DÂ4AILSMA1N, BUWMAN VILL. <JONTARIO?!USAUGT t.15 Last Place Enniskillen Captures Fîrst Victory ln' Darlinglon Soccer Enniskillen captured their first final vlayoff s. No schedule for Win of the season bv scoring a the playoffs was available al 2-0 shutout over Tyrone before press time, hawever it will ap- local fans Wednesday of Iast pear in the Statesman next week ta mave into a three-wan week. tie for fifth place in the Darling-- In Junior League action ton Football League Senior î Thursday (to-n ight) Tyrone are group.j hosts to Zion, Maple Grave are Maple Grove moved into a at Enniskillen and Sauina visit one and one-haif game lead in Hampton. the division as they downed En- Senior niskillen 2-0 at home Saturday. Zion managed to remain one GP W L T Pis. point out of first place by reg- Maple Grove .___ l19 0 2 20 istering a 1-O verdict over Solinal in--- ---_ 18211 in Zion Saturday. 1Zoina 11l 8 3 131 Junior Action Si ai 533î Courtice blanketed Enniskil- Hampton Ili 5 5 i1 I len 11 -0 in Junior action Thurs- Cou rtice ----- 1i 7 3 5 day of last week to move into al Tyrone ------ - 10 2 7 1i half Rame lead in their division. Enniskillen ----- 10 1 6 3 5 Sauina scored a 2-0 shutout over Junior Tyrone and Maple Grove edged Hampton 4-2 in other' junior! GP W L T Pts. games Thursday evening. î Courtice- ------- 10 8 2 0O16 End Schedule' Zion ------ --- 9 7 1 i 15 The Senior schedule ends Sat-i Solina -------- 10 5 2 3 13 urday with two games being1 Maple Grove __ 9 4 3 2 10 played. Hampton are at Ennis-! Hampton .- 9 3 6 0 6 killen and Tyrone visit Solina. Tyrone---------- 9 2- 6 0 4 Wednesday they begin the semi-, Enniskillen 10 0 7 2 2 Orphans Heavy Hitters Give Them Second Win In Juvenile Playoffs B ill Osborne's grand siani borner in the sixth inning gave 'Bowmanville Orph ans an 11-5 ivictory over the visiting Port 'Hope Juveniles and moved them inta a 2-0 lead in their best-of-five series ta determine which team will represent the Go by Train to the OTTAWA EXHIBITION AUG. 23 ta 31 Low Rail Fares $11.20 $12.60 *Coach Sleeping and k. Parlour Cars* *Prlu Car or Berth Fare Extra. Good going Thursday, Aug ' 22 ta Saturday, Aug. 31 Return Limit - Sept. 2 Full information from any agent. )r t it e -e it ilaop ;n the O.B.A. Juvenile "B" Playoffs. Righthander Bill Bates went ail the way for Orphans ta re- g ister his second- straight win." IH e allowed eigbht bits, w Iwalks and fanned five. Bill Wakely was the laser as Bow- manville bombarded three pit- chers for Il bits. Sbortstop Ron Poliard paved the way for the wîn wben be blasted a triple in the fourth with the bases loaded. Joe Ken- neit drove home two runs, anc in the second on a sacrifice fly ouita right field and anoiher in the sixth with a single. Port Hape's big inning was in the second wben they tai- lied two runs on infield errors. Centre fielder Ted Fairey end-. cd their hopes ini the th ird when he made beautiful catches on iwo long driveg into bis area. Bowmanville runs were scar- cd by Archie Crossey (2),'Han Poliard (2), Hank Lane (1), Bill Oshorne (1), John Fowler (2), Curi Vanstone (1), Jae Kennett (1) and Ted Fairey (j) For Port Hope it was Rab- cris, Grecnaway, who bomered in the sixtb with none an, Watts, Walden and Symons wiih anc run eacb. R HE Port Hope 020 110 1- 5 8 2 Bow'ville-01i 315 x-1 1 10 5 South Ontario Agricultural Society 51st Annual Famous Horse Trainer's Relatives Live Here Orphans, Lose ~ Tuesday Game -~ '~ 4At Port Hope Gord Wakelys single in the 0 ~fifth inning, sparked a two-run 7 rally as Port Hope came from 3 bhid tho register a 5-2p Ophans Tuesday night. 