Mn. En Mcllveen, Oshawa, anrd Mis Irene Meycrs, Hamilton, spen Sundey with Mrs. S. G. Chert ran and family.. Mn. and Mns. Walter T. Phil lips Jr.. Pound Ridge. N.Y., anc Mrs. Munwin Dickinson, Osbx wa, wene guests of Mn. and Mrs Gea. W. James. Mn. Robert Noble bas just ne. tunned from a bus trip ta Part. land, Maine. On bis trip hi also stopped aven in MontreeE Boston and Syracuse. 1 Mns. John Clanke, Pont Hope épent the weekend with bei brother, Mn. and Mns. Ste! Hodgson. renewing acquaint- etnce witb aid friends hene. Robent Catlidge. Leamingtor and Allen Sparnow, Ottawa, ane apending the week with theiz aunt*and uncle. Mn. and Mrs Douglas Rigg, Liberty St. Nonth. Mn. and Mrs. Ted Morris and Mrs. Nat Guthrie, Toronto, et- tended the funeral of their cous- in, Gladys Isreel (Mns. Adamr NWowacki) in Rochester, N.Y., lest week. Mrs. Henny Rice and son Mn. â*ohn Rice have retunned frair a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Bell and deugbter Andrea -3 tGrand Bend, Lake Huron, and ~ondon. Mn. and Mrs. Aibin Clemens mnd Mn. and Mrs. Frank Rundle have retunned fromn an enjoyeble tour thnough Nortbenn Ontario, visiting friends and relatives in Pont Arthur and Manitoulin Mn. Oke bas retunned framZ% 'ýjp out West, renew- Ing oldf'Tiendsbips and visitîng such places as Cnossfield, Drum- helier, Calgary and Banff, tek- Ing in the Stampede, Mrs. Oke reports e wonderful time. .With the summen vacationi season et bend, meny Bowmen- ville citizens will be entertain- ing out-of-tawn guests. The Statesman is aiways pieased ta record such visits in its Personel column. Kindly Phone personal items ta MA 3-3303. Mn. LloydKrichew of the Re- search Division, Depertment of National Defence, Ottawa, for- xnerly a cbemist et Goodyear Tire and Rubber Ca. here, was in town an Tuesday evening and called on friends, includ- ing Mn. and Mrs. Roy Lunney. Scanning the Bawmenville1 Iflgh School Exams resuits we :note thet Peter Reynolds, son of Mn. and Mrs. Herb Reynolds. until necently merchants et Kendai, is Genenal Pnaftciency FISTU JOHN'Si W21Z W £I.IÂ.À1 C .LTI A . *OW MAN VILE. ONTARIO i student, a consistent aven 90% pupil. This is the third ycan in succession for such honors, a boy td nat yet 16 years aid. Our can- er gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hender- le, son, East Beach, were hast and ag bostesa lest Sunday on the oc- casion of Mn. Henderson's bintb- la day. The party was held on the bh- farm lewn with seven cbildren and their erniles of 24 grand- id children and four great grand- at children. Suppen was senved picnic style when a lovely time Niwas enjoycd by ail. My Among those tram Bowman- [yville wbo attended the Elliatt- WNeylor wedding et St. Geonge's Anglican Church, Oshawa, on it- Jl 5 wcre Mrs. T. A. Gerton, 'id Mn., and Mns. Gea. Vine, Mn. .A. Robent Thompson, Mn. and Mrs. htFrank Bottreli, Mns. Mina Col- 'twell, Mns. W. D. LaBelle, Miss i- Laura LaBelle, Miss Helen Fras- 's. er end Miss Myntle Hall, and Mr. and Mns. Hanland Truil, id Hempton. 15s nd Mn. William Wickett, F.C.C.O., SA.T.C.M., a former Pont Hope boy, now Dinecton of Music et Wesley United Chunch in Lon- n- don, Ontario, will join 96 others A. wbo are going by cbertered re 'plane to attend the Internation- r. ai Congrcss af Organists in Lon-f don, Englend, July 27 ta August, ic 2. With Gardon Jeffeny, Presi- is dent of C.C.O., be will represent nt, the London Chapter of the f t- Canadien College of Onganists. i- Lest week The Stetesman idcarried a picture af Mrs. Verle d- Feann who wiil be campetîng et sbeep dog trials ta be bcld et the 1957 World's Conserva- tion Exposition and Plawing e-Contesta in Adams County, - Ohio, Sept. 17-20. It is leanned ie with interest that Mn. Lloyd kl Ayre of Bowmanville, weli lcnown ownen o! champion esbeep and sheep dag breeden, ýr will be the only Canadien i1 judge et thts wonld competiton.1 Dr. G. E. Reaman, author of "The Trai of the Black Wal- ýnut" wes interviewed on the ir television program Tabloid Ioda evnn nEneto Iwith bis book. This interesting z stony a! the enigin, customs and Iway of life o! the Pennsylvanla -"Plain Folk" hes sold out the n first pninting'and a second is st now betng run ta supply th e demand. Dr. Reaman, now of,( Waterloo,' was the first super- nintendent of the Ontario Train- ing Scbool for Boys here. f a Anothen fine humanitanian deffort in their wonk to aid crip c pled children was carnied out q S by the Bowawnnvile Rotary j,, eClub lest week when the club esent Hans Degooyer, Newcas-~ tic, on a two week Rotary spon- fi sorcd holiday ta Mcnnywoad ti Camp for cripplcd children on b Rideau Lake. He was driven te T the camp by Rotarian P. R.v Rickaby. Camp Mernywood i v spansored by the Ottawa Ro- tary Club and receives the sup- b part o! the ncany clubs in this t area. Children attending enj oy T numeraus activities as thene is h an excellent rehebilitetion pro-d gram in openation. Oshawa Advisony Board cf ti the CNIB sponsoned the annuel picnic in Lakeview Park, Wed- IY 1nesday, July 10 with 125 regis- di 1tercd blind attending. Mns. D. S. W. Anmistead assistcd in the arrangements, while other la- le cal folk attending wene Miss A. ai Bnagg, Mns. Gea. Collecutt, and Ti Mns. Joncs ail o! Bowmanvilie itf and Mn. Roiy Cousins, Cee- Si~ serea. Miss Mary Jewell and an Miss Dora Pundon, members of W the Northumberland-West Dur- hem Advisory Board, ettended ta witb Miss Lily Wonkman as M guest for the day. A wcll plan- ot ned pragrain o! races and ce games was enjoyed by ail, toi- of lowed by a deliciaus cbicken la: dinnen. Ail retunned home hep- puly, after a lively get-togethen. Fi. pe A reproduction of the finet Ti issue of Pulman's Weekly News an and Adventisen fan Somerset, Dorset and Devon, publisbed et cd Cnewkenne and Axminster and re. deted Mench 10, 1857, was plý 4- e- MnA an TM4. - Si4Trewtný Leglon èthe fro, PoIrade botr tes (Continued tram page cone) Fife wa loya wws the bingo wbich dnew angm cepacity cnowds thnougbout the Peti evening. Games o! skill and the3 chance ettnected mast o! the men pr on the grounds witb thein many pre prizes and awands. The nefrcsb- mus ment bootbs exhausted their w supplies long before 10:30 P.m. Ali and thinsty pensons wenc requin-te cd ta go tai downtown restaurants agai for a drink. L Dnaw ticket sales saared as Ken the evenmng progresseci and the excitement reeched its peak when car draw time appoaeched. Fe Concessions were stili openating ta as the draws begen ta take place 1 langg j but bast ail their customers PanP f when the car dnaw waes an-'mile nounced. Zveryon. Ie.fton the aties cSoial & (ersonal Phone MA 3-3303 les and colouns of cars. Af- rleaving the G.M. plant we ent an bour et the new shop- .g centre, wbere some of the 3es were open. Then we nt an ta the spaciaus park on elakeshare where we enjoy- 1a tempting pîcnic supper mr well leden tebles--then xmeward bound with memar- Sof a happy efternoon. Kendal Orange Lodge and fe and Drum. band and many ai supports enjoyed the Or- ge celebration and parade in tenboraugh, Saturday. When y arrived home the band eaded up and down Kendal ýet and gave us some fine sicel selections. We are pleased thet Robent exender is feeling much bet- in .end cen get out eround Look for notices regarding ,dal's Field Day this week. Parks are always of interest treveliens and anc of the gest in Ontario. Algonquin k, which cavera 2.750 square, les, provides unhimited fecil-j iO frtouri L grounds utood ti front of platform as Deputy-Reeve frîd Carruthers reachcd his h in to draw the winning tickel Costume Wlnners Winners of the childr costume prizes were as