5 Bawmanville are leading their .5 besi-af-five Juvenile "B" series ...................................................................... wngme t nc out gm of the playoffs is at Vincent Mas- ............................................................ sey Park to-nigbt. Bill Wakciy went ail the way -. ~~- ~ for Port Hope ta gain bis first wîn of tbe series. He yielded only four scattered bits, na waiks and fanned two. Bob Osborne .,~ was the starting pitcher for ~ Orphans and was rclievcd in the fourtb vhen bis shaulder be- came sore. Bill Bates went the rest of the route for tbem ailow- ing fotir bits, no walks and strik- John Roberts broke the score- S less deadlock in the tbird frame when be scored on a wild tbrow ta put Port Hope abead 1-O. Shortstop Jobnny Mason con- t' t.nected on anc of Wakely's baose >pitches and smasbed a long drive . . . ' omef field for bis second Shaw wih hs fthe, bothe an sîteris E Buck Haper prrnient Archie Crossey blasted a single Show wih hi faher broherand istr i R. . "uck"Harerpromnen toscore Bob M arierrison in the. trainer and race horse owner. Beside Buck is his father, James Harper, Sr., of R.R. fiftb as Orphans moved into a 4, Bowmanville. James Harpei, Jr., also af R.R. 4, Bowmanville, is an the left. -His 2-1 lead. Ted Greenaway singled sister, Mrs. Phil Pherrill, naw lives in Taron ta. and Watts took a walk as they - ___________________staried Port Hope off in tbe fifth. Nexi man ta bat grounded oui Sl.ta the hrso.Pth Bl Cowle Leading Dafltamns Swep erie Wakely made first on an nil error ta leave the bases loaded. mu Ente Gord Wakely connected for an Loca Baters Now Ente Plydautfield single and bath Greena- Loca Baters NOw uayawns way and Watts managed ta score o h it. Brother Bill was Fomnil or Se son Ban- the local lads with three runs, pegged at the plate as he tried For easo tam eaned heirwayinto the while Alec Wiseman with two ta score. Thir baema Frd "Bck"Ontrio Basebaîl Association and John Twist and Bob Stev- Bob Martin cannectcd for a Thid asma Fedplaydowns by taking a 10-5 win ens with singles counled thieir single On bis turn at bat in the Cowie continues ta set the pace from their hasts ai Part HopLý other runs. sixth. Roberts flew ouita otbe1 arvtespte fas he la iler neay of last week la O'Brien broke Part Hope's first baseman and Grecnaway1 batvterswtba .384oai theicn sweep their besi of three Ban. scorelcss slreak in the thirci blasted a single ta score Martin. bf teas iha.384hedute. en tam *'B" series in iwo games frame as they tallied three runs. He scored their final runbîim- oth esnshdl.straight. Bloomfield scored another i self when Watts bit a grounder Harvesters' batting averages Righthander John James the fourth and Heard crossed into tbe infield. as of Monday, August 6, wben went the route' for ,-,, 4...1.4.. - , their regular seasan fiished are as follows:1 Cowle Gallaghcr Gilhoaiy Girardi Garbe Hamilton Cox Yourth Mason Kelly Dadson Joncs Cale Parker Ferguson Sellers Williams La ne GP AB H 13 52 20 15 44 15 15 50 17 10 33 10 9 20 6 14 47 14 18 62 16 10 29 7 15 48 10 9 3L 6 16 41 8 7 18 3 13 36 6 9 14 *2 67 1 6 17 2 43 0 5 80 Pet. .384 .349 .340 .303 .300 .298 .242 .208 .193 .179 .1t66 .166 .143 .131 .117 .000 anao Juveniles Lose To Newcastle OSHAWA liIn Exhibition FALL FAIRI THURSDAY - FRJDAY - SATURDAY AUGUST 15-16-17i Gates Open Thursday ut 5:00 p.m. SOMETHING DIFFERENT EVERY DAY - HARNESS RACING