fo«Ut Foreign-Fred Witvoet, D Malcolm, Carol Sheehen, D Kerr. Western-Timmy Taylor, D Firth, Mike Dillinger, B Smed. Original-Carol Elston, E] beth Grahamn, Bill Davis and Murphy, Jane Firth. Camic-Lloyd Graham Terry NichaIs, Rod Taylor, Lc and Larry Trimble, Janet M. den. Cutest-Christine Corson, lie Anne Schmidt, Deboreh SI han, Louise and Susan Mann, Decorated bicycles - Lii Corson, Allen Hooper, Sha Leddv, Gordon Rundie. Doil carniages, decoratei Margaret and Nancy Van1 Scbaaf, April Rice, Lynda Mv terson, Enica and Eili Wereszczynski, Barbare Brin( ]KENDAL Mr. John Byens of Toron a friend of B. B. Foster, visil him, over the weekend et1 home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy F, ter. Miss Q ail King, Guelph, a Robert Collett of Toronto, sp( a few days lest week witb D and Mrs. Norman Kennedy Mrs. Art Low and Mrs. Low, spent Monday in the N lage, visiting Mns. Milt Rabý son and Mrs. Bert Thampso Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Mi tineil, Roseneath, visited Kendal and with Mn. and MClarence Therteil during t weekend. Mrs. Robert Sinden of No Scotia visited ber sister-in-la Mrs. Roy Foster aven the wee end.tor with Mr. and M Allen Foster aven the weekei wene Mn. and Mrs. Mari Locke and Joyce of Ottav Judy and Jane Farter netunu home with tbem. Mr. and Mns. Norman Xe riedy and Wayne, visited et ét homes of ber brathers, Cha ence and Rex Heslop et Geong town. Sunday cvening callens wi Win. Mercer were Miss Mi. Gray, Charlie Stevenson, Y~ and Mrs. Harny Mercen and Mv and Mrs. Jeck Mercer. Mr. Bennie Ricketts and Ga and of Vingînie, visited t] Fasters, Mrs. Polly Burnougi and Mary Helen of Teetervil, and Mrs. Glanes of Scotieni Ont. Monday evening the marrie vomen turned out ta prectic for thein softhall game agetn: the Elizabethvilie mernied worn en on Satundey. It shouid k quite a game. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Swanbricl Maureen and Johnny end fnien of Buffalo, visited in Kendz Saturday. Tbe thxee your tlks stayed for a holiday wit' thcir aunt,_ Mrs. Truman Gai butt at Ken-Gan-Hilîs Cam] rhere are about 25 young folk eacationing there thîs week. Mn. and Mrs. C. Holland bey noved down ta thein summne orne and intend ta mekei 1cmi permanent residenCE heir grandson, Gardon,i alidaying with them. Tbei laughter and ber husband, Mi kd Mrs. Alex Tbompson spen( he weekcnds, bere. Miss Cathenine Stewart an( &ts. Fred Cornish, lef t Tues lay for a trip ta Montana, U ;A. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Raugbý y, Mrs. Edith Ferguson, Osh. we, and Mrs. Gardon Price . ry and Dianne, of Gaît, vis. !d Mrs. Thorne and Mrs. Alvz Aarbrick, Satunday. Mrs. PricE nd daugbters remained for thb ieek. Mns. Hilda Pritchard, Toron- :visited ber parents, Mn. anc Irs. F. Warren, necently. Theti ter daugbten, Mns. Paul Mer- r, and Mr. Mercer and Mary] fGuelph, spent a few days As for the smellmouth, you can start on the Island of Ta- / ronto Bay and work anywbere east or west from the Tbousand Islands ta the St. Clair River and get bass. To the north, *b SOFT bey exend beyond Lake Nipis- ONN. sing and west f Lake Of, the * DA BSORBENT SnrRILE GAIZE Woods where they were first STERILIZED PADs introduced years ago beceuse ofterpopuiarity among fish- JMHSONS _ Bass fishing is particulariy good in the Bay of Quinte, elong the reefs and shoals of S E IEG UEPU Lake Erie, almnost anywhere along the south shore af Lake SEALED IN INDIVIDUAL Huron and in Georgian Bay NEOE. ED O the Manitouhin Islands, Lake ENEOES ED O Nipissing. Roclty lakes and ri- I MMEDIATE USE. vers are popular spots, if it is 2"xý 2" 12's 45c -3'x 311 12's 60V cold, ail produce the fighting- est fish of ail. Don't worry tao mucb if the fish don't hit as soan as you see tbem, experts Say. There are places where you can sec ly