Twiliglit - Thurs. and Fri.. starting at 6 p. M. KNG'S NID WAY SHOWE every afternoon and cveningt Aisionto Fair Auls 0eCars -5e Special Price for Children Service.. a .for your car1 We Specialize in : Wheel Alignment Wheel Dalancing Molor Tune-up Couplete Brake Service Body Repairs -Paint ing Towing Service ROBSON MÔTrOR.S LJMITED BUJCK - PONTIAC .. G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3321 Two costly infield ersors in fthe fourih iflning Paved the way eniles over Bowmanville Orph- ans in an exhibition basebali game ai Newcastle Park, Monday afternoon. Orphans latcbed anto R 2-1 lead in the top of the fousth as Archie Crossey scored on an errar afier smasbing a double. Their other run was tallicd in the ibird trame wben Bob Osborne connccted for a single ta bring Bob Marjerrison in witb the tieing run. Newcastle grabbed an earil' lead in the second as Paul Mc- Cullough came home on an oui- field fly. Bill BrunI and DaveI McCullougb scosed tbetving and winning runs in tbe fourib as Bawmanviile commiiied twvo errors. John St. Clair scored the insusance run in the Isixib. R H El Bowmanviile 00 1 100 0 2 7 4 Newcastle 010 201 x 4 2 2 Batteries-Bob Osborne, Ken-j neti; Lane, Dave McCullough. 1 Orono Defeats Cobourg 5-4 In! First Pla yoff ville allowmng six hits, five walks and fanning 11. Brown and Smith gave up only four hits, six walks and struck out seven as they toiled for the losers. Terry Black sparked the win for Bowmanville scoring three rijns. He tallied the dcciding rùn in the second inning as the Legion crew rallied ta gain a six point lead. Don Bagneil also shone for me1 pflte wiLrl ineirfiînal run in the seventh inning. R HE Bow'ville 150 021 1--lO 4 1 Port Hope 003 100 1- 5 6 4 Bowmanvile-Black 3h, Pi- per c, Turner ss, James p, Wise-ý man If, Bagne]] 2h, Twist cf, Stevens lb, Wright rf. Pari Hope-OBlrien If, Bre- selon 2h, 1-eard c. Record lb, Bloomfield rf, Brown p, Craw- ford 3b, Smith cf, Wakely ss, Harvesters End Schedule Down Port Hope 5 -3 Dan Girardi'l double sparl cd a sixih innmng rally as tt Bowmanviile Harvesters carr fromn bebind ta capture a 5. decision fromn Port Hope Or tarios in the final game of th schedule ai Vincent Masse Park Monday marning. Girardi came in, me plai with two away and a mano firsi. His bit scored Ken Kell and paved the way for a vic tory. Pitcher Clint Ferguso setlied for a walk and scoe, the winning run as he an Girardi crossed thie plaie wi] the iying and winning runs oi an infield eu-ar. A Top Hitter Orane Osphans registered a - close 5-4 decision over the vis- iting Cobourg Rideaus ai Osa- no Park, Monday afiernoon i the firss game of their best-of- ' - scven Lakeshore League base- bail series. Third baseman Ron Westî crosscd the plate witb the Win- ning sun in the bottom or lie ninth afier Cobourg raliicd in lime same inning ta tic the score. He came home on a - single by Don Mescer Rideaus fougbt slrangly Ia capture the win as thcy rein- quished the -lead, then carne back ta deadlock thme score i the ninth. Melvor and od bath seored in the second ta give ihemn a 2-0 lead. John " Fisher and Curi Stanley scoscd their final runs. Junir Wsi accdOroo i taLooking aver ihat ail îîopor- Junio secon frae witm n inintpitch is third basenman Lloyd th hsthid, runs by Done r;,.Hamîion of the Bowmanviiie Ithe tid usyDnMr Harvesters. A veteran inter- cer and John Shetier put Osa- mediate player he proves him- no ahead 3-2. Armstrong gotî efa se atecubye their other run in the sixth. ing capable of playing bathý VerstileKcih Wei buiedinfield and outfield positions.j the Orphans ta victosY. Rid- He is a ieading bittes on the' caus used two pitchers in the ouifield staff wilh a .298 for fray'. the sea5on. -photo by Rehdleri k - le me -3 ;ey on. Yth plaie on a ingie0bIlMaxi Ro"ESSO and -S---EXTRA" UU ti RnPolad7 : 428 * Correct Volatiity ly- Hite Homer Johnny Mason .5 2 .4001*CretOcaeRtn c- Jon----- om-un ocKnnt 9 .3 .3331j * Free from Corrosioie and Abrasive )lwhich cieared the roof of Vin- Bill Osborne -----10 3 .30o0 Iril ed cent Massey ýchooI, failed ta Cusi Vansione - 8 2 .2501 aeil nd cinch the win for Ontarios. He Hank Lane ---- --- - 9 2 .2221 Resists Gum Formation h caught a low pitcheci hall and Ted Faiey ------ 7 1 .142 For Prompt Delivery and Service Dn sent it hurling oui of the parkPH N MA 351 with anc man on base ta u yb alntni h is -Part Hope ia a a3-1 lead i m e.Dainion in te soirst the sixtb inning etrme.iss tpenedcthd qcarîeg O n t aifo s ath ei r otg he r ier lin the fn eod a rte. Ontrio tllid heingwher wiib a penalty shat. He led A . H . Sturrock LwysoeonGle'si-he neticd bis bat trick. and Sons gle ta tie the score at 1-ll More than 300 persoa weseStrokSet They came close ta capturing on hand for the tbrîlli.ng game. trokSet the win in the third frame, b ut A toia f$2 a ase omnil second baseman Don Gilhoaly a l 0f $129 as, rlaised and engineered a brilliant double afieyreprnsesthelhage ba-80wmafor, play hy iauching the runner tepuyredps hyaers $80 for and making the ihrow ta first _______________________________________________ ta retire Part Hope UJse Three Pitchers Watts wvas the losing hurler ; , for Poirt op, eing relieved j in the fouih inning by Rager C É Lee. Lee beld the local squad ~na. scoî-eless until the sixth whcn Mike Harrison was sent in to relieve him. Harison aliowed - * -two bits and a walk while 4 two infield ersors aided the .:. Harvesiers ta the win. IGeorge "General" Jones be- ..~$ gan on the maund for Bow--i.- ' manville and went for five in-- over in the sixth and gave up one bit and a walk ibat moved Ontarios ino the lead. He ai- lowed oniy ane bit in the Now is the lime Io huy a sevenfli afier Bowmanville bad edged ahead and faced an-P ly four batters for the brief dM U ? Goodw ii Guaranteea Usea Car Part. Hope-Mercer rf, Jex cf, N Wakely If, Lowry lb, R. Wakely ss, Gilmer c, T. Eva m. 2Ashton 3f,G.Waets (6)R . -We have a large stock of laie model cars ans AshIn, G.Wats p(6)R.v B3rown (4) 2h, Keeler (4) 3b, as welI aç carlier models, that we are offering at Lee (4) P, Harrison (6) P. Bowmanviiie-Gilhooly, 2hbG DJC U T Yourih 3h. Kelly lb, Dadscn fyuaei h akt o sdCr o ste ii obywiepie cf, Girardi C, Joncs p, Wiliams I o r ntemre o sdCr o stetm obywiepie (7) If, Cale (6> cf, Ferguson/ are nt their lowest. Corne in and get our prices and compare. (6) p. i Dan Giihooly tallied the ini- surance sun by stealing frorn third to the plate wheni the third baseman dropped the bail as ihey tried ta pick birn off. Lloyd Hamilton scored Harvesters ather run in the firsi frame whcn he crossed RH E Bowmanville 000 110 O 2 4 2 Port Hope 001 022 x 5 8 O Bowmanvile-Crossey 1f, T. Fairey cf, Lane 3b, Bill Osborne lb, Mason ss, Kenneti c, Van- s#one rf, Marjerrison 2b, Bob Os- borne p, Fowler (7) rf, Pollard way cf, Watts 2b, Rase 3b, W. Wakely p, G. Wakely c, Walden lb. Martin (6) If. Following are the seven top batters for Bowmanviiie Orpb- ans ibis season (as of Wednes- day, Augusi 7).. AB IH Pet. Bill Osborne 57 20 .350 Archie Crossey- 37 13 .348 Curi Vanstane .. 