ushaliof wter. Tnreae ty huandsof wthem inreae- tMmes wben bath fish are ex- thperare ing slow toi- san, le x . aserarengiyslowta bit.s But fisherman knows, when th fih die so fast you caA?'i We Deliver 1hnl hem. The limn 15 suci per day. Wi-Several Cellebrations ýt Mark I5th Anniversary ow. Mr. and Mns. Wflbert Teeple, brother, and Miss Allie Cooper, >oug 36 Wellington St., celebrated Newcastle. The honýoured couple )ave their 25th wedding anniversary Were presented with a lovely on Juiy 7. With friends whose gift from the famiiy. )Ou anniversary feil on *the same Gladys Elizabeth Hancock and Euhday, Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan- Wilbert Teeple were married at son of Toronto, they enjoyed a the home of the bride's parents, weekend ini Kingston and took Newcastle, on July 7, 1932, by lz the cruise through the Thousand Rev. W. P. Rogers. Mr. Teepie Pat Islands. for a number of years has been Afainily dinner party was an instructor on the staff of the andals hed or her b th brde Ontario Training School for alo ed ortembyte r'es Boys, -Bowmanvile. Both are lars- mother, Mrs. J. C. Hancock, and active in the Order of the East- sister, Miss Ruth Hancock, New- ern Star and Mr. Teepie in the ju- costie, and Mr. and Mrs. Teepie's Masonic Lodge. Members of St. hee- daughter and son-in-iaw, Mt. Paul's United Church, they are k. and Mrs. Neil May of Peter- active workers in its organiza- inaborough, at Mrs. Hancock's tions. Mrs. Teeple is president anhome. Also present were Mr. of the Woman's Association and LWland Mrs. Adair Hancock and Mr. Teepie is a member of the dMurray, Mimico, Mrs. Teepie's Session. Der Len Ba ss Season Nnob e.In Full Swing suspect Bass time la here. And that. for thausands of fishermen and (Continued from page one)> nto, women, means action. For who requested his aid. The ted whiie it has been preceded by man roused his neighbours and the speckied trout and pickerei with their aid police were able rOS- fishing the largemouth and ta iight the field and further smallmouth bass season stand.; their search. and first in the affections of ail. After the suspect was placed cnt There are severai reasons. in the Police car in the custody M'r. First, perbaps, is the fact the Of Constable Hartley, Chief i. bass is regarded as the gamest Eric Smith was contacted at D. fresbwater fish of ail. home regarding the crime. On - Yil- Next is the fact that he i5 tario Provincial Police were )Il'- found almost anywhere from alerted and they despatched onl. the Great Lakes ta the ex- two cars to the scene. a - treme nortb; from the castern Diseover Tools Irs. to the western boundaries of Polc ae a toog Ontaio. is illignes tohitsearch of the field for the other he -at the right time-is proverb- two men but were unable t il. The pu-gnacious bronze- traete. uigteE erl va back will strike at alrnost anv polce foe undaritey of tools àW, live bait, at almost any type ofpoiefudavrtyf ol ek- believed dropped by, the fiee- k-casting or spinning lure, at ing mn .fliles and bugs. He may be mn fr.caught stiil-fishing, casting or At 7 arn. tnat morning Chief mdjust lazily trolîing. Smith and Constable Kitneyé tin Many experts believe that, took the prisaner to the County ýva. even if tebs s' ugy Jail at Cobourg. Upon his re-L ied e'11smthe ass is'ut o hngrturn Chief Smith conducted an- I Spugnaciousness. That is cer- doer ed mho e a ans. n-tainiy the case in June when dsoee oetos ýhe tefs r ntesann Discovery of the tools led theS ar beds, which is the reason the SDepartment of Lands and For- ith ests appeal to sportsmen to give nathe fish a chance. Where rea- O PT IEPR ner sonabl appeals fail, there are C MEIIE P Ir. regulations to protect the fish until July 1 wben the bass sea- r son opens in Ontario. ,e There isn't a great deal of ýhs difference between the large- Ile mouth and the smailmouth. d, They may be distinguished S apart, however, by the fact ed the moutb of the largemouth DM ce fish extends beyond the eye. ist Colour isn't much of an in- n- dication; both fish are dark SPECIAL VALUES A be green, ranging ta brown or ai- most black, depending on the !k, water in wbich they are found. id Generaily, however, the large- ___________ [al mouth may be found in warm- a g er waters than the other type th and flot infrequently tbey are B R . V n .V r- larger. For instance the world's B Y C E M p. record largemouth, caught iu ts Georgia where waters arc THE PERFECT warmer than in Ontario, is. a HAIR DRESSINO e 22 pound, four ounc fish. Thej, r largest smallmouth on record j bondise j ars it here weighed nine pounds twa e. ounces and was caught in Nip- is issing County, Ontario. How- r ever, the world's record fish >huai>' lobes r. weigbed 14 pounds and was id teken in Florida. Despite tremendously in- id creased fishing pressure, the s-basa is still doing well here. ~Given reasoneble protection, a Mre mon female bass will produce a boy DRYLCRIEN' -family of 4,000 to 5,000 young- thn ny other- hair dressin ini the worMd -sters. In addition, the Depart- ~ment operates a number of _______________ bass hatcheries and recently a bas had marked success in ýe transferring fish from lakes in Ewhich they were not doing toa welI because of overcrowding 0« LE EX -ta other lakes which give themn da better oppartunity ta growHA Tu r and reproduce.RA TH Both types like crayf ish, SE V s frogs, worms, minnows and A U«%M I>S Ut Sinsects. Leeches and helgirarm--- -1 MAPLE GROVE On Saturday, Juiy 13, about one hundred and twenty par- ents and children of the Cou- pies' Club enjoyed a bouhteous supper at the Ebenezer Church Shed. Races and contests and a bail game were enjoyed at the Courtice Memorjal Park until dark. Weekend visitors with Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mildred and Bob were Dr. and Mrs. L.' H. Coates, Mr. affd Mrs. D. H. Coates, Brantford, Mr. and Ms.« Sam Castie and boys, Mrs.1 IMinor League Bail Teams Nearing End of Schedule chief to believe there was ap- parentiy gaing to be an attempt made by the tbieves ta rab the store safe, be said. This led himn to believe that the men may have bad explosives and that these migbt bave been discard- cd in tbeir attempt ta escape. Chief Smith cautioned per- sans living in the vicinity of the possible danger. Witb the aid of town eniployees and vol- unteers police researched the entire area that afternoon. Once again police and searchers found tools in the area, but na explosive chemicals were founcl. Botb Chief Smith and Con- stable Kitney have highly cam- imended Bob Gailagher for bis alertness and co-operation. Mr. Gallagher furthcr aided police by turning on bis car bead- liglîts during the seerch. Police also spoke bigbiy of the Prince street citizens whose co-opera- tion was of great assistance. Chief Thanks Citizens "I was very mucb impressed witb tbe kind and be]pful as- sistance received f rom the many residents of Prince street", Chief Smith said. "What the citizens did wvas greatly ap- preciated by the police", he added. Chief Srnith believes the break-in was the work of pro- fessional safe-crackers. "Indica- tions are that tbe break-in wag a skiiled job," he explained, "and indicate the motive of the break-in was to attack the safe possibly with explosives". Police are conducting further investigations in connection with the incident. 1lvi h EA C eis Charles Blake, Peterborough, Acton. Ivan and Billy nemain- and Dr. and Mns. L. B. Wil- ed f or their bolidays. liams, Ceesarea. Quite a number attencied the Mn. and Mns. Doug McNainn. 1rnorning service ta hean Mn. Jin Katby and Cindy, Highland 1 Allmon o! Harrnony. The choir Creek, visited with their 1 rendercd the mnusic "I Surnen- gfandparents, Mr. and Mns. R. der Al" with Shirley and Car- R. Stevens. los Cryd erman takin'g the duet. Mn. and Mrs. Wiil Mindav, The Evening Auxiliarv will Mn. and Mns. Lorne Munday, hold their picnice t Cedar Park Jean and Jimmny, Courtnighît on Ttiesdax', Julv 23. Mothers visited with Mn. and Mrs. R. R. and the children of the Baby Stev'ens and othen relatives. Band are invited. Mn. and Mrs. Thamas Mc- Guirk, John and Katby, and Mn. Frank Pearce, Oshawa, et Niagara Fells an Sundey. Mrs. E. Astbon bias returned borne after spending three weeks vacation with ber daugh- MA 3-3303 ter, Mrs. S. May and brother, Rex'. H. Staintan et their cot- for tage at Sundridge.WAT D and fa nily w ith M . and M rs. E Y C Raymond Burns et their cot- SERVICE tage et Rice Lake. Miss Barbare Hughes is bol- idaying with ber uncle et Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mill's and farnily spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jennings, in SPECIALS L.D.A. Cold Cream Soap with Lanolin Rexular 2 for 25e 2 For 23c 12 For 1.29 I.D.A. Hydrogen Peroxide 4-oz. Reg. 19e 15C Absorbias jr. 1.19, 2.39 Air F111. Insoles 6 5a Blu'e Jay Carn & Bunioi Foot Powder 390 Mennen Quinsana 65@ Dr. Scholl's Foot Fowder 50e, 1.00 Zino Pads Thin - 50o 8-oz. Reg. 29o 23c Silvikrin Two M5e size 75e sîze battis 1.05 value -- Pali1 40's, - 9 plus free Auto Handbool Roth for___ Save 1 Band PLAM 45c ipa, 2 For Cne Deodi 6E n I.DA. 'Epsom Salt 1-lb. reg. 25o 19OC Epsom Salt (Bath type) 5 Lh. 33c Shampoo >Sachets and 75c Blades )Bc package 192-page --- 98C Ile on i-Aid J STIC ! 'Ps ekages Bri Af 79c 981 FI: pUet B 9e lorant Creer se Insec 89C, Insect S Bc Ins Repel Tanl Spray Boi Cream. 6 - i Llquid ar Si Spray - Ste -Wa Tube -- Squeeze Bottl Spray Johnson's "Off', PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McGregor, Drug s Yo ur Local I.D.A. Drug Two divisions of the Lakeshore Minor Basebaîl Leegue have ended their reguler scbedules and the Juvenile tearns must bave their schedules comipleted before Saturday, JuIv 27, it w-as announced this week. Bowmanville Pee-Wee Ail- Stars finisbed their lO-garne schedule Satunday ta end the season witb a seven-game win record. Bantarns bold an il - game wvin streak and played thein final game et Bowrnanville Wednesday evening. Na resulta were available et press time. Orphans Improving Onpbans, aur Juvenile club, bave wvon two and tied one in! 13 garnes. Thev have five garnes left ta play. Aitbaugh their wins are not as numerous as the athen tearns the Orphans are shawing considerable irnpravement and should provide fans with sarne exciting basebali before the end ICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE ALND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK CHURCH Fil 1h Aller Triuity HOLY COMMUNION 8 and Il St. PauI's United Church Minster Rev.¶L. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist Mrs. Reta Dudiley, A.T.C.M, L.C.C.M. Trtnity and St. Paur"s Congregations worship in St. Paui's. of the season. STOIRES qwr MAVAIMTAM PAGE SEVEX Pee-Wecs Meet Port Hope In the plevoffs Bawmanville Pee-Wee Ail-Stars wiil meet Port Hope in a best-of-tbree sertes. The winner wviil enter the O.BA. "B" finals. Cobourg Trainin% School. Orono and Maple Grave will play off ta decide wbo will enter the O.BA. "D" plavoffs. Bantams Play Port Hope Bownanville Bantams wfl meet Port Hope in the playoffs and the winner will enter the O.B.A. "B" plavdowns. Caurtice, Orano and Welcarne will meet for the chance ta enter the 0. A. "D"' finals. Port Hope Juveniles wvill meet Bowrnanville Orpbans in the Lakeshore plavoffs ta decide which team will enter the O.B.A. Juvenile *'B" plavoffs, wbile Cobourg will enter the 0,B3A. "A" series and Newcastle Nvill ...iý