46 16 .347 Ron Pollard ---- 25 8 .320 Bob Marjerrison- 44 13 .295 John Fawler --- 35 9 .257 Jobnnyv Mason -- 38 8 .210 Leading batters in the present playoffs with Port Hope are, (as of Wednesday, August 7): AB H Pet. Bill Bates ---------- 8 4 .500 Harvesters Move Ahead By Defeating Cobourg Now Have 2 Game Leciici Bowmanvile Harvestera re-1 and scored on a single by Waxâ gistered a 10-8 wn over Ca- namaker after Campbell had fclicked to advance him ta t ird. bourg Rideaus Wednesday anenbstdah run last week at Vincent Massey on his next turn at th4 Park ta mve back into a two and scored bth Camp 1 game lead in Lakeshore League Wanamaker. Gody drm standings. ther final run of the fr'y as Harvesters colectecl 10 runs e connected for a single to frorn nine hits offscorehMc vor. Stanley in the first 3 innings. They seemed ta lose their hit- ting power after Colley xas sent in in the fourtb and he allawed only one it as e kepi tbem scareless. Bowmanvilles Gord Sellers gave up only two safetys as he shut out the visitars during the first six frames. He asked ta be relieved in the seventb after is shulder became sore. Rideaus had little trouble in finding the mark on Clint Fer- guson wha was %brought ta the plate in the seventh witbout a warmup. They biasted nine its off Ferguson in the final two frames ta score their eight HUe Homer First baseman Ken Kelly was the big gun for Bowman- ville in the first when he blast- ed a homer vrith one man on. Four more runs crossed the plate before Lloyd Hamilton was caught, on a tlbrow from second ta first for the third out. In the third înning the lacals ensured the win with a four run rally. Butch Cole scored the winning run on a bit by Johnny Mason. Masan's hit also brought Lloyd Hamilton home with the insurance marker. Danny Girardi was the only player ta cannect for a hit off Colley. Cobourg Rally Campbell made first on an error for Cobourg mn the sev- enth and Wannamaker con- nected for a single ta advance him. Harnden smashed a single ta bring them bath home and scored their third run on a bit by Goody. Fisher was first ta bat for Rideaus in the eighth and lie bit a single. He stole second WANTED »ead, Old and Crippled FARM STOCK Plcked Up Free of Charge 24 Hour Service Phone Collect Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough RI 2-2080 NICK PECONI FARM GASOLINE R Ha Cobourg 000 000 35- 8 Il 5 Bow'ville 604 000 Ox-lO 10 3 Cobourg-Turpin ss, -Fisher 2b, Campbell 3b, Wannamaker lb, Harnden cf, McIvor c, Gaody rf, Twitchett If, Stanley p, Colley (4) p. Bow'ville-Hamilton 3b, Ma- son ss, Kelly lb, Cox rf, Garbo If, Girardi c, Dadsan cf, Cale 2b, Sellers p, Williams (7) rf, Parker (7) cf, Ferguson (7) p. o A N The 2 To Pay Pas* Due Bis To Consolidate Payments Monthly For ffoliday Expenses For New Purchases For Emergency Expenses Difference withi is the Service, BELL VUE FINANCE CORP. 'G. H. WILSON, Mgr. '9 Slmeoe 8. RA 5-112"~ USED LIGHT TRUCKS COME IN AND MAKE US AN OFFER IÈobson Motors Limite PNTIAC, BUICK, G.M.C. TRUCKS & VAUXHALI DEALERS 16 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3321 & 3-3322 At Soccer Gamel Oshawa Wins i Centre *]ulius Ki ss starreci, with a hat trick and scored on a penalty shot as he paced the Oshawa Kickers to a 4-0 shut- out over Darlington Ail-Stars in the Darlington Ail-Star soc- cer gaime ai Courtice, Mondav afternoon. Spectacular net minding bx' Kickierâ' goalie âternmec a rai . f~! 4-, -~ ~ .1 1. 1 '. PA" TWIJL'm T"C M-AvAnTAM y 